Consider the following scenario: Suppose that the base has
been adjusted by the base
. Occasionally we will be
concerned with partial adjustments, and to this purpose for the partial
adjustment results we suppose that we adjust initially by the base
, and then partially by base
; and that
represents the complete adjustment by the base
. Suppose
that the notional sample size is
potential observations on each
element of
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of
the bearing during an adjustment. The bearing is
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite a bearing stored as an
assignment by ones emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
bearing as an assignment. Any assignment so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of the
partial bearing during an adjustment. Assuming the adjustment to be of
B by D and then F, the partial bearing is
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite a bearing stored as an assignment by ones
emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic
storing of the bearing as an assignment. Any assignment so defined
during previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of the
discrepancy vector during an adjustment. The discrepancy vector is
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite a discrepancy vector stored as an assignment by
ones emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
discrepancy vector as an assignment. Any assignment so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of the
partial discrepancy vector during an adjustment. Assuming the adjustment to be of
B by D and then F, the partial discrepancy vector is
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite a discrepancy vector stored as an assignment by
ones emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic
storing of the discrepancy vector as an assignment. Any assignment so
defined during previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of
canonical directions during an adjustment. Suppose that an adjustment
results in a resolution transform whose canonical directions are
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the canonical directions that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
canonical directions as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of
adjusted expectations during an adjustment. Suppose that the component
elements of the base B being adjusted are
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the adjusted expectations that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
adjusted expectations as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
The storing of adjusted expectations as assignments
is not available for iterative adjustments.
where N is any valid name, intended to become the name of a base.
The first form of the syntax is used to retain, using the name supplied,
the currently fitted base. Hence, if the current adjustment can
be referred to as
The second form of the command discontinues retention of the currently
fitted base.
where N is any valid name, intended to become the name of a base.
The first form of the syntax is used to retain, using the name supplied,
the currently adjusted base. Hence, if the current adjustment can
be referred to as [B/D], then N will become the
base consisting of the base B.
This command has immediate effect if there exists a current adjustment,
so that one need not not wait for a forthcoming adjust-type command.
Every new adjustment causes the redefinition of this base, and the base
name N used can be such that a former base of the same name is
overwritten. The fitted argument to the KEEP: command is
similar, but applies to the base used for adjusting. The control applies
only to the ADJUST: command.
The second form of the command discontinues retention of the currently
adjusted base.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of
partial canonical directions during an adjustment. Suppose that a
partial adjustment
results in a partial resolution transform whose partial canonical directions are
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the partial canonical directions that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
partial canonical directions as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of the
columns of the resolution matrix,
The coefficients making up the resolution matrix are available
interactively by using the ascf function. These numbers reproduce
the output available under the rm option.
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the columns that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
resolution matrix columns as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of the
columns of the maximal resolution matrix,
The coefficients making up the maximal resolution matrix are available
interactively by using the ascf function. These numbers reproduce
the output available under the mrm option.
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the columns that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
maximal resolution matrix columns as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of the
columns of the partial resolution matrix,
as assignments
during an adjustment. Each column is interpreted as a linear combination
of the component elements of the base B being adjusted,
The coefficients making up the partial resolution matrix are available
interactively by using the ascf function. These numbers reproduce
the output available under the prm option.
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the columns that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
partial resolution matrix columns as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
where A is the name of an assignment.
The first form of the syntax is used to switch on the retention of
adjusted versions during an adjustment. Corresponding to each element
These linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the
supplied name ``A'' as a stem. Thus,
Be warned that there are subtleties involved in building adjusted
versions retained from general or pure exchangeable adjustments; the
direct building of the assignments won't produce elements with the
beliefs that you might have intended because the assignments ``forget''
about the exchangeable structure of the information source elements.
The switch remains on until switched off. Consequently, care must be
taken not to overwrite the adjusted versions that were stored as
assignments by those emanating from fresh adjustments, unless this is
what is desired.
