BD>option connect
for high-resolution plots, enable
the connection of consecutive points.
BD>option -connect
for high resolution plots,
disable connection of consecutive points.
The connect option applies only to the production of high
resolution plots using the PLOT: command. When this option is
enabled, consecutive points are connected. For example, suppose that the
plot is of x versus y and z simultaneously. A line will be drawn
between and , between and
, and so forth; and also between and
, between and , and so
BD>option nopoints
for high-resolution plots,
disables the plotting of points.
BD>option -nopoints
for high resolution plots,
disables the plotting of points.
The nopoints option applies only to the production of high
resolution plots using the PLOT: command. It is used in
combination with the connect option. When invoked, high
resolution plots do not show points - only the lines connecting them.