We summarise the effects of the partial adjustment in a similar fashion to that for a full adjustment. We make the following definition.
DEFINITION The partial canonical direction for the
adjustment of B by F given D is the linear combination
over all elements in
with non-zero prior
variance which are uncorrelated with each
, scaled so
that each
. The values
are termed the partial canonical resolutions.
The partial canonical directions for F given D are evaluated exactly as are the canonical directions for D, as described in subsection 3.6, but the eigenstructure is extracted from the partial resolution matrix
The collection forms a ``grid'' of directions over
, summarising the additional effects of the adjustment. Having adjusted
by D, we expect to learn most additionally from F for those linear
combinations of the elements of B which have large correlations with those
partial canonical directions with large resolutions. The exact relation is as
before, namely for any
The system partial resolution is
The resolution is additive, namely
When we have made the adjustment, in addition to evaluating canonical
standardised adjustments for the adjustment by D and by , we
may obtain similar qualitative insights into the changes in adjustment by
evaluating the partial canonical standardised adjustments which are as
in subsection 4.3 but applied to the adjustment by