The second form of the syntax is used to switch off the automatic storing of the
adsjusted versions as assignments. Any assignments so defined during
previous adjustments remain defined.
, a linear
combination of the elements of B. This
linear combination is retained as an assignment, using the supplied name
``A'', which may not include the character ``.''. The constant part of the adjusted expectation is
included in the stored assignment.
, a linear
combination of the elements of B. This linear combination is retained
as an assignment, using the supplied name ``A'', which may not include
the character ``.''. The constant part of the adjusted expectation is
included in the stored assignment.
B, a linear combination of the elements of B. This linear
combination is retained as an assignment, using the supplied name ``A'',
which may not include the character ``.''. The constant part of the
adjusted expectation is included in the stored assignment.
B, a linear combination of the elements of B. This linear
combination is retained as an assignment, using the supplied name ``A'',
which may not include the character ``.''. The constant part of the
adjusted expectation is included in the stored assignment.
. We restrict attention to canonical directions
corresponding to positive canonical resolutions. The number of these,
, is available via the operand rmrank discussed in
§21.3. Each canonical direction is a linear
combination of the component
elements of the base B being adjusted,
linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the supplied name
``A'' as a stem.
will be stored as the assignment whose name
is A1, and so forth,
being stored as the assignment
whose name is ``A
''. The corresponding canonical resolutions are
available as the [B/D] operators cr (1) ...
cr (
The constant part of the canonical direction is
included in the stored assignment. The name ``A'' supplied
must not include a ``.'' character.
. Then the
adjusted expectation for
, a linear combination of
the component elements
of the adjusting base D. These
linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the supplied name
``A'' as a stem.
will be stored as the assignment whose name
is A1, and so forth,
being stored as the assignment
whose name is ``A9''.
The constant part of the adjusted expectation is
included in the stored assignment. The name ``A'' supplied
must not include a ``.'' character.
, then N will become the
base consisting of the bases and elements
This command has immediate effect if there exists a current adjustment,
so that one need not not wait for a forthcoming adjust-type command.
Every new adjustment causes the redefinition of this base, and the base
name N used can be such that a former base of the same name is
overwritten. The adjusted argument to the KEEP: command is
similar, but applies to the base being adjusted. The control applies
only to the ADJUST: command.
. We restrict attention to partial canonical directions
corresponding to positive partial canonical resolutions. The number of these,
, is available via the operand prmrank discussed in
§21.3. Each partial canonical direction is a linear
combination of the component
elements of the base B being adjusted,
linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the supplied name
``A'' as a stem.
will be stored as the assignment whose name
is A1, and so forth,
being stored as the assignment
whose name is ``A
''. The corresponding partial canonical resolutions are
available as the [B/D] operators pcr (1) ...
pcr (
The constant part of the canonical direction is
included in the stored assignment. The name ``A'' supplied
must not include a ``.'' character.
, as assignments
during an adjustment. Each column is interpreted as a linear combination
of the component elements of the base B being adjusted,
These linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the
supplied name ``A'' as a stem. The first column will be stored as the
assignment whose name is A1, and so forth. No constant part is
included in the stored assignment. The name ``A'' supplied must not
include a ``.'' character.
, as assignments
during an adjustment. Each column is interpreted as a linear combination
of the component elements of the base B being adjusted,
These linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the
supplied name ``A'' as a stem. The first column will be stored as the
assignment whose name is A1, and so forth. No constant part is
included in the stored assignment. The name ``A'' supplied must not
include a ``.'' character.
These linear combinations are retained as assignments, using the
supplied name ``A'' as a stem. The first column will be stored as the
assignment whose name is A1, and so forth. No constant part is
included in the stored assignment. The name ``A'' supplied must not
include a ``.'' character.
is an adjusted version
. Each adjusted
version is a linear
combination of the component elements of the base D being used to
adjust B.
will be
stored as the assignment whose name is A1, and so forth. The constant
part of every adjusted version is zero. The name ``A'' supplied must not
include a ``.'' character.