Mathematical Society Durham Symposium
New Directions in the Model Theory of Fields
Monday 20th July - Thursday 30th July 2009

LMS Durham
Research Symposia
began in 1974, and form an established series of
international research meetings, with over 80 symposia to date. They
provide an excellent opportunity to explore an area of research in
depth, to learn of new developments, and to instigate links between
different branches. The format is designed to allow substantial time
for interaction and research. The meetings are held in July and August, usually
lasting for 10 days, with up to 70 participants, roughly half of whom
will come from the UK. Lectures and seminars take place in the Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Durham. Participants will arrive on Monday 20th July 2009 (academic
programme commences on the morning of Tuesday 21st July) and depart on
Thursday 30th July 2009 (academic programme finishes on the afternoon of
Wednesday 29th July). |

Invited participants include:
T. Beke (University of Massachusetts)
D. Bertrand (Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu)
R. Cluckers (K.U. Leuven)
E. Hrushovski (Hebrew University, )
D. Kazhdan (Hebrew University)
F. Loeser (Ecole Normale Superieure)
J. Rosicky (Masaryk University)
| D. Rossler (Universite Paris-Sud)
B. Toen (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

Programme of the Durham Symposium "New Directions in the Model Theory of Fields".

Online Talks
Online proceedings of the symposium. Movies and pdfs of talks and posters.
Organising Committee:
Dugald Macpherson (Leeds),
Anand Pillay (Leeds),
Mike Prest (Manchester) and
Alex Wilkie (Manchester, Chair)