BD>...Body of commands
where E is any valid equation.
The REPEAT: ...UNTIL: construction is used to
provide a loop surrounding a body of commands which will be processed
at least once, and will continue to be processed the equation E
becomes TRUE. The equation is defined to be TRUE if the rounded value of
the equation is equal to unity, and FALSE otherwise. If no equation is
given, or if a mistake is made in determining the equation, then [B/D]
assumes that a valid equation with value TRUE has been supplied, and the
loop will not be repeated.
Both the initiating REPEAT: and the terminating UNTIL: command must
be given on a separate line, and you should be careful not to confuse
separate repeat ...until structures where you are nesting them.
As an example, consider
the following program fragment.
This code establishes two loops during which the constants
take the values (%i=1,%j=1), (%i=1,%j=2), (%i=2,%j=1),
(%i=2,%j=2), and then terminate.