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Plotting options

Connecting consecutive points

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

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The connect  option applies only to the production of high resolution plots using the PLOT:  command. When this option is enabled, consecutive points are connected. For example, suppose that the plot is of x versus y and z simultaneously. A line will be drawn between tex2html_wrap_inline41614 and tex2html_wrap_inline41616 , between tex2html_wrap_inline41616 and tex2html_wrap_inline41620 , and so forth; and also between tex2html_wrap_inline41622 and tex2html_wrap_inline41624 , between tex2html_wrap_inline41624 and tex2html_wrap_inline41628 , and so forth;  

Removing plotted points

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

  • BD>option  nopoints  tex2html_wrap_inline33712 for high-resolution plots, disables the plotting of tex2html_wrap_inline41610 points.

  • BD>option  -nopoints  tex2html_wrap_inline33712 for high resolution plots, disables the plotting of tex2html_wrap_inline41610 points.

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The nopoints  option applies only to the production of high resolution plots using the PLOT:  command. It is used in combination with the connect  option. When invoked, high resolution plots do not show points - only the lines connecting them.  

David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998