1. North British Mathematical Physics Seminar (NBMPS 37), Mathieu Moonshine, 20 March 2013, Edinburgh
  2. Algebraic geometry, modular forms and applications to physics (ICMS), Overarching symmetry in K3 string compactifications, 26 November 2012, Edinburgh
  3. A celebration of Francois Englert's 80th birthday The quantum quest: a fascinating journey, Mathieu 24 Moonshine, 6 November 2012, Brussels
  4. CQUesT EU-FP Autumn Workshop, K3 elliptic genus and Mathieu 24 Moonshine, 11-12 September 2012, Seoul
  5. Overarching symmetry in K3 compactification, 12 September 2012, Tokyo
  6. XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics, K3 elliptic genus: glimpse of a new moonshine, 23 August 2012, Tianjin
  7. British Mathematical Colloquium Conference, K3 elliptic genus: glimpse of a new moonshine , 18 April 2012, Canterbury
  8. Overarching symmetry of Kummer surfaces, 30 November 2011, Edinburgh
  9. North British Mathematical Physics Seminar (NBMPS 31), The overarching finite symmetry group of Kummer surfaces in the Mathieu group M_24, 29 October 2011, Durham
  10. Workshop on Mathieu Moonshine, The symmetries of the tetrahedral Kummer surface in the Mathieu group M24, 7 July 2011, Zurich
  11. 18th Irish Quantum Field Theory meeting, Large finite symmetries in K3 string compactifications, 4 June 2011, Dublin
  12. Conference on Modular Forms and Mock Modular Forms and their Applications in Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics, Symmetries of K3 lattices in the Mathieu group M24, 15 March 2011, Trieste
  13. Symmetries of K3 lattices in the Mathieu group M24, 26 October 2010, Glasgow
  14. Symmetries of K3 lattices in the Mathieu group M24, 15 September 2010, Kyoto
  15. Prospects in q-series and modular forms, Open questions in string compactification, 15 July 2010, Dublin