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Constructing beliefs from products of quantities


tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Syntax

BD>product : A, B tex2html_wrap_inline33712

where tex2html_wrap_inline35480 and B are the names of bases

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

The PRODUCT:  command is used for the construction of beliefs over products of uncertain quantities under certain conditions. These conditions are as follows. Suppose that the base A consists of the elements tex2html_wrap_inline35482 and that the base tex2html_wrap_inline34520 consists of the elements tex2html_wrap_inline35486 . Suppose also that we gather all the elements not in either tex2html_wrap_inline35480 or tex2html_wrap_inline34520 into the base C, and suppose that we label these elements tex2html_wrap_inline35492 .

  1. The bases A and B must be disjoint. That is, the elements of the base A must not also appear in the collection B.
  2. The collection A must be uncorrelated with the collection B for every unlocked belief store. That is, we must have tex2html_wrap_inline35494 for all tex2html_wrap_inline35496 . An error is reported otherwise.
  3. For pairs of quantities tex2html_wrap_inline35498 , and for each tex2html_wrap_inline35500 we must have either


    or both, for every unlocked belief store. An error is reported otherwise.

The product formed by the pair tex2html_wrap_inline35506 will be constructed as the element named `Ai tex2html_wrap_inline35588 Bj', for all tex2html_wrap_inline35508 and all tex2html_wrap_inline35510 . Any preexisting elements with these names will be deleted, together with any data attached to them. This is unlike the BUILD:  command in that data attached to a pre-existing element is not here adopted by the replacing element.

The PRODUCT:  command is asymmetric to the extent that the command

BD>product : B, A tex2html_wrap_inline33712

will construct different names (of the form `Bj tex2html_wrap_inline35588 Ai') for the same collection of products. Hence you should take care with the order given in the command.

Beliefs over the products are constructed only for unlocked belief stores, and the uncorrelatedness conditions relate only to these unlocked stores. Expectations over products are constructed only for unlocked expectation stores. The LOCK:  and ELOCK:  commands may be used to lock and unlock stores.

If the builddata  control is switched on, the PRODUCT:  command also constructs data from the product wherever possible. Similarly to the construction of data for the BUILD:  command, the maximum number of cases for which data is available for both tex2html_wrap_inline35512 and tex2html_wrap_inline35514 is used to construct the data for the new element tex2html_wrap_inline35516

The following formulae are used to construct beliefs over the product, and between the product and other elements.



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David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998