The SUMMARY: command is used to summarise the data carried by
elements and data-elements. For the first form of the syntax, a list of
bases, elements, and data-elements is supplied. Data is summarised for
every data-carrier in the collection formed by these quantities. (Each
base is broken into its constituents; if any of these are bases then the
process continues until all the constituents are data-carriers.) The
second form of the syntax is used when we want to summarise all data.
See §6.2 for details of specifying collections for the
definition part.
Summaries are given only for selected data. Data may be selected
in one of two ways. Firstly, the autoselect control may be
switched on beforehand (its default). In this case, the data selection
consists of all possible observations on all the quantities for which a
summary is required, and thus the data selection is especially made for
this particular SUMMARY: command. Secondly, the
autoselect control may be switched off beforehand. In this case,
the data selection consists of the current overall data selection, as
made using the SELECT: command (see §8.5), and so
the data selection should have been made prior to this particular
SUMMARY: command. In either case, there might be missing values
for some or all of the quantities.
The summary consists of, for each quantity for which a summary is
required, the following values.
Additionally, if the scorr and/or scov options are
switched on, correlation and/or covariance output for all the pairs of
quantities for which a summary is required. Correlation/covariance
output is given provided that these additional circumstances are
satisfied: (1) n>1, (2) for every pair of quantities, an observation
exists for the current selection.
As an example, consider the three data-carriers X,Y,Z and the three
possible selections A,B,C shown in Table 8.2. Firstly
suppose that the autoselect control is switched on. Then the
current data selection is irrelevant, and a summary will be given which
relates to three values on X, six values on Y, and four values on
Z. No correlation output will be given as the number of observations
summarised is different.
For selection A, the summary would relate to three values for X,
four for Y, and four for Z. No correlation output would be
available. Now suppose that selection B prevailed, and that we issued
the command
Under this scenario, there are three selected matching observations:
(15.3,9.2), (12.6, 9.4), and (11.2,9.7). Hence individual summaries for
X and Y will be output, followed by a correlation based upon these
three pairs if the scorr option is switched on, and a covariance
matrix if the scov option is switched on.
are the names of bases or