
Monday 5th July (from 10am) --- Thursday 8th July (at 1pm)

Headstart is a well-established education programme whose aim is to encourage students interested in mathematics or science to consider technology-based careers.


This was the first Headstart course specialising on the single discipline of Mathematics anywhere in the UK.

If you have any questions, then please contact us and we will do our best to answer.

Question: What will be in the course?
Answer: The precise details of the programme will be released at a later date, but you can find a description of the course on the Headstart website.

Question: Where will I be staying?
Answer: Grey College

Question: Do I need to book overnight accomodation for Sunday 4th July?
Answer: No. We expect the majority of students to travel some distance and have reserved rooms at Grey College. Dinner is included which will be at 6pm. Please just let us know that you'd like the acommodation.

Question: Where is the Department of Mathematical Sciences?
Answer: Building 15 on University Map.

Question: How do I get to Durham?
Answer: Visit the following website.

James Blowey & Vitaliy Kurlin