Members: BACK UP 

Ex-members: Where are they now?

NB: This document is probably packed with errors! Omissions certainly, and likely other kinds as well. For the graduate students, I collected a hopefully reasonably complete list (back to 1990) by looking at thesis entries in the library catalog - years given are what the library entry said. Affiliations are all extracted from a recent paper, where one existed on SPIRES.

Previous postdocs

YearNameCurrent PositionInstitution/Company/...
1999 Kim Baskerville
1999 Roberto EmparanFaculty U. del Pais Vasco, Bilbao
1999 Michael Melles PSI, Villigen
1999 Kostas Philippides Aristotelian U., Thessaloniki
1999 Marco RossiPostdoc LAPP-Annecy
1999 Ivo Sachs Ludwig-Maximilians U., Munich
1999 Marco Stratmann
1999 M. Wusthoff
1998 Bertrand Eynard Saclay
1998 Jacek Dziarmaga Los Alamos & Jagellonian U.
1998 K. Golec-Biernat Cracow, INP
1998 M. Heyssler Wurzburg U.
1999 Georg M. Gandenberger Credit Suisse, London
1997 Borut Bajc New York U. & Stefan Inst., Ljubljana
1997 Thomas Teubner RWTH Aachen
1996 Costas Papadopoulos Democritos Nuclear Research Center
1996 Vassilis Spanos U. of Athens
1995 Rachel Rietdijk
1995 Bernd Schroers Faculty Heriot-Watt U.


YearNameCurrent PositionInstitution/Company/...
2000 Medina Ablikim
2000 Caroline da Silva
1999 Filipe Bonjour U. Estadual de Campinas
1999 Michael Perkins
1999 Anna Stasto
1999 Tom WeidigPostdoc UMIST
1999 William A. Weir
1999 Amanda E. Winn
1998 David BermanPostdoc Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
1998 John M. CampbellPostdocFermilab
1998 Michael Hayes
1998 Matthias Heyssler
1998 Hossein Movahhedian
1998 Andrew PocklingtonPostdoc Yukawa Institute, Kyoto
1998 Joao PrataFacultyU. de Beira Interior
1998 Matthew J. SlaterPostdoc? INFN - Frascati
1998 Robert P. T. Talbot
1998 Darrell Tonge
1997 Rebecca Asquith
1997 Azizollah Azizi
1997 Kirsten Buttner
1997 Ramon Cova
1997 Jens Gladikowski
1997 Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder Karlsruhe U.
1997 Sabine C. Lang
1997 Claire Lewis
1997 Alistair MacIntyre
1997 David Miller
1997 Rui G. M. Neves U. do Algarve?
1997 Marcos Sampaio U. Federal de Minas Gerias?
1997 Shih-Ta Sung
1997 Kevin Thompson
1996 Andrew AkeroydKEK
1996 Richard Costambeys
1996 Christopher Dove
1996 Thomas Gehrmann Karlsruhe U.
1996 Uli Harder
1996 Theodora IoannidouFaculty U. of Kent at Canterbury
1996 Rachel Louise Koktava
1996 Steve Mackman
1996 Joseph Mulvey
1996 Jiannis Pachos Institute for Scientific Interchange, Turin
1995 Ghadir Abu Leil-Cooper
1995 Adrian Askew
1995 Adnan Bashir Michoacan U.
1995 Jacques Bloch Argonne
1995 Alexander Iskandar
1995 Ayse Kizilersu Adelaide U.
1995 Charles Lovett-Turner
1995 Neil Shaban
1995 J. Martin Speight Faculty U. of Leeds
1994 Francisco Astorga-Saenz
1994 Paul Bayton
1994 Ben Bullock
1994 Richard Hall
1994 William McGhee
1994 Thomas Moorhouse
1994 Mark Oakden
1993 Lucien Hardy
1993 David Summers U. of Durham
1992 David Barclay
1992 Duncan Curtis
1992 Niall MacKayFacultyU. of York
1992 Maher Rashid
1992 Paul SutcliffeFaculty U. of Kent at Canterbury
1992 Peter Sutton
1991 Ian StrachanFacultyU. of Hull
1991 Dominic Walsh
1990 Patrick Dorey Faculty U. of Durham
1990 Peter Harriman
1990 Robert Leese
1990 Kassem Makshoush
1990 Jennifer Nicholls
1990 Michael Wade
1988 Tim HollowoodFaculty U. of Wales Swansea

The remaining people from the old `recent ex-students' list, for whom I was unable to find a record at the library. Any information concerning these is especially welcome.