This is an incomplete archive of Mathematical Sciences seminars in the current millennium. *Starred series (though not their talks) have been reconstructed from emails and memory, so by definition are incomplete. Please send comments and corrections to Djoko.
I will review some recent results in N=4 SYM where we compute exactly, as functions of the holomorphic coupling $\tau$ and the number of colours $N$, certain integrated correlators of four superconformal primary operators in the stress-tensor multiplet, as well as integrated correlators of two such operators in the presence of a half-BPS Wilson line defect. The modular properties of these physical observables induced by electro-magnetic duality will prove of fundamental importance in our discussion.
We consider the universal behaviour of 1/2-BPS correlators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory in the cusp and OPE limits. By formulating the constraints as graphical rules, we bootstrap the (integrand of the) 4-point correlator of the stress-tensor supermultiplet up to 12 loops in perturbation theory in the planar limit. Patterns start to emerge that are hard to discern with low loop-order data. We conclude by commenting on the prospects of an all-loop understanding, as well as generalizations for heavier correlators / nonplanar corrections.
Cosmological correlators can serve as natural observables on time-slices in an expanding universe. While they are amenable to a perturbative Feynman expansion, they turn out to involve highly non-trivial functions already at tree-level. We discuss novel structures in the space of such correlators and evaluate the resulting complexity reduction for algorithms that determine them explicitly. To do that we consider the correlators as solutions to systems of differential equations known as GKZ systems. These systems turn out to be reducible, and we show how this yields additional differential conditions implemented via reduction operators. Remarkably, these operators can be restricted to the physical variables and then allow one to move among the space of integrals that build up the correlators. Organizing the space of integrals using the reduction operators, we can implement simplifications arising from contractions and cuts of the diagrams that yield novel algebraic relations.
Based on . Self Dual Gravity can be thought of as a theory of (complex) 4d Einstein spacetimes which only contained right handed gravitational waves (and no left handed gravitational waves). In this talk we will discuss a formula which "solves" for the nonlinear metric corresponding to a sum of arbtirarily many positive helicity gravitational waves, provided that these waves have very small amplitudes. The formula can be written as a sum over "trees," but these "trees" are of a very different nature from Feynman tree diagrams. We will discuss two applications of this formula. The first is a first principles proof of the NSVW tree formula for all multiplicity graviton MHV scattering in Einstein gravity (which will require adding in two negative helicity gravitons into our spacetime by hand). The second is a way to express the action of the so-called Lw1+infinity algebra on self dual metrics.
Formulating holography in spacetimes obtained via a non-relativistic limit, the so-called Newton-Cartan geometries, is a challenging task that nevertheless gives us access to understanding holography in non-Anti de-Sitter spacetimes. In this talk, I will discuss a recently proposed correspondence between non-relativistic string theory in the String Newton-Cartan version of AdS5xS5 and Galilean Electrodynamics in 3+1 dimensions with five scalar fields. This duality was obtained as a particular stringy non-relativistic limit of the well-known AdS5/CFT4 correspondence, and the dictionary involves a precise symmetry match. I will discuss possible quantitative tests, in particular the one regarding the matching of the string spectrum with the scaling dimension of gauge invariant operators (work in progress). Time permitting, I will summarise the state of the art of integrability in non-relativistic string theory appearing in this new holographic duality.
Hawking is famous for his computation of the temperature of black holes. What is less well known is that his computation depends crucially on a scattering computation very similar to the classical black hole scattering processes common in today's amplitudes literature. I will discuss this scattering process using the methods of amplitudes, and explain how resummation and crossing lead to a pair-production spectrum and the associated black hole temperature.
Cosmological correlators carry rich information about the particle spectrum during inflation, and therefore serves as a powerful smoking gun toward physics in the primordial universe. In practice, they are complicated objects that are often challenging to compute. However, we show that their more primitive kin, known as the cosmological wavefunction coefficients, are often simpler by being purely real under mild assumptions. We then evoke a Z_4 duality in the dictionary that translates wavefunction coefficients to correlators, to map the reality theorem for wavefunction coefficients to an infinite family of factorisation formulae for correlators. Such correlator-to-correlator factorisation formulae are valid for all kinematics without the need of analytic continuation, and henceforth serve as the first cosmological cutting rules that can be tested by future observation.
The infrared triangle is a relation between soft theorems, asymptotic symmetries, and memory effects that encodes the universality of infrared physics in classical and quantum scattering. In four dimensions gauge theories and perturbative gravity are governed by a tower of infinite-dimensional symmetries that arise from tree-level soft factorization theorems of the S-matrix. However, aside from the leading soft theorems which are all-loop exact, subleading ones receive loop corrections due to long-range infrared effects which result in new soft theorems with logarithmic dependence on the energy of the soft particle. These are related to tails to the memory effect. In this talk I will initiate a program to compute long-range infrared corrections to the generators of asymptotic symmetries and show how the conservation law of the infrared corrected charges provides a symmetry interpretation for the leading logarithmic soft theorems. By virtue of being universal and all-loop exact, this is a key element for a holographic principle in spacetimes with flat asymptotics.
What makes string theory special? In this talk, I will show that the amplitudes of string theory are the unique answers to particular mathematical questions. Using an analytical bootstrap approach, I will show that the Veneziano amplitude, and in fact the spectrum itself, of the open string can be constructed from these principles. Along the way, various known deformations of the string (hypergeometric and Coon amplitudes) will emerge naturally. Turning to the case of closed string scattering, I will similarly bootstrap the Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude that UV completes gravitational scattering. In this case, the deformations that emerge---the first bootstrap construction of consistent deformations of the closed string---possess a tensionless limit that corresponds to a special nonlocal, extremal theory that lives on the corner of the EFT-hedron. These bootstrap constructions constitute the crucial first step toward proving that the string is the only viable quantum theory of gravity.
In recent years, significant advancements have been made in understanding the binary dynamics of black holes using techniques from scattering amplitudes. This talk, based on [2405.13826] and [2408.00587], will focus on including the effects of higher-derivative modifications to general relativity in the two-body problem. Specifically, we examine cubic, $R^3$, interactions and their contribution to certain observables for spinning black holes, namely the impulse, spin kick, and waveform. Our results are derived using modified gravitational Compton amplitudes and the widely-used Kosower, Maybee, O'Connell (KMOC) formalism, which will be reviewed during the talk. The on-shell amplitudes approach provides particularly compact results, including contributions to all orders in the spins of the black holes. Additionally, results for parity-odd cubic interactions can be easily obtained from the parity-even case via a simple substitution.
I will discuss recent work with Adamo, Bogna, and Mason on computing scattering amplitudes in a self-dual Taub-NUT background. This acts as a toy model for scattering on black hole spacetimes. But the magic of self-duality allows for computations that are non-perturbative in the strength of the background. I will mostly focus on the example of tree-level 2-point amplitudes, following which I will outline how to obtain higher point tree-level MHV amplitudes using twistor theory.
I will show how to systematically compute five-point correlators of chiral primary operators with arbitrary KaluzaKlein charges at tree-level in AdS5×S3. The final result can be packaged into a unified formula using AdSxS formalism in a very compact way. This result confirms the conjectural hidden 8d symmetry at five-point.
The deep connection between the soft limits of scattering amplitudes and asymptotic symmetries relies on the construction of a well-defined phase space at null infinity, which can be set up perturbatively via an expansion in the soft particle energy. At leading order, this result has by now been established.
In this talk, I will present a new general procedure for constructing the extended phase space for Yang-Mills theory, based on the Stueckelberg mechanism, that is capable of handling the asymptotic symmetries and construction of charges responsible for sub-leading soft theorems at all orders. The generality of the procedure allows it to be directly applied to the computation of both tree- and loop-level soft limits. Based on [2407.13556] and [2405.06629], with Silvia Nagy and Javier Peraza.
Massless spinning correlators in cosmology are extremely complicated. In contrast, the scattering amplitudes of massless particles with spin are very simple when written in convenient variables. In this talk I will show that all kinematic constraints of cosmological correlators can be made manifest by writing them in twistor space, which exposes their hidden simplicity. Based on, together with Daniel Baumann, Grégoire Mathys and Guilherme L. Pimentel.
Holography in flat space poses unique challenges due to its null boundary and the absence of a shared time direction between the bulk and the boundary. Two prominent proposals for holography in 4D flat spacetime have emerged: the Celestial approach, which features a 2D conformal field theory (CFT) on the celestial sphere at null infinity, and the Carrollian framework, which consists of a Carrollian theory on a 3D boundary at null infinity. Both proposals currently lack independent definitions.
In this talk, I will first briefly review both approaches and explain their connections. I will then focus on holographic Carrollian theories. I will discuss how correlation functions in these theories can be derived from scattering amplitudes in the bulk, highlighting their general features.
Next, with the goal of establishing an independent definition of Carrollian theories and flat space holography, I will analyze the flat limit of the AdS/CFT correspondence from both the bulk and boundary perspectives. From the bulk perspective, this involves taking flat limits of Witten diagrams. On the boundary side, I will show that this corresponds to the Carrollian limitwhere the speed of light approaches zeroof CFT correlators dual to Witten diagrams. This will reproduce 4D scattering amplitudes from 3D CFT correlators.
This talk is based on the works [2305.13894], [2402.09111], [2407.16052], and [2410.04875]. We will begin by discussing the motivation and setup of Mellin-momentum amplitudes, along with several examples, including the Feynman rules and their associated pole structures. Following this, we will present the recursive on-shell bootstrap process, which is designed to compute higher-point Mellin-momentum amplitudes for YM and GR in AdS space. Additionally, the bootstrap can be used to derive the Class I soft theorem for Mellin-momentum amplitudes in a diagrammatic fashion. If time permits, we will also introduce a recursive method for finishing the bulk scalar integrals, which connects Mellin-momentum amplitudes to boundary CFT correlators. This process leads to the wavefunction coefficients through wick rotation, thereby providing the cosmological correlators.
This talk is based on 2408.14324 and 2403.18011. We discuss that celestial symmetries get deformed by the presence of a non-zero cosmological constant giving a twistor interpretation of an algebra earlier obtained by Taylor and Zhu. The deformation arises from a twistor action for self-dual gravity with $\Lambda\neq 0$ that is expected to be an uplift of the recent spacetime action by Lipstein and Nagy. The twistor space of AdS$_4$ can be further deformed by a backreaction leading to a 2-parameter twistor space of a certain self-dual Taub-NUT AdS$_4$ spacetime, the Pedersen metric. Its twistor space leads to a 2-parameter deformation of $Lw_\wedge$ which reduces to previously studied algebras in various limits.
In this talk, I will provide a new perspective on the origin and structure of the differential equations for cosmological correlators. As a concrete example, I will focus on conformally coupled scalars in a power-law FRW cosmology. The wavefunction coefficients in this model have integral representations, with the integrands being the product of the corresponding flat-space results and twist factors that depend on the cosmological evolution. These integrals are part of a finite-dimensional basis of master integrals, which satisfy a system of first-order differential equations. I will describe a formalism to derive these differential equations for arbitrary tree graphs, and explain how the results can be reformulated entirely in combinatorial language.
There is an established relationship between the boundaries of positroids associated to Wilson loop diagrams and the spurious singularities that manifest as degree one poles of the associated integrals in N=4 SYM theory. While initial evidence suggests that higher degree poles correspond to higher codimension boundaries, very little is understood about their geometric properties. In this talk, we give a combinatorial characterization of the higher codimension boundaries of Wilson loop diagrams. To do so, we introduce generalized Wilson loop diagrams, and a new method of understanding the associated positroid structure.
Scattering amplitudes for the simplest theory of colored scalars Tr phi^3 theory have been understood as arising from a problem associated with curves on a surface (arXiv:2309.15913v1). This formulation produces stringy integrals for the amplitudes, built off of variables defined on the surface, from which the field theory limit as $\alpha^\prime \to 0$ can easily be extracted. In this talk, we will extend this approach to theories closer to the real world in particular the non-linear sigma model and Yang-Mills theory (arXiv:2401.05483v2,arXiv:2401.00041v1). We will explain how amplitudes in these theories are surprisingly obtained from those of the Tr $\phi^3$ theory by simple shifts of the kinematic data. We will also explain how these stringy formulations expose universal features of the amplitudes present in all these colored theories ranging from hidden patterns of zeroes to unusual factorization properties away from singularities (arXiv:2312.16282v1)
In a seminal paper, Akrani-Hamed, Benicasa and Postikov showed how any graph contributing to the wavefunction of the universe in a class of toy models of conformally coupled scalars (with non-conformal interactions) in FRW cosmologies can be computed as the canonical form of polytope named the cosmological polytope. In this talk, I will show how to extend this geometrical approach directly to cosmological correlators introducing novel geometries we name weighted cosmological polytopes. In this picture, all the possible ways of organising, and computing, cosmological correlators correspond to triangulations and subdivisions of the geometry, containing the one in terms of wavefunction coefficients and many others. (based on arXiv:2401.05207)
I will present a differential representation for holographic four-point correlators. In this representation, the correlators are given by acting with differential operators on certain seed functions. The number of these functions is much smaller than what is normally seen in known examples of holographic correlators, and all of them have simple Mellin amplitudes. This representation establishes a direct connection between correlators in position space and their Mellin space counterpart. The existence of this representation also imposes non-trivial constraints on the structure of holographic correlators. I will illustrate these ideas by correlators in AdS5×S5 and AdS5×S3.
de-Sitter(dS) space allows for a generalized class of vacua, known as α−vacua, described by some parameters. The Bunch-Davies (BD) vacuum is a point in this parameter space. We show that the correlation function in the α−vacua (for rigid dS space) can be related to three-dimensional CFT correlation functions if we relax the requirement of consistency with OPE limit. We then explore inflationary correlators in α−vacua. Working within the leading slow-roll approximation, we compute the four-point scalar correlator (the trispectrum). We check that the conformal Ward identities are met between the three and four-point scalar α-vacua correlators. Surprisingly, this contrasts the previously reported negative result of the Ward identities being violated between the two and the three-point correlators.
I will present a formulation of scattering amplitudes in the simplest colored, cubic, scalar theory - Tr \phi^3 - as an integral over the
space of curves on Riemann surfaces, valid at all loop orders and at all
orders in the topological 't Hooft expansion. This so-called "curve integral" has the main advantage of describing amplitudes as a unique object, rather than as a sum over Feynman diagrams, allowing to study phenomena which are hidden graph-by-graph and suggesting powerful techniques for the numerical evaluation of amplitudes. Furthermore, the singularity structure of the propagators of Tr \phi^3 theory is shared by any colored theory, thus suggesting the generalization of the formalism to more realistic theories by insertion of appropriate numerators in the curve integral. At the heart of the formalism is a simple counting problem associated to curves on surfaces, which surprisingly provides a combinatorial origin for the physics of scattering amplitudes. The talk is based on 2309.15913, 2311.09284 and 2402.06719.
Cosmological Correlators are one of the physical quantities that are of interest to cosmologists and are also of theoretical interest as they are related to CFT correlators via the AdS/CFT correspondence. These differ from the S-matrix as they are correlation functions computed on a given time slice. In this talk, I will review some progress in computing these in momentum space and also describe its relation to the S-matrix.
The study of scattering amplitudes in AdS space is under rapid development. The 4-point tree amplitudes of all (half-)maximally SUSY theories and all KK modes are known, and partial results are available at loop level. However, higher-point data remains limited. In this talk based on [2312.15484], I will discuss higher-point supergluon tree amplitudes in AdS_5 super-Yang-Mills theory / N=2 sCFT_4, which presents a simpler scenario compared to the more familiar AdS_5 supergravity / N=4 sCFT_4. Specifically, I will describe some properties of supergluon amplitudes in Mellin space and provide a constructive algorithm to compute the amplitude to all multiplicities. I will end by observing some similarity with flat-space amplitudes which hints at a possible set of Feynman rules.
Carrollian holography aims to express gravity in asymptotically flat space-time in terms of a dual Carrollian CFT living at null infinity. In this talk, I will review some aspects of Carrollian holography and argue that this approach is naturally related to the AdS/CFT correspondence via a flat limit procedure. I will then introduce the notion of Carrollian amplitude, which allows to encode massless scattering amplitudes into boundary correlators, and explain its connection to celestial amplitudes. Finally, I will present recent results concerning Carrollian OPEs and deduce how soft symmetries act at null infinity. This talk will be mainly based on
I will revisit a generalised crossing equation that follows from harmonic analysis on the conformal group, and is of particular interest for the cosmological bootstrap programme. Then I present an exact solution to this equation, for dimensions two or higher, in terms of 6j symbols of the Euclidean conformal group, and discuss its relevance. The presentation is based on
The double copy is a remarkable relationship between gauge theory and gravity that has been explored in a number of contexts, most notably scattering amplitudes and classical solutions. The convolutional double copy provides a straightforward method to bridge the two theories via a precise map for the fields and symmetries at the linearised level. This method has been thoroughly investigated in flat space, offering a comprehensive dictionary both with and without fixing the gauge degrees of freedom. In this paper, we extend this to curved space with an (anti) de Sitter background metric. We work in the temporal gauge, and employ a modified convolution that involves the Mellin transformation in the time direction. As an example, we show that the point-like charge in gauge theory double copies to the (dS-) Schwarzschild black hole solution.
Positivity bounds have wide applications from QCD to quantum gravity. However, very little is understood in the cosmological settings. In this talk, we will pursue an alternative route and place similar bounds using the classical, statistical nature of the superhorizon modes. I will describe how our approach yields constraints on the anomalous dimension of quantum fields in de Sitter (dS), as well as correlation functions in quasi-dS spacetime. Some of the results complement previous works using standard positivity arguments. This is based on 2310.02490 with Daniel Baumann, Daniel Green, and Yiwen Huang.
The scattering of gluons and gravitons in trivial backgrounds is endowed with many surprising infrared features which have interesting conformal interpretations on the two-dimensional celestial sphere. I will review the basic ideas of celestial holography and show how the infinite-dimensional chiral soft algebras (S algebra and $w_{1+\infty}$ algebra) were found in trivial backgrounds. Then, I will show in the presence of a nonvanishing cosmological constant, Strominger's infinite-dimensional $w_{1+\infty}$ algebra of soft graviton symmetries is modified in a simple way. The deformed algebra contains a subalgebra generating SO(1,4) or SO(2,3) symmetry groups of dS4 or AdS4, depending on the sign of the cosmological constant.
I will present a formulation of scattering amplitudes in the simplest colored, cubic, scalar theory - Tr \phi^3 - as an integral over the
space of curves on Riemann surfaces, valid at all loop orders and at all
orders in the topological 't Hooft expansion. This so-called "curve integral" has the main advantage of describing amplitudes as a unique object, rather than as a sum over Feynman diagrams, allowing to study phenomena which are hidden graph-by-graph and suggesting powerful techniques for the numerical evaluation of amplitudes. Furthermore, the singularity structure of the propagators of Tr \phi^3 theory is shared by any colored theory, thus suggesting the generalization of the formalism to more realistic theories by insertion of appropriate numerators in the curve integral. At the heart of the formalism is a simple counting problem associated to curves on surfaces, which surprisingly provides a combinatorial origin for the physics of scattering amplitudes.
We study integrated correlators of four superconformal primaries O_p with arbitrary charges p in N =4 super Yang-Mills theory (SYM). The ⟨O_2 O_2 O_p O_p⟩ integrated correlators can be computed by supersymmetric localisation, whereas correlators with more general charges are currently not accessible from this method and in general contain complicated multi-zeta values. Nevertheless we observe that if one sums over the contributions from all different channels in a given correlator, then all the multi-zeta values (and products of zeta’s) cancel leaving only ζ(2ℓ+1) at ℓ-loops. We then propose an exact expression of such integrated correlators in the planar limit, valid for arbitrary ’t Hooft coupling, which matches known strong coupling results. As an application, our result is used to determine certain 7-loop Feynman integral periods and fix previously unknown coefficients in the correlators at strong coupling.
IIntroduced in the mid-50s, crossing symmetry in interacting quantum field theory suggests that particles and anti-particles traveling back in time are indistinguishable. This perspective has significant practical implications for perturbative computations and for the S-matrix bootstrap. To prove this property rigorously, one needs to show that on-shell observables across different channels are boundary values of the same analytic function. For the simplest cases of 2-to-2 and 2-to-3 scattering, the known non-perturbative proofs rely heavily on physical principles like (micro)causality, locality, and unitarity, but also on a significant amount of several variables complex analysis, which makes their extension to arbitrary multiplicity quite challenging. In this talk, we review recent progress regarding the implications of crossing symmetry in quantum field theory, assuming analyticity. The story begins by asking what can be measured asymptotically in quantum field theory? Among the answers to this question are conventional (time-ordered) scattering amplitudes, but also a whole compendium of inclusive measurements, such as expectation values of gravitational radiation and out-of-time-ordered correlators. We show that these asymptotic observables can be related to one another through new versions of crossing symmetry, and propose generalized crossing relations together with the corresponding paths of analytic continuation. Throughout the talk, we show how to apply crossing between different observables in practice, both at tree- and loop-level. (Based on: 2308.02125 and 2310.12199)
In this talk, I will discuss some recent developments in the computation of four-point functions of half-BPS operators in a certain 4d \mathcal{N}=2 SCFT with flavour group SO(8) at large N and large t Hooft coupling ë, dual to scattering of gluons at genus one on a AdS_5 X S^3 background. At tree level and in the field-theory limit, the theory is known to enjoy an 8d hidden conformal symmetry. Although the symmetry turns out to be broken by 1/N and 1/ë corrections, I will argue that it is still possible to identify an 8d dimensional organizing principle which has precise implications for the structure of one-loop Mellin amplitudes. The talk is based on
I will present a constructive method to compute the Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude on AdS5xS5, order by order in AdS curvature corrections. A simple toy model for strings on AdS indicates that at order k the answer takes the form of a genus zero world-sheet integral involving single-valued multiple polylogarithms of weight 3k. The coefficients in an ansatz in terms of these functions are then fixed by Regge boundedness of the amplitude, which is imposed via a dispersion relation in the holographically dual CFT. We explicitly constructed the first two curvature corrections. Our final answer reproduces all CFT data available from integrability and all localisation results, to this order, and produces a wealth of new CFT data for planar N=4 SYM theory at strong coupling.
The on-shell approach to scattering amplitudes relies heavily on locality, gauge invariance and unitarity to fix the amplitude. In this talk, we derive new expressions for tree-level graviton amplitudes in N=8 supergravity via recursion relations. To do this, we use knowledge about the zeros of graviton amplitudes in collinear kinematics. We contextualize the expansion in the language of global residue theorems and identify canonical building blocks or G-invariants. Finally, we comment on a possible geometric origin of these G-invariants, analogous to the R-invariants in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills.
As a basic observable in asymptotically flat space-time, the S-matrix provides a natural quantity to compute in any holographically dual description and has been shown, when recast in a basis of boost eigenstates, to share properties with CFT correlation functions. In this talk we will discuss the computation of scattering amplitudes in non-trivial, asymptotically flat backgrounds and their electromagnetic analogues. I will discuss the extension of the CFT description to these non-trivial backgrounds, including shockwave geometries, Schwarzschild and Kerr, and the description of the S-matrix as two-dimensional correlators.
Almost everything we know about integrability in spin chains was developed for Hamiltonians with nearest-neighbour interactions. Many of the integrable Hamiltonians that play a role in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and AdS/CFT , however, possess long-range interactions. A better understanding of this type of spin chain would therefore be very helpful in this context. In this talk, I will discuss some properties of these systems and recent progress in constructing and understanding them.
Celestial CFT is a formalism which attempts to recast quantum gravity in (d+2)-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes in terms of a d-dimensional Euclidean CFT residing at the conformal boundary. I will discuss certain universal aspects of this correspondence. As in Anti-de Sitter space, bulk gravitons produce a boundary stress tensor, and bulk gluons furnish boundary conserved currents. I will also show that continuous spaces of vacua in the bulk map directly onto the conformal manifold of the boundary CFT. This correspondence provides a new perspective on the role of the BMS group in flat space holography, and offers a new interpretation of the antisymmetric double-soft gluon theorem in terms of the curvature of an infinite-dimensional vacuum manifold. If time permits, I will also discuss the Celestial CFT duals of integrable Quantum Field Theories, which provide a useful testing ground for the correspondence.
In this talk, I shall consider the convolutional double copy for BRST and anti-BRST covariant formulations of gravitational and gauge theories. I shall give a general off-shell BRST and anti-BRST covariant formulation of linearised $\mathcal{N}=0$ supergravity using superspace methods and use this covariance to obtain an off-shell convolution map between fields in $\mathcal{N}=0$ supergravity and linearised Yang-Mills. I shall then demonstrate the validity of this map for the Schwarzschild black hole and the ten-dimensional black string solution as two concrete examples.
We derive soft theorems for theories in which time symmetries -- symmetries that involve the transformation of time, an example of which are Lorentz boosts -- are spontaneously broken. The soft theorems involve unequal-time correlation functions with the insertion of a soft Goldstone in the far past. Explicit checks are provided for several examples, including the effective theory of a relativistic superfluid and the effective field theory of inflation. We discuss how in certain cases these unequal-time identities capture information at the level of observables that cannot be seen purely in terms of equal-time correlators of the field alone. We also discuss when it is possible to phrase these soft theorems as identities involving equal-time correlators.
Scattering amplitudes of elementary particles exhibit a fascinating simplicity, which is entirely obscured in textbook Feynman-diagram computations. While these quantities find their primary application to collider physics, describing the dynamics of the tiniest particles in the universe, they also characterise the interactions among some of its heaviest objects, such as black holes. Violent collisions among black holes occur where tremendous amounts of energy are emitted, in the form of gravitational waves. 100 years after having been predicted by Einstein, their extraordinary direct detection in 2015 opened a fascinating window of observation of our universe at extreme energies never probed before, and it is now crucial to develop novel efficient methods for highly needed high-precision predictions. Thanks to their inherent simplicity, amplitudes are ideally suited to this task. I will begin by reviewing the computation of a very familiar quantity Newton's potential, from scattering amplitudes and unitarity. I will then explain how to compute directly observable quantities such as the scattering angle for light or for gravitons passing by a heavy mass such as a black hole, and how to incorporate emission of gravitational waves. These computations are further simplified thanks to a remarkable, yet still mysterious connection between scattering amplitudes of gluons (in Yang-Mills theory) and those of gravitons (in Einstein's General relativity), known as the "double copy", whereby the latter amplitudes can be expressed, schematically, as sums of squares of the former -- a property that cannot be possibly guessed by simply staring at the Lagrangians of the two theories. I will conclude by discussing the prospects of performing computations in Einstein gravity to higher orders in Newton's constant using a new, gauge-invariant version of the double copy, and as an example I will briefly discuss the computation of the scattering angle for classical black hole scattering to third post-Minkowskian order (or O(G^3) in Newton's constant G).
I will discuss generalizations of shift symmetries, galileon symmetries, and extended galileon symmetries to (A)dS space and to higher spin. These symmetries are present for fields with particular masses, and are related to partially massless symmetries. I will discuss some of the properties of non-linear extensions of these symmetries and their invariant interactions, including the existence of a unique ghost-free theory in (A)dS space that is an (A)dS extension of the special Galileon, and will speculate on possible generalizations to interacting massive higher-spin particles.
In the self-dual sector for Yang-Mills and gravity, I will show how to construct
an extended phase space at null infinity, to all orders in the radial expansion. This
formalises the symmetry origin of the infrared behaviour of these theories to all subleading orders. As a corollary, I will also derive a double copy mapping a subset of YM gauge transformations to a subset of diffeomorphisms to all orders in the transformation parameters.
In this talk I will discuss universal statistical properties of spectra in 4d conformal supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theories and show how they give insight into the nature of the underlying model. We will see integrability manifest itself in the planar spectra of certain SYM theories, while spectra in more generic SYM theories can be described by random matrix theory, indicating the quantum-chaotic nature of the corresponding model. In the case of the imaginary-beta deformation of N=4 SYM theory, this provides a weak-coupling analogue of the chaotic dynamics seen for classical strings in the dual background, and here we can also connect to the classical notion of chaos by studying the semi-classical Landau-Lifshitz limit.
We begin by reviewing the colour-kinematics duality of (super) Yang-Mills
theory and its double copy into (super)gravity. We then show that off-shell
colour-kinematics duality can be made manifest in the Yang—Mills
Batalin—Vilkovisky action, up to Jacobian counterterms. The latter implies
a departure from what is normally understood by colour-kinematics duality
in that the counterterms generically break it. However, this notion of CK
duality is very natural and, most importantly, implies the validity of the
double copy to all orders in perturbations theory. Perturbatively, at
least, gravity is the square of Yang—Mills! We then describe
generalisations to the non-linear sigma model and super Yang-Mills theory,
where Sen’s formalism for self-dual field strengths emerges automatically.
We conclude by discussing the mathematical underpinnings of these
observations in terms of Homotopy algebras. Figuratively, colour-kinematics
duality is a symmetry of Yang—Mills in the same sense that a mug is a
We study four-point functions of scalars, conserved currents, and stress tensors in a conformal field theory, generated by a local contact term in the bulk dual description, in two different causal configurations. The first of these is the standard Regge configuration in which the chaos bound applies. The second is the `causally scattering configuration' in which the correlator develops a bulk point singularity. We find an expression for the coefficient of the bulk point singularity in terms of the bulk S matrix of the bulk dual metric, gauge fields and scalars, and use it to determine the Regge scaling of the correlator on the causally scattering sheet in terms of the Regge growth of this S matrix. We then demonstrate that the Regge scaling on this sheet is governed by the same power as in the standard Regge configuration, and so is constrained by the chaos bound, which turns out to be violated unless the bulk flat space S matrix grows no faster than s^2 in the Regge limit. It follows that in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, the chaos bound applied to the boundary field theory implies that the S matrices of the dual bulk scalars, gauge fields, and gravitons obey the Classical Regge Growth (CRG) conjecture. We also will discuss recent progress in extending our analysis to bulk AdS exchange diagrams and AdS loops.
I will discuss the fundamentals of quantum field theory on a rigid de Sitter space. First, I will show that the perturbative expansion of late-time correlation functions to all orders can be equivalently generated by a non-unitary Lagrangian on a Euclidean AdS geometry. This finding systematizes recent findings in the literature on the relation between dS and AdS Feynman diagrams, as well as allows us to establish basic properties of these correlators, which comprise a Euclidean CFT. Second, I use this to infer the analytic structure of the spectral density that captures the conformal partial wave expansion of a late-time four-point function, to derive an OPE expansion, and to constrain the operator spectrum. Third, I will prove that unitarity of the de Sitter theory manifests itself as the positivity of the spectral density. This statement does not rely on the use of Euclidean AdS Lagrangians and holds non-perturbatively.
We discuss the structure of Regge trajectories of 6d N=(2,0) SCFTs combining analyticity in spin with supersymmetry. Focusing on the four-point function of supermultiplet we show how "analyticity in spin" holds for all spins greater than -3. Through the Lorentzian inversion formula we then describe an iterative procedure to "bootstrap" this four-point function starting from protected data, and compare the results with the numerical bootstrap bounds. This procedure works best at large but finite central charge, where non-protected contributions are suppressed by the inversion formula.
Given a positive integer \(d\), the Lieb-Thirring (LT) inequality was formulated in 1975. It not only guarantees that power sums of discrete eigenvalues of \(d\)-dimensional Schroedinger operators with real-valued potentials can be controlled by the norm of the potentials but also plays a crucial role in the study of the stability of an \(N\)-charged-particle system. In this talk, I am going to present an open problem by Demuth, Hansmann, and Katriel (2013) where this problem concerns a possible generalisation of the LT inequality when potentials are complex-valued functions and provide the answer to this question. When \(d=1\), a counterexample was formulated by Boegli and Stampach. Here, in turn, that example can be generalised to higher dimensions, although finding discrete eigenvalues in high dimensions is not as trivial as the one-dimensional situation. Moreover, I am going to present applications of our result to the optimality of a new generalised LT inequality by Boegli. This is based on joint work with Sabine Boegli (Durham) and Frantisek Stampach (Prague).
Given a cost function and two probability measures, the optimal transport problem is that of finding a transport map (or a plan) which minimises total cost. The case of finite-valued costs is well-understood and, under mild assumptions, the optimal plan has a special geometric structure. In particular, there exists a function, which we call a potential, whose c-subgradient contains the support of the optimal transport plan (for the quadratic cost \(|x-y|^2\) the gradient of the potential is famously known as the Brenier map). However, if a cost function attains infinite values, which corresponds to prohibiting certain pairs of points to be mapped to one another, only special families of costs were studied. We present a unified approach to transportation with respect to infinite-valued costs: we discuss compatibility of measures involved, give a sufficient condition for the existence of a Brenier-type map, and explain how this condition gives rise to abstract dualities on sets.
The talk is based on joint work with S. Artstein-Avidan and S. Sadovsky.
This talk examines mean field games (MFGs) through functional analysis methods, emphasizing monotonicity tools. We introduce MFGs as models for large interacting agent populations and study the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Our analysis centers on monotone operators and their connection to variational inequalities, particularly for cases lacking classical solutions. We explore regularization techniques, extending the framework to Banach spaces. We conclude by analyzing weak-strong uniqueness conditions in MFGs.
In the study of kinetic modelling, degenerate evolution problems are abundant. In many examples, diffusion (stemming from Brownian motion/randomness) is present in some of the spatial directions in the respective Kolmogorov/Fokker-Planck PDE. Quite interestingly, despite this, many such PDEs with degenerate diffusion give rise to initial/boundary value problems that are, nonetheless, characterised by convergence to long time equilibria. Villani(2009) coined the term hypocoercivity to signify the subtle property of certain degenerate evolution (integro)differenetial operators to yield dissipation in directions where no diffusion is explicitly present. Hypocoercivity has been formulated as a general framework in proving decay to equilibrium for kinetic equations by Villani, who conceptualised and expanded key ideas proposed in the seminal works of Herau & Nier (2004), Eckmann & Hairer (2003), Mouhot & Neumann (2006), and others.
The seminar will be concerned with some recent developments on porting the concept of hypocoercivity in the numerical analysis of kinetic equations and, in particular, of (degenerate) inhomogeneous Fokker-Planck equations on the Euclidian space. Starting from a convenient interpretation of the concept of hypocoercivity in Hilbertian Sobolev spaces, we develop certain classes of Galerkin finite element methods that provably preserve hypocoercivity structures. As a result, we are able to perform error analysis of these methods that is robust with respect to the final simulation time, thereby facilitating provably accurate simulation over long times and, in particular, the trend to equilibrium, for certain model problems.
Classical Benamou-Breniers (B-B) formula is a bridge connecting static optimal transport and dynamic optimisation, as the \(p\)-Wasserstein distance (\(p\geq 1\)) between two probability measures is the same as the minimum of the \(p\)-action along any curve linking the two measures via the continuity equation.
In this talk, we will discuss a B-B formula arising from a particular controlled continuity equation. We will start from the dynamic side, with brief introduction on fundamentals of sub-Riemannian control theory. Then, we will see how these can be related to obtaining an appropriate cost function for the static side. Regularity of this cost function will also be included.
If time permits, some future directions will also be mentioned, including a new metric on the space of probability measures as a consequence of our B-B formula , its geometric properties and improvement on the regularity of our cost function. This talk is based on a joint project with Dr. Amit Einav and Dr. Alpar Meszaros.
In this talk, we consider a fractional nonlinear wave equation with a general power-type nonlinearity (FNLW) on the two-dimensional torus. Our main goal is to construct invariant global-in-time Gibbs dynamics for FNLW. We first construct the Gibbs measure associated with this equation. By introducing a suitable renormalisation, we then prove almost sure local well-posedness with respect to Gibbsian initial data. Finally, we extend solutions globally in time by applying Bourgain's invariant measure argument. This talk is based on a joint work with Luigi Forcella (University of Pisa, Italy).
Asking which domain in a given class optimises a certain Neumann eigenvalue is a classical problem in shape optimisation. One can trace such questions back to the work of Szego and Weinberger in the 1950s. In recent years, a renewed interest in the optimisation of Neumann eigenvalues under a perimeter or a diameter constraint has emerged. We will discuss these new results and compare them to previously known results for Dirichlet eigenvalues. Time permitting, we will discuss some optimisation problems for Robin and Zaremba eigenvalues and open problems in this direction.
This talk is primarily based on the two complementary papers below:
[1] On the isoperimetric and isodiametric inequalities and the minimisation of eigenvalues of the Laplacian, S. Farrington, J. Geom. Anal. (2025)
[2] Optimization of Neumann eigenvalues under convexity and geometric constraints, B. Bogosel, A. Henrot, M. Michetti, SIAM J. Math. Anal. (2024)
For self-adjoint Schroedinger operators in dimensions three or higher the CwikelLiebRozenblum inequality provides a useful upper bound on the number of negative eigenvalues in terms of a semiclassical phase-space integral. In lower dimensions such a bound cannot hold true, since zero is a resonance state of the spectrum, i.e., even small potentials already generate at least one negative eigenvalue. To obtain similar bounds additional, repulsive terms are needed. These can be provided through added electric potentials, magnetic fields, boundary conditions and/or particle statistics. For example, a result analogous to the CwikelLiebRozenblum inequality can be established on the half-axis equipped with Dirichlet boundary condition if the potential is negative and non-decreasing. This is known as Calogeros bound.
In this talk, I will consider Schroedinger operators on the plane. In the presence of an AharonovBohm magnetic field, I will establish an upper bound on the number of negative eigenvalues analogous to the CwikelLiebRozenblum inequality. Similar to Calogeros bound in one dimension, the result is true under monotonicity assumptions on the potential. This is joint work with A. Laptev and L. Read.
The degenerate Cahn-Hilliard equation, originally introduced in material science, is nowadays used in several different fields, including biology (tumor growth, cell-cell adhesion) and fluid dynamics (high-friction limit in the Euler-Korteweg equation). In this talk, we discuss several derivations of this equation: via hydrodynamic limit from the Vlasov equation (Comm. Math. Phys. 2023, 2024), from the nonlocal equation and related interacting particle system in the spirit of Giacomin-Lebowitz work (JDE 2023, Comm. Contemp. Math. 2024), and most recently, from the Euler-Korteweg equation (arXiv:2305.01348). In most of these cases, fully rigorous solutions are available only in the case of torus and so, we will stress fundamental difficulties related to the presence of physical boundaries. This is a joint work with C. Elbar, B. Perthame (Paris), J. A. Carrillo (Oxford), M. Mason (Milan), A. Świerczewska-Gwiazda, and P. Gwiazda (Warsaw).
Semigroup theory has long played a central role in the study of damped waves and other linear evolution equations. One of the most influential results of recent times has been a theorem due to Borichev and Tomilov (Math. Annalen, 2010), which yields optimal polynomial rates of decay for classical semigroup orbits provided the resolvent satisfies a corresponding polynomial estimate along the imaginary axis. In this talk I shall present an extension of the Borichev-Tomilov theorem beyond the purely polynomial case to a much larger class of resolvent bounds. This result is optimal in several ways. I shall also give examples illustrating how the abstract theory can be used to obtain sharp rates of energy decay in wave equations subject to different types of damping.
Mean Field Games (MFGs) are limits for N-player games as the number of players N tends to infinity. In the limit a Nash equilibrium is characterized by a coupled system of nonlinear PDEs - the MFG system - a backward Bellman equation for the optimal strategy of a generic player and a forward Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution of players. The mathematical theory goes back to 2006 and work of Lasry-Lions and Cains-Haung-Malhame, and important questions addressed by the literature include well-posedness, approximations/numerical methods, and the convergence problem -- rigorously proving the limit as N tends to infinity. The latter problem involves the so-called Master equation, a PDE posed on the set of probability measures, whos characteristic equations are precisely the above mentioned MFG system. In most of the results in the literature, the diffusion is local/Gaussian and linear/uncontrolled.
In this talk I will discuss recent results on MFGs with (i) nonlocal and (ii) nonlinear diffusions. Case (i) corresponds to a MFGs where players are affected by independent non-Gaussian/Levy induvidual noises, leading to nondegenerate PDEs with linear nonlocal diffusion terms. Results on well-posedness, numerical approximations, and the corresponding Master equation will be addressed. In case (ii), the indepdent individual noises are controlled by the players, and the PDEs become fully nonlinear. We will address well-posedness results for the MFG system in this case.
The talk is based on joint work with former PhD students and postdocs, O. Ersland (NTNU), I. Chowdhury (IIT Kanpur), M. Krupski (U Wroclaw), and A. Rutkowski (TU Wroclaw).
In this talk, we first review the de Rham complex and the finite element exterior calculus, a cohomological framework for structure-preserving discretisation of PDEs. From de Rham complexes, we derive other complexes with applications in elasticity, geometry and general relativity. Algebraic structures (information on cohomology) imply a number of analytic results, such as the Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition, Poincaré-Korn inequalities and compactness. The derivation, inspired by the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand (BGG) construction, also provides a general machinery to establish results for tensor-valued problems (e.g., elasticity) from de Rham complexes (e.g., electromagnetism and fluid mechanics). We discuss some applications in this direction, including the construction of bounded homotopy operators (Poincaré integrals).
We investigate the spectrum of Schroedinger operators with a specific subclass of complex potentials in \(L^2(R)\), perturbed with \(\delta\) or \(\delta'\) interaction, centered at the origin
\[ -\partial_x^2 + q + \alpha\delta, \quad
-\partial_x^2 + q + \beta\delta', \]
where \(\alpha \in R\), \(\beta \in R\).
We show that the eigenvalues lie in the neighbourhood of the eigenvalues of the unperturbed problems defined on \(L^2(R_+)\) and \(L^2(R_-)\) with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, respectively, for \(\delta\) and \(\delta'\) interactions.
Moreover, for PT-symmetric problems where \(q(x)=\overline{q(-x)}\), we show the existence of a negative real eigenvalue for \(\alpha\leq C_1< 0\), diverging to \(-\infty\) as \(\alpha\to -\infty\). Similarly for \(C_2<\beta<0\), we show the existence of a negative real eigenvalue diverging to \(-\infty\) as \(\beta\to 0_-\).
To obtain further results about the spectra, we present new general results about the behaviour of the real part of the Weyl-Titchmarsch m-function. These results are applied to a specific example, \(q= i x^{2k-1}\), \(k\in N\), which demonstrates the instability of the spectra of non-self-adjoint operators. The well-established emptiness (\(k=1\)) or reality (\(k\geq 2\)) of the spectra is broken when \(\alpha\neq0\) or \(\beta\neq 0\).
We introduce a notion of multivalued dissipative operator (called Multivalued Probability Vector Field - MPVF) in the 2-Wasserstein space of Borel probability measures on a (possibly infinite dimensional) separable Hilbert space. Taking inspiration from the theories of dissipative operators in Hilbert spaces and of Wasserstein gradient flows, we study the well-posedness for evolutions driven by such MPVFs, and we characterize them by a suitable Evolution Variational Inequality (EVI). Our approach to prove the existence of such EVI-solutions is twofold: on one side, under an abstract stability condition, we build a measure-theoretic version of the Explicit Euler scheme showing novel convergence results with optimal error estimates; on the other hand, under a suitable discrete approximation assumption on the MPVF, we recast the EVI-solution as the evolving law of the solution trajectory of an appropriate dissipative evolution in an \(L^2\) space of random variables. This talk is based on joint works with Giulia Cavagnari and Giuseppe Savaré.
The Vlasov-Poisson system for ions is a kinetic model for dilute plasma, describing electrostatic interactions between positive ions and thermalized electrons following a Maxwell-Boltzmann law. The equation arises formally as the mean field limit from an underlying microscopic system representing individual ions interacting with a thermalized electron distribution. However, when ions are modelled as point charges, it is an open problem to prove rigorously that the mean field limit holds. One avenue of progress on the problem has been to consider particle systems with regularised interactions, in which the singularity in the Coulomb force is removed at small spatial scales, with the cut-off radius vanishing as the number of particles \(N\) tends to infinity. Previously, the Vlasov-Poisson system for ions was derived rigorously from a system of this type, with cut-off radius of order \(1/N^a\) with \(a < 1/15\) in three dimensions.
Mean field games (MFG) are models for differential games involving large numbers of players, where each player is solving a dynamic optimal control problem that may depend on the overall distribution of players across the state space of the game. In a standard formulation, the Nash equilibria of the game are characterized by the solutions of a coupled system of partial differential equations, involving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for the value function and the Fokker-Planck equation for the density of players over the state space of the game. However, in many realistic applications, the underlying optimal control problems can lead to systems with nondifferentiable Hamiltonians, such as in minimal time problems, problems with bang-bang controls, etc. This leads to the crucial issue that the PDE system is then not well-defined in the usual sense. From a modelling perspective, this corresponds to nonuniquess of the optimal controls for the players.
In this talk, we show that a suitable generalization of the problem is provided by relaxing the Fokker-Planck equation to a partial differential inclusion (PDI) involving the subdifferential of the Hamiltonian, which expresses mathematically the idea that, in the nondifferentiable case, the structure of the Nash equilibria can become more complicated since players in the same state may be required to make distinct choices among the various optimal controls. Our analytical contributions include theorems on the existence of solutions of the resulting MFG PDI system under very general conditions on the problem data, allowing for both local/nonlocal and nonsmoothing nonlinear couplings, for both the steady-state and the time-dependent cases in the stochastic setting. We also show that the MFG PDI system conserves uniqueness of the solution for monotone couplings, as a generalization of the result of Lasry and Lions. We also present our recent work regarding the convergence of solutions of regularizations of the PDI system, and also the convergence of numerical approximations by stabilized finite element methods.
In this talk I will discuss a recent joint work with Samuel Daudin and Benjamin Seeger, in which we establish well-posedness and convergence results for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations set on the space of probability measures on the $d$-dimensional torus. One of our main results is a comparison principle which, importantly, does not require any regularity on the sub/supersolutions being compared beyond the traditional upper/lower semi-continuity. We use completely PDE arguments (rather than relying on the stochastic control formulation) and so our results apply to non-convex Hamiltonians. The main technical step turns out to be the derivation of some uniform in $N$ estimates on the corresponding sequence of finite-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi equations.
In this talk, we explore image resolution and the ill-posed-ness of
inverse scattering problems. In particular, we would like to discuss
how certain properties of the inclusion might induce high-resolution
imaging. We first explore why resolution matters, and then observe the
super-resolution phenomenon with certain particular high contrast
inclusion. We then discuss how local sensitivity (and resolution)
around a point is related to the extrinsic curvature of the surface of
inclusion around the point. Along the line, we also discuss
concentration of plasmon resonance (in a certain manner) at boundary
points of high curvature by quantizing a Hamiltonian flow with the help
of the Heisenberg picture and quantum integrable system. We then turn
to another relevant problem from scattering and observe concentration
of relevant eigenfunctions along the boundary. The results discussed
in this talk are joint works with Habib Ammari (ETH Zurich), Hongyu Liu
(CityU of HK), Keji Liu (Shanghai Key Lab), Mahesh Sunkula (Purdue),
Jun Zou (CUHK).
A potential game is one for which minimizers of a certain potential are Nash equilibria. Many examples of mean field games are also potential. In this talk, I will give an overview of potential games both from classical game theory and mean field games. A particularly important motivation is the “selection problem”, that is, the search for criteria that uniquely select one Nash equilibrium when there are many. I will explore whether (and in what sense) minimizing the potential gives a satisfactory selection principle.
In this talk I will consider the problem of reducing the carbon emissions of a set of firms over a finite time horizon. Firms can trade allowances in a way that minimizes the total expected costs from abatement and trading plus a terminal quadratic penalty, and they can also choose which type of energy to use (fossil or green) to produce their goods and thus maximize profits from production. Using mean-field game theory and mean field control theory, we aim to understand how different types of market competition can influence the energy transition. This is a joint work with Marta Leocata (Luiss Guido Carli) and Gianmarco Del Sarto (SNS).
In this talk we report on some recent works with various coauthors on Mean Field Control and on Mean Field Games in Infinite Dimension. We start presenting some applied motivating examples on both topics and discuss the main goals. Then we present recent results (with A. Cosso, F. Masiero, I. Kharroubi, H. Pham, M. Rosestolato) on the optimal control of McKean-Vlasov equations and (with S. Federico, D. Ghilli, A. Swiech) on Mean Field Games in infinite dimension. On both topics, we discuss the results and we present some going on ideas and further work.
In this talk, I will consider a family of overdetermined elliptic problems in two dimensions, with a focus on ‘solitary’ solutions where the domain converges to a horizontal strip at infinity. After reviewing the classical steady water wave problem for harmonic functions, I will turn to the simplest possible generalizations including the effect of vorticity. Numerical work going back to the 1980s – as well as explicit solutions in the zero-gravity limit, many of which have only been discovered in the last few years – suggest that vorticity can have a dramatic effect on the solutions; I will present some recent rigorous results in this direction.
The talk discusses generalisations of Liouville's theorem to nonlocal translation-invariant operators. It is based on a joint work with D. Berger and R.L. Schilling, and a further joint work with the same co-authors and T. Sharia. We consider operators with continuous but not necessarily infinitely smooth symbols.
It follows from our results that if $\left\{\eta \in \mathbb{R}^n \mid m(\eta) = 0\right\} \subseteq \{0\}$, then, under suitable conditions,
every polynomially bounded weak solution $f$ of the equation $m(D)f=0$ is in fact a polynomial, while sub-exponentially growing solutions admit analytic continuation to entire functions on $\mathbb{C}^n$.
In joint work with Andreas Rosén we prove a general Weitzenböck identity for arbitrary pairs of constant coefficients homogeneous first order PDE operators on domains for fields that satisfy natural boundary conditions. This identity gives rise to a generalization of the Levi form for the classical d-bar complex in several complex variables. Under the assumption that one of the operators is cocancelling, a concept introduced by J. Van Schaftingen in his work on endpoint Sobolev estimates, and an additional algebraic condition we prove a generalized Morrey inequality. We derive from this a weighted Sobolev inequality as well as giving new proof of the equivalence of Morrey inequalities and subelliptic estimates. Using the theory of J. Kohn and L. Nirenberg this in particular implies solvability for the generalized Neumann-dbar problem on generalized strongly pseudoconvex domains for constant rank operators satisfying our conditions.
Data assimilation by nudging is done by adding a linear feedback term involving spatially coarse time series data to drive a model solution to the one observed. Typically this requires observations that are distributed throughout the spatial domain. This talk addresses using data on only a subdomain which is moving with time for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations. We prove that if the resolution of data on the subdomain is fine enough, and the subdomain moves fast enough, then the nudged solution converges to the observed solution at an exponential rate. We then present numerical evidence demonstrating the efficacy of this approach.
Empirical studies suggest that for vast tracts of land in the tropics, closed-canopy forests and savanna are alternative stable states, a proposition with far-reaching implications in the context of ongoing climate change. Consequently, numerous mathematical models, both spatially implicit and explicit, have been proposed to capture the mechanistic basis of this bistability and quantify the stability of these ecosystems. I will present analysis of a spatially extended version of the Staver-Levinforest-savanna model and highlight some open mathematical problems related to the dynamics generated by these nonlocal PDEs. On a homogeneous domain, relevant to smaller spatial scales, we uncover various types of pattern-forming bifurcations in the presence of resource limitation. On larger (continental) spatial scales, heterogeneity plays a significant role in determining observed vegetative cover. Incorporating domain heterogeneity is a pressing mathematical challenge and leads to interesting phenomena such as front-pinning, complex waves of invasion, and extensive multi-stability.
The Brascamp-Lieb inequalities are a generalisation of the Hölder, Loomis-Whitney and Young convolution inequalities, and have found many applications in harmonic analysis and elsewhere. In this talk we present an “adjoint” version of these inequalities which may be viewed as an L^p version of the entropic Brascamp-Lieb inequalities of Carlen and Cordero-Erausquin. As an application we establish some lower bounds on a range of tomographic transforms, such as the classical X-ray and Radon transforms. This is joint work with Terence Tao.
The derivation of kinetic equations from particle system is a well-established programme; a particularly well know-example is the justification of the non-linear Boltzmann equation as a scaling limit of hard sphere dynamics.
I will present recent results for the considerably easier problem of ballistic annihilation where we can obtain error bounds which are much smaller than the standard Gronwall estimates.
We discuss the well-posedness theory for the Landau equation with rough, slowly decaying initial data. In particular, our method is able to treat initial data in the critical weighted $L^{3/2}$ space, where the coefficients are unbounded. This is joint work with William Golding and Maria Gualdani.
I will discuss the extension of the Aw-Rascle model to multi-dimensional case and present our recent results on that model concerning: existence and uniqueness of solutions, and their asymptotic limits in the “hard congestion regime”.
In my talk I will present a new approach to the spectral theory of systems of PDEs on closed manifolds, developed in a series of recent papers by Dmitri Vassiliev (UCL) and myself, based on the use of pseudodifferential projections. After discussing the general theory, I will turn to the (non-elliptic) operator curl, and explain how our techniques offer a new pathway to the study of spectral asymmetry.
The mathematical modelling of cancer has been increasingly applying fluid-dynamics concepts to describe the mechanical properties of tissue growth. The biomechanical pressure plays a central role in these models, both as the driving force of cell movement and as an inhibitor of cell proliferation. In this talk, I will present how it is possible to build a bridge between models that have different pressure-velocity or pressure-density relations. In particular, I will focus on the inviscid limit from a Brinkman model to a porous medium-type model, and the incompressible limit that links the latter to a Hele-Shaw free boundary problem with density constraint.
We describe a new form of diagonalization for linear two point constant coefficient differential operators with arbitrary linear boundary conditions. Although the diagonalization is in a weaker sense than that usually employed to solve initial boundary value problems (IBVP), we show that it is sufficient to solve IBVP whose spatial parts are described by such operators. We argue that the method described may be viewed as a reimplementation of the Fokas transform method for linear evolution equations on the finite interval. The results are extended to multipoint and interface operators, including operators defined on networks of finite intervals, in which the coefficients of the differential operator may vary between subintervals, and arbitrary interface and boundary conditions may be imposed; differential operators with piecewise constant coefficients are thus included.
In a recent work, R. Carmona, Q. Cormier and M. Soner proposed
a mean field game based on the classical Kuramoto model, originally
motivated by systems of chemical and biological oscillators. Such MFG
model exhibits several stationary equilibria, and the question of their
ability to capture long time limits of dynamic equilibria is largely
open. I will discuss in the talk how to show that, up to translations,
there are two possible stationary equilibria only - the incoherent and
the synchronised one - provided that the interaction parameter is large
enough. Finally, I will present some local stability properties of the
synchronised equilibrium. Based on a joint work with A. Cesaroni.
This talk is devoted to the study of the homogenization problem for the linear Boltzmann equation in energy.
Two approaches are considered. The first one is based on the two-scale convergence theory, which allows to
prove the existence of a memory term in the structure of the homogenized equation. Because of this
term, the semigroup property of the starting problem is lost in the limit. However, the semigroup structure of the
limit equation can be preserved by working in a new framework based on an extended phase-space.
We construct global strong solutions to the 1D Boltzmann equation with angular cutoff, for generic large data on the line and for periodic boundary conditions, expanding on the work of Biryuk, Craig, and Panferov to obtain quantitative growth estimates. We use an angular averaging estimate and an improved ODE estimate to construct a global well-posedness theory for finite energy data. We show $L^\infty$ dissipation of the density on the real line and obtain an exponential bound on the $L^\infty$ growth of the density for periodic boundary conditions. Additionally, we show propagation of derivatives and moments, thus constructing a global solution theory for 1D Boltzmann in the Schwartz class.
The seminar will be focused on the analysis of fourth-order aggregation-diffusion equations using an optimal transport approach. These models have been recently obtained as approximation of nonlocal systems of PDEs describing cell-cell adhesion, which is a crucial mechanisms regulating collective cell migration during tissue development, homeostasis and repair. In a recent work, we use the 2-Wasserstein gradient flow structure of such equations to give sharp conditions for global in time existence of weak solutions, in any dimension and for general initial data. The energy involved presents two competing effects: the Dirichlet energy and the power-law internal energy. Homogeneity of the functionals reveals critical regimes that we analyse. In addition, we study a system of two Cahn-Hilliard-type equations exhibiting an analogous gradient flow structure. This is based on a joint work with J. A. Carrillo, C. Falcó, and A. Fernández-Jiménez in Oxford.
Instead of solving the eigenvalue problem $Tf=zf$ for a linear operator $T$ and eigenvalue $z$, we can use a multiplier $B$ and instead solve the linear pencil problem $BTf=zBf$. This leads us to study the numerical range and essential numerical range of linear pencils. The essential numerical range is used to describe the set of spectral pollution when approximating theeigenvalue problem by projection and truncation methods. By taking intersection over various multipliers, we get sharp enclosures. We apply the results to various differential operators. This talk is based on joint work with Marco Marletta (Cardiff).
If the solutions to a continuity equation suitably dissipate a certain energy along their flow, then it is possible to interpret such curves as paths of steepest descent on the space of probability measures endowed with the Wasserstein space, a so-called `Wasserstein gradient flow’.
Over the past 30 years, this Wasserstein gradient flow interpretation has been explored extensively and to great success, allowing for new results regarding many important PDEs including Fokker-Planck, Keller-Segel and Porous media equations.
One of the key motivating factors in the Wasserstein gradient flow interpretation is that, for many systems, several important properties of the PDE (such as existence, uniqueness, and convergence) may be established, not by studying the equation itself, but instead, by studying the properties of an energy functional which is known to dissipate its solutions.
In this talk, I describe the importance of convexity in establishing some key properties of a gradient flow in the classical Euclidean setting and then show how this framework has been abstracted in various ways to the Wasserstein space in order to establish results for various PDEs. Furthermore, I introduce the notion of convexity along acceleration-free curves and describe how this links `geodesic’ convexity on the Wasserstein space to convexity on Hilbert spaces of $L^2$ random variables.
Systems that involve many elements, be it a gas of particles or a herd of animals, are ubiquitous in our day to day lives. While such systems are of great interest to us, their investigation is hindered by the amount of (usually coupled) equations that are needed to be solved in order to understand them. The mesoscopic approach, dating back to the late 19th century, tries to simplify our dealing with such systems by finding an equation that describes the evolution of a limiting average element of said system. While widely used, the question of the validity of such equations remains an issue. One prime example is the proof of the validity of the Boltzmann equation - a problem so profound that it was included in Hilbert's famous 23 problems.
In his 1956 work, Mark Kac provided a probabilistic justification to Boltzmann's equation by considering an average model of dilute gas (i.e. an evolution equation for the probability density of the ensemble) and introducing the notion of (molecular) chaos - an asymptotic correlation relation that refers to the fact that due to the rarity of the gas, any given group of particles become more and more independent as the number of particles in the system increases.
Kac’s work has achieved more than its original goal and has planted the seed from which a new method, the so-called mean field limit approach, arose.
The mean field limit approach attempts to find the behaviour of a limiting average element in a given system by using two ingredients: an average model of the system and an asymptotic correlation relation that expresses the emerging phenomena we expect to get as the number of elements goes to infinity.
Mean field limits of average models have permeated to fields beyond mathematical physics in recent decades. Examples include models that pertain to biological, chemical, and even societal phenomena. However, to date we only use chaoticity as our asymptotic correlation relation. This doesn’t seem reasonable in models that revolve around biological and societal phenomena. Such model, Choose the Leader model, was recently constructed and was shown to break the notion of chaoticity.
In our talk we will introduce Kac’s model and the notions of chaos and mean field limits. We will discuss the problem of having chaos as the sole asymptotic correlation relation and define a new asymptotic relation of order. We will show that this is the right relation for the Choose the Leader model and highlight the importance of appropriate scaling in its investigation.
This talk will discuss the rigidity of equality cases for perimeter inequality under Schwarz symmetrisation. The term rigidity refers to the situation in which the equality cases are only obtained by translations of the Schwarz symmetric set. First, we will discuss the existing results in literature related to the corresponding rigidity problem. Then, we will present sufficient and necessary conditions for rigidity under this framework. Our analysis will be based on the properties of the corresponding distribution function and on a careful study of the transformations that can be applied to the symmetric set, without creating any perimeter contribution.
The PDE formulation of Mean Field Games (MFG) is described by nonlinear systems in which a Hamilton—Jacobi--Bellman (HJB) equation and a Kolmogorov—Fokker--Planck (KFP) equation are coupled. The advective term of the KFP equation involves a partial derivative of the Hamiltonian that is often assumed to be continuous. However, in many cases of practical interest, the underlying optimal control problem of the MFG may give rise to bang-bang controls, which typically lead to nondifferentiable Hamiltonians. In this talk we present results on the analysis and numerical approximation of second-order MFG systems for the general case of convex, Lipschitz, but possibly nondifferentiable Hamiltonians. In particular, we propose a generalization of the MFG system as a Partial Differential Inclusion (PDI) based on interpreting the partial derivative of the Hamiltonian in terms of subdifferentials of convex functions. We prove the existence of unique weak solutions to MFG PDIs under a monotonicity condition similar to one that has been considered previously by Lasry & Lions. Moreover, we introduce a monotone finite element discretization of the weak formulation of MFG PDIs and present theorems on the strong convergence of the approximations to the value function in the $H^1$-norm and the strong convergence of the approximations to the density function in $L^q$-norms. We conclude the talk with some numerical experiments involving non-smooth solutions.
[Joint with Probability] This talk will be about the convergence problem in mean
field control (MFC), i.e. the challenge of rigorously justifying the
convergence of certain "symmetric" \(N\)-particle control problems
towards their mean field counterparts. On the one hand, this
convergence problem is already well-understood from a qualitative
perspective, thanks to powerful probabilistic techniques based on
compactness. On the other hand, quantitative results (i.e. rates of
convergence) are more difficult to obtain, in large part because the
value function of the mean field problem (which is also the solution to
a certain Hamilton-Jacobi equation on the Wasserstein space) may fail
to be \(C^1\), even if all the data is smooth. After giving an overview
of the convergence problem, I will discuss the results of two recent
joint works with Cardaliaguet, Daudin, Delarue, and Souganidis, in
which we use some ideas from the theory of viscosity solutions to
overcome this lack of regularity and obtain rates of convergence of the
$N$-particle value functions towards the value function of the
corresponding MFC problem.
We obtain some new inequalities for the Newtonian capacity of compact, convex sets in $\mathbb{R}^d, d \geq 3$. Joint work with A. Malchiodi and D. Bucur.
In this talk we will discuss linear operators defined on a Banach or Hilbert space $X$ with a gap in their spectrum. Natural questions are if such gaps lead to a decomposition of the underlying space $X$ and if the gaps are stable under relatively bounded perturbations.
This talk is based on joint works with C. Wyss and with J. Moreno.
We study the behaviour of the norm of the resolvent for non-self-adjoint operators of the form $A := -\partial_x + W(x)$, with $W(x) \geq 0$, defined in $L^2(\mathbb R)$. We provide a sharp estimate for the norm of its resolvent operator as the spectral parameter diverges to $+\infty$. Furthermore, we describe the C_0-semigroup generated by $-A$ and determine its norm. Finally, we discuss the applications of the results to the asymptotic description of pseudospectra of Schrödinger and damped wave operators and also the optimality of abstract resolvent bounds based on Carleman-type estimates.
The seminar is based on a joint work with A. Arnal (QUB, Belfast).
For more than a century, people have been trying to understand the precise connection between the properties of solutions of an ellipitc PDE and the geometric properties of the set where the equation is given. The scenarios are particularly interesting when the coefficients of the equation are non-smooth and the set is rough. One big breakthrough in these investigations is an equivalence between absolute continuity of the harmonic measure and rectifiability of the set. Unfortunately, this equivalence relies crucially on some topological assumptions on the set and shatters in the case of higher co-dimension (e.g. a curve in 3-dimensional space). Recently, together with J. Feneuil, we have found a unified characterization of rectifiability of a set of any codimension in terms of some Carleson estimate for the Green function. This result is built on a series of earlier works on the Green function and a smooth distance, which I will also discuss in the talk.
The GENERIC framework (General Equation for Non-Equilibrium Reversible Irreversible Coupling) [Öttinger, H. C. Beyond equilibrium thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons, 2005] provides a systematic method to derive thermodynamically consistent evolution equations. It was originally introduced in the context of complex fluids, and has been employed to a plethora of applications in physics and engineering over the last two decades, such as to anisotropic inelastic solids, viscoplastic solids, and thermoelastic dissipative materials. However, the mathematics of this framework is still underdeveloped. In this talk, I will present some research on the variational structure of the GENERIC and discuss its connections to hypocoercivity and large deviations.
Vlasov-Poisson type systems are well known as kinetic models for plasma. The precise structure of the model differs according to which species of particle it describes, with the `classical’ version of the system describing the electrons in a plasma. The model for ions, however, includes an additional exponential nonlinearity in the equation for the electrostatic potential, which creates several mathematical difficulties. For this reason, the theory of the ionic system has so far not been as fully explored as the theory for the electron equation.
A plasma has a characteristic scale, the Debye length, which describes the scale of electrostatic interaction within the plasma. In real plasmas this length is typically very small, and in physics applications frequently assumed to be very close to zero. This motivates the study of the limiting behaviour of Vlasov-Poisson type systems as the Debye length tends to zero relative to the observation scale—known as the ‘quasi-neutral’ limit. In the case of the ionic model, the formal limit is the kinetic isothermal Euler system; however, this limit is highly non-trivial to justify rigorously and known to be false in general without very strong regularity conditions and/or structural conditions.
I will present a recent work, carried out in collaboration with Mikaela Iacobelli, in which we prove the quasi-neutral limit for the ionic Vlasov-Poisson system for a class of rough \(L^\infty\) data: that is, data that may be expressed as perturbations of an analytic function, small in the sense of Monge-Kantorovich distances. The smallness of the perturbation that we require is much less restrictive than in the previously known results.
We consider the Euler equations for incompressible fluids in 3-dimension. A classical question that goes back to Helmholtz is to describe the evolution of vorticities with a high concentration around a curve. The work of Da Rios in 1906 states that such a curve must evolve by the so-called "binormal curvature flow". Existence of true solutions whose vorticity is concentrated near a given curve that evolves by this law is a long-standing open question that has only been answered for the special case of a circle travelling with constant speed along its axis, the thin vortex-rings, and of a helical filament, associated to a translating-rotating helix. In this talk I will consider the case of two vortex rings interacting between each other, the so-called leapfrogging. The results are in collaboration with J. Davila (U. of Bath), M. del Pino (U. of Bath) and J. Wei (U. of British Columbia).
The seminar will be held over Zoom. The details of the meeting are below Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 7728 9696
Passcode: 462324
The Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) surface, formally defined as a 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold with conformal factor being the exponentiation of a Gaussian free field, is closely related to random planar geometry as well as scaling limits of models from statistical mechanics. In this talk, I shall explain what the Liouville Brownian motion is and discuss certain short-time asymptotics of Liouville heat kernel which may be reinterpreted as the Weyl's law for the eigenvalues associated to the (random) Laplace-Beltrami operator on LQG surfaces. This is a joint work with Nathanael Berestycki.
In this talk we introduce a new class of kinetic models, which overcome the standard assumption in kinetic transport theory that collision processes happen instantaneously. On the level of the underlining stochastic processes this results in replacing the jump-process, which are defining the collisions, with continuous stochastic processes.
We investigate a kinetic model with non-instantaneous binary alignment collisions between particles. The collisions are described by a transport process in the joint state space of a pair of particles, where the states of the particles approach their midpoint. For two spatially homogeneous models with deterministic or stochastic collision times existence and uniqueness of solutions, the long time behavior, and the instantaneous limit are considered, where the latter leads to standard kinetic models of Boltzmann type.
Reference: L. Kanzler, C. Schmeiser, V. Tora, Two kinetic models for non-instantaneous binary alignment collisions
The seminar will be held over Zoom. The details of the meeting are below Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 7728 9696
Passcode: 462324
Lagrangian averaging plays an important role in the analysis of wave--mean-flow interactions and other multiscale fluid phenomena. The numerical computation of Lagrangian means, e.g. from simulation data, is however challenging. Typical implementations require tracking a large number of particles to construct Lagrangian time series which are then averaged. This has drawbacks that include large memory demands, particle clustering and complications of parallelisation. We develop a novel approach in which the Lagrangian means of various fields (including particle positions) are computed by solving PDEs that are integrated over successive averaging time intervals. We propose two strategies, distinguished by their spatial independent variables, which lead to two sets of PDEs. The first uses end-of-interval particle positions; the second directly uses the Lagrangian mean positions. The PDEs can be discretised in a variety of ways, e.g. using the same discretisation as that employed for the governing dynamical equations, and solved on-the-fly to minimise the memory footprint.
In industry, heterogeneous catalysts are widely used to enable faster large-scale production by increasing the rates of certain chemical reactions. We consider a system of parabolic PDEs in moving domains modeling mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis with a Robin boundary condition on the interface. The behavior of such systems becomes increasingly complex as the number of catalyst particles increases. This motivates the search for a homogenized model that would describe the asymptotic behavior of the solutions to the problem and emergent properties in the limit of infinitely many particles. We transform the moving domain problem into a problem in a fixed domain by constructing a diffeomorphism out of the known solid particle velocities. We prove that solutions exist in any finite time and show that these solutions two-scale converge to solutions of a PDE/ODE system. We provide examples of solid velocities for which our result applies and discuss future research directions.\\
The seminar will be held over Zoom. The details of the meeting are below Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 961 7728 9696 Passcode: 462324
I will present an application of optimal transport theory to simplified models of large-scale rotational flows (weather). The semi-geostrophic equation is used by researchers at the Met Office to diagnose problems in simulations of more complicated weather models. It has also attracted a lot of attention in the applied analysis community, e.g., Alessio Figalli's work on the semi-geostrophic equation is listed in his Fields Medal citation. In this talk I will discuss the semi-geostrophic equation in geostrophic coordinates (SG), which is a nonlocal transport equation, where the transport velocity is defined via an optimal transport problem. Using recent results from semi-discrete optimal transport theory, we give a new proof of the existence of weak solutions of the SG equations. The proof is constructive and leads to an efficient numerical method. I will conclude talk by showing some simulations of weather fronts. This is joint work with Charlie Egan, Théo Lavier and Beatrice Pelloni (Heriot-Watt University and the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences), Mark Wilkinson (Nottingham Trent University), Steven Roper (University of Glasgow), Colin Cotter (Imperial College London) and Mike Cullen (Met Office - retired).
