where Option1, Option2, ... is a list of output options
separated by commas; and where N1, N2, ..., is a list of names of
elements and bases in parenthesis and separated by commas.
The output options are those described in chapter 19.
The list
of names of elements and bases N1, N2, ..., defines a collection
of elements to which output is to be restricted. Output is, in any case,
only available for the elements in the collection being adjusted.
See §6.2 for details of
specifying collections for the definition part.
The second form of the syntax gives output for all elements in the
collection being adjusted.
The SHOW: command acts as the temporary version of the
OPTION: command. That is, it delivers
output for the specified options, and restricts the output to the subset
defined by N1, N2, etc., but as soon as the requested output is
delivered, the options and restrictions set previously by
OPTION: commands come back
into force.
A list of possible options is available by issuing the LOOK:
command with argument options .
As pointed out in [37], various degeneracies imply that some
[B/D] output is not unique, and [B/D] may not yield the same non-unique
solution under replication.