Note that this command is under construction. Conditional dependencies between quantities and collections of quantities can be explored by making various transformations of their joint variance-covariance matrices. The transformations essentially reveal certain features of the underlying linear relationships between the variables, and these features can be represented on diagrams.
Suppose that a number of collections together
form a collection
of elements whose
variance matrix is
. Firstly we transform to correlation form by
, where D is the
diagonal matrix whose entries are
. Next we
determine the Moore-Penrose generalised inverse of R as follows. The
pseudo-inverse obtained is
, where
is the diagonal matrix of ordered eigenvalues of R, and
has the non-zero diagonal elements inverted; and where Q is
the matrix of corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors. Next we transform
this generalised inverse itself into correlation form by calculating
, where
is the
diagonal matrix whose entries are
. However, we perform this final process
only on the off-diagonal entries of
, leaving alone the diagonal
entries. Finally we multiply each off-diagonal entry by -1. The matrix
G so constructed has the following properties.
where R is the multiple correlation coefficient between and
the remaining
In [B/D] we make available G given by using the
PCDIAG: command in combination with the pcdest control,
which sets the belief store in which these results are to be stored. The
belief store containing the original variance matrix V can be switched
using the pcsource control. The partial correlation diagram
summarising the linear relationships is obtained by using the
PCDIAG: command in combination with the pcdiag option. A
title may be defined for this diagram by using the PCTITLE:
command. Linear relationships (partial) are shown as arcs on the
diagram. The number of arcs shown depends upon the value of the
pcarc control: arcs corresponding to partial correlations less
than this value are supressed. The diagram itself needs to be designed
beforehand, using the GRID: or, more conveniently, the
GRID0: command.