For Teachers
It demonstrates the relevance of
Mathematics in a cross-curricular setting highlighting history
within Durham and the surrounding communities.
It is fun, active learning
(1.5 kilometres or 1 mile from start to finish)
and the intended audience is ideally primary and secondary school
students, i.e. Y5 (ten year-olds) onwards.
Students will get most
out of the trail by working in small groups to: pool knowledge; promote teamwork; develop communication
skills; get to know their teacher.
The Mathematical skills covered are: Shape; Patterns; Area; Symmetry; Number; Arithmetic; Estimation; Angles; Survey.
School Teachers can request free copies, they should include the schools postal address and the number of trails required.
Resources: Risk assessment form | Solutions | Video Clips | Newker's experience
For Tourists
Tourists with children will find it invaluable entertainment while they enjoy our beautiful city - my six
year old was extremely enthisiastic as have all of those families who
have tried it so far. Copies of the trail are available from
Durham City Tourist Information at a cost 50p.
James Blowey