Seventy-Second Meeting of the North British Mathematical Physics Seminar

The seventy-second meeting of the North British Mathematical Physics Seminar will be held on Saturday 16th November 2024 in Durham, in Room MCS0001 (the Scott Logic lecture theatre) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Tea/Coffee and Lunch will be in NE3, the area in the North East of the top floor. To get there go up the main stairs to the top floor then walk straight ahead to the end before turning right. Near NE3 there are glass doors which may be locked but any local participant can open them. See Google Maps for the location of the department. We plan to stream the meeting live so if you cannot come to Durham, you can still participate. These people have signed up to attend the meeting.


Paul MCFADDEN (Durham University)
Conformal field theory correlators in momentum space

Understanding the general form of CFT correlators in momentum space is of interest for a variety of problems including the cosmological bootstrap. In this talk, we review recent work providing a parametric integral representation for the general scalar n-point function. This takes the form of a generalised Feynman integral with the topology of a simplex, featuring an arbitrary function of cross ratios formed from the integration variables. The associated graph polynomials derive from the Laplacian matrix for the simplex, and an inverse parametrisation can be found in terms of the Cayley-Menger matrix. These parametrisations permit the construction of novel weight-shifting operators for CFT correlators, and with further development, could form the starting point for a symmetry-based approach to de Sitter correlators.

Thomas BARTSCH (Durham University)
On Unitary 2-Group Symmetries

According to Wigner's theorem, global symmetries act unitarily (or anti-unitarily) on local observables or states of a quantum system. In this talk, we aim to generalise this statement to the action global symmetries on extended line operators. We propose that the latter transform in (an appropriate notion of) unitary 2-representations of a global symmetry (2-)group, which we classify up to unitary equivalence. Based on arxiv:2411.05067.

Hector PUERTA-RAMISA (Durham University)
Towards new superconformal blocks and OPE coefficients in 4d \(\mathcal{N}=2,4\) SCFTs

After a review of the relevant literature in the (super)conformal bootstrap, we show how new superconformal blocks of short representations beyond half BPS may be computed by means of a supersymmetric generalisation of weight shifting operators, which we define and derive. This approach is valid for any theory whose configuration space is isomorphic to a Grassmannian of \(m|n\) planes in a \(2m|2n\)-dimensional vector space. This includes 4d CFT as well as its \(\mathcal{N}=2,4\) counterparts, among other cases of interest. We briefly discuss some checks, applications to free \(\mathcal{N}=4\) SYM and outlook to other superspaces.

Andre OLIVEIRA PINHEIRO (Heriot-Watt University)
Fluid/Gravity Duality for Viscoelastic Crystals

In the absence of dislocations, the hydrodynamics of two-dimensional crystals can be accounted for by considering a set of 1-form global symmetries. In thermal equilibrium, the holographic dual to such a crystal is an AdS black brane charged under 2-form gauge fields [Grozdanov & Poovuttikul, 2018]. By extending the fluid-gravity correspondence to such backgrounds we obtain both dissipative and non-dissipative transport coefficients. We also consider the spectrum of hydrodynamical modes and find instabilities for a certain range of our theory’s parameters. Lastly, we consider the holographic description of momentum relaxation through a closely related bulk dual [Andrade & Withers, 2014] and elaborate on connections between hydrodynamical coefficients in these theories of viscoelasticity and momentum relaxation.

Polydoros KAILIDIS (Durham University)
Hydrodynamics of holographic superfluids

In this talk, I will discuss a new method to extract the effective theory of superfluids with a holographic dual description. This method allows us to derive not only the conventional hydrodynamics far away from the phase transition point but also the equations of Model F of Hohenberg and Halperin, valid in the near critical region. In addition, it provides us with analytic expressions for all the transport and kinetic coefficients, in terms of thermodynamics and black hole horizon data.

Post-meeting discussions in pub and/or over dinner. All are welcome.

Practical Information

Train information can be obtained here.

For directions to the Department of Mathematical Sciences click here or here. The location is marked here on Google Maps.

Lunch, as well as morning and afternoon tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided free of charge. However, we need to know numbers in advance so please make sure you email Douglas Smith if you are coming to the meeting, by Wednesday 13th November if possible. Also register if you want to participate online and the link will be emailed to you.

Limited funds are available to help with travel expenses of participants with no other source of funding. We hope that this will encourage postgraduate students and postdocs to attend the meeting. Please email Benoit Vicedo in advance if you would like to apply for support and please book early to take advantage of the cheaper fares.

Douglas Smith
Last modified: 15 November 2024