Random Geometric graphs
by Mathew Penrose
Oxford University Press, 2003
For more information see
Publisher's description.
A very brief overview
Random geometric graphs (parameters n, r)
are constructed by dropping n points
randomly uniformly into the unit square (or more generally according
to some arbitrary specified density function on d-dimensional Euclidean space)
and adding edgees to connect any two points
distant at most r from each other.
Modelling networks in this way
is sometimes a more realistic alternative to the classical
random graph models of Erdos and Renyi.
This monograph sets out the mathematical theory of
graphs constructed in this manner and indicates some of the applications.
Related links
`From Random Graphs to Complex Networks' was
a postgraduate course taught at Berkeley in 2003 by
David Aldous,
discussing a variety of random graph models and related research.
Link to author's main page
Last update to this page: 28 July 2003