In this talk, we will present two kinetic models that are used to describe the evolution of charged particles in plasmas: the Vlasov-Poisson system and the Vlasov-Poisson system with massless electrons. These systems model respectively the evolution of electrons, and ions in a plasma. We will discuss the well-posedness of these systems, the stability of solutions, and their behavior under singular limits. Finally, we will introduce a new class of Wasserstein-type distances specifically designed to tackle stability questions for kinetic equations.
The seminar will be held over Zoom. The details of the meeting are below Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 961 7728 9696 Passcode: 462324
Aggregation effects appear in many applications such as in the study of flocking behaviour of swarms or in the modelling of granula media, which makes it interesting to study this phenomena also in mean-field settings.
In 2018, Chen, G\"ottlich and Knapp already showed that the diffusion-aggregation model
$$\partial_t u - \sigma \Delta u + \Delta u^2 = 0$$
can be derived from a system of interacting particles by using a classical mean-field limit approach. Their result shows convergence in expectation for each particle of the moderately interacting mean-field system to a limiting particle equation connected to the diffusion-aggregation system.
Hence, the title of this talk could have also been \textit{Why is it sometimes useful to reprove already existing convergence results in different norms?}, but this was obviously too long.
However, in this seminar talk I will answer exactly this question and explain the motivation why we reproved the mean-field limit of Chen, G\"ottlich and Knapp in $L^2$-norm and what benefits we got from this result.
For a better understanding of the differences between the two convergence results, the talk will also include a short introduction to moderately interacting particle systems in mean-field regimes. This is joint work with Li Chen and Ansgar J\"ungel.
The seminar will be held over Zoom. The details of the meeting are below
A classical problem in the theory of shape optimization is to find a shape with minimal (linear) elastic compliance for a given amount of mass and prescribed external forces. It is an intriguing question with a long history, going back to Michell's seminal 1904 work on trusses, to determine what happens in the limit of vanishing mass. Contrary to all previous approaches, which utilize a soft mass constraint by introducing a Lagrange multiplier, we here consider the hard mass constraint. Our results establish the convergence of approximately optimal shapes of (exact) size tending to zero, to a limit generalized shape represented by a (possibly diffuse) probability measure. This limit generalized shape is a minimizer of the limit compliance, which involves a new integrand, namely the one conjectured by Bouchitte in 2001 and predicted heuristically before in works of Allaire-Kohn (80's) and Kohn-Strang (90's). This integrand gives the energy of the limit generalized shape understood as a fine oscillation of (optimal) lower-dimensional structures. Its appearance is surprising since the integrand in the original compliance is just a quadratic form and the non-convexity of the problem is not immediately obvious. I will also present connections to the theory of Michell trusses and show how our results can be interpreted as a rigorous justification of that theory on the level of functionals in both two and three dimensions. This is joint work with J.F. Babadjian (Paris-Saclay) and F. Iurlano (Paris-Sorbonne).
Motivated by some physical and biological models, in this talk we consider a class of degenerate parabolic equations. Our analysis is based on gradient flows in the space of probability measures equipped with the distance arising in the Monge-Kantorovich optimal transport problem. The associated internal energy functionals in general fail to be differentiable, therefore classical results do not apply in our setting. We will study the combination of both linear and porous medium type diffusions and we show the existence and uniqueness of the solutions in the sense of distributions in suitable Sobolev spaces. Our notion of solution allows us to give a fine characterization of the emerging ‘critical regions’, observed previously in numerical experiments. A link to a three phase free boundary problem will also be pointed out. It is possible to consider singular limits of our PDEs in a suitable way, to recover further degenerate models from the literature. These results have been obtained in collaboration with Dohyun Kwon (Madison).
This talk is based on a joint work with Angeliki Menegaki (IHES). I will talk about kinetic equations posed on bounded domains where the boundary conditions encode heat entering the system from the walls. We expect these open systems have non-equilibrium steady states (non Gibb's states). I will discuss our paper showing existence and some properties in the case of the BGK equation defined on an interval with a hot and cold wall. I will also discuss the challenges and prospects for analysis of these steady states.
Morrey's inequality quantifies the continuity of functions whose derivatives have high enough integrability. We study the functions for which Morrey's inequality is saturated. We will explain how various qualitative properties of these extremal functions can be deduced from the partial differential equation they satisfy.
We consider the behaviour of a passive tracer (scalar) \(\theta(x,t)\) evolving under \[\partial_t\theta + u\cdot\nabla\theta = \Delta\theta + g\] where \(u(x,t)\) is a random velocity field having the hypothesized Kolmogorov-Obukhov (in 3d) or Kraichnan-Batchelor (in 2d) energy spectrum. There are several regimes, depending on some norms of \(u\) and its high-wavenumber cutoff. We will review several recent results on this problem.
In this second talk, we will consider the questions that we have raised at the end of the previous one, present some recent results as well as the general ideas that structure the proofs.
This will naturally lead us to speak about how to assoiate a manifold to a graph with boundary, and to discuss a process called discretization, which allows to associate a graph with boundary to a manifold.
Moreover, we will state some propositions that spectrally relate these graphs and maifolds, for these links are in the heart of the proofs.
Fix the temperature to be one inside a bounded domain $D \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and zero outside of $D$ at time $t=0$. For $t>0$ small, one would expect that the amount of heat that remains in $D$, called the heat content, should depend upon the geometry of $D$. Motivated by this idea, we shall explore the case where $D \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ is a bounded polygonal domain contained inside another polygonal domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ and study the heat content of $D$ when Neumann boundary conditions are imposed on $\partial \Omega$. We will discuss how to obtain an explicit small-time asymptotic formula for the heat content of $D$ in this case which explicitly depend on the geometry of $D$ relative to $\Omega$. This talk is based on joint work with Katie Gittins.
A Mean Field Game is a differential game (in the sense of game theory) where instead of a finite number of players we have a continuous distribution of (infinitely) many players, however we make the simplifying assumption that all players are identical.
In this talk we consider the existence and uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium in Mean Field Games. We show why the study of Nash Equilibrium naturally leads to the study of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation over the space of measures called the master equation, whose solutions give rise to Nash Equilibrium for our game.
We will see that there are two natural types of noise that one can impose in a Mean Field Game, individual noise and common noise, which correspond to cases where the noise of each player is independent and identical respectively. Individual noise has a regularizing effect that is utilized in most well-posedness results for the master equation.
We explore well-posedness for the master equation in the case without individual noise, under a monotonicity condition.
The goal of this presentation is to get familiar with the discrete Steklov problem. We will recall what is the Steklov problem on a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with boundary, before presenting the concept of graphs with boundary and defining the Steklov problem in this discrete case.
We will then introduce the special kind of graphs with boundary that we will study, which are what we call subgraphs of infinite Cayley graphs, by giving definitions and examples.
We will then give some recent results about them, which naturally give rise to interesting questions, that we will formulate.
The large deviations of interacting diffusions have been a field of interest since the seminal work of D. A. Dawson and J. Gärtner in 1987. The large deviation principle not only provides the almost sure convergence of these interacting diffusions to their corresponding mean-field limits—so-called McKean-Vlasov equations—but also provides a variational formulation for the limiting distribution.
In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the basic concepts of large-deviation theory, particularly Sanov’s theorem and Varadhan’s integral lemma. I will then discuss how these concepts can be used to prove large-deviations principles for interacting diffusions, mentioning the technical difficulties in applying standard theory and illuminating the need for extensions of the standard theory. The last part of the talk will focus on insights into an extension that is applicable for interacting diffusions with singular interacting kernels.
In mean field game theory, the Master Equation is a PDE whose classical solutions may tell us all we need to know about the Nash equilibrium among large numbers of agents. A challenging aspect of the equation is that one of its independent variables is a measure (the mean field), which is infinite dimensional. Since the pioneering work of Cardaliaguet, Delarue, Lasry, and Lions (2019), there have been several results on the well-posedness of the Master Equation, but lots of work remains to be done. In this talk I will focus on a recent contribution (joint work with Ronnie Sircar) in which we prove the existence of classical solutions to the Master Equation for a mean field game of controls with Dirichlet boundary conditions on a half-line, which is a model for exhaustible resource production.
Variational problems with a convexity constraint arise in different scientific disciplines such as Newton's problem of minimal resistance in Physics, the Rochet-Choné model of monopolist's problem in Economics, and wrinkling patterns in floating elastic shells in Elasticity. The convexity constraint renders serious challenges in numerically computing minimizers of these variational problems, and calls for robust approximation schemes. In this talk, we will discuss how these minimizers can be approximated by solutions of singular, fourth order Abreu equations that arise in extremal metrics in complex geometry. Our tools involve sharp regularity estimates for the linearized Monge-Ampere equations in divergence form.
We review Turing-type instabilities and their analysis via classical linear instability analysis. From here we discuss several cases where this approach must be modified to account for complex properties of the medium. Firstly we describe the case of a heterogeneous domain, where a pre-pattern or other spatial heterogeneity influences the reaction-diffusion dynamics. Under the approximation of a sufficiently smooth heterogeneity relative to small diffusion coefficients, we can use WKB asymptotics to show a localisation of the classical Turing conditions. In the opposite regime, when the medium is composed of two distinct stratified layers, we can also make some progress under suitable assumptions. In both scenarios we find much richer dispersion relations, as well as numerous open questions suitable for a range of mathematical techniques and new ideas. Throughout we relate our modelling and analysis back to biological questions of form and function, and suggest further areas of exploration not present in even these more complicated models.
A natural classification of random walks is the one into recurrent and transient ones. This is equivalent to the non-/validity of the Hardy inequality for the energy functional associated with the Laplace operators on the graph. The latter is an abstract inequality between functionals and can be generalised further. The corresponding theory is known as criticality theory.
In this talk, we introduce quasi-linear Schrödinger operators on graphs and show many equivalent statements of a Hardy inequality to hold true. If the time permits, we also discuss the optimality of the corresponding Hardy weight.
In this seminar we study a tissue growth model with applications to tumour growth. The model is based on that of Perthame, Quirós, and Vázquez proposed in 2014 but incorporates the advective effects caused, for instance, by the presence of nutrients, oxygen, or, possibly, as a result of self-propulsion. The main result of this work is the incompressible limit of this model which builds a bridge between the density-based model and a geometry free-boundary problem by passing to a singular limit in the pressure law. The limiting objects are then proven to be unique.
We will consider a non-convex model of single-crystal elasto-plasticity,
where the non-convexity arises through the imposition of a hard
"single-plane" side condition on the plastic deformation. This well-posed
variational model arises as the relaxation of a more fundamental
"single-slip" model in which at most one slip system can be activated at
each spatial point. The relaxation procedure is motivated by the desire for
efficient, oscillation-free simulation of single-crystal plasticity, but it
is not immediately obvious how to implement the strict side-condition (that
at most one slip-plane may be activated at each point) numerically. Our
approach to this problem is to regularize the side-condition by introducing
a large, but finite, cross-hardening penalty into the plastic energy. The
regularized model is then amenable to implementation with standard
finite-element methods, and, with the aid of div-curl arguments, one can
show that it Gamma-converges to the single-plane model for large
First, we discuss optimal spectral enclosures for discrete Laplacians on the line and the half-line perturbed by complex summable potentials. Second, we present related results on a spectral stability of discrete Schrödinger operators on the half-line with small complex potentials. The talk is based on joint projects with O. O. Ibrogimov, D. Krejčiřı́k, and A. Laptev.
Bacterial chemotaxis describes the ability of single-cell organisms to
respond to chemical signals. In the case where the bacterial response to
these chemical signals is sharp, the corresponding chemotaxis model for
bacterial self-organization exhibits a discontinuous advection speed. This
is a key challenge for analysis. We propose a new approach to circumvent the
discontinuity issue following a perturbativ approach, where the shape of the
cellular profile is clearly separated from its global motion. As a result,
we obtain exponential relaxation to equilibrium with an explicit rate. This
is joint work with Vincent Calvez (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
In this talk we analyse the long-time behaviour of solutions to prototypical transport-relaxation systems of BGK-type. We present a hypocoercivity method that modifies the standard norm based on Lyapunov matrix inequalities. The method provides optimal decay rates for constant relaxation rates, where the equation can be Fourier decomposed into finite ODEs. Expressing the Lyapunov functional through pseudo-differential operators allows us to go beyond the ODE approach and prove explicit decay rates for spatially non-homogeneous relaxation. We further discuss how the two-velocity example connects the presented method to other hypocoercivity methods. This is joint work with Anton Arnold, Amit Einav and Beatrice Signorello.
We are concerned with finding Fokker-Planck equations in whole space with the fastest exponential decay towards a given equilibrium. For a prescribed, anisotropic Gaussian we determine a non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation with linear drift that shows the highest exponential decay rate for the convergence of its solutions towards equilibrium. At the same time it has to allow for a decay estimate with a multiplicative constant arbitrarily close to its infimum. This infimum is 1, corresponding to the high-rotational limit in the Fokker-Planck drift.
Such an ìoptimalî Fokker-Planck equation is constructed explicitly with a diffusion matrix of rank one, hence being hypocoercive. The proof is based on the recent result that the $L^2$-propagator norms of the Fokker-Planck equation and of its drift-ODE coincide for all time.
Finally we give an outlook onto using Fokker-Planck equations with t-dependent coefficients.
This talk is based on joint work with Beatrice Signorello.
* A. Arnold, B. Signorello: Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibrium, preprint 2021.
* A. Arnold, C. Schmeiser, B. Signorello. Sharp decay estimates and $L^2$-propagator norm for Fokker-Planck equations with linear drift, to appear in Comm. Math. Sci., 2022.
In this talk we develop the theory of a metric, which we call the $\nu$-based Wasserstein metric and denote by $W_\nu$, on the set of probability measures $\mathcal P(X)$ on a domain $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^m$. This metric is based on a slight refinement of the notion of generalized geodesics with respect to a base measure $\nu$ and is relevant in particular for the case when $\nu$ is singular with respect to $m$-dimensional Lebesgue measure; it is also closely related to the concept of linearized optimal transport. The $\nu$-based Wasserstein metric is defined in terms of an iterated variational problem involving optimal transport to $\nu$; we also characterize it in terms of integrations of classical Wasserstein distance between the conditional probabilities when measures are disintegrated with respect to optimal transport to $\nu$, and through limits of certain multi-marginal optimal transport problems. As we vary the base measure $\nu$, the $\nu$-based Wasserstein metric interpolates between the usual quadratic Wasserstein distance (obtained when $\nu$ is a Dirac mass) and a metric associated with the uniquely defined generalized geodesics obtained when $\nu$ is sufficiently regular (eg, absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue). When $\nu$ concentrates on a lower dimensional submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^m$, we prove that the variational problem in the definition of the $\nu$-based Wasserstein distance has a unique solution. We establish geodesic convexity of the usual class of functionals, and of the set of source measures $\mu$ such that optimal transport between $\mu$ and $\nu$ satisfies a strengthening of the generalized nestedness condition introduced in McCann&Pass 2020. If time permitted we also present an applications of the ideas introduced: we also use the multi-marginal formulation to characterize solutions to the multi-marginal problem by an ordinary differential equation, yielding a new numerical method for it.
We use entropy methods to show that the heat equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the complement of a compact set in R^d shows a self-similar behaviour much like the usual heat equation on R^d, once we account for the loss of mass due to the boundary. Giving good lower bounds for the fundamental solution on these sets is surprisingly a relatively recent result, and we find some improvements using some advances in logarithmic Sobolev inequalities.
By using optimal mass transport theory we prove a sharp isoperimetric inequality in CD(0,N) metric measure spaces assuming an asymptotic volume growth at infinity. Our result extends recently proven isoperimetric inequalities for normed spaces and Riemannian manifolds to a nonsmooth framework. As applications of the isoperimetric inequality, we establish Sobolev and Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn inequalities with explicit sharp constants in Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature. The equality cases are also discussed, establishing various rigidities. Talk based on a joint work with Z. Balogh (Universitat Bern).
We will consider a non-convex model of single-crystal elasto-plasticity, where the non-convexity arises through the imposition of a hard "single-plane" side condition on the plastic deformation. This well-posed variational model arises as the relaxation of a more fundamental "single-slip" model in which at most one slip system can be activated at each spatial point. The relaxation procedure is motivated by the desire for efficient, oscillation-free simulation of single-crystal plasticity, but it is not immediately obvious how to implement the strict side-condition (that at most one slip-plane may be activated at each point) numerically. Our approach to this problem is to regularize the side-condition by introducing a large, but finite, cross-hardening penalty into the plastic energy. The regularized model is then amenable to implementation with standard finite-element methods, and, with the aid of div-curl arguments, one can show that it Gamma-converges to the single-plane model for large penalization.
Everybody enjoys the famous properties of the heat equation like the maximum principle.
Except systems of parabolic equations such as systems of reaction-diffusion equation.
We present some recent progresses on the existence of classical/weak/renormalised
global in time solutions as well as general results on the convergence to a chemical equilibrium state.
Collective dynamics has stimulated intense mathematical research in the last decade. Many different models have been proposed but most of them rely on describing agents as point particles in position-velocity space. We propose a model where the particles carry more complex geometric structure. Specifically, the particles are rigid bodies whose attitude (or body orientation) is described by an orthonormal frame. Particles tend to align their frame with those of their neighbours. In this talk we will review recent results on this model which are issued from collaborations with Antoine Diez, Amic Frouvelle, Sara Merino-Aceituno, Mingye Na and Ariane Trescases.
Reaction-Diffusion systems appear naturally in many biological and chemical phenomena with underlying chemical reactions. One extremely successful method to investigate such systems, and in particular their long time behaviour, is to explore natural functionals of these systems usually known as entropies by means of the so-called Entropy method.
Such an approach is commonly used to investigate reversible reaction-diffusion systems where one is guaranteed a strictly positive equilibrium state. It can’t be directly applied, however, in situations where some of the substances that are involved in the reactions get destroyed over time - a common feature in irreversible systems.
In our talk, based on recent work with Marcel Braukhoff and Bao Quoc Tang, we will present a new approach to circumvent the problems that arise when dealing with decaying substances by considering "cut off" entropies which, when combined with a decreasing mass term, give a new entropy-like functional for which we can apply the ideas of the Entropy method.
We will use this approach in the setting of a well known irreversible enzyme system to not find explicit rates of convergence of the aforementioned entropy, but also for the $L^\infty$ norm of the associated concentrations.
NB: This seminar will take place in person in MCS3070 (please ignore zoom link).
Given a complete non-compact Riemannian manifold (M, g) with certain curvature restrictions, in this talk we introduce an expansion condition concerning a group of isometries G of (M, g) that characterizes the coerciveness of G in the sense of Skrzypczak and Tintarev (Arch Math 101(3): 259–268, 2013). Furthermore, under these conditions, compact Sobolev-type embeddings à la Berestycki-Lions are proved for the full range of admissible parameters (Sobolev, Moser-Trudinger and Morrey).
We also consider the case of non-compact Randers-type Finsler manifolds with finite reversibility constant inheriting similar embedding properties as their Riemannian companions; sharpness of such constructions are shown by means of the Funk model. As an application, a quasilinear PDE on Randers spaces is studied by using the above compact embeddings and variational arguments.
Nonlocal energies are continuum models for large systems of particles with long-range interactions. Under the assumption that the interaction potential is radially symmetric, several authors have investigated qualitative properties of energy minimisers. But what can be said in the case of anisotropic kernels? Motivated by the example of dislocation interactions in materials science, we pushed the methods developed for nonlocal energies beyond the case of radially symmetric potentials, and discovered surprising connections with random matrices, fluid dynamics, and Calderón-Zygmund operators.
In this talk, we will consider scalar first-order minimization problems $\int f(x_0,u,\nabla u)$ with mass constraint $\int u = m$. We will show that suitable rescalings of such functionals $\Gamma$-converge towards a concave $H$-mass functional over the space of positive measures, under mild assumptions on the Lagrangian. From this result we may recover the concentration phenomenon of Cahn-Hilliard fluids into droplets, and obtain variational approximations of general branched transport models by elliptic energies. This is joint work with Antonin Monteil.
Eigenvalue problems are often used to model the stationary states of physical systems. For instance, eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in a planar domain, with a Dirichlet boundary condition, describe the small oscillations of a membrane whose boundary is fixed: the membrane remains motionless where the eigenfunction vanishes. A natural question has emerged while studying this topic: in how many subdomains does the zero-set of an eigenfunction divide the original domain?
I will recall some tools used to tackle this problem and some classical results, focusing on the asymptotic upper bound discovered by Pleijel in 1956. I will then describe the extension of Pleijel's theorem to a large class of Schrödinger operators. This talk is based on joint work with Philippe Charron.
In this talk, we will consider scalar first-order minimization problems $\int f(x_0,u,\nabla u)$ with mass constraint $\int u = m$. We will show that suitable rescalings of such functionals $\Gamma$-converge towards a concave $H$-mass functional over the space of positive measures, under mild assumptions on the Lagrangian. From this result we may recover the concentration phenomenon of Cahn-Hilliard fluids into droplets, and obtain variational approximations of general branched transport models by elliptic energies. This is joint work with Antonin Monteil.
We consider scalar transport equations involving nonlocal interaction terms and different kinds of mobility and we present how to obtain weak solutions (in some regimes even entropy solutions) as many particle limit of a suitable nonlocal version of the deterministic follow-the-leader scheme, which can be interpreted as the discrete Lagrangian approximation of the target pde. We discuss both the cases of linear and nonlinear mobilities as well as how the evolution is affected when a diffusive term is taken into account. The content of this talk is based on several works obtained in collaborations with S. Daneri, M. Di Francesco, S. Fagioli, E. Runa and F. Stra.
Casimir interactions are forces between objects such as perfect conductors. There are three mainstreams of calculating Casimir forces in the physics literature. The first one, due to Casimir, is known as the spectral zeta regularisation of the vacuum energy. The second one is calculated via a surface integral of the renormalised stress energy tensor of the electromagnetic field. The third one is using a Fredholm determinant constructed from layer potential operators. We prove that they are equivalent in our recent work. In this talk, we will briefly introduce these three methods and discuss some main tools we used to prove the equivalence of the methods. This is a joint work with Alex Strohmaier.
We study long time dynamics of combustive processes in random media, modeled by reaction-diffusion equations with random ignition reactions. One expects that under reasonable hypotheses on the randomness, large space-time scale dynamics of solutions to these equations is almost surely governed by a homogeneous Hamilton-Jacobi equation. While this was previously shown in one dimension as well as for radially symmetric reactions in several dimensions, we prove this phenomenon in the general non-isotropic multidimensional setting. We also prove the rate of convergence when the initial data is close to an indicator function of a convex set.
This talk is based on the joint work with Andrej Zlatos.
We study the asymptotical dynamics of the lake equations in case of vanishing or emerging of an island. We derive an asymptotic lake-type equation for both scenarios. In the first case, the asymptotic dynamics displays an additional Dirac mass in the vorticity. The main mathematical difficulty is that the equations are singular when the water depth vanishes. We provide new uniform estimates in weighted spaces for the related stream functions in order to obtain a compactness result.
This is joint work with Lars Eric Hientzsch and Christophe Lacave (Université Grenoble Alpes).
The theory of Mean Field Games is devoted to thestudy of Nash equilibria in (differential) games involving a population of infinitely many identical players. In the PDE framework, a MFG system consists of coupled Hamilton-Jacobi and Fokker-Planck equations, which characterize equilibria of the population. I will discuss in the talk some results on the existence and non-existence of these equilibria, in a setting where players are strongly encouraged to aggregate. The results have been obtained in collaboration with D. Ghilli (LUISS).
In this talk, we aim to present recent results aboutthe rigorous derivation of hydrodynamic equations from the Boltzmann equation for inelastic hard spheres with small inelasticity. The hydrodynamic system that we obtain is an incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system with self-consistent forcing terms and, to our knowledge, it is the first hydrodynamic system that properly describes rapid granular flows consistent with the kinetic formulation in physical dimension d=3. For that purpose, one of the main mathematical difficulty is to understand the relation between the restitution coefficient, which quantifies the energy loss at the microscopic level, and the Knudsen number. This is achieved by identifying the correct nearly elastic regime to capture nontrivial hydrodynamic behavior. The talk is based on a joint work with Ricardo Alonso (Texas A&M University at Qatar) and Isabelle Tristani (ENS Paris,Université PSL).
The Poisson summation formula tells us that the Dirac comb (the sum of delta-functions on integer points) is invariant the Fourier transform, which rotates by pi/2 in phase space. We discuss what results when rotating by other angles, as an application of classical tools for affine transformations on phase space (known as the Heisenberg / metaplectic / Jacobi groups).
The study of p-harmonic functions on Riemannian manifolds has invoked the interest of mathematicians and physicists for nearly two centuries. Applications within physics can for example be found in continuum mechanics, elasticity theory, as well as two-dimensional hydrodynamics problems involving Stokes flows of incompressible Newtonianfluids.
In my talk I will focus on the construction of explicit p-harmonic functions on rank-one Lie groups of Iwasawa type. This is joint work with Sigmundur Gudmundsson and Marko Sobak.
We discuss the rigidity of measurable subsets in the Euclidean space such that the Lebesgue measure of their intersection with a ball of radius r, centred at any point in the essential boundary, is constant. Based on a joint work with Dorin Bucur.
Phase transitions are present in a wide array of systems ranging from traffic to machine learning algorithms. In this talk, we will relate the concept of phase transitions to the convexity properties of the associated thermodynamic energy. Motivated by noisy stochastic gradient descent in supervised learning, we will consider the problem of understanding the thermodynamic limit of exchangeable weakly interacting diffusions (AKA propagation of chaos) from an energetic perspective. The strategy will be to exploit the 2-Wasserstein gradient flow structure associated with the thermodynamic energy in the infinite particle setting. Using this perspective, we will show how phase transitions affect the homogenization limit or the stability of the log-Sobolev inequality.
I will give an introduction to the phenomenon of “revivals”, or“dispersive quantisation”. Although first reported experimentally in 1835 by Talbot, this phenomenon was only studied in the ’90’s. In particular, in the context of PDEs, it was studied for the periodic free space Schroedinger equation by Berry and al, and it was then rediscovered for the Airy equation by Peter Olver in 2010. Since then, a sizeable literature has examined revivals for the periodic problem for linear dispersive equations with polynomial dispersion relation. What I will discuss in this talk is further occurrences of this phenomenon for different boundary conditions, a novel form of revivals for more general dispersion relations and nonlocal equations such as the linearised Benjamin-Ono equation, and nonlinear (integrable) generalisations. This work is joint with Lyonell Boulton, George Farmakis, Peter Olver and David Smith.
The physical size of particles plays an important role in many applications in physics and the life sciences. However, the problem of including such finite size effects in mean-field models consistently is mostly open. In this talk I will discuss different microscopic models for mixtures of hard-spheres as well as their formal limiting PDEs. These continuum equations often have similar properties, such as degenerate mobilities, cross-diffusion terms or a lack of an underlying gradient flow (GF) structure. The lack of a full GF structure is often caused by the approximations made when passing to the limit. But the resulting systems often have an asymptotic gradient flow (AGF) structure, that is a gradient flow structure up to a certain order. This structure can be used to study the behavior of solutions close to equilibrium. However, different entropy-mobility pairs can be found to describe such equations (up to a certain order), some of them satisfying physical principles, others not. I will discuss the behavior of solutions to these possible entropy-mobility pairs and illustrate their difference with numerical simulations.
I will consider an optimal control problem for a large
population of interacting agents with deterministic dynamics,
aggregating potential and
constraints on reciprocal distances, in dimension 1 and I will discuss
existence and qualitative properties of periodic in time optimal
trajectories, with particular interest on the compactness of the
solutions' support and on the saturation of the distance constraint.
Moreover, I will show the consistency of the mean-field optimal control
problem with density constraints with the corresponding underlying
finite agent one and deduce some qualitative results for the time
periodic equilibria of the limit problem. Joint work with Marco Cirant
In this talk, I will present stochastic material models described by strain-energy densities where the parameters are characterised by probability distributions at a continuum level. To answer important questions, such as “what is the influence of probabilistic parameters on predicted mechanical responses?” and “what are the possible equilibrium states and how does their stability depend on the material constitutive law?”, I will focus on likely instabilities in nematic liquid crystal elastomers. I will discuss the soft elasticity phenomenon where, upon stretching at constant temperature, the homogeneous state becomes unstable and alternating shear stripes develop at very low stress, and also some classical effects inherited from the underlying polymeric network, such as necking, cavitation, and shell inflation instabilities. These fundamental problems are important in their own right and may stimulate related mechanical testing of nematic materials.
Given a bounded open set $\Omega$ in $ \mathbb R^2$ and a regular partition of $\Omega$ by $k$ open sets $D_j$, and assume that:
* This is an equipartition $\mathfrak l_k:= \lambda(D_j)$(for all $j$) where $\lambda(D_j)$ is the ground state energy of the Dirichlet realization of the Laplacian in $D_j$
* It has the pair compatibility condition, i.e. for any pair of neighbors in the partition $D_i,D_j$, there is a linear combination of the ground states in $D_i$ and $D_j$ which is an eigenfunction of the Dirichlet problem in $\text{int}(\overline{D_i\cup D_j})$.
Typical examples are nodal partitions and spectral minimal partitions.
The aim is to extend the indices and Dirichlet-to-Neumann like
operators introduced by Berkolaiko--Cox--Marzuola in the nodal case to this more general situation. Like in the analysis of minimal partitions, this will
involve in particular the analysis of suitable Aharonov-Bohm operators.
This talk is a small journey through sub-Riemannian geometries. We will focus on the α-Grushin plane to illustrate key features of the theory. Geodesics can be obtained from the Hamiltonian point of view: they can be expressed with special trigonometric functions. Finally, we will investigate different notions of curvature and see how well they are fitted for these types of singular spaces.
The talk will be about compressible and incompressible nonlinear elasticity variational problems. Our contribution is to provide a convex relaxation for a class of non convex problem, together with sufficient conditions guaranteeing its tightness. Our relaxation is based on a notion of Dirichlet energy for measure valued mappings which is interesting in itself, and the proof of tightness relies on convex analysis and the study of a dual problem.
This is joint work with Nassif Ghoussoub, Young-Heon Kim and Aaron Palmer (UBC):
In this talk we consider a class of finite horizon first order mean field games. The main focus here will be to provide a simple proof of convergence of symmetric N-player Nash equilibria in distributed open-loop strategies to solutions of the mean field game in Lagrangian form. The talk is based on a joint work with Markus Fischer (University of Padua).
The theory of metric measure spaces verifying the Riemannian-Curvature-Dimension condition RCD(K,N) has attracted a lot of interest in the last years.
They can be thought as a non smooth counterpart of the class of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by K and dimension bounded from above by N.
So far we have reached a good understanding of their structure up to negligible sets and it seems natural to push the study further, up to codimension one.
In this talk I will outline some recent developments about the structure of boundaries of sets of finite perimeter obtained in joint works with Ambrosio, Brue' and Pasqualetto, where we extended De Giorgi's celebrated theorem to this framework. The results are expected to be useful to improve our knowledge on the fine structure of these spaces and on their global shape.
In this talk I will consider the spectral resolution of the Laplacian operator on a manifold and discuss the question of how spectral projectors can concentrate on a given subset of the manifold. In particular we will consider two cases : compact manifolds with or without boundary in which the purely discrete spectrum leads to finite combinations of eigenfunctions and the unbounded case without boundaries, in which the spectrum contains a continous part. In both cases we give quantitative estimates for the localisation of the spectral projection in terms of the highest frequnecy involved, which are essentially optimal. We also try to refine the uncertainty principle in this situation so as to consider the smallest possible localisation.
This is based on joint work with G. Lebeau (Nice) and N. Burq (Orsay).
It has been discovered that the lower bound of Ricci curvature $\kappa$ of a Riemannian manifold can be characterized by the displacement $\kappa$-convexity (in the Optimal transport sense) of the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy. Via this characterization, Sturm ('˜06) and Lott-Villani ('˜09) defined the well-known notion of 'Ricci curvature' for a more general class of metric measure spaces. Inspired by the previous work, Erbar and Maas ('˜11) gave the modified definition of this Ricci curvature for discrete Markov chains, and they also described this curvature in terms of Bochner's inequality and gradient estimate with respect to the heat semigroup (in the spirit of Bakry-Émery).
After discussing the history of this entropic Ricci curvature, I will briefly talk about my work on how to apply the gradient estimate to obtain an upper bound of the diameter of the underlying graph of the Markov chains with positive Ricci curvature.
The mean field opinion model treats the evolution of opinions as Markov Chain with a mean field interaction. The models exhibits a wide array of behaviours depending on the time and space scales. The purpose of this talk is to introduce the model and explain its properties. This is a joint work with Inês Armendáriz, Monia Capanna and Pablo Ferrari.
Let $\Omega$ be a planar, bounded, connected, open set with Lipschitz boundary. Let $u$ be an eigenfunction of the Laplacian on $\Omega$ with either a Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary condition. We are interested in the number of nodal domains of $u$.
If an eigenfunction $u$ associated with the $k$--th eigenvalue has exactly $k$ nodal domains, then we call it a Courant-sharp eigenfunction. In this case, we call the corresponding eigenvalue Courant-sharp.
The Courant-sharp Dirichlet, respectively Neumann, eigenvalues of the square are known due to Pleijel, B\'erard--Helffer, respectively Helffer--Persson-Sundqvist.
We discuss whether the Robin eigenvalues of the square are Courant-sharp.
This is based on joint work with B. Helffer (Université de Nantes).
The Fokker-Planck equation plays an important role when one considers problems that involve white noise. As such, it has a long and illustrious history with many applications in statistical physics, plasma physics, stochastic analysis and mathematical finances.
Recent studies have focused on the case where the diffusive part of the equation is degenerate, an issue that can impact the long time behaviour of the solution to this equation. This difficulty, however, can be corrected by the drift mechanism in the system, as long as it manages to 'mix' the diffusive and non-diffusive directions. When this happens, a simple and natural equilibrium emerges.
The strong connection between the Fokker-Planck equation and the world of statistical physics also fosters the tool to investigate the aforementioned convergence: The notion of an entropy for the system. One common methodology to investigate the long time behaviour under an entropy is the so-called entropy method, where one searches for a geometric functional inequality between the entropy and its formal production under the evolution flow. This methodology, however, is problematic when degeneracy appears.
In the case where the diffusion and drift parts of the equation are constant, Anton and Erb have introduced in 2014 a 'modified' production functional (motivated by notions of hypocoercivity), which have managed to yield the sharp convergence rate for a large family of entropies, when the diffusion matrix is degenerate or not - as long as the drift matrix wasn't defective.
The problems the defectiveness of the drift bring become apparent when one examines the standard technique to obtain the desired inequality of the entropy method, the so-called Bakry-Èmry method. In this technique one uses the entropy method again - but on the production functional.
In this talk we shall consider a different approach to the problem, which yields the sharp rate of convergence to equilibrium for a family of natural entropies to the system. We will circumvent the entropy method by carefully exploring the spectral properties of the Fokker-Planck operator in an appropriate Hilbert setting, resulting in the desired convergence for one particular entropy, which will then be cascaded to all other entropies by the use a newly found non-symmetric hypercontractivity result.
This talk is based on a joint work with Anton Arnold and Tobias Wöhrer.
It is a classical problem of inverse spectral geometry to find geometric quantities that can be determined from the spectrum of an elliptic differential operator. For example, it follows from the work of Girouard, Parnovski, Polterovich and Sher that spectral asymptotics for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map of the Laplacian determine the number and lengths of the boundary components of a surface, but not any more. In this talk, I will explain how we can recover more geometric information from a surface if we consider instead the Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps associated with Schrödinger operators. I will also explain how this has application to the inverse scattering problem, and therefore to non-destructive testing. This is joint work with Simon St-Amant (Université de Montréal).
NOTE: exceptionally, this talk will take place in CG93.
We provide examples of initial data which saturate the enhanced diffusion rates proved
for general shear flows which are Hölder regular or Lipschitz continuous with critical points, and
for regular circular flows, establishing the sharpness of those results. The proof makes use of a
probabilistic interpretation of the dissipation of solutions to advection diffusion equations.
It has been known for several decades that, despite being a PDE, the 2d Navier-Stokes equations are effectively governed by a finite number of degrees of freedom. We will discuss how these are related to the complexity of the flow and present some results obtained by former Durham PhD students.
We will look at the classical problem of minimizing the Dirichlet energy of a map $u :\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^2\to N$ valued into a compact Riemannian manifold $N$ and subjected to a Dirichlet boundary condition $u=\gamma$ on $\partial\Omega$. It is well known that if $\gamma$ has a non-trivial homotopy class in $N$, then there are no maps in the critical Sobolev space $H^1(\Omega,N)$ such that $u=\gamma$ on $\partial\Omega$. To overcome this obstruction, a way is to rather consider a relaxed version of the Dirichlet energy leading to singular harmonic maps with a finite number of topological singularities in $\Omega$. This was done in the 90's in a pioneering work by Bethuel-Brezis-Helein in the case $N=\mathbb{S}^1$, related to the Ginzburg-Landau theory. In general, we will see that minimizing the energy leads at main order to a non-trivial combinatorial problem which consists in finding the energetically best topological decomposition of the boundary map $\gamma$ into minimizing geodesics in $N$. Moreover, we will introduce a renormalized energy whose minimizers correspond to the optimal positions of the singularities in $\Omega$.
We consider Schroedinger operators on the whole Euclidean space or on the half-space, subject to real Robin boundary conditions. I will present the construction of a non-real potential that decays at infinity so that the corresponding Schroedinger operator has infinitely many non-real eigenvalues accumulating at every point of the essential spectrum. This proves that the Lieb-Thirring inequalities, crucial in quantum mechanics for the proof of stability of matter, do no longer hold in the non-selfadjoint case.
We extend a result of Davies and Nath [1] on the location of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators $-\Delta+V$ with slowly decaying complex-valued potentials to higher dimensions. We also discuss examples related to the Laptev--Safronov conjecture [2], which stipulates that the absolute value of any complex eigenvalue can be bounded in terms of the $L^q$ norm of $V$, for a certain range of exponents $q$. The talk is based on [3].
[1] Davies, E. B. and Nath, J. Schrödinger operators with slowly decaying potentials J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2002, 148, 1-28
[2] Laptev, A. and Safronov, O. Eigenvalue estimates for Schrödinger operators with complex potentials Comm. Math. Phys., 2009, 292, 29-54
[3] Cuenin, J.-C. Improved eigenvalue bounds for Schr\"odinger operators with slowly decaying potentials arXiv e-prints, 2019, arXiv:1904.03954
We present a probabilistic analysis of the long-time behaviour of the nonlocal, diffusive equa- tions with a gradient flow structure in 2-Wasserstein metric, namely, the Mean-Field Langevin Dynamics (MFLD). Our work is motivated by a desire to provide a theoretical underpinning for the convergence of stochastic gradient type algorithms widely used for non-convex learning tasks such as training of deep neural networks. The key insight is that the certain class of the finite dimensional non-convex problems becomes convex when lifted to infinite dimensional space of measures. We leverage this observation and show that the corresponding energy functional defined on the space of probability measures has a unique minimiser which can be characterised by a first order condition using the notion of linear functional de- rivative. Next, we show that the flow of marginal laws induced by the MFLD converges to the stationary distribution which is exactly the minimiser of the energy functional. We show that this convergence is exponential under conditions that are satisfied for highly regularised learning tasks. At the heart of our analysis is a pathwise perspective on Otto calculus used in gradient flow literature which is of independent interest. Our proof of convergence to stationary probability measure is novel and it relies on a generalisation of LaSalle's invariance principle. Importantly we do not assume that interaction potential of MFLD is of convolution type nor that has any particular symmetric structure. This is critical for applications. Finally, we show that the error between finite dimensional optimisation problem and its infinite dimensional limit is of order one over the number of parameters.
Inspired by recent works on the threshold dynamics scheme for multi-phase mean curvature flow (by Esedoglu-Otto and Laux-Otto), we introduce a novel framework to approximate solutions of the Muskat problem with surface tension. Our approach is based on interpreting the Muskat problem as a gradient flow in a product Wasserstein space and in particular we construct weak solutions via a minimizing movements scheme. Rather than working directly with the singular surface tension force, we instead relax the perimeter functional with the heat content energy approximation of Esedoglu-Otto. The heat content energy allows us to show the convergence of the associated minimizing movement scheme in the Wasserstein space, and makes the scheme far more tractable for numerical simulations. Under a typical energy convergence assumption, we show that our scheme converges to weak solutions of the Muskat problem with surface tension. The talk is based on a recent joint work with Matt Jacobs (UCLA) and Inwon Kim (UCLA).
Inspired by recent works on the threshold dynamics scheme for multi-phase mean curvature flow (by Esedoglu-Otto and Laux-Otto), we introduce a novel framework to approximate solutions of the Muskat problem with surface tension. Our approach is based on interpreting the Muskat problem as a gradient flow in a product Wasserstein space and in particular we construct weak solutions via a minimizing movements scheme. Rather than working directly with the singular surface tension force, we instead relax the perimeter functional with the heat content energy approximation of Esedoglu-Otto. The heat content energy allows us to show the convergence of the associated minimizing movement scheme in the Wasserstein space, and makes the scheme far more tractable for numerical simulations. Under a typical energy convergence assumption, we show that our scheme converges to weak solutions of the Muskat problem with surface tension. The talk is based on a recent joint work with Matt Jacobs (UCLA) and Inwon Kim (UCLA).
I will present the results from my recent paper* (with Jan Sieber) and show intuitively how forest dynamics and bistability at the landscape scale emerge from the microscale reaction rules. There will be plenty of cellular automaton simulation videos. I will also show how the forest and fire automaton relates to epidemic models and how one can derive a coarse-grained description without relying on mean-field approximations. *
The term 'submesoscale' refers to ocean features with a horizontal timescale of 100m - 10km. These features consist of a range of Eddie's, fronts and waves which exist in a regime where the typical non-dimensional parameters of the system are all order 1. I will explain the importance and challenges of modelling submesoscale motion and present some of my work on ocean fronts and frontal instabilities.
In tissues as diverse as amphibian skin and the human airway, the cilia that propel fluid are grouped in sparsely distributed multiciliated cells (MCCs). I will discuss fluid transport in this “mosaic” architecture, with emphasis on the trade-offs that may have been responsible for its evolutionary selection. Live imaging of MCCs in embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis shows that cilia bundles behave as active vortices that produce a flow field accurately represented by a local force applied to the fluid. A coarse-grained model that self-consistently couples bundles to the ambient flow reveals that hydrodynamic interactions between MCCs limit their rate of work so that they best shear the tissue at a finite but low area coverage, a result that mirrors findings for other sparse distributions such as cell receptors and leaf stomata. I will conclude by discussing the implications of our findings in the context of tissue development.
Data-driven methods play a crucial role in helping scientists discover governing equations from data, leading to a deeper understanding of natural mechanisms. These equations are often partial differential equations (PDEs), containing linear and nonlinear partial derivative terms. We propose an extension to the ARGOS framework, developing a sparse regression algorithm based on the multi-step adaptive lasso to automatically identify PDEs with limited prior knowledge. The proposed framework automates calculating partial derivatives, constructing a candidate library, and estimating a sparse model. We rigorously evaluate the performance of our method by identifying canonical PDEs under various noise levels and sample sizes, highlighting its robustness in handling noisy and non-uniformly distributed data. We also assess the algorithm's effectiveness with pure random noise to simulate scenarios where data quality is compromised. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the new approach in identifying the underlying PDEs from data.
In this talk I will present past and recent results on the mathematical development of a theory for multi-dimensional localised patterns which are solutions of continuum models that have a spatially localised region of cellular pattern embedded in a quiescent state. These patterns occur in fluid experiments, vegetation patches, buckling of cylinders and biological pattern formation. I will present the range of analytical and numerical techniques that have been developed (in particular related to the recent SIAM 2024 T. Brooke Benjamin Prize) and show that this is an open field with many interesting and fruitful avenues to explore.
Superfluids, such as those formed by ultra-cold atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs), have incredible properties, such as the ability to flow without viscous effects, and the fact that vorticity is quantized.
Although the problem of superfluid flow past a potential barrier is a well-studied problem in BECs, fewer studies have considered the case of superfluid flow through a disordered potential. We consider the case of a superfluid in a channel with multiple point-like barriers, randomly placed to form a disordered potential. We identify the relationship between the relative position of two point-like barriers, and the critical velocity for vortex nucleation of this arrangement, before considering a system with many obstacles. We then study how the flow of a superfluid in a point-like disordered potential is arrested through the nucleation of vortices and the breakdown of superfluidity. We then consider the vortex decay rate as the width of the barriers and show that vortex pinning becomes an important effect.
We then turn our attention to a two-component BEC in the immiscible limit. In such a system, if vortices are formed in a ``majority’’ component, atoms in the ``minority’’ component will fill the vortex cores, modifying the vortex profile. We show that a variational approach can be employed to approximate the vortex profile for a range of atom numbers in the in-filling component, and that these solutions are stable to small perturbations. We then consider the dynamics of these in-filled vortices.
How do mobile organisms situate themselves in space? This is a fundamental question in both ecology and cell biology but, since space use is an emergent feature of movement processes operating on small spatio-temporal scales, it requires a mathematical approach to answer. In recent years, increasing empirical research has shown that non-locality is a key aspect of movement processes, whilst mathematical models have demonstrated its importance for understanding emergent space use patterns. In this talk, I will describe a broad class of models for modelling the space use of interacting populations, whereby directed movement is in the form of non-local advection. I will detail various methods for ascertaining pattern formation properties of these models, fundamental for answering the question of how organisms situate themselves in space, and describe some of the rich variety of patterns that emerge.
Biofilm formation impacts many fields, from medical technologies (e.g. catheter design) to infrastructure development (e.g. water supply pipes) due to contamination and infection risks. For the case of motile micro-swimmers, the early stages of biofilm behaviour are dependent on the physical properties of swimmers and their flow environments as these affect the likelihood of surface interactions and surface colonisation. In our work, we highlight the effect of boundary conditions on the bulk flow distributions, such as through the development of boundary layers or secondary peaks of cell accumulation in bulk-flow swimmer dynamics. For the case of a dilute swimmer suspension in 2D channel flow, we compare distributions (in physical and orientation space) obtained from individual-based stochastic models with those from continuum models, and identify mathematically sensible continuum boundary conditions for different physical scenarios (i.e. specular reflection, uniform random reflection and absorbing boundaries). We identify the dependence of the spread of preferred cell orientations on the interplay between rotation driven by sheared flows and rotational diffusion. We further highlight the effects of swimmer geometries, fluid shear, and the full history of bulk-flow dynamics on the orientation distributions of micro-swimmer wall incidence.
Androgen deprivation therapy’s ability to reduce tumour growth represents a milestone in prostate cancer treatment. Nonetheless, most patients eventually become refractory and develop castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Second-generation drugs and their combination have been recently approved for the treatment of CRPC. However, cases of tumour resistance to these new drugs have now been reported. In the last few years, many mathematical models have been proposed to describe the dynamics of prostate cancer under treatment. So far, one of the significant challenges has been the development of mathematical models that could represent experiments under in vivo conditions (experiments on individuals) and, therefore, be suitable for clinical applications while being mathematically tractable. In this talk, I will present a comprehensive study of the phenomena of castration and drug resistance in prostate cancer. I will show how, through the integration of experimental data, statistical analysis and mathematical and computational approaches, it was possible to gain insights into the reasons behind resistance and potential therapeutic strategies to overcome it. Two models will be proposed: a nonlinear distributed-delay dynamical system that explores neuroendocrine transdifferentiation in human prostate cancer in vivo under androgen deprivation therapy [1] and a hybrid cellular automaton with stochastic elements to represent multiple drug therapies [2]. The analytical and numerical study of the first dynamical system showed how the choice of the delay distribution is critical in defining the system’s dynamics and determining the conditions for the onset of oscillations following a Hopf bifurcation. On the other hand, through the computational analysis of the hybrid model, it was possible to investigate the spatial behaviour of tumour cells, the effectiveness of multiple drug therapies on prostate cancer growth, and to identify the best drug combination strategies and treatment schedules to achieve the extinction of cancer cells and avoid metastasis formation. The model revealed that combination and alternating therapies can delay the onset of drug resistance and, in suitable scenarios, can eliminate the disease. The presented mathematical systems incorporate phenomena previously reported in the literature [3,4,5] and verified in the laboratory, such as cell phenotype switching due to drug resistance acquisition and the micro-environment dynamics’ effect on the tumour cells’ necrosis and apoptosis. References [1] Turner, L., Burbanks, A., & Cerasuolo, M. (2021). PCa dynamics with neuroendocrine differentiation and distributed delay. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18(6), 8577–8602. [2] Burbanks A, Cerasuolo M, Ronca R, Turner L, 2023. A hybrid spatiotemporal model of PCa dynamics and insights into optimal therapeutic strategies. Mathematical Biosciences, 355, 108940. [3] J. Baez, Y. Kuang, Mathematical models of androgen resistance in prostate cancer patients under intermittent androgen suppression therapy, Appl. Sci., 6 (2016), 352. [4] A. Anderson, 2005. A hybrid mathematical model of solid tumour invasion: the importance of cell adhesion, Math. Med. Biol. 22, 163-186. [5] M. Cerasuolo, F. Maccarinelli, D. Coltrini, A. Mahmoud, V. Marolda, G. Ghedini, S. Rezzola, A. Giacomini, L. Triggiani, M. Kostrzewa, R. Verde, D. Paris, D. Melck, M. Presta, A. Ligresti, R. Ronca, 2020. Modeling acquired resistance to the second-generation androgen receptor antagonist enzalutamide in the tramp model of prostate cancer, Cancer Res. 80 (7), 1564–157.
Following a chemical weapons attack, it is crucial for public health that the toxic chemical agent is located and cleaned up. One particular issue is when the agent has been absorbed into porous building materials such as concrete, brick or plasterboard. The government bodies with responsibility for this remediation, Defra and DSTL, must ensure they have protocols in place for effective and efficient decontamination. This talk will follow a story of how mathematicians have worked with Defra and DSTL to model the transport and chemical decontamination reaction between the toxic agent and an applied cleanser within a porous material, beginning with a Study Group and including some of my recent work developing asymptotic methods to model multi-scale free-boundary reaction fronts. I will also discuss some benefits and challenges I’ve experienced working with industrial partners more broadly.
Organoids are three-dimensional multicellular tissue constructs used in applications such as drug testing and personalised medicine. We are working with the biotechnology company Cellesce, who develop bioprocessing systems for the expansion of organoids at scale. Part of their technology includes a bioreactor, in which organoids are embedded within a layer of hydrogel and a flow of culture media across the hydrogel is utilised to enhance nutrient delivery to, and facilitate waste removal from, the organoids. A complete understanding of the system requires spatial and temporal information regarding the relationship between flow and the resulting metabolite concentrations throughout the bioreactor. However, it is impractical to obtain these data empirically, as the highly-controlled environment of the bioreactor poses difficulties for online real-time monitoring of the system. Mathematical modelling can be used to improve the yield of organoids grown within the bioreactor, by predicting the metabolite concentrations during culture for different operating conditions. However, since millions of discrete organoids are grown simultaneously, modelling the mass transport and organoid growth is computationally infeasible in this multiply connected three-dimensional problem involving many moving boundaries of organoid-hydrogel interface. We present a general mathematical model for the transport of nutrient and waste metabolite to and from organoids growing within the hydrogel. We use an asymptotic (multiscale) approach to systematically determine the correct system of effective equations that govern the macroscale mass transport within the hydrogel. The homogenised hydrogel model is coupled to the behaviour within the culture media region, and we explore this model for different culture conditions for the bioreactor. Our results show how the operating protocol influences the metabolite transport within the bioreactor, highlighting the importance of the role of flow in the bioreactor in enhancing metabolite transport, and consequently improving organoid growth.
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) provide a novel approach for numerical simulations, tackling challenges of discretization and enabling seamless integration of noisy data and physical models (e.g., partial differential equations). This presentation highlights new opportunities that are enabled through physics-informed machine learning. We will discuss the results of our recent studies where we apply PINNs for coronal magnetic field simulations of solar active regions, which are essential to understand the genesis and initiation of solar eruptions and to predict the occurrence of high-energy events from our Sun. We optimize our network to match observations of the photospheric magnetic field vector at the bottom-boundary, while simultaneously satisfying the force-free and divergence-free equations in the entire simulation volume. We demonstrate that our method can account for noisy data and deviates from the physical model where the force-free magnetic field assumption cannot be satisfied. We simulate the evolution of the active region (AR) NOAA 11158 over 5 continuous days of observations at full cadence of 12 min. The derived evolution of the free magnetic energy and helicity in the active region, demonstrates that our model captures flare signatures, and that the depletion of free magnetic energy spatially aligns with the observed EUV emission. The total computation time requires about 10 hours, which presents the first method that can perform realistic coronal magnetic field extrapolations in quasi real-time, and allows for advanced space weather monitoring. Physics-informed neural networks can flexibly combine multiple data sources in a single simulation. We demonstrate this by utilizing multi-height magnetic field measurements, where the additional chromospheric field information leads to a more realistic approximation of the solar coronal magnetic field. We conclude with an outlook on our ongoing work, where we extend this approach to MHD simulations and perform global magnetic field simulations.
The density stratified, rotating, ocean permits an energetic field of internal gravity waves. Lee waves are one variety of such waves, generated when steady currents interact with rough seafloor topography. These waves are an important sink of energy and momentum from the mean flow, and their effect must therefore be parameterised in global climate models. Typically, linear theory is used to estimate the energy flux into lee waves and to construct global maps of the resulting energy dissipation and mixing. In this talk, I will introduce and discuss linear theory for lee wave generation, extending to the more realistic case of propagation through spatially variable flows, and reflection at the ocean surface.
The patterning of biological tissues is essential for the formation of the organs that make up our bodies. It relies on self-organisation, which emerges from dynamic, iterative interactions between components from molecular to cellular to tissue levels. Polarisation is one of the most basic levels of cell and tissue scale patterning. In developing epithelial tissues, planar polarisation is vital for coordinated cell behaviours during morphogenesis. Alongside experimental approaches, mathematical modelling offers a useful tool with which to unravel the underlying mechanisms. I will describe our recent and ongoing efforts to model the planar polarised behaviours of cells in developing epithelial tissues, how these models have given new mechanistic insights into various aspects of embryonic development, and the mathematical and computational challenges associated with this work.
Large (macro) bodies, such as whales and bumblebees, move about using thin membranes (fins and wings etc.). Very small (micro) bodies, such as spermatozoa, use slender filaments for movement. At the macroscale, locomotion is achieved by imparting momentum to the surrounding fluid through inertial forces. At the microscale, such a strategy would be foiled by large viscous drag forces; hence, locomotion is achieved by exploiting drag forces. At some lengthscale, there is a shift from using thin membranes to using hairs to move. In this talk, we will explore the hydrodynamic basis of locomotion in this "mesoscale" realm, with the common dandelion fruit as our tour guide.
The concept of a diluted soliton gas was introduced in 1971
by V.E. Zakharov as an infinite collection of weakly interacting
solitons. More recently, this concept has been extended to dense gases,
in which solitons interact strongly and continuously. In the last few
years, this field of studies has attracted a rapidly growing interest
from both theoretical and experimental points of view. One of the main
reasons for this change is the development of numerical algorithms,
which made it possible for the first time to simulate wave dynamics of
a dense soliton gas. With the help of these algorithms, it has been
demonstrated recently that soliton gas dynamics underlies some
fundamental nonlinear wave phenomena, such as the spontaneous
modulation instability and formation of rogue waves. In my talk, I am
going to review recent results and outline perspectives for the current
studies of solitonic models, demonstrating that these models might be
the key to solving some of the oldest and most pertinent problems in
the nonlinear waves theory.
Filamentous material may exhibit structure dependent material
properties and function that depends on their entanglement. Even though
intuitively entanglement is often understood in terms of knotting or
linking, many of the filamentous systems in the natural world are not
mathematical knots or links. In this talk we will introduce a novel
framework in knot theory that can characterize the complexity of simple
curves in 3-space in general. In particular, it will be shown how the
Jones polynomial, a traditional topological invariant in knot theory,
is a special case of a general Jones polynomial that applies to both
open and closed curves in 3-space. Similarly, Vassiliev measures will
be generalized to characterize the knotting of open and closed curves.
When applied to open curves, these are continuous functions of the
curve coordinates instead of topological invariants. We will apply our
methods to polymeric systems and show that the topological entanglement
captured by these mathematical methods indeed captures polymer
entanglement effects in polymer melts and solutions. These novel
topological metrics apply also to proteins and we will show that these
enable us to create a new framework for understanding protein folding,
which is validated by experimental data. These methods thus not only
open a new mathematical direction in knot theory, but can also help us
understand polymer and biopolymer function and material properties in
many contexts with the goal of their prediction and design.
Many time-dependent systems in finance, industry and natural sciences are characterised by two or more distinct time scales. The prominent examples are the geophysical flows that consist of fast waves and slowly moving vortices. The numerical time integration of these systems is challenging as the fast oscillations require very small timesteps. In this talk, I review the “phase averaging” method for the time integration of these system and then present my complementary idea to improve this method. To alleviate the stiffness of multi-timescale systems the nonlinear terms in the equation are averaged over fast oscillations, which leads to an integral in the averaged equation. This integral is then approximated by a quadrature sum where each term can be evaluated in parallel to reduce the overall computational time. My complementary idea is based on layers of correction with different averaging windows which are smartly stacked up such that they can be run in parallel. In a few numerical examples, I show how this allows us to take ridiculously long timesteps (which are sometimes even larger than the period of fast oscillations) to capture the slow dynamics that incorporates the oscillations feedback.
Vegetation patterns are a ubiquitous feature of semi-arid regions and are a prime example of a self-organisation principle in ecology. In this talk, I present bifurcation analyses of two PDE models to (i) investigate the effects of nonlocal seed dispersal, and (ii) identify a mechanism that enables species coexistence despite competition for a limiting resource.
Quasi-static modelling of the Sun’s corona using the magneto-frictional approximation makes predictions of how its large-scale magnetic structure might vary over the solar cycle. Unlike the traditional potential field source surface model, this approach is able to probe the effects of low coronal electric currents and the corresponding free magnetic energy. In particular, ongoing footpoint shearing and flux cancellation lead to the concentration of free energy within closed-field regions, naturally forming sheared arcades and magnetic flux ropes. I will show model results for Cycle 24 driven by magnetogram data from SDO/HMI, with the aim of comparing to earlier results from a decade ago for Cycle 23. In particular, we will consider how solar flux ropes and their eruptions vary over the solar cycle, at least according to this model.
We explore the dynamics of a compressible fluid bubble surrounded by an incompressible fluid of infinite extent in three-dimensions, constructing bubble solutions with finite time blowup under this framework when the equation of state relating pressure and volume is soft (e.g., with volume singularities that are locally weaker than that in the Boyle-Mariotte law), resulting in a finite time blowup of the surrounding incompressible fluid, as well. We focus on two families of solutions, corresponding to a soft polytropic process (with the bubble decreasing in size until eventual collapse, resulting in velocity and pressure blowup) and a cavitation equation of state (with the bubble expanding until it reaches a critical cavitation volume, at which pressure blows up to negative infinity, indicating a vacuum). Interestingly, the kinetic energy of these solutions remains bounded up to the finite blowup time, making these solutions more physically plausible than those developing infinite energy. For all cases considered, we construct exact solutions for specific parameter sets, as well as analytical and numerical solutions which show the robustness of the qualitative blowup behaviors for more generic parameter sets. Our approach suggests novel -- and perhaps physical -- routes to the finite time blowup of fluid equations.
Magnetic flux ropes are coherent bundles of twisted magnetic field lines that wind about a common axis. These structures, formed at the Sun, evolve through footpoint motions, magnetic reconnection, and other processes. The degree of twist in the flux rope helps us to understand their evolution and potential eruption. This twist can be difficult to compute so it is often approximated such that the geometry of the flux rope is neglected. However, despite the relative simplicity of their computation, the results of these approximations require careful analysis to ensure proper understanding. Here we present different definitions of twist and our recently released magnetic field analysis tools (MAFIAT) Python package which is designed to investigate them. Furthermore, we discuss its research applications and our latest developmental features.
Averaging over fast time scales or short spatial scales is a key ingredient in the modelling of complex fluid flows. It has long been realised that Lagrangian averaging, in which the average is carried out at fixed particle label, has advantages over the standard Eulerian averaging, carried out a fixed spatial position. Mainly this is because Lagrangian averaging preserves material conservation laws such as the conservation of vorticity or potential vorticity. The theory of generalised Lagrangian mean (GLM) provides a complete description of the dynamics of Lagrangian mean flows. It is however rather daunting. I will show how adopting a geometric approach helps clarify the theory. The approach shows in particular that most results are independent of the specific (and somewhat problematic) definition of the mean flow used in GLM. I will also discuss recent progress leading to efficient numerical methods for the computation of Lagrangian means.
We describe and model experimental results on the dynamics of a ”ludion” - a neutrally buoyant body – immersed in a layer of stably stratified salt water. By oscillating a piston inside a cylinder communicating with a vessel containing the stratified layer of salt water, it is easy to periodically vary the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid. The ludion or Cartesian diver, initially positioned at its equilibrium height and free to move horizontally, can then oscillate vertically when forced by the pressure oscillations. Depending on the ratio of the forcing frequency to the Brunt- Väisälä frequency N of the stratified fluid, the ludion can emit its own internal gravity waves that we measure by Particle Image Velocimetry. Our experimental results describe first the resonance of the vertical motions of the ludion when excited at different frequencies. A theoretical oscillator model is then derived taking into account added mass and added friction coefficients (Voisin, 2007) and its predictions are compared to the experimental data. Then, for the larger oscillation amplitudes, we observe and describe a bifurcation towards free horizontal swimming. For forcing frequencies close to N , chaotic trajectories are recorded. The statistical analysis of this dynamics is in progress but already suggests the existence of an underlying nonequilibrium thermodynamics with even possible ”condensations” of ludions in pairs or in triplets when several ludions are introduced in the container. Finally, we also observed that the ludion can interact with its own internal gravity wave field and possibly become trapped in the container gravity eigenmodes. However, it seems that, contrary to the surface waves associated with Couder walkers (Couder et al., 2005) the internal waves are not the principal cause of the horizontal swimming. This does not however, exclude possible hydrodynamic quantum analogies to be explored in the future (Bush, 2015). For instance, we observe that ludion trajectories in circular cylindrical corral seems to possess some preferred radii showing that this work on quantum analogy is very promising.
Magnetic helicity quantifies the geometrical complexity of a magnetic field as it measures the twist and writhe of individual magnetic field lines and the intertwining of pairs of field lines. It plays an important role in the study of magnetized plasmas since it is conserved in ideal magneto-hydrodynamics. A means to identify the spatial locations where magnetic helicity is more important, such as magnetic flux ropes, is provided by field line helicity. In astrophysical conditions, this is better expressed by relative field line helicity (RFLH). The first study of the photospheric morphology of RFLH in a solar active region (AR), the famous AR 11158, revealed that RFLH can associate the large decrease in the value of helicity during a strong flare of the AR with the magnetic structure that later erupted. After reviewing these results, we examine the evolution of the morphology of RFLH in a sample of solar ARs that exhibit M-class flares and above. We analyze the role that various RFLH-deduced parameters play in indicating upcoming eruptive events in the AR and report on their possible predictive capabilities.
Stochastic individual-based modelling approaches allow for the investigation of complex biological systems, for example cell populations that exhibit single cell dynamics. These models generally include rules that each cell follows independently of other cells in the population. From these models one can derive the continuum limits from the underlying random walk, providing a deterministic PDE description of these processes to allow for mathematical analysis. We build upon previous work to develop models for the growth of cell populations where individual cell movement via chemotaxis plays a role. Through both analysis and numerical simulations of the models we investigate the role of chemotaxis and phenotypic trade-offs in emergence of complex spatial patterns of population growth.
The fluid dynamical mechanisms responsible for tidal dissipation in giant planets and stars remain poorly understood. One key mechanism is the interaction between tidal flows and turbulent convection. This is thought to act as an effective viscosity in damping the equilibrium tide, but the efficiency of this mechanism is still a matter of much debate.
Using hydrodynamical simulations we investigate the dissipation of the equilibrium tide as a result of its interaction with convection. We model the large-scale tidal flow as an oscillatory background shear flow inside a small patch of convection zone. We simulate Rayleigh-Bénard convection in this Cartesian model and explore how the effective viscosity of the turbulence depends on the tidal (shear) frequency.
We will present the results from our simulations to determine the effective viscosity, and its dependence on the tidal frequency. The main results are: a new scaling law for the frequency dependence of the effective viscosity which has not previously been observed in simulations or predicted by theory and occurs for frequencies smaller than those in the fast tides regime; negative effective viscosities, which can be thought of as tidal anti-dissipation (or inverse tides), are possible in this system.
The development of a complex functional multicellular organism from a single cell involves tightly regulated and coordinated cell behaviours coupled through short- and long-range biochemical and mechanical signals. To truly comprehend this complexity, alongside experimental approaches we need mathematical and computational models, which can link observations to mechanisms in a quantitative, predictive, and experimentally verifiable way. In this talk I will describe our recent efforts to model aspects of embryonic development, focusing in particular on the planar polarised behaviours of cells in epithelial tissues, and discuss the mathematical and computational challenges associated with this work. I will also highlight some of our work to improve the reproducibility and re-use of such models through the ongoing development of Chaste (, an open-source C++ library for multiscale modelling of biological tissues and cell populations.
Turbulent convection occurs in the cores of stars whose masses are at least 1.1 times greater than the Sun. This convection generates gravity waves in the adjacent stable region, and signatures of these waves can be seen at the stellar surface and used to constrain models of the stellar interior. "Standard" stellar evolution models without excess mixing beyond the boundary of the convection zone fail to reproduce many observations of these stars. In this seminar, I will present a review of the observations of excess mixing in the cores of massive stars. I will then discuss from a hydrodynamical perspective the different forms of convective boundary mixing which can occur in stars or models of stars. I will present the results of simulations which demonstrate "convective penetration," in which there is a turbulent well-mixed region which is typically assumed to be stable. I will also present a separate set of new simulations of 3D, spherical, compressible core convection and show that the wave generation and propagation in these simulations matches the theory developed for 2D Boussinesq simulations.
Longstanding among the open questions in solar physics is the coronal heating problem. Above the surface, at a few thousand degrees, the temperature of the Sun's atmosphere rises to many millions in the corona. Why this is so, and the mechanisms that contribute to this heating, remain unclear.
Self-organized criticality is a physical paradigm that has been applied to many natural systems, including neuroscience, tectonics, and financial markets. Such systems are conjectured to exist in minimally stable states, in which they are subject to perturbation by an external driving, leading to redistributive avalanches of varying size. From small, local disturbances, these can propagate through chain reactions of like events, becoming very large: 'avalanches'.
Since the 1990s, this concept has been applied to the coronal heating problem. Convective motions drive the magnetic field, and, when sufficiently stressed, its energy is released through highly localized magnetic reconnection. Each such event contributes heating, and has the capacity to start a chain of other events. While these MHD avalanches have been shown to be feasible among straightened models of coronal loops, their viability is to be determined in models that reflect the true geometric curvature of coronal loops above the solar surface.
Using three-dimensional MHD simulations, avalanches are verified within this more realistic geometry. Similarly to the simpler case, an ideal MHD kink-mode instability occurs, but in a modified manner, preferentially aligned with the curvature in the field. Instability spreads over a volume far larger than that of the original flux tubes, causing widespread heating. Substantial amounts of energy are released, contributing to coronal heating, in a series of nanoflare-type events. Overwhelmingly, shocks, jets, and related processes dominate over Ohmic dissipation. Narrow and intense heating occurs, throughout the loop, without obvious spatio-temporal preference.
Prospects for developing and further analysing this model, including with the full treatment of thermodynamic terms, are discussed.
Bacteria represent the major component of the world’s biomass. A number of these bacteria are motile and swim with the use of flagellar filaments, which are slender helical appendages attached to a cell body by a flexible hook. Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics is the key for flagella to generate propulsion at a microscale [1]. In this talk I will discuss two topics related to swimming of a model bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli).
E. coli has many flagellar filaments that are wrapped in a bundle and rotate in a counterclockwise fashion (if viewed from behind the cell) during the so-called ‘runs’, wherein the cell moves steadily forward. In between runs, the cell undergoes quick ‘tumble’ events, during which at least one flagellum reverses its rotation direction and separates from the bundle, resulting in erratic motion in place. Alternating between runs and tumbles allows cells to sample space by stochastically changing their propulsion direction after each tumble. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss how cells reorient during tumble and the mechanical forces at play and show the predominant role of hydrodynamics in setting the reorientation angle [2].
In the second part, I will talk about hydrodynamics of bacteria near walls in visco-elastic fluids. Flagellar motility next to surfaces in such fluids is crucial for bacterial transport and biofilm formation. In Newtonian fluids, bacteria are known to accumulate near walls where they swim in circles [3,4], while experimental results from our collaborators at the Wu Lab (Chinese University of Hong Kong) show that in polymeric liquids this accumulation is significantly reduced. We use a combination of analytical and numerical models to propose that this reduction is due to a viscoelastic lift directed away from the plane wall induced by flagellar rotation. This viscoelastic lift force weakens hydrodynamic interaction between flagellated swimmers and nearby surfaces, which results in a decrease in surface accumulation for the cells.
In this talk, we will present the results of the study of two pattern-forming models solved on a finite domain. In the first, the dynamics of the real and complex cubic-quintic Swift-Hohenberg equation over a finite disk with no-flux boundary conditions are studied. We predict the unstable modes of the trivial state using a linear stability analysis. These modes are followed via numerical continuation, revealing a great variety of spatially extended and spatially localized behaviors. Notably, we find solutions localized in the interior as well as solutions localized along the boundary or part of the boundary. Bifurcation diagrams summarizing these results and their stability properties are presented, linking the different solutions. The findings of this study are likely relevant to nonlinear optics, combustion as well as convection.
In the second model, A simple equation modeling an inextensible elastic lining subject to an imposed pressure is derived from the idealised elastic properties of the lining and the pressure. The equation aims to capture the wrinkling response of arterial endothelium to blood pressure changes. A bifurcation diagram is computed via numerical continuation. Wrinkling, buckling, folding, and mixed-mode solutions are found and organised according to system-response measures including tension, in-plane compression, maximum curvature and energy. Approximate wrinkle solutions are constructed using weakly nonlinear theory, in excellent agreement with numerics. We explain how the wavelength of the wrinkles is selected as a function of the parameters in compressed wrinkling systems and show how localized folds and mixed-mode states form in secondary bifurcations from wrinkled states.
The solar corona is shaped and mysteriously heated to millions of degrees by the Sun’s magnetic field. It has long been hypothesized that the heating results from a myriad of tiny magnetic energy outbursts called nanoflares, driven by the fundamental process of magnetic reconnection. Misaligned magnetic field lines can break and reconnect, producing nanoflares in avalanche-like processes. This theory recently received major support through the observational discovery of nanojets - very fast (100-200 km/s) and bursty (
The talk will start with a short introduction to the open-source Dedalus computational framework for solving PDEs. I'll briefly discuss some design motivations and interesting applied problems different groups are studying with the software.
However, the true point of the talk will be to describe some of the mathematical aspects underlying Dedalus' flexible framework for curvilinear coordinates. Dedalus can compute arbitrary covariant calculus for scalar, vector and tensor fields on spheres and balls in one, two, and three dimensions. I plan to discuss some modest fraction of the wonderful mathematics used at the core of the code. In particular, Dedalus uses orthogonal polynomial bases on an infinite hierarchy of nested Hilbert spaces, with multiple derivative, multiplication and embedding operators acting between them. The structures become complicated quickly, but everything boils down to some simple guiding principles that I will demonstrate using freely available properties of meek little sine and cosine functions. No prior background beyond basic calculus and linear algebra is assumed.
Shocks are a universal feature of warm plasma environments, such as the lower solar atmosphere and molecular clouds, which consist of both ionised and neutral species. Including partial ionisation leads to the existence of a finite width for shocks, where the ionised and neutral species decouple and recouple. As such, drift velocities exist within the shock that lead to frictional heating between the two species, in addition to adiabatic temperature changes across the shock. The local temperature enhancements within the shock alter the recombination and ionisation rates and hence change the composition of the plasma. We study the role of collisional ionisation and recombination in slow-mode partially ionised shocks. In particular, we incorporate the ionisation potential energy loss and analyse the consequences of having a non-conservative energy equation. A semi-analytical approach is used to determine the possible equilibrium shock jumps for a two-fluid model with ionisation, recombination, ionisation potential, and arbitrary heating. Two-fluid numerical simulations are performed using the (PIP) code. Results are compared to the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model and the semi-analytic solution. Accounting for ionisation, recombination, and ionisation potential significantly alters the behaviour of shocks in both substructure and post-shock regions. In particular, for a given temperature, equilibrium can only exist for specific densities due to the radiative losses needing to be balanced by the heating function. A consequence of the ionisation potential is that a compressional shock will lead to a reduction in temperature in the post-shock region, rather than the increase seen for MHD. The numerical simulations pair well with the derived analytic model for shock velocities.
In the talk we will discuss the existence of piecewise smooth MHD equilibria in three-dimensional toroidal domains where the pressure is constant on the boundary but not in the interior. The pressure is piecewise constant and the plasma current exhibits current sheets. The toroidal domains where these equilibria are shown to exist do not need to be small perturbations of an axisymmetric domain, and in fact they can have any knotted topology. The building blocks we use in our construction are analytic toroidal domains satisfying a certain nondegeneracy condition, which roughly states that there exists a force-free field that is ergodic on the surface of the domain. The proof involves three main ingredients: a gluing construction of piecewise smooth MHD equilibria, a Hamilton–Jacobi equation on the two-dimensional torus that can be understood as a nonlinear deformation of a cohomological equation (so the nondegeneracy assumption plays a major role in the corresponding analysis), and a new KAM theorem tailored for the study of divergence-free fields in three dimensions. The talk is based on joint work with A. Luque and D. Peralta-Salas.
Lithium-ion batteries have become ubiquitous over the past decade, and they are called to play even a more important role with the electrification of vehicles. In order to design better and safer batteries and to manage them more efficiently, we need models than can predict the battery behaviour accurately and fast. However, in many cases these models are still posed in an ad hoc way, which makes them hard to extend and may lead to inconsistencies. In this talk we will see some examples on how asymptotic methods can be applied to obtain simple models that can be used in battery control and parameterisation.
The Juno spacecraft is currently orbiting Jupiter. Newly available data reveal
a complex magnetic field morphology. The dominant dipolar component is
accompanied by strong magnetic flux patches and a narrow field belt in the
equatorial region. The gravitational sounding also indicates that the
surface zonal jets extends thousand kilometers below the cloud level. Those
are key signatures of the intricate Jovian internal dynamics.
Jupiter's internal structure comprises an outer layer filled with a mixture of
molecular hydrogen and helium where the zonal flows are thought to be driven;
and an inner region where hydrogen becomes metallic and dynamo action is
expected to sustain the magnetic field. Several internal structure models
suggest a more complicated structure with a small intermediate region in which
helium and hydrogen would become immiscible.
During this seminar, I will review the main results obtained using global 3-D
numerical simulations of Jupiter in spherical geometry. I will discuss the
success and the limitations of those models in reproducing the
key features of the Jovian internal dynamics.
Density-stratified fluid systems such as the oceans and atmosphere undergo irreversible diascalar transport with respect to density, heat, etc., known as mixing. When turbulence is present, the effective diffusivity can be greatly magnified and the rate of mixing enhanced. To understand this process involving turbulent flows, one can consider the energetics by partitioning the potential energy into available and background parts to signify the irreversibility. Following the energetic approach, this talk reviews aspects, such as the rate and efficiency, of stratified turbulence mixing.
Eukaryotic cells exhibit a complicated rheology in response to mechanical stimuli with an elastic component being primarily due to a network of cross-linked filamentous proteins called cytoskeleton. Rational upscaling of existing detailed (but computationally expensive) discrete models into continuum is largely missing and the manner in which microscale parameters and processes manifest themselves at the macroscale is thus often unclear.
We introduce a discrete mathematical model for the mechanics of the cell cytoskeleton. The model involves an initially regular (planar) array of pre-stretched protein filaments (e.g. actin, vimentin) that exhibit tensile forces and resistance to bending. Assuming that the inter-crosslink distance is much shorter than the region of the cell under consideration, we upscale the force balance equations using discrete-to-continuum methods based on Taylor expansions to form a continuum system of governing equations and infer the corresponding macroscopic stress tensor.
We solve these discrete and continuum models numerically to analyse an imposed displacement of a bead placed in the domain and infer force-displacement curves, which show good quantitative agreement between the approaches. Furthermore, we linearise the continuum model to derive analytical approximations of the stress and strain fields in the neighbourhood of a small bead, explicitly computing the net force required to generate a given deformation as a function of key model parameters.
Future work will also incorporate nonlinear effects in polymer elasticity and the additional influence of fluid transport within the cytoskeleton.
This talk focusses on events known as coronal mass ejections. Since their discovery in the early 1970s it has been realised that these eruptions occur due to changes in the Sun’s magnetic field. The eruptions appear to be related to a certain magnetic field configuration known as a flux rope. Understanding how and where flux ropes form has unravelled some of the mysteries around coronal mass ejections and understanding their magnetic structure has not only helped explain why these eruptions occur, but also what their space weather impact might be if they are ejected toward the Earth. This talk will also discuss a new approach that uses magnetic helicity to shed new light on how eruptions might be forecast ahead of time. An exciting step forward that might be useful in the years to come for space weather forecasting.
Polymer physics successfully describes most of the polymeric materials that we encounter everyday.
In spite of this, it heavily relies on the assumption that polymers do not change topology (or architecture) in time or that, if they do alter their morphology, they do so in equilibrium. This assumption spectacularly fails for DNA in vivo, which is constantly topologically re-arranged by ATP-consuming proteins within the cell nucleus.
Inspired by this, here I propose to study entangled systems of DNA which can selectively alter their topology and architecture in time and may expend energy to do so. I argue that solutions of topologically active (living) polymers can display unconventional viscoelastic behaviours and can be conveniently realised using solutions of DNA functionalised by certain families of vitally important proteins.
In this talk I will present some results on the microrheology of entangled DNA undergoing topological alterations via proteins, for instance digestion by restriction enzymes and ligation by T4 ligase. I will present theory, modelling and experimental data showing that that we can harness non-equilibrium processes to design materials and complex fluids with time-varying viscoelastic behaviours.
Shocks driven by Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are primary agents of space weather. They can accelerate particles to high energies and can compress the magnetosphere thus setting in motion geomagnetic storms. For many years, these shocks were studied only in-situ when they crossed over spacecraft or remotely through their radio emission spectra. Neither of these two methods provides information on the spatial structure of the shock nor on its relationship to its driver, the CME. In the last two decades, we have been able to not only image shocks with coronagraphs but also measure their properties remotely through the use of spectroscopic and image analysis methods. Thanks to instrumentation on STEREO and SOHO we can now image shocks (and waves) from the low corona, through the inner heliosphere, to Earth. Here, we review the progress made in imaging and analyzing CME-driven shocks and show that joint coronagraphic and spectrscopic observations are our best means to understand shock physics close to the Sun.
Topology has become a much-discussed part of current research in solid-state magnetism, providing an organising principle to classify field theories, and their ground states and excitations, that are now regularly realized in magnetic materials. Examples include topological excitations such as skyrmions which exist in the spin textures of an expanding range of magnetic systems, and one-dimensional spin-chain systems, where topological considerations are key in understanding their properties. Central to this story is the role of the sine-Gordon model, which was important in motivating Skyrme's work and also in understanding the properties of spin chains using field theories. From this starting point, I will review some of the states that we might expect to realize in magnetic materials, and provide two sets of examples of where and how these have been found. Firstly, I will present examples spin chains and ladders formed of molecular building blocks, where the versatility of carbon chemistry allows access to spin Luttinger liquids, and sine-Gordon and Haldane chains. Secondly I shall discuss materials that host magnetic skyrmions and related excitations, along with the prospects for finding still more of these in the future.
Curvelets are a special type of wavelet that, by design, efficiently represent highly anisotropic signal content, such as local linear and curvilinear structures, e.g. edges and filaments. In addition, analyses of data will be the most efficient and accurate if the technique is derived to accommodate the underlying geometry of the data.
In this seminar, I will talk about a new-generation scale-discretised curvelet transform suitable for analysing signals of arbitrary spin defined on a sphere (Chan et al. 2016), e.g. signals observed on planetary surfaces and the celestial sky, 360-degree images taken by omnidirectional cameras, and medical imaging such as retinal visualisation. Our constructed curvelets, namely the second-generation curvelets, have many desirable properties that are lacking in first-generation constructions: they live directly on the sphere, exhibit a parabolic scaling relation, are well localised in both spatial and harmonic domains, support the exact analysis and synthesis of both scalar and spin signals, and are free of blocking artefacts. We apply our curvelet transform to some example natural spherical images and demonstrate the effectiveness of curvelets for representing directional curve-like features.
(1) Second-generation of Curvelets on the Sphere:
Jennifer Y. H. Chan, Boris Leistedt, Thomas D. Kitching, and Jason D. McEwen, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 5-14, 2017 (9 pages, 7 figures).
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.2600506 and arXiv:1511.05578.
(2) Wavelet-based Segmentation on the Sphere:
Xiaohao Cai, Christopher G. R. Wallis, Jennifer Y. H. Chan, and Jason D. McEwen, Pattern Recognition, vol. 100, pp. 0031-3203, 2020 (23 pages, 8 figures). DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2019.107081; arXiv:1609.06500.
Travelling waves arise in a wide variety of biological applications, from the healing of wounds to the migration of populations. Such biological phenomena are often modelled mathematically via reaction-diffusion equations; however, the resulting travelling wave fronts often lack the key feature of a sharp ‘edge’. In this talk, we will examine how the incorporation of a moving boundary condition in reaction-diffusion models gives rise to a variety of sharp-fronted travelling waves for a range of wavespeeds. In particular, we will consider common reaction-diffusion models arising in biology and explore the key qualitative features of the resulting travelling wave fronts.
Some proteins are known to form open ended knots. Understanding the biological function of knots in proteins and their folding process is an open and challenging question in biology. A crucial step in this direction is being able to efficiently and meaningfully characterise their entanglement. Mathematically, this is a non-trivial problem. In this talk I will present some of the techniques that can be used to do that, and some applications to knotted proteins.
One of the most commonly used models for the magnetic field in the solar corona is a Potential Field, Source-Surface (PFSS) model. These models use a known radial magnetic field distribution on the Sun's photospheric surface to compute a suitable current-free magnetic field. They are relatively simple to calculate and have become somewhat ubiquitous over the last few decades. There are however severe limitations with the model, in particular that the solar wind is not properly accounted for and the open magnetic flux is considerably underestimated compared to observations. We propose an improvement to this model which seeks to address these problems without any significant increase in computational expense.
Dynamical systems have enjoyed huge success in the analysis of systems described by
ordinary differential equations, such as nonlinear oscillators, chemical reactions, electronic devices, population dynamics, etc. Usually, in the dynamical systems approach, one is concerned with the identification of the basic building blocks of the system under investigation and how they interact with each other to produce the observable dynamics, as well as how they can be manipulated to produce a desired output, in the cases where control is pursued. Examples of those building blocks are unstable equilibrium and periodic solutions, nonattracting chaotic sets and their manifolds, which are special surfaces in the phase space that basically control the dynamics, guiding solutions in preferred directions.Despite its success in those areas, many still think that the theory has limited value when applied to fully developed turbulence, like observed in solar convection, due to the infinite dimension of the phase space. In this talk, we show that this difficulty can be overcome by adopting a Lagrangian reference frame, where the phase space for each fluid particle becomes three-dimensional and the building blocks of the turbulence can be efficiently extracted by appropriate numerical tools. We reveal how finite-time Lyapunov exponents, a traditional measure of chaos, can be usedto detect attracting and repelling time-dependent manifolds that divide the fluid in regions with different behavior. These manifolds are shown to accurately mark the boundaries of granules in observational data from the photosphere. In addition, stagnation points and vortices detected as elliptical Lagrangian coherent structures complete the set of building blocks of the photospheric turbulence. Such structures are crucial for the trapping and transport of mass and energy in the solar plasma.
In this talk, I will present a theoretical framework for the topological study of time series data [1]. After setting up a basic background on topological data analysis, I will describe how ideas from dynamical systems and persistent homology can be combined to gain insights from time-varying data. Several applications to real data will be shown at the end of the talk, including anomaly detection in ECG, pattern recognition in bird songs and prediction of epilepsy seizures [2].
[1] Perea, J.A., Harer, J. Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis. Found Comput Math 15, 799–838 (2015).
[2] Fernandez, X., Borghini, E., Mindlin, G., Groisman, P. Intrinsic persistent homology via density-based metric learning. (2020) Preprint: arXiv:2012.0762
In this talk, we will study knotoids in the plane or in the 2-sphere S^2. Knotoids are knotted arcs,generalizing classical knot theory and also ‘closing up’ to virtual knots. Knotoids can be viewed as line projections of spatial open curves with open ends fixed on two infinite lines. With this interpretation, they provide a topological classification for proteins. I will first introduce essential notions of knotoids and then construct invariants of knotoids.
To survive and to thrive, plants, which are sessile by nature, rely on their ability to sense multiple environmental signals, such as gravity or light, and respond to them by growing and changing their shape. To do so, the signals must be transduced down to the cellular level to create the physical deformations leading to shape changes. The challenge for a general mathematical theory of tropism is that these processes take place at very distinct scales. In this talk, I will present a multiscale theory of tropism that takes multiple stimuli and transforms them into auxin transport that drives tissue-level growth and remodelling, thus modifying the plant shape and position with respect to the stimuli. This feedback loop can be dynamically updated to understand the response to individual stimuli or the complex behavior generated by multiple stimuli such as canopy escape or pole wrapping for climbing plants
I shall present two recent pieces of work investigating how shape effects the transport of active particles in shear. Firstly we will consider the sedimentation of particles in 2D laminar flow fields of increasing complexity; and how insights from this can help explain why turbulence can enhance the sedimentation of negatively buoyant diatoms [1]. Secondly, we will consider the 3D transport of elongated active particles under the action of an aligning force (e.g. gyrotactic swimmers) in some simple flow fields; and will see how shape can influence the vertical distribution, for example changing the structure of thin layers [2].
[1] Enhanced sedimentation of elongated plankton in simple flows (2018). IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics W Clifton, RN Bearon, & MA Bees [2] Elongation enhances migration through hydrodynamic shear (in Prep), RN Bearon & WM Durham,
Global Rossby waves, interacting with mean east-west flow on the Earth's atmosphere, produce jet streams, which are responsible for causing winter storms, and cold outbreaks that we experience in midlatitudes. Rossby waves arise in thin layers within fluid regions of stars and planets. These global wave‐like patterns occur due to the variation in Coriolis forces with latitude. It has recently been discovered that the Sun has Rossby waves too. But unlike the Earth's Rossby waves, due to the presence of strong magnetic fields solar Rossby waves are magnetically modified. Therefore, the Sun's global magnetic fields and flows are also influenced by these global‐scale waves. In this talk, I will demonstrate through model-simulations how solar Rossby waves, nonlinearly interacting with differential rotation and spot-producing magnetic fields, can cause the seasonal/sub-seasonal (6-18 months) variability in solar activity, which is, in turn, the origin of space weather on intermediate time-scales. Space weather occurring on a very short time-scale (hours-to-days) and on much longer time-scale (decadal-to-millennial) have been studied extensively, but there exists a gap, namely the occurrence of space weather on the seasonal/sub-seasonal time-scale of a few weeks to several months. I will discuss how the knowledge of MHD Rossby waves can plausibly fill-in this gap, and help simulate the short-term variability in solar activity, and hence space-weather seasons. Two helpful links are:
Many previous studies have shown that the magnetic precursor of a coronal mass ejection (CME) takes the form of a magnetic flux rope, and a subset observed at plasma temperatures of ~10^7 K have become known as ‘hot flux ropes’. We seek to identify the processes by which these hot flux ropes form, with a view of developing our understanding of CMEs and thereby improving space weather forecasts. Extreme-ultraviolet observations were used to identify five pre-eruptive hot flux ropes in the solar corona, and the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field was studied over several days before they erupted to investigate how they formed. Evidenced by confined solar flares in the hours and days before the CMEs, we conclude the hot flux ropes formed via magnetic reconnection in the corona, contrasting many previously-studied flux ropes that formed lower down in the solar atmosphere via magnetic cancellations. This coronal reconnection is driven by observed ‘orbiting’ motions of photospheric magnetic flux fragments around each other, which bring magnetic flux tubes together in the corona. This represents a novel trigger mechanism for solar eruptions, and should be considered when predicting solar magnetic activity.
The EU Horizon2020 project EUHFORIA 2.0 aims at developing an advanced space weather forecasting tool, combining the MHD solar wind and CME evolution model EUHFORIA. With the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) transport and acceleration model PARADISE. We will first introduce EUHFORIA and PARADISE and then elaborate on the plans of the EUHFORIA 2.0 project which will address the geoeffectiveness of impacts and mitigation to avoid (part of the) damage, including that of extreme events, related to solar eruptions, solar wind streams, and SEPs, with particular emphasis on its application to forecast Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) and radiation on geospace.
The EUHFORIA 2.0 project started on 1 December 2019, and yielded some first results. These concern alternative coronal models, the application of adaptive mesh refinement techniques in the heliospheric part of EUHFORIA, alternative flux-rope CME models, evaluation of data-assimilation based on Karman filtering for the solar wind modelling, and a feasibility study of the integration of SEP models. The novel tool will be accessible by the whole space weather community via the ESA Space Weather Service Network as it will be integrated in the Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre (VSWMC)[3], which is part of that network.
The rate of magnetic field diffusion plays an essential role in
several astrophysical processes. It has been demonstrated that the
omnipresent turbulence in astrophysical media induces fast magnetic
reconnection, which consequently can lead to large-scale magnetic flux
diffusion at a rate independent of the plasma microphysics. This
process is called ``reconnection diffusion'' (RD) and allows for the
diffusion of fields which are dynamically important. The current
theory describing RD is based on incompressible magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD) turbulence. We have tested quantitatively the predictions of the
RD theory when magnetic forces are dominant in the turbulence
dynamics. We employed the PENCIL Code to perform simulations of forced
MHD turbulence, extracting the values of the diffusion coefficient
using the Test-Field method. Our results are consistent with the RD
theory (diffusion proportional to the Alfvenic Mach number Ma to the
power of 3 for Ma < 1) when turbulence approaches the incompressible
limit (sonic Mach number Ms < 0.02), while for larger Ms the diffusion
is faster (proportional to Ma to the power of 2). Our results
generally support and expand the RD theory predictions.
Turbulent dynamos are present in many astrophysical systems. We consider dynamo action in turbulent flows that contain coherent structures. In particular we aim to assess the extent to which the growth rate of such a dynamo is controlled by the coherent stuctures in the flow, as opposed to the turbulent eddies. One approach to this problem is to apply Fourier filtering to the velocity field (Tobias & Cattaneo 2008) to identify the dominant scales of motion in the dynamo. However, localised coherent structures are not always well-represented by such filtering schemes, with information distributed across many Fourier components. An alternative approach is to use wavelets, which are better suited to describing such localised structures. We will present simulations of 2.5D dynamo action, using flows derived from 2D hydrodynamic turbulence. The flows are filtered in wavelet space, retaining only those wavelet coefficients whose magnitude exceeds a certain threshold; only a small fraction of the relevant modes must be kept in order to ensure the retention of the dominant coherent structures. We will describe the extent to which the dynamo growth rate for these filtered flows depends upon the filtering threshold, comparing our findings with comparable Fourier-based filters. Based upon this comparison of these two filtering approaches, we will discuss the extent to which a wavelet-based approach could be used to better understand astrophysical dynamos.
The solar dynamo involves the production of toroidal field by the winding up of toroidal field, and the production of poloidal field from the toroidal field. In this talk we will quantify the relevant production processes, and discuss the transport of magnetic flux which is required to move the magnetic flux from where it is generated to where it is needed for the above production processes to work. The multiple essential roles of flux emergence will be described, and clues as to the nature of flux emergence will be presented.
The flow of a thin film down an inclined plane is a canonical setup in fluid mechanics and associated technologies, with applications such as coating, where the liquid-gas interface should ideally be flat, and heat or mass transfer, where an increase of interfacial area is desirable. In each of these applications, we would like to robustly and efficiently manipulate the flow in order to drive the dynamics to a desired interfacial shape. In this talk, I will propose a feedback control methodology based on same fluid blowing and suction through the wall. The controls will be developed in the lower rungs of a hierarchy of models for a falling liquid film based on reduced-order modelling and asymptotic analysis. The goal is to develop control strategies at these more cost-effective levels of the hierarchy (both the lowest rung modelled by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations, and at a 'middle' level, consisting of two long-wave models) and investigate their ability to translate across the hierarchy into real-life solutions by using direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations, which in this context act as an in silico experimental framework. I will discuss distributed controls as well as (more realistic) point-actuated controls, their robustness to parameter uncertainties and validity across the hierarchy of models.
Apart from its about 11-year periodicity, the most striking property of the solar activity record is the notable variability of the cycle amplitudes. Nonlinear and/or stochastic mechanisms are required to modulate the cycle amplitudes. During the past decade, Babcock-Leighton (BL) mechanism is demonstrated at the essence of the solar cycle. In the seminar, I will present our series of studies on the identification and quantitative evaluation of nonlinear and stochastic mechanisms on understanding of solar cycle variability in the framework of BL-type solar dynamo.
Recent advances in solar instrumentation have revealed a rich variety of eruptive activity in striking detail. The largest such eruptions, coronal mass ejections and associated solar flares, drive the shocks and energetic particles that play a major role in the most hazardous space weather events. To predict the space weather impact of solar eruptions, we must understand three vital questions: How does energy build up in the corona? What triggers its explosive release? How is that energy transferred to nonthermal particles? To accurately model explosive activity, it is important to capture both the large-scale dynamics of the energy buildup and release and the fine-scale structure that plays a critical role in particle energization. I present recent advances in tackling these questions using high-resolution, three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics simulations of solar eruptions. I also discuss promising avenues for future work and prospects for comparison to ground-based (DKIST, EOVSA) and space-borne (PSP, SolO) observations.
Aggregation phenomena in biology and beyond are often attributed to attraction between individuals. In this work we study how elastically tethered obstacles interacting with the swimmers impact the macroscopically created patterns. Simulations of an individual-based model reveal at least three distinct large-scale patterns: travelling bands, trails and moving clusters. This motivates the derivation of a macroscopic partial differential equations model, for which we assume large tether stiffness. The result is a coupled system of non-linear, non-local partial differential equations. We use linear stability analysis to predict pattern size from model parameters. Further analysis of the macroscopic equations reveal that, surprisingly, the obstacle interactions induce short-ranged swimmer aggregation, irrespective of whether obstacles and swimmers are attractive or repulsive.
Three years ago, we asked a simple question: how does large-scale organisation emerge in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)? In this talk, I will review the progress we have made using a cocktail of novel approaches. First, I will show how a quasi-conserved quantity named the field line helicity (FLH) links to self-organisation. Then I will discuss various models which we constructed to help us understand better the evolution of topology: 1) unstirring a 2D scalar using effective magnetic relaxation, or variational methods, 2) 3D & 2D magnetic reconnection simulations for comparison, 3) 1D effective model with a focus on local reconnection. These approaches are complementary as each is designed with a specific property in mind: 1) to test if pure advection plays a role in the simplification of FLH, 2) to analyse the change of magnetic structures in plasmas, 3) to test whether self-organisation in MHD behaves as an emerging phenomena. One benefit of using these drastically different models is that we can gain deeper insight into a non-trivial physical process. Besides presenting the results, I will also discuss the limitations and setbacks, and then conclude with possible future plans.
Taffy is a type of candy made by repeated 'pulling' (stretching and
folding) a mass of heated sugar. The purpose of pulling is to get air
bubbles into the taffy, which gives it a nicer texture. Until the
late 19th century, taffy was pulled by hand, an arduous task. The
early 20th century saw an avalanche of new devices to mechanize the
process. These devices have fascinating connections to the
topological dynamics of surfaces, in particular with pseudo-Anosov
maps. Special algebraic integers such as the Golden ratio and the
lesser-known Silver ratio make an appearance, as well as more exotic
numbers. We examine different designs from a mathematical
perspective, and discuss their efficiency. This will be a "colloquium
style" talk that should be accessible to graduate students.
Complex fluids appear in many biological and industrial settings. A key feature is that their interesting macroscale behaviour derives from their complex microscale structure. In many cases, these fluids are suspensions - some viscous fluid with particles or fibres suspended within. For example, in polymeric fluids, flexible suspended fibres lead to non-Newtonian bulk responses such as shear thinning or viscoelasticity. When entangled or connected in networks, fibres form gels and disordered solids as is the case in important biological materials such as mucus.
These systems are interesting for mathematicians because the question is raised as to which scale is 'right' to investigate these fluids.
The project I have been working on for the last few years - modelling sperm swimming through mucus - argues that large-scale simulation of microscale fibres, interacting with fluid, allows us to bridge this gap.
In this talk, I give a brief overview of suspension mechanics, then I present our progress so far in modelling fibre suspensions - the challenges behind moving to 3D, how we created large networks for sperm-like swimmers to navigate through, as well as the interesting behaviour of fibres in other configurations. I will share my (honest!) experience of using computational infrastructure, as well as presenting avenues for the future.
The magnetic field of the corona stores the energy that is released via magnetic reconnection during solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Flares with CMEs are often described by the '˜standard' eruptive flare (CSHKP) model and this offers a conceptual framework in which to investigate the global characteristics of the energy release and transport in the context of the magnetic field configuration. The low plasma beta environment of the corona means the magnetic field plays a central role in the energy transport, and different magnetic field configurations can lead to a variety of outcomes in terms of the evolution of the energy release, the efficiency of the energy transport mechanisms and the locations where the energy is deposited. Despite the often rather good agreement between observations and the '˜standard' model, many open questions remain particularly in respect to the triggering of the energy release. In this talk I will discuss how multi-wavelength spectroscopy used in tandem with magnetic field information can help shed light on some of these open questions, and also how new facilities might provide new insights in the future.
The origin of the large-scale magnetic fields of astrophysical objects remains one of the great unsolved problems of theoretical astrophysics. From planets (including exoplanets) to stars and galaxies, astrophysical objects typically are observed to have organised magnetic fields with systematic properties. For example, the eleven-year solar cycle is a remarkable example of spatio-temporal organisation emerging from a turbulent astrophysical system. In this talk I shall show some observations of astrophysical magnetic fields, before briefly reviewing our current understanding, highlighting limitations of our current theories, and the somewhat perplexing role of magnetic helicity conservation. I shall conclude by proposing possible avenues for future research suggested by recent results of dynamos with large-scale shear flows and helicity loss.
The magnetic field of the corona stores the energy that is released via magnetic reconnection during solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Flares with CMEs are often described by the '˜standard' eruptive flare (CSHKP) model and this offers a conceptual framework in which to investigate the global characteristics of the energy release and transport in the context of the magnetic field configuration. The low plasma beta environment of the corona means the magnetic field plays a central role in the energy transport, and different magnetic field configurations can lead to a variety of outcomes in terms of the evolution of the energy release, the efficiency of the energy transport mechanisms and the locations where the energy is deposited. Despite the often rather good agreement between observations and the '˜standard' model, many open questions remain particularly in respect to the triggering of the energy release. In this talk I will discuss how multi-wavelength spectroscopy used in tandem with magnetic field information can help shed light on some of these open questions, and also how new facilities might provide new insights in the future.
Complex magnetic fields in plasmas may eventually relax to a simple state even if the resistivity is small. Nevertheless, what predicts the end state remains unclear. Using 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models, we find that there are two stages of topological evolution. The first is a fast reconnection phase constrained by the topological degree. The next is a slow phase dominated by diffusion and shows rearrangement and reconnection of discrete flux tubes. The end state always has two flux tubes with opposite twists, just as predicted by E. N. Parker.
Meanwhile, we find the topological change can also be studied in 2D effective models at a low computational cost. Interestingly, the structural change in the reduced model during the first stage is similar to the reverse process of fluid mixing. The overall reduction in complexity is consistent with an optimal unstirred state.
Alfvénic waves have long been considered a leading participant in the transfer of energy around cool, magnetised stars' atmospheres; potentially responsible for the heating of the Sun's corona and the acceleration of the solar wind. In the early 2000's, various self-consistent models of Alfvénic wave turbulence from photosphere to heliosphere were developed that supported the role of wave dissipation. However, it wasn't until a few years later that Alfvénic waves were unambiguously observed in the Sun's corona, both in spectroscopic and imaging data. Since then, we have begun to probe the properties of the Alfvénic waves; providing key constraints for the wave turbulence heating models and challenging some of the long-held paradigms that these models rely upon. Here, I will discuss how ground-based observations of the corona in the Infrared are helping to uncover the behaviour of Alfvenic waves and the implications for our understanding of energy transfer via Alfvénic waves.
Active regions are the source of the majority of magnetic flux rope ejections that become Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in the outer corona. To identify in advance which active regions will produce an ejection and when this ejection will occur is key for both space weather prediction tools and future science missions such as Solar Orbiter.
The aim of this study is to develop a new technique to identify which active regions are more likely to generate magnetic flux rope ejections. Once fully developed, the new technique will aim to: (i) produce timely space weather warnings and (ii) open the way to a qualified selection of observational targets for space-borne instruments.
We use a data-driven Non-linear Force-Free Field (NLFFF) model to describe the 3D evolution of the magnetic field of a set of active regions. From the 3D magnetic field configurations and comparison with observations, we determine a metric to distinguish eruptive from non-eruptive active regions based on the Lorentz force. Furthermore, using a subset of the observed magnetograms, we run a series of simulations to test whether the time evolution of the metric can be predicted.
We find that the identified metric successfully differentiates active regions observed to produce eruptions from the non-eruptive ones in our data sample. A meaningful prediction of the metric can be made between 6 to 16 hours in advance.
Additionally, we introduce a new operational metric that may be used in a ``real-time" operational sense were three levels of warning are categorised. These categories are: high risk (red), medium risk (amber) and low risk (green) of eruption. Through considering individual cases we find that the separation into eruptive and non-eruptive active regions is more robust the longer the time series of observed magnetograms used to simulate the build up of magnetic stress and free magnetic energy within the active region.
Magnetic helicity is a fundamental quantity of magnetohydrodynamics that carries topological information about the magnetic field. By `topological information', we usually refer to the linkage of magnetic field lines. For domains that are not simply connected, however, helicity also depends on the topology of the domain. In this paper, we expand the standard definition of magnetic helicity in simply connected domains to multiply connected domains in R^3 of arbitrary topology. We also discuss how using the classic Biot-Savart operator simplifies the expression for helicity and how domain topology affects the physical interpretation of helicity.
The talk is devoted to homogenization of periodic differential operators. We study the quantitative homogenization for the solutions of the hyperbolic system with rapidly oscillating coefficients. In operator terms, we are interested in approximations of the cosine and sine operators in suitable operator norms. Approximations for the resolvent of the generator of the cosine family have been already obtained by T. A. Suslina. So, we rewrite hyperbolic equation as parabolic system and consider corresponding unitary group. For this group, we adopt the proof of the Trotter-Kato theorem by introduction of some correction term and derive hyperbolic results from elliptic ones.
Consider a mixture of M non-interacting immiscible fluids under isothermal conditions
at thermal equilibrium. The configurations seen in the experiments can be described as the (local)
minimizers of a Gibbs free energy introduced by Van der Waals (later rediscovered by Cahn and Hilliard).
In this model, a parameter $\epsilon$ describes the typical size of the interface regions
separating areas of pure phases.
A mathematical challenge of the 80s was to understand the behaviour of the model as $\epsilon \to 0$.
It was proved by Modica that the Van der Waals energy converges, in the sense of Gamma-convergence,
to the surface energy of the interfaces separating the stable phases, as conjectured by Gurtin
some years earlier.
In this talk a variant of the above model allowing for small scale heterogeneities in the fluids
is presented. In particular, the case where the scale $\epsilon$ of the small homogeneities is of
the same order of the scale governing the phase transition is considered.
The interaction between homogenization and the phase transitions process will lead, in the
limit as $\epsilon \to 0$, to an anisotropic interfacial energy.
The talk is based on a work in collaboration with Irene Fonseca (CMU), Adrian Hagerty (CMU), and Cristina Popovici (Loyola University).
To gain a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the pre-eruptive structure of CMEs requires the direct measurement of the coronal magnetic field, which is currently very difficult. An alternative approach, such as the simulation of the photospheric magnetic field must be used to infer the pre-eruptive magnetic structure and coronal evolution prior to eruption. The evolution of the coronal magnetic field of a small sub-set of bipolar active regions is simulated by applying the magnetofrictonal relaxation technique of Mackay et al. (2011). A sequence of photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms produced by SDO/HMI are used to drive the simulation and continuously evolve the coronal magnetic field of the active regions through a series of non-linear force-free equilibria. The simulation is started during the first stages of active region emergence so that the full evolution from emergence to decay can be simulated. A comparison of the simulation results with SDO/AIA observations show that many aspects of the observed coronal evolution of the active regions can be reproduced, including the majority of eruptions associated with the regions.
I will talk about the spectrum of double layer potential operators for 3D surfaces with rough features. The existence of spectrum reflects the fact that transmission problems across the surface may be ill-posed for (complex) sign-changing coefficients. The spectrum is very sensitive to the regularity sought of solutions. For L^2 boundary data, for domains with corners and edges, the spectrum is complex and carries an associated index theory. Through an operator-theoretic symmetrisation framework, it is also possible to recover the initial self-adjoint features of the transmission problem '“ corresponding to H^{1/2} boundary data '“ in which case the spectral picture is more familiar.
Discrete Lorenz attractors are chaotic attractors, which are the discrete-time analogues of the well-known Lorenz attractors in differential equations. They are true strange attractors, i.e. they do not contain simpler regular attractors such as stable periodic orbits. In addition, this property is preserved also under small perturbations. Thus, the Lorenz attractors, discrete and continuous, represent the so-called robust chaos.
In the talk I will present a list of global (homoclinic and heteroclinic) bifurcations, in which it was possible to prove the appearance of discrete Lorenz attractors in the Poincare map. In some cases in was also possible to prove the coexistence of infinitely many attractors.
Vortices are the muscles of fluid motion. In quantum fluids, such as superfluid Helium and ultracold gases, these muscles are particularly simple, having fixed core size and circulation. This, along with the absence of viscosity, makes these fluids a highly idealised system to study vortex dynamics and turbulence. Moreover, recent experimental advances now enable precise, real-time monitoring of individual quantum vortices.
Here I will discuss our work in understanding the dynamics of quantum vortices. This will range from their microscopic behaviour, such as vortex nucleation and reconnection events between two vortices, to their macroscopic domain of collective structures and quantum turbulence. Throughout, I will relate our findings to the latest experiments and analogs in classical fluids. If time permits, I will also discuss an even more exotic fluid - the quantum ferrofluid.
2018-11-23Stephanie Yardley [University of St Andrews]: TBA
Consider a mixture of M non-interacting immiscible fluids under isothermal conditions
at thermal equilibrium. The configurations seen in the experiments can be described as the (local)
minimizers of a Gibbs free energy introduced by Van der Waals (later rediscovered by Cahn and Hilliard).
In this model, a parameter $\epsilon$ describes the typical size of the interface regions
separating areas of pure phases.
A mathematical challenge of the 80s was to understand the behaviour of the model as $\epsilon \to 0$.
It was proved by Modica that the Van der Waals energy converges, in the sense of Gamma-convergence,
to the surface energy of the interfaces separating the stable phases, as conjectured by Gurtin
some years earlier.
In this talk a variant of the above model allowing for small scale heterogeneities in the fluids
is presented. In particular, the case where the scale $\epsilon$ of the small homogeneities is of
the same order of the scale governing the phase transition is considered.
The interaction between homogenization and the phase transitions process will lead, in the
limit as $\epsilon \to 0$, to an anisotropic interfacial energy.
This is a work in collaboration with Irene Fonseca (CMU), Adrian Hagerty (CMU) and Cristina Popovici (Loyola University).
We review the Kolmogorov-Kraichnan spectra of turbulence in three and two dimensions, as well as the mathematical attempts to derive them from the Navier-Stokes equations. We then consider the simpler problem of deriving analogous spectra for passive tracers governed by advection-diffusion equations. This is largely work in progress with Mike Jolly (Indiana University).
The flow between differentially rotating cylinders, so-called Taylor-Couette flow, is one of the oldest problems in classical fluid dynamics. Taking the fluid to be electrically conducting, and applying axial and/or azimuthal magnetic fields opens up a range of new possibilities, so-called magnetorotational instabilities. I will review some of this work, including theoretical/numerical results, laboratory experiments, and astrophysical applications.
Accurate prediction of solar activity calls for precise calibration of solar cycle models. Consequently we aim to find optimal parameters for models which describe the physical processes on the solar surface, which in turn act as proxies for what occurs in the interior and provide source terms for coronal models. We use a genetic algorithm to perform the optimization, and apply it to both a 1D model that inserts new magnetic flux in the form of idealized bipolar magnetic regions, and also to a 2D model that assimilates specific shapes of real active regions. The genetic algorithm searches for parameter sets that produce the best fit between observed and simulated butterfly diagrams, weighted by a latitude-dependent error structure which reflects uncertainty in observations. We also approach the problem using powerful Bayesian emulation techniques, and compare the efficiency of the two methods.
The topology of coronal magnetic fields near the open-closed magnetic flux boundary is important to the the process of interchange reconnection, whereby plasma is exchanged between open and closed flux domains. Maps of the magnetic squashing factor in coronal field models reveal the presence of the Separatrix-Web (S-Web), a network of separatrix surfaces and quasi-separatrix layers, along which interchange reconnection is highly likely. Under certain configurations, interchange reconnection within the S-Web could potentially release coronal material from the closed magnetic field regions to high-latitude regions far from the heliospheric current sheet where it is observed as slow solar wind. It has also been suggested that transport along the S-Web may be a possible cause for the observed large longitudinal spreads of some impulsive, 3He-rich solar energetic particle events. Here we demonstrate that certain features of the S-Web reveal structural aspects of the underlying magnetic field, specifically regarding the arcing bands of highly squashed magnetic flux observed at the outer boundary of global magnetic field models. In order for these S-Web arcs to terminate or intersect away from the helmet streamer apex, there must be a null spine line that maps a finite segment of the photospheric open-closed boundary up to a singular point in the open flux domain. We propose that this association between null spine lines and arc termination points may be used to identify locations in the heliosphere that are preferential for the appearance of solar energetic particles and plasma from the closed corona, with characteristics that may inform our understanding of interchange reconnection and the acceleration of the slow solar wind.
We describe a systematic approach to (linear) instability theory for steady galaxies and stars as described by the Einstein-Vlasov and Einstein-Euler system respectively. One of the several outcomes of our analysis is a statement that galaxies with high central redshifts are dynamically unstable. This is a joint work with Zhiwu Lin (GeorgiaTech) and Gerhard Rein (Bayreuth).
The so-called Stefan problem describes the temperature distribution in a homogeneous medium undergoing a phase change, for example ice passing to water, and one aims to describe the regularity of the interface separating the two phases.
In its stationary version, the Stefan problem reduces to the classical obstacle problem, which consists in finding the equilibrium position of an elastic membrane whose boundary is held fixed, and that is constrained to lie above a given obstacle.
The aim of this talk is to give an overview of the classical theory of the obstacle problem, and then discuss some very recent developments on the optimal regularity of the free boundary both in the static and the parabolic setting.
The Crab Nebula is one of the most iconic astronomical objects which was, is and will keep making a very strong impact on the development of astrophysics for some time to come. The nebula was created by one of the historic supernovae almost two thousand years ago, but it is constantly invigorated by a powerful relativistic magnetised wind produced by the Crab pulsar. The interaction of this wind with the nebula leads to some spectacularly dynamic phenomena in its inner region: the famous jet, torus, wisps and few bright peculiar knots. Whether it is the dynamics of relativistic plasma, properties of relativistic shock waves, magnetic reconnection, or mechanisms of non-thermal particle acceleration, the Crab Nebula is a unique space laboratory to study all these phenomena which are important in many other areas of high energy astrophysics. In my talk, I will focus on some of the recent advances in the astrophysics of the Crab Nebula, describe what we have learned from these and what still remains poorly understood.
It has been known for almost two decades (starting with a 2000 paper by Zhikov) that elliptic partial differential operators with periodic high-contrast coefficients, describing certain composite materials, have band gap spectrum described by Zhikov's beta-function in the homogenisation limit. The homogenised operator is of the two-scale nature, it has a macroscopic and microscopic (corresponding to the period of the composite) parts. While the stochastic homogenisation is a well established area of mathematics, the high-contrast stochastic homogenisation has hardly been addressed, and it seems that there is not a single paper studying the spectral problems in high-contrast stochastic homogenisation. We initiate the research in this direction and show that similarly to the periodic case in the stochastic high contrast setting(under some lenient conditions) the spectrum has a band gap structure characterised by a function similar to Zhikov's beta-function, we study the limit two-scale operator with the stochastic microscopic component and prove the convergence of the spectra.
Solar flares are highly explosive events which release significant quantities of energy (up to 10^32 ergs) from specific magnetic configurations in the solar atmosphere. As part of this process, flares produce unique signatures across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to ultra-violet (UV) and X-ray wavelengths, over extremely short length and timescales. Many of the observed signals are indicative of strong particle acceleration, where highly energised electron and proton populations rapidly achieve MeV/GeV energies and therefore form a significant fraction of the energy budget of each event. It is almost universally accepted that magnetic reconnection plays a fundamental role (on some level) in the acceleration of particles to such incredible energies.
In this talk, I will briefly summarise a series of recent experiments where test particles are introduced into a number of 3D magnetic reconnection configurations. I will discuss the particle population response to each configuration and what these responses might infer for both simulations and observations of magnetic reconnection in the flaring solar corona.
The multi-fluid nature of neutron star interiors leads to several processes that can drive magnetic field evolution despite the high electrical conductivity of the interior. Indeed, observations of neutron stars show that a significant fraction of young neutron stars are magnetically active. This includes the highly magnetized magnetars as well as high magnetic field radio pulsars. In this talk I will give an overview of the open questions regarding the magnetic fields of neutron stars and discuss recent work to understand how fields evolve in the solid crust of the star, where the non-linear Hall drift can act on short timescales and likely sources much of the observed magnetic activity.
A classic modelling task in Solar Physics is a boundary value problem: how to reconstruct the 3D magnetic field in the Sun's atmosphere given boundary data on the Sun's surface? The new generation of magnetic field models are time dependent, but this brings new problems as boundary data for the electric field, rather than just the magnetic field, are required. In this talk, I will present recent work on inverting Faraday's law: i.e., determining the electric field from observations of only the magnetic field. I will show that L1-minimization provides an elegant solution to this seemingly ill-posed inverse problem.
The Vlasov-Poisson system is a kinetic equation that models collisionless plasma. A plasma has a characteristic scale called the Debye length, which is typically much shorter than the scale of observation. In this case the plasma is called '˜quasineutral'. This motivates studying the limit in which the ratio between the Debye length and the observation scale tends to zero. Under this scaling, the formal limit of the Vlasov-Poisson system is the Kinetic Isothermal Euler system. The Vlasov-Poisson system itself can formally be derived as the limit of a system of ODEs describing the dynamics of a system of N interacting particles, as the number of particles approaches infinity. The rigorous justification of this mean field limit remains an open problem. In this talk I will present recent joint work with Mikaela Iacobelli, in which we derive the Kinetic Isothermal Euler system from a regularised particle model. Our approach uses a combined mean field and quasineutral limit.
Motivated by astrophysical relativistic jets with curved streamlines, we study the onset and the evolution of the Relativistic Centrifugal Instability (RCFI). As a first step, we study axisymmetric rotating flows, where the density and angular velocity change discontinuously at a given radius. Following the original physical argument of Lord Rayleigh, we derive the relativistic version of the Rayleigh criterion for this problem and use axially symmetric computer simulations to verify its predictions. The inclusion of a uniform axial magnetic field can suppress the centrifugal instability for low flow velocities. However, in highly relativistic flows, such a field is no longer in equilibrium because of the electric field induced, and needs to be balanced by some extra pressure. This extra pressure term, in general, destabilises the flow.
In the setting of so-called evolutionary equations invented by Rainer Picard in 2009 we identify homogenisation problems as being equivalent to a certain type of a continuity property of solution operators. Indeed, it can be shown that $G$-convergence of matrix-coefficients is equivalent to convergence of certain inverses in the weak operator topology. With this, one can show various homogenisation results for a wide class of standard linear equations in mathematical physics. Furthermore, the genericity of memory effects to arise due to the homogenisation process in the context Maxwell's equations can be explained by operator-theoretic means.
In this talk I would like to present new results concerning the existence of smooth uniform attractors for nonautonomous damped wave equation with nonlinearities of quintic growth. It is well known that to prove even wellposedness of the wave equation in 3D with fast enough growing nonlinearities the only energy estimate is not enough and some extra estimates, known as Strichartz estimates, are required. To the best of our knowledge, previously these type of estimates, in the critical quintic case, were known only for the autonomous equation. We prove that Strichartz type estimates remain valid for the quintic wave equation with nonatunomous forcing. Furthermore, it appears that the forcing can be given by a vector-valued measure with bounded total variation. Based on these estimates we introduce several classes of "nice" external forces for which we show that the quintic damped wave equation possesses smooth uniform attractors. This is joint work with Sergey Zelik.
Rheology is the study of flowing complex materials that usually have a stress response governed by the presence of some microstructure within the material.
In my talk I will discuss the rheology of long chain polymers that entangle with themselves. I will show how coarse-grained models of these entangled polymer melts are necessary in order to characterise experimental measurements and hence deduce material microstructure. Furthermore, I will talk about a the work done on a recent impact funding award in collaboration with an adhesives company, Henkel. Henkel's problem is one of formulation, whereby there are thousands of degrees of freedom to consider when making a particular adhesive. The company needs to be able to predict how a particular formulation of adhesive will flow in the process they use to stick two films together. We used the models of entangled polymers in combination with 2D finite element simulations to predict if a given material would successfully survive the industrial process, i.e., that flow instabilities would not be a significant feature of the flow.
We discuss several temporal discretisation schemes and their applications to the Navier-Stokes equations. Of particular interest is the convergence of long-time statistics in the 2d case. We will also comment briefly on the situation in 3d.
A recent class of composite materials, known as Metamaterials, have gained much attention and interest in the Mathematics and Physics community over the last decade or so. These composites can roughly be characterised as exhibiting much more pronounced physical properties than their constituent components. These responses are due to scale-interaction effects.Mathematically, such metamaterial type effects could be rigorously justified and explained due to 'partial degeneracies' in underlying multi-scale continuum models.
In this talk, we shall introduce a notion of a partial degeneracy in parameter-dependent variational systems, motivated by examples from classical and semi-classical homogenisation theory, and present an approach to study the leading-order asymptotics of such systems. The determined asymptotics of the variational system can serve as effective models for phenomena due to multi-scale interactions and are given with order-sharp error estimates in the uniform operator topology.
This is joint work with Dr Ilia Kamotski(UCL) and Prof. Valery Smyshlyaev(UCL).
The notion of fatigue is founded on the concept of degraded or tired material and is linked to the observation of damage, a consequence of the loading and unloading cycles. It is apparent that fatigue produces progressive damage involving plastic deformation, crack nucleation, creep rupture and finally rapid fracture. So, damage is the consequence of the gradual process of mechanical deterioration, that basically results in a structural component failure. The evolution of damage will be described by the coefficient of a fractional derivative, that represents the phase field, satisfying the Ginzburg-Landau equation.
We will discuss several symmetrizations (Steiner, Ehrhard, and spherical symmetrization) that are known not to increase the perimeter. We will show how it is possible to characterize those sets whose perimeter remains unchanged under symmetrization. We will also characterize rigidity of equality cases. By rigidity, we mean the situation when those sets whose perimeter remains unchanged under symmetrization, are trivially obtained through a rigid motion of the (Steiner, Ehrhard or spherical) symmetral. We will achieve this through the introduction of a suitable measure-theoretic notion of connectedness, and through a fine analysis of the barycenter function for a special class of sets. These results are obtained together with several collaborators (Maria Colombo, Guido De Philippis, Francesco Maggi, Matteo Perugini, Dominik Stoger).
The Navier-Stokes equations describe the motion of fluids, with the two and three dimensional cases exhibiting certain very different characteristics. Kolmogorov's 1941 theory regarding the energy cascade in 3D turbulence and its 2D enstrophy analogue by Kraichnan in 1967 suggest that the behaviour of a fluid can be described by finite degrees of freedom, despite it being described by a PDE which is, fundamentally, infinite-dimensional. To develop this idea further, the idea of determining modes was introduced by Foias et al in 1983.
The beta-plane approximation is applied to simulate the effect that the earth's rotation has on the 2D NSE, where the rotation varies linearly with the latitude. Physical arguments and numerics indicate that the flow in such a simulation will be come zonal with time. Al-Jaboori and Wirosoetisno (2011) proved that the flow becomes more zonal with stronger rotation.
In this talk, I will introduce the concepts of determining modes and the beta-plane approximation, go over developments and improvements that have been made and cover some results that we have made by combining these two ideas.
The problem of quantization of a d-dimension probability distribution by discrete probabilities with a given number of points can be stated as follows: given a probability density $\rho$, approximate it in the Wasserstein metric by a convex combination of a finite number N of Dirac masses. In a paper in collaboration with E. Caglioti and F. Golse we studied a gradient flow approach to this problem in one dimension. By embedding the problem in $L^2$, we find a continuous version of it that corresponds to the limit as the number of particles tends to infinity. Under some suitable regularity assumptions on the density, we prove uniform stability and quantitative convergence result for the discrete and continuous dynamics.
In this talk I'll introduce some important concepts from the fashionable field of optimal transport theory. No previous knowledge of optimal transport theory is required, and the aim of the talk is to prepare the audience for future seminars on this topic.
The solar corona, the sun's hot outer atmosphere, is a hotbed of activity driven by continual changes in the magnetic field that permeates it. In the largest events, free energy is stored in the corona in the form of filaments '“ long snake-like features with highly sheared magnetic fields. These filaments can become unstable and erupt outwards into interplanetary space as Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). A multitude of smaller jet-like events are also present which launch hot tapered spires of plasma up from near the surface. Although smaller, these events are much more plentiful and extend down to the finest scales resolvable by current instruments. Until recently, jets and CMEs were thought to be distinct phenomena resulting from quite different mechanisms. However, the latest observations suggest that some jets are in fact miniature CMEs. In this talk I will introduce a new model for these mini-CME-type jets based on high-resolution MHD simulations. I'll discuss how this jet model is a natural extension of a prominent CME model and how this shows the direct link between the two phenomena for the first time.
This talk is in the area of mathematical modeling of materials science. We discuss the continuum limit of two discrete models for crystalline structures evolving on a flat substrate. The first model is based on microscopic Burton-Cabrera-Frank (BCF) models for stepped surfaces, and the second one is based on atomistic Solid-on-Solid (SOS) models. We prove that the BCF model is a finite difference scheme for a continuum PDE, and describe the macroscopic long term behavior and self similar solutions. For the SOS model, we use statistical mechanics techniques to prove that, in the discrete setting, a facet (flat face of the crystal) emerges as a consequence of the model. We hope to carry this over to the continuum setting.
Observations by the Hinode satellite of quiescent prominences have revealed in great detail the dynamics of plumes rising through the prominence material. These plumes, created by the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability, rise through the prominence material. In this talk I will show how the growth rate for the linear instability and the nonlinear dynamics of the rising plume in the nonlinear regime provide diagnostic tools for investigating both the plasma beta and the magnetic field direction in the prominence. These methods will be compared to observations of plumes with both Doppler velocity and magnetic field measurements (both strength and direction) by Orozco Suarez et al (2014) to confirm their validity. It is through application of these new methods that I believe we will be able to make great strides in understanding the role of the magnetic field in the small-scale dynamics of quiescent prominences without the need for complex polarization measurements.
We introduce a new class of "filtered" schemes for some first order non-linear Hamilton-Jacobi equations. The work follows recent ideas of Froese and Oberman (SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol 51, pp.423-444, 2013) and Oberman and Salvador (J. Comput. Phys., Vol 284, pp. 367-388, 2015) for steady equations. Here we mainly study the time dependent setting and focus on fully explicit schemes. Furthermore, specific corrections to the filtering idea are also needed in order to obtain high-order accuracy. The proposed schemes are not monotone but still satisfy some epsilon-monotone property. A general convergence result together with a precise error estimate of order h^{1/2} are given (h is the mesh size). The framework allows to construct finite difference discretizations that are easy to implement and high-order in the domain where the solution is smooth. A novel error estimate is also given in the case of the approximation of steady equations. Numerical tests including evolutive convex and nonconvex Hamiltonians and obstacle problems are presented to validate the approach. We show with several examples how the filter technique can be applied to stabilize an otherwise unstable high-order scheme.
This is joint work with O. Bokanowski and M. Falcone.
The existence of compactly supported global minimisers for continuum models of particles interacting through a potential is shown under almost optimal hypotheses. The main assumption on the potential is that it is catastrophic or not H-stable, which is the complementary assumption to that in classical results on thermodynamic limits in statistical mechanics. The proof is based on a uniform control on the local mass around each point of the support of a global minimiser, together with an estimate on the size of the "holes" that a minimiser may have. The class of potentials for which we prove existence of minimisers includes power-law potentials and, for some range of parameters, Morse potentials, widely used in applications. Finally, using Euler-Lagrange conditions on local minimisers we give a link to classical obstacle problems in the calculus of variations.
This is a joint work with J. A. Carrillo and F. Patacchini from Imperial College London.
A common pursuit is to optimise a number of control parameters in order to suppress or avoid the appearance of an instability, e.g. for drag reduction. In recent years, however, it has become possible to use similar variational methods as a means to determining the most direct route to instability. This involves the construction of a variational problem where the `parameter'-space is now huge, being the entire space of possible velocity fields. This field, if corresponding to a flow, must be subject to the constraints of boundary conditions and the governing equations.
The natural application to shear flows has enabled us to identify the minimal flow structures that lead to instability,
i.e. to the transition to turbulence. For the dynamo instability one seeks a velocity field that leads magnetic energy growth, and it has been possible to put a lower bound on the `power' of the driving flow.
Whilst powerful at first sight, the variational method suffers a number of difficulties that the settings above highlight.
Pringle, C.T., Willis, A.P., and Kerswell, R.R., Minimal seeds for shear flow turbulence: using nonlinear transient growth to touch the edge of chaos, J. Fluid Mech., 702, 415-443 (2012).
Willis, A.P., Optimization of the magnetic dynamo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 251101 (2012)
It is well known that the plastic, or permanent, deformation of a metal is caused by the movement of curve-like defects in its crystal lattice. These defects are called dislocations. What is not known is how to use this microscale information to make theoretical predictions at the continuum scale. A mathematical procedure that has proved to be very successful for the micro-to-macro upscaling of equilibrium problems in materials science is Gamma-convergence.
Macroscopic plasticity, however, is heavily dependent on dynamic properties of the dislocation curves. Motivated by this, M.G. Mora, M.A. Peletier and I recently upscaled a time-dependent system of discrete, interacting dislocations by combining Gamma-convergence methods with the theory of rate-independent systems. In the continuum limit we obtained an evolution law for the dislocation density. In this talk I will present this result and discuss its limitations and further extensions towards more realistic and complex systems.
We consider weak stationary solutions to the incompressible Euler equations and show that the analogue of the h-principle obtained by De Lellis and Szekelyhidi for time-dependent weak solutions continues to hold. The key difference arises in dimension d = 2, where it turns out that the relaxation is strictly smaller than what one obtains in the time-dependent case. This is joint work with Laszlo Szekelyhidi Jr.
In this talk I will present a work in collaboration with M. Bonnivard (Paris-Diderot) and F. Santambrogio (Orsay) where we propose an approximation for the Steiner problem (i.e. finding a connected set of minimal length joining a prescribed given set) by a family of elliptic type functionals, in the way of Modica-Mortola or Ambrosio-Tortorelli. The novelty in this work is a term of new type which is able to take care of the connectivity constraint.
In this talk, we will consider travelling waves in discrete systems. There are two models that will be discussed, i.e. coupled oscillators modelling a one-dimensional array of metamaterials and a discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation modelling arrays of waveguides. In the first part of the talk, we will present the existence and uniqueness of periodic and asymptotic travelling waves in the first system. In the second part of the talk, we will discuss the second equation and informally study the existence of homoclinic orbits to saddle-points of the corresponding advance-delay equation, which are commonly referred to as embedded solitons.
This talk will introduce stochastic differential equations from scratch. Starting with Brownian motion I will introduce stochastic differential
equations (SDEs) and a new numerical method to integrate the Stratonovich form. From there I will introduce stochastic partial erential equations (SPDEs) and how to compute travelling waves for SPDEs. Finally I plan to discuss a technique that freezes the wave and stops it from moving.
A moving vessel carrying a fluid can give rise to a wide range of complex and beautiful fluid motions. On the other hand, the motion of the interior fluid induces forces and moments on the vessel which can lead to unintended vessel motions and these motions could even lead to a destabilization of the vessel dynamics. One of the simplest experiments which demonstrates the fluid-vessel interaction is Cooker's pendulous sloshing experiment. This experiment consists of vessel with a rectangular cross-section which is partially filled with an inviscid, incompressible fluid and is suspended by two cables. The centre of mass of the system is allowed to rotate in a vertical plane, while the tank bed remains horizontal. This generates an irrotational fluid motion in the vessel.
In this talk we will show that this experimental setup contains an internal 1:1 resonance where the anti-symmetric fluid sloshing modes, which induce the vessel motion, have exactly the same frequency as the symmetric sloshing modes which occur in a stationary vessel. We also show that an exchange of energy between the vessel dynamics and the fluid motion can occur close to the 1:1 resonance when nonlinearity is considered.
We present a discrete model of cell motility in one dimension which incorporates the effects of volume filling and cell-to-cell adhesion. The continuum limit of the model is a nonlinear diffusion equation for the cell density, such that the diffusivity can turn negative if the adhesion coefficient is large. The consequent ill-posedness explains the pattern-forming behaviour observed in simulations of the underlying discrete model. The relationship between the discrete and continuum models is explored mathematically and numerically, and a Stefan-problem formulation of the continuum limit is proposed. Finally, we factor chemotaxis into the model, and show simulations of singular aggregation patterns arising from small initial data.
We study numerically phase separation in a binary fluid subject to an applied shear flow in two dimensions, with full hydrodynamics. For systems with inertia, we reproduce the nonequilibrium steady states reported previously by Stansell et al. [Phys Rev Lett 96 085701 (2006)]. The domain coarsening that would occur in zero shear is arrested by the applied shear flow, which restores a finite domain size set by the inverse shear rate. For inertialess systems, in contrast, we find no evidence of nonequilibrium steady states free of finite size effects: coarsening persists indefinitely until the typical domain size attains the system size, as in zero shear. We present an analytical argument that supports this observation, and that furthermore provides a possible explanation for a hitherto puzzling property of the nonequilibrium steady states with inertia. [SMF Phys Rev E 77 021504 (2008)]
Mimetic Finite Difference (MFD) methods are relatively new numerical techniques that have already been applied to the solution of problems in continuum mechanics, electromagnetics, gas dynamics and linear diffusion. They may be classified as standing in between Mixed Finite Element Methods and Finite Volumes. The idea behind this new discretisation technique is to define discrete operators by imposing that the essential properties of the underlying differential operators are preserved. For instance, when applied to linear diffusion problems written in mixed form, the discrete (mimetic) differential operators are defined imposing the Green's formula with respect to some discrete scalar products. In this way, conservation laws and solution symmetries are embedded in the method. Another crucial property of MFD is that very general polyhedral mesh elements can be handled, allowing for non-convex, degenerate polyhedrons, and even polyhedrons with curved faces. The flexibility in the mesh design gives an obvious advantage in the treatment of complex solution domains and heterogeneous materials. Moreover, allowing non-matching, non-convex mixed types of elements facilitates adaptive mesh refinement, particularly in the coarsening phase, making it a completely local process. The talk will overview the definition and features of MFD concentrating on linear diffusion problems. We shall demonstrate through extensive numerical examples the flexibility of the method, and present our recent analysis on the method's superconvergence properties and their use in a-posteriori error estimation. Finally, we shall present the first a priori analysis of the method applied to the solution of steady convection-diffusion problems.
Many surfaces in nature and industry develop coatings of unwanted material as a result of micro-organisms colonising them to form biofilms, or the conditions at the surface promoting reaction to form fouling layers that degrade the performance of the equipment. The economic cost and environmental impact of fouling and of cleaning (removing) can be substantial. There is therefore a need to understand the mechanisms by which these layers develop and decay, but experimental studies are often complicated by the fact that layers generated in a liquid environment are often highly porous and collapse when dried, or deform when contacted by a measurement stylus.
Our group has developed a simple technique to measure the thickness of soft fouling layers which allows us to locate the surface of the layer and thereby measure its thickness in situ and in real time. We can currently achieve measurement accuracies of +/- 10 micron which allows us to study the growth or swelling of biofilms, protein gels, milk-based foulants and polymer films. This fluid dynamic guaging technique exploits the flow characteristics of a siphon nozzle as it approaches a surface to locate the interface without touching it: it therefore mimics the operation of an atomic force microscope, albeit at micron length scales.
We have developed the technique (and stretched the analogy with atomic force microscopy) by using computational fluid dynamics simulations of the creeping and laminar flows of Newtonian fluids involved to calculate the flow field and thus estimate the stresses imposed on the surface. This allows us to determine the yield characteristics of the soft layers and other aspects of their microstructure.
The technique also works well when the bulk fluid is moving: we can track the development and destruction of fouling layers in ducts and thereby simulate real flow conditions. Our simulation work in this area has identified several challenges, which will be outlined is this presentation alongside some of the potential applications of the technique.
Results from two-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the governing equations that model incompressible fluid flow over a flat plate are presented. The Navier-Stokes equations are cast in a novel velocity-vorticity formulation (see Davies and Carpenter (2001)) and discretized with a mixed pseudospectral and compact finite-difference scheme in space, and a three-level backward-difference scheme in time.
A method to determine the envelope of a wavepacket (from numerical data) was developed. Based on the usual Hilbert Transform, new stages were incorporated to ensure a smooth envelope was found when the wavepacket was asymmetric.
The early transitional stages of the Blasius flow (flow over a flat plate with zero streamwise pressure gradient) are investigated with particular regard to a weakly nonlinear effect called wave-envelope steepening. Blasius flow is linearly unstable and so-called Tollmien-Schlichting modes develop. As nonlinearities become significant, the envelope of the wavepacket starts to develop differently at its leading and trailing edges. Numerical results presented here show that the envelope becomes steeper at the leading edge than it is at the trailing edge.
The effect of a non-zero streamwise pressure gradient on wave-envelope steepening is investigated by using Falkner-Skan profiles in place of the Blasius profile.
Natural transition is triggered by randomly-modulated waves. A disturbance with a randomly-modulated envelope was modelled and its effect on wave-envelope steepening was studied.
The higher-order Ginzburg-Landau equation was used to model the evolution of an envelope of a wavepacket disturbance. These results gave good qualitative comparison with the direct numerical simulations.
Finally, in preparation for developing a three-dimensional nonlinear version of the code, the discretization of one of the governing equations (the Poisson equation) was extended to three dimensions. Results from this new three-dimensional version of the Poisson solver show good agreement with those from an iterative solver, and also demonstrate the robustness of the numerical scheme.
I will address the usage of the elliptic reconstruction technique
(ERT) in a posteriori error analysis for fully discrete schemes for
evolution partial differential equations with particular focus on
parabolic equations. A posteriori error estimates are effective tools
in error control and adaptivity and a mathematical rigorous derivation
justifies and improves their use in practical implementations.
The flexibility of the ERT allows a virtually indiscriminate use of
various parabolic PDE techniques such as energy methods, duality
methods and heat-kernel estimates, as opposed to direct approaches
which leave less maneuver room. Thanks to the ERT, parabolic stability
techniques can be combined with different elliptic a posteriori
analysis techniques, such as residual or recovery estimators, to
derive a posteriori error bounds. The method unifies and simplifies
most previously known analysis, and it provides previously unknown
error bounds (e.g., pointwise norm error bounds for the heat
equation). [Results with Ch. Makridakis and A. Demlow.]
A further feature of the ERT, which I would like to highlight, of the
ERT is its simplifying power. It allows to derive estimates where the
analysis would be dautingly complicated. As an example, I will
illustrate its use in the context of non-conforming methods, with a
special eye on discontinuous Galerkin methods [with E. Georgoulis]
and "ZZ" recovery-type estimators [with T. Pryer].
In this talk, I will outline a general recent methodology for solving boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear PDEs in two variables. I will focus on the case of of evolution problems (hence one variable always models time). I will discuss the case of classical boundary value problems posed on a finite or semi-infinite interval, as well as the case when such a problem is posed in a time-dependent domain. In both cases, I will illustrate how this methodology yields new fast strategies for evaluating the solution numerically. This work is in collaboration with A.S. Fokas and my student S. Vetra.
"The Variational Particle-Mesh method is a general method for discretising fluid equations which can be derived from a variational principle. The method encodes the relationship between Lagrangian and Eulerian fluid mechanics. I will discuss results for the N-dimensional Camassa-Holm equation where it is possible to show that the method has a discrete particle relabelling symmetry which leads to a set of conservation laws that are related to Kelvin's circulation theorem. If there is time I will also discuss a new application to medical imaging. "
"I will discuss two topics involving the efficient evaluations of theta functions connected with algebraic curves and integrable systems. These are of interest on both practical and theoretical grounds. One is the use of the Richelot transformation to evaluate genus two hyperelliptic integrals, a generalization of the Algebraic-Geometric Mean of Gauss. The other is the study of reducible period matrices, when the algebraic curve is a cover of one or more of lower genus. In this case the higher genus theta function can be written as a sum of products of lower genus (often g=1) theta functions. "
"We explore some recent topics of interest in both linear and nonlinear wave propagation. We do so in the context of problems from continuum mechanics which involve shear (or transverse) waves, compressional (or longitudinal) waves, and kinematic waves. Specifically, the following three topics will be considered: Instant steady-state and Stokes' second problem of dipolar fluids; Nonlinear acoustics in Darcy-type porous media: The transition from acceleration to shock waves; and Growth and decay of shock waves in a traffic flow model with relaxation. Employing both analytical and numerical techniques, we carry out this investigation with the purpose of gaining a better understanding of, and deeper insight into, the physical phenomena represented in the mathematical models. (Work supported by ONR/NRL funding.)"
"Geotechnical engineering is concerned with the response of existing rock and soil features to new constructions, and the behaviour of the structures themselves. This includes tunnels, retaining walls and foundations. Two problems usually require solutions: determination of movements during and after construction and assessment of overall stability. The former problem is often tackled using conventional finite element techniques. Geomaterials (e.g. soil and rock) are, however, very poorly modelled with linear elasticity and complex non-linear elasto-plastic models, devised especially for geomaterials, are necessary. In addition, modelling often includes many loading stages and the simulation of processes such as tunnel lining and drainage. These factors togethre with the size of many of the models makes finite element modelling in geotechnics unlike most other areas of civil engineering and much more challenging. This talk will highlight some of these issues using examples from my research over the past few years. In addition I will also discuss the modelling of collapse situations in geotechnics, using finite element limit analysis techniques."
"Multigrid methods are among the fastest algorithms for the solution of linear systems of equations Ax=b. For many problems the computational efforts for the multigrid solution of the linear system are of the same complexity as the multiplication of a vector with the matrix A. This talk deals with multigrid algorithms for structured linear systems. Particular focus is put on Toeplitz matrices, i.e. matrices with entries constant along diagonals. For the case of Toeplitz systems generated by nonnegative functions with a finite number of zeros of finite order new multigrid algorithms are proposed and efficiently implemented. It is pointed out why these algorithms are computationally superior to existing approaches.
Imaging applications are the most important practical source of Toeplitz systems: I will focus on Fredholm integral equations of the first kind arising from image deblurring. For the resulting discretization matrices a multigrid algorithm employing a natural coarse grid operator is implemented which improves on an existing approach by R.Chan, T.Chan and J.Wan. Finally, it will be explained how the new method can be viewed in the context of established multigrid approaches for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. "
"Two different approaches to mathematical modelling in renal research, done in collaboration with the Renal Unit at Glasgow's Western Infirmary, will be discussed. The first approach uses a discrete event simulation that has been developed to predict the benefits to be gained by correcting for potentially remediable cardiovascular risks. The model is based on a retrospective study of renal graft patients from the West of Scotland. The second approach discusses mathematical models for progressive renal disease. To date, the literature on such models is scarce. However, one such model exists, developed using a simple dynamical systems approach. This is discussed and compared with my own model, which I have recently been developing."
" DIGM occurs when a thin polycrystalline specimen made of one metal (the solvent) is put in the vapour of another metal (the solute). The solute diffuses into the specimen along grain boundaries and sets up elastic stresses which cause the grain boundary to move. The shape of the moving grain boundary is determined by a differential equation which balances this elastic force against the forces due to the curvature of the boundary and the resistance to its motion. Meanwhile, the shapes of the surfaces of the two grains also satisfy differential equations, because solvent atoms diffuse along the surface and their chemical potential depends on its curvature. The DE's for the grain boundary and the two grain surfaces are coupled by conditions at the triple junction where they meet. I will show some cases where the resulting mathematical problem can be solved to determine such things as the speed of a steadily moving grain boundary."
"A fully practical finite element approximation of an Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system with a degenerate mobility and a logarithmic free energy is considered. The system arises in the modelling of phase separation and ordering in binary alloys. In addition to showing well-posedness and stability bounds for the approximation, convergence in one space dimension is proved. Finally some numerical simulations will be presented. "
"This talk focuses on the dynamics of scroll waves in three-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems with excitable reaction kinetics. Results will be presented from three different approaches to understanding the dynamics of these waves: direct numerical simulations, bifurcation analyses, and singular perturbation methods."
"The seminar consists of two parts:
(a) A versatile Liapunov functional appropriate to nonlinear diffusion is discussed.
(b) A class of (cross-sectional) velocity - acceleration relations is discussed for steady flow of an incompressible continuum. "
" The pulmonary airways are lined with a thin liquid film which affects many aspects of the lung's mechanical behaviour. In the smaller airways, surface tension induces a large pressure jump across the film's highly curved air-liquid interfaces. The resulting compression of the elastic airway walls can lead to significant wall deformations and causes a strong interaction between fluid and solid mechanics. This talk will provide an overview of recently developed computational models of such problems and will illustrate their applications to airway closure and reopening. "
"This talk will discuss Grid Computing with particular reference to its use in Applied Mathematics. After a brief introduction to the main ideas behind the Grid, the Netsolve system developed at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will be used as an example of an interface to remote computing resources. The Triana system developed at Cardiff University will also be described. This will lead on to a discussion of Application Service Providers as a model for accessing remote computational resources. The importance of incorporating existing ?legacy? software into component-based distributed computing frameworks will be stressed, and the use of the Java-C Automatic Wrapper tool (JACAW) for doing this will be presented. Finally, the potential for using these types of tools and systems to develop high-level problem-solving environments will be assessed."
" We describe the spectrum of a non-self-adjoint elliptic system on a finite interval. Under certain conditions we find that the eigenvalues form a discrete set and converge asymptotically at infinity to one of several straight lines. The eigenfunctions need not generate a basis of the relevant Hilbert space, and the larger eigenvalues are extremely sensitive to small perturbations of the operator. We show that the leading term in the spectral asymptotics is closely related to a certain convex polygon, and that the spectrum does not determine the operator up to similarity. Two elliptic systems which only differ in their boundary conditions may have entirely different spectral asymptotics."
"We consider attractors of parabolic equations on large and unbounded domains. We define the epsilon-entropy which is a measure of the complexity of the attractor, similar to a dimension per unit volume. We show how to get bounds on the epsilon-entropy for both PDEs in unbounded domains and their numerical approximations."
"Liquid crystalline phases typically occur between conventional crystal and liquid phases. Many of the properties they exhibit are intermediate between liquids (e.g. flow properties) and crystalline materials (e.g. anisotropic properties). The coupling between these give rise to many interesting physical phenomena. In particular, electrooptic and magnetooptic effects can occur. Here, changes to an applied electric or magnetic field produce a change in molecular ordering and consequently induce a change in the optical response of the liquid crystal. Such responses have been harnessed in several well-known devices, including the twisted nematic display (TND) (common in everything from mobile phones to laptop computer displays), adaptive optic devices for telescopes, and switchable windows. This talk describes work carried out into the study of liquid crystalline phases using computer simulation methods. Two well-known techniques have been employed, molecular dynamics and Metropolis Monte Carlo. These methods have been used to simulate the phase behaviour of a range of simple models. The talk will show that simple single-site anisotropic models are sufficient to demonstrate the presence of liquid crystalline phases and that these models can be used to develop methods for predicting key material properties. More sophisticated models, which represent the molecular structure of individual molecules, can also be employed. Although, expensive in terms of computer time, these models can be used to provide an insight into how changes in chemical structure influence phase behaviour and material properties. It is shown that such models can provide a path to "Molecular Engineering", whereby in the future, it may be possible to design molecules that have the desired physical properties, starting only from knowledge of their molecular structure and their interactions. "
A method for quantifying the solution error in compact finite-difference schemes has been used to design optimal and near-optimal schemes for progressively more complicated decay/advection/diffusion problems. The new schemes achieve given levels of accuracy with larger time steps and wider grid spacing. The required computational resources can be as small as 0.001 of traditional schemes.
"Elliptic problems with gradient constraints arise naturally in the elastoplastic torsion of a bar. These problems are well understood in the framework of variational inequalities and may correspond to quasi-variational inequalities if the gradient bound depends on the solution itself. While the stationary problems may be solved by fixed point techniques, once the continuous dependence on the convex set is shown, the corresponding evolutionary problems are much more delicate to analyse, as those arising in some superconductivity models. For instance, in the Bean critical state problem, the gradient of the average magnetic field is constrained by a critical value. When this value is constant, the mathematical problem consists of a parabolic variational inequality which can be analysed and computed developing standard functional and numerical methods. In the physical variant in which that threshold may be a function of the magnetic field, the corresponding model is an evolutionary quasi-variational inequality. We survey a few known results for the variational problems and some of its variants, we describe the recent existence result for the quasi-variational inequality, obtained in a joint work with Lisa Santos."
"It is well known that discrete solutions to the convection-diffusion equation contain nonphysical oscillations when boundary layers are present but not resolved by the discretization. However, except for one-dimensional problems, there is little analysis of this phenomenon. In this work, we present an analysis of the two-dimensional problem with constant flow aligned with the grid, based on a Fourier decomposition of the discrete solution. For Galerkin bilinear finite element discretizations, we derive closed form expressions for the Fourier coefficients, showing them to be weighted sums of certain functions that are oscillatory when the mesh Peclet number is large. These expressions are then used to characterise the oscillations of the discrete solution in terms of the mesh Peclet number and boundary conditions of the problem. When streamline upwinding is included in the discretization, we show precisely how the amount of upwinding included in the discrete operator affects solution oscillations and accuracy when boundary layers are present. Joint work with Alison Ramage of The University of Strathclyde."
"In many applications it is desirable with high aspect ratio elements because of anisotropic behaviour of the solution. This is typically the case in problems involving for instance boundary layers. However, standard a posteriori error estimators for finite element methods do not work well for such elements. They typically over estimate the error. This means that they may lead to refinements in ""wrong"" areas if they are used for adapting the grid, and they may suggest an over refined grid to get the error down to the desired level. Different error estimators and possible remedies for the problems stated above will be discussed."
"We discuss the computation and numerical continuation of connections to periodic orbits, implementing in Auto97 (Doedel et al) projection boundary conditions proposed by Beyn 1993. As an illustrative example we consider the Baer--Rinzel model of a single neuron which models active spines (with Hodgkin--Huxley dynamics) linked by a diffusive cable. The model is known to support various travelling waves: solitary waves, periodic waves, multi-bump waves. Physically, heteroclinic connections between periodic solutions correspond to waves connecting periodic spike trains. We examine propagation failure as parameters such as resistance and spine density vary."
Stochastic delay differential equations (SDDEs) generalise deterministic delay differential equations as well as stochastic ordinary differential equations. Applications of SDDEs may be found for example in physiological systems and finance. In this talk I will give an overview over analytical and numerical methods and some concepts of the relevant stability analysis.
The talk will give an overview of some of the work being done at Strathclyde on adaptive methods. It will focus on Hermite collocation solution of near-singular problems using coordinate transformations based on adaptivity. A coarse grid is generated by an adaptive finite difference method and this grid is used to construct a coordinate transformation that is based on monotonic cubic spline approximation. An uneven grid is then generated by means of the coordinate transformation and the differential problem is solved on this grid using Hermite collocation. Numerical results are presented for steady and unsteady problems in 1D and for steady problems in 2D.
"We describe a parallel algorithm for the finite element solution of a general class of elliptic partial differential equations in three dimensions based upon a weakly overlapping domain decomposition preconditioner. The approach, which extends previous work for two-dimensional problems, is briefly described and analysed, and numerical evidence is provided to demonstrate the potential of our proposed parallel algorithm. "
"The general N-body problem (N interacting point masses or rigid bodies) is an ubiquitous component of modern chemical, physical and engineering research. For simulation of long time-interval dynamics, improved stability is often obtained by using a ""geometric integrator,"" for example a symplectic or time-reversible method. In this talk, I will describe new geometric integration methods for rigid body and particle systems subject to molecular forces, hard-walls and Coulombic collisions. "
"I will review a convergence theory of numerical approximations of stochastic differential equations. The theory concerns the approximation of long time(ergodic) properties of the underlying model. A motivating example is used throughout the talk, so called Dissipative Particle Dynamics, which is used inindustry to study phase formations in polymer mixtures. The convergence theory has been applied more generally to parabolic PDEs and impulsed ODEs. "
"Observations of cooperative behaviour among unrelated individuals (e.g. food sharing, grooming, predator inspection) are of great interest to evolutionary biologists, not least because such altruism appears open to abuse (receiving help without giving it). The classical Prisoners' Dilemma game, in which players repeatedly choose to cooperate (C) or defect (D), remains the central tool for identifying the types of cooperative strategy that might evolve in the natural world, but it is often criticised by empiricists. For instance, in the real world individuals can vary their investments in partners, so the option of co-operation is rarely all or nothing. Similarly, defection is rarely more than the passive strategy of not cooperating. In this talk, I present a simple model of biological trade which is consistent with the Prisoners' Dilemma model, but which allows individuals to vary their cooperative investments. In reformulating the model in this way, it is clear that whole new ways of cheating are possible, such undercutting your partner's investment. Despite these potentially erosive forces, I show that cooperation can still thrive under these conditions, and that it is likely to do so by strategies which both build up trust in partners and which react quantitatively to partners that short-change them.In the final section of my talk I present the results of more recent analyses in which I demonstrate: (i) that cooperative interactions can still occur despite wide variation in the frequency of needing help, and (ii) that individuals who can't (rather than won't!) reciprocate are likely to play an important role in enhancing the evolutionary stability of cooperation."
In 1986 Montgomery and Vaughan proved an asymptotic formula for the even moments of the distribution of reduced residues in short intervals of integers. For odd moments they proved only a small improvement over the 'trivial' bound. In joint work with Vivian Kuperberg we prove essentially optimal upper bounds for the odd moments of this distribution, confirming a conjecture of Montgomery and Vaughan. As an application we prove (probably) optimal upper bounds for the average of the singular series when counting prime tuples of odd length. Our main new tool is a new upper bound for the number of solutions to $\sum_{1\leq i\leq k} \frac{a_i}{q_i}=0$ when $k$ is odd, an elementary self-contained problem of independent interest.
Theta lifting is an important theme in the theory of automorphic forms. In the 1970's, Roger Howe brought a representation theoretic interpretation to theta lifting by introducing his celebrated theta correspondence. In a nutshell, the local theta correspondence sets up a bijection between certain subsets of admissible duals of suitable pairs of reductive groups. In this talk, I will discuss an approach to (local and global) theta correspondence via C*-algebras of groups. This approach, when applicable, promotes the correspondence to a continuous functor. Time permitting, I will discuss some applications as well. Based on joint works with B. Mesland (Leiden) and M. Goffeng (Lund).
2025-02-11Victor Wang [Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Vienna]: Pairs of commuting matrices
I'll discuss commuting varieties and a new upper bound for the number of pairs of commuting n-by-n matrices with integer entries and height at most T -> \infty. Our approach uses Fourier analysis and mod p information, together with a result about the flatness of the commutator Lie bracket, which we also solve. This is joint work with Tim Browning and Will Sawin.
In my talk, I present a recent paper (joint with A.Gerasimov and D.Lebedev) which is a part of our long term research project on interactions between Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic forms and representations. At the beginning I recall the GKZ hypergeometric functions and discuss several examples. Then I give the representation theoretic interpretation of the GKZ structures and comment on the case of the GL(n,R)-Whittaker function.
In an arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold there is an abundance of naturally defined closed geodesics. I will present a result which relates linking number invariants of these geodesics with the Fourier coefficients of certain non-holomorphic Siegel modular forms of genus 2.
In the early 1990s Ribet observed that the classical mod l multiplicity one results for modular curves, which are a consequence of the q-expansion principle, fail to generalize to Shimura curves. Specifically he found examples of Galois representations which occur with multiplicity 2 in the mod l cohomology of certain Shimura curve.
In previous work I gave a method to determine mod l multiplicities for Shimura curves in cases when this multiplicity is not 1, using the Taylor-Wiles-Kisin patching method and explicit calculations of local Galois deformation rings. This method crucially relies on the fact that the first cohomology group of a Shimura curve is self-dual. Unfortunately this method does not directly generalize to more general Shimura varieties, as the relevant cohomology groups will not be self-dual in general (since the Poincare duality pairing is not Hecke-equivariant).
In this talk, I will describe a new approach for determining the mod l multiplicities for unitary Shimura sets, which works in cases where self-duality fails. Our method combines the prior approach with various arguments involving the mod p reduction of certain higher dimensional Shimura varieties.
q-series appear in several contexts of mathematics: as characters of vertex operator algebras (VOAs), as knot invariants, and as generating functions for certain partitions. In some cases, they are known to be modular functions. For a family of q-hypergeometric series called Nahm sums, the modularity is known to be related to the vanishing of elements in the Bloch group. However, a precise conjecture is unknown. In this talk, I present recent results concerning this relation.
When considering the Doi-Naganuma lift, Zagier introduced a family of Hilbert cusp forms $\omega_m^{\text{cusp}}$ corresponding to positive integers $m$. A similar construction for negative $m$ yields meromorphic Hilbert modular forms $\omega_m^{\text{mero}}$ with singularities along Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors. Using a new theory of the $\xi$-operator for Hilbert modular surfaces and locally harmonic Hilbert Maass forms, we show that the cycle integrals of $\omega_m^{\text{mero}}$ over real-analytic cycles are related to the cycle integrals of a locally harmonic Maass form $\Omega_m^{\text{cusp}}$ along Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors. The latter can be calculated using a new theta lift which is related to the Doi-Naganuma lift. This is joint work with C. Alfes-Neumann, B. Depouilly and M. Schwagenscheidt.
I will present a conjecture extending the classical theory of elliptic units from imaginary quadratic fields to complex cubic fields. The role played by theta functions in the classical construction now corresponds to the elliptic gamma function, a meromorphic function arising in mathematical physics. Using this function we will define complex numbers that we conjecture to lie on specified abelian extensions of cubic fields and to satisfy explicit reciprocity laws. I will discuss some numerical and theoretical evidence for these claims. The talk will be based on arXiv:2311.04110 and is joint work with Nicolas Bergeron and Pierre Charollois.
The cohomology of arithmetic groups, and more generally of linear
groups, is a rich subject with links to geometry, topology, algebra and
number theory. In this talk, I will give an overview on (not so) old and
new results on the cohomology of $SL_N(\mathbb{Z})$ and related groups,
their homologies with coefficients in their Steinberg modules,
computations of their geometric models (including some algorithmic
aspects) and related conjectures. I will also give applications to
moduli spaces of curves and K-theory of the integers.
The talk is based in part on several joint works of the author.
Murmurations are unexpected statistical correlations between the coefficients of L-functions and their root numbers. Murmurations were first discovered in attempts to interpret the accuracy of various machine learning experiments in number theory. Dirichlet characters are an interesting context as they allow one to state and prove concrete theorems with easily understandable tools. In this talk, I will show how the "murmuration density" allows one to capture the signal in a noisy arithmetic picture, and how this density interpolates the one-level density of their zeros.
In this series of two talks I will give a gentle introduction to indefinite theta series and their applications in arithmetic and geometry. Some basic knowledge of modular forms will be assumed.
In this series of two talks I will give a gentle introduction to indefinite theta series and their applications in arithmetic and geometry. Some basic knowledge of modular forms will be assumed.
It was established by Koike how to use the commuting actions of U(n) and S_k x S_l on tensor powers of C^n and it's dual space (C^n)* to explicitly construct subspaces that are isomorphic to certain irreducible representations of U(n). I will discuss a similar construction, using the commuting actions of S_n and S_k on the k'th tensor power of C^n to construct subspaces that are isomorphic to certain irreducible representations of S_n x S_k. Time permitting, I will also discuss some applications of this work towards the study of the expected character of random permutations for 'stable' irreducible representations of S_n.
In recent work Le, Le Hung, Levin and Morra have proved a generalisation of Breuils Lattice conjecture in dimension three. This involved showing that lattices inside representations of GL3(Fp) coming from both a global and a local construction coincide. Motivated by this we consider the following graph. For an irreducible representation ô of a group G over a finite extension K of Qp we define a graph on the OK-lattices inside ô whose edges encapsulate the relationship between lattices in terms of irreducible modular representations of G (or Serre weights in the context of the paper by Le et al.).
In this talk, I will demonstrate how one can apply the theory of graduated orders and their lattices, established by Zassenhaus and Plesken, to understand the lattice graphs of residually multiplicity free representation over suitably large fields in terms of a matrix called an exponent matrix. Furthermore I will explain how I have been able to show that one can determine the exponent matrices for suitably generic representation go GL3(Fp) allowing us to construct their lattice graphs.
The central value of the L-function of an elliptic curve has been the object of extensive studies in the last 50 years. Associated with such a curve we wish to understand also families of twists of it, leading to the study of twisted L-functions.
On the other hand, modular symbols have been a useful tool to study the space of holomorphic cusp forms of weight 2, and the homology of modular curves. They have been the object of extensive investigations by many mathematicians including Birch, Manin, and Cremona.
Mazur, Rubin, and Stein have recently formulated a series of conjectures about statistical properties of modular symbols in order to understand central values of twists of elliptic curve L-functions.
We discuss some of these conjectures and the recent progress and resolution of them.
I will introduce the doubling method for automorphic L-functions of classical groups. In most work concerning special L-values so far, only the partial L-function is considered. Using the doubling method, Yamana defined the `correct complete L-function. That is, he defined the ramified local L-factors and proved that the global L-function has meromorphic continuation and satisfies a functional equation. However, these local L-factors are not given explicitly, and his approach cannot be used to study the algebraicity. As my motivation is to study algebraicity/p-adic properties, I construct the ramified L-factors explicitly so that the algebraicity result for partial L-functions can be easily extended to complete L-functions.
We introduce spectral projectors on a torus as a restriction problem with exponential sums, and relate them to other problems including eigenfunction growth estimates and the Gauss circle problem. We discuss a number of approaches for arbitrary or generic tori with roots in number theory.
The spectrum of a commutative unitary ring has a natural partial order induced by inclusions of prime ideals. More generally, we can use this idea to introduce a partial order on any scheme or Kolmogorov space. This allows us to view these spaces as directed graphs.
Many interesting arithmetic invariants of varieties such as Berkovich skeleta can be captured purely in terms of this poset structure. In this talk, I will show how to reconstruct this structure using Galois orbits of power series. I will introduce relative decomposition groups, local gluing data, and multivariate symbolic Newton-Puiseux algorithms to compute these posets in many cases of interest. If time permits, I will also show how tropical geometry can be used to find these posets.
I will present recent joint work with Kris Klosin (CUNY) on the modularity of residually reducible ordinary 2-dimensional p-adic Galois representations with determinant a finite order odd character. When this finite order character is quadratic we prove modularity by classical CM weight one forms, otherwise by non-classical weight 1 specialisations of Hida families.
I will report on recent work which shows, under technical hypotheses, that cuspidal automorphic Galois representations over CM fields are rigid in the sense that they have no deformations which are de Rham. This property is predicted by the Bloch-Kato conjecture and the proof uses the Taylor-Wiles method.
Shanks' Conjecture states that the derivative of the Riemann zeta function is, on average, real and positive when evaluated at the non-trivial zeros of the zeta function. (At each individual zero, \zeta'(rho) is complex). A proof of the conjecture was already found in the 1980's. This talk, which is based on joint work with Andrew Pearce-Crump, will give a very simple heuristic using the Landau-Gonek explicit formula that yields the same result, as well as showing how it can be generalised to higher derivatives.
Let \pi be a p-ordinary cohomological cuspidal automorphic representation of GL(n,A_Q). A conjecture of Coates--Perrin-Riou predicts that the (twisted) critical values of its L-function L(\pi x\chi,s), for Dirichlet characters \chi of p-power conductor, satisfy systematic congruence properties modulo powers of p, captured in the existence of a p-adic L-function. For n = 1,2 this conjecture has been known for decades, but for n > 2 it is known only in special cases, e.g. symmetric squares of modular forms; and in all previously known cases, \pi is a functorial transfer via a proper subgroup of GL(n). In this talk, I will explain what a p-adic L-function is, state the conjecture more precisely, and then describe recent joint work with David Loeffler, in which we prove this conjecture for n=3 (without any transfer or self-duality assumptions).
One of the most important results in 20th century number theory is Linnik's theorem, which states that if q is a large modulus, then each invertible residue class mod q contains a prime less than q^L, where L is some absolute constant. In this talk we investigate similar results concerning E_k numbers for small k, where an E_k number is a product of exactly k primes. In particular, we show that each invertible residue class mod q contains a product of three primes, where each prime is less than q^{6/5+epsilon}
An integer is y-smooth (or y-friable) if all its prime factors are at most y in size. Such numbers play an important role in computational number theory. A similar definition, with similar applications, applies for smooth polynomials over a finite field.
It has been known for more than 90 years that the densities of smooth numbers and polynomials grow (in certain parameter ranges) like the Dickman function, which will be defined in the talk.
I will survey the tools for studying smooth numbers and polynomials. I'll explain my work (in progress), which studies the relationship between smooth numbers/polynomials and the Dickman function by introducing a new approximation for the number of smooth numbers/polynomials.
In particular, we make progress, conditionally on the Riemann Hypothesis, on the following question of Pomerance: Is the density of smooth numbers always larger than the Dickman function? This turns out to relate, in a subtle way, to the error term arising when counting prime numbers.
I will present recent joint work ( with Kris Klosin (CUNY) on the modularity of residually reducible ordinary 2-dimensional p-adic Galois representations with determinant a finite order odd character. When this finite order character is quadratic we prove modularity by classical CM weight one forms, otherwise by non-classical weight 1 specialisations of Hida families.
Let q be a large prime. It is an old and classical problem to understand the distribution of quadratic residues and non-residues modulo q. According to an old and famous conjecture of I.M. Vinogradov, the least quadratic non-residue n modulo q should satisfy n 0, when q is large enough. This statement would be implied by non-trivial upper bounds for averages of the Legendre symbol (n/q) with n 1/4, due to the potential obstruction, difficult to rule out, that (n/q) = +1 for many initial integers n.
In this talk I will discuss a generalisation of Vinogradov's conjecture to other primitive Dirichlet characters \chi modulo q, seeking the least n for which \chi(n) is not 1. I will explain some recent work of mine that shows, using techniques from additive combinatorics, that when the order d of \chi grows with q the aforementioned obstruction does not occur, that the analogue of Vinogradov's conjecture for \chi does hold, and that moreover \chi(n) = 1 with n 0. I will also discuss some results related to showing cancellation in short sums of \chi(n) with n 0 arbitrarily small, going beyond Burgess' estimate.
One of the most basic classes of algorithmic problems in combinatorial
optimization is the computation of shortest paths. Tropical geometry is
a natural language to analyze parameterized versions where some of the
arc weights are unknown. I will introduce this point of view, with a
link to polyhedral geometry. Moreover, I will present an algorithm that
computes these parameterized shortest paths and apply it to real world
data from traffic networks.
My talk is based on joint work with Michael Joswig.
This talk will take place in MCS2068 (ignore the generic room below).
The Poincaré-type series mentioned in the title refer to "nice" vector valued functions defined on the complex upper half-plane which transform in a suitable way with respect to a multiplier system of real weight k under the action of a Fuchsian group of the first kind. As we will explain, they are very closely related to certain automorphic kernels which admit a spectral expansion with respect to the eigenfunctions of the hyperbolic weighted Laplacian of weight k. Following an approach of Jorgenson, von Pippich and Smajlović (where k=0), we use spectral expansion associated to the Laplacian to first construct wave distribution and then identify conditions on its test functions under which it represents automorphic kernels. As we will see, one of advantages of this method is that the resulting series may be naturally meromorphically continued to the whole complex plane.
This talk presents joint work with Y. Kara, M. Kumari, K. Maurischat, A. Mocanu and L. Smajlović.
LetLbe a complete discrete valuation field of primecharacteristicpwith finite residue field. Denote by Γ^(v)_L the ramification subgroups of Γ_L= Gal(L^{sep}/L). Consider the category MΓ^{Lie}_L of finite Z_p[Γ_L]-modules H, satisfying some additional (Lie)-condition on theimage of Γ_L in Aut_{Z_p}H. We prove that all information about the images of the ramification subgroups Γ^(v)_L can be explicitly extracted from some differential forms Ω[N] on the Fontaine etale φ-module M(H) associated with H. The forms Ω[N] are completely determined by a connection ∇ on M(H). In the case of fields L of mixed characteristic containing a primitive p-th root of unity the similar problem for F_p[Γ_L]-modules also admits a solution. In this case we use the field-of-norms functor to construct the coresponding φ-module together with the action of a cyclic group of order p coming from a cyclic extension of L. Then the solution involves the above characteristic p part (provided by the field-of-norms functor) and the condition for a “good” lift of a generator of the involved cyclic group of order p. Apart from the above differential forms the statement of this condition also uses a power series coming from the p-adic period of the formal group G_m. This result establishes a link between the Galois theory of local fields and very popular area of D-modules, lifts of Frobenius, Higgs vector bundles etc.
A rigid meromorphic cocycle is a class in the first cohomology of the group
SL_2(Z[1/p]) acting on the non-zero rigid meromorphic functions on the Drinfeld
p-adic upper half plane by M ̈obius transformation. Rigid meromorphic cocycles
can be evaluated at points of “real multiplication”, and their values conjecturally
lie in composita of abelian extensions of real quadratic fields, suggesting striking
analogies with the classical theory of complex multiplication.
In this talk, we discuss the proof of this conjecture for a special class of rigid
meromorphic cocycles. Our proof connects the values of rigid meromorphic
cocycles to the study of certain p-adic variations of Hilbert modular forms.
This is joint work with Henri Darmon and Jan Vonk.
We study sums of one prime and two squares of almost-primes, that is to say, integers whose number of prime factors is less than some absolute fixed bound. We also consider sums of one smooth number and two squares of almost-primes. We employ three main tools: an explicit formula for the number of representations of an integer by a binary quadratic form; results on additive problems with cusp forms which derive ultimately from a trace formula; and a lower-bound sieve which in the case of smooth numbers takes a somewhat nonstandard form. This is joint work with Valentin Blomer and Junxian Li.
Since the seminal works of Wiles and Taylor-Wiles, robust methods were developed to prove the modularity of 'polarised' Galois representations. These include, for example, those coming from elliptic curves defined over totally real number fields. Over the last 10 years, new developments in the Taylor-Wiles method (Calegari, Geraghty) and the geometry of Shimura varieties (Caraiani, Scholze) have broadened the scope of these methods. One application is the recent work of Allen, Khare and Thorne, who prove modularity of a positive proportion of elliptic curves defined over a fixed imaginary quadratic field. I'll review some of these developments and work in progress with Caraiani which has further applications to modularity of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields.
The theory of unlikely intersections makes predictions about
how endomorphism algebras vary in families of abelian varieties. I will
explain some of these predictions and outline methods used to prove
results of this type using reduction theory of arithmetic groups.
The strong form of Serre's modularity conjecture states that every two-dimensional continuous, odd, irreducible mod p representation of the absolute Galois group of Q arises from a modular form of a specific minimal weight, level and character. We show this minimal weight is equal to two other notions of minimal weight, one inspired by work of Buzzard, Diamond and Jarvis and one coming from p-adic Hodge theory. We discuss the interplay between these three characterisations of the weight for Galois representations over totally real fields and investigate the consequences for generalised Serre conjectures.
In this talk we will discuss Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Building on work of Goldston and Gonek (and others) from the late 1990s, we will discuss our new (conditional) partial result concerning the Fourier transform of this pair correlation function. This topic spans both analytic and combinatorial elements of the study of the distribution of primes; the new technical ingredient is a correlation estimate for Selberg sieve weights for which the level of support is beyond the classical square-root barrier.
Kac-Moody groups are generalisations of groups of Lie type, defined via generators (depending on elements of a field) and Steinberg relations, using a generalised Cartan matrix. Such a group is said to be affine when the corank of this matrix is 1, and many of the Dynkin diagrams of these groups can be obtained by adding one extra node to the Dynkin diagram of a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra.
Affine Kac-Moody groups over a finite field are finitely generated, but their standard presentation is infinite. This talk will give a brief introduction to these groups, and then show how one can find presentations of bounded length for them by considering overlapping subdiagrams of their Dynkin diagrams.
The local-global approach to the study of rational points on varieties over number fields begins by embedding the set of rational points on a variety X into the set of its adelic points. The Brauer--Manin pairing cuts out a subset of the adelic points, called the Brauer--Manin set, that contains the rational points. If the set of adelic points is non-empty but the Brauer--Manin set is empty then we say there's a Brauer--Manin obstruction to the existence of rational points on X. Computing the Brauer-Manin pairing involves evaluating elements of the Brauer group of X at local points. If an element of the Brauer group has order coprime to p, then its evaluation at a p-adic point factors via reduction of the point modulo p. For p-torsion elements this is no longer the case: in order to compute the evaluation map one must know the point to a higher p-adic precision. Classifying p-torsion Brauer group elements according to the precision required to evaluate them at p-adic points gives a filtration which we describe using work of Bloch and Kato. Applications of our work include addressing Swinnerton-Dyer's question about which places can play a role in the Brauer-Manin obstruction. This is joint work with Martin Bright.
(Joint with O. Gorodetsky and B. Rodgers) It is a classical quest in analytic number theory to understand the fine-scale distribution of arithmetic sequences such as the primes. For a given length scale h, the number of elements of a "nice" sequence in a uniformly randomly selected interval (x,x+h], 1 ≤ x ≤ X, is expected to follow the statistics of a normally distributed random variable (in suitable ranges of 1 ≤ h ≤ X). Following the work of Montgomery and Soundararajan, this is known to be true for the primes, but only if we assume several deep and long-standing conjectures such as the Riemann Hypothesis. In fact, previously such distributional results had not been proven for any sequence of number-theoretic interest, unconditionally.
As a model for the primes, in this talk I will address such statistical questions for the sequence of squarefree numbers, i.e., numbers not divisible by the square of any prime, among other related "sifted" sequences called B-free numbers. I hope to further motivate and explain our main result that shows, unconditionally, that short interval counts of squarefree numbers do satisfy Gaussian statistics, answering several old questions of R.R. Hall.
Let G be a finite group, let E/Q be an elliptic curve, and fix a finite-dimensional Q[G]-module V. Let F/Q run over all Galois extensions whose Galois group is isomorphic to G and such that E(F) tensor Q is isomorphic to V as a G-module. Then what does E(F) itself look like "on average" in this family? I will report on joint work with Adam Morgan, in which we consider a particular special case of this general question. We propose a heuristic that predicts a precise answer in that case, and make some progress towards proving it. Our heuristic turns out to be an elliptic curve analogue of Stevenhagen's conjecture on the solubility of negative Pell equations.
Elliptic polylogarithms are analytic functions which play an important role in the study of special values of L-functions of elliptic curves. In the 2000s, Levin-Racinet (and later Brown-Levin) generalized these to multiple elliptic polylogarithms, which are likewise conjectured to be of deep arithmetic-geometric interest.
The original definition of multiple elliptic polylogarithms is analytic and uses the complex uniformization of the underlying elliptic curve in an essential way. The goal of this talk is to give an algebraic-geometric definition of multiple elliptic polylogarithms which gives back the original definition after analytification. This is joint work in progress with Tiago J. Fonseca (Oxford).
In 2017, Miller conjectured, based on computational evidence, that for any fixed prime $p$ the density of entries in the character table of $S_n$ that are divisible by $p$ goes to $1$ as $n$ goes to infinity. I’ll describe a proof of this conjecture, which is joint work with K. Soundararajan. I will also discuss the (still open) problem of determining the asymptotic density of zeros in the character table of $S_n$, where it is not even clear from computational data what one should expect.
Trevor Wooley has shown that every rational cubic hypersurface of dimension at least 35 contains a rational line. In this talk I want to report about recent joint work with Julia Brandes, reducing this 35 to 29 in the generic case of smooth cubic hypersurfaces. One of the key ingredients is a result by Browning, Heath-Brown and myself on intersections of cubic and quadric hypersurfaces. I also want to discuss the related problem of finding lines on cubic hypersurfaces defined over p-adic fields, to give explicit examples of smooth rational cubic hypersurfaces of dimension 9 not containing any rational line, and to mention a few applications of our results.
Schottky uniformization is the description of an analytic curve as the quotient of an open dense subset of the projective line by the action of a Schottky group. All Riemann surfaces can be uniformized in this way, as well as some p-adic curves, called Mumford curves. In this talk, I will present a construction of universal Mumford curves: analytic spaces that parametrize both archimedean and non-archimedean uniformizable curves of a fixed genus. This result relies on the existence of suitable moduli spaces for marked Schottky groups, that can be built using the theory of Berkovich spaces over rings of integers of number fields developed by Poineau.
After introducing Berkovich analytic geometry from the beginning, I will describe universal Mumford curves and explain how these can be used as a framework to study arithmetic-geometric objects such as the Tate curve and Teichmüller modular forms. This is based on joint work with Jérôme Poineau.
In his celebrated proof of Zagier's polylogarithm conjecture
for weight 3 Goncharov introduced a "triple ratio", a projective
invariant akin to the classical cross-ratio. He has also conjectured
the existence of "higher ratios" that should play an important role
for Zagier's conjecture in higher weights. Recently, Goncharov and
Rudenko proved the weight 4 case of Zagier's conjecture with a
somewhat indirect method where they avoided the need to define a
corresponding "quadruple ratio". We propose an explicit candidate for
such a "quadruple ratio" and as a by-product we get an explicit formula
for the Borel regulator of K_7 in terms of the tetralogarithm function
(joint work with H. Gangl and D. Radchenko).
Abstract: I will survey some recent vanishing theorems for the mod p cohomology of Shimura varieties. I will mention some p-adic results and some l-adic results, where l is a prime different from p. Both settings rely on the geometry of the Hodge-Tate period morphism, but I will try to highlight the differently flavoured techniques that are needed. This is largely based on joint work with Daniel Gulotta and Christian Johansson, and on separate joint work with Peter Scholze.
A Wieferich prime is a prime number p such that 2^(p-1) is congruent to 1 modulo p^2. These numbers originally arose in the context of Fermat's last theorem. At present very little is known about them, although there are some conjectures. One can analogously define Wieferich primes for 3, or 5, or for a point on an abelian variety. In this talk I will explain what Wieferich primes for abelian varieties have to do with p-adic integrals and rational points on curves, and will also describe some (unconditional) results on the heights of rational points on higher genus curves.
Beginning with the simple question
'when is the sum of the squares of a tuple of integers equal to a multiple of their product?',
one arrives at a family of Diophantine equations called Markoff-Hurwitz equations.
I will give a `high-level' accessible talk about these Diophantine equations with two broad themes:
Firstly, the Markoff-Hurwitz equations are important as a `critical' case in Diophantine geometry, and as such, have strange Diophantine properties.
Secondly, the Markoff-Hurwitz equations are intimately connected with a family of fractals that includes the `Rauzy gasket': a fractal that pops up in seemingly disparate areas of mathematics including triply periodic surfaces, dynamics of maps on the circle, higher dimensional generalizations of continued fractions, Teichmuller theory, and now, in Diophantine geometry.
This is partly based on joint work with Alex Gamburd and Ryan Ronan.
We will discuss an arithmetic version of Stein's spherical averages. Their associated full maximal function was studied by Magyar--Stein--Wainger and Ionescu who gave the sharp range of estimates. Magyar subsequently proved that the associated ergodic averages converge almost everywhere. In analogy with Stein's spherical averages, one would expect the lacunary averages to have much better behavior. We will show that to some extent they do, but with surprising limitations.
The link between covariants of binary sextics and vector-valued Siegel modular forms of degree 2, obtained in a previous work with G. van der Geer and C. Faber, is an efficient way for producing such modular forms. By using this link, the structure of some graded rings of vector-valued Siegel modular forms of degree 2 with character will be given. This talk is based on a joint work with G. van der Geer and C. Faber.
Markoff surfaces form an interesting class of Diophantine equations which were recently studied by Ghosh and Sarnak. In this talk I shall explain how we have reinterpreted their original work using tools from algebraic geometry, and gained further insights into the existence of integral solutions and failures of the Hasse principle using the so-called Brauer-Manin obstruction. This is joint work with Vlad Mitankin.
The local Jacquet--Langlands correspondence is an instance of Langlands functoriality, relating representations of general linear groups with those of central division algebras over local fields. I will present an effective description of this correspondence in terms of type-theoretic invariants, due to Sécherre--Stevens and myself, and give an application to the geometry of moduli spaces of Galois representations.
It is generally believed that the non-trivial zeros of automorphic L-functions are different for non-isomorphic cuspidal representations. We will verify some consequences of this claim using a characterisation of Maass forms on GL(2). Our proof uses hypergeometric functions and geometry of the hyperbolic plane. This is joint work with Michalis Neururer.
Classically, Saito-Kurokawa lifting is an injective mapping from the space of modular forms of level 1 to the space of Siegel modular forms of degree 2 such that the functions in the image violate generalized
Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture. The first construction of such a lifting was given by Maass who exploited correspondences between various modular forms. The image consisted of functions whose Fourier coefficients satisfied what we now call the Maass relations.
One can generalize this mapping to include modular forms of higher levels. However then, classical constructions become fairly complicated and it is not clear whether they still imply (a version of) Maass
relations. We show that this is indeed the case by generalizing a representation theoretical approach of Pitale, Saha and Schmidt from level 1 to higher levels.
Families of Galois representations over p-adic rigid analytic
spaces have a number of applications, including to the study of the
eigencurve. There are also a number of conjectures about the structure
of the eigencurve over the boundary of weight space, which is most
naturally studied as an adic space. I will discuss some results about
families of Galois representations over certain kinds of adic spaces.
In the 1990s Moy and Prasad revolutionized the representation theory of p-adic groups by showing how to use Bruhat-Tits theory to assign invariants to representations of p-adic groups. The tools they introduced resulted in rapid advancements in both representation theory and harmonic analysis -- areas of central importance in the Langlands program. A crucial ingredient for many results is an explicit construction of (types for) representations of p-adic groups. In this talk I will indicate why, survey what constructions are known (no knowledge about p-adic groups assumed) and present recent developments based on a refinement of Moy and Prasad's invariants.
I will begin with an introduction about how to attach 2-dimensional representations of Galois groups to modular forms, both in positive and null characteristic, focusing on the important special case of elliptic curves. It turns out that the phenomenon of "complex multiplication", whose definition I will recall, can be read in the shape of the image of the representation. I will then discuss a recent result, obtained with N. Billerey (Clermont-Ferrand), ensuring that if a modular form behaves as having complex multiplication when reduced modulo a certain prime p, then it is congruent (mod p) to another form which truly has complex multiplication.
Orthogonal holomorphic projection of non-holomorphic modular forms is an
important tool for arithmetic applications.
Sturm's convolution method describes the holomorphic projection
reliably for Siegel modular forms of large weights.
We discuss Sturm's operator for small weights, the critical weight being
one larger than the group rank.
In this case it does not only produce the terms of holomorphic
projection but also so-called phantom terms.
We give a spectral theoretic interpretation of these phantom terms.
The main purpose of this talk is to provide an effective version of a result due to Einsiedler, Mozes, Shah and Shapira, on the equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres in the space of unimodular lattices in at least 3 dimensions. Their proof uses techniques from homogeneous dynamics and relies in particular on measure-classification theorems due to Ratner. Instead, we pursue an alternative strategy based on spectral theory, Fourier analysis and Weil's bound for Kloosterman sums which yields an effective estimate on the rate of convergence in the space of (d+1)-dimensional Euclidean lattices with d>1. This extends my work with Jens Marklof on the 3-dimensional case (2017).
This is a joint work with Daniel El-Baz and Bingrong Huang.
Ihara's lemma is a statement about the structure of the mod l cohomology of modular curves that was a key ingredient in Ribet's results on level raising. I will motivate and explain its statement, and then describe joint work with Jeffrey Manning on its extension to Shimura curves.
Arithmetic Ramsey theory is about large sets necessarily containing given structures, such as arithmetic progressions. These phenomena can be studied using combinatorics, analysis, or ergodic theory. For this reason, Szemeredi's theorem has been described as a Rosetta stone of mathematics. The theory for linear patterns is classical, but over the past two years we've been able to Fourier-analytically transfer the results to higher-degree diophantine equations. This has led to a complete characterisation of density and partition regularity for diagonal equations in sufficiently many variables. This talk is based in part on joint work with Sofia Lindqvist and Sean Prendiville.
In Diophantine approximation, we study questions concerning the approximation of points in the unit interval by rational numbers. Often, one is interested in restricting numerators to lie in some subset of {0, 1, '¦, n} for each denominator n. For example, the Duffin'”Schaeffer Conjecture concerns approximation by reduced fractions, meaning we restrict numerators to the subset consisting of numbers co-prime to n. In this talk I will discuss approximation by random fractions, by which I mean that numerators will be confined to randomly chosen subsets.
Following a celebrated conjecture of Keating and Snaith, expressing elusive moments of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line in terms of moments of characteristic polynomials of Haar-distributed matrices in U(N), much work has been devoted to computing the averages of products and ratios of characteristic polynomials of random matrices from classical groups. We will present an elementary and self-contained approach to this problem, using classical results due to Weyl and Littlewood, and will discuss some (provable) arithmetic applications.
In Diophantine approximation we are often interested in the Lebesgue and Hausdorff measures of certain
lim sup sets. In 2006, Beresnevich and Velani proved a remarkable result '” the Mass Transference Principle '”
which allows for the transference of Lebesgue measure theoretic statements to Hausdorff measure theoretic state-
ments for lim sup sets arising from sequences of balls in R
. Subsequently, they extended this Mass Transference
Principle to the more general situation in which the lim sup sets arise from sequences of neighbourhoods of 'ap-
proximating' planes. In this talk I will discuss a recent strengthening (joint with V. Beresnevich) of this latter
result in which some potentially restrictive conditions have been removed from the original statement. This
improvement gives rise to some very general statements which allow for the immediate transference of Lebesgue
measure Khintchine'“Groshev type statements to their Hausdorff measure analogues and, consequently, has some
interesting applications in Diophantine approximation.
Given an elliptic curve E over Q and a prime p of good ordinary reduction, there is a natural p-adic analogue of the real canonical height on E. The discriminant of the induced pairing on the free part of the Mordell-Weil group appears in p-adic BSD. However, unlike in the real case, this quantity is only conjectured to be non-zero. I will present a new algorithm to compute p-adic heights in families of elliptic curves, with applications to non-degeneracy. The algorithm uses a modified version of Lauder's deformation method for the computation of the action of Frobenius on an appropriate cohomology group.
The Littlewood and the p-adic Littlewood conjectures are famous open problems on the border between number theory and dynamics. In a joint work with Faustin Adiceam and Fred Lunnon we show that the analogue of the p-adic Littlewood conjecture over function fields is false over \mathbb{F}_3((1/t)). The counterexample is given by the series whose coefficients are the regular paper folding sequence, and the method of proof is by reduction to the non vanishing of certain Hankel determinants. The proof is computer assisted and uses substitution tilings of \mathbb{Z}^2 and a generalisation of Dodson's condensation algorithm for computing the determinant of a matrix.
Kloosterman sums arise naturally in the study of the distribution of various arithmetic objects in analytic number theory. The 'vertical' Sato-Tate law of Katz describes their distribution over a fixed field F_p, but the 'horizontal' distribution as the base field varies over primes remains open. We describe work showing cancellation in the sum over primes if there are exceptional Siegel-Landau zeros. This is joint work with Sary Drappeau, relying on a fun blend of ideas from algebraic geometry, the spectral theory of automorphic forms and sieve theory.
The Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, postulated in the early 1980s, say that the sequence of ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic number fields can be modelled as a sequence of random finite abelian groups, where a finite abelian group gets a probability weight that is inversely proportional to the size of its automorphism group. They also propose a model for class groups of real quadratic fields. This was extended in the early 1990s by Cohen-Martinet to much more general families of number fields. I will present very recent joint work with Hendrik Lenstra, in which we are trying to understand the Cohen-Lenstra-Martinet heuristics better. Among other things, this entails disproving them and proposing corrected versions.
We show the existence of abelian varieties over Q_p with good supersingular reduction and non semisimple p-adic Tate module. This result is an application of the characterisation in terms of filtered phi-modules, via p-adic Hodge theory, of the p-adic representations of the absolute Galois group of Q_p coming from abelian schemes. We will show how to obtain varieties having the desired properties for the least possible dimension, namely surfaces. Our constructions easily generalise to higher dimensions.
One way of studying the complex representations of the special linear groups over the integers is to determine the convergence of its representation zeta function.
Recently Avni and Aizenbud have given a method that relates special values of the zeta function at even integers $2g - 2$ with the singularities of the representation variety of the fundamental group of a Riemann surface of genus $g$ into the special linear group. This way, Avni and Aizenbud determine that the degree of polynomial representation growth of the special linear group over the integers is smaller than $22$. In this talk I shall report on a recent result obtained in collaboration with N. Budur pushing down this bound to $2$.
The key ingredient in Wiles' proof of Fermat's last theorem was to establish the modularity of elliptic curves. Despite many impressive advances in the Langlands programme the analogous question of modularity for abelian varieties of dimension 2 is far from settled. I will report on work in progress with Kris Klosin on the modularity of Galois representations $G_{\mathbf{Q}} \to {\rm GSp}_4(\mathbf{Q}_p)$ that are residually reducible. I will explain, in particular, how this can be used in certain cases to verify Brumer and Kramer's paramodular conjecture for abelian surfaces over Q with a rational torsion point of order p.
Using a version of the Hardy -- Littlewood circle method over
$\mathbb{F}_q(t)$, one can count $\mathbb{F}_q(t)$-points of bounded degree
on a smooth cubic hypersurface $X \subset \mathbb{P}^{n-1}_{\mathbb{F}_q}$.
Moreover, there is a correspondence between the number of
$\mathbb{F}_q(t)$-points of bounded height and the number of
$\mathbb{F}_q$-points on the moduli space
$\text{Mor}_d(\mathbb{P}^1_{\mathbb{F}_q}, X)$, which parametrises the
rational maps of degree $d$ on $X$. In this talk I will give an asymptotic
formula for the number of rational curves defined over $\mathbb{F}_q$ on
$X$ passing through two fixed points, one of which does not belong to the
Hessian, for $n \geq 10$, and $q$ and $d$ large enough. Further, I will
explain how to deduce results regarding the geometry of the space of such
in this talk I want to introduce local Borcherds products for idefinite unitary groups U(1,m), m >1.
Local here refers to boundary components of the symmetric domain. These functions share some properties with Borcherds products, hence the name. They can be used to study the local Picard group of a boundary component of the local symmetric domain.
I will begin by saying a few words about Borcherds products, and their main properties.
Then, I will sketch the construction of the symmetric domain for a unitary group, its boundary components, their stabilizers and a compactification theory for the local symmetric domain.
After that, I will introduce Heegner divisors and, for a fixed boundary component, the local Picard group.
This will be followed by the definition of local Borcherds and I will show how their transformation behavior can be used to describe the position of Heegner divisors in the local Picard group.
As an application, one can further obtain an obstruction statement for a certain space of definite theta-series.
Let E/F be a finite Galois extension of totally real number fields and
let p be a prime. The `p-adic Stark conjecture at s=1' relates the
leading terms at s=1 of p-adic Artin L-functions to those of the
complex Artin L-functions attached to E/F. When E=F this is equivalent
to Leopoldt's conjecture for E at p and the '˜p-adic class number
formula' of Colmez. In this talk we discuss the p-adic Stark
conjecture at s=1 and applications to certain cases of the equivariant
Tamagawa number conjecture (ETNC). This is joint work with
Andreas Nickel.
Elliptic curves E and E' are said to be n-congruent if their
n-torsion subgroups are isomorphic as Galois modules. The elliptic curves
n-congruent to a given elliptic curve are parametrised by (the
non-cuspidal points of) certain twists of the modular curve X(n). I will
discuss methods for computing equations for these curves, and also for the
surfaces that parametrise pairs of n-congruent elliptic curves.
It is a standard heuristic that sums of oscillating number theoretic functions, like the Mobius function or Dirichlet characters, should exhibit squareroot cancellation as compared with trivial bounds. It is often very difficult to prove anything as strong as that, and we generally expect that if we could prove squareroot cancellation it would be the best possible bound. I will try to explain some recent results showing that, in fact, certain averages of multiplicative functions exhibit a bit more than squareroot cancellation.
General p-adic L-functions are one of two main ingredients to the Iwasawa main conjectures, but their existence is a non-trivial matter. We'll go through the idea behind a p-adic L-function, what a modular form of half-integral weight even is, and outline how to construct its p-adic L-function. In the end, via the Shimura correspondence, we also end up with an alternative construction of the OG p-adic L-function for modular forms of integral weight.
Let $F$ be a local non-Archimedean field with finite residue field. Let $\mathfrak{O}$ be the ring of integers in $F$. Cuspidal types for $GL_{2}(\mathfrak{O}) plays a special role in inertial Langlands correspondence. We will give an overview of the study of cuspidal types in terms of Clifford theory. Using this theory A. Stasinski and S. Stevens classified special kind of representations of $GL_{n}(\mathfrak{O})$ namely regular representations. I will talk about my work which gives a partial answer on the following question: Which regular representations are cuspidal types?
We will present the topic of 'quantum ergodicity', which has recently gained much attention due to its deep number theoretical connections in ergodic theory (Lindenstrauss's solution to the arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity conjecture), discrete and probabilistic versions, and analogues in the theory of modular forms culminating to the recent works of Holowinsky-Soundararajan (2010) and Nelson-Pitale-Saha (2014). We will review some of the history and current challenges of the problem, and describe a new direction we recently introduced with Etienne Le Masson (Bristol).
Let X be a complex, smooth, projective variety with a non trivial map a: X-->A to an abelian variety (an irregular variety). Let L be a line bundle on X. In the first part of my talk I will introduce some classical problems relating the numerical invariants of L, the so called Clifford-Severi inequalities. Then, I will explain a set of new techniques developed recently to obtain such inequalities in a simpler way and how these techniques allow to understand and classify the extremal cases.
String theory is a physical theory which aims to unify quantum field theory with general relativity. As well as being a promising theory of quantum gravity, string theory has also led to developments in pure mathematics. In this, the first of two consecutive talks, we will recap some historical developments in physics and see how they suggest the need for string theory. A basic description of string theory will be presented, and we will see that a quantity known as the partition function of the theory is invariant under modular transformations. A particular string theory will be presented, whose partition function demonstrates a surprising link between modular forms and group theory. This is the first of numerous interesting connections between string theory and the theory of modular forms, which the second talk will discuss in further detail.
String theory is a physical theory which aims to unify quantum field theory with general relativity. As well as being a promising theory of quantum gravity, string theory has also led to developments in pure mathematics. In this, the first of two consecutive talks, we will recap some historical developments in physics and see how they suggest the need for string theory. A basic description of string theory will be presented, and we will see that a quantity known as the partition function of the theory is invariant under modular transformations. A particular string theory will be presented, whose partition function demonstrates a surprising link between modular forms and group theory. This is the first of numerous interesting connections between string theory and the theory of modular forms, which the second talk will discuss in further detail.
We introduce the higher Chow groups of Bloch (and Landsberg), as
a generalization of simplicial homology, and derive the ``calculus'' behind
the Bloch map to Hodge cohomology.
Special Values of L-functions can be thought of as generalising such identities as Euler's solution to the Basel problem, that 1+1/2^2+1/3^2 + ... = pi^2/6, which is the special value of the Riemann zeta function at 2. In this talk, the focus will be on a particular L-function one can attach to a Siegel modular form, with the end goal being an explanation of the Rankin-Selberg method employed by Sturm in order to obtain some of its special values.
Most general facts about Galois groups of local fields were obtained in 1960's.
They include a functorial description of maximal abelian quotients (local class field theory) and
information about the numbers of generators and relations in the case of maximal p-extensions.
In the talk it will be explained a further progress in this area based on a generalization of classical
Artin-Schreier theory of cyclic p-extensions.
In many ways L-functions have been seen to contain interesting arithmetic information; evaluating at special points can make this connection very explicit. In this talk we shall ask what information is contained in central values of certain automorphic L-functions, in the spirit of the Gan--Gross--Prasad conjectures, and report on recent progress. We also describe some surprising applications in analytic number theory regarding the `size' of a modular form.
We look at the geometry of the space SL_2(Z)\G/K = SL_2(Z)\H and its Eisenstein cohomology, a space in its sheaf cohomology separated from the Eichler-Shimura cuspidal classes. We isolate a rational Eisenstein class analogous to both the classical normalised Eisenstein series E_{2k+2}(z) and the algebraic cohomology, and look at a method developed by Funke-Millson, Alfes-Ehlen and others to find its denominator using Shintani lifts, twisted by quadratic discriminants. This gives a recreation of arithmetic results proven by Harder.
In this talk I will describe a new construction of p-adic heights of p-adic representations and give some applications of this construction to the study of extra zeros of p-adic L-functions (joint work with K. Büyükboduk).
The theory of Shinichi Mochizuki is viewed as the most fundamental development in mathematics for several decades. Its revolutionary conceptual viewpoints drastically extend the range of methods in number theory outside traditional ring-theoretical studies, initiate new important connections between group theory and number theory and open a large territory of potential applications. It provides new group-theoretic links between arithmetic and geometry of elliptic curves over number fields and associated hyperbolic curves. I will discuss some of these aspects.
Are there only finitely many smooth projective hypersurfaces over the ring of integers? If we fix the degree and dimension and assume the Lang-Vojta conjecture, the answer to this question is positive. In this talk I will explain how one proves the latter statement. Furthermore, I will explain how far one can get with current methods in arithmetic geometry without assuming Lang-Vojta's conjecture. This is joint work with Daniel Loughran (Manchester).
We will attach an affine Hecke algebra H to any discrete Langlands
parameter of a Levi subgroup
of an inner form G of GL(n,F), and show that H admits a specialization
that is isomorphic to the
corresponding affine Hecke algebra defined by Sécherre and Stevens via
the generalization to G of the
theory of types due to Bushnell and Kutzko. We will deduce from it a
description of the Langlands
correspondence for non-supercuspidal irreducible representations of G.
This is joint work with Ahmed Moussaoui and Maarten Solleveld.
We describe a problem of determination of cuspidal Siegel modular forms of degree 2 by their fundamental Fourier coefficients. After a short introduction and motivation for our work, we sketch a couple of methods one could use to tackle this problem: one uses classical tools, the other bases on a strong connection with automorphic representations of GSp(4). In the meantime we present our results related to this topic.
The generalized circle problem asks for the number of lattice points of an n-dimensional lattice inside a large Euclidean ball centered at the origin. In this talk I will discuss the generalized circle problem for a random lattice of large dimension n. In particular, I will present a result that relates the error term in the generalized circle problem to one-dimensional Brownian motion. The key ingredient in the discussion will be a new mean value formula over the space of lattices generalizing a formula due to C. A. Rogers. This is joint work with Andreas Strömbergsson.
Results of Skorobogatov and Zarhin allow one to compute the transcendental Brauer group of a product of elliptic curves. Ieronymou, Skorobogatov and Zarhin used these results to compute the odd order torsion in the transcendental Brauer group of diagonal quartic surfaces. The first step in their approach is to relate a diagonal quartic surface to a product of elliptic curves with complex multiplication by the Gaussian integers. I will show how to extend their methods to compute transcendental Brauer groups of products of other elliptic curves with complex multiplication. Using these results, I will give examples of Kummer surfaces where there is no Brauer-Manin obstruction coming from the algebraic part of the Brauer group but a transcendental Brauer class causes a failure of weak approximation.
Snake graphs are planar graphs first appeared in the context of cluster algebras associated to marked surfaces. In their first incarnation, snake graphs were used to give formulas for generators of cluster algebras. Along with further investigations and several applications of snake graphs, they were also studied from a more abstract point of view as combinatorial objects. This talk will report on their link to continued fractions inspired by planar graphs associated to Markov numbers.
In this talk, I will introduce a notion of the slope for families of curves and review some meaningful bounds of the slope, including the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves and Cornalba-Harris-Xiao inequality for one dimensional families of curves. Then I will state a lower bound of the slope for two dimensional families of curves. If time permits, the Arakelov version of the slope will also be discussed.
The higher Deligne--Lusztig theory is the geometric approach to representations
of reductive groups over a finite ring. For a general reductive group, while in the classical
level 1 case the geometric method is the unique method to produce almost all irreducible
representations, in higher levels there is also an algebraic approach due to Gerardin. As the
two constructions share a same set of parameters, a natural question, raised by Lusztig, is
whether they are generically equivalent. Recently we made progress on this question (joint
with Stasinski); if time permits, I will also discuss an application to Lie algebras.
There is a surprising connection linking period polynomials of modular forms for SL(2,Z) to certain distinguished relations among specific periods, the 2-variable subclass among multiple zeta values. We give an indication--on a rather elementary level--how it comes about. (Joint work with M. Kaneko and D. Zagier.)
The construction of the universal R-matrix for quantum groups produces solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation on tensor products of representations of that quantum group. This gives an action of the braid group of type A, endowing the category of finite dimensional Uq(g)-representations with a structure of a braided tensor category.
I will explain how the theory of quantum symmetric pairs allows an analogous construction of a universal K-matrix, which produces solutions of the reflection equation on tensor products of representations of that quantum group. This gives a representation of the braid group of type B, endowing the category of finite dimensional Uq(g)-representations with a structure of a braided tensor category with a cylinder twist.
Given a group G acting on a space X, one can construct the crossed product algebra G \ltimes C[X] of G with the algebra of functions on X. This generally noncommutative algebra can be seen as a replacement for the algebra of functions on the quotient X/G, which may be badly behaved.
I will speak about deformations of these algebras - both formal deformations (in the sense of Gerstenhaber) and strict deformations (in the sense of Rieffel). I will explain a general construction for producing such deformations and describe some examples. I will then explain how certain geometric and algebraic properties of these deformations are related to certain questions in representation theory, and to the geometry of the original action of G on X.
Weil representations have proven to be a powerful tool in the theory of group representations. They originate from a very general construction of A. Weil, which has as a consequence the existence of a projective representation of the group Sp(2n,K), K a locally compact field. In particular, these representations have allowed to build all irreducible complex linear representations of the general linear group of rank 2 over a finite field, and later over a local field, except in residual characteristic two.
I will start by giving a introduction to Weil representations and some examples for classical groups, like SL(2,k), k a finite field.
Then we will define SL*(2,A) groups, which are an analogue of SL(2,k) but with entries over an involutive ring A. When these groups have a Bruhat-like presentation, Gutierrez, Soto-Andrade and Pantoja have developed a method for constructing generalized Weil representations for them.
I will construct a generalized Weil representation for the finite split orthogonal group O(2n,2n), seen as a SL*-group. Furthermore, we will see that these representation is equal to the restriction of the Weil representation to O(2n,2n) for the dual pair (Sp(2,k), O(2n,2n)). This fact shows an example of compatibility between the mentioned method with 'classical' methods.
If time allows we will discuss about an initial decomposition.
Multiple zeta values are a mysterious and intriguing set of real numbers, about which many results are conjectured, but relatively little is proven. One is typically interested in finding all relations between MZVs, and completely understanding them, but transcendentality problems make this difficult to approach directly. One way to make progress with these questions is by lifting MZVs to purely algebraic objects which have additional, more rigid, structure.
I will start by giving an introduction to MZVs and some of the various standard results about them. From here we will lift to Brown's motivic MZVs, and look at the coproduct structure they acquire. Then using this coproduct, I will show how one can sometimes get easy combinatorial proofs of `almost' identities (identities up to a non-explicit rational), even in cases where the explicit identity remains conjectural.
When attacking various difficult problems in the field of Diophantine approximation the application of certain topological games has proven extremely fruitful in recent times due to the amenable properties of the associated 'winning' sets. Other problems in Diophantine approximation have recently been solved via the method of constructing certain tree-like structures inside the Diophantine set of interest. In this talk I will briefly outline how one broad method of tree-like construction, namely the class of 'generalised Cantor sets', can be formalized for use in a wide variety of problems. By introducing a further class of so-called 'Cantor-winning' sets we may then provide a criterion for arbitrary sets in a metric space to satisfy the desirable properties usually attributed to winning sets, and so in some sense unify the two above approaches. Applications of this new framework include new answers to questions within the field of Diophantine apprximation. In particular, I will describe how the method outlined above can be applied to problems surrounding the mixed Littlewood conjecture.
We review part of Shimura's paper "The Special Values of The Zeta
Functions Associated with Hilbert Modular Forms". In particular we
establish the algebraicity of special values of some Rankin product
L-functions, and their analytic continuation.
Given a Riemannian locally symmetric space, bounds for
eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator or for joint eigenfunctions of
the whole algebra of isometry-invariant differential operators are of
great interest in several areas. For example, sup-norm estimates are
intimately related to the multiplicity problem and to questions of
quantum unique ergodicity. Methods from analysis allow us to provide
bounds (nowadays called ``generic'') which are sharp for certain spaces.
If the Riemannian locally symmetric space is arithmetic and one
restricts the consideration to the joint eigenfunctions of the algebra
of differential operators and of the Hecke algebra then it is reasonable
to expect that the generic bounds can be improved.
The archetypical result of such kind is due to Iwaniec and Sarnak in the
situation of the modular surface and several other arithmetic Riemannian
hyperbolic surfaces, dating back to 1957. In the following years, their
way of approach was (and still is) used to deduce many similar results
for various spaces of rank at most 1, and was only recently adapted to
some higher rank spaces.
The first example of subconvexity bounds for a higher rank setup was
provided by our joint work with Valentin Blomer, which we will discuss
in this talk.
A basic and important problem in number theory and dynamical systems is to understand the collection of return times to a given region of an irrational rotation of the circle. There is a natural generalization of this problem to higher dimensions, which leads to the study of higher dimensional point patterns called cut and project sets. In this talk we will discuss a connection between frequencies of patterns in cut and project sets, and gaps problems in Diophantine approximation. We will explain how the Diophantine approximation properties of the subspace defining a cut and project set can influence the number of possible frequencies of patterns of a given size. Once this connection is established, we will show how techniques from Diophantine approximation can be used to prove that the number of frequencies of patterns of size r, for a typical cut and project set, is almost always less than a power of log r. Furthermore, for a collection of cut and project sets of full Hausdorff dimension we can show that the number of frequencies of patterns of size r remains bounded as r tends to infinity. For comparison, the number of patterns of size r in any totally irrational cut and project set of dimension d always grows at least as fast as a constant times r^d.
In this talk, I will give a survey on different kinds of
lattice point problems
in the Euclidean and hyperbolic plane. My viewpoint will be mainly
At times, there will also shine through some deep connections to the
spectrum of the
Laplacian, but there we can only scratch the surface.
I will also present unpublished joint work with C. Drutu (Oxford)
relating different
geometric counting problems and applications.
The family of holomorphic modular forms defined as sums of -k (k>2) powers of integral quadratic polynomials with positive fixed discriminant was introduced by Zagier in 1975 in connection with the Doi-Naganuma lifting between elliptic modular forms and Hilbert modular forms. Several interesting aspects of these modular forms emerged later, in work of Kohnen--Zagier, and recently Bringmann. I will talk about this.
If we consider the same sums with negative discriminants, we obtain meromorphic modular forms, which in several ways are analogues to Zagier's. I will talk about these meromorphic modular forms, particularly their meromorphic part.
Let K be a complete discrete valuation field with a finite
residue field of characteristic p>0.
If G_K(p) is the Galois group of the maximal p-extension of K then its
structure is completely known :
it is either free or Demushkin's group. However, this result is not
completely satisfactory because
the appropriate functor from the fields K to the pro-p-groups G_K(p) is
not fully faithful. In other words, in this setting
the Galois group does not reflect essential invariants of the original
field K. The situation becomes completely different
if we take into account an additional structure on G_K(p) given by its
decreasing filtration by ramification
subgroups G_K(p)^{(v)}, v\ge 0. The importance of explicit description
of this filtration
was pointed out in 1960-1970's by A.Weil, I.Shafarevich, P.Deligne etc.
In particular,
if K has characteristic p then we should invent a way to specify a
special choice of free generators
of G_K(p) which reflects arithmetic properties of K. Suppose C_s, where
s\ge 1, is the closure of the subgroup of
commutators of order at least s in G_K(p). Then the above problem of
"arithmetic description" of
G_K(p) can be considered modulo subgroups C_s. If s=1 it is trivial and
if s=2 the answer is given
via class field theory. In the case s>2 we obtain a long-standing
problem of constructing
a "nilpotent class field theory". In the talk we discuss the case s=p,
in particular, the author new results
related to the mixed characteristic case (i.e. when K is a finite
extension of Q_p). The quotient G_K(p)/C_p
(together with the induced ramification filtration) is complicated
enough to reflect the invariants of
K. At the same time this quotient comes from a profinite Lie algebra via
Campbell-Hausdorff composition law.
The description of the appropriate ramification filtration essentially
uses this structure of Lie algebra.
Let K be a complete discrete valuation field with a finite
residue field of characteristic p>0.
If G_K(p) is the Galois group of the maximal p-extension of K then its
structure is completely known :
it is either free or Demushkin's group. However, this result is not
completely satisfactory because
the appropriate functor from the fields K to the pro-p-groups G_K(p) is
not fully faithful. In other words, in this setting
the Galois group does not reflect essential invariants of the original
field K. The situation becomes completely different
if we take into account an additional structure on G_K(p) given by its
decreasing filtration by ramification
subgroups G_K(p)^{(v)}, v\ge 0. The importance of explicit description
of this filtration
was pointed out in 1960-1970's by A.Weil, I.Shafarevich, P.Deligne etc.
In particular,
if K has characteristic p then we should invent a way to specify a
special choice of free generators
of G_K(p) which reflects arithmetic properties of K. Suppose C_s, where
s\ge 1, is the closure of the subgroup of
commutators of order at least s in G_K(p). Then the above problem of
"arithmetic description" of
G_K(p) can be considered modulo subgroups C_s. If s=1 it is trivial and
if s=2 the answer is given
via class field theory. In the case s>2 we obtain a long-standing
problem of constructing
a "nilpotent class field theory". In the talk we discuss the case s=p,
in particular, the author new results
related to the mixed characteristic case (i.e. when K is a finite
extension of Q_p). The quotient G_K(p)/C_p
(together with the induced ramification filtration) is complicated
enough to reflect the invariants of
K. At the same time this quotient comes from a profinite Lie algebra via
Campbell-Hausdorff composition law.
The description of the appropriate ramification filtration essentially
uses this structure of Lie algebra.
A representation zeta function \zeta_G(s) is a (meromorphic continuation of a) Dirichlet series whose nth coefficient r_n(G) counts the number of irreducible representations of dimension n of the group G, provided this number is finite. Currently little is known, or even conjectured, about the zeros of representation zeta functions. Very recently Kurokawa and Ochiai conjectured that if G is an infinite compact group such that r_n(G) is finite for all n, then the representation zeta function of G has a zero at -2. We will present a proof of this for compact p-adic analytic groups, due to Gonzalez-Sanchez, Jaikin-Zapirain and Klopsch. For finite groups it is a classical result that \zeta_G(-2) equals the order of the group, so this result can be interpreted as saying that the order of certain infinite groups is zero.
If classical Diophantine approximation aims to give quantitative versions of the statement "the rationals are dense in the reals", then diagonal Diophantine approximation can be thought of as trying to give quantitative version of the weak approximation theorem. In its most basic form (with the rational numbers as the ground field), the weak approximation theorem states that if we take elements from finitely many distinct completions of the rationals, we can always find a sequence of rationals which approaches each of them simultaneously.
We explain the general setup of diagonal Diophantine approximation, and sketch proofs of some of the main results in the setting of diagonal approximation over the rationals.
Classical Eichler cohomology has many applications in the study of modular forms and their L-functions. After a brief introduction to the classical case of integral weight I will talk about an analouge of this theory for modular forms of general real weight first studied by Knopp in 1974. I will discuss possible applications to the study of L-functions of half-integral weight modular forms and present a new proof of Knopp and Mawi's theorem on an isomorphism between the space of modular forms and certain cohomology groups
The celebrated connection between elliptic curves and weight 2 newforms over the rationals has a conjectural extension to general number fields. For example, over odd degree totally real fields, one knows how to associate an elliptic curve to a weight 2 newform with integer Hecke eigenvalues. Conversely, very recent work of Freitas, Hun and Siksek show that over totally real fields, most elliptic curves are modular (in fact, over real quadratic fields, "all" are modular).
Beyond totally real fields, we are at a loss at associating elliptic curves to weight 2 newforms. The best one can do
is to "search" for the elliptic curve. In joint work with X.Guitart (Essen) and M.Masdeu (Warwick), we generalize
Darmon's conjectural construction of algebraic points on elliptic curves to general number fields and then use this
conjectural construction to analytically construct the elliptic curve starting from a weight 2 newform over a general
number field, under some hypothesis. In the talk, I will start with a discussion of the first paragraph and
then will sketch our method.
For a long time we have known about the existence of congruences between the Hecke eigenvalues of elliptic modular forms. Of course the most famous of these is the Ramanujan congruence for the tau function mod 691. Such congruences are important in describing, in some sense, the structure of Galois representations.
Around ten years ago, a well known paper by Harder exploited the cohomology of Siegel modular varieties in order to predict a far reaching generalization of Ramanujan's congruence. His conjecture describes a specific congruence between the Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel modular forms and elliptic modular forms (both of level 1).
In this talk I will briefly discuss Harder's conjecture along with a paramodular version (for prime levels). Then using conjectural work of Ibukiyama I show how we may translate into the realms of algebraic modular forms via something akin to the Eichler/Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. In this setting I provide a strategy for collecting evidence for the new conjecture, giving examples at previously unseen levels.
I will present results that give upper bounds for the torsion in
homology of nonuniform arithmetic lattices, and explain how together
with recent results of Calegari-Venkatesh this can be used to obtain
upper bounds on K2 of the ring of integers of totally imaginary fields.
Modular forms of integral weight and half integral weight have many interesting applications in number theory. Shimura in 1973 defined a very important correspondence between the two which can be defined in the framework of theta lifts. More recently harmonic weak Maass forms (generalisations of classical modular forms) and their uses have been studied. In this talk I will discuss these objects and their properties and describe my work on a theta lift which links all of them together.
Polylogarithms are a class of special functions which have applications throughout the mathematics and physics worlds. I will begin by introducing the basic properties of polylogarithms and some reasons for interest in them, such as their functional equations and the role they play in Zagier's polylogarithm conjecture. From here I will turn to Aomoto polylogarithms, a more general class of functions and explain how they motivate a geometric view of polylogarithms as configurations of hyperplanes in P^n. This approach has been used by Goncharov to establish Zagier's conjecture for n = 3.
The Deligne-Lusztig generalized induction is a generalization of the parabolic induction for finite subgroups of reductive groups, e.g. GL_n(F_q), SL_n(F_q), U_n(F_q). This induction functor is based on using the l-adic cohomology (with compact support) of certain varieties attached to those groups as (virtual) bi-modules. In the talk I would like to give an introduction to this construction, together with some of its significant features, and some explicit computations.
Associated to an algebraic variety over a number field, one has a family of Hasse-Weil L-functions. Such L-functions are "motivic", and, according to the Langlands program, should be identified with their "automorphic" counterparts. One of the consequences of such an identification would be the conjectural analytic continuation and functional equation of the L-functions. On the other hand, by so-called "converse theorems", such analytic properties are a stepping stone to general automorphic properties. In practice it is very difficult to prove that a general Hasse-Weil L-function comes from an automorphic representation. The most up-to-date results have a heavy dependence on the base number field, the Euler characteristic and the dimension - A recent example of such a statement being "an elliptic curve over a totally real field is potentially modular". By viewing an algebraic curve as the generic fibre of an arithmetic surface, I will show how to understand certain analytic properties of Hasse-Weil L-functions in terms of "mean-periodicity", regardless of base field or genus, and provide comparisons to the conjectural automorphicity of the generic fibre. Time permitting, I will show how to interpret mean-periodicity as a statement of analytic two-dimensional adelic duality.
Brumer and Kramer have formulated a conjecture on the modularity of abelian surfaces involving paramodular Siegel modular forms. I will report on joint on-going work with Lassina Dembele, Ariel Pacetti and Haluk Sengun to provide further evidence for this conjecture, using theta lifts of Bianchi modular forms.
In this talk I will discuss the so-called "Torsion Congruences" for the Tate motive. I will briefly discuss their relation to the existence of the non-abelian $p$-adic $L$-function for the Tate motive and then, following the work of Ritter and Weiss, I will explain how one can use the theory of Eisenstein series to prove them. After that I will also consider the Torsion Congruences for other motives, as for example the ones attached to Hecke Characters of CM fields.
The p-adic Littlewood conjecture was firstly posed by de Mathan and Teulie in 2004 and it is often considered as a "simplified version" of a famous Littlewood conjecture. In the series of two talks we'll consider the set "mad" of the counterexamples to this conjecture (which is believed to be empty). Thanks to the results of Einsiedler and Kleinbock we already know that the Haudorff dimension of "mad" is zero, so this set is very tiny. In the talk we'll see that the continued fraction expansion of every element in mad should satisfy some quite restrictive conditions. As one of them we'll see that for these expansions, considered as infinite words, the complexity function can neither grow too fast nor too slow.
The p-adic Littlewood conjecture was firstly posed by de Mathan and Teulie in 2004 and it is often considered as a "simplified version" of a famous Littlewood conjecture. In the series of two talks we'll consider the set "mad" of the counterexamples to this conjecture (which is believed to be empty). Thanks to the results of Einsiedler and Kleinbock we already know that the Haudorff dimension of "mad" is zero, so this set is very tiny. In the talk we'll see that the continued fraction expansion of every element in mad should satisfy some quite restrictive conditions. As one of them we'll see that for these expansions, considered as infinite words, the complexity function can neither grow too fast nor too slow.
The p-adic Littlewood conjecture was firstly posed by de Mathan and Teulie in 2004 and it is often considered as a "simplified version" of a famous Littlewood conjecture. In the series of two talks we'll consider the set "mad" of the counterexamples to this conjecture (which is believed to be empty). Thanks to the results of Einsiedler and Kleinbock we already know that the Haudorff dimension of "mad" is zero, so this set is very tiny. In the talk we'll see that the continued fraction expansion of every element in mad should satisfy some quite restrictive conditions. As one of them we'll see that for these expansions, considered as infinite words, the complexity function can neither grow too fast nor too slow.
p-adic L-functions play a central role in classical (abelian) Iwasawa Theory since they constitute the analytic input in the so-called Main Conjectures. Conjecturally one can attach such a p-adic L-function to any critical motive. Known examples are the p-adic L-function
of an elliptic curve, of a Hecke character of a CM or totally real field, or of an elliptic modular form. The p-adic L-function, say of an elliptic curve E defined over the rationals, encodes information about the critical values of the L-function of E as we base change E over the p-cyclotomic tower. In the context of non-abelian Main Conjectures, as they were formalized in the work of Coates, Fukaya, Kato, Sujatha and Venjakob, one is interested in replacing the p-cyclotomic tower with a Galois extension whose Galois group is a p-adic Lie group. This leads to the notion of non-abelian p-adic L-functions, which are higly conjectural and only a few examples are known.
In this talk I will start by explaining the notion of p-adic L-functions in the abelian setting and their role in the Main Conjectures. Then I will discuss the non-abelian setting and the recent progress made by various people in this direction with respect to the existence of non-abelian p-adic L-functions.
The theory of theta functions tells us that the representation numbers of positive definite quadratic forms are modular forms. This idea can be extended to quadratic forms of indefinite signature in a coherent way, and this gives rise to the idea of a theta lift. We will define a theta lift in the setting of a complex vector space of signature (1,1), which takes weakly holomorphic modular functions to meromorphic modular forms of weight 2, and briefly explain the construction of the lift. We will also present some results of lifting different modular functions e.g. 1, real analytic Eisenstein series, Klein j-invariant. This follows on from the work of Kudla, Millson, Funke, Bruinier and others.
Abstract: I will briefly explain the ideas behind the relative trace formula and outline a specific case of application. Namely: the Saito-Kurokawa lifting of automorphic representations from PGL(2) to the projective symplectic group of similitudes PGSp(4) of genus 2 established by the use of the relative trace formula, thus characterising the image as the representations with a nonzero period for the special orthogonal group SO(4,E/F) associated to a quadratic extension E of the base field F, and a nonzero Fourier coefficient for a generic character of the unipotent radical of the Siegel parabolic subgroup. The image is nongeneric and almost everywhere nontempered, violating a naive generalization of the Ramanujan conjecture.
Resolution of singularities is a topic in Algebraic Geometry that has classical appeal and is also a current area of research. In 1964 Heisuke Hironaka proved that all varieties over a field of characteristic zero can be resolved, and went on to receive the Fields medal for this work. We will look at the basic techniques of resolution, and use them to outline proofs of resolution for curves and surfaces which demonstrate the basic idea behind Hironaka's proof. We will also give an overview of current progress in extending the proof to positive characteristic.
We prove the upper bound of p-adic multiple zeta (resp. L-) value spaces.
This is a p-adic analogue of Goncharov, Terasoma, and Deligne-Goncharov's result (resp. Deligne-Goncharov's result).
In the proof, we use the motivic Galois group of the Tannakian category of mixed Tate motives over Z (resp. over a ring of S-integers of a cyclotomic field).
We also formulate a p-adic analogue of Grothendieck's conjecture on a special element in the motivic Galois group.
Since their introduction in the mid-20th Century, Hodge structures have
been a fundamental tool in transcendental algebraic geometry, for example
in the study of algebraic cycles and moduli of complex algebraic varieties. Mumford-Tate groups are the symmetry groups of Hodge theory,
and their orbits (Mumford-Tate domains) are the moduli spaces for Hodge
structures with given symmetries.
The 'classical' case of Hodge structures of weight 1 (and those they generate by linear-algebraic constructions) has been thoroughly studied.
In this case, the MT-domains are Hermitian symmetric spaces whose arithmetic quotients yield algebraic (Shimura) varieties. The many beautiful results facilitated by MT groups in this setting include Deligne's theorem on absolute Hodge cycles and the resolution (by many authors) of the full Hodge conjecture for various classes of abelian varieties.
Following on a review of this history, I will describe recent joint work
with P. Griffiths and M. Green on the "nonclassical" higher weight case.
The corresponding theory is in its early stages and is of an entirely different character: Shimura varieties are replaced by global integral
manifolds of an exterior differential system, and nonclassical (exceptional) Lie groups turn out to occur as MT groups. In addition to
the general context mentioned above, part of the motivation for our project was to better understand the very interesting special features of period domains associated to Calabi-Yau 3-folds, and I will explain a classification result for the MT subdomains in an important special case.
In this talk we extend the Shintani lift from cusp forms to arbitrary modular forms. In particular, we use a (co)homological approach
(joint work with John Millson).
Modular symbols are geodesics (both, closed or infinite) in a non-compact quotient X of the Poincare upper half plane by a subgroup of SL_2(Z). The systematic study of modular symbols was initiated by Manin who in particular showed that they span the first (relative) homology of X.
In this talk we extend the Shintani lift from cusp forms to arbitrary modular forms. In particular, we use a (co)homological approach.
This is joint work with John Millson.
I will try to cover part of what could called geometric (as contrasted with `motivic') Grothendieck-Teichmueller theory, which started around twenty years ago, partly following (with delay) Grothendieck's `Sketch of a program'. Among the topics that will be touched upon are: the algebraic fundamental group, arithmetic Galois action on the fundamental group, the case of the projective line with three points and `dessins d'enfants', moduli stacks of curves and the Grothendieck Teichmueller group. I will explain in particular how one can topologically understand (and prove a version of) the `two level principle', which lies at the root of the very existence of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group and its ubiquity.
The Shafarevich Conjecture pertains to the non-existence of abelian varieties over $\Bbb Q$ with everywhere good reduction. We discuss its generalization to proper smooth schemes over $\Bbb Z$ (i.e. projective varieties over $\Bbb Q$ with everywhere good reduction) and recent progress towards varieties which have bad semi-stable reduction in p=3 and good reduction in all $p\ne 3$. Main attention will be paid to the roles of finite flat group schemes, crystalline and semi-stable representations on the one side and of Odlyzko estimates for minimal discriminants of algebraic number fields on the other side.
The Shafarevich Conjecture pertains to the non-existence of abelian varieties over $\Bbb Q$ with everywhere good reduction. We discuss its generalization to proper smooth schemes over $\Bbb Z$ (i.e. projective varieties over $\Bbb Q$ with everywhere good reduction) and recent progress towards varieties which have bad semi-stable reduction in p=3 and good reduction in all $p\ne 3$. Main attention will be paid to the roles of finite flat group schemes, crystalline and semi-stable representations on the one side and of Odlyzko estimates for minimal discriminants of algebraic number fields on the other side.
The Shafarevich Conjecture pertains to the non-existence of abelian varieties over $\Bbb Q$ with everywhere good reduction. We discuss its generalization to proper smooth schemes over $\Bbb Z$ (i.e. projective varieties over $\Bbb Q$ with everywhere good reduction) and recent progress towards varieties which have bad semi-stable reduction in p=3 and good reduction in all $p\ne 3$. Main attention will be paid to the roles of finite flat group schemes, crystalline and semi-stable representations on the one side and of Odlyzko estimates for minimal discriminants of algebraic number fields on the other side.
In this talk, after a review of ramification theory of torsion Galois representations over a local field, we give a ramification estimate of the torsion semi-stable representations with Hodge-Tate weights in {0,...p-2}.
Euler, the father of multiple zeta values, mainltreated non-strict multiple zeta values (MZSVs) in his article. The Q-algebras spanned by strict (ordinary) multiple zeta values (MZVs) and MZSVs are the same to each other. I am planning to review and compare various relations among MZVs and MZSVs and explain an advantage of MZSVs in studying the explicit structure of the algebra. I will also introduce new identities and prospects which are proper to MZSVs.
We discuss an explicit formula for a map from the motivic cohomology of
an algebraic variety to its rational Deligne homology. This generalizes the
Abel-Jacobi map of Griffiths to (essentially) certain "relative algebraic
cycles" living over X. We will work out some simple (but interesting)
examples related to polylogarithms and hypergeometric integrals. While
arithmetic issues are necessarily involved, the flavor of the talk will
be primarily algebro-geometric (in characteristic 0).
In this talk, we present a bird's-eye view of the theory of motives. We begin with an overview of the theory of pure motives based on correspondences on algebraic cycles (as envisioned by Grothendieck in the 1960s in-order to prove the so-called "standard conjectures".). We then introduce mixed Hodge structures and using the definition of pure (Tate) motives and mixed Hodge structures over the rationals, we explain what mixed Tate motives are, and list the desirable properties of the conjectural abelian category of mixed motives of which mixed Tate motives are a subcategory. (All through this we treat Voevodsky's construction of a derived triangulated category of mixed motives as a "black-box"- in a later talk, we will return to Voevodsky's theory.) We finish by mentioning a few applications of mixed Tate motives to questions about special values of zeta and multizeta functions, especially with a teaser on the recent work of Bloch-Esnault-Kreimer.
In this talk, we present a bird's-eye view of the theory of motives. We begin with an overview of the theory of pure motives based on correspondences on algebraic cycles (as envisioned by Grothendieck in the 1960s in-order to prove the so-called "standard conjectures".). We then introduce mixed Hodge structures and using the definition of pure (Tate) motives and mixed Hodge structures over the rationals, we explain what mixed Tate motives are, and list the desirable properties of the conjectural abelian category of mixed motives of which mixed Tate motives are a subcategory. (All through this we treat Voevodsky's construction of a derived triangulated category of mixed motives as a "black-box"- in a later talk, we will return to Voevodsky's theory.) We finish by mentioning a few applications of mixed Tate motives to questions about special values of zeta and multizeta functions, especially with a teaser on the recent work of Bloch-Esnault-Kreimer.
A.B. Goncharov and Manin have shown that the moduli spaces of curves of genus 0 with n marked points are natural spaces in which one can find multiple zeta values as periods and in which one can build a motivic avatar (over $\Z$) of the multiple zeta values. In this talk, we will describe the geometry of those spaces needed in order to sketch a proof of the main result of Goncharov and Manin on the algebraic aspect of their work. The motivic part of the article will be discussed in a later talk.
A.B. Goncharov and Manin have shown that the moduli spaces of curves of genus 0 with n marked points are natural spaces in which one can find multiple zeta values as periods and in which one can build a motivic avatar (over $\Z$) of the multiple zeta values. In this talk, we will describe the geometry of those spaces needed in order to sketch a proof of the main result of Goncharov and Manin on the algebraic aspect of their work. The motivic part of the article will be discussed in a later talk.
Physicists and mathematicians alike have encountered "periods" (arising from integrating an algebraic integrand against an algebraically defined domain), on the one hand from considering Feynman graphs, and on the other hand from associating interesting invariants to "motives".
This term in the seminar series, we would like to understand work that has been done relating the two--rather different--points of view. As a main example, Bloch-Esnault-Kreimer have linked the period zeta(3) arising from the "wheel of spokes graph" in physics to algebraic-geometric constructions.
"This talk will be concerned with detecting cycles modulo rational equivalence on a (complex) projective algebraic variety -- that is, elements in the Chow group. We will stick to zero-cycles (Q-linear combinations of points) for simplicity. The work described builds on that of Green, Griffiths, Lewis, Voisin and others.
The problem is completely solved by Abel's theorem when the variety is a curve. But already for a surface of positive geometric genus, Mumford's theorem says that the kernel of the Albanese map (i.e. the Abel-Jacobi map on 0-cycles) is "huge". The problem of detecting this kernel leads us to consider "spreads" of cycles which take into account their field of definition. The present talk will be devoted to explaining how a filtration on the Chow group and "higher" Abel-Jacobi maps emerge from this construction. (Our approach is to avoid actually "using" the arithmetic Bloch-Beilinson conjecture or the Hodge conjecture.)
We will conclude by describing some applications to 0-cycles on products of curves, where there are links to regulators on algebraic K-theory, iterated integrals, and transcendental number theory (and of course some beautiful applications of Hodge theory). "
"There are generalizations of the Riemann zeta function to functions of several variables called the multiple zeta functions. Like the usual zeta function, their values at positive integer points, called multiple zeta values, are interesting. While originally defined by Euler, recently these numbers have been studied from a different point of view. It turns out that there are several relations between them and the algebra of multiple zeta values is very interesting. Further they are periods in the sense of Kontsevich and Zagier and in fact they appear as periods of a mixed Hodge structure on the fundamental group of the complex projective plane with the points 0,1 and the point at infinity removed. In this talk we define a generalization of such numbers called multiple L-values of modular forms. We show that they have similar properties to the multiple zeta values and further, some of the values are periods. In some cases we can show that these numbers are periods of a mixed Hodge structure on the fundamental group of a modular curve."
Black holes have long been a source of fascination both in academic circles and for the general public. But this broad appeal belies the subtleties in formulating a useful and broad definition of these objects. In this talk, I will discuss the different notions used to characterize a black hole, including the event horizon and its alternatives (such as the apparent horizon), and highlight the drawbacks and uses of each. I will discuss how these different characterizations allow us to understand some of the most dynamic events in our universe — black hole mergers.
String theory is the best candidate for a theory of quantum gravity, but it is infamously difficult to test experimentally. In this talk, we will discuss recent progress in bridging the gap between string theory and the real world, showing how a simple, well-supported statement inspired by string theory called the Weak Gravity Conjecture places strong constraints on certain models of cosmological inflation. This example is part of the larger "swampland program," which in recent years has led to important new insights into quantum gravity, cosmology, particle physics, quantum field theory, pure mathematics, and the relationships between them.
Abstract: There are many good reasons to believe that black holes are
physical systems that can distribute (``scramble'') information among
their internal degrees of freedom at maximal possible rate. This rate
can be quantified in terms of the Maldacena-Stanford-Shenker bound
$\lambda_L < 2 \pi T$ on Lyapunov exponents $\lambda_L$ in quantum
systems. However, most of the proofs of this bound rely on classical
gravitational description within the AdS/CFT holographic duality. This
work is an attempt to understand ``fast scrambling'' in terms of
microscopic degrees of freedom that make up black holes. Motivated by
its holographic description in terms of black D-branes, we consider
Banks-Fischler-Susskind-Stanford (BFSS) matrix model as a microscopic
model of black holes. First, we use numerical real-time simulations to
demonstrate that the Hamiltonian of the BFSS model leads to fast
scrambling and entanglement generation at all temperatures. We then
consider a dramatic simplification of the BFSS model down to two
bosonic and one fermionic degrees of freedom, which allows to
completely diagonalize the Hamiltonian and demonstrate fast scrambling
at the level of random-matrix-type statistical fluctuations of energy
levels. Amazingly, even in such extremely simple supersymmetric system
we are able to identify the regimes of graviton gas, Schwarzschild
black hole and black D-branes as predicted by holographic duality. We
demonstrate how supersymmetry ensures that quantum chaos persists all
the way down to zero temperature, in contrast to non-supersymmetric
gauge theories which become non-chaotic in the confinement regime.
LHC collisions can act as a source of photons in the initial state, in addition to the more common quark and gluon-initiated processes. Indeed, photon-intitiated production is a promising search channel for BSM states as well as probe of the EW couplings of the SM particles. Due to the colour singlet nature of the photon, a key feature of this process in proton-proton collisions is the possibility for leaving the protons intact and/or producing rapidity gaps in the final state. Indeed, the outgoing intact protons can be measured by dedicated `tagging' proton detectors in association with ATLAS and CMS. Moreover, the possibilities are not limited to proton collisions: in heavy ion collisions, the ions can act as a strong source of photon radiation, and the photon-initiated channel can play a significant role.
In this talk I will overview the current status and prospects for photon-initiated production at the LHC. I will discuss the theoretical foundations underlying the modelling of such processes and their implementation in a Monte-Carlo event generator. I will in particular demonstrate that the underlying theory is well understood, with limited sensitivity to unconstrained region of QCD due to the strong interaction of the colliding hadrons. We are therefore well justified in viewing such processes as photon-photon collisions, even if the devil is as always in the detail, as I will discuss.
In two dimensional topologically ordered matter, processes depend on gross topology rather than detailed geometry. Thinking in 2+1 dimensions, particle world lines can be interpreted as knots or links, and the amplitude for certain processes becomes a topological invariant of that link. While sounding rather exotic, we believe that such phases of matter not only exist, but have actually been observed in quantum Hall experiments and quantum simulations, and could provide a route to building a quantum computer. Possibilities have also been proposed for creating similar physics in systems ranging from superfluid helium to topological superconductors to semiconductor-superconductor junctions to quantum wires to spin systems to graphene to cold atoms.
Diverse astrophysical and cosmological observations indicate that most of the matter in the Universe is cold, dark and non-baryonic. Traditionally the most popular dark matter candidates have been new elementary particles, such as WIMPs and axions. However Primordial Black Holes (PBHs), black holes formed from over densities in the early Universe, are another possibility. The discovery of gravitational waves from mergers of ~10 Solar mass black hole binaries by LIGO-Virgo has generated a surge in interest in PBH dark matter. I will overview the formation of PBHs, the observational limits on their abundance and the key open questions in the field.
In the search for a complete description of quantum mechanical and gravitational phenomena we are inevitably led to consider observables on boundaries at infinity. This is the holographic principle: A purely boundary--or holographic--description of physics in the interior. The AdS/CFT correspondence provides an important working example of the holographic principle, where the boundary description of quantum gravity in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space is an ordinary quantum mechanical system that is, in particular, given by a Conformal Field Theory (CFT). This is particularly striking as CFTs are important and well-studied landmarks in the landscape of QFTs, where any given CFT can describe a variety of physical systems of criticality from boiling water to ferromagnets - all of which are much less daunting than the question mark that is quantum gravity. It is natural to ask if AdS/CFT correspondence could be used to improve our understanding of the universe we actually live in. I will explain how spatial correlations at the end of the inflationary epoch can be (formally) recast as correlation functions on the boundary of anti-de Sitter space, opening up the possibility to import techniques, results and understanding from AdS/CFT to inflationary cosmology.
Since man first became aware of his existence, time has been one of his primary obsessions. While our watches and clocks remind us every day of this permanent and ineluctable flow, with a precision that is now atomic, it has not always been so. In this conference we retrace the epic of humanity's quest to master time and its measurement. From Mesopotamian clepsydras to atomic clocks, via Egyptian sundials and the discovery of quartz, mankind has drawn on its greatest geniuses, mathematicians, physicists, craftsmen and astronomers to enslave this time which will always elude us.
I’ll review a new, simpler explanation for the large scale geometry of spacetime, presented recently by Latham Boyle and me in arXiv:2201.07279. The basic ingredients are elementary and well-known, namely Einstein’s theory of gravity and Hawking’s method of computing gravitational entropy. The new twist is provided by the boundary conditions we proposed for big bang-type singularities, respecting CPT and conformal symmetry (traceless matter stress energy) as well as analyticity at the bang. These boundary conditions allow gravitational instantons for universes with positive Lambda, massless (exactly conformal) radiation and positive or negative space curvature. Using these new instantons, we are able to infer the gravitational entropy for a complete set of quasi-realistic, four-dimensional cosmologies. If the total entropy in radiation exceeds that of Einstein’s static universe, the gravitational entropy exceeds the famous de Sitter entropy. As it increases further, the most probable large-scale geometry becomes increasingly flat, homogeneous and isotropic. I’ll summarize recent progress towards elaborating this picture into a fully predictive cosmological theory.
Strong magnetic fields can catalyse non-perturbative quantum field theory processes which would otherwise be exponentially suppressed. In this talk, I will discuss two examples of this: production of magnetic monopoles (if they exist), and baryon number violation (within the Standard Model itself). I will present results of numerical calculations in which we found the explicit instanton and sphaleron solutions describing these processes, which demonstrate that they become unsuppressed at sufficiently strong magnetic fields. This was the basis of a recent monopole search by the MoEDAL collaboration in heavy ion collisions at the LHC, which have the strongest known magnetic fields in the Universe. The results placed new model-independent lower bounds on the mass of magnetic monopoles. I will discuss the prospects of improving these bounds and also of achieving baryon number violation in future experiments.
2022-03-03Luigi Del Debbio [University of Edinburgh]: TBA
After a brief introduction to some of the impact which integrable methods and the Bethe ansatz have had on the study of the AdS/CFT correspondence in string theory, we will focus on the axiomatic approach to S-matrix theory in 1+1 dimensions. We will highlight the issues that arise when the particles are massless, and how this is in fact connected to Zamolodchikov's way of describing two-dimensional conformal field theories by means of integrability techniques. We will then mention how the axiomatic approach extends to form-factors, which are the gate to access the n-point functions of the theory. If time permits, we will briefly depict how this finds a contemporary application in the area of the AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence.
2021-12-09Bobby Acharya [King's College London]: TBA
Symmetries have frequently aided our study of physical systems. For conformally invariant quantum field theories there has been a lot of recent progress in what can be broadly described as "bootstrapping" these theories from their symmetries. I will review this progress and how it can be used to learn about strongly coupled theories, for which we often cannot rely on traditional perturbative methods, with a special focus on supersymmetric conformal field theories.
2021-10-14Bjorn Garbrecht [Technical University of Munich]: Limits of strong CP
Quantum mechanical potentials with multiple classically degenerate minima lead to spectra that are determined by the pertaining tunneling amplitudes. For the strong interactions, these classical minima correspond to configurations of a given Chern-Simons number. The tunneling amplitudes are then given by instanton transitions, and the associated gauge invariant eigenstates are the theta-vacua. Under charge-parity (CP) reversal theta changes its sign, and so it is believed that CP-violating observables such as the electric dipole moment of the neutron or the decay of the eta-prime meson into two pions are proportional to theta. Here we argue that this is not the case. This conclusion is based on the assumption that the path integral is dominated by saddle points of finite action and fluctuations around these. In spacetimes of infinite volume, this leads to the requirement of vanishing physical fields at the boundaries. For the gauge fields, this implies topological quantization corresponding to homotopy classes or all integers. We consequently calculate quark correlations by first taking the spacetime volume to infinity and then summing over the sectors. This leads to an absence of CP violation in the quark correlations, in contrast to the conventional way of taking the limits
the other way around. While there is an infinite number of homotopy classes in the strong interactions, there is only a finite number of classical vacua for quantum mechanical systems. For the latter the order of taking time to infinity and summing over the transitions is therefore immaterial.
Password: see email announcement or ask an organiser.
This lecture focuses on the scientific legacy of the Arab polymath Alhazen (Ibn al-Haytham; b. ca. 965 CE in Basra, d. ca. 1041 CE in Cairo). A special emphasis will be placed on his mathematical approaches to natural philosophy in the context of his studies in optics, and by way of his geometrization of the inquiries in classical physics and establishing the methodological rudiments of experimentation and controlled testing. To illustrate some of the principal aspects of his geometrical redefinition of the key concepts of natural philosophy qua physics, I shall consider the analytical case of his positing of place (al-makān) as a postulated geometric void in the context of his critical refutation of the definition of topos in Book IV of Aristotle’s Physics.
After the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012, we have now entered a new era of precision high-energy physics. This precision is the key to making new discoveries, as even slight deviations from the Standard Model will provide important hints towards as yet unknown particles and interactions. However, with experimental precision at the high luminosity upgrade to the LHC (HL-LHC) expected to outstrip theoretical uncertainties, the success of this program will rely on our ability to overcome the immense challenges involved in improving the accuracy of our theoretical predictions. In particular, we will need to calculate higher-order quantum corrections which are beyond the scope of current methods.
The application of integrability methods in string theory has significantly advanced our understanding of strings moving on symmetric flux backgrounds. Such backgrounds play a central role in the AdS/CFT correspondence and can be used to explore strongly coupled gauge theory. We will introduce some of the key ideas behind these developments in string theory and discuss the generalisation to the integrable deformations and duals of these models.
For many years, physicists thought that all particles fall into two kingdoms: bosons and fermions. They were wrong. Anyons – emergent particles that have a kind of memory – form a new kingdom. Recently the predicted appearance of anyon behavior in the fractional quantum Hall effect was confirmed, in beautiful experiments. Vigorous efforts are afoot to observe anyons in other states of matter, and to mass-produce for use in quantum computing. The age of anyons is upon us.
2020-12-10Giuseppe Torri [University of Hawai'i at Manoa]: Physics in the sky
Understanding the structure and the dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere is a task of great importance. On the one hand, it allows us to predict the weather a few days in advance, which often translates in saving human lives. On the other hand, it gives us the opportunity to understand how the climate will evolve over the next century, as the impacts due to global warming become progressively stronger. In spite of the progress that has been made, however, our understanding of the atmosphere remains incomplete, and many fundamental questions unanswered. In this talk, I will give an overview of some aspects of modern atmospheric physics. I will begin by introducing some concepts and terminology commonly used in the field. I will then discuss how theoretical developments in the last century made weather forecasts possible (and how von Neumann played a crucial role there too!). Finally, I will present a number of problems and open questions about atmospheric phenomena that we still do not understand, with a particular focus on the tropics.
I will give an overview of how upcoming neutrino and gravitational wave experiments can be used to improve our knowledge of Standard Model particle physics and the evolution of Universe. I will begin by discussing new methods to improve the detection of the least understood Standard Model particle: the tau neutrino. I will then discuss how data from upcoming neutrino oscillation experiments and gravitational wave detectors can be used to understand the unification of matter and forces at the highest energy scales and how our Universe came to have more matter than anti-matter.
In recent years, remarkable algebraic structures have been discovered in the quest to perform exact non-perturbative computations in supersymmetric quantum field theory, with deep connections to geometry and representation theory. I will try to explain how some these algebraic structures arise in simple examples, including Landau levels on a sphere, monopoles creating and destroying vortices, and interfaces colliding with boundaries.
The existence of axions is well motivated from particle physics, string theory and cosmology. I will describe ongoing research in astrophysical and experimental searches for axions.
In modern high energy physics abelian gauge theories are usually considered as boring cousins of non-abelian gauge theories. I will argue that they are under-appreciated, and much more versatile than naively thought
The pioneering work of Bekenstein and Hawking in the 70s showed that black holes have a thermodynamic behavior. They produced a universal area law for black hole entropy valid in the limit that the black hole is infinitely large. Quantum effects induce finite-size corrections to this formula, thus providing a window into the fundamental microscopic theory of gravity and its deviations from classical general relativity. In this talk I will discuss recent advances in high-precision computations of quantum black hole entropy in supersymmetric theories of gravity, using new localization techniques. These calculations allow us to test the suggestion that black holes are really ensembles of microscopic states in a very detailed manner, much beyond the semi-classical limit.
I will then discuss how one can independently verify these calculations using explicit models of microscopic ensembles for black holes in string theory constructed in the 90s. These investigations throw up a surprising link to number theory and the so-called Mock modular forms of Ramanujan. I will end by sketching some research directions that these ideas lead to.
In this talk I'll describe how to use atomic clocks and co-magnetometers for direct detection of light dark matter candidates. These candidates are well motivated theoretically but are hard to detect in more traditional searchers due to their small momentum.
The LHC has completed its second run at the unprecedented energy of 13 TeV and prepares for the upcoming Run-3, with the High-Luminosity upgrade on the horizon. While the search for new physics continues in the soon-to-be-accessible high-energy regime, precision measurements of inclusive observables are likewise on the experiments physics programme. In this presentation I will review the role and properties of the electroweak half of the Standard Model and detail how its precise understanding is crucial to the success of both objectives in these seemingly so very dissimilar regimes.
String theory is traditionally presented as a candidate for a theory of unification of all forces, but it can also serve as a framework providing a deeper understanding of quantum field theories. In this colloquium, I will exemplify how non-trivial aspects of quantum field theories can be given a (often surprisingly simple) geometric origin within string theory by focussing on the classic story of electric-magnetic duality. I will then explain the beautiful geometric relation to superconformal field theories in six dimensions and highlight recent achievements concerning the construction of these otherwise elusive theories.
During the last few years there has been a transformation in our understanding of symmetries and anomalies. The fundamental ideas ultimately originate from condensed matter physics, and more specifically from the classification of topological phases of matter. I will review the basics of the modern viewpoint, and explain a number of results that follow from applying this philosophy to particle physics.
Briefly: we will find that the Standard Model is anomaly-free on arbitrary spacetime topologies (oriented and unoriented), a natural Z_4 refinement of (-1)^F (with F the fermion number) is anomaly free only if the number of fermions in the SM is a multiple of 16, and proton triality being anomaly-free implies that the number of generations is a multiple of 3.
Software for quantum computation has a layered structure. Closest to the hardware, and strongly device-dependent, is the `quantum control' of physical qubits. One layer up is the compilation of `native' quantum gates into a universal gate library and quantum circuits of increasing complexity. The top layer is a quantum algorithm for a concrete computational task. Recent experimental progress has allowed the execution of all layers of this software stack, and the comparison of the performance of different qubit platforms.
In most cases, quantum control is played out through one and two-qubit operations. We present a framework for quantum control directly at the level of N qubits, relying on ideas from quantum many-body theory. An example is a protocol for a gate called iSWAPn, using a linear qubit array with so-called Krawtchouk couplings.
Determining the whole spectrum of stable excitations of a quantum field theory (QFT) is a well-known open problem. To tackle this question a good theoretical laboratory is provided by supersymmetric field theories (SQFTs) with enough conserved supercharges to constrain the QFT dynamics towards exact results. In this context, string theory techniques can be exploited to compute the spectrum of excitations of infinitely many classes of SQFTs in various dimensions. After a brief overview of these methods, we will discuss applications to four-dimensional SQFTs. In this context string theory can be viewed as a tool to predict non-perturbative properties of the spectrum of QFTs, that provides several surprising insights about the physics of this problem.
Massive neutrinos are our first open door into physics beyond the standard model. They also have intriguing consequences in Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology. In this talk I will first review our present understanding of neutrino masses, the leptonic mixing structure and the possibility of leptonic CP violation from a global interpretation of neutrino oscillation results. I will then discuss some avenues open by these results such as the sensitivity to non-standard neutrino interactions, their use in improving the modeling of the Sun, the study of the Earth interior..., as well as the possibility of directly testing beyond the standard models built to explain these results at colliders.
In quantum field theory, conserved particle numbers are associated with ordinary global symmetries. However, many theories can also possess a conserved density of extended objects such as strings, branes, etc. The generalized symmetry principle associated with such conservation laws is just as powerful as that for ordinary symmetries but has only recently been systematically explored. I will explain some of the resulting insights, discussing the classification of low-energy phases and discussing the emergence of gapless Goldstone modes when they are spontaneously broken. Such a symmetry also plays an important role in characterizing the long-distance physics of familiar Maxwell electrodynamics in four dimensions; as an application, I will discuss the realization of this symmetry at finite temperature and provide a reformulation of magnetohydrodynamics from the point of view of symmetry and effective field theory.
After the completion of the Standard Model (SM) through the Higgs discovery particle physicists are waiting for the discovery of new particles either directly with the help of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or indirectly through quantum fluctuations causing certain rare processes to occur at different rates than predicted by the SM. While the later route is very challenging, requiring very precise theory and experiment, it allows a much higher resolution of short distance scales than it is possible with the help
of the LHC. In fact in the coming flavour precision era, in which the accuracy of the measurements of rare processes and of the relevant lattice QCD calculations will be significantly increased, there is a good chance that we may get an insight into the scales as short as 10^-21 m (Zeptouniverse) corresponding to energy scale of 200 TeV or even shorter distance scales. In particular we emphasize the correlations between flavour observables as a powerful tool for the distinction between various New Physics models. We will summarize the present status of deviations from SM predictions for a number of flavour observables and list prime candidates for new particles responsible for these anomalies. A short outlook for coming years will be given.
The Standard Model of elementary particle physics has proven to be
remarkably durable. Starting with a theoretical structure established
in the early 1960's, the SM has expanded to accommodate the discovery
of new particle generations and symmetry violations. The missing
particle content, the Higgs boson, was finally discovered by the ATLAS
and CMS experiments in 2012. Since then experiments at the CERN Large
Hadron Collider have collected data that have been used to test SM
prediction with exquisite precision. Searches for non-SM particles now
extend into the multi-TeV mass range and measurements have probed
distant scales down to 10−4 fermi.
A review will be made of the SM's development and recent experimental
tests using data collected with LHC operation at a proton-proton
center of mass energy of 13 TeV.
Particle physics and cosmology have succeeded in creating standard models for the structure of matter and the universe. Such models integrate known data and provide a consistent theoretical description of the field. Standard models are then used as benchmarks to design future experiments or observations that expose them to stringent tests which may in turn lead to extensions or possibly even failures of the models.
Understanding the brain is a problem of equal importance but research has so far not succeeded in producing a comparable condensation of knowledge into a consistent theoretical framework. Will this be possible at all ? In the lecture I will discuss state of the art of brain theories, propose novel computer based methods for their test and express my personal opinion on the possibility of a future standard model of the brain.
Physics at the Large Hadron Collider is dominated by enormous amounts of strongly
integrating radiation which must be modelled precisely using Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).
Experiments continue to gather data and reduce errors on their measurements, challenging the theoretical predictions and probing our understanding of the Standard Model.
The fundamental building blocks for these predictions are perturbative scattering amplitudes. The complexity of these objects - especially when considering the necessary quantum corrections - can grow quickly beyond the reach of traditional methods. Understanding the mathematical structure of scattering amplitudes has often
led to new developments which can some of which are now at work in experimental analyses.
I will take a look at some modern methods for scattering amplitude computations
and their role in making precision predictions at the LHC.
Scattering amplitudes are the basic observables measured by particle colliders and have remarkable mathematical structure which is fascinating in its own right. I will review recent progress in the calculation of scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity using a branch of mathematics called twistor theory.
One-hundred years after Einstein formulated General Relativity, the pivotal role of its most fundamental and fascinating objects --- the black holes --- is nowadays recognized in many areas of physics, even beyond astrophysics and cosmology. Still, solving the theory that governs their dynamics remains a formidable challenge that continues to demand new ideas. I will argue that, from many points of view, it is natural to consider the number of spacetime dimensions, D, as an adjustable parameter in the theory. Then we can use it for a perturbative expansion of the theory around the limit of very many dimensions, that is, considering 1/D as a small number. We will see that in this limit the gravitational field of a black hole simplifies greatly and its equations often turn out to be analytically tractable. A simple picture emerges in which, among other things, the shape of the black hole is determined by the same equations that describe soap bubbles.
Many natural systems are far from thermodynamic equilibrium and keep on exchanging matter, energy or information with their surroundings. These exchanges produce currents, or fluxes, that break time-reversal invariance. Such systems lie beyond the realm of traditional thermodynamics and the principles of equilibrium statistical mechanics do not apply to them. In fact, there exists no general conceptual framework à la Gibbs-Boltzmann to describe these systems from first principles.
The last two decades, however, have witnessed remarkable progress. The aim of this lecture is to explain some recent developments, such as the Work Identities (Jarzynski, Crooks), the Fluctuation Theorem (Cohen, Evans, Gallavotti and Morriss) and the Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory (Jona-Lasinio et al.) which represent the first steps towards a unified approach to non-equilibrium behaviour.
Although there is substantial evidence for the existence of vast amounts of Dark Matter in the Universe, we still ignore its nature.
The detection and identification of this new type of matter constitutes one of the greatest challenges in modern Physics, as it can only be explained with Physics beyond the Standard Model.
Dark matter can be searched for directly, through its scattering off nuclei inside direct detection experiments. I will summarise the current experimental situation, with special emphasis on the SuperCDMS detector, and adopt an optimistic point of view, assuming that future detection is possible.
Does this mean that dark matter can be identified? I will address the
reconstruction of dark matter properties, the uncertainties involved,
and the necessity of data from different detectors.
The structure of light nuclei provides a microcosm for our understanding of the strong interaction, but importantly one in which it is possible to apply state-of-the-art nuclear models. The correlations that are responsible for binding of nuclei also yield complex structures linked to the formation of clusters. The clusters, typically alpha-particles, can arrange themselves in geometric structures, with dynamical symmetries. This talk will explore how these clusters precipitate and how the cluster structures might be imaged and their impact of stellar processes and even the origins of organic-life.
Over the past decade, spatial entanglement entropies have been revealed as a powerful tool for understanding the structure of quantum field theories, giving new perspectives on old questions and leading to interesting new ones. A particularly interesting set of theories is the so-called holographic ones, which admit a dual description in terms of classical gravity. It turns out that entanglement entropies in such theories are relatively easy to study and exhibit intriguing information-theoretic properties, which may offer clues to nature of holographic dualities. I will review these developments and comment on important open problems.
The conductivity of strongly coupled materials, such as the high Tc superconductors, exhibit fascinating properties which are not compatible with those of a weakly coupled Fermi liquid. Signature properties include the linear dependence of the resistivity in temperature and also the anomalous scaling of the Hall angle with temperature. It has been argued that these properties are due to strong coupling and the lack of quasiparticles. I will discuss the way strongly coupled field theories conduct heat and electric current at finite density using holographic techniques and show the promise of this approach to capture some of these features.
I give an introduction to studies of non-equilibirum dynamics in isolated
many-particle quantum systems. These have recently attracted a lot of theoretical attention, which is motivated by experiments on systems of ultra-cold trapped atoms (an example being the now famous "Quantum Newton's Cradle"). I focus on how, and in which sense, such isolated systems relax and eventually can be described by statistical mechanics. Time permitting I will discuss the time evolution of
observables, which displays interesting phenomena related to the spreading
of information out of equilibrium.
I will tell the story of three best friends in 19th century Scotland
and their attempt to develop an atomic theory based on knots and links.
Tait, Kelvin and Maxwell were inspired by a fantastic experiment
involving smoke rings, and their theories, whilst being completely
wrong, inspired a new field of mathematical study which is once again
becoming important in physics, chemistry and biology.
The entanglement entropy has been very important in various subjects such as the quantum information theory, condensed matter physics and quantum gravity. Especially, for more than twenty years, this quantity has been studied by many
people in order to obtain a quantum mechanical interpretation of the gravitational entropy such as the black hole entropy. We will introduce recent progresses toward this long-standing problem in quantum gravity by applying the idea of holography, especially the AdS/CFT correspondence found in string theory. In this talk, we will give an overview of recent progresses in this subject.
Gauge/string duality arguably provides our best framework for
computing quantum properties of gravity and black holes from first
principles. In the simplest instances it reformulates the problem of
understanding a quantum gravity black hole in terms of understanding
certain (rather special) gauge theories at finite temperature. I will
review this surprising and powerful duality, and then discuss progress
over the last 5 years in both analytic and numerical attempts to
directly solve such gauge theories with the aim of performing direct
quantum gravity calculations.
String theory, famously, has a great many ground states. So many, in fact, that some argue that we should seek information in the statistical properties of these vacua, or worse, argue that we should abandon string theory as a theory with predictive power. On the other hand, very few vacua are known that look like the observed world of particle physics. In this talk I will review this situation and show that there are intriguing, seemingly realistic, models at the tip of the distribution of vacua, where topological complexity is minimised.
The last 15 years in observational Cosmology have been extremely fruitful with key measurements such as the determination of the abundance of invisible matter (the so-called 'dark' matter) in our Universe today. Yet the main issues of Cosmology remain unsolved. In particular the nature of dark matter and dark energy is still mysterious despite strong evidence for their existence. In this talk, I will review some of the progress made in the field of dark matter to identify its nature and summarise the main challenges that need to be tackled to determine what the dark matter is made of.
I will describe the status of current Cosmic Microwave Background
observations. I will then focus on recent results from the Atacama
Cosmology Telescope, which has mapped the microwave sky to arcminute
scales. I will present results from ACT, as well as the South Pole
Telescope, on the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave
Background fluctuations, measuring primordial acoustic oscillations well
into the Silk damping tail. I will also describe the extraction of a
gravitational lensing signal from these observations, and the detection
of galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. I will describe
the implications of these various measurements for cosmology, and
discuss prospects for the Planck satellite, and upcoming ground-based
Einstein's general theory of relativity (GR) is one of the most
successful and well-tested physical theories ever developed.
Nevertheless, modern cosmology poses a range of questions, from the
smallest scales to the largest, that remain currently unresolved by GR
coupled to the known energy and matter contents of the universe. This
raises the logical possibility that GR may require modification on the
relevant scales.
I will discuss the status of some modern approaches to alter GR to
address cosmological problems. We shall see that these efforts are
extremely theoretically constrained, leaving very few currently viable
approaches. Meanwhile, observationally, upcoming missions promise to
constrain allowed departures from GR in exciting new ways,
complementary to traditional tests within the solar system.
In the recent years theoretical studies and astrophysical observations have confirmed that unknown constituents of our universe like dark matter may find its explanation not only at large-scale experiments at highest energies, but could also show up at the opposite energy scale. In many laboratories world-wide searches for axions, axion-like particles, hidden photons, chameleons or other so-called WISPs with masses below the eV scale are ongoing. Examples at DESY are the experiments ALPS ("Any Light Particle Search") and SHIPS ("Solar HIdden Photon Search"). In all these experiments new particles could manifest themselves in a very spectacular manner. Light would apparently shine through thickest walls. The results of a first generation of laboratory and astrophysics experiments will be summarized and plans for future enterprises be discussed.
N=4 SYM has been dubbed the "Hydrogen Atom" of gauge theories. It provides a playground to find and test new techniques for eventual use in QCD as well as holding the tantalizing possibility of being a solvable, four dimensional gauge theory, a close cousin to QCD. If we
want to understand quantum field theories in four-dimensions in a deeper way than given by Feynman diagrams, N=4 SYM is the place to start. In this talk I will try to review recent progress made, especially over the last couple of years in computing scattering amplitudes, their relation to both Wilson loops and Correlation functions and discuss progress made in computing high loop amplitudes and correlation functions in N=4 SYM.
Phenomena in the highly non-linear viscoelastic flow of entangled macromolecular fluids motivate a fundamental programme of theoretical and experimental work on the Brownian dynamics of entangled Gaussian classical strings. An effective (topological field) approach proves effective at addressing first the anomalous linear response of highly branched polymers, then surprisingly provides a way to capture the essential non-linearities as well. Very recently this has paid-off with a major joint university-industry project tackling the molecular engineering, in silico, of fluids with industrial complexity of branching.
For a while now LHC has been answering physics questions in and beyond the Standard Model. I will go through different aspects of our theoretical understanding of high energy physics, including QCD, Higgs searches, and new physics searches. In the absence of a revolutionary discovery I will illustrate how we nevertheless learned much more from the early running phase than we would have expected. This promises a bright future once the LHC runs closer to design energy and luminosity.
The long-standing proposed gravitational wave observatory LISA has been redesigned following the withdrawal of NASA from the project. I shall describe the implications that the new eLISA mission proposal would have for fundamental physics. These include strong-field tests of general relativity, constraints on scalar gravitational fields, searches for exotic objects like cosmic strings, and the determination of the epoch at which seeds for supermassive black holes began to form. This last topic involves observing individual black-hole binaries at redshifts beyond 10, more distant than any astronomical objects seen up to now. If black hole seeds are found to form too early, it will challenge the standard Lambda-CDM cosmology. The talk will review ground-based gravitational wave detection progress, as well as efforts using pulsar timing.
The AdS/CFT correspondence is one of the most important discoveries of string theory. In its simplest form it states that string theory propagating on an anti-de-Sitter spacetime is equivalent to a conformally invariant quantum field theory living on the boundary. It provides a beautiful and powerful tool to study strongly coupled quantum field theories using classical gravity. I will review some of my work that aims to utilise the framework to study strongly coupled systems arising in condensed matter.
String theory provides an ultraviolet complete extension of Yang-Mills theory and general relativity. This talk will describe the structure of scattering amplitudes in string theory and contrast them with corresponding field theory amplitudes. The talk will focus in particular on the structure of graviton scattering which has a rich perturbative and non-perturbative structure that is strongly constrained by "duality" symmetries. This provide an intriguing insight into the ultraviolet divergences of the corresponding (super)gravity field theory.
With recent theoretical and computational advances we have
been able to calculate the properties of condensed matter systems from
first principles. The first-principles approach is vastly ambitious
because its goal is to model real systems using no approximations
whatsoever. That one can even hope to do this is down to the accuracy of
quantum mechanics in describing the chemical bond. Dirac's apocryphal
quip that after the discovery of quantum mechanics the rest is chemistry
sums it up: if one can solve the Schrodinger equation for something an
atom, a molecule, assemblies of atoms in solids or liquids one can
predict every physical property. Dirac's statement doesn't quite show
how difficult doing the rest is, and it has taken great effort and
ingenuity to take us to the point of calculating some of the properties
of materials with reasonable accuracy. The impact of simulations on our
thinking about condensed matter problems is immense. Here I shall
concentrate on just a few elements of what is a very large subject.
First I shall discuss the first-principles rationale and what makes the
task so difficult. I shall focus on one of the most successful
approaches, the application of density-functional theory and consider
why this method turned out to be so important. I shall also spend some
time discussing the simulation approach in general, and the types of
information that come out of a calculation. To illustrate the usefulness
of some of the methods I shall present highlights of a number of
simulations to indicate the wide applicability of the method.
Professor Martin Utley completed a PhD in High Energy Physics at Glasgow in 1996. Since then, he has worked exclusively on problems in health and health care, applying, adapting and developing simple analytical techniques in collaboration with clinicians. He now leads the Clinical Operational Research Unit at UCL. He will discuss a range of projects and will discuss important differences he sees between modelling in the physical sciences and modelling in health care.
I will discuss some recent results concerning the statistical
properties of quantum wavefunctions on networks/graphs. Most of the talk
will be introductory, but I will give a birds-eye overview of how
field-theoretic techniques have led to some significant steps forward.
Cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death accounting for about 1 death in 10 in industrialized countries. Although cardiac arrhythmias has been studied for well over a century, their underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. One of the main problems in studies of cardiac arrhythmias is that they occur at the level of the whole organ only, while in most of the cases only single cell experiments can be performed. Due to these limitations alternative approaches such as mathematical modeling are of great
interest. From mathematical point of view excitation of the heart is
described by a system of non-linear parabolic PDEs of the reaction
diffusion type with anisotropic diffusion operator. Cardiac
arrhythmias correspond to the solutions of these equations in form of 2D or 3D vortices characterized by their filaments. In my talk I will present a basic introduction to cardiac modeling and mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias and briefly report on main directions
of our research, such as development of virtual human heart model, modeling mechano-electric feedback in the heart using reaction-diffusion mechanics systems and filament dynamics in anisotropic cardiac tissue.
It is a remarkable fact that the standard model (SM) of particle physics
is classically conformally invariant - except for a single term: the
scalar mass term, commonly introduced for electroweak symmetry breaking.
This work is based on the hypothesis that classically unbroken conformal
invariance, in conjunction with the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism and the
conformal anomaly, can explain the observed hierarchy of scales. I will
present evidence that such a scenario might be viable, provided (1) there
are no intermediate scales of any kind between the weak scale and the
Planck scale, and (2) the RG evolved couplings exhibit neither Landau
poles nor instabilities over this whole range of energies. I will also
comment on the issue of embedding such a scenario into a UV finte theory
of quantum gravity.
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides much of the
impressive evidence for an enormously hot and dense early stage of the
universe - referred to as the Big Bang - but was this singular event
actually the absolute beginning? Observations of the CMB are now very
detailed, but this very detail presents new puzzles, one of the most
blatant being an apparent paradox in relation to the Second Law of
thermodynamics. The hypothesis of inflationary cosmology has long been
argued to explain away some of these puzzles, but it does not resolve
some key issues, including that raised by the Second Law. In this
talk, I describe a quite different proposal, which posits a succession
of universe aeons prior to our own. The expansion of the universe
never reverses in this scheme, but the space-time geometry is
nevertheless made consistent through a fundamental role for conformal
geometry. Black-hole evaporation turns out to be central to the Second
Law. Some analysis of CMB data, obtained from the WMAP satellite
provides a tantalizing input to these issues.
The black-hole information paradox has fueled a fascinating effort to reconcile the predictions of general relativity and those of quantum mechanics. Gravitational considerations teach us that black holes must trap everything that falls into them. Quantum mechanically the mass of a black hole leaks away as featureless (Hawking) radiation. However, if Hawking's analysis turned out to be accurate then the information would be irretrievably lost and a fundamental axiom of quantum mechanics, that of unitary evolution, would likewise fail. Here we show that the information about the matter that collapses to form a black hole becomes encoded into pure correlations within a tripartite quantum system, the quantum analog of a one-time pad until very late in the evaporation, provided we accept the view that the thermodynamic entropy of a black hole is due to entropy of entanglement. In this view the black hole entropy is primarily due to trans-event horizon entanglement between external modes neighboring the black hole and internal degrees of freedom of the black hole.
It is well-known that through stereographic projection, one can put a complex coordinate z on a spherical surface. Felix Klein studied the complex coordinates of the vertices, edge centres and face centres of each platonic solid this way, and found that they are the roots of rather simple polynomials in z. Related to these Klein polynomials there are some further, rational functions of z (ratios of polynomials), which have the same symmetries as the platonic solids.
Recently, it has been discovered that various model physical systems, in chemistry, condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics, have smooth structures with the same symmetries as platonic solids. The Klein polynomials and related rational functions are very useful for describing them mathematically.
The talk will end with a discussion of a model for atomic nuclei in which the protons and neutrons are regarded as close enough together
to partially merge into one or other of these symmetric structures. Various small nuclei, up to carbon-12 and a bit larger, have been
modelled this way.
Hamilton's first application of the concept of phase space - later so fruitful in physics - was a prediction in optics: conical refraction in biaxial crystals. This was one of the first successful predictions of a qualitatively new phenomenon using mathematics, and created a sensation. At the heart of conical refraction is a singularity, anticipating the fermionic sign change underlying the Pauli exclusion principle and the conical intersections now studied in quantum chemistry. The light emerging from the crystal contains many subtle diffraction details, whose definitive understanding and observation have been achieved only recently.
Generalizations of the phenomenon involve radically different mathematical structures.
Owing to fossil-fuel use, land-use change and agriculture, global atmospheric
concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased
markedly since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values determined from
ice cores spanning many thousands of years. Warming of the climate system is
unequivocally evident from observations of increases in global average air and
ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global
average sea level. Paleoclimate information supports the interpretation that
the warmth of the last half century is unusual compared with at least the
previous 1300 years.
Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the
mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic
greenhouse gas concentrations. There are discernible human influences on other
aspects of climate, including ocean warming, continental-average temperatures,
temperature extremes and wind patterns. For the next two decades a warming of
about 0.2°C per decade is projected for a range of emission scenarios.
Continued greenhouse gas emissions at or above current rates would cause
further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during
the 21st century that would very likely be larger than those observed during
the 20th century. Anthropogenic warming and sea level rise would continue for
centuries due to the timescales associated with climate processes and
feedbacks, even if greenhouse gas concentrations were to be stabilized.
John Cockcroft's splitting of the atom and Ernest Lawrence's invention of the cyclotron in the first half of the twentieth century ushered in the grand era of ever higher energy particle accelerators to probe deeper into matter. It also forged a link, bonding scientific discovery with technological innovation that continues today in the twenty first century. In the second half of the twentieth century, we witnessed the emergence of the photon and neutron sciences driven by accelerators built-by-design producing tailored and ultra-bright pulses of bright photons and neutrons to probe structure and function of matter from aggregate to individual molecular and atomic scales in unexplored territories in material and life sciences. As we enter the twenty first century, the race for ever higher energies, brightness and luminosity to probe atto-metric and atto-second domains of the ultra-small structures and ultra-fast processes continues. We give a glimpse of the recent developments and innovations in the conception, production and control of charged particle beams in the service of diverse scientific disciplines.
2008-12-15Brian Foster and Jack Liebeck [Oxford University]: Superstrings
Superstrings is a lecture that links Einstein's favourite instrument, the violin, with many of the concepts of modern physics that he did so much to found. The performance begins with an introduction to Einstein's life and involvement with music and how his ideas have shaped our concepts of space, time and the evolution of the Universe. These slides are accompanied by selections from J.S. Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin, some of Einstein's favourite music.
The lecture then proceeds with a discussion of some of our modern ideas that build on the structures of Einstein and define the so-called "Standard Model" of particle physics, in which the evolution of the Universe after the Big Bang can be understood by the interplay of a small number of fundamental forces on a few point-like "elementary" particles, the quarks and leptons, and their antimatter equivalents.
At several points in the performance Jack uses his J.B. Guadagnini violin, the "ex-Wilhelmj", to illustrate some of the ideas discussed by Brian in the lecture by analogy.
Although in many ways a fantastic success, the "Standard Model" leaves many questions unanswered and leads to several paradoxes. Modern ideas of Superstrings may well lead to a much more satisfactory theory, although at the cost of prediciting a whole host of new particles as yet undiscovered. Superstring theory also predicts that the universe has extra "hidden" dimensions of space whose size is so small that they are invisible to our everyday experience. Nevertheless, they may give rise to measureable effects in the next generations of "atom smashers" due to start operation at CERN in Geneva in a couple of years time. The lecture ends by looking at these possible effects and with a duet for two violins by Mozart in which lecturer and soloist join forces and pay tribute to Einstein's lifelong love of chamber music.
Over the past ten years Paul Sutcliffe and I have studied an elementary question of Euclidean geometry. The problem remains unsolved but we have produced a string of further conjectures. I will survey these conjectures and show how they are related to various aspects of physics.
The detection of Gravitational Radiation remains one of the major challenges for experimental astrophysics. This will provide a unique tool for looking into the heart of some of the most violent events in the Universe by detecting changes in the fabric of space-time. Detectors are needed which can measure the relative lengths of perpendicular arms of kilometre scale to about 10-19 m on multi-millisecond timescales. A global network of such detectors - GEO, LIGO, Virgo - are now in operation around the globe, with enhanced versions being developed.
In this talk a review of the status of this emerging new field will be given.
We can describe the growth of a simply connected set in the plane by thinking about how the conformal transformation, which maps it to some standard set like the unit circle, evolves. For the scaling limit of sets which arise 2d statistical mechanics (for example spin clusters in the Ising model), this is conjectured to be particularly simple, and is called Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE). However the scaling limit of such models is also supposed to be described by conformal field theory (CFT). We show that a link between these two can be made through so-called parafermionic holomorphic observables, which can already be identified on the lattice.
X-rays, having a wavelength comparable to the spacing of atoms in solids and liquids, are a natural probe of condensed matter. Laboratory x-ray sources have been available for over a century but have been largely superseded by synchrotron radiation sources in the last twenty years. Now a new revolution is upon us with the advent of x-ray free electron lasers. These new linear accelerators promise billion-fold gains in source brilliance and the opportunity to study femtosecond dynamics. How do x-ray lasers work, what will be the first experiments, and what new science is likely to emerge?
Entanglement is a fundamental charasteristic of quantum mechanics: a
measurement at a point in space may affect instantaneously measurements
performed elsewhere in a way that cannot be described by local variables.
The entanglement entropy is a proposed measure of entanglement in a pure
quantum state, and it also occurs in the study of black hole entropy. I
will explain what entanglement entropy is and some of its basic
properties, and I will describe what happens with it for the ground state
of quantum chains near to a critical point. It is related to interesting
geometries and it turns out that it encodes neatly important universal
information about the region around the critical point.
To describe black hole thermodynamics in any quantum theory of
gravity, one must introduce constraints that ensure that a black
hole is actually present. I show that for a very large class of
dilaton black holes, the inclusion of such ``horizon constraints''
allows us to use conformal field theory techniques to compute the
density of states, reproducing the correct Bekenstein-Hawking entropy
in a nearly model-independent manner. This picture suggests an
elegant description of the relevant degrees of freedom, as
Goldstone-boson-like excitations arising from symmetry breaking
by a conformal anomaly induced by the horizon constraints.
Abstract: In recent years there's been much progress on understanding the
dynamics of solitons in gauge theories. I will review some of this work,
describing instantons, and monopoles, and vortex strings, and domain
walls, and monopoles threaded on vortex strings, and vortex strings ending
on boojums on domain walls, and instantons trapped inside domain walls,
and many more. I'll also explain how the quantizing vortex strings
can be used to understand the quantum dynamics of four-dimensional gauge
The holographic principle states that any $d+1$ dimensional quantum theory of gravity should have a description in terms of a $d$-dimensional quantum field theory without gravity. In this talk we discuss how holography is realized in string theory and how one extracts quantum field theory data from a gravitational solution. We illustrate our discussion with examples.
Ideas about a duality between gauge fields and strings have been
around for many decades. During the last ten years, these ideas have
taken a much more concrete mathematical form. String descriptions of
the strongly coupled dynamics of semi-realistic gauge theories,
exhibiting confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, are now
available. These provide remarkably simple ways to compute properties
of the observed strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma phase, and also
shed new light on various phenomenological models of hadron
fragmentation. I will present a review and highlight some exciting
recent developments.
I will discuss some ideas and problems in the theory of wetting and capillary phenomena. I will comment on potential analogies with problems encountered in present-day string theory.
Cosmological observations show that most matter in the Universe is non-baryonic and "dark" (really: transparent). This requires the existence of a new kind of matter, beyond that described by the Standard Model of particle physics. The existence of such matter is predicted by supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. In this talk I will discuss how the relic density of supersymmetric Dark Matter is calculated, and how this calculation may constrain the parameter space of supersymmetric models. I will also discuss possible ways to detect these particles, and what can be learned from such a detection.
2006-10-24Tadashi Tokieda [Cambridge University]: Toy models
Would you like to see some toys?
I will do many demos with a wide range of objects from sand
to coins to turtles, and discuss theoretical issues, some still
open, such as finite-time singularity, integrability that does
not seem to come from any symmetry, and chirality.
"We will review the present status of high energy photon, hadron, and neutrino astronomy and discuss its implications for astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology."
"This talk will explain why a new type of inflation has completely changed traditional ideas about inflationary models. I will explain why reheating often takes place at the same time as inflation. Constraints on supersymmetric models from cosmology are quite different from what we thought previously. CMB fluctuations now have their origin in thermal fluctuations in the hot big bang, rather than quantum fluctuations. "
"In the recent years strong evidence has been obtained of the existence of neutrino oscillations, implying that neutrinos are massive and mix. This provides the first evidence of Physics Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Interactions.
I will briefly present the status of neutrino physics and in particular the results from atmospheric, solar and reactor neutrino experiments and their implications for our understanding of neutrino physics. I will discuss the questions which need to be addresses in the future, namely the nature of neutrinos, the number of neutrinos, the values of their masses and the issue of CP-violation. A wide experimental program has been proposed for answering these questions and many experiments are already taking data or are under construction. New exciting results are expected soon. "
"The radical new description of gauge theory as twistor string theory has provided a new framework for the study of gauge theories and gravity. There has been much progress in the past year, such as the use of twistor-inspired ideas to obtain many new results in perturbative Yang-Mills. Applications to gravity are also starting to emerge. This talk will review developments in this field."
"There are a wide variety of naturally occuring excitable media which possess spiral wave vortices. Examples include oxidation waves in chemical reactions, aggregation patterns in amoebae, and electrical depolarization waves in cardiac tissue (believed to play a role in sudden cardiac death). These examples will be discussed and vortices studied as solutions of reaction-diffusion equations. Three dimensional solutions will also be considered in which vortex strings form knots. "
2005-02-22Roberto Emparan [Barcelona]: Black Rings
"I will give an overview of work done in the last few years on a novel class of black holes in five dimensions with ring-shaped horizons. In particular, I will discuss their implications for black hole uniqueness, as well as their role within string theory. "
"In recent years the new field of quantum gravity phenomenology has shown that experiments at energies much below the Planck scale may be able to probe effects arising from quantum gravity. In this talk we explore the sensitivity of high energy neutrinos to two postulated consequences of quantum gravity, namely quantum decoherence and Lorentz invariance violation. "
"Until recently, we knew of only two types diagram allowing all-orders summation: ladders and chains. We now know that the Hopf algebra of rooted trees organizes the iterated subtraction of subdivergences generated by all nestings and chainings of primitive divergences. It thus offers the prospect of more powerful summations of renormalized perturbative quantum field theory. I shall describe the analytical, combinatoric and Hopf-algebraic structure of a summation of diagrams whose divergence structure is described by undecorated rooted trees, generated by a single skeleton term. The exact results will be compared with Pade-Borel approximations. The Hopf algebra reveals a remarkable structure that enables the momentum dependence of the sum of diagrams to be reconstructed from a non-perturbative result for an anomalous dimension."
"Recently it has been shown that there are some interesting connections between one-dimensional spin chains, supersymmetric field theories and strings propagating in a certain curved space. In this talk I will give an introductory discussion about these connections and how they arise. "
"This year marks the 30th anniversary of the formulation of QCD for numerical simulation on a space-time lattice, but only recently has it become possible to do the calculations with few percent accuracy required to contribute to high precision tests of the Standard Model. I will outline how lattice calculations are done and the breakthrough that has meant agreement with experiment for simple hadron masses at last. I will review recent results and what can be expected in the near future for the hadron spectrum and the form factors needed for CKM tests."
"Until recently, we knew of only two types diagram allowing all-orders summation: ladders and chains. We now know that the Hopf algebra of rooted trees organizes the iterated subtraction of subdivergences generated by all nestings and chainings of primitive divergences. It thus offers the prospect of more powerful summations of renormalized perturbative quantum field theory. I shall describe the analytical, combinatoric and Hopf-algebraic structure of a summation of diagrams whose divergence structure is described by undecorated rooted trees, generated by a single skeleton term. The exact results will be compared with Pade-Borel approximations. The Hopf algebra reveals a remarkable structure that enables the momentum dependence of the sum of diagrams to be reconstructed from a non-perturbative result for an anomalous dimension. "
"In theories that postulate the existence of extra, spacelike dimensions in nature, the production of black holes may be greatly enhanced. Like their four-dimensional analogues, these black holes emit Hawking radiation in the form of particle modes. The detection of these modes in the laboratory can give us valuable information concerning the dimensionality of spacetime since both the amount and type of radiation emitted strongly depends on the number of extra dimensions that exist in nature."
"Precision calculations in quantum field theories have played an important role in the last fifty in the development of QFT itself as well as in the testing of both quantum electrodynamics and the electroweak theory. I will survey some of these contributions, and then describe the developments that are ushering in the era of precision calculations in quantum chromodynamics, the remaining component of the Standard Model of particle physics. I will discuss the prospects for precision physics in QCD and its uses. "
"We implement mathematical techniques developed for the study of quasicrystals and fullerenes to address open problems in virology. In particular, we use tiling theory (a theory that considers tessellations of surfaces by a set of basic shapes) to explain the location of the protein subunits in the viral capsids, that is in the protein shells protecting the viral genome. We furthermore show how affine extensions of noncrystallographic Coxeter groups can be used to obtain shell models for the packing of the viral genome. Finally, we point out an intriguing connection between the geometry of fullerenes, viral capsids and Skyrmions. The presentation will be elementary, and will not require any previous knowledge in any of the above areas.
"One approach to solving the problem of quantum gravity (reconciling and extending General Relativity and Quantum Theory) is based on the causal set hypothesis, which states that the deep, quantum structure of spacetime is discrete and is what is known in mathematics as a ``partial order'' or ``poset'', a kind of extended family tree. Causal set theory has now reached a stage at which questions of phenomenology are beginning to be addressed. This talk will introduce the basic concepts and motivations behind the hypothesis and address some of the latest developments which include: (i) an apparently confirmed order of magnitude prediction for the cosmological constant, the only prediction made in any proposed theory of quantum gravity that has been subsequently verified by observation; (ii) a classical stochastic causal set dynamics which is the most general consistent with the discrete analogs of general covariance and classical causality; (iii) the formulation of a ``cosmic renormalization group'' which indicates how one might in principle solve some of the ``large number puzzles'' of cosmology without recourse to post-quantum-era inflation; and (iv) a rigorous characterisation of the ``observables'' (or ``physical questions'') of causal set cosmology, at least in the classical case.
"Beyond-the-Standard-Model-physics is required to accomodate neutrino masses and the excess of matter over antimatter observed in the Universe (baryon asymmetry). These data can be fit by the supersymmetric seesaw, a theoretically attractive extension of the Standard Model which induces neutrino masses, a baryon asymmetry and lepton flavour violation (eg mu --> e gamma). I will consider the question: ``can the baryon asymmetry produced in the SUSY seesaw be predicted from laboratory observations?''
"The status of dark matter, both baryonic and non-baryonic, will be discussed. I will review various aspects of galaxy formation, including the successes and current challenges, and discuss how the evolution of the baryonic component of galaxies could impact these issues."
"Recent developments have shown that string theory is really a theory of particles, strings, membranes and other higher dimensional objects, generically called branes. I will review some properties of these solitonic extended objects. Interestingly, understanding some features of these branes has led to new approaches to more conventional lower dimensional physics. In particular, I will describe how branes have recently proved very useful in understanding properties of gauge theories and black holes."
"During the past decade, scientists and engineers have assembled a toolkit of experimental techniques which allows direct access to some of the smallest things in nature. We can now see individual atoms, pick them up, and build new structures atom by atom. This ability to work at sub-microscopic lengthscales is called nanotechnology, and promises a revolution in computing, medicine, manufacturing and environmental science to rival that of the Industrial Revolution and the Internet. In this lecture I answer the two questions: how does one make and study tiny things and why might it be useful?"
"The 8th of August this year was the centenary of the birth of Paul Dirac, one of the founders of quantum theory and the author of many of its most important subsequent developments. This talk will give some account of his early development, the influences on him and how he came to make his early great discoveries.
"We will review the scientific case for neutrino astronomy. It has been made since the 1950's by pioneers who realized that, of all high-energy particles, only neutrinos can directly convey astrophysical information from the edge of the Universe and from deep inside its most cataclysmic high-energy regions near black holes. With the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA), we have performed the first scans of the sky using neutrinos of TeV-energy and above as cosmic messengers. We have searched with improved sensitivity for magnetic monopoles, cold dark matter and TeV-scale gravity. Most importantly, by observing neutrinos produced by cosmic rays in the Earth's atmosphere, we present a proof of concept for an expandable technology with which to build the ultimate kilometer-scale neutrino observatory, IceCube.
"E-science is a new approach to science, in which geographically distributed researchers exploit collaboratively computers, data and instruments, wherever they may be in the world. A new infrastructure called the Grid, a much-enhanced world-wide web, will be created to access these computational resources and extract knowledge from them. E-Science and the Grid will facilitate the formation of virtual organisations, transient groups co-operating on challenging problems. In due course, the Grid will revolutionise the business world and transform our daily lives by making information as commonplace as electricity. The Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow have established the National e-Science Centre to lead the UK effort, to align it with international developments and to propagate e-science techniques rapidly to industry and commerce. Richard Kenway will describe the concept of e-science and our first steps towards this IT revolution."
"The theory of symmetry breaking in presence of gauge fields is presented, following the historical track. Particular emphasis is placed upon the underlying concepts."
"Beside the well known crystallographic solid, nature has in the last two decades revealed to us another solid phase: the quasicrystal. It behaves in almost all aspects as an ordinary crystal: it can be cleaved only in certain discrete directions, it grows in nicely symmetric structures, and its diffraction patterns consist of Bragg peaks. The defining difference with ordinary crystals is that its rotational symmetries are forbidden by the theory of crystallography. Quasicrystals seem to show both periodicity and rotational symmetry, but mathematically these symmetries are not compatible. In this colloquium I present some tiling models that show these same properties of physical quasicrystals. A tiling is a complete and non-overlapping covering of space by copies of a few geometrical objects. Here they are studied as statistical models, so that a whole ensemble of tilings is considered. We will focus on cases where the thermodynamic quantities can be calculated exactly.
"QCD sum rules are a very versatile tool for the calculation of nonperturbative quantities in QCD. Their application ranges from hadron masses and decay constants to wave functions and form factors. I will give an overview over both the basics and more recent developments of the field."
"One of the most important observations in nature is that CP is violated. String theory does not predict this a priori. In this talk I discuss why, and show how CP may be spontaneously broken in the effective action. Nevertheless there remains a serious conflict with experiment that makes it difficult to reconcile string theory with reality."
"The expansion of the universe can convert virtual particles in the quantum foam of vacuum quantum fluctuations into real particles. Although Schroedinger studied this phenomenon in 1939, only recently have we been able to observe the effects of particle creation in the expanding universe. Perhaps the universe displays the pattern of early-universe vacuum quantum fluctuations. "
"Noncommutative geometry of some form is expected to be relevant for the description of spacetime beyond the Planck scale. Recently it was realized that noncommutative geometry also arises naturally in non-gravitational settings and plays an important role in the physics of D-branes. Field theories on noncommutative spacetime have been constructed and studied extensively. Due to their "stringy" and nonlocal nature, they exhibit intriguing perturbative and nonperturbative properties. More formal developments as well as phenomenological aspects of the physics of noncommutative geometry will be discussed."
"One of the more remarkable results of the last years is the emergence of correspondences between gravity and gauge theories. These dualities allow one to translate many deep problems in quantum gravity, such as the quantum mechanical behaviour of black holes and the sum over different space-time geometries, into often equally deep issues in local quantum field theory. Vice versa, typical quantum effects in gauge theory dynamics such as confinement and chiral symmetry breaking can be reformulated in a geometric language. Many of these dualities make use of string theory as an overarching structure."
In this talk I will discuss recent work with Aleix Gimenez-Grau and Pedro Liendo (ArXiV:2012.00018).
In this work, we have studied boundaries in three-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories, which preserve one half of the original bulk supersymmetry.
There are two possibilities which are characterized by the chirality of the leftover supercharges. Depending on the choice, the remaining 2d boundary algebra exhibits N=(0,2) or N=(1,1) supersymmetry.
For N=(1,1) supersymmetry, some of our results can be analytically continued in the spacetime dimension while keeping the codimension fixed. This opens the door for a bootstrap analysis of the ϵ-expansion in supersymmetric BCFTs. Armed with our analytically-continued superblocks, we prove that in the free theory limit two-point functions of chiral (and antichiral) fields are unique. The first order correction, which already describes interactions, is universal up to two free parameters. As a check of our analysis, we study the Wess-Zumino model with a supersymmetric boundary using Feynman diagrams, and find perfect agreement between the perturbative and bootstrap
Developments in N=4 super Yang-Mills have yielded a huge variety of ways to calculate and express amplitudes, showcasing a number of different properties and connecting to many areas of pure mathematics. Of particular interest are the amplituhedron and related geometry-based approaches. We would like to develop a similar understanding of supergravity. In this talk, I will present some steps mirroring one approach taken in N=4.
Starting with the N=7 theory and on-shell diagrams, I will talk through a new recursion scheme which automatically incorporates the bonus relations. This gives us a convenient way to recover known formulae. I will then show how the use of momentum twistors defined over different coordinate patches highlight some interesting features, including a geometrical interpretation of the 6pt spurious poles and their cancellations.
We will review the recent progress in the understanding of irrelevant deformations of two-dimensional CFTs and its holographic semiclassical gravity description in AdS. In particular, we will consider a class of solvable deformation in the CFT given by coupling the product of the left- and right- moving stress tensor. We show that, holographically, the deformation removes the asymptotic region of AdS leaving the boundary at finite radial distance. We will present some precise computations from both sides that support the proposal.
I will discuss recent progress towards understanding the thermodynamics of accelerating black holes. Starting with an asymptotically AdS bulk, for which one has good computational control, I will explain how the conical deficit responsible for acceleration may be interpreted as a thermodynamic parameter and elucidate the origin of its conjugate potential, the "thermodynamic length". The impact of acceleration on the black hole phase space will be discussed. I will then move onto the asymptotically flat case, presenting some of the challenges and a proposal for a first law of black hole mechanics.
I will introduce the AdS/CFT correspondence with particular focus on the connections between entanglement and classical geometry. I will then explain the Gao, Jafferis, Wall construction for making a traversable AdS wormhole by turning on a double trace deformation in the boundary CFT. If there is time I will discuss my recent work on applying this construction to near-extremal charged black holes.
My aim is to make this talk understandable for people with no prior knowledge of AdS/CFT and to highlight the things that I think are really cool while avoiding too much technical detail.
Machine learning is soooooo 2019, Quantum Machine learning is what all the hip cool kids do now.
In this talk we will briefly introduce "classical" neural networks and a quantum extension known as a Variational Quantum Classifier. By combining quantum computing methods with classical neural network techniques we aim to foster an increase of performance in solving classification problems.
The talk will mostly be pedagogical, acting as an introduction to the subject, and hopefully will be approachable to those who haven't used "regular" ML before. I will also discuss the results of some of my recent research. We have applied our QML model to a resonance search in di-top final states. We find that this method has a better learning outcome than a classical neural network or a quantum machine learning method trained with a non-quantum optimisation method.
Quantum machine learning may sound like a meme but I promise its mostly not.
[talk based on]
In flat space, four-point amplitudes of closed strings in type IIB string theory are described by the Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude. It is of great interest to generalise this to curved backgrounds and in this talk we focus on string theory in AdS5xS5, which is dual to N=4 SYM. We introduce a simple 10d scalar effective field theory describing the stringy corrections to supergravity in AdS5xS5 from which we can systematically derive all four-point 1/2-BPS correlators described by tree-level string theory. To do this we introduce a new 10d formulation of Witten diagrams and the Mellin transform which treats AdS and S on equal footing.
Symmetry is one of the most useful and fruitful tools in the analysis of quantum field theory. In the recent months, there has been a rapidly growing interest in generalised global symmetries, also known as higher form symmetries. In this talk I will introduce the concept of higher form symmetries by first recalling the definition of ordinary global symmetries and then generalising it. I will then discuss the example of 4d Yang-Mills theory to further elaborate. In the second part of the talk, I will explain how higher form symmetries can be found systematically from geometric engineering and how flux non-commutativity in type IIB results in mixed 't Hooft anomalies for the defect group which constrain the global structures of the corresponding field theories.
As the search for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) continues, the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) has become a useful tool to constrain deviations from the SM in a model-independent way. In this talk, we consider the associated production of a Higgs boson and a photon in weak boson fusion (WBF), with the Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks. I will present a cut-based analysis and multivariate techniques to determine the sensitivity of this process to the bottom-Yukawa coupling in the SM and to possible CP-violation mediated by dimension-6 operators in the SMEFT.
Models of gauged U(1)Lµ−Lτ can provide a solution to the long-standing discrepancy between the theoretical prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment and its measured value. In this talk, we explore ways to probe this solution via the scattering of solar neutrinos with electrons and nuclei.
In this discussion, we shall first review various kinds of entropies and a pictorial representation of path integrals. Then we shall review the classical information paradox (in terms of an entropy inequality). We shall then see how the 'Island formula' gives the page curve for the entropy of black hole radiation. Finally, we shall present a sketchy proof (using replica wormholes) of the Island Formula.
Inspired by AdS/CFT correspondence, we review the holographic dual of the two dimensional Schwinger model. Using a Chern-Simons theory in one dimension higher we will compute the vector and axial currents through the holographic Ward identities. We find that the result reproduces the correct expression for the chiral anomaly of the boundary theory.
Outreach and public engagement are becoming more and more popular amongst researchers, and are now even included on the REF. I will discuss what doing outreach and public engagement involves and whether or not they achieve their goals, looking at data from both scientific studies and from the IPPP's Modelling the Invisible exhibitions.
We shall discuss a method of classifying '2-character' 2D RCFTs based on the Modular Linear Differential Equations (MLDEs) that the characters of their respective partition functions satisfy. This method is popularly known as the MMS Classification. This method has helped not only in the classification of 2D RCFTs but has also given rise to new '2-character' 2D RCFTs which were not known before.
This talk discusses on how to identify events with fatjets from charming Higgs decays, H→cc, at the LHC. To reduce the overwhelmingly large backgrounds and to reduce false positives, we consider applying a combination of jet shape observables and imaging techniques, using a selection of neural network architectures.
In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that the study of BPS states is highly applicable not only to physics but several areas of mathematics as well. For example, BPS states are important objects in black hole physics, homological mirror symmetry and enumerative geometry. It is therefore important that we develop an efficient method of calculating the BPS states of a theory. This is made more complicated by the fact that the BPS spectrum discontinuously varies upon crossing certain surfaces in parameter space- giving rise to the so called 'wall-crossing phenomenon'. In this talk we develop the method of BPS quivers which gives us a way to understand all the BPS chambers of a theory in a purely combinatorial way.
On-shell diagrams are a useful tool for calculating and manipulating amplitudes. For N=4 SYM, they can be used to recurse amplitudes to all loop orders but their application to supergravity is less clear.
I will review how to calculate tree level amplitudes in these theories using recursion relations and on-shell diagrams. I'll then look at what they can tell us about 1-loop amplitudes and their leading singularities, hinting at possible new expressions for n-point MHV supergravity amplitudes at 1-loop.
In this talk I will give an introduction to B-meson mixing, focusing on the determination of non-perturbative input through HQET sum rules. I will demonstrate how the sum rule works and then highlight the advantages of using it over alternative methods, i.e Lattice QCD, in the context of the bag parameter. Finally, I will illustrate the importance of mixing constraints for the determination of the CKM matrix and in testing the Standard Model.
In this talk we will derive an expression for conserved charges in Lovelock anti'“de Sitter gravity for solutions having k-fold degenerate vacua, making manifest a link between the degeneracy of a given vacuum and the nonlinearity of the energy formula. The level of degeneracy fixes the relevant order in the curvature where the mass of a black hole solution is contained. As a matter of fact, the full charge can be consistently truncated and expressed in terms of powers of the Weyl tensor. This may be interpreted as a natural generalization of the Ashtekar-Magnon-Das formula for any Lovelock-AdS gravity theories.
I will review a technique to obtain analytical spinor-helicity rational coefficients for loop amplitudes from floating-point numerical evaluations, with explicit examples for QCD processes. Afterwards, I will discuss the Cachazo-He-Yuan formalism for massless scattering. I will show how arbitrary-precision numerical solutions of the scattering equations lead to compact analytical tree-level amplitudes in a variety of theories, including the first complete set of five-point (DF)^2 amplitudes.
Compact stellar objects such as white dwarfs (WDs) have been proposed as potential probes to set constraints on dark matter (DM) particles. When DM scatters off nuclei, kinetic energy is transferred to the star that can give rise to an observational signal. Previous works did not consider relativistic effects on the calculation of the DM capture rate in WDs. However, since WDs are very dense objects, these effects can lead to sizeable corrections to the DM scattering cross-section. We present preliminary results of such computation and also study the impact of the inner structure and finite temperature of these stars on the DM capture rate.
The 2D Yang-Mills theory is an example of a quantum field theory which can be solved exactly without resorting to perturbation theory. '˜Solving' the theory means finding an exact expression for the partition function of the theory on a Riemann surface Σ of genus g and area A. The free 2D Yang-Mills theory partition function only depends on A and g, and not the special geometry of Σ, so in the zero area limit it is a topological quantum field theory. I will calculate the partition function by first considering the theory on a cylinder in the Hamiltonian formulation. Then, once we have the partition function on a cylinder, I will use the '˜gluing rule' to find the partition function on a Riemann surface of genus g.
Lifetimes are among the most fundamental properties of elementary particles. Our project aims to carry out a precise determination of the lifetime ratio Ï„(Bs) / Ï„(Bd), which happens to be very sensitive to higher power corrections because of multiple cancellations arising. A comprehensive study of this observable could then provide a unique way to test the theoretical framework and indirectly constrain the size of possible new physics contributions. In this talk I will present the status of our project with some preliminary results.
Meson decay rates are often difficult to calculate using QCD, especially in the case of high spin mesons. However, the problem may instead be studied by modelling the meson as a string in an holographic background. Recent work suggests that the problem may be further simplified by Wick rotating the time coordinate of the spacetime and using an instanton method. This talk will demonstrate a simple example of how to build this model, starting with a simple toy 2D flat spacetime example, before moving on to a more realistic example in Sakai Sugimoto spacetime for zero temperature. A possible extension to finite temperature will also be discussed.
We highlight that the anomalous orbits of Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) and an excess in microlensing events in the 5-year OGLE dataset can be simultaneously explained by a new population of astrophysical bodies with mass several times that of Earth. We take these objects to be primordial black holes (PBHs) and point out the orbits of TNOs would be altered if one of these PBHs was captured by the Solar System, inline with the Planet 9 hypothesis. Capture of a free floating planet is a leading explanation for the origin of Planet 9 and we show that the probability of capturing a PBH instead is comparable. The observational constraints on a PBH in the outer Solar System significantly differ from the case of a new ninth planet. This scenario could be confirmed through annihilation signals from the dark matter microhalo around the PBH.
Tree level amplitudes in quantum field theory are represented by rational functions that depend on the momenta of the external states participating in the scattering process. In the last two years, unexpected combinatorial structures have been found for tree-level amplitude's poles of the planar phi^3 [arXiv:1711.09102v2] and phi^4 theory [arXiv:1811.05904v2] from which the full tree amplitudes can be extracted. This combinatorial structure fully characterizes the amplitude at tree level, allowing to make no reference to space-time, but its boundary structure, i.e. external particle states. Moreover, new recursion relations are made possible by this picture and various properties are made manifest.
This type of structure also arise in correlators function (Cosmological Polytope) [arxiv:1709.02813] and famously for amplitudes in N=4 SYM through the Amplituhedron.
In this talk, I will show the main features of this approach to scattering amplitudes analyzing the bi-adjoint phi^3 case. We will finish by looking to how this kind of analysis extends to loop-level for the amplitude integrand in the planar limit.
High Energy Jets (HEJ) provides all-order summation of the perturbative
terms dominating the production of well-separated multiple jets at
hadron colliders to leading log accuracy. We will present the first
calculation of all the real next-to-leading high energy logarithms to
the processes of pure jet and W-boson production in association with at
least two jets.
The amplituhedron provides a beautiful description of perturbative superamplitude integrands in N=4 SYM in terms of purely geometric objects, generalisations of polytopes. On the other hand the Wilson loop in supertwistor space also gives an explicit description of these superamplitudes as a sum of planar Feynman diagrams. Each Feynman diagram can be naturally associated with a geometrical object in the same space as the amplituhedron (although not uniquely). This suggests that these geometric images of the Feynman diagrams give a tessellation of the amplituhedron. I will begin by introducing the amplituhedron and the twistor Wilson loop, and explain how to associate a geometry to each Wilson loop diagram (WLD). I will go through the NMHV case, then go on to show that beyond NMHV the WLDs do not give a tessellation of the amplituhedron.
Machine learning (ML) is used everywhere in our everyday life nowadays, from image recognition to language translation. What is it though and how does it work? In my talk I'll give a short introduction on machine learning and more specifically on artificial neural networks (aNN), the most common structure of ML. In the second part of the seminar, I'd like to go through an example of writing the code of an aNN and how you can implement it on actual data. For this you will only need to bring your laptop.
Geometry has long been an important tool in physics, finding it's place in everything from Einstein's theory of General Relativity to the structure of Lie groups in Quantum Field Theory. In this talk I will extend the reach of geometry even further by presenting the Eisenhart lift. This formalism allows the effect of any conservative force to be re-expressed as a consequence of the geometry of a curved manifold. I will present our recent work on extending the applicability of the Eisenhart lift to scalar field theories. I will show how the Eisenhart lift allows us to write any scalar field theory in a kinetic-only form where the effect of the potential is incorporated instead into the kinetic terms. Finally, I will show how applying this formalism to the theory of inflation can offer a novel solution to the measure problem. By incorporating the inflationary potential into the geometry of phase space we find the total volume of this space becomes finite. We can thus unambiguously distinguish finely-tuned and generic sets of initial conditions for inflation. This talk is based on arXiv:1806.02431 and arXiv:1812.07095.
Neutrino physics is a field very familiar with experimental anomalies. In this talk, I will discuss the latest and most discussed anomaly, the 4.7 sigma excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE. After showing that minimal scenarios with extra sterile neutrinos are not viable, I will present a new class of BSM models where "dark" neutrinos are introduced to explain the anomaly. We then derive novel constraints on these models and end with a discussion on why solving the MiniBooNE puzzle is so challenging.
I will give an insight into how we can use the technology of holographic duality to study U(N) or SU(N) gauge theory when N is "large". One aspect we can hope to study is its so-called "generalised global symmetry" (GGS) structure. GGS is also a useful tool in its own right for constructing effective field theories for various physical problems. If time allows I will briefly describe some of these applications.
Generalised unitarity and on-shell recursion relations have led to the automation of numerical computations for high multiplicity NLO matrix elements, whereas analytical expression are often still too complicated to be determined. I will introduce a new technique aimed at obtaining such analytical expressions through the analysis of numerical spinor helicity amplitudes. I will first discuss how the structure of poles and zeros can be determined from single and double collinear limits in complexified momentum space. Secondly, I will show how sufficiently high precision floating point arithmetic can be used to reconstruct the amplitude.
Twistor theory emerged in the 1960s as a possible method of understanding quantum gravity, and more generally physics, in terms of holomorphic geometry. While little progress has been made in understanding quantum gravity, twistor geometry led to several interesting results in mathematical physics and geometry. In this talk I will discuss one such result, the remarkable Penrose-Ward correspondence, together with the foundations of twistor theory and its applications to the study of Yang-Mills instantons.
In this piece of performance art, I will talk about two of my recently completed projects on direct detection of dark matter and how the dark matter problem can be connected with flavour anomalies. Both pieces utilize the non-relativistic effective field theory formalism that has consumed much of my time in the last few years.
I will review the scattering equations, which give a unified description for calculation of tree-level amplitudes of massless particles, going over basic mathematical properties of the equations on the blackboard. I will then pose the problem of numerical solutions to the equations and describe my current ideas for efficient algorithms, by gradient descent and by soft limits. I plan to publish a paper with a corresponding computer package to implement these algorithms in the next few months. I know some C++, but I'm hoping to find someone who has more experience than I do to collaborate with, if anyone is interested.
The KKLT (Kachru, Kallosh, Linde, Trivedi) construction of de-Sitter vacua (hep-th/0301240 ~ 3000 citations) is very important for string theory. One key ingredient of the KKLT paper is the result from a previous paper (hep-th/0112197) by KPV (Kachru, Pearson, Verlinde). However, the KPV paper is highly controversial so the KKLT construction is thrown into question as well. In this talk, I'll (schematically) consider the debate around KPV and talk about our recent paper (1812.01067) on the topic. I'll present our results, which I believe greatly affect the KPV debate, and also the conceptual ideas of our analysis.
Dark matter and neutrinos provide the two most compelling pieces of evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics but they are often treated as two different sectors. In this talk, I will review the observables associated to these interactions and discuss different UV-complete models where neutrino-DM interactions lead to the strongest experimental signatures.
String theory has an enormously rich structure, which incorporates all known physics in some form or other. However, a major difficulty that phenomenologists have faced is to produce stable de Sitter vacua. After some very general comments that set the stage for string phenomenology, with an emphasis on some contemporary developments, I will proceed to review some of the basic ingredients for model building in type I string theory. In particular, I will discuss orientifold theories with toroidal compactifications, the inclusion of branes and half-branes, as well as a SUSY-breaking mechanism known as coordinate dependent compactification. This discussion will provide us with a basis to review an upcoming paper written in collaboration with Steve Abel, Emilian Dudas and Herve Partouche. In the paper we classify a certain class of `near'-stable non-supersymmetric open string theories with near vanishing cosmological constant.
In this talk I will introduce alpha space in one dimension by solving the Sturm-Liouville problem for the SL(2,R) Casimir. I will then explain how conformal blocks map to simple poles in alpha space before deriving bounds on OPE coefficients and analysing the crossing kernel in the integral version of the bootstrap equation. If I have time, I will also talk about how we can learn about anomalous dimensions from higher-order poles, about alpha space in d > 1 and about how we can naturally access the Regge limit.
As direct detection experiments improve, the sensitivity of our searches is rapidly approaching a region of the dark matter parameter space known as the "neutrino floor". Known to many as "that brown line at the bottom of all the dark matter plots", I believe that the neutrino floor represents a dynamic and interesting area of physics. In this talk I argue that rather than being afraid of the neutrino floor, dark matter physicists should be excited by the prospect of putting competitive constraints on the physics of a phenomenon which until last year was entirely unobserved, and should at least be cautious of dismissing the neutrino floor as merely a problem for the far future. Much of the content of the talk will be based on my recent paper [1809.06385].
In this talk I want to present a conjectural relation between conformal correlation functions and S-matrix in flat space. I will first introduce some basics of Witten diagram and a little about holographic duality. Then I will discuss the flat space limit of Witten diagram (with two heuristic calculations) and its relation to the more familiar Feynman diagram. Hopefully at the end of the talk I can make the conjecture somewhat convincing.
Come for an easy going introduction to the coherent state formalism in QFT. Bring a pen and paper if you like as there will be the odd short optional problem along the way. We start with a quick review of coherent states in QM before moving to QFT. The coherent state formalism we will build is essential in the semiclassical calculation of multi-particle amplitudes in my recent paper [1810.017222].
In this talk, we will introduce and review some of the known instances of Moonshine, describing their main features and similarities. Mathieu Moonshine concerns a surprising observation relating superstring theory to the representation theory of a particular sporadic group, Mathieu 24. This is reminiscent of Monstrous Moonshine, in which it was discovered that the coefficients of the modular j-function are related to the representation theory of the Monster group, and whose physical interpretation is linked to the bosonic string. After reviewing these various instances of Moonshine, we will then discuss recent and ongoing work aimed at extending the observations of Mathieu Moonshine to a new class of theories. In practice, this means we compute a suitable supersymmetric index for a class of non-linear sigma models whose current algebras are described by a large N=4 superconformal algebra.
The aim of this talk is to discuss the reconstruction of analytical one loop amplitudes from numerical results obtained by BlackHat. This allows to avoid large intermediate expressions that traditionally appear in this type of analytical calculations.
To keep things accessible, in the first part of the talk I am going to review Colour Ordering, the Spinor Helicity Formalism, Little Group Scalings, BCFW recursion and Generalised Unitarity.
Afterwards I will explain: 1) how exploit the structure of poles and zeros, arising from single and double collinear limits in complexified momentum space; 2) the importance of introducing spurious singularities and of partial fractioning large expressions in order to respect the pole structure; 3) how to fit numerators by repeatedly evaluating generic ansätze in particular collinear limits. This will be done by running parts of the code I wrote on an iPython session.
This work aims to tackle a problem which many of us face, in generality. In particular, Direct Dark Matter Detection is usually framed in an over simplified way, which makes unclear the actual power of this technology. The reason for keeping things simple is to make our lives easier and our calculations finish quicker. However, a small group in the IPPP have managed to show that you can circumvent the Direct Detection calculation altogether using PROFESSOR, giving you huge speed up factors and allowing you to do more general analyses than ever before. Also you'll get the results before pub time.
I will spend some time recapping the physics and motivating the need for more complexity. Time permitting, I will also have a discussion on the non-relativistic effective field theory basis, since we have many who work with EFTs in some way. Most importantly, I will give you the opportunity to play with my code and I'll set you some fun challenges!
The first half of this talk is on principles of functional programming in Mathematica, in which we will discuss the use of options and attributes, the development of custom notations, and how functional programming fits into the practice of physics. The second half will discuss techniques for organising computations, including namespaces and scoping, debugging techniques, package-generation by notebooks, and the implementation of multiple systems of backups.
The first half of the talk will be an introduction to resurgence. Resurgence is a way of dealing with asymptotic series, which are ubiquitous in physics, appearing in fluid mechanics, condensed matter, the Standard Model, String Theory and everything in between. I hope to explain most of the basic concepts in a pedagogical manner. I will then discus the contents of arXiv:1711.04802, the first example of resurgence in a QFT. This is done by way of Chesire Cat Resurgence, which I hope to explain.
2018-01-29Jonny Cullen [Durham University]: SMEFT* at NLO
In this talk I will discuss the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), a very general model to describe the interaction of the Standard Model with fields at masses far higher than those of the SM. I will discuss the necessity for, and techniques of using dimension-6 operators to compute observables at next-to-leading order (NLO) and the phenomenological applications of such calculations.
In recent years a lot of progress was made in the calculation of scattering amplitudes without the use of Feynman diagrams. In this talk I will discuss non-perturbative calculations in strongly coupled N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in the high-energy regime or more specifically, the multi-Regge limit.
I will give a brief introduction to amplitudes in N=4 SYM and to the multi-Regge limit and why we can find all-loop results in this regime. Since we investigate scattering amplitudes at strong coupling, we can make use of the AdS/CFT-correspondence where the calculation reduces to the solution of a system of non-linear, coupled integral equations which simplify in the multi-Regge limit. I will review the calculation of the six-point amplitude which is fully known at all loop orders before we will investigate higher point amplitudes about which much less is known.
Fluid dynamics is a very old subject, with thousands of papers being written on it every year. Landau and his contemporaries compiled the underlying principles of fluid dynamics into a coherent framework of hydrodynamics, and until very recently, most of the following work was on the application of their ideas in the real world. But with the introduction of the fluid/gravity correspondence in 2008, fluid dynamics regained the attention of fundamental physicists. This has lead to many new insights and developments in our understanding of fluids over the past decade. In this talk, I will try to forget everything we already know about fluids from our daily lives, and develop them from a fundamental perspective of quantum field theories. Hopefully, this will allow the audience to better appreciate some of the recent advancements in hydrodynamics. The talk is going to be extremely basic and hand-wavy, but if time permits, I will comment towards the end on how my work fits into this bigger picture.
Neutrinos have a non-zero mass, this is a very well established
concept. However, we are still far from understanding why. Also
numerous experiments have reported anomalous results in the last
decade, hinting at physics beyond the standard model. So, long story
short, there are strong motivations to modify (read extend) the
standard model.
In this talk, I will show a method to estimate the sensitivity of
future neutrino experiment (like DUNE) to searches of new physics in a
pseudo model-independent way.
Astrophysics has already told us a great deal about dark matter, including how much there is, and where it is located. Astrophysics also has the potential to constrain the nature of the dark matter particle.
In this talk I will discuss historical and current efforts to do exactly this, with a focus of numerical simulations of galaxy formation and gravitational lensing.
In this talk I will consider transport of conserved charges in strongly coupled quantum systems with broken translations, using holographic techniques. Such systems are relevant in condensed matter physics in the context of spontaneous symmetry breaking as well as in the context of
momentum relaxation through a lattice. After introducing the relevant concepts, I will give the precise identification of the hydrodynamic modes that diffuse heat and electric charge. As an aside, in the case of explicit breaking I will connect with previous results of DC conductivities from black holes horizons via an Einstein relation for the diffusion constants.
The longer answer: Using a simplified model approach, I will show how the complementarity of indirect DM searches and Large Scale Structure formation can rule out a large region of the parameter space for DM and mediator masses in models with neutrino-DM interactions. It will be my first attempt at giving a whiteboard talk so I hope I can get into the interesting details of some calculations and keep a chilled tone, being very open to discussions.
What is Higgsplosion? Why should you care? By adding literally nothing to the SM it can be argued that there is some physical minimum resolvable scale. Beyond this scale, particles 'Higgsplode' into a large number of soft quanta. This has interesting implications for the UV behaviour of the theory. I will focus on the 1->n calculation in phi4 theory and the effect of Higgsplosion on RG running.
Will Higgsplosion change your life? Probably not, but it's an interesting idea. Come for the memes, stay for the physics.
Crossing symmetry can provide highly non-trivial constraints on many physical systems, in the form of bootstrap equations. By (slowly) introducing a type of Jacobi transform, I will explain how we can rephrase crossing symmetry as an eigenvalue problem for some kernel K and will discuss the merits of this approach.
Recent work has show that the AdS/CFT correspondence can be used to successfully model mesons. In particular, the combination of this method and the instanton method shows particular promise in calculating meson decay rates.
I will present the background of this technique, beginning with introducing a toy 2 dimensional model. I will then present my more recent work on a more realistic model using the Sakai-Sugimoto spacetime in for the string picture
In this talk we are going to study hydrodynamics on curved manifolds. We place the underlying quantum field theory on curved space with a spatially periodic metric and chemical potential and we derive the Navier-Stokes equations after the application of an electric field and a thermal gradient. We show how the diffusive dispersion relations are related to the DC conductivity and certain thermodynamic susceptibilities, thus obtaining generalised Einstein relations. Finally, we comment on the derivation of these relations in the context of holographic CFTs.
I will be reviewing methods for NLO QCD calculations, emphasizing the differences between subtraction and slicing methods, introducing Catani Seymour subtraction and N-Jettiness slicing as examples of these methods. I will the move on to discuss the current status of an implementation of N-Jettiness slicing within the Sherpa framework
With the Higgs boson discovered, one of the aims of current collider experiments is to pin down its properties. Its mass has been measured, and its couplings to the gauge bosons and heavy fermions have been determined to be within 10% and 20% of their SM values, respectively. However, the self-couplings of the Higgs boson are in a much worse situation. Due to the small cross section for di-Higgs production (the SM expectation is O(10 fb)), this process has not been seen directly and so the limits that can be extracted from it on the trilinear self-coupling are weak. In this talk, I will outline an alternative approach of using electroweak precision measurements to set constraints on the trilinear Higgs self-coupling. This involves a calculation of the indirect effects that arise in the oblique parameters S and T via the two-loop gauge boson self-energies. The limits that we are able to find are competitive with the constraints from di-Higgs production, and provide complementary information due to the orthogonal approach.
There are a number of intriguing anomalies in rare B meson decays, which could indicate the presence of beyond the Standard Model physics. I will give some background on these anomalies, and then describe some recent work where we attempted to explain one of the anomalies using a model-independent approach.
I will show how by looking at 4-quark operators of the form (bs)(cc), we can explain one of the anomalies while still agreeing with very strong constraints from other rare B decays, due to large renormalisation group effects.
This review talk is on the relationships between Diffeomorphism symmetry, Weyl symmetry and conformal symmetry. After getting their precise relationships clear, we will investigate their realizations in classical field theories, their anomalous breaking in the corresponding quantum theories, and their implications for RG flow. We will end with several illustrative examples including QCD, Einstein gravity in various dimensions, and a curious theory with broken 1-dimensional conformal invariance.
Five years ago, a Higgs boson was found at the LHC. Better precision is now required to disentangle the properties of the Higgs and find flaws in the Standard Model. In this talk I will introduce some of the challenges that arise with Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order calculations for Higgs phenomenology.
When you regularise a quantum field theory by truncating your Hilbert space, you generate non-local counterterms. I will discuss whether or not this is as disastrous as it first seems in the context of the Truncated Conformal Space Approach
The Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formalism is a 2d CFT (string theory) which allows the
computation of scattering amplitudes. It is equivalent to, and at the same time fundamentally different from, the perturbative treatment of quantum field theory using Feynman diagrams (up to tree-level). It deals in particular with the scattering of n massless particles in an arbitrary D-dimensional flat space-time. This is achieved by a map from momentum space to the Riemann sphere with punctures. Starting from this map, I will discuss the so-called Scattering Equations, the proof for their polynomial form by Dolan and Goddard, and their general solution in terms of the determinant of a (n−3)!×(n−3)! matrix. Finally, I will discuss of how the scattering amplitudes can be obtained.
I will introduce the language of on-shell diagrams for calculating scattering amplitudes via BCFW recursion in N = 4 super Yang Mills theory, and then explain how they can be extended to N = 8 supergravity. I will describe how this approach relates scattering amplitudes to the Grassmannian Gr(k,n), a purely geometric object describing the space of k planes in n dimensions. This link to the Grassmannian introduces a new planar object into the theory which generates physical amplitudes, and exposes a duality between on-shell diagrams and ambi-twistor string theory. I will present my work in progress in this area.
We show how one-loop amplitudes with massive fermions can be computed using generalised unitarity. With this approach, the divergent on-shell cuts can be avoided and the additional information is extracted from the universal IR poles in 4-2ε dimensions and UV poles in 6-2ε dimensions. The aim is to address the formal problem of whether a purely on-shell formulation of amplitudes with masses is possible or not.
In this talk I will discuss how n-body simulations can be used to constrain the nature of dark matter. I will describe the current progress in the field, and where its limitations lie. I will then discuss gravitational lensing as a powerful new probe of dark matter physics, as well as how n-body simulations are being adapted as a tool in this research frontier
The AdS/CFT revolution has triggered a lot of interest in the area of black hole thermodynamics (BHTds). The thermodynamic quantities generally associated to black holes have been worked out for most generic black holes, static, rotating or charged, in either de Sitter or anti-de Sitter universes, as well as in varying numbers of dimensions. The accelerated black hole, represented by the so-called C-metric, is a solution to Einstein's equations which has been known since 1917, with a deeper understanding of it only provided in 1970. I will present the C-metric, along with an introduction to black hole thermodynamics to explain how we recently extended the realm of BHTds to include the accelerated black hole.
The QCD axion is among the best motivated candidates for Dark Matter. In a scenario, where the Peccei Quinn symmetry is restored after inflation the axion field acquires random initial values in causally disconnected patches of our universe. When the axion potential develops around the QCD phase transition fluctuations in the axion field are transferred into order 1 differences in the density contrast on comoving scales of roughly 0.02 pc. Besides, the decay of cosmic strings and domain walls, which are present as remnant of the phase transition, might add further inhomogeneities to the axion density. The regions of high overdensity collapse already around matter radiation equality, forming so called axion miniclusters.
The existence of axion miniclusters is crucial to the outcome of axion dark matter direct detection experiments but also of possible indirect signatures. In order to accurately predict the properties of miniclusters detailed knowledge of the density contrast previous to gravitational collapse is crucial.
In this talk I explain the production of axions from misalignment, string and wall decay and the difficulties in modeling these processes numerically. I continue by showing recent results of our numerical simulations, which follow the evolution of the axion field around the time of the QCD phase transition and determine the resulting density contrast, for the first time including all three relevant production processes. Our simulations indicate that the inclusion of strings and domain walls puts fluctuation power in scales, which are smaller than the horizon at the time of the QCD phase transition and we expect a large hierarchy of masses extending down to those smaller scales.
Given a metric, what is its energy? The answer to this question is not straightforward to pin down. I shall contrast various constructions of conserved quantities in GR and the way in which they are couched in Hamiltonian frameworks.
In the absence of the direct discovery of a new particle at the LHC, it is possible to parametrise the possible impact of new physics on various Standard Model processes, while being somewhat agnostic regarding the UV origin of such effects. This talk will discuss the extension of the SM with all dimension-6 operators and then focus on the impact this has on the decay of the Higgs to b quarks. In particular, this will be done at NLO including both QCD and a subset of electroweak corrections and the dimension-6 extensions thereof. The talk will cover aspects of the renormalisation within this framework before presenting the final answer. Finally, a short discussion on possible phenomenological impacts will be presented.
n this talk I'll talk about the topic of my MSc: What is the fundamental structure of space time? After reviewing some aspects of "Black hole mechanics", I will comment on how this leads us to suspect that spacetime is fundamentally a discrete entity. I'll further comment briefly (and for more advance students) some other hints that suggest that the metric is not the most fundamental feature of spacetime. With all these in mind I will then explain the foundations of Causal Set Theory, which takes all these ideas seriously and has had a fair amount of success (although "success" here is a very ambitious term).
Rather than discuss my recent research, I will return to a topic from the first term's CPT lectures that caused me much confusion in my MSc year at Durham: the energy-momentum tensor. Starting with what this tensor actually is and why we need such a tensor, I will (hopefully) clarify its canonical definition as a Noether current and give additional detail regarding the use of and differences between 'active' and 'passive' transformations. I will then consider alternative definitions of the energy-momentum encountered later in the lectures and explore the relationships between these energy-momentum tensors.
The first part of the talk will be aimed at MSc and first year PhD students who should have recently encountered the energy-momentum tensor in lectures, with later parts suitable for anyone who, like me, still has questions regarding this bothersome object.
We propose a new mechanism to generate a lepton asymmetry based on the vacuum CP-violating phase transition (CPPT). This approach differs from classical thermal leptogenesis as a specific seesaw model, and its UV completion, need not be specified. The lepton asymmetry is generated via the dynamically realised coupling of the Weinberg operator during the phase transition. This mechanism provides strong connections with low-energy neutrino experiments.
In this talk we will briefly review our understanding of neutrino oscillations and discuss some of the anomalies at short baseline experiments. These anomalies point towards the existence of a sterile neutrino with a mass at the eV scale and have been the motivation behind many of the efforts in the neutrino community. Some of the motivations and implications of such a sterile are discussed. We will then present our most recent work on NuSTORM, an experimental proposal that looks to search for such steriles in a novel way.
We introduce two new graphical-level relations among possible contributions to the four-point correlation function and scattering amplitude in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. When combined with the rung rule, these prove powerful enough to fully determine both functions through ten loops. This then also yields the full five-point amplitude to eight loops and the parity-even part to nine loops. We'll outline a derivation for some of the rules, illustrate their applications, compare their relative strengths for fixing coefficients, and survey some of the features of the previously unknown nine and ten loop expressions.
In this talk I will explain what M-theory is and review some of the novel gauge theories that have been invented in order to describe the interactions of multiple branes within the theory. I will begin by setting out what M-theory is posited to be, and show how it links to both 11d Supergravity and string theory. After reviewing some mathematical concepts- Chern- Simons gauge theories and 3- algebras- I will go on to discuss two candidates for theories to describe multiple M2 branes. These are the BLG theory with N=8 supersymmetry, and the ABJM theory with N=6 supersymmetry. I will conclude by discussing future directions for research in the subject.
The Mathematica package HypExp is currently limited by the small number of basis functions on which it operates in order to produce its series expansions. We examine what these basis functions are, how their series expansions are calculated, and present a new generalised method for calculating them. This new method significantly increases the number of hypergeometric functions that can be expanded using HypExp.
The AdS/CFT revolution has triggered a lot of interest in the area of black hole thermodynamics (BHTds). The thermodynamic quantities generally associated to black holes have been worked out for most generic black holes, static, rotating or charged, in either de Sitter or anti-de Sitter universes, as well as in varying numbers of dimensions. The accelerated black hole, represented by the so-called C-metric, is a solution to Einstein's equations which has been known since 1917, with a deeper understanding of it only provided in 1970. I will present the C-metric, along with an introduction to black hole thermodynamics to explain how we recently extended the realm of BHTds to include the accelerated black hole. If time permits, I shall also talk about the interesting limit of rotating and/or accelerating black holes which prompted this research.
In this work we study a classically scale invariant extension of the Standard Model that can explain simultaneously dark matter (DM) and the baryon asymmetry in the universe (BAU). In our set-up we introduce a dark sector, namely a non-Abelian SU(2)_DM hidden sector that is coupled to the SM via the Higgs portal, and a singlet sector with a real singlet sigma and three right-handed Majorana neutrinos N_i. Due to a custodial symmetry all three gauge bosons Z'^a have the same mass and are absolutely stable, making them suitable dark matter candidates. The lepton flavour asymmetry is produced during CP-violating oscillations of the right-handed neutrinos, which have masses of a few GeVs. All the scales in the theory are dynamically generated and related to each other via scalar portal couplings.
In this short talk we review the concept of hadron-quark duality in B and D meson physics. The discussion will be centered on possible violations on this duality using mixing observables leading to bounds for new physics in experimental searches. One of the most interesting results is the possibility of explaining the experimental measurement for the life-time splitting of neutral D mesons using only a 20% effect of duality violation, this result deserves some consideration taking into account that the theoretical methods available nowadays give answers that are in disagreement with the experimental measurements by several orders of magnitude.
Mathieu Moonshine concerns a surprising observation relating string theory to the representation theory of a particular sporadic group, Mathieu 24. This is reminiscent of Monstrous Moonshine in which it was discovered that the coefficients of the modular j-function are related to the representation theory of the Monster group. In this talk we will introduce a topological invariant of string theories compactified on K3 surfaces, called the elliptic genus of K3, and see how Mathieu 24 appears in this context. To this date, the role of the large discrete symmetry M24 in String Theory is not properly understood. We will then discuss Umbral moonshine, which comprises of 23 examples of moonshine in which the Niemeier lattices are used to connect certain mock modular forms to finite groups.
b-tagged jets, i. e. jets containing a b-hadron, are an important final state at high energy particle colliders, providing insight into some of the more interesting Standard Model processes as well as opening up a channel to test many BSM physics scenarios. I will spend some time reviewing the techniques and current status of b-tagging, focussing on the general purpose detectors ATLAS and CMS, a topic that is often glossed over in theory classes. I will then move on to motivate why simple b-tagging might not be the end of the story, as it does not discriminate against the large QCD backgrounds from gluon splitting. I will show how jet substructure observables can be used to distinguish these cases and will introduce a new observable that might improve the current methods considerably.
NNLO predictions are the bleeding edge of theoretical predictions for the run 2 of the LHC. These calculations give rise to many theoretical and numerical challenges which need to be addressed.
I present an overview on a Monte Carlo integrator for NNLO production. What methods can (or should) be used? What do we expect to achieve? Do we have a way of testing a brand new calculation is actually correct?
The observed leptonic mixing pattern could be explained by the presence of a discrete flavour symmetry broken into residual subgroups at low energies. In this scenario, a residual generalised CP symmetry allows the parameters of the PMNS matrix, including Majorana phases, to be predicted in terms of a small set of input parameters. We study the mixing parameter correlations arising from the symmetry group A5 including generalised CP subsequently broken into all of its possible residual symmetries. Focusing on those patterns which satisfy present experimental bounds, we then provide a detailed analysis of the measurable signatures accessible to the planned reactor, superbeam and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.
Meson decay rates are often difficult to calculate using QCD, especially in the case of high spin mesons. However, the problem may instead be studied by modelling the meson as a string in an AdS background. Recent work suggests that the problem may be further simplified by Wick rotating the time coordinate of the spacetime and using an instanton method. This talk will demonstrate how a simple toy model of the meson as a string in a flat Euclidean background demonstrates the promise of this method. A way to extend this work to a more realistic model will also be introduced.
Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is a method to parametrise the impact of new physics which may become accessible at higher energies without specifying its UV origin. The new physics is said to be integrated out, leaving behind effective non-renormalisable operators. In this talk, we supplement the Standard Model with all (baryon number conserving) operators which appear at dimension-6 and calculate, to one-loop, the amplitudes for Higgs decays to bottom quarks and tau particles in the limit of vanishing gauge couplings. Special attention will be given to the set-up and renormalisation of the amplitudes in the context of SMEFT.
Despite being a subdominant production mode at the LHC, the ZH-channel is of vital importance for measurements in certain Higgs decay channels. Searches for invisible Higgs decays as well as analyses of H->bbar decays heavily rely on this channel. The presence of non-negligible loop-induced terms in the "Higgsstrahlung" process calls for advanced calculational techniques but also allows for the determination of the sign of the top Yukawa coupling. In this talk I will address both aspects in the context of invisible Higgs decays and decays to bottom-quark pairs.
To understand how the holographic principle encodes bulk geometry holographically in a boundary field theory, one can consider the entanglement properties of states dual to interesting bulk geometries. It has been recently proposed by Susskind that entanglement between multiple field theories is holographically intimately linked to connectivity in the bulk. We considered the entanglement properties of states holographically dual to multiboundary wormholes in the setting of 3D gravity. I will introduce multiboundary wormholes and how to utilise the beautiful structure of 3D gravity to construct them there. I'll additionally talk about constructing and interpreting their holographically dual states. What we find is that the entanglement structure in the limit where all of the horizons become very large is extremely simple. I'll mainly use the three-boundary wormhole as an example. Coming down from this limit, we expect multipartite entanglement have some manifestation in the dual state. In this case we decided to utilise tensor networks to approximate the dual state, so I'll also give an introduction to tensor network representations of quantum states.
Dark matter models are often studied in a simplified form which prevent new physics appearing in flavour measurements (e.g. meson mixing, rare decays). Even in more complex models, minimal flavour violation is generally invoked to achieve the same result. I will talk about an extension of minimal flavour violation that allows for sizeable contributions to flavour observables, and explain how neutral meson mixing can constrain certain dark matter models in this extended framework. I will also present an initial look at the constraints on my model from both flavour and dark matter observables.
It is possible for some classical 1+1-dimensional integrable field theories to accommodate discontinuities in the fields and yet remain integrable, with the fields on either side of the defect related by some set of defect conditions. In this talk, momentum conserving defects in the ATFTs based on the A series of Lie algebras and in the Tzitzeica model are reviewed, and the fact that the defect conditions give a Backlund transformation for the bulk theory is noted. A more general form of the defect is then considered, which is momentum conserving for ATFTs based on the B, C and D series of Lie algebras.
Through an exhaustive exploration of simplified models, we show that the WIMP assumption of thermal production severely restricts the allowed parameter space, once combined with direct and indirect limits.
Neutrinos are one of the least understood particles within the Standard Model. The recent discovery of their massive nature raises the question of whether they are Dirac or Majorana particles. If massive neutrinos are Majorana particles, processes where total lepton number is violated will occur in nature. A particular relevant example of such processes is the neutrinoless double beta decay (0vbb) since it would confirm the Majorana nature of neutrinos.
Beyond the standard mechanisim that drives 0vbb some other exotic contributions arise if one considers alternatives to the SM. An attractive possibility is the Left-Right Symmetric Model (LRSM) which extends the SM electroweak gauge group and has rich phenomenology. In this talk, I will present the new contributions to 0vbb within the LRSM framework and update the limits on the new physics parameters introduced by this model using the latest released data.
The Ryu-Takayanagi hypothesis and its covariant generalization state that the entanglement entropy of a region in a CFT is given by the surface area of a minimal extremal surface in the holographic dual gravitational theory. But what is entanglement entropy? The first half of this presentation will be a gentle introduction to the notion of entanglement entropy as a measure of the amount of entanglement. The second half will be a not so gentle exploration of the entanglement structure of perturbed thermofield double states in 1+1 dimensions, via analysis of their holographic duals - perturbed BTZ black holes.
Unitarity is a fundamental property of any theory required to ensure we work in a theoretically consistent framework. In comparison with the quark sector, experimental tests of unitarity for the 3x3 neutrino mixing matrix are considerably weaker. It must be remembered that the vast majority of our information on the neutrino mixing angles originates from electron and tau neutrino disappearance experiments, with the assumption of unitarity being invoked to constrain the remaining elements. New physics can invalidate this assumption for the 3x3 subset and thus modify our precision measurements. I will discuss where such non-unitarity can originate from and give results on a reanalysis to see how global knowledge is altered when one refits oscillation results without assuming unitarity. There is significant room for new low energy physics, especially in the tau neutrino sector which very few current experiments constrain directly.
The importance of non-relativistic systems in physics cannot be overstated. Although the universe we live in is relativistic, at sufficiently low 'day to day' energy scales, it is governed by non-relativistic laws. Non-relativistic (or more precisely Galilean) physics has been a topic of interest for centuries, and its implications have been well studied and tested. But in last century there has been an exponential increase in our understanding of relativistic phenomenon. Hence it is important to ask if these new exotic relativistic phenomenon (like anomalies) leave any signature on the Galilean physics.
In this talk we will explore a systematic mechanism to translate relativistic theories to Galilean, hence allowing us to study the effect of various relativistic phenomenon on Galilean systems. Rather than the usual 'low velocity limit' this approach is based on 'null reduction' which maps a relativistic theory to a Galilean theory in one lower dimension. We will pay special attention to Galilean hydrodynamics, and construct a relativistic system which will give rise to the most generic Galilean fluid upon null reduction. We will also discuss the shortcomings of the most obvious candidate for such a relativistic system - a relativistic fluid, and explain why its null reduction fails to give the most generic Galilean fluid.
The discussion will be based on an extremely simple case of chargeless non-anomalous Galilean fluid. If time permits, we might comment on charged anomalous Galilean fluids as well. The talk is based on recent papers: arXiv:1505.05677, arXiv:1509.04718, arXiv:1509.05777.
The Inert Doublet Model (IDM) is a minimal extension of the Standard Model that can account for the dark matter in the universe. In this work we study a classically scale invariant version of the IDM with a minimal hidden sector, which has a $U(1)_{\text{CW}}$ gauge symmetry and a complex scalar $\Phi$. The mass scale is generated in the hidden sector via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism and communicated to the two Higgs doublets via portal couplings. Since the CW scalar acquires a vev and mixes with the Standard Model Higgs boson, we analyse the impact of adding this CW scalar and the $Z'$ gauge boson on the calculation of the relic density and on the spin independent nucleon cross section for direct detection experiments. Finally, by studying the RG equations we find that some points in parameter space remain valid all the way up to the Planck scale.
Skyrmions are candidates for a solitonic description of nuclei, with the topological charge or number of solitons being identified with the baryon number. I will present work on the 2-dimensional analogue, the baby Skyrme model, in an AdS_3 background. I will demonstrate that stable solutions can be formed with no mass term, due to the addition of the metric and that the numerical solutions now take the form of slightly perturbed concentric rings. I will then propose a simple numerical model, that will allow transitions between the different forms of ring solutions to be predicited. Finally, I will touch upon my current work, on how this extends to the full 3-dimensional Skyrme model in AdS_4. I propose that the results in 2-dimensions suggest that Skyrmions in this space, should take the form of multi-layered concentric rational maps.
In this talk I will introduce Moonshine from a physical point of view by introducing the partition function of different (super-)conformal field theories. The non-trivial topological invariant partition function, i.e. elliptic genus will be introduced when we consider N=2 and N=4 superconformal algebras. I will then decompose the elliptic genus of K3 surface in terms of small N=4 superconformal characters and show how to find the Mathieu moonshine explictly from the decomposition.
The Monte Carlo event generator 'High Energy Jets' (HEJ) is unique in its attempt to calculate cross sections (for processes involving two or more jets) to leading logarithmic accuracy in the limit of large invariant mass between the jets. In this talk, I shall review how such large logarithms can arise and how they can be summed to all orders in perturbation theory. Typically this procedure involves stringent kinematic requirements. I shall explain how such assumptions may be relaxed, and discuss how this can lead to improvements in predictions for observables at the LHC.
In this talk I aim to provide a general introduction to the process of computing scattering amplitudes in string theory, with an emphasis on one loop order. I will then briefly discuss how this can be used to aid in the determination of the corresponding low-energy effective field theory.
2015-05-25Genis Torrents [Institute of Cosmos Sciences, University of Barcelona]: Holographic D3 probes
In the gauge/gravity formalism probe particles for the field theory are realized as strings or D-branes in the gravity side. This talk will be focused on the applicability, recent developments and open questions concerning D3 branes representing probe operators.
In this talk I will discuss why is it important to consistently include b-mass effects in pp->h especially in view of discarding/founding any discrepancies with the Santard Model.
In particular I will present a method called FONLL, which has been applied to other processes, and how this can be extended to this process.
This talk will discuss how threshold logarithms, which become large as the invariant mass of the produced top quarks approaches the partonic centre of mass, can be resummed using techniques from Soft Collienar Effective Theory (SCET). The resummation is possible because a factorisation takes place in the threshold limit which allows one to derive and solve RG equations. It will be shown how the solutions to these equations lead to the inclusion of large logs to all orders in the perturbative expansion and a finite answer obtained. Such results can then be matched with an exact NLO to produce NLO+NNLL results, providing a more accurate determination of differential cross-sections. Finally it is also possible to use the RG equations to obtain approximate fixed order results at higher orders in perturbation theory. The results and discussion will also feature boosted top quark production where approximate N^3LL and N^3LO results are obtained.
We consider the partition function for a conformal field theory with c = 6, N = 4 which describes the internal worldsheet theory of the superstring compactified on K3 and write the partition function as a quadratic function of the N = 4 characters. We then consider the elliptic genus of this model and discover a connection to the sporadic group M24.
In this talk I aim to provide a general introduction to the process of computing scattering amplitudes in string theory, with an emphasis on one loop order. I will then briefly discuss how this can be used to aid in the determination of the corresponding low-energy effective field theory.
In compressed spectra SUSY scenarios, standard LHC searches based on missing transverse energy are not effective. In this seminar, I will introduce two alternative search strategies that use monojet and monotop probes and, for the former case, show that the simulation of high transverse momentum radiation can have a significant impact on exclusion boundaries.
Inspired by the AdS/CFT correspondence and by Skyrme theory (a low-energy effective field theory for baryons), there have been many attempts to use holography as a way of studying strongly-coupled QCD. The pre-eminent example of this is the Sakai-Sugimoto model, in which bulk Yang-Mills instantons in five spacetime dimensions are dual to boundary Skyrmions (which in turn represent baryons). In this talk I will discuss some lower-dimensional analogues of this model, in which modifications to an O(2) sigma model in three spacetime dimensions take the place of the 5-d Yang-Mills instanton of the Sakai-Sugimoto model.
An affine Toda field theory (ATFT) is simply a field theory based on the affine root vectors of a Lie algebra. A defect in a system is a discontinuity with some defect conditions relating the fields on either side of the defect. Defects in ATFTs have been found to have a momentum-like conserved quantity, which is surprising as the system is no longer translationally invariant. The equations of motion at the defect also give a Backlund transformation for the bulk theories. Solitons can be delayed or advanced by the defect.
Integrable defects have already been found for ATFTs based on the An root vectors. In `a new class of integrable defects' (Corrigan and Zambon, 2009), an extra field which exists only at the defect was introduced and this allowed a description of defects in the Tzitzeica model. Using this method I find a momentum conserving defect for the An, Bn, Cn and Dn ATFTs.
This talk will be a gentle introduction to the idea of mass factorisation, initial state collinear singularities and why they can be a massive pain. We will be considering them in the context of a non-abelian SU(N) gauge theory in the limit of N -> 3 with 5 light quark flavours.
Instantons (static solutions to 5d Yang-Mills theory) may have great utility in unravelling the mysteries of M-theory, but are also interesting objects in their own right. In this talk, I'll motivate and describe the construction, dynamics and scattering of two instantons in a noncommutative space, where very different behaviour emerges compared to other known soliton solutions.
The observed neutrino mixing pattern could be explained by the presence of a discrete flavour symmetry broken into residual supgroups at low energies. In this scenario, the presence of a residual generalised CP symmetry allows the phases of the PMNS matrix to be predicted as well as the mixing angles. In this article, we study all such predictions associated with the symmetry group A$_5$. We present a derivation of the most general CP symmetry allowed in this context, and compute the predictions of all possible preserved subgroups. We identify those patterns which satsify the present experimental bounds on the mixing parameters and discuss the predicted correlations between angles and phases, including the Majorana phases $\alpha_{21}$ and $\alpha_{31}$. We find that there are $8$ patterns of mixing angles and phases described in terms of a single unknown parameter which can be brought into agreement with current global data. These patterns describe certain correlations between mixing parameters which can be tested by high-precision measurements. To assess this potential, we then focus on upcoming superbeam, reactor and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments, and highlight a number of experimental observations, both from experiments in isolation and in combination, which will allow these predictions to be thoroughly investigated.
Hydrodynamics is the low-energy effective field theory which describes the long-wavelength fluctuations of any interacting QFT. It is characterized by the gradient expansion of an energy-momentum tensor and charge current which satisfy certain dynamical equations. On top of this, an additional constraint has to be imposed which ensures the second law of thermodynamics is respected by any fluid flow. In this talk I will describe a complete solution to hydrodynamic transport at all orders in the gradient expansion compatible with the second law constraint. A key ingredient is the notion of adiabaticity, which allows to take hydrodynamics off-shell. I will furthermore argue for a new symmetry principle, an Abelian gauge invariance that is the underlying reason for adiabaticity in hydrodynamics and elucidates the origin of the second law constraint. This new symmetry should be viewed as the macroscopic manifestation of the microscopic KMS condition. In non-equilibrium situations the macroscopic "KMS gauge invariance" enables us to keep Feynman-Vernon influence functionals under control and to formulate an off-shell effective action that encompasses the entirety of adiabatic fluids in a consistent way.
Constructing full analytic solutions to the Einstein equation is difficult - it requires a lot of symmetries and luck. The classification of near horizon geometries (NHG) allows one to classify possible extreme black hole horizon geometries and topologies in a much simpler set up. Nevertheless given a NHG, there may or may not exist a corresponding black hole solution, let alone uniqueness. I will talk about this inverse problem and discuss the special case in 3d where one can "integrate out" completely to find the most general black hole solution.
Subject of this talk will be the structure of the loop-induced coupling between QCD gluons and the Higgs boson, on which the dominant Higgs production channel at the LHC relies. An infinite Top mass approximation is customarily applied in order to render higher order calculations in this loop-induced channel feasible. We will present our most recent improvements on these approximations in Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the phenomenological potential of studying the gluon fusion Higgs production channel in search for BSM signals in the Higgs-gluon coupling will be discussed.
2015-01-19Wilson Brenna [University of Waterloo (Visiting Durham)]: Black Hole Chemistry
Recent work interpreting the cosmological constant as a thermodynamical pressure term has yielded interesting results regarding the universality class of AdS black holes. I will focus on the path of expanding this field to black holes with non-AdS asymptotics. Specifically we will go through a thermodynamic definition of mass that is consistent with the first law and a modified Smarr relation.
In this talk the assumption that no new physics is acting in tree-level B-meson decays will be reviewed. The consequences of beyond standard model tree level effects allowed by current experimental data for the precision in the direct determination of the CKM angle $\gamma$ will be also discussed. Interestingly tree level deviations consistent with the experimental measurements available nowadays lead to a non negligible intrinsic uncertainty $\delta \gamma \approx \pm 4^{\circ}$, which can affect the sensitivity expected by LHCb and Belle II for the determination of this observable in the near future.
In this talk, we will introduce the concept of entanglement entropy and the basic techniques involved in its computation under a global quantum quench, focusing mainly on (1+1)d CFTs. Then, we will see how we can use the AdS/CFT correspondence to descibe similar processes from a gravitational perspective.
Precise QCD calculation is a major research area for LHC analysis. It aims on testing our understanding of the Standard Model and develop new tools for analysing experimental results. My talk will focus on the cutting edge progress for Higgs phenomenology, higher order calculations and most importantly the impact of those calculations. For those who have seen LO, NLO, NNLO and NNNLO papers but not sure what it is talking about. This talk would be a introduction of modern QCD to you. For those who have been wondering how does string theory, Yang-Mills and gravity theories apply to LHC study, this talk would illustrate amazingly how much string theorists have contributed to LHC analysis.
I will give a brief heuristic overview of gauge gravity duality and its applications to light quark jet quenching in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
In this talk I will discuss the suitability of the collective coordinate approximation when modelling two interacting solitons in interesting modifications of the non-linear Schrodinger and sine-Gordon equations. These equations have been chosen as systems where the concept of quasi-integrability can be explored and I will give some background to this idea.
Can Dark Matter be made up of magnetic monopoles? In this talk I will explore the cosmological implications of extending the Standard Model to include a dark sector with magnetic monopoles. These models will also introduce vector dark matter and dark radiation. We find that magnetic monopoles, with masses of the order of 100 TeV, can make up a significant fraction of Dark Matter. In addition the long range interactions between dark matter in these models can help solve some of the problems at small scales in theories with cold collisionless dark matter.
A deeply intriguing aspect of the holographic principle is the question as to its generality. It is well-known that there is a correspondence between quantum gravity in asymptotically AdS spacetime and a conformal field theory living at the boundary of AdS. Does such a correspondence exist for theories of quantum gravity whose geometry asymptotes to some background other than AdS? One hopes that by attempting to answer this question one may learn something about why the holographic principle works at all! The familiar AdS/CFT correspondence is fleshed out in terms of a relation between bulk and boundary objects which is called a holographic dictionary. Our enquiry then concerns the existence of a holographic dictionary for asymptotically non-AdS spacetimes. Of particular interest to us are certain backgrounds with non-relativistic isometries for which the corresponding dual quantum theories are therefore non-relativistic. I will briefly talk about Non-relativistic Holography for both asymptotically Lifshitz and asymptotically Schrodinger spacetimes, the latter of which is our current research topic.
I will introduce two formalisms that are often used in QCD and give some simple examples. I will then show how they can be extended to higher dimensions and why this is useful.
Topological solitons are stable, particle-like solutions of field theories, where stability is a consequence of the topological characteristics of a solution. In this talk I will introduce a number of different theories which contain topological solitons including the Skyrme-Faddeev model. In this model string-like solutions are know to exist and to form knotted structures. I will then discuss my recent work in finding new knotted structures within this model.
Non-geometric spaces arise as consistent string theory backgrounds in p-form flux compactifications. In this talk I will explain how these spaces can be geometrised using membrane models. I will then show how to perform quantization using various deformation quantization techniques and discuss topics such as nonassociative field theory.
The problem of "dark energy" is rather simple: we don't know what substances are in the Universe which could make it accelerate (or, look like its accelerating): but, we know about 70% of the Universe must be made of it. There are many scalar field and modified gravity models on the market trying to describe these observations.
In this talk, I will look at a radically different type of theory: material models of dark energy. The theory of relativistic solids is used in a cosmological context, and is built up so that the theory of a relativistic viscoelastic solid can be used as a candidate dark energy model.
The rough idea is simple: generalise Hooke's law (built for a non-relativistic elastic solid), and make the theory relativistic. The work is based on my recent publication, arXiv 1403.1213.
Higher-spin gauge theories have become a lively area of research in recent years. I will try and give a very brief and pedagogical introduction to the subject, in particular talking about exactly what "higher-spin" means, how to write down free theories of higher-spin gauge fields and a brief review of some of its seductively unusual features. If the feeling takes us I might also mention something about Vasiliev theory.
Lifshitz and hyperscaling violating geometries, which provide a holographic description of non-relativistic field theories, generically have a singularity in the infrared region of the geometry, where tidal forces for freely falling observers diverge, but there is a special class of hyperscaling violating geometries where this tidal force divergence does not occur. I will give a short introduction about these properties in Lifshitz spacetime and review some material in Schwarzchild black hole spacetime. Then I will show how to construct the nonsingular coordinate for hyperscaling violation spacetime.
Scattering amplitudes have recently made enormous conceptual progress, mainly by being reformulated in an intrinsically combinatorial way. Some similar formulation is likely to work with much less supersymmetry than N=4. I will quickly outline some of the excitement, reveal some of the mathematical tools that need developing, in particular on how to go beyond the current limitations, and show lots of pretty pictures.
In the last few years there has been a departure from Feynman Integrals as the most efficient way to calculate scattering amplitudes in supersymmetric gauge theories. I will do a whiteboard talk to introduce some of the new diagrammatic methods for calculating these quantities and ask several questions such as "How easy is it to dimensionally regularise these new representations?" Then, finally, can we build these objects primarily from symmetry considerations in an algorithmic way which avoids too much effort? Pictures will be involved in more than one colour!
First I will tell you about some elegant ideas that do work: affine Toda field theory, solitons and defects. Towards the end I will stray into the dangerous territory of having my own ideas. These do not work but they're still elegant.
In the talk I will list and briefly describe a list of useful applications available on the Linux computers in maths. The lists extends from tools to manipulate pdf files to mathematical packages like mathematica or maxima.
I will provide an introduction to Linux, including information on developing advanced skills with the Linux system that can be utilized on any distribution. I will then detail some real-life senarios that happened to Durham students, and how Linux was utilized to quickly and easily provide a solution. I will then detail some security related issues and solutions that all academics should know given the security threats facing academia today. Using the information in the talk, which will provide guided outside work, any attendee will quickly have competency in Linux, including more advanced command-line functions.
I'll give a quick tutorial on 'regular expressions', a fundamental concept in string processing that amounts to an advanced find-and-replace procedure. This is often indispensable for manipulating strings longer than a few characters, or processing long raw text documents. I'll show how to use it to make speedy changes to LaTeX documents.
The human voice has a higher channel capacity than the human fingers. I developed an app which takes strings of natural-language spoken mathematics and formats the result in LaTeX, used standalone or in conjunction with a keyboard. I will give a short demo and any suggested improvements will be appreciated.
Parallel programming for distributed memory machines (e.g. the hamilton cluster) is an indispensable skill for the modern applied mathematician. In this talk, I've tried to distill the 'theoretical minimum' that you need to know to get started, using the most common interface: MPI. This is a library that works with either Fortran or C. The talk will be structured around a simple example of the one-dimensional heat equation. I've uploaded the example code (both Fortran 90 and C++ versions) to, in case you want to follow along.
I plan to explicitly show how to install Linux from a Live CD. How to use the repository in Linux to install programs (both via terminal and GUI interface), how to use the command line to install software not included in Linux repositories. I also want to show how to edit configuration files in Linux, and plan to use ClamAV as the example. I also will talk about different layouts with linux (aka Gnome vs. KDE, etc.).
The talk will provide a short description of the Linux operating system, explaining some of the basic features of Linux. I will then talk about software and accomplishing some basic tasks on Linux, such as installing Linux, installing software from repository vs. compiled package vs. source, converting from image, ps files to pdf, basic terminal commands, taking ownership of locked files on linux, and encryption to safeguard files and research.
In the talk I will list and briefly describe a list of useful applications available on the Linux computers in maths. The lists extends from tools to manipulate pdf files to mathematical packages like mathematica or maxima.
Since 2001 postgrad students have passed down an old tattered thesis template from year to year. Last year Steven Charlton gave it some well needed care and attention, packaged it up a bit nicer and made it a little more accessible. I'll be giving a brief introduction to what the template involves, how to use it and how to change it. This is primarily aimed at final year PhDs who are starting to write up, but anyone might find it useful and could perhaps learn something about the inner workings of a latex class.
I will provide a practical overview of some computations that can be done with my Cadabra tensor computer algebra system. Emphasis will be on problems in (quantum) field theory, general relativity and related areas for which other computer algebra systems provide only little or no support. The aim is to provide interested newcomers an idea of the possibilities and a quick introduction.
Python is a general purpose programming language with an emphasis on readability and flexibility and has a well developed ecosystem of scientific computing packages. This makes it an excellent tool for mathematical research, where allowing for rapid iteration and experimentation can often be more important than maximising computational efficiency. I will discuss some of the general features of Python as well as examples of specific applications of interest to mathematicians including efficient matrix operations, symbolic algebra and interactive animations.
This talk will give a brief introduction to Matlab and the advantages it has over other interpretive languages (such as R). The discussion will focus on vectorised solutions, memory management, image processing, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and GPU parallel computing.
Anyone who has written c or c++ code will have used a compiler to turn their carefully crafted code into something a computer can run. But what do these magical black boxes do your code and how can you use these to make your programs super fast? We'll dive into the inner working of computers, look at some assembly code, compare benchmarks and hopefully won't end up more confused than when we started.
Metric spaces are fundamental objects in mathematics. In this
talk, we will explore the geometry of these spaces, guided primarily by
the following questions: How can a metric space be curved? What can we
say about its shape? Starting with Euclidean notions and using
Riemannian manifolds as a model, we will introduce several definitions
of curvature bounds for metric spaces and discuss various topological
and geometric consequences of these bounds as well as applications.
This talk is designed for general audiences of mathematics and
statistics researchers.
A time series is a collection of observations which are recorded in
time order. Due to their natural temporal characteristics, they arise
in many walks of life, for example economics, medical sciences, and
astronomy. One of the fundamental properties of statistical time series
analysis is stationarity which means that the joint probability
distribution does not depend on time. However, this assumption is
easily violated for many time series datasets in practice where the
underlying process changes their distribution over time. Time series
segmentation (sometimes referred to as change-point detection) is a
useful approach to remedy this issue as it divides a time series into a
number of pieces corresponding to its own characteristic properties by
identifying the boundaries of segments. Another type of segmentation is
detecting change-points corresponding to linear or quadratic trend
changes rather than distributional changes. I will introduce a range of
topics and highlight some recent developments in the field of change
point detection.
In the interior of many astrophysical objects such as stars and planets, systematic, large-scale flows that vary on long time scales exist alongside shorter-lived turbulent motions. Moreover, many of these objects harbour magnetic fields which also display remarkable signs of organisation against a backdrop of small-scale disorder. It remains an open problem to understand how such large-scale flows and magnetic fields are generated in fluid systems, particularly at extreme astrophysical parameters. In this talk I will review some of the major efforts to understand the generation of ordered magnetic fields and highlight some of the key open questions that remain. Time permitting, I will describe ongoing efforts to answer these questions using idealised mathematical models. This talk is aimed at a very general audience and no prior knowledge of fluid dynamics or magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) will be assumed.
(This is a talk for a very general audience of mathematics adjacent researchers.)
A hyperbolic surface is a surface, in the intuitive sense, with a geometry that is negatively curved at every point with the same curvature (-1) everywhere. These are not easy to visualize, but there are many of them.
Two interesting things to study on a hyperbolic surface are the dynamics of the geodesic flow (classical mechanics) and the Laplacian differential operator (quantum mechanics). The geodesic flow is chaotic and so the Laplacian there belongs to a field of study known as quantum chaos. Although these systems are far from being solvable in any sense, they are often the first place that we can see anticipated physical phenomenon rigorously. This is because for a hyperbolic surface, there is further structure (representation theory) that bridges the classical and quantum mechanics.
I will explain all this in simple terms, covering a range of paradigms that hyperbolic surfaces provide us to study.
If I have time, I'll then highlight some recent results in the field.
"The best thing about being a statistician, is that you get to play in everyone's backyard" is a famous quote attributed to John Tukey. This quote is most often taken to be a description of application areas of statistics, but is arguably also an accurate description of some statistical methodology too. In this accessible high-level talk, I will share my own adventures through other discipline's metaphorical backyards, both applied and methodological. This will include highlights from some of my research projects, including results of statistical machine learning applied to electronic health records of the majority of the Scottish population; a response to the Covid-19 pandemic focused on intensive care data; tailoring statistical methods to high performance computing architectures; and development of statistical methodology within the constraints of encrypted computation to preserve data (and possibly model) privacy.
I will discuss the problem of “conformally welding” a pair of disks, when a way to identify their boundaries (a homeomorphism) is specified. Unless the homeomorphism is very nice (quasisymmetric) it can be difficult to determine the existence and/or uniqueness of such a welding. I will focus on the problem when the homeomorphism is random, and arises from a so-called “Liouville quantum gravity” measure. This is a setting where existence/uniqueness of the welding seems hard to determine using complex analytic techniques, but thanks to some remarkable probabilistic relationships, it can actually be constructed directly. This results in a rich theory of “welding quantum surfaces” where the welding curves are given by Schramm-Loewner evolutions. I will try to explain some of this theory and its applications.
Connections between microscopic follow-the-leader and macroscopic fluid-dynamics traffic flow models are already well understood in the case of vehicles moving on a single road. Analogous connections in the case of road networks are instead lacking. This is probably due to the fact that macroscopic traffic models on networks are in general ill-posed, since the conservation of the mass is not sufficient alone to characterize a unique solution at junctions. This ambiguity makes more difficult to find the right limit of the microscopic model, which, in turn, can be defined in different ways near the junctions. In this paper we show that a natural extension of the first-order follow-the-leader model on networks corresponds, as the number of vehicles tends to infinity, to the LWR-based multi-path model introduced in [Bretti et al., Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, 7 (2014)] and [Briani and Cristiani, Netw. Heterog. Media, 9 (2014)].
Deconvolution is a technique perhaps more usually applied to problems such as the de-noising of images, but is equally useful in the more esoteric problem of well test analysis in the world of petroleum engineering. Using only information on the pressure and the rate of production we can deconvolve a unique signature for the reservoir that gives insight into the geometry and geology of the system underground. Getting such rich information from a very simple data set is highly desirable, but reliable methods for deconvolution for this problem are not common.
In this talk, I will give a general introduction to the context in earth sciences, the mathematics underlying this problem (arising from the flow of fluids in porous media), and then focus on the statistical method to arrive at a solution. I will illustrate the complications that arise from working with progressively more complex and realistic data, and the adjustments required by the methodology. Ultimately, while we still arrive at a solution we find that (unsurprisingly to some) it might just have been better to be Bayesian from the start.
Computer algebra software is a standard tool for many scientists, engineers and mathematicians. Surprisingly, a lot of this software is still built around ideas which have not changed much at all since the first computer algebra systems were written in the early '60s. That could mean that those ideas are simply perfect, but evidence suggests otherwise. In this talk, I will try to convince you that there is plenty of room for improvement, and discuss recent attempts in this direction. I will in particular introduce you to my own computer algebra system for tensor fields "Cadabra", which tries to break with some of the tradition.
Khovanov homology is a combinatorial invariant of knots in 3-space. It has deep connections with representation theory, physics, and floer homology. I'll explore some of these connections.
In this talk, I will introduce the basics of Morse theory and hopefully we can discuss an interesting generalisation- the flow category. No prior knowledge of topology is required, at most we will make use of some linear algebra and gloss over technical details in favour of interesting results. A Morse function on a smooth manifold is a function from the space to the real line which satisfies some notion of non-degeneracy. This sort of function can be envisioned as a "height" function if we embed this space into Euclidean space, and what's surprising is just how much information we get out of such a construction. We will discuss the upshots of Morse theory to the study of topology, and hopefully get into an interesting generalisation which is relevant to my research.
Topological data analysis (TDA) aims to harness the powerful tools of algebraic topology to study high-dimensional, incomplete and noisy data sets. One of the main tools of TDA is persistent homology which is able to track topological features over a variety of different spatial scales. In this talk, I will present how persistent homology naturally arises from filtered simplicial complexes and illustrate how algebraic invariants, known as barcodes, can be derived to reveal insights into the topology and geometry of point clouds. If time permits, I will show how barcodes can be used to provide a qualitative picture of vortices and anti-vortices of the XY-model in physics.
We will discuss the definitions and the results of three different concepts of weighted sectional curvature, a generalisation of sectional curvature first introduced by Kennard and Wylie. The three concepts given are closely intertwined with one and other, and we investigate their relationships with each other and also the consequences of bounding these objects by different values. We will prove generalisations of well-known theorems on sectional curvature in the weighted setting, including Frankels theorem, an estimate on the distance between two conjugate points, and the BonnetMyers theorem.
In this talk I will analyse what it means to have a mathematical theory of the real world, using the lens of Aristotelian/Thomist philosophy. I will begin by giving an overview of Thomist metaphysics with the help of cat pictures. I will then formulate a definition of a Mathematical theory of physics as a functor- like map, in one of two ways. First, as between a set of mathematical objects and the basic objects (or substances) in a conceptual model of the physical world. Second, as a map between certain numbers resulting from a mathematical model of a system, and certain observable properties (or accidents) of that system. This second map seems to be a kind of, 'probabilistic homomorphism' due to the error bars inherent in such a description. Finding the consistency of the first kind of map corresponds to a philosophical analysis of the physical theory in question, and I will argue that this motivates the conceptual analysis of a physical theory as a way of making progress in physics. Finally I will flesh out the abstract discussion of these issues by applying such an analysis to classical mechanics.
A modular form f(z) for SL_2(Z) with rational coefficieints has a denominator, ie an integer D exists such that Df(z) has integral coefficients; this D is often arithmetically interesting - in particular, when f(z) is an Eisenstein series.
Any modular form f(z) has an associated cohomology class for the space H/SL_2(Z), which will also have a 'de Rham denominator'; we hope that these two denominators are in fact the same!
By an extension of the classical Shintani lift, I shall try to explain a method (so far only partially successful) in showing this conjecture. We give an overview of the methods used, as well as a couple of generalisations that I have been looking at this year. The talk should hopefully give an idea of the enormous arithmetic interest in the area of modular forms, as well as the way that geometric methods may be used in the pursuit of number-theoretic goals.
In recent work Lambropoulou and Antoniou characterised a number of natural phenomena in terms of topological surgery. To do so, they augmented the abstract notion of surgery in order to include dynamics and a notion of continuousness. I'll go through this augmented definition of surgery and some examples of natural processes in which it occurs.
The Monge-Ampere equation is a fully nonlinear partial differential equation strongly related to the Minkowski problem of hypersurfaces with prescribed Gauss curvature. Topological methods are used to state the existence of solutions by using a priori estimates. We will talk about these methods in the elliptic type case.
Cluster algebras are known to be closely linked to the study of the geometry of surfaces. Some recent work in this area accidentally gave rise to a number of diophantine equations along with a procedure to compute integer solutions. This might also have links in the geometric study of representations of surface fundamental groups, as well as quiver guage theories and cluster automorphisms. We will discuss ideas around this theme in whichever direction the audience prefer.
The polynomial ${X \choose m}$, where $m$ is a natural number is an example of a polynomial which takes integer values on $\mathbb{Z}$ even though its coefficients are not integer. A polynomial $f\in \mathbb{Q}[x]$ with the property $f(\matbb{Z}\subset \mathbb{Z})$ is called integer-valued. If $f$ is of degree at most $n$, then it is enough to check that $f({0,...n}) $ takes values in $\mathbb{Z}$ to know that $f$ is integer-valued. A finite set $A$ is called $n$-universal if $f(A)\subset \mathbb{Z}$ implies that $f$ is integer-valued for every $f$ of degree at most $n$. I will talk about $n$-universal sets when $\mathbb{Q}$ is replaced by a number field.
Mathieu Moonshine concerns a surprising observation relating string theory to the representation theory of a particular sporadic group, Mathieu 24. This is reminiscent of Monstrous Moonshine in which it was discovered that the coefficients of the modular j-function are related to the representation theory of the Monster group. In this talk we will introduce a topological invariant of string theories compactified on K3 surfaces, called the elliptic genus of K3, and see how Mathieu 24 appears in this context. To this date, the role of the large discrete symmetry M24 in String Theory is not properly understood. We will then discuss Umbral moonshine, which comprises of 23 examples of moonshine in which the Niemeier lattices are used to connect certain mock modular forms to finite groups.
Elliptic functions and modular forms are a common feature in certain calculations within string theory. I aim to give a light overview of some aspects of string theory to provide some context, before describing various elements of the calculations involved.
Finding lattices in PU(n,1) has been one of the major challenges of the last decades. One way of constructing lattices is to give a fundamental domain for its action on the complex hyperbolic space.
One approach, successful for some lattices, consists of seeing the complex hyperbolic space as the configuration space of cone metrics on the sphere and of studying the action of some maps exchanging the cone points with same cone angle.
In this talk we will see how this construction of fundamental polyhedra can be extended to almost all Deligne-Mostow lattices with three folding symmetry.
This will be an expository talk on sheaves-functions correspondence and its applications. I will start with finite Abelian groups and some involved arithmetic problems, and then turn to the characters and representations of Lie type groups.
Khovanov homology is a chain-complex valued invariant of links. Virtual knot theory is a generalisation of classical knot theory which considers embeddings of circles into thickened surfaces of genus g>0 (the g=0 case returns classical knot theory). We give an introduction to virtual knots and a quick overview of the definition of Khovanov homology, before going through the process of a generalising it to the virtual case in a picture-heavy and pedagogical way.
Both the Jones polynomial and the Alexander polynomial can be viewed as invariants arising from the representations of quantum (super)groups in type A. Skew Howe duality give these invariants particularly nice descriptions in terms of trivalent diagrams. This method is particularly powerful when defining knot homology theories categorifying these polynomials. I will discuss the relationship between representations of quantum groups and the trivalent diagrams appearing in calculations of knot invariants, and describe how this can be used to understand knot homology theories, and progress towards obtaining a 'quantum' categorification of the Alexander polynomial.
In 1965, Tom Willmore (Durham) first considered a curvature energy for immersed surfaces in R^3 which would become widely studied in differential geometry and the modelling of liquid membranes. I will briefly discuss Willmore's energy, an application in biology, and a diffuse interface approach to the minimisation problem. The diffuse model has computational advantages, but makes control of the topology of surfaces more involved. In the last part of the talk, I will indicate how we managed to prescribe connectedness for a limiting problem along with some computational evidence. This talk is based on joint work with Patrick Dondl and Antoine Lemenant.
Fermat observed that (except for p = 2) a prime p can be written as the sum of two squares if aond only if p = 1 (mod 4). This result motivates our basic question: which primes does a given quadratic form represent?
To begin to answer this, we will relate the question of primes represented by a quadratic form to questions about ideal classes in quadratic number fields. And we will then be able to study these questions using the powerful tools of class field theory.
The main goal of this talk will to give a complete answer to this question for a specific class of quadratic forms, the so-called principal forms x^2 + ny^2. In this case the answer has the following form: there exists a polynomial f_n(t) such that p = x^2 + ny^2 if and only if f_n(t) has a root modulo p. And for squarefree n, this polynomial f_n(t) has an explicit interpretation as the polynomial describing the `Hilbert class field' of Q(sqrt(n)).
A central property of quantum mechanical systems is entanglement: knowledge of the parts does not constitute knowledge of the whole. It turns out that in some circumstances, quantifying entanglement is equivalent to a classical problem, of finding minimal surfaces. I'll wave my arms a bit to motivate where this comes from, and then do some proper maths to prove a theorem in algebraic topology, which tells us which topological class of minimal surfaces to consider in the problem.
The Alexander polynomial is a classical invariant of knots introduced in the 1920's with clear connections to the topology of knots and surfaces. The Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants are much more recent, and are in general much more poorly understood. These often arise from the representation theory of quantum groups. I will show how the Alexander polynomial can be interpreted as a Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant using representations of U_q(gl(1|1)), and show how this can be used to understand a category of representations of U_q(gl(1|1)). Finally, I will give some suggestions about how this should tie into categorifications of knot invariants, and particularly the connection between HOMFLY homology and Heegaard Floer knot homology.
Surreal numbers were invented by Conway, and used in his study of game theory. While the definition of a surreal number is surprisingly simple, it rapidly leads to a rich and deep structure encompassing not only the usual real numbers, but infinities, infinitesimals and more. In this talk I'll give an introduction to how surreal numbers work and an overview of the some of the weirdness that ensues.
In 2000, Khovanov introduced a knot invariant in the form of a homology theory now known as Khovanov Homology. I will introduce this invariant and go on to talk about a new knot invariant which takes the form of a suspension spectrum, and so is invariant up to stable homotopy. The Khovanov Spectrum was introduced by Lipshitz and Sarkar in 2011 and has been shown to be a stronger invariant than Khovanov Homology. I aim to discuss some questions I have been looking at related to this spectrum.
A graph-like manifold is a family of neighbourhoods of thickness ε>0 of a metric graph shrinking to the graph itself as ε approaches zero. In spectral geometry, graph-like manifolds were first introduced by Colin de Verdiere to prove that a manifold of dimension n greater or equal than 3 admits a metric with the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian having multiplicity n and since then, they have been used as a toy model to prove properties of manifolds or disprove conjectures. In physics, they are a model for nano and optical structure and metric graphs are believed to be a good approximation for them since the spectum of their Laplacian is a good approximation of the spectrum of the Laplacian of graph-like manifolds. In my talk I will explore the relation between the spectra of the Laplacian acting on 1-forms on the graph-like manifold and the Laplacian acting on 1-forms on the metric graph with some insights about higher degree forms.
Modular forms of integral weight and half integral weight have many interesting applications in number theory. Shimura in 1973 defined a very important correspondence between the two which can be defined in the framework of theta lifts. More recently harmonic weak Maass forms (generalisations of classical modular forms) and their uses have been studied. In this talk I will discuss these objects and their properties and describe my work on a theta lift which links all of them together.
After the Jones polynomial was discovered in the 80's, Jones's methods were generalised repeatedly until Reshetikhin and Turaev described a very general method for constructing polynomial invariants of knots. For any representation of any simple Lie algebra, their method describes a procedure for constructing a knot invariant from it. This procedure involves the so-called 'quantum groups' described by physicists, which (for the purposes of this talk) are 1-parameter deformations of universal enveloping algebras. Even in the simplest cases, these knot invariants are quite poorly understood and are still very actively researched. In this talk I will try and describe (without too many messy details) quantum groups and how knot polynomials are obtained from them, with the construction of the Jones polynomial as an example.
Polylogarithms are a class of special functions which have applications throughout the mathematics and physics worlds. I will begin by introducing the basic properties of polylogarithms and some reasons for interest in them, such as their functional equations and the role they play in Zagier's polylogarithm conjecture. From here I will turn to a Aomoto polylogarithms, a more general class of functions and explain how they motivate a geometric view of polylogarithms as configurations of hyperplanes in Pn. This approach has been used by Goncharov to establish Zagier's conjecture for n = 3.
Two prototypes of algebraic groups are elliptic curves and GLn's, which stand for the projective side and the affine side respectively. Here the focus is on the latter one. Their importance and interests come from many sides, e.g. the deep relations with absolute Galois groups, and the mixture of explicit appearances and complicated structures. Here I will introduce some basic concepts on affine algebraic groups and talk about the parabolic induction approach to their representations.
Cluster algebras were first introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky in an effort to provide concrete terms to describe "dual canonical bases" in different settings. Cluster algebras are special in that the final construction of the algebra is rarely interesting, rather it is the process of finding the generators of the algebra which yields fascinating results. Generators are found using an iterative process of mutation on labelled seeds, and I am particularly interested in those mutation classes of infinite size.
The work on the Weil conjectures is one of the most exciting stories happened in the 20th century. These concrete statements on counting points over finite fields traced back to some of Gauss' work, and are amazingly encoded in what we now called étale cohomology, which is itself highly interesting (it generalizes Galois cohomology, gives a Hilbert Satz 90 for curves, and has applications to representation theory of algebraic groups, and etc). So this is also a good example on illustrating how an abstract machinery can be used to solve a very concrete problem. In this talk some of these smart ideas will be introduced.
Khovanov homology is an invariant of knots that 'categorifies' the Jones polynomial. In this talk, I will give a basic introduction to Khovanov homology for knots, and then show that by staying in the topological world of cobordisms we can obtain a chain complex that serves as an invariant of tangles, and specialises to Khovanov homology in the case of knots and links.
Fermat's observation about which primes can be written as the sum of two squares motivates the question: which primes does a given quadratic form represent? After relating quadratic forms with ideals in quadratic fields, we show how Class Field Theory can be applied to construct general criteria describing these primes.
We will first define half weight vector valued forms and then construct a twisted theta lift of weak harmonic Maass forms of weight 1/2 to automorphic forms on the upper half plane, as well as the relationship with the Shimura lift.
We will discuss the structure of a quasi-reflective group (sometimes known as a parabolic-reflection group), and give some examples from among the Bianchi groups. There are only finitely many of these groups in each dimension, and we present a classification of quasi-reflective Bianchi groups.
At a recent talk in St. Mary's College, I introduced a way of generalising chain spaces to an arbitrary vector space V, with an action of an arbitrary Lie group G. A lot is known for these chain spaces when V is real d-space and G = SO(d). In this talk, I will state some results in the real case and suggest a method of calculating cohomologies in the more general case. This method involves the Leray-Serre spectral sequence, and we will hopefully see a few particular examples. (If you haven't seen/heard of spectral sequences before, don't worry as I will explain what they are and why they are useful).
The congruent number problem is that of determining whether an given integer is the area of a right angled triangle with rational sides. This deceptively simple to state problem has a solution which leads us through some of the most intriguing theorems of modern number theory, including the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, one of the Clay Mathematical Institute's Millennium problems.
A series of 30 minute talks by James Allen (CPT), Luke Stanbra (Algebra), Benedict Powell (Stats), Ramon Vera (Topology), Sarah Chadburn (CPT), and John Mcleod (Geometry).
As a companion to the thrilling and stimulating offerings from the Graduate School about joining the postgraduate community here, I would like to invite you to a half day of talks from existing PhD students, who will be speaking about their research and the methods they have used during their work here.
The idea is to advertise those areas of expertise which the graduate community has, which may save you a month of struggling to learn a tool that is badly documented, or six months following the paper trail to discover some particular result, or many other examples. Mathematics is highly connected, and so it may be that some Pure student has the tools to integrate a particular Feynman diagrams (and may not realise it), or a Statistician has detailed knowledge of infinite-dimensional functional analysis. These are two examples which I am aware of in this department that surprised me!
It will not be possible to get very far in half a day, but I hope that a bit of "interdisciplinary mixing" will carry forward and bear fruit.
We outline how to extract the symbol of a multiple polylogarithm from a hook-arrow tree and then prove a simple result. It is the the end of term so talk will be 'easy' and include many tikz pictures. Disclaimer: previous exposure to this material from the speaker not needed.
Given a monic integral polynomial p, one may define its Mahler measure as the product of all its roots with absolute value at least 1. The smallest known Mahler measure is for a polynomial of degree 10, and Lehmer's problem is to find a smaller Mahler measure; the conjecture is that one cannot. The truth of the conjecture would imply another conjecture, known as the Short Geodesic Conjecture hyperbolic geometry. I will explain some of these ideas and how they relate to some of my own work (joint with M. Belolipetsky).
I will be discussing some introductory p-adic analysis and the p-adic weight space with the aim (time permitting) of defining a p-adic Riemann Zeta function.
Continuing last week's discussions, I will begin with a quick review of the analytic construction of the p-adic numbers, showing its link to the algebraic construction via inverse limits. I will then introduce the notion of "profinite completion" and show how the profinite completion of the integers relates to the p-adic integers.
An important part of the proof of the Riemann Existence Theorem involves the theory of Profinite Groups which are exactly those groups which arise from an inverse limit. We will delve a little deeper into the theory of inverse limits, starting from Category Theory and working up to the derivation of the p-adic numbers via an inverse limit.
We open this term with a couple of seminars on the Riemann Existence Theorem, which states the connection between the punctured Riemann sphere and Fuchsian groups. Along the way we will touch on a bit of Topology, a dash of algebraic geometry, and a smidgeon of group theory. The RET is an important ingredient in an approach to the Inverse Galois problem. By the end of the second seminar, we hope to have proven a lesser result, the Profinite Riemann Existence Theorem.
In joint work with Bendan Guilfoyle, we prove that a
space-like graphical rotationally symmetric line congruence evolving
under mean curvature flow with respect to the neutral Kaehler metric in
the space of oriented lines of the Euclidean 3-space, namely in TS^2,
see [1], subject to suitable Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions,
converges to a holomorphic disc. This disc comes in a one-parameter
family which forms the Bishop family of discs associated to the complex
point in the Lagrangian
boundary condition. This result is a special case of independent
interest of the results that appeared in [2] and [3].
[1] B. Guilfoyle and W. Klingenberg, An indefinite Kaehler metric on the
space of oriented lines, J. London Math. Soc. 72.2, (2005) 497--509.
[2] B. Guilfoyle and W. Klingenberg, Higher codimensional mean curvature
flow of compact spacelike submanifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372.9
(2019) 6263--6281.
[3] B. Guilfoyle and W. Klingenberg, Proof of the Toponogov Conjecture
on complete surfaces, J. Gokova Geom. Topol. GGT 17 (2024) 1--50.
[4] B. Guilfoyle and W. Klingenberg, Parabolic evolution with boundary
to the Bishop family of holomorphic discs, 2023,
Gyrations are operations on manifolds that first arose in
geometric topology. A given manifold M may exhibit different gyrations
depending on the chosen twisting, prompting the following natural
question: do all gyrations of M share the same homotopy type regardless
of which twisting we choose? Inspired by recent work of Duan, which
demonstrated that the quaternionic projective plane is not gyration
stable (but with respect to diffeomorphism) in this talk we will explore
our question for projective planes in general, resulting in a complete
description of gyration stability for the complex, quaternionic, and
octonionic projective planes up to homotopy. Moreover, we will also see
that these results connect to several seemingly distinct contexts. This
is joint work with Stephen Theriault.
We will discuss approaches to determining areas of
discreteness in the parameter space of groups generated by three complex
reflections acting on the complex hyperbolic plane. We will focus on a
one-parameter family of ultra-parallel groups (i.e. the reflection
mirrors do not intersect in the interior of the complex hyperbolic
plane). We will determine the possible orders of complex reflections and
also intervals in the parameter space that correspond to discrete and
non-discrete triangle groups. This is joint work with Sam Povall.
A Riemannian manifold is called harmonic if there exists a
non-constant radial harmonic function in a punctured neighborhood for
any point, or equivalently every sufficiently small geodesic sphere has
constant mean curvature, or equivalently if a volume density function
centered at a point depends only on the distance from the center. There
are many other characterizations of harmonic spaces. In this talk, we
characterize harmonic manifolds in terms of the radial eigenspaces of
the Laplacian. The space forms, the complex hyperbolic spaces and the
quaternionic hyperbolic spaces are characterized as harmonic manifolds
with specific radial eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. We discuss the
lower volume bounds on even-dimensional negatively curved rank one
symmetric spaces, and we additionally present our recent progress on the
study of harmonic manifolds. (This is joint work with P. Gilkey.)
Frieze patterns were introduced by Coxeter in the 1970s who,
with Conway, established a correspondence between frieze patterns and
triangulated polygons. It turned out later that this object is very rich
in connections with different fields in mathematics. We use hyperbolic
geometry to provide a classification of positive integral friezes on
marked bordered surfaces. This is a joint work with Pavel Tumarkin.
Pretzel knots have been thoroughly studied in knot theory
history because they hit a particular sweet spot: they are easy enough
to handle and rich enough to present interesting phenomena. In this talk
we will concentrate in the intersection of two knot properties:
ribbonness and fiberedness. We will explain these concepts, discuss a
result of Casson and Gordon which relates the two and present our latest
results on classifying ribbon, fibered, pretzel knots. We will end the
talk with some discussion of work in progress in the same area. This is
joint work with Andy Wand.
In this talk we will show that, roughly speaking, the
problem of studying non-collapsed limits of manifolds under a weaker
condition than having uniform curvature bounds, is equivalent to
studying the regularity of resolutions of homology manifolds. We will
discuss applications to the areas of convergence theory, and controlled
topology. Furthermore, we will show that a conjecture due to Moore holds
true in a very general setting.
We study a Lorentzian optimal transport problem in
Heisenberg space \(\mathbb{H}\), where point masses are moved along
geodesics of the Lorentz-Wasserstein distance that arises from
restricting to timelike horizontal paths. We start by outlining some of
the sub-Riemannian and sub-Lorentzian geometry of \(\mathbb{H}\). We
then state a version of the Brenier representation of optimal transport
plans in this setting. This talk is based on (ongoing) joint work with
Samuël Borza (Vienna) and Wilhelm Klingenberg (Durham).
Singular Riemannian foliations are a family of weak
symmetries that encompass Lie group actions by isometries, as well as
Riemannian submersions (fiber bundles). In this talk we are going to see
two rigidity results of these types of symmetries in the case when the
highest dimensional leaves are homeomorphic to tori. One of such results
is topological in nature. In the second one we introduce a geometric
deformation procedure that also shows the rigidity of flat foliations.
Lastly, I will present ongoing work on how to deform an subclass of SRF
without assuming conditions on the geometry of the leaves.
By a "flow space" I mean a compact, connected 1 dimensional
space equipped with a non-constant minimal action by the real line
(i.e., every orbit is dense in the whole space). Apart from the trivial
case of the circle, such spaces naturally occur as fundamental objects
in 1d topological dynamics \u2013 for example the Denjoy continua, any
aperiodic minimal set of a flow on a higher genus surface, and any
aperiodic minimal set of the suspension of a subshift, such as in the
Lorenz template models of the Lorenz attractor. A "flow equivalence" of
such spaces is a homeomorphism between them that preserves the
directions of the flows. I will present a complete invariant of flow
spaces up to flow equivalence. This is joint work with Alex Clark (QMUL).
The connected sum operation is a simple but useful tool in
geometric topology to connect two given manifolds. However, if both
manifolds are equipped with Riemannian metrics of positive Ricci
curvature, it is surprisingly difficult to determine whether this
condition can be preserved under the connected sum. In this talk, I will
review previous work by Perelman and Burdick on this problem, and then
discuss a new construction for Riemannian metrics of positive Ricci
curvature on connected sums of certain fibre bundles.
I will report on recent joint work with Paul Schwahn and Uwe
Semmelmann where we show that the canonical Einstein metric on 'odd'
Grassmannians is rigid. Time permitting, I will discuss an approach to
demonstrating this for the spaces SU(n)/SO(n) and SU(2n)/Sp(n).
Every knot in S^3 appears as a cross-section of a knotted
surface in S^4. By restricting to ribbon knotted surfaces (those that
are Morse-theoretically simple) we develop new notions of complexity for
knots in S^3. We'll discuss these notions in relation to the ribbon
property in S^3, the double slice genus, and the fusion number.
Which lens spaces embed smoothly in the complex projective
plane, and which collections of lens spaces can be disjointly embedded?
Work of Manetti and Hacking-Prokhorov showed that each solution to the
Markov equation gives rise to a triple of lens spaces which embed
disjointly, and Evans-Smith showed this accounts for all symplectic
embeddings of the standard rational homology balls bounded by these lens
spaces. Further embeddings of lens spaces have since been exhibited,
including two families of triples which embed disjointly due to Lisca-Parma.
I will discuss some obstructions to such embeddings and also exhibit
some new triples of examples. A necessary condition for a lens space to
embed in CP^2 is that it bounds a rational homology ball. The set of
lens spaces satisfying this condition was classified by Lisca and
consists of 6 families. We consider two of these familes. We will show
in particular that all lens spaces L(p^2,pq-1) with (p,q)=2 or with p
odd and (p,q)=1 embed in CP^2.
The symmetrized asymptotic mean value Laplacian -- AMV
Laplacian -- extends the Laplace operator from R^n to metric measure
spaces through limits of averaging integrals. In this talk, I will
explain how this operator behaves on manifolds with boundary and how
this sheds new lights on the spectral approximation of singular
manifolds by Laplace-type graphs. This is based on an ongoing joint work
with Manuel Dias (VUB).
I will present a general construction of subcomplexes on
Riemannian filtered manifolds. In the particular case of regular
subRiemannian manifolds, this yields the so-called Rumin complex when
the manifold is also equipped with a compatible Riemannian metric.
I will then show how the subcomplex differs on a nilpotent Lie group
equipped with a homogeneous structure on one hand, and a left-invariant
filtration on the other.
We can endow sets of Borel probability measures on a given
metric space $X$ with different metrics derived from optimal transport,
resulting in the $L^p$-Wasserstein spaces over $X$, denoted
$\mathbb{P}_p(X)$. In general, these spaces reflect several properties
of the underlying space. One natural question in this context is: how
are the isometries of $\mathbb{P}_p(X)$ related to those of $X$? In this
talk, I will discuss existing results in this area and present work in
progress with Fernando Galaz-García, Martin Kerin, and Jaime
Santos-Rodríguez. We have identified families of spaces in which $X$ and
$\mathbb{P}_p(X)$ share the same isometries, in which case we say that
$X$ is isometrically rigid with respect to $\mathbb{P}_p$, as well as
examples where this is not the case.
The 7-dimensional Eschenburg spaces are an infinite family
of circle quotients of SU(3) and were introduced by Eschenburg in the
1980s, where he showed that an infinite sub-family of them admits a
metric of positive sectional curvature. The 13-dimensional Bazikin
spaces are an infinite family of circle quotients of SU(5)/Sp(2) and
were introduced by Bazaikin in the 1990s, where he showed an infinite
sub-family of them admits a metric of positive sectional curvature.
These are currently the only known infinite families of positively
curved examples in a fixed dimension.
In this talk, after covering the necessary background, we will discuss
the curvature properties of the remaining Eschenburg and Bazaikin spaces
with respect to Eschenburg and Bazaikin's original metrics. In
particular, we obtain a complete qualitative characterization of "how
many" positively curved points each space has. We will also discuss the
curvature properties of the cohomogeneity two Eschenburg and Bazaikin
spaces with respect to another metric construction, due to Wilking. In
particular, we find exactly one new Bazaikin space with positive
sectional curvature on an open and dense set.
The talk summarizes the results of three undergraduate research
projects, conducted with Evan Sherman, Peyton Johnson, and Rachel Flores.
We will discuss cluster structure on Teichmueller space of
closed genus 2 surfaces induced by the cluster coordinates on the
symplectic groupoid of the unipotent upper-triangular 3x3 matrices.
We prove a new general Poincaré type inequality for
differential forms on compact Riemannian manifolds with nonempty boundary.
When the boundary is isometrically immersed in Euclidean space, we
derive a new inequality involving mean and scalar curvatures of the
boundary only and characterize the limiting case. Also a new Ros-type
inequality for differential forms is derived assuming the existence of a
nonzero parallel form on the manifold. This work is joint with Nicolas
Ginoux and Simon Raulot.
The geometry and topology of closed negatively curved
manifolds are subtly reflected in a geometric bound for the Laplace
eigenvalues. In 1980, Schoen, Wolpert, and Yau showed that the small
Laplace eigenvalues can be bounded from below and above by the length of
a collection of closed simple geodesics cutting the surface into
disjoint connected components. Schoen later obtained a spectral gap on
negatively curved manifolds in higher dimensions which is in contrast
with the result for hyperbolic surfaces. In this talk, we discuss how
these results can be extended to the setting of the Steklov eigenvalue
The Steklov eigenvalue problem is known to have
generalisations to the framework of differential forms. We consider a
version that is of interest from geometric perspective and present
eigenvalue bounds in the case of warped product manifolds, in various
settings such as manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature and convex
boundary, hypersurfaces of revolution, etc. We compare and contrast the
behaviour with known results in the case of functions (i.e., 0-forms),
highlighting the influence of the underlying topology on the spectrum
for p-forms in general.
This talk is based upon joint work with J. Chuang and J.
A Maurer-Cartan (MC) element in a differential graded algebra (dga) A is
an element x satisfying the equation dx+x^2=0. Two MC elements x and y
are gauge equivalent if there is an invertible element a in A such that
x=aya^{-1}-daa^{-1}. The set of MC gauge equivalence classes is called
the MC moduli set of A. For an appropriate A, this moduli set can be
interpreted as a moduli space of flat connections in a vector bundle, as
moduli of complex structures in an almost complex vector bundle, moduli
of objects in a dg category etc.
It is well-known that the moduli set of MC elements is not a
quasi-isomorphism invariant of a dga. In this talk I will explain how
one can usefully weaken the notion of a gauge equivalence so that it
leads to the MC moduli set becoming a homotopy invariant (in a certain
precise sense). This is the beginning of a long story, with many
interesting ramifications of which I will attempt to outline a few.
Nontrivial examples come from de Rham and Dolbeault algebras.
There are two main constructions of Calabi-Yau cones in
dimension 3. Firstly, the anticanonical cones over (log) del Pezzo
surfaces and secondly via Gorenstein toric singularities. The toric
construction automatically comes with the action of a 3-dimensional
torus and the Calabi-Yau condition is automatically fulfilled. For the
construction from del Pezzo surfaces we only obtain a 1-dimensional
torus action and the Kähler-Einstein condition for the del Pezzo
surfaces is crucial to obtain a Calabi-Yau cone metric. In my talk I
will address the remaining cases with 2-torus action by discussing a
combinatorial approach which interpolates between the two previous
constructions and also explain how the Calabi-Yau property is reflected
in this combinatorial language.
We present a survey of how the curvature tensor of all known
homogeneous 6 dimensional nearly Kähler spaces (both in the definite and
in the pseudo Riemannian case) can be expressed in an invariant way
using the induced geometric structures on the 6 dimensional nearly
Kähler space.
As an application we show how this can be used to study special classes
of submanifolds in these spaces. In the latter case we will in
particular focus on totally geodesic Lagrangian submanifolds and
equivariant Lagrangian immersions.
In this talk, I will introduce diffusion geometry as a new
framework for geometric and topological data analysis. Diffusion
geometry uses the Bakry-Emery gamma calculus of Markov diffusion
operators to define objects from Riemannian geometry on a wide range of
probability spaces. We construct statistical estimators for these
objects from a sample of data, and so introduce a whole family of new
methods for geometric data analysis and computational geometry. This
includes vector fields and differential forms on the data, and many of
the important operators in exterior calculus. Unlike existing methods
like persistent homology and local principal component analysis,
diffusion geometry is explicitly related to Riemannian geometry, and is
significantly more robust to noise, significantly faster to compute,
provides a richer topological description (like the cup product on
cohomology), and is naturally vectorised for statistics and machine
learning. We find that diffusion geometry outperforms multiparameter
persistent homology as a biomarker for real and simulated tumour
histology data and can robustly measure the manifold hypothesis by
detecting singularities in manifold-like data.
Knot/link Floer homology is a link invariant package,
introduced independently by Ozsvath-Szabo and Rasmussen, has been shown
to be quite useful to solve a number of questions in low dimensional
topology in the last two decades. Although it is not a complete
invariant of knots/links, a number of knots and links have been shown to
be detected by this toolbox. The center of most of these results have
been careful examination of certain essential surfaces in the knot/link
exteriors and observing that operations on those surfaces can be kept
track by the link/knot Floer homology of those knots/links. In this
mostly self-contained talk, we will be talking about those results and
some new ones. This is based on joint work with Fraser Binns, some of
which is ongoing.
A slope p/q is non-characterising for a knot K in the
3-sphere if there exists a different knot K' in the 3-sphere such that
Dehn surgery of slope p/q on each of K and K' produces
orientation-preserving homeomorphic 3-manifolds. In this talk, we will
explore 3 different approaches to constructing non-characterising slopes
for satellite knots. For the |p|=1 case, I'll describe how to use JSJ
decompositions to find suitable satellite knots of hyperbolic type
(joint work with Patricia Sorya). For the |q|=1 case, I'll discuss how
to use RBG links to address certain knots concordant to satellites of
(2,k)-torus knots (joint work with Charles Stine). Finally, for the
general p/q case, I'll explain how the Montesinos trick could
potentially be used to show that every p/q can be realised as a
non-characterising slope for some pair of satellite knots (joint work
with Kyle Hayden and Lisa Piccirillo).
The Grove-Searle Maximal Symmetry Rank Theorem (MSRT) and
Wilking Half-Maximal Symmetry Rank Theorem (1/2-MSRT) represent keystone
results in the study of positively curved spaces with large isometry
groups. In this talk, I will present work on extending the MSRT to a
weaker curvature condition called positive intermediate Ricci curvature.
I will focus on dimensions 4 and 6, where we so far are only able to
establish a partial extension. If time permits, I will also describe
current work-in-progress on extending the 1/2-MSRT to this weaker
curvature condition. This talk will be based on joint work with Lee Kennard.
We would like to discuss the formality problem for compact
manifolds with special holonomy, expose some recent results, its current
status and open problems.
We will show that, in any homotopy class of mappings from
complex projective space to a Riemannian manifold, the infimum of the
energy is proportional to the infimal area in the class of mappings of
the 2-sphere representing the induced homomorphism on the second
homotopy group. We will also give a related estimate for the infimum of
the energy in a homotopy class of mappings of real projective space, and
we will discuss several results and questions about energy-minimizing
maps and their metric properties.
The Bakry-Émery Ricci tensor is a generalization of the
classical Ricci tensor to the setting of weighted Riemannian manifolds,
i.e. Riemannian manifolds whose Riemannian volume forms are weighted by
a smooth function. In this talk we consider the question of which
manifolds admit a weighted Riemannian metric of positive Bakry-Émery
Ricci curvature. To obtain new examples we establish several surgery
results for such manifolds, i.e. results that allow to perform certain
cut and glue operations on the manifold while preserving the positivity
of the Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature. In contrast to known surgery results
for positive Ricci curvature these techniques are of local nature.
Applications include connected sums and new examples in dimension 5.
This is joint work with Francesca Tripaldi.
The Heisenberg group is a source of inspiration for many
fields in mathematics and physics, including quantum theory, metric
geometry, and harmonic analysis. I will discuss the sub-Finsler geometry
of the Heisenberg group and explain how it is related to the
isoperimetric problem in the non-Euclidean (Finsler) plane. We will then
explore approaches to studying the curvature of the sub-Finsler
Heisenberg group, focusing particularly on the measure contraction
property that appears in the analysis of metric measure spaces. This is
a joint work with Kenshiro Tashiro, Mattia Magnabosco, and Tommaso Rossi.
The 4-dimensional ultrahyperbolic equation arises as the
defining equation for a function to be harmonic with respect to a metric
of neutral signature (2,2). In the case of the canonical neutral metric
on the space of oriented geodesics of a 3-dimensional space form, it
captures precisely the condition for a function on geodesic space to
come from line integrals of a function on the space form. As this is the
basis of modern tomography, including CT scans, one might expect that
the equation has been extensively studied, but this turns out not to be
the case. In this talk I will discuss the equation from the point of
view of 3- and 4-manifold topology and how the equation allows one to
X-ray a manifold from null boundary data. The relationship between a
conformal mean value theorem and doubly ruled surfaces in space forms
will also be explored.
Alan Weinstein introduced the concept of "fat bundle" as a
tool to understand when the total space of a fiber bundle with totally
geodesic fibers allows a metric with positive sectional curvature.
In recent times, certain weaker notions than the condition of having a
metric with positive sectional curvature have been studied due to the
apparent scarcity of spaces that meet this condition. Positive
kth-intermediate Ricci curvature (Ric_k >0) on a Riemannian manifold is
a condition that bridges the gap between positive sectional curvature
and positive Ricci curvature.
In this talk, I will discuss an ongoing project with Miguel
Domínguez-Vázquez, David González-Álvaro, and Jason DeVito, which aims
to construct new examples of compact Riemannian manifolds with Ric_2 >
0. We achieve this by employing a certain generalisation of the "fat
bundle" concept.
Spaces with the Riemannian Curvature-Dimension condition
(RCD spaces), are metric measure spaces that satisfy a synthetic notion
of "having a lower Ricci curvature bound and an upper bound on the
Hausdorff dimension." Examples of these include Riemannian manifolds and
Alexandrov spaces but they also appear naturally as Gromov-Hausdorff limits.
In this talk we will first give a quick introduction to the
Curvature-Dimension condition mentioning some structural properties and
also some examples of RCD spaces.
Then we will look at some of the properties of the isometry group of
such spaces and what happens when one takes the quotient by a compact
Lie group acting by measure preserving isometries.
Lastly, we will focus on the case where the quotient space is one
dimensional, that is, the cohomogeneity one case. Here we will find
explicit examples of spaces that are not manifolds nor Alexandrov
spaces. This last part is a joint collaboration with Diego Corro and
Jesús Nuñez-Zimbrón.
Given a reduced plane curve $C_d$ of degree $d$ in
$\mathbb{C}^2$, a classical question is to understand the singularities
of it. Over the years many different measures of singularities have been
explored, such as Multiplicity, Milnor number, Tjurina number to name a
few. In this talk, I will focus on another invariant called the log
canonical threshold, which has a long standing relation with the notion
of K-stability. Firstly, for all curves of degree $d \leq 5$, I will
explicitly show the exhaustive list of all possible log canonical
threshold values that the curve $C_d$ can take at a singular point $p$
on it. Then, we will see how imposing restrictions on the multiplicity
of the curve $C_d$ at the point $p$ can help us in saying more about
this invariant. This is joint work with Erik Paemurru.
This paper delves into the study of a system of
nonautonomous ordinary differential equations featuring a discontinuous
right-hand side. We establish a comprehensive framework that covers the
existence, uniqueness, and exponentially asymptotically stability of
non-smooth periodic orbits. Additionally, we provide an explicit formula
for determining the basin of attraction, all without the explicit need
to compute a solution to a Fillipov equation. This theoretical
foundation finds practical application in the stability analysis of
green energy stock market trading.
In the ever-evolving landscape of green energy markets, recent
regulatory changes have ushered in a new era of negative price trading.
This transformative development necessitates a deeper examination of the
transitions between positive and negative price domains. Such analysis
offers a valuable and novel perspective for both market participants and
analysts seeking to navigate this evolving market paradigm.
The Rasmussen invariant is a homomorphism from the knot
concordance group to the integers that Jake Rasmussen defined in 2004
using Khovanov homology and which has interesting properties and
applications. In recent joint work, Lukas Lewark and I define another
concordance homomorphism from Khovanov homology that is linearly
independent of the Rasmussen invariant. It plays a central role in a
formula that we prove for the Rasmussen invariant of Whitehead doubles
and other satellite knots.
We show that the existence of hyperbolic manifolds fibering
over the circle is not a phenomenon confined to dimension 3 by
exhibiting some examples in dimension 5. As a consequence, there are
hyperbolic groups with finite-type subgroups that are not hyperbolic.
The main tool is Bestvina - Brady theory enriched with a combinatorial
game recently introduced by Jankiewicz, Norin and Wise. This is a joint
work with Italiano and Migliorini.
In this talk, by assuming a quadratic curvature pinching
condition, we show that the submanifold evolving by mean curvature flow
becomes approximately codimension one, in high curvature regions. This
fundamental codimension estimate along with a cylindrical type estimate,
at a singularity, allows us to establish the existence of a rescaling,
which converges to a smooth codimension-one limiting flow in Euclidean
space. This is possible using unique pointwise gradient estimates for
the second fundamental form.
I present a an approach to Lorentzian geometry and General
Relativity that does neither rely on smoothness nor on manifolds,
thereby leaving the framework of classical differential geometry. This
opens up the possibility to study curvature (bounds) for spacetimes of
low regularity or even more general spaces. An analogous shift in
perspective proved extremely fruitful in the Riemannian case
(Alexandrov- and CAT(k)-spaces) and we provide examples and report on
recent progress that suggest that our approach could have a similar
impact on Lorentzian geometry and GR.
Given a Riemannian manifold (M, g), it is a fundamental
problem to understand how the metric g and its curvature properties
evolve under the Ricci flow. For instance, by the celebrated work of
Hamilton, positive scalar curvature is preserved under the Ricci flow in
every dimension. Moreover, both positive sectional and positive Ricci
curvatures are preserved in dimension 3. It is then natural to ask
whether any other curvature conditions are preserved in higher
dimensions. In this talk, I will give some examples which admit metrics
with different curvature conditions and discuss the evolution of their
metrics under the Ricci flow. This is based on joint works with David
In MultiObjective Optimization (MOO), one analyzes tradeoffs
between multiple objectives in search for optimal solutions. While a
wide range of MMO solvers have been proposed, comparing the solvers have
remained a significant challenge. For this, I introduce the benchmark
problem suite called the Benchmark with Explicit Multimodality (BEM).
The BEM was proposed by an interdisciplinary team combining researchers
from evolutionary computation, mathematics and visualization. I start
the talk by introducing central tools of our choice, the Reeb space and
Reeb graph, which describe characteristics of functions using a
topological construct. By employing them, we can design benchmark
problems using a concise graph structure. Finally, I will show how we
visualize the BEM and the solvers being benchmarked. This allows
in-depth and/or statistical analysis on how the solvers are trapped in
local optima or overcome them. In addition to our specialized
visualization, particular advantages of the BEM include the high
dimensionality of the design space and simplicity of the problem
Though Einstein's equation is well studied, relatively few Einstein
metrics have been written in terms of explicit formulae via radicals.
In this talk we discuss many such examples that occur as anti-self dual
Einstein metrics and describe their singularities.
The construction heavily relies upon the theory of isomonodromic
deformation and related algebraic geometry developed by N.J. Hitchin in
the 1990s and the equivalence of the anti-self dual Einstein equation to
a certain Painlevé VI equation under some symmetry assumptions
discovered by K.P. Tod. The solution to Painlevé VI is achieved through
a relation of its solution to pairs of conics obeying the Poncelet's
porism by exploiting Cayley's criterion.
In this talk we discuss some important cases that are not well fleshed
out in the literature, such as the solution of Painlevé VI associated
with the Poncelet porism where the inscribing-circumscribing polygons
have an even number of sides.
Moreover, we provide some explicit metrics with unusual cone angle
singularities along a singular real projective plane that were
speculated about by Atiyah and LeBrun and discuss their sectional curvature.
Alexandrov spaces are complete, locally compact length spaces with
finite (integer) Hausdorff dimension and curvature bounded below in the
triangle comparison sense. They are metric generalizations of complete
Riemannian manifolds with sectional curvature uniformly bounded below.
In this talk, I will discuss extensions of classical results for
3-manifolds to the case of non-manifold Alexandrov spaces, including the
prime decomposition theorem of Kneser and Milnor.
A filling curve c in a closed oriented surface X of genus g>1
determines a complex analytic structure on X in two different ways. One
is via Grothendieck's theory of dessins d'enfants. The other one
arises as the hyperbolic structure on X that minimises the length of
the curve c. We show that these two complex structures agree at least
in the case in which the curve c admits a homotopy representative in
minimal position such that all self-intersection points have the same
self-intersection number and all faces of the complement X \ c have
the same degree. (This is joint work with E. Girondo and R. Hidalgo)
Among all left-invariant Riemannian metrics on a given Lie group, is
there one whose isometry group contains that of all others? We'll
present the current state of knowledge on this question for solvable Lie
groups along with some applications to the uniqueness of Ricci soliton
metrics on solvmanifolds.
In this talk, I will present a curvature dependent lower bound for the
filling radius of all closed Riemannian manifolds as well as an upper
one for manifolds which are the total space of a Riemannian submersion.
The latter applies also to the case of submetries. Moreover, I will give
an introduction about the reach of a subset and show some results about
its value for isometrically embedded manifolds into the space of bounded
real valued functions and the Wasserstein space.
This talk will present a new characterisation of rectifiable
subsets of a complete metric space in terms of local approximation, with
respect to the Gromov--Hausdorff distance, by finite dimensional Banach
spaces. This is a significant generalisation of a theorem of Marstrand
and Mattila of classical geometric measure theory.
After a gentle introduction to analysis on metric spaces and geometric
measure theory, this talk will present the main ideas and challenges
behind the proof of the new theorem.
G_2 solitons are self-similar solutions to Bryant's
Laplacian flow for closed G_2-structures on 7-manifolds, a relative of
Ricci flow. I will describe examples of G_2 solitons that are
asymptotically conical (of all three types: expanders, shrinkers and
steady solitons) as well as a steady soliton with exponential volume
growth. The solitons are defined on the anti-self-dual bundles of CP^2
and S^4 and have a cohomogeneity one action. This is joint work with
Mark Haskins and Rowan Juneman.
In Riemannian geometry, it is a fundamental problem to study the
existence of nonnegatively Ricci curved metrics on a manifold.
Moreover, if such a metric exists, it is interesting to describe the
associated moduli space of nonnegatively Ricci curved metrics. In 2017,
Tuschmann and Wiemeler published the first result on these moduli
spaces' homotopy groups.
On the other hand, Lott, Sturm, and Villani proposed a synthetic
definition of Ricci curvature lower bounds on singular spaces. This work
gave birth to RCD(0,N) spaces (i.e. non-smooth spaces with Ric \( \geq
\) 0 and dim \( \leq \) N).
In this talk, I will briefly introduce RCD(0,N) spaces and their
associated moduli spaces. Then, I will state the non-smooth analogue of
Tuschmann and Wiemeler's result (proved in collaboration with Andrea
Mondino). I will then sketch the proof of that result, which relies on
the topological properties of RCD(0,N) spaces.
A classic theorem of Tucker asserts that a finite group \( \Gamma \)
acts on an oriented surface S if and only if \( \Gamma \) has a Cayley
graph G that embeds in S equivariantly, i.e. the canonical action of \(
\Gamma \) on G can be extended to an action of \( \Gamma \) on all of S.
Following the trend for extending graph-theoretic results to
higher-dimensional complexes, we prove the following 3-dimensional
analogue of Tucker's Theorem: a finitely generated group \( \Gamma \)
acts discretely on a simply connected 3-manifold M if and only if \(
\Gamma \) has a "generalised Cayley complex" that embeds equivariantly
in one of the following four 3-manifolds: (i) \( S^3 \) , (ii) \( R^3 \)
, (iii) \( S^2 \times R \), and (iv) the complement of a tame Cantor set
in \( S^3 \). In the process, we will see some recent theorems and
lemmata concerning 2-complex embeddings and group actions over
2-complexes, and we will derive a combinatorial characterization of
finitely generated groups acting discretely on simply connected
We ask to what extent the SL(2,C)-character variety of the fundamental
group of the complement of a knot in S^3 determines the knot. Our
methods use results from group theory, classical 3-manifold topology,
but also geometric input in two ways: The geometrisation theorem for
3-manifolds, and instanton gauge theory. In particular this is connected
to SU(2)-character varieties of two-component links, a topic where much
less is known than in the case of knots. This is joint work with Michel
Boileau, Teruaki Kitano and Steven Sivek.
Mirror symmetry conjecturally associates to a Fano orbifold a Laurent
polynomial. Laurent inversion is a method for reversing this process,
obtaining a Fano variety from a candidate Laurent polynomial. We apply
this to find new Fano 3-folds with terminal quotient singularities and
outline a program that implements these constructions systematically.
We understand this correspondence through toric degenerations. A Laurent
polynomial f determines, through its Newton polytope P, a toric variety
\( X_P \), which is in general highly singular. Laurent inversion
constructs, from f and some auxiliary data, an embedding of \( X_P \)
into an ambient toric variety Y. In many cases this embeds \( X_P \) as
a complete intersection of line bundles on Y, and the general section of
these line bundles is the Q-Fano 3-fold that want to construct, i.e. the
mirror of f. This is joint work with T. Coates and Al. Kasprzyk.
In the quest for a combinatorial formula for the rational Pontrjagin classes, Goresky and MacPherson were led to study the space of oriented matroids as the classifying space for the bundle theory of a category of manifolds sitting somewhere between the smooth category and PL. This space is called the matroid grassmannian, and there is a map from the real grassmannian to the matroid grassmannian that pulls certain combinatorial cohomology classes back to the rational Pontrjagin classes. It has become known as Macpherson's conjecture that this comparison map should be a homotopy equivalence. By using ideas from tropical geometry, I'll provide some new information on the homotopy type.
It is known that when one has a sequence of closed n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds of Ricci curvature bounded below and diameter bounded above, one can always find a convergent subsequence (in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense). If the limit has dimension n, just like the elements of the sequence, we say the sequence doesn't collapse, otherwise we say the sequence collapses. A smooth manifold is said to be squishable if it admits a sequence of Riemannian metrics that makes it collapse. We study the relationship between the topology of a manifold with the property of being squishable and identify some possible limit spaces obtained after squishing.
In this talk I will review the known techniques to construct metrics of positive Ricci curvature via surgery by Sha-Yang and Wraith. I will then present a generalization of the surgery theorem of Wraith in which the surgery construction itself gets generalized. Finally, we will consider applications in dimension 6. Here we obtain a large class of new examples of closed, simply-connected 6-manifolds that admit a metric of positive Ricci curvature. These examples are constructed as boundaries of manifolds obtained by plumbings according to a simply-connected graph.
Mostow, constructed a family of lattices in PU(2,1) which is the holomorphic isometry group of complex hyperbolic 2-space. In this presentation, I use a description of these lattices given by Thurston in terms of cone metrics on the sphere to give an explicit fundamental domain for some of Mostow's lattices. The approach is along the lines of Parker's description of Livne's lattices in terms of cone metrics on the sphere. This presentation is based on published work by Parker and Boadi on the above title.
In the study of the dynamics of a transcendental entire function f, we aim to describe its locus of chaotic behaviour, known as its Julia set and denoted by J(f). For many such f, the Julia set is a collection of unbounded curves that escape to infinity under iteration and form a particular topological structure known as Cantor bouquet, i.e., a subset of the complex plane ambiently homeomorphic to a straight brush. We show that there exists f whose Julia set J(f) is a collection of escaping curves, but J(f) is not a Cantor bouquet. On the other hand, we prove for certain f that if J(f) contains an absorbing Cantor bouquet, that is, a Cantor bouquet to which all escaping points are eventually mapped, then J(f) must be a Cantor bouquet. This is joint work with L. Rempe.
We prove a conjecture of Toponogov on complete convex embedded planes, namely that such surfaces must contain an umbilic point, albeit at infinity. Our proof is indirect. It uses Fredholm regularity of an associated Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem and an existence result for holomorphic discs with Lagrangian boundary conditions, both of which apply to a putative counterexample. This is joint work with Brendan Guilfoyle.
In work with Carolyn Gordon, we have shown that certain nice metrics (Ricci solitons) on solvable Lie groups have the special property that their isometry algebras are as large as possible, in terms of containment. We discuss the algebraic consequences, on the underlying solvable group, of the existence of a maximal isometry algebra. [This talk has been postponed.]
In the first (longer half) I report for a more general
audience about the results, which are parallel to the classical case of
Riemann surfaces. Then I will explain the method of the proof using
modified surgery.
We analyse a neighbourhood of the vanishing locus of the Cauchy-Riemann operator defined by a given domain-dependent complex structure. We extend the locus by elements induced by the cokernel of its linearization. We prove that the extended set is a smooth manifold. This is a modification of Fukaya's analysis of the moduli space of holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds.
On a compact Riemannian manifold with smooth boundary, we define the biharmonic Steklov operator on the set of differential forms. This definition is motivated by an extension of the Serrin problem to differential forms. We then study the spectral properties of this operator and show that it has a discrete spectrum. In particular, we relate its first eigenvalue to different boundary problems, Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin defined on differential forms.
On a compact Riemannian manifold with smooth boundary, we define the biharmonic Steklov operator on the set of differential forms. This definition is motivated by an extension of the Serrin problem to differential forms. We then study the spectral properties of this operator and show that it has a discrete spectrum. In particular, we relate its first eigenvalue to different boundary problems, Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin defined on differential forms.
I will discuss the relationships among a variety of equivalence relations on 4-manifolds, such as diffeomorphism, homeomorphism, h-cobordism, and homotopy equivalence, with the goal of organising a zoo of counterexamples and discovering unanswered questions. There will be a flowchart, also available at The talk is based on a partly survey paper joint with Daniel Kasprowski and Mark Powell.
Margulis showed that, for each dimension n, there is a positive constant epsilon so that for any hyperbolic manifold M of dimension n, the epsilon-thin part of M is a union of tubes around short, closed geodesics and cusp regions. In this talk I will focus on Margulis cusp regions in dimension n=4 associated to screw-parabolic maps with irrational rotational part. It turns out that the shape of the cusp region is closely connected to the continued fraction expansion of the rotational part. Using classical results from Diophantine approximation, I will show how to construct a slightly smaller region independent of the continued fraction.
A topological surface is finite type if its fundamental group is finitely generated. On any given finite type surface, there are (up to homeomorphism) finitely many types of essential arc. For infinite type surfaces there may be considerably more types of essential arcs; some more essential than others.
This talk will try to make those last five words less vague. We will also spend some time discussing big mapping class groups, arc complexes, and unicorns.
Wall classified smooth (n-1)-connected 2n-manifolds up to the action of homotopy spheres. We determine this action for 3-connected 8-manifolds, and therefore obtain a complete diffeomorphism classification. In dimension 8 there is a unique exotic sphere. We find that whether or not it acts trivially on a 3-connected M depends on the divisibility of the first Pontryagin class p_1(M). The proof is based on the Q-form conjecture, which provides a sufficient condition for two manifolds to be diffeomorphic. Joint work with Diarmuid Crowley.
Configuration spaces of manifolds are examples of spaces of embeddings, which can be employed for studying all other embedding spaces, via Goodwillie-Weiss-Klein calculus. We will discuss how certain classes in homotopy groups of configuration spaces give rise to nontrivial families of embeddings, that generalise lower central series of braid groups and Vassiliev-Gusarov-Habiro constructions in knot theory.
The space of persistence barcodes, equipped with the bottleneck metric, is a fundamental object of study in topological data analysis. There has been recent interest in describing this space as a topological space. In this talk we present a significant strengthening of these descriptions by studying the space of barcodes as a metric space. Namely, we show that the space of finite persistence barcodes is a bi-Lipschitz image of a convex subset of Euclidean space.
Time permitting, we will demonstrate how our geometric description naturally imposes a differential structure and allows approximations of the bottleneck distance, both of which are active topics of research.
In this talk we show that for 4-manifolds with residually finite fundamental group and non-spin universal cover if the macroscopic dimension of the universal cover is less than or equal to 3, then it has to be less than or equal to 2.
The so-called spaces with the Riemannian curvature-dimension conditions (RCD spaces) are metric measure spaces which are not necessarily smooth but admit a notion of “Ricci curvature bounded below and dimension bounded above”. These spaces arise naturally as Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds with these conditions and, in contrast to manifolds, RCD spaces typically have topological or metric singularities. Nevertheless a considerable amount of Riemannian geometry can be recovered for these spaces. In this talk I will present recent work joint with Guido De Philippis, in which we show that the gradients of harmonic functions vanish at certain singular points of the space. I will mention two applications of this result which are new on smooth manifolds: there does not exist an a priori estimate on the modulus of continuity of the gradient of harmonic functions depending only on lower bounds of the sectional curvature and there is no a priori Calderón-Zygmund inequality for the Laplacian with bounds depending only on the sectional curvature.
The ends of a space are the connected components of its ideal boundary. Under certain curvature conditions, it is possible to give uniform bounds for the number of ends of Riemannian manifolds. In this talk I will recall previous work by Z.-D. Liu in this direction and show a generalization of this result in the setting of metric measure spaces satisfying the curvature dimension condition CD(0,N) outside a compact set. This is joint work with Jesús Núñez-Zimbrón. Preprint:
The mapping class group of a compact simply-connected 4-manifold is the set of self-diffeomorphisms (or self-homeomorphisms, in the topological category), up to isotopy. For a manifold with nonempty boundary, one assumes the self-automorphisms fix the boundary pointwise. In both the smooth and topological categories, I will describe sufficient conditions for two automorphisms to be pseudoisotopic. Pseudoisotopy is weaker than isotopy, but in the topological category we are able to use this theorem to compute the mapping class group in many cases. We use our theorem to prove new topological unknotting results for embedded 2-spheres in many classes of 4-manifold. This is joint work with Mark Powell.
The computation of the essential spectrum of the Laplacian requires the construction of a large class of test differential forms. On a general open manifold this is a difficult task, since there exists only a small collection of canonically defined differential forms to work with. In our work with Zhiqin Lu, we compute the essential k-form spectrum over asymptotically flat manifolds by combining two methods: First, we introduce a new version of the generalized Weyl criterion, which greatly reduces the regularity and smoothness of the test differential forms; second, we make use of Cheeger-Fukaya-Gromov theory and Cheeger-Colding theory to obtain a new type of test differential forms at the ends of the manifold. The generalized Weyl criterion can also be used to obtain other interesting facts about the k-form essential spectrum over an open manifold. Finally, we present some recent results on the form spectrum of negatively curved manifolds.
The Andrews-Curtis conjecture (1965) is one the most relevant open problems in low-dimensional topology, closely related to the Whitehead asphericity conjecture, the Zeeman conjecture and the smooth Poincaré conjecture. It states that any contractible 2-dimensional CW-complex 3-deforms to a point. Its algebraic equivalent formulation states that any balanced presentation of the trivial group can be transformed into the empty presentation through a sequence of a class of movements (called Q**-transformations) that do not change its deficiency.
In this talk, I will introduce a new combinatorial method to study Q**-transformations of group presentations or, equivalently, 3-deformations of CW-complexes. The procedure is based on a refinement of discrete Morse theory in terms of Whitehead deformations. I will apply this technique to show that some known potential counterexamples to the Andrews-Curtis conjecture do satisfy the conjecture. Preprint:
We define hyperbolicity of real polynomials as introduced by
Garding in 1959. They occur in linear PDE, optimization, and differential geometry.
We will then report results of Nuij on the space of such polynomials. We finally
present our work on Nuij sequences in this space, namely a sufficient condition for certain
families of linear operators on polynomials to preserve hyperbolicity.
There has been much interest in generalizing Kesten's criterion for amenability in terms of a random walk to other contexts, such as determining amenability of a deck covering group by the bottom of the spectrum of the Laplacian or entropy of the geodesic flow. A related problem in geometric group theory is that of word growth --- the free group $F_k$ on $k$ generators has exponential word growth $\log(2k-1)$. Grigorchuk gave a criterion for a quotient $F_k/N$ of a free group $F_k$ to be amenable in terms of the growth of the normal subgroup $N$; namely $F_k/N$ is amenable if and only if the exponential growth of $N$ (as a subset of $F_k$) is equal to that of $F_k$. I will discuss some of my work (joint with others) on dynamical versions of these problems.
2021-10-07Jason DeVito [University of Tennessee, Martin.]: Double disk-bundles
A double disk-bundle is any manifold obtained by gluing the total spaces of two disk-bundles together by a diffeomorphism. While the definition may seem quite arbitrary, we will show that, in fact, double disk-bundles arise in diverse locations throughout geometry. We will also discuss the double soul conjecture, and its potential consequences, including the classification of Riemannian manifolds of non-negative sectional curvature under certain topological restrictions. This is partly joint work with Fernando Galaz-García and Martin Kerin.
Sub-Riemannian manifolds are metric spaces that model systems with non-holonomic constraints, and constitute a vast generalization of Riemannian geometry. They arise in several areas of mathematics, including control theory, subelliptic PDEs, harmonic and complex analysis, geometric measure theory and calculus of variations. In the last 10 years, a surge of interest in the study of geometric and functional inequalities on sub-Riemannian spaces revealed unexpected behaviours and intriguing phenomena that failed to fit into the classical schemes inspired by Riemannian geometry. In this talk I will review some recent developments on the subject, focusing on the topic of interpolation inequalities for optimal transport and comparison geometry of these structures.
This talk will concern embedded surfaces in 4-manifolds for which the fundamental group of the complement is infinite cyclic. Working in the topological category, necessary and sufficient conditions will be given for two such surfaces to be isotopic. This is based on joint work with Mark Powell.
Gelfand–Zeitlin systems are a well-known family of examples in symplectic geometry, singular Lagrangian torus fibrations whose total space is a coadjoint orbit of a unitary group and whose base space is a certain convex polytope. They are easily defined in terms of matrices but do not fit into the familiar framework of integrable systems with non-degenerate singularities, and hence are much studied as a sort of edge case.
Despite the prominence of Gelfand–Zeitlin systems, not much has been known about the topology of their fibers. In this talk, we discuss the combinatorics giving rise to them and compute their cohomology rings inductively using maps of Serre spectral sequences.
Two hyperbolic surfaces are said to be (length) isospectral if they have the same collection of lengths of primitive closed geodesics, counted with multiplicity (i.e. if they have the same length spectrum). For closed surfaces, there is an upper bound on the size of isospectral hyperbolic structures depending only on the topology. We will show that the situation is very different for infinite-type surfaces, by constructing large families of isospectral hyperbolic structures on surfaces of infinite genus.
Let M_g be the moduli space of hyperbolic surfaces of genus g endowed with the Weil-Petersson metric. In this paper, we show that for any $\epsilon>0$, as genus g goes to infinity, a generic surface $X\in M_g$ satisfies that the first eigenvalue $\lambda_1(X)>\frac{3}{16}-\epsilon$. This is a joint work with Yuhao Xue.
Robert Bryant showed that any closed immersed Willmore sphere in Euclidean three-space is the inversion of a complete minimal sphere with embedded planar ends. We proved that the Willmore Morse Index of the closed surface can be computed by using unbounded Area-Jacobi fields of the related minimal surface. As a consequence, we get that all immersed Willmore spheres are unstable except for the round sphere. This talk is based on work with Jonas Hirsch and Rob Kusner.
It is known that up to connected sum with a homotopy sphere, essentially all highly connected manifolds in dimensions 4k+3 admit a positive Ricci curvature metric. In this talk we consider the curvature of highly connected manifolds in dimensions 4k+1. It turns out that proving an analogous positive Ricci curvature result is out of range at present. However the problem becomes tractable if we consider curvatures which are intermediate between positive scalar and positive Ricci curvature. This is joint work with Diarmuid Crowley.
A natural notion of energy for a map is given by measuring how much the map stretches at each point and integrating that quantity over the domain. Harmonic maps are critical points for the energy and existence and compactness results for harmonic maps have played a major role in the advancement of geometric analysis. Gromov-Schoen and Korevaar-Schoen developed a theory of harmonic maps into metric spaces with non-positive curvature in order to address rigidity problems in geometric group theory. In this talk we discuss harmonic maps into CAT(k) spaces which are metric spaces with positive upper curvature bounds. By proving global existence and analyzing the local behavior of such maps, we determine a uniformization theorem for CAT(k) spheres. We highlight how this uniformization theorem relates to the Cannon Conjecture, a major open conjecture in geometric group theory.
I will report on recent joint work with Johannes Ebert. In this work we study the space $\mathcal{R}^+(M)$ of positive scalar curvature metrics on simply connected spin manifolds $M$ of dimension at least 5. We show that its homotopy type depends only on the dimension of $M$ and the question whether or not $M$ admits a metric of positive scalar curvature, i.e. whether or not $\mathcal{R}^+(M)$ is non-empty. I will also discuss a similar result for non-spin manifolds.
For a curve in projective space, the count of varieties parametrising its secant planes is among the most studied problems in classical enumerative geometry. We shall start with a gentle introduction to secant varieties and then explore the connection between their enumerative geometry and Virasoro algebras on one side, and tautological integrals on the other.
Holomorphic correspondences are polynomial relations P(z,w)=0, which can be regarded as multi-valued self-maps of the Riemann sphere (implicit maps sending z to w). The iteration of such multi-valued map generates a dynamical system on the Riemann sphere (dynamical system which generalises rational maps and finitely generated Kleinian groups).
We consider a specific 1-(complex)parameter family of (2:2) correspondences F_a (introduced by S. Bullett and C. Penrose in 1994), which we describe dynamically. In particular, we show that for every a in the connectedness locus M_{\Gamma}, this family is a mating between the modular group and rational maps in the family Per_1(1); we develop for this family a complete dynamical theory which parallels the Douady-Hubbard theory of quadratic polynomials; and we show that M_{\Gamma} is homeomorphic to the parabolic Mandelbrot set M_1. This is joint work with S. Bullett (QMUL).
The soap bubble theorem says that a closed, embedded surface of the Euclidean space with constant mean curvature must be a round sphere. Especially in real-life problems it is of importance whether and to what extent this phenomenon is stable, i.e. when a surface with almost constant mean curvature is close to a sphere. This problem has been receiving lots of attention until today, with satisfactory recent solutions due to Magnanini/Pogessi and Ciraolo/Vezzoni.
The purpose of this talk is to discuss further problems of this type and to provide two approaches to their solutions. The first one is a new general approach based on stability of the so-called "Nabelpunktsatz". The second one is of variational nature and employs the theory of curvature flows.
The Sullivan-conjecture claims that complex projective
complete intersections are classified up to diffeomorphism by their
total degree, Euler-characteristic and Pontryagin-classes. It follows
from work of Kreck and Traving that the conjecture holds in complex
dimension 4 if the total degree is divisible by 16. In this talk I
will present the proof of the remaining cases. It is known that the
conjecture holds up to connected sum with the exotic 8-sphere (this is
a result of Fang and Klaus), so the essential part of our proof is
understanding the effect of this operation on complete intersections.
This is joint work with Diarmuid Crowley.
An open question in spectral geometry is to determine whether the Laplace spectrum detects the presence of orbifold singularities. In this talk I will show that the Laplace spectrum for functions, along with that for 1-forms, allows one to detect singular points in dimensions two and three. This is joint work with Katie Gittins, Carolyn Gordon, Magda Khalile, Mary Sandoval and Liz Stanhope.
Amorphic complexity is a conjugacy invariant which is particularly suitable to distinguish low complexity (specifically: zero entropy) dynamical systems. Here, a dynamical system is understood as a continuous action of a topological group on a compact space. We will introduce amorphic complexity (as well as the closely related concept of asymptotic separation numbers) and discuss some of its basic properties. We further take a closer look at its values for specific classes of examples including substitutive subshifts and, if time allows, regular cut and project schemes. This will allow us to observe surprisingly straight-forward connections to fractal geometry. I will provide definitions of all of the relevant non-standard notions so that the talk should be understandable by a broad audience.
This is joint work with Maik Gröger, Tobias Jäger and Dominik Kwietniak (carried out by three different subsets of the four of us).
A classical result due to Bochner says that for a compact, smooth and connected Riemannian manifold with non-negative Ricci curvature, the dimension of the first cohomology group is bounded from above by the dimension of the manifold. Moreover if these two dimensions are equal, then the manifold is a flat torus.
In this talk I present a generalization of this result to the non-smooth setting of RCD spaces, by proving that if the dimension of the first cohomology group of a RCD*(0,N) space is N, then it is possible to construct an isomorphism between the space and the N-dimensional torus, equipped with its Riemannian distance and a constant multiple of the induced volume measure. This is a joint work with N. Gigli.
The 2-dimensional Lyness recurrence is a 5-periodic birational map (x, y) -> (y, (1+y)/x), which can be interpreted as a mutation between five open torus charts in a del Pezzo surface of degree 5, coming from a cluster algebra structure on the Grassmannian Gr(2,5). I will briefly recap this, and then explain the following 3-dimensional generalisation: the 8-periodic birational map (x, y, z) -> (y, z, (1+y+z)/x) can be used to exhibit a Laurent phenomenon for the orthogonal Grassmannian OGr(5,10). If time permits I will then explain some applications of this to mirror symmetry of Fano 3-folds.
The homotopy groups of the diffeomorphism group of a high dimensional manifold with infinite fundamental group can be infinitely generated. The simplest example of this sort is the solid torus $T=S^1\times D^{d-1}$. In fact, using Hatcher, Igusa, and Waldhausen's approach to pseudoisotopy theory, it is possible to show that in the range of degrees up to (roughly) $d/3$, the homotopy groups of $Diff(T)$ contain infinitely generated torsion subgroups.
In this talk, I will discuss an alternative point of view to study $Diff(T)$ which does not invoke pseudoisotopy theory: when $d=2n$, we interpret $Diff(T)$ as the "difference" between diffeomorphisms and certain self-embeddings of the manifold $X_g$ which is the connected sum of $T$ with the g-fold connected sum of $S^n \times S^n$.
We will see how infinitely generated torsion subgroups appear from this perspective, and that they can be found even up to degrees $d/2$. This is ongoing joint work with O. Randal-Williams.
In this talk, I will discuss a recent result concerning real forms of affine varieties. Given a real variety X, a real form of X is a real variety Y such that the complexifications of X and Y are isomorphic as complex varieties. I will show how to construct smooth rational affine algebraic varieties of dimension 4 or higher which admit infinitely many non-isomorphic real forms. This is joint work with A. Dubouloz and G. Freudenburg.
2020-11-05Luis Hernández-Lamoneda [CIMAT, Mexico & Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain]: Banach's isometric problem
Let (V, ∥ · ∥) be a real Banach space. Fix n ≥ 2. Consider the following hypothesis:
Hn: all n-dimensional subspaces of V are isometric to each other.
In his 1932 book, Banach asked: Hn ⇒ (V, ∥ · ∥) is necessarily a Hilbert space?
This is the (real) 'isometric problem of Banach'. It is easy to see -I'll show it in the talk- that it really is a codimension 1 problem: if one knows that the question has a positive answer for a fixed n, for all (n + 1)-dimensional normed spaces, then it will have a positive answer, for that same n, for every (even infinite dimensional) Banach space (V, ∥ · ∥). Thus, one can restate Banach's question as:
If all hyperplanes Γ ⊂ (R^{n+1}, ∥ · ∥) are isometric to each other, is (R^{n+1}, ∥ · ∥) euclidean (n+1)-space?
In 1967, Gromov showed that the answer is yes for even n. In proving it, he found a way to relate this problem to the existence of certain G-structures on S^n, thus allowing some of the machinery of algebraic topology to come to aid.
Recently (in joint work with G. Bor (CIMAT), V. Jiménez and L. Montejano (UNAM)) we have shown that Banach's isometric problem has also a positive answer for every n ≡ 1 (mod 4), n ≠133.
In this talk I'll give a sketch of the proof of this result. I'll recall Gromov's key idea mentioned above, which together with some algebraic topology theorems, plus some basic representation theory, translates the problem to one in convex geometry: namely, a certain characterization for (n+1)-dimensional ellipsoids.
Most of the arguments should be accessible to graduate students.
In recent years a lot of effort has gone into studying spaces of Riemannian metrics with lower curvature bounds. In contrast to the case of positive scalar curvature, very little is known for positive Ricci curvature, especially when one is interested in higher homotopy or (co-)homology groups. In this talk I will demonstrate how to detect nontrivial higher rational cohomology groups of this space. The main new ingredient is the construction of bundles with base and fiber both products of spheres and non-vanishing A-hat-genus. This is joint work with Jens Reinhold.
Let P2(M) be the space of probability measures on a Riemannian manifold M. Using the solutions to Monge-Kantorovich's optimal transport problem it is
possible to define a distance on P2(M), the so called L2−Wasserstein distance W2. This distance reflects many geometrical properties of the manifold such as: compactness, geodesics, and non-negative sectional curvature.
In this talk we will discuss some intrinsic properties of Wasserstein spaces, more precisely we give a positive answer to the following question:
If two closed Riemannian manifolds M, N are such that their corresponding Wasserstein spaces P2(M), P2(N) are isometric, does it follow then that M is isometric to N?
Moreover, if we assume that the Riemannian manifold has positive sectional curvature we can also prove that the isometry groups of the manifold M and of the
Wasserstein space P2(M) coincide.
The reach is an important geometric invariant of submanifolds of Euclidean space. It is a real-valued global invariant incorporating information about the second fundamental form of the embedding and the location of the first critical point of the distance from the submanifold. In the subject of geometric inference, the reach plays a crucial role. I will give a new method of estimating the reach of a submanifold, developed jointly with Clément Berenfeld, Marc Hoffmann and Krishnan Shankar.
A large body of research has been developed to address the following question: "Can we classify closed, positively curved manifolds that have large torus symmetries?" Essential tools in this area include Berger's Killing Field Zero-Set Theorem and Wilking's Connectedness Principle. In this talk, I will address the corresponding question for manifolds with positive k^th-intermediate Ricci curvature. On an n-manifold, this curvature condition interpolates between positive sectional curvature (k = 1) and positive Ricci curvature (k = n - 1). I will show how Berger's result and Wilking's result generalize to positive intermediate Ricci curvature. I will also demonstrate how these tools allow us to obtain topological information for manifolds of positive 2^nd-intermediate Ricci curvature with large torus symmetries.
In this talk we will discuss the following dynamical notion: two given orbits of a minimal circle homeomorphism f are said to be geometrically equivalent if there exists a quasisymmetric circle homeomorphism identifying both orbits and commuting with f. By a well-known theorem due to Herman and Yoccoz, if f is a smooth diffeomorphism with Diophantine rotation number, then any two orbits are geometrically equivalent. As it follows from the a-priori bounds of Herman and Swiatek, the same holds if f is a critical circle map with rotation number of bounded type. By contrast, in collaboration with Edson de Faria (Universidade de Säo Paulo), we recently proved that if f is a critical circle map whose rotation number belongs to a certain full Lebesgue measure set in (0,1), then the number of equivalence classes is uncountable. The proof of this result relies on the ergodicity of a two-dimensional skew product over the Gauss map. If there is enough time, we will show how, as a by-product of our techniques, we were able to construct topological conjugacies between multicritical circle maps which are not quasisymmetric, and how we show that this phenomenon is abundant, both from the topological and measure-theoretical viewpoints.
Homogeneous spaces are manifolds with many symmetries, and as such they
are a fantastic playground for mathematical models ranging from general
relativity to solid state physics. In this talk, I will give a
non-technical approach to the different types of symmetries that one likes
to consider - like reflections, special properties of geodesics,
curvature, or differential operators - with many examples and
applications. In the last part, I will present some recent classification
results on certain classes of homogeneous spaces, and why they are
The talk is suitable as an introduction to the vast area of homogeneous
spaces for non-experts.
For any smooth Jordan curve and rectangle in the plane, we show that there exist four points on the Jordan curve forming the vertices of a rectangle similar to the given one. Joint work with Josh Greene.
For every genus g larger than 1, there exists a 6g-6 dimensional deformation space of hyperbolic metrics (i.e. of constant curvature -1) on a closed orientable surface of genus g. In this space, one can find surfaces of arbitrarily large diameter. On the other hand, there is a lower bound on the diameter of a hyperbolic surface of genus g. In this talk I will speak about the asymptotic behavior of this bound as g tends to infinity. This is joint work with Thomas Budzinski and Nicolas Curien.
GKM manifolds are smooth manifolds endowed with an action of
a torus generalizing in some sense toric manifolds. It is possible to
assign to every GKM manifold a combinatorial datum, the so called GKM
graph, which consists of an abstract graph with labeled edges.
On the other side it is possible to define abstract GKM graphs and the
realization problem asks if there exists a GKM manifold such that the
GKM graph is the given one. We will examine this question in dimension
6 and for GKM graphs which are, in some sense, fiber bundles over other
GKM graphs. Moreover we will exhibit some geometric properties about
those GKM manifolds, in particular we will show that they are infinitely
many Kähler manifolds such that the underlying symplectic form is
invariant under a torus action in contrast to the Kähler metric.
Let SL(n,Z) be the special linear group over the integers. The topological Zimmer conjecture states that any action of SL(n,Z) on a compact manifold M factors through a finite group, when dim(M)< n -1. In this talk, we will show the following result: when the Euler characteristic of an orientable manifold M is not divisible by 6, any action of SL(n,Z) on M is actually trivial (not only finite), when dim(M) is strictly less than n-1.
Let S^3 be the unit 3-sphere with its standard Cauchy'“Riemann (CR) structure. We will consider the CR geometry of Legendrian curves in S^3 using the local CR invariants of S^3 thought of as a 3-dimensional CR manifold. More specifically, the focus is on the lower-order cr-invariant variational problem for Legendrian curves in S^3 and on its closed critical curves. The Liouville integrability of such a variational problem will be considered. We discuss the admissible contact isotopy classes of closed critical curves with constant bending. Subsequently, we characterize closed critical curves with non-constant bending in terms of three numerical invariants. In addition, we analyze the geometrical meaning of the numerical invariants in terms of the cr-symmetries of closed critical curves and of the their linking numbers with the symmetry axes.
Homological stability is a topological property that is satisfied by many families of groups, including the symmetric groups, braid groups, general linear groups, mapping class groups and more; it has been studied since the 1950's, with a lot of current activity and new techniques. In this talk I will explain a set of homological stability results from the past few years, on Coxeter groups, Artin groups, and Iwahori-Hecke algebras (some due to myself and others due to Rachael Boyd). I won't assume any knowledge of these things in advance, and I will try to introduce and motivate it all gently.
The Poincare conjectures roughly state that any closed n-manifold that looks like the n-sphere is the n-sphere. There are various versions of the conjecture: if a manifold is homotopy equivalent to the n-sphere, is it homeomorphic to the n-sphere? If it is homeomorphic to the n-sphere, is it diffeomorphic to the n-sphere? These are referred to as the topological and smooth Poincare Conjectures, respectively. It is claimed that they have been resolved in all cases except for the 4-dimensional smooth Poincare Conjecture, which remains shrouded in mystery.
In this talk, we will explore reasons for this gap and point to the incomplete understanding of Freedman's claimed resolution of the 4-dimensional topological case. The talk will centre on a series of unanswered MathOverflow questions:
We will describe the background and motivation of these questions and explain why the claim of the Freedman Disk Theorem, being at the heart of the matter, is problematic. In addition, we will outline approaches to disproving Freedman's claim and the implications of such a disproof.
I will start with an introduction to classification of C*-algebras and Cartan subalgebras of C*-algebras. The main goal of the talk is then to explain how to construct Cartan subalgebras in all classifiable stably finite C*-algebras. Finally, I will discuss a concrete example, which reveals a surprising connection to topology and topological dynamics.
Aperiodic sequences over finite alphabets are ubiquitous in the study of topological dynamics, and as such, it's important that we have tools for studying such sequences. We're able to use methods from algebraic topology, such as Cech cohomology to provide invariants for these sequences, especially when the sequences have additional structure such as those generated by substitutions. One first builds a topological space associated with the sequence, called the tiling space for which cohomology can then be computed. These spaces are interesting in their own right and rather different to the standard beasts that a topologist might usually encounter. I will give a brief introduction to tiling spaces and explain how we are sometimes able to calculate cohomology for sequences over other (infinite) alphabets such as compact Lie groups.
The attractors of dissipative dynamics at the boundary of chaos often has universal geometry. The explanation for this universality comes from renormalization. There is a simple and powerful idea in related areas of physics: a change of coordinates leaves things essentially the same. This idea is at the heart of geometric universality at the boundary of chaos.
The tautological ring of smooth fibre bundles with fibre M is the subring of the cohomology of BDiff(M) generated by the generalised Miller-Morita-Mumford classes, which are defined as fibre integrals of characteristic classes of the vertical tangent bundle. The fibrewise Euler class can be defined more generally for fibrations with Poincaré fibre X so that there is an analogous definition of the tautological ring of fibrations as the subring of the cohomology of Bhaut(X) generated by fibre integrals of powers of the fibrewise Euler class. I will discuss how to compute it using the well-studied algebraic models of fibrations from rational homotopy theory. Furthermore, I will show how one can extract obstructions to smoothing fibrations for some rationally elliptic manifolds.
Let M be a spherical space form of dimension at least 5 which is not simply-connected. Then the moduli space of Riemannian metrics with positive scalar curvature on M has infinitely many path components as shown by Boris Botvinnik and Peter B. Gilkey in 1996. We will review this theorem which involves twisted spin structures, suitable bordism groups and eta invariants. We then show that it can be generalized to the class of topological spherical space forms, i.e. smooth manifolds whose universal cover is a homotopy sphere.
Many families of groups, such as braid groups, have a representation theory of wild type, in the sense that there is no known classification schema. Hence it is useful to shape constructions of linear representations for such families of groups to understand their representation theory. I will present a unified functorial construction of homological representations for these families of groups, which is a joint work in progress with Martin Palmer. For instance, this construction provides the family of Lawrence-Bigelow representations for braid groups. Under some additional assumptions, general notions of polynomiality on functors are a useful tool to classify these representations.
In 1983, Hirzebruch considered some arrangements of complex lines in the complex projective 2-space and showed that a suitable branched cover leads to a complex hyperbolic manifold, which turned out to be one of Deligne-Mostow lattices.
In 2019, Dashyan constructed a Lefschetz fibration on this space and used it to build representations of 3-manifolds into PU(2,1), with image the lattice in question.
I will explain his construction and tell you how we are planning to generalise this to all other Deligne-Mostow lattices and interpret this construction in terms of the fundamental domains I built for these lattices.
This is a work (very much) in progress, joint with Elisha Falbel.
Automorphic Lie algebras are a class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras that are closely related to a wide variety of algebraic structures that appear in integrable systems theory, mathematical physics and geometry. They can be viewed as a certain generalisation of the well-studied (twisted) loop algebras and current algebras. It can often be difficult to immediately gain an intuitive understanding of the algebraic structure behind an automorphic Lie algebra. However, this task can be made easier using techniques in representation theory. Associated to an automorphic Lie algebra is a commutative algebra of functions. Studying automorphic Lie algebras via evaluation maps parameterised by the representations of the associated commutative algebra provides a descending chain of ideals of the automorphic Lie algebra. A detailed study of this chain of ideals immediately shows that the representation theory of automorphic Lie algebras is wild, and enables us to describe the local Lie structure of the automorphic Lie algebra.
In the case where G is a group with periodic cohomology, there is a somewhat unusual correspondence between projective modules over the integral group ring Z G and homotopy types of certain CW-complexes over G. We exploit this connection to prove a special case of C. T. C Wall's conjecture on cohomologically 2-dimensional CW-complexes and also show how this leads to a supply of many interesting CW-complexes and manifolds in higher dimensions. I will assume no familiarity with any of the algebra involved.
(Joint with Hirotaka Akiyoshi, Ken'ichi Ohshika, Makoto Sakuma and Han Yoshida)
In the the 1970s Riley gave a conjectural classification of Kleinian groups generated by two parabolic transformations. In particular, he identified a family of groups, called Heckoid groups, which are discrete and non free. These group generalise the classical Hecke groups. In 2002 Agol announced a strategy to show that any non-free Kleinian group with two generators is either a Heckoid group or else a two-bridge knot/link complement group. The goal of this project is to give a proof of this result by following Agol's announcement. I will give some general background and then talk about some aspects of the proof.
We will discuss the nonorientable surfaces that torus knots bound. We use a surface construction introduced by Josh Batson together with tools from knot Floer homology to compute the nonorientable four-genus of infinite families of torus knots. Comparing this surface construction with the surfaces realizing torus knots' non-orientable three-genus, we show that the difference between nonorientable three- and four-genus can be arbitrarily large. This contrasts with the analogous situation in the orientable world. Kronheimer and Mrowka proved in 1993 that both the orientable three-genus and the orientable four-genus for T(p,q) are equal to (p-1)(q-1)/2. This is joint work with Stanislav Jabuka.
There are several different, but equivalent definitions of geodesics in a Riemannian manifold, They are generalized to sub-Riemannian manifolds, but become non-equivalent. H.R. Herz remarked that there are two main approaches for definition of geodesics: geodesics as shortest curves based on Mopertrui's principle of least action (variational approach) and geodesics as straightest curves based on d'Alembert's principle of virtual work (which leads to geometric descriptions based on the notion of parallel transport). We shortly discuss different definitions of sub-Riemannian geodesics and interrelations between them.
We recall the notion of an essential surface in a
3-manifold and explain how Culler-Shalen used
curves in the representation variety of SL(2,C) to construct them.
After generalizing this construction to SL(n,C) representations, we explain
how all essential surfaces can be obtained from this construction.
This is joint work with Stefan Friedl and Takahiro Kitayama.
The Dai-Freed theorem provides a bridge between the theory of
bordism and Quantum Field Theory (and more specifically, anomalies). I
will review how these two areas are related, and then summarise some
computations of bordism groups of classifying spaces of Lie groups and
cyclic groups that we have performed recently, which are of particular
interest for applications to four dimensional physics.
From the Morse theoretic point of view Zoll metrics are rather peculiar. All critical sets of the energy on the loop space are nondegenerate critical manifolds diffeomorphic to the unit tangent bundle. This especially implies that min-max values associated to certain homology classes coincide. In my talk I will explain that the coincidence of these min-max values characterises Zoll metrics in any dimension. A specially focus will lie on the case of the 2-sphere. This is work in collaboration with Marco Mazzucchelli (ENS Lyon).
Witt vectors are a generalization of p-adic numbers and show up in computations in topology. Motivated by those calculations, this talk will discuss a new structure on Witt vectors which is functoriality in certain polynomial maps. We will start by introducing Witt vectors and polynomial maps. Along the way we will focus on explicit examples. Then we will explain the main functoriality result. Finally, we will mention applications in algebra and topology. This is joint work with E. Dotto and K. Moi.
A knot in the 3 sphere is called (smoothly) slice if it bounds a properly (smoothly) embedded disk in the 4 ball. Nowadays there are many computable invariants that help us tackle the in general difficult question of whether or not a given knot is slice. In this talk we will discuss the well known family of pretzel knots from the perspective of this question. We will discuss some classification results and some intriguing open questions.
Lipshitz and Sarkar associated to any link L in the
3-sphere a certain prespectrum X_{Kh}(L) whose stable
homotopy type is a link invariant.
Moreover, the reduced cohomology of X_{Kh}(L) is
isomorphic to the Khovanov homology of L.
A link L may admit nontrivial symmetries, hence a natural
question to ask is whether these symmetries can be lifted to
It turns out that in the case of rotational symmetries such a lift
exists and equips X_{Kh}(L) with a group action.
The purpose of this talk is to discuss consequences of the
existence of the group action on X_{Kh}(L) induced
by the symmetry of L.
In particular, by studying the fixed points of the action we will
obtain a nontrivial relation between the Khovanov homology of a
periodic link and the Khovanov homology of the quotient link.
If time permits, we will also sketch the construction of the group
Two n-strand braids close to isotopic links in the solid torus if and only if they represent conjugate elements of the braid group B_n. This is a textbook theorem, which is proved in the books of Burde-Zieschang and Kassel-Turaev, as well as a paper of Morton.
In joint work with Agata Smoktunowicz (who was supported by an LMS undergraduate bursary at the University of Aberdeen) we prove an analogue of this result for closed surface braids. Let S be a closed orientable surface of genus at least 2. Then two surface braids close to isotopic links in S times S^1 if and only if they represent conjugate elements in the surface braid group B_n(S).
The mapping class group Γ(g) of a surface #áµ(S¹ x S¹) of genus g shares many features with its higher dimensional analogue Γ(g,n)'”the group of isotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of #áµ(Sâ¿ x Sâ¿). Some aspects, however, become easier to analyse in high dimensions, for instance the so-called Torelli subgroup. This enabled Kreck in the 70's to describe Γ(g,n) for n>2 in terms of an arithmetic group and the group of exotic spheres, but his answer left open two extension problems, which were later understood in some particular dimensions, but remained unsettled in general. In this talk, I will recall Kreck's description of Γ(g,n) and explain how to resolve these extension problems in the case of n being odd.
We consider the set of connected surfaces in the 4-ball that bound a fixed knot in the 3-sphere.
We define the stabilization distance between two surfaces as the minimal g such that we can get from one
to the other using stabilizations and destabilizations through surfaces of genus at most g.
Similarly, we obtain the double point distance between two surfaces of the same genus by minimizing
the maximal number of double points appearing in a regular homotopy connecting them.
To many of the concordance invariants defined using Heegaard Floer homology, we construct an analogous invariant for a pair of surfaces
that give lower bounds on the stabilization distance and the double point distance.
This is joint work with Ian Zemke.
Motivated by a recent work of Delgove and Retailleau on right-angled hexagons in hyperbolic 5-space, we will discuss right-angled polygons in hyperbolic spaces of arbitrary dimension. Clifford algebras will be used to model hyperbolic space with its isometries and to exploit cross-ratios in higher dimensional hyperbolic spaces. This will allow the generalisation of the aforementioned work in order to present an algorithm to construct a p-gon given by p-3 Clifford vectors. This is joint work with Edoardo Dotti.
The world of quantum invariants started with the discovery of the Jones polynomial. Then, Reshitikhin-Turaev introduced a purely algebraic construction that having as input a quantum group produces link invariants. The coloured Jones polynomials {J_N(L,q)}_N are sequences of link invariants constructed in this way using the quantum group U_q(sl(2)), whose first term is the original Jones polynomial. R. Lawrence introduced a sequence of topological braid group representations based on the homology of coverings of configuration spaces. Using that, Bigelow and Lawrence gave a homological model for the Jones polynomial, using its Skein relation nature. We will present a topological model for all coloured Jones polynomials. We will show that J_N(L,q) can be described as graded intersection pairings between two homology classes in a covering of the configuration space in the punctured disc. This shows that the Lawrence representations are rich objects that contain enough information to encode all coloured Jones polynomials and possibly more. In the last part of the talk we will present some directions towards a geometrical categorification for J_N(L,q) that can be defined out of this topological model.
We present a construction which associates to a KdV equation the lamplighter group. In order to establish this relation we use automata and random walks on ultra discrete limits. It is also related to the L2 Betti numbers introduced by Atiyah which are homotopy invariants of closed manifolds.
Minimizers of nonlinear variational problems can have vortex-like point singularities. To know what type of information is encoded in the singularities in a given problem, one needs to check which topological invariants are preserved under the weak convergence which makes the sub-levelsets of the energy precompact.
In the classical setting of harmonic maps from R^3 to S^2, defects have a "turning number" which measures the multiplicity with which the image of a small sphere around a singularity covers the target. In other problems, the Hopf degree and other topological invariants play the analogous role. If we are studying problems on vector bundles, "how much the the bundle is turning in the vicinity of a defect" can be quantified via appropriate Chern numbers.
In all the above cases, the energy "contained in a configuration of defects" can be re-expressed as an optimal-transport-type problem. We will see some examples of how these auxiliary optimal transport problems allow to better understand/control the nonlinear variational problems one started with.
ordered (sutured) Heegaard Floer homology is an invariant for three-manifolds with boundary: one such manifold is the complement of a link in the three-sphere. I will talk about some older Heegaard Floer invariants of links in the three-sphere, and try to give some idea of the relationship between these and the corresponding bordered invariants of their complements.
For any 3-manifold M with torus boundary, we find finitely generated subgroups of Diff_0(\partial M) whose actions do not extend to actions on M; in many cases there is even no action by homeomorphisms. The obstructions are both dynamical and cohomological in nature. We also show that, if \partial M = S^2, there is no section of the map Diff_0(M) \to \Diff_0(\partial M). This answers a question of Ghys for particular manifolds; and gives tools for progress on the the general program of bordism of group actions. This is joint work with Kathryn Mann.
We explain how Bar-Natan's algorithm for calculating Khovanov
cohomology can be adapted to calculating s-invariants of knots in a way
that will noticably speed up the process.
In low dimensional topology, several invariants can be obtained as signatures of Hermitian matrices. For instance, in knot theory, such an example is given by the Levine-Tristram signature, whose origin traces back to the 60's. After reviewing several properties of this knot invariant, we will describe a new signature function that takes as input both a knot and a representation of the knot group. I will argue that this "twisted signature" is a natural generalisation of the Levine-Tristram signature and provides obstructions to a knot being slice. This is joint work with Maciej Borodzik and Wojciech Politarczyk.
With the advent of knot homology theories such as Khovanov and knot
Floer homologies, new invariants to study knot concordance have been
developed. For example, Rasmussen's s-invariant, the Ozsvath-Szabo tau-invariant and the s_N invariants due to Lobb and Wu, independently, and another family of invariants introduced by Lewark and Lobb.
All these invariants share three fundamental properties, which were identified by Livingston, and were called ''slice-torus invariants'' by Lewark.
Some among the slice-torus invariants, namely s, tau and the s_N's admit a generalisation to strong concordance invariants for links. Motivated by the properties shared by these extensions, together with A. Cavallo, I gave the definition of slice-torus link invariants and studied their properties.
In this seminar I will give the definition of slice-torus link
invariants, and describe some of their properties. Finally, I will
give some applications and define some new strong concordance invariants
using Whitehead doubling.
We introduce a new method to obtain Harnack inequalities for extrinsic curvature
flows such as the mean curvature flow and more general fully nonlinear flows. For
example, this method allows us to deduce Harnack inequalities for the mean cur-
vature flow in locally symmetric (Riemannian or Lorentzian) Einstein spaces, for
flows with convex speeds in the De Sitter space and for the Gauss curvature flow
in Minkowski space.
Let d>0 be a square-free integer and L_d be the Hilbert lattice, i.e. the even lattice of signature (2,2), corresponding to the ring of integers of the real quadratic field Q(\sqrt(d)). Consider the group \Gamma which is a finite index subgroup of O^+(L_d) generated by reflections and containing -id, and let A(\Gamma) be the algebra of \Gamma-automorphic forms. We study for which values of d the algebra A(\Gamma) can be free.
The Bonnet-Myers theorem is a classical theorem which gives an estimate of the diameter in term of the positive Ricci curvature bound of a manifold. In the discrete setting of graphs, Ollivier's notion of Ricci curvature provides a discrete analogue of Bonnet-Myers theorem. In view of Cheng's rigidity result, it is natural to ask for which graphs the Bonnet-Myers estimates is sharp. We call such graphs Bonnet-Myers sharp graphs.
We prove that, under an extra condition of antipodalness (i.e. each vertex has a vertex whose distance between them is equal to the diameter), a Bonnet-Myers sharp graph must be ``strongly spherical', which is a combinatorial property that has been completely classified. The proof includes a new method of transport geodesic, which I will explain in my talk.
This is joint work with Bourne, Cushing, Koolen, Liu, M\'{u}nch, and Peyerimhoff.
Many sequences of groups satisfy a phenomenon known as homological stability. In my talk, I will report on recent work proving a homological stability result for sequences of Artin monoids, which are monoids related to Artin and Coxeter groups. From this, one can conclude homological stability for the corresponding sequences of Artin groups, assuming a well-known conjecture in geometric group theory called the K(\pi,1)-conjecture. This extends the known cases of homological stability for the braid groups and other classical examples. No familiarity with Coxeter and Artin groups, homological stability or the K(\pi,1)-conjecture will be assumed.
In this talk we consider transformations of the unit interval of the form βx + α mod 1 where 1< β<2 and 0≤ α ≤ 2 - β. These transformations are called intermediate β-transformations. We will discuss some old and new results concerning these transformations, for instance, their kneading sequences, their absolutely continuous invariant measures and dynamical properties such as topological transitivity and the sub-shift of finite type property. Moreover, we address how the kneading sequences and absolutely continuous invariant measures change as we let (β,α) converge to (1,θ), for some θ ∈ [0, 1]. Finally, some open problems and applications of these results to one-dimensional Lorenz maps and quasicrystals will be alluded to.
The Hochschild cohomology of a differential graded algebra or more generally of a differential graded category admits a natural map to the graded centre of its derived category: the characteristic homomorphism. We interpret it as an edge homomorphism in a spectral sequence. This gives a conceptual explanation of the possible failure of the characteristic homomorphism to be injective or surjective answering a question by Bernstein. To illustrate this, we will discuss several illuminating examples from geometry and topology, like coherent sheaves over algebraic curves, as well as examples related to free loop spaces and string topology. This is joint work with Markus Szymik (NTNU Trondheim).
2018-03-02N Julliet, A Figalli, L Scardia, J Cork, D Ballesteros-Chavez [U Strasbourg, ETH Zuerich, U Bath, U Leeds, Durham U]: Geometry Day
We will recall different versions of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality (interpolation of sets) and their connection to the isoperimetric problem and the theory of optimal transportation (interpolation of measures). We will examine the interpolation of sets on some sub-Riemannian manifolds, including the Heisenberg group and the Grushin plane.
Isothermic surfaces are surfaces which have a conformal
curvature line parametrisation and surfaces of revolution, minimal surfaces and
CMC surfaces are examples. Since the latter two surface classes are given by a
harmonic map, one can introduce a spectral parameter and derive new surfaces
from methods of integrable systems, such as the Darboux transform and the simple factor
dressing. CMC surfaces are isothermic surfaces which are constrained Willmore; we will
discuss how the different associated families are linked.
In this talk we introduce a geometrical model of continued fractions and discuss its appearance in rather distant areas of Mathematics:
-- values of quadratic forms (Perron Identity for Markov spectrum)
-- the 2nd Kepler law on planetary motions
-- Global relation on singularities of toric varieties
I will explain how the topographical representation of binary quadratic forms introduced by Conway is related to some classical results and geometric constructions in number theory.
The talk is based on joint work with A.P. Veselov.
We prove that compact toric Kaehler manifolds do not admit (invariant) metrics that are critical for the first (equivariant) eigenvalue as a function on the moduli space of (invariant) metrics. This is joint work with Zuoqin Wang (USTC).
We will present a detailed proof for the existence of a closed convex hypersurface in the hyperbolic ball with prescribed 1 \le k < n - Weingarten curvature. Specifically, we deal with the equivariant problem for a sufficiently large group of hyperbolic automorhphisms. The proof proceeds by establishing (nonlinear) strict ellipticity of the associated PDE. Then we obtain existence in C^{1,a} for an auxiliary problem by Schauder theory, C^2 smoothness using ellipticity and a Lemma by Cheng-Yau, and C^{2,a} - regularity by Evans-Krylov. Finally, existence of a solution is established by degree theory in the equivariant setting. The results presented are part of the speakers PhD thesis.
This is joint work with Doron Puder (Tel Aviv University).
For a positive integer r, fix a word w in the free
group on r generators. Let G be any group. The word
w gives a `word map' from G^r to G: we simply replace the
generators in w by the corresponding elements of G. We
again call this map w. The push forward of Haar measure under
w is called the w-measure on G. We are interested in
the case G = U(n), the compact Lie group of n-dimensional
unitary matrices. A motivating question is: to what extent do the
w-measures on U(n) determine algebraic properties of the
word w?
For example, we have proved that one can detect the
'stable commutator length' of w from the w-measures on
U(n). Our main tool is a formula for the Fourier
coefficients of w-measures; the coefficients are rational
functions of the dimension n, for reasons coming from
representation theory.
We can now explain all the Laurent coefficients of these
rational functions in terms of Euler
characteristics of certain mapping class groups.
I'll explain all this in my talk, which should be broadly accessible and of general
interest. Time permitting, I'll also invite the audience to consider some
remaining open questions.
Knots and their groups are a traditional topic of geometric topology. In this talk I will explain how the subject can be approached by an algebraic topologist, using ideas from Quillen's homotopical algebra, rephrasing old results and leading to new ones.
The diffeomorphism classification of 4-manifolds is a very hard problem. But it gets considerably easier when one allows connected sums with complex projective planes. In this talk I will show that the stable diffeomorphism type in this sense is often determined by the Postnikov 2-type of the manifold. This is joint work with Mark Powell and Peter Teichner.
Following the work of Artin and Series, continued fractions can be viewed as geodesics intersecting the Farey triangulation in the upper half plane. One can use this approach to construct geometric multiplication maps of continued fractions, by constructing maps between triangulations of the upper half plane. For specific primes we have been able to show that these triangulations have a common tiling. As a result, one can construct a punctured surface with two triangulations, such that for any geodesic, prime multiplication of a continued fraction can be represented by the map between the cutting sequences of these triangulations. This work has been motivated by a reformulation of the p-adic Littlewood Conjecture; an open problem in Diophantine approximation.
I will present a 1-parameter family of affine interval exchange transformations (AIETs) that display various dynamical behaviours. We will see that a fruitful viewpoint from which to study such a family is to associate to it what we call a dilation surface, which should be thought of as the analogue of a translation surface in this setting.
The study of this example is a good motivation for several conjectures on the dynamics of AIETs that we will try to explain.
We prove that the null-homotopic class in every 3'“manifold other than the 3-sphere contains an infinite family of knots, all topologically concordant, but not piecewise linear concordant to one another. This is joint work with Matthias Nagel, Patrick Orson and Mark Powell.
Periodic patterns of Euclidean space are decorations by motifs, such as point patterns or tiles, which have full-rank global translational symmetry. This means that they can be described from just a fundamental domain and their symmetry group. An aperiodically ordered pattern is one which can frequently repeat itself on finite patches but without being globally periodic. These are far more complicated to analyse and a variety of abstract tools has been developed to understand them. In this talk I shall explain how one studies them topologically, via associated moduli spaces of locally indistinguishable patterns. Topological invariants are applied, such as K-theory or Cech cohomology. I shall briefly outline how one goes about computing these invariants and how one may visualise what they say about the original pattern. At present most attention is dedicated to studying these patterns translationally. Bringing in rotations introduces some interesting challenges; a 3-dimensional periodic pattern, for example, has associated translational moduli space simply the 3-torus, but the rotational version is a 6-manifold whose topology depends crucially on the rotational symmetries of the pattern. I shall explain some recent progress with John Hunton in computing topological invariants for these spaces.
In order to implement knotted configurations in physical systems it is often very useful to have an explicit function, ideally a polynomial, f:R^3 -> C with a zero level set of given knot type. In this talk I will introduce an algorithm that for every link L constructs a polynomial f:R^4 -> R^2 whose zero level set on the unit three-sphere is L. Applying stereographic projection then makes these functions applicable to physical systems.
This constructive approach allows us to prove several results about the functions and their knotted zero level sets, for example under which conditions f can be taken to have an isolated singularity or when arg f is a fibration of the link complement over S^1.
Virtual knot theory is an extension of classical knot theory which considers knots and links in equivalence classes of thickened orientable surfaces.
Khovanov homology is a powerful invariant of classical links, and it can be applied to virtual links using Z_2 coefficients. However, a number of problems arise when one attempts to use other coefficient rings. In this talk we describe doubled Khovanov homology: an extension of Khovanov homology to virtual links with arbitrary coefficients. Unlike other extensions of Khovanov homology, doubled Khovanov homology requires no new diagrammatics, as all the work is done algebraically. We shall describe the construction of the invariant as well as some of its applications, in particular to virtual knot concordance.
In this talk I will discuss the utilisation of neutral metrics - metrics of signature (n,n) - to investigate the topology of manifolds of various dimensions. Such metrics, while relatively neglected in comparison to their Riemannian and Lorentzian counterparts, arise in a surprising number of natural settings. In particular, embedding problems between manifolds often inherit such a metric, primarily because the Coddazi-Mainardi equations form an under-determined hyperbolic system. To illustrate this a series of canonical isometric embeddings will be presented along with their links with classical surface theory, the X-ray transform, Legendrian knot invariants, quasi-linear Navier-Stokes equations and, ultimately, a framework for a Grand Unification Theory of the fundamental forces in physics.
This will be a wrap-up of the study group on optimal transport led by Norbert Peyerimhoff with participants from the probability, applied, and pure groups. We will give an accessible introduction to the question in the plane : move a pile of sand into a hole with the same volume by minimizing the transportation cost. First we introduce the measure-theoretic formulation of Leonid Kantorovich. This allows for duality of the variational problem and the Kantorovich potential and, by the Direct Method of the Calculus of Variations, results in existence of a weak solution in the space of measures. Secondly we proceed with Yann Brenier's representation of the minimizer for quadratic cost. This is based on the Legendre transform used in the passage from Lagrangian mechanics to Hamiltonian mechanics. Thirdly, time allowing, we describe Alessio Figalli's C(1,\alpha) regularity of the Brenier potential via the fully nonlinear elliptic Monge-Ampere equation.
We consider the geometry of hyperbolic 4-manifolds which have an end modelled on a parabolic screw motion whose rotation angle is an irrational multiple of pi. There is a very close relationship between the shape of the associated cusp region (where the manifold looks like a product) and the Diophantine properties of the rotation angle. This work is based on earlier results of Erlandsson and Zakeri and of Susskind.
We discuss an aglorithm to produce Harnack inequalities for various parabolic equations. As an application, we obtain a Harnack inequality for the curve shortening flow and one for the parabolic Allen Cahn equation on a closed n-dimensional manifold.
In this talk we describe work in collaboration with WK exploring Weingarten relations for surfaces in euclidean 3-space using parabolic methods. Even in the case of a linear Weingarten relation such flows exhibit a variety of behaviours. We will discuss closed solutions as well as qualitative aspects of the flow.
Ricci curvature plays a very important role in the study of Riemannian manifolds. In the discrete setting of graphs, there is very active recent research on various types of Ricci curvature notions and their applications. We study the Ollivier-Ricci curvature of graphs as a function of the chosen idleness. We show that this idleness function is concave and piecewise linear with at most 3 linear parts, with at most 2 linear parts in the case of a regular graph. We then apply our result to show that the idleness function of the Cartesian product of two regular graphs is completely determined by the idleness functions of the factors.
We prove injectivity and a support theorem for the X-ray transform on 2-step nilpotent Lie groups with many totally geodesic 2-dimensional flats. The result follows from a general reduction principle for manifolds with uniformly escaping geodesics.
A recent class of composite materials, known as Metamaterials, have gained much attention and interest in the Mathematics and Physics community over the last decade or so. These composites can roughly be characterised as exhibiting much more pronounced physical properties than their constituent components. These responses are due to scale-interaction effects.Mathematically, such metamaterial type effects could be rigorously justified and explained due to 'partial degeneracies' in underlying multi-scale continuum models.
In this talk, we shall introduce a notion of a partial degeneracy in parameter-dependent variational systems, motivated by examples from classical and semi-classical homogenisation theory, and present an approach to study the leading-order asymptotics of such systems. The determined asymptotics of the variational system can serve as effective models for phenomena due to multi-scale interactions and are given with order-sharp error estimates in the uniform operator topology.
This is joint work with Dr Ilia Kamotski(UCL) and Prof. Valery Smyshlyaev(UCL).
The isoperimetric inequalities are mathematical responses to centuries-old problems. For example, the Ancients already knew that to construct a surface-maximal city while having a limited amount of resources for the ramparts, they had to give a circular shape to the fortifications. Mathematically well-formulated, this is the essence of all isoperimetric inequalities, see
In this talk, we will explore the famous Levy-Gromov isoperimetric inequality, which is a generalisation of this problem to a compact Riemannian manifold with some curvature assumptions. We will follow Gromov's proof dating back to 1986 and give some physical and mathematical applications.
This talk will be accessible to a wide audience and to students.
The classical Severi inequality for complex surfaces dates back to a paper of Severi himself in 1932, in which a gap was found afterwards. In 2005, Pardini gave a complete proof of this inequality based on a clever covering trick and the slope inequality of Xiao. In 2009, Mendes Lopes and Pardini proposed a question about generalizing this inequality to arbitrary dimension. In this talk, I will first introduce the classical Severi inequality and explain the above two ingredients in Pardini's proof. Then I will introduce the generalized Severi inequality which answers the aforementioned open question.
This talk may be viewed as a continuation of the previous one I gave in the same seminar two years ago.
We consider the space $\mathcal{ M}(n,m)$ of ordered $m$-tuples of distinct points in the boundary of quaternionic hyperbolic $n$-space, ${\bf H}_{\bh}^n$, up to its holomorphic isometry group $PSp(n,1)$. We obtain the moduli space for $\mathcal{ M}(n,m)$.
The isoperimetric inequality for Steiner symmetrization of any codimension is investigated and the equality cases are characterized. Moreover, a quantitative version of this inequality is proven for convex sets.
The importance of the Steiner symmetrization relies upon the fact that it acts monotonically
on many geometric and analytic quantities associated with subsets of R^n, e.g. the perimeter.
A characterization of the sets whose perimeter is preserved under
the Steiner symmetrization of codimension 1 was given by Chlebík, Cianchi and Fusco,
see "The perimeter inequality under Steiner symmetrization: cases of equality",
Ann. of Math. 162, 525'“555 (2005).
In a this talk I will present some results in the general case of codimension k, with 1 \leq k \leq n-1,
which have been obtained in collaboration with Marco Barchiesi and Nicola Fusco.
We introduce a different approach, based on the regularity properties of the barycenter of the vertical
sections of a set.
The advantage of this approach is twofold. Firstly, we recover and extend the result proved
by Chlebík, Cianchi and Fusco for k = 1 to any codimension, with a new and simpler proof.
Secondly, we are able to obtain a quantitative isoperimetric estimate for convex sets which,
to the best of our knowledge, is the first result of this kind in the framework of Steiner symmetrization.
An ovaloid is a closed, unparametrized surface of positive curvature in Euclidean 3 - space. The collection \S of *all* C^{2,a}-regular ovaloids is equipped with a natural submanifold topology. Then \S admits Euclidean motions, and, less trivially, parallelism (resulting from pairs of ovaloids of constant ambient distance), where both act continuously on \S. In this talk we consider the quotient space \L := \S modulo parallelism, which inherits the quotient topology from \S. We then report a result, obtained jointly with B. Guilfoyle, that details a regularity property of the topological space \L. This is proved using the extrinsic geometry of ovaloids, namely properties of the principal curvature foliation that are invariant under parallelism, and thereby descend to \L. Our talk will be self-contained, and in particular we will develop the required elements of classical differential geometry in an elementary and conceptual way.
Ricci solitons and quasi-Einstein metrics are two natural and related generalisations of the Einstein condition. I will report on some work with Thomas Murphy and Wafaa Batat where we investigate the geometry of these metrics on some special 4-dimensional manifolds (the toric surfaces of the title). I'll also detail some numerical work with Thomas Murphy giving explicit approximations to such metrics.
Homological invariants in low-dimensional topology (like
Heegaard-Floer homology or Khovanov homology) often admit several
filtrations giving rise to numerical invariants that say something
directly about topology. If you take a couple of these filtrations and
blend them artfully, you can sometimes get much more information than
you expected. The first example of this is the so-called "upsilon"
invariant in Heegaard-Floer homology. Lukas Lewark and I came up a
while ago with an analogous invariant in quantum knot cohomologies, but
it's not yet written up. We decided to call it "gimel" but I can't
remember why. Anyways, I'll explain some of this story.
We will state the Theorem of Sard-Smale on regular values of Fredholm operators. Then we will apply this to the Cauchy-Riemann equation on the disc with boundary condition. The boundary condition takes the form of a two real dimensional surface in two complex dimensional space, which the graph of the holomorphic function inhabits. We finally show how Sard-Smale implies that the boundary problem under consideration has a solution for a dense open set of real surfaces in the complex surface.
I will give a short introduction into how and why chemists get to the crystals, how the structures are solved and analysed. It will give some insight into practical use of maths in material sciences.
In this talk I will introduce basic concepts in connection
with the magnetic Laplacian on a manifold and will then discuss various
eigenvalue estimates for this operator. These estimates are analogues of
well known results for the classical Laplacian on functions: Cheeger and
higher order Cheeger inequalities, Lichnerowicz type inequalities, as
well as higher order Buser inequalities on manifolds with lower Ricci
curvature bounds. This material is based on joint work with Michela
Egidi, Carsten Lange, Shiping Liu, Florentin Muench, and Olaf Post.
An SL_2-tiling is an infinite grid of positive integers such that each adjacent 2x2-submatrix has determinant 1. These tilings were introduced by Assem, Reutenauer, and Smith for combinatorial purposes.
We will show that each SL_2-tiling can be obtained by a procedure called Conway--Coxeter counting from certain infinite triangulations of the circle with four accumulation points. We will see how properties of the tilings are reflected in the triangulations. For instance, the entry 1 of a tiling always gives an arc of the corresponding triangulation, and 1 can occur infinitely often in a tiling. On the other hand, if a tiling has no entry equal to 1, then the minimal entry of the tiling is unique, and the minimal entry can be seen as a more complex pattern in the triangulation.
The infinite triangulations also give rise to cluster tilting subcategories in a certain cluster category with infinite clusters related to the continuous cluster categories of Igusa and Todorov. The SL_2-tilings can be viewed as the corresponding cluster characters.
A quiver is a weighted oriented graph, a mutation of a quiver is a
simple combinatorial transformation arising in the theory of cluster
algebras. In this talk we connect mutations of quivers to reflection
groups acting on linear spaces and to groups generated by point
symmetries in the hyperbolic plane. We show that any mutation class of
rank 3 quivers admits a geometric presentation via such a group and
that the properties of this presentation are controlled by the Markov
constant p^2+q^2+r^2-pqr, where p,q,r are the weights of the arrows in
the quiver. This is a joint work with Pavel Tumarkin.
When we want to understand a geometric picture, finding the zero set of a polynomial hiding in it can be very helpful: it can reveal structure and allow computations. This technique is known as the polynomial method, and was first used to count point-line incidences in 2008 by Dvir, for the solution of the Kakeya problem in finite fields. Since then, the polynomial method has revolutionised discrete incidence geometry, largely thanks to the fact that interaction of lines with varieties is, to an extent, well-understood. Recently, Guth discovered agreeable interaction between varieties and tubes as well, opening up the exciting possibility that many problems of point-tube incidence flavour could also have algebraic structure; and such problems are of interest in harmonic analysis. In this talk, we will present the polynomial method via simple discrete analogues of the Kakeya problem, and discuss its potential to be extensively used in harmonic analysis.
I will discuss the geometry of incompressible and, more generally,
\pi_1-injective surfaces in closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds. By a
result of Kahn-Markovic we know that such surfaces are always
present, and that there are plenty of them. We investigate the
relation between the genus and the area of \pi_1-injective surfaces
and geometric invariants of the ambient manifold such as its volume,
Heegard genus and systole. As an application, we prove that the
free-rank of the fundamental groups of the congruence covers of
an arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold grows polynomially with
The identification of projective algebras and projective closed ideals of Banach algebras, besides being of independent interest, is closely connected to continuous Hochschild cohomology. One of the main methods for computing cohomology groups is to construct projective or injective resolutions of the corresponding module and the algebra. In this talk we consider the question of the left projectivity and biprojectivity of some Banach algebras A and we give applications to the second continuous Hochschild cohomology group H^2(A,X) of A and to the strong splittability of singular extensions of A.
2016-02-23Ben Lambert [University of Konstanz]: tba
We study when a C^2 - smooth function K on the upper half plane occurs as the relation on the curvatures of a closed convex classical surface S. If K gives rise to a (nonlinear) elliptic relation at the umbilic points, then S is known to be a round sphere (Hopf). We prove that there exist *non-round* surfaces S in case the relation K is non-degenerate hyperbolic at the umbilics. The proof is by (nonlinear) curvature flow with speed K, which is shown to converge by establishing certain a-priori estimates.
Scalar topology in the form of Morse theory has provided computational tools that analyze and visualize data from sci-entific and engineering tasks. Contracting isocontours to single points encapsulates variations in isocontour connectivity in the Reeb graph. For multivariate data, isocontours generalize to fibers'”inverse images of points in the range, and this area is therefore known as fiber topology. However, fiber topology is less fully developed than Morse theory, and current efforts rely on manual visualiza-tions. This paper presents how to accelerate and semi-automate this task through an interface for visualizing fiber singularities of multivariate functions R3 R2. This interface exploits existing conventions of fiber topology, but also introduces a 3D view based on the extension of Reeb graphs to Reeb spaces. Using the Joint Contour Net, a quantized approximation of the Reeb space, this accelerates topological visualization and permits online perturbation to reduce or remove degeneracies in functions under study. Val-idation of the interface is performed by assessing whether the interface supports the mathematical workflow both of experts and of less experienced mathematicians.
The aim of this talk is to show that a locally compact geodesic metric
space has non-positive curvature in the sense of Alexandrov (i.e. is a
CAT(0)-space) if and only if it admits a quadratic isoperimetric
inequality for curves with sharp Euclidean constant, that is, if every
closed curve of length $l$ bounds a disc of area at most $(4\pi)^{-1} l^2$.
The proof of this result is based on (1) a solution of the classical
problem of Plateau in the general setting of proper metric spaces and
(2) properties of the intrinsic structure of minimal discs in metric
spaces. Based on joint work with A. Lytchak.
I will look at a connection between the topology, dynamics and ergodic theory of a wide class of laminations (aka matchbox manifolds). This is joint work with Alex Clark.
The classification of surfaces with given curvature conditions is a fundamental question in differential geometry. The Minkowski problem and its solution (Minkowski, Niremberg, Pogorelov, Cheng-Yau and others) by means of analytic methods led to the development of the theory of Monge-Ampere equations. This has inspired others to address the same question for mean and scalar curvatures, which are particular cases of k-symmetric curvatures. We give an overview of investigations on the existence of the solution of this problem initiated by the work of B. Guan and P. Guan.
The modern development of contact geometry in 3 dimensions has seen several (due to Giroux, Wendl, Latschev and Wendl, Hutchings, and others) invariants of contact structures meant in some sense to measure non-(Stein/symplectic)-fillability of the structure. We will describe ongoing work to approach this issue via a refinement of the `contact class' of Heegaard-Floer homology, inspired by the `algebraic torsion' of Latschev and Wendl, and Hutchings (this is joint with Kutluhan, Matic, and Van Horn-Morris).
It is well known that the group generated by reflections in the sides
of a hyperbolic triangle is rigid, even when embedded in the isometry
group of higher dimensional hyperbolic space. However it is possible
to deform such a group when it is embedded in the isometry group of
complex hyperbolic space. In his ICM talk, Rich Schwartz gave a series
of conjectures about such groups. In particular, he conjectured that
discreteness of these representations is controlled by a particular
element. In this talk I will give a survey of the topic and then
discuss certain cases where Schwartz's conjecture is true. This is
joint work with Jieyan Wang and Baohua Xie and with Pierre Will.
Finding lattices in PU(n,1) has been one of the major challenges of the last decades. One way of constructing lattices is to give a fundamental domain for its action on the complex hyperbolic space.
One approach, successful for some lattices, consists of seeing the complex hyperbolic space as the configuration space of cone metrics on the sphere and of studying the action of some maps exchanging the cone points with same cone angle.
In this talk we will see how, in a joint work with John Parker, we extended this construction of fundamental polyhedra to all Deligne-Mostow lattices with three fold symmetry.
In many areas of mathematics and its application in other sciences one
is confronted with the task of estimating or recosntruction a function based on partial data.
Of course, this will not work for all functions well. Thus one needs an
restriction to an adequate class of functions. This can be mathematically modeled in many ways.
Spacial statistics or complex function theory are relevant areas of mathematics which come to ones mind.
We present several results on reconstrucion and estimation of functions which are
solutions of elliptic partial differential equations on some subset of Euclidean space.
We comment also on analogous statements for solutions of finite difference equations on graphs.
One of the biggest challenges in low-dimensional topology is to understand Dehn surgery. Relatively recently defined Heegaard Floer homology has been used successfully in answering many questions about Dehn surgery. I will describe the basics of Heegaard Floer homology, exemplify some applications and outline why Heegaard Floer homology is so suitable when dealing with surgery. I will sketch the proof of the fact that only finitely many alternating knots can give a fixed space by surgery.
Harmonic and asymptotically harmonic spaces are Riemannian manifolds where the
Laplace-Beltrami operator assumes a particularly simple form in polar coordinates and horocyclic coordinates,
respectively. Known noncompact examples are, besides the Euclidean spaces, all rank one symmetric spaces and Damek-Ricci spaces. Useful tools in the treatment of these spaces come from Riemannian and spectral geometry. In this talk, we will discuss recent results based on spherical and horocyclic averages which were obtained in collaboration with Evangelia Samiou (in the case of harmonic spaces) and Gerhard Knieper (in the case of asymtptotically harmonic spaces). It should be mentioned that the most challenging problem in this area is
the classification of these spaces in the noncompact case which is still widely open. (The classification problem in the compact case, known as "Lichnerowicz conjecture", was settled in 1990 by Z.I. Szabo.).
I will start by explaining how deformations help to answer two important questions about the family of (colored) sl(N) link homology theories: What relations exist between them? What geometric information about links do they contain? I will recall Bar-Natan and Morrison's version of Lee's deformation of Khovanov homology and sketch how it generalizes to the case of colored sl(N) link homology. Finally, I will state a decomposition theorem for deformed colored sl(N) link homologies which leads to new spectral sequences between various type A link homologies and concordance invariants in the spirit of Rasmussen's s-invariant. Joint work with David Rose.
2015-01-22Daniele Zuddas [Korea Institute of Advanced Study.]:
This is a report on joint work with Lukas Lewark (once of Durham, now of Bern). No prior knowledge assumed. I'll talk about the smooth "4-ball genus" of a knot - the history of its study, where "quantum" invariants fit into that story, and the weird and wonderful phenomena that we have recently observed.
We will present an approach for the definition and
investigation of
Schrödinger operators with delta-potentials on manifolds. In
particular we will consider the case when the manifold is a closed
curve in R^3.
Starting with the Pestov's Identity for the tangent bundle and the geodesic flow, I will derive an analogous formula for the principal bundle of orthonormal frames and for the frame flows and I will show that under integration over the principal bundle this formula gives a hint of possible dynamical applications.
Associahedra were defined independently by Tamari and Stasheff more than 50 years ago and have been rediscovered and studied in many different contexts since then. Fomin and Zelevinsky observed their relation to finite cluster algebras of type A and obtained generalized associahedra by extending their description to cluster algebras of other finite types. I will present a unified construction that yields many polytopal realizations of these objects and uses geometry and combinatorics of finite Coxeter groups.
In this talk, I will give an introduction to aperiodic tilings. Usually,
one studies a topological space associated to these tilings rather than
one specific tiling (this is the analogue to studying a subshift rather
that one single word in symbolic dynamics).
It is a natural question to ask what happens to the underlying tilings
when there is a homeomorphism between tiling spaces.
I will try to give some leads to answer this question. One of the
consequences of such a homeomorphism is that the complexity function of
the tiling changes in a very controlled way.
A lattice in a Lie group is a discrete group with finite volume quotient.
An arithmetic group is a group that is discrete essentially because the
integers are discrete in the real numbers. Arithmetic groups are lattices,
but not all lattices are arithmetic. The only Lie groups possibly containing
non-arithmetic lattices are SO(n,1) and SU(n,1) and in the latter case it
is an open question for n at least 4. From work of Deligne and Mostow in 1986 there are nine examples in SU(2,1) and one in SU(3,1). This talk is
the third of three where I will describe joint work with Deraux and Paupert
where we construct ten new examples in SU(2,1). These are the first new
examples to be found since the work of Deligne and Mostow. In the first
talk I will give the background and outline the results. In the second and third I
will describe the construction of five of the examples.
A lattice in a Lie group is a discrete group with finite volume quotient.
An arithmetic group is a group that is discrete essentially because the
integers are discrete in the real numbers. Arithmetic groups are lattices,
but not all lattices are arithmetic. The only Lie groups possibly containing
non-arithmetic lattices are SO(n,1) and SU(n,1) and in the latter case it
is an open question for n at least 4. From work of Deligne and Mostow in 1986 there are nine examples in SU(2,1) and one in SU(3,1). This talk is
the first of two where I will describe joint work with Deraux and Paupert
where we construct ten new examples in SU(2,1). These are the first new
examples to be found since the work of Deligne and Mostow. In the first
talk I will give the background and outline the results. In the second I
will describe the construction of five of the examples.
A lattice in a Lie group is a discrete group with finite volume quotient.
An arithmetic group is a group that is discrete essentially because the
integers are discrete in the real numbers. Arithmetic groups are lattices,
but not all lattices are arithmetic. The only Lie groups possibly containing
non-arithmetic lattices are SO(n,1) and SU(n,1) and in the latter case it
is an open question for n at least 4. From work of Deligne and Mostow in 1986 there are nine examples in SU(2,1) and one in SU(3,1). This talk is
the first of two where I will describe joint work with Deraux and Paupert
where we construct ten new examples in SU(2,1). These are the first new
examples to be found since the work of Deligne and Mostow. In the first
talk I will give the background and outline the results. In the second I
will describe the construction of five of the examples.
Since the double helical structure of DNA was discovered in 1953, decades of research have revealed many other fascinating phenomena about of the molecule of life. In 1965, Jerome Vinograd discovered that DNA in the polyoma virus is naturally found in a circular form. This work opened the gates to a new interdisciplinary field that studies the topology of DNA and its biological implications for the functionality of the molecule.
In this talk I will discuss topological questions (and answers) that arise when considering the naturally occurring DNA of three different unicellular organisms: bacteria, ciliates and trypanosomes.
This is a joint work with Bobo Hua and Chao Xia. After introducing the definition of generalized harmonic maps from weighted Riemannian manifolds into
Hadamard spaces in the sense of Korvaar-Schoen, I will explain a Kendall type theorem (reducing validity of Liouville
theorem of harmonic maps to that of harmonic functions) based on a lemma of Jost and method of Li-Wang. Finally, I will explain that this is a key ingredient for the scheme of proving Liouville type theorems for harmonic maps with finite energy without using Bochner techniques (which is typically not available in a general setting).
In the spring some of you may have seen me give some elementary 'colloquium-style' talks on aperiodic patterns and tilings. Here I would like to give some more detailed treatment of how such geometric patterns can be analysed using techniques from algebraic topology.
One of the outstanding challenges in 3-manifold theory is to relate the modern Heegaard Floer invariants to the fundamental group. Recently, a conjectural picture has emerged from the work of Boyer-Gordon-Watson: a closed, irreducible rational homology sphere M is an L-space (i.e. it has the simplest possible Heegaard Floer homology) if and only if its fundamental group is not left-orderable. Whereas there has been encouraging evidence supporting the truth of the conjecture, the problem remains poorly understood for key classes of 3-manifolds.
In this talk, we focus on negative-definite graph manifolds (one of these poorly understood classes): for these, Nemethi constructs a lattice cohomology, an invariant inspired in ideas from singularity theory and conjecturally isomorphic to Heegaard Floer homology. Using the combinatorial tractability of lattice cohomology, we produce several comprehensive families of manifolds against which to test the Boyer-Gordon-Watson conjecture. Then, using either horizontal foliation arguments or direct manipulation of the fundamental group, we prove that they do indeed satisfy the conjecture.
Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of the 2-sphere of a fixed topological type. Amazingly, the same numbers occur in many different contexts, in particular, they are related to geometry of the moduli spaces of curves via so-called ELSV formula. I am going to make a short overview of different interpretations of Hurwitz numbers and methods of computation. I'll explain their relation to the moduli
spaces of curves, and another relation to the random matrix models (in fact, I'll use a mathematical replacement for the random matrix theory given by topological recursion for some multi-differentials on Riemann surfaces. The latter one I'll explain from the very beginning).
I will discuss the geometry of heterotic string compactifications with fluxes. The compactifications on 6 dimensional manifolds which preserve N=1 supersymmetry in 4 dimensions must be complex conformally balanced manifolds which admit a no-where vanishing holomorphic (3,0)-form, together with a holomorphic vector bundle on the manifold which must admit a Hermitian Yang-Mills connection. The flux, which can be viewed as a torsion, is the obstruction to the manifold being Kahler. I will describe how these compactifications are connected to the more traditional compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds through geometric transitions like flops and conifold transitions. For instance, one can construct solutions by flopping rational curves in a Calabi-Yau manifold in such a way that the resulting manifold is no longer Kahler. Time permitting, I will discuss open problems, for example the understanding of the the moduli space of heterotic compactifications and the related problem of determining the massless spectrum in the effective 4 dimensional supersymmetric field theory. The study of these compactifications is interesting on its own right both in string theory, in order to understand more generally the degrees of freedom of these theories, and also in mathematics. For example, the connectedness between the solutions is related to problems in mathematics, for instance Reid's fantasy, that complex manifolds with trivial canonical bundle are all connected through geometric transitions.
We ï¬rst describe the canonical neutral Kahler structure of the space of oriented geodesics in hyperbolic 3-space and then describe its area-stationary surfaces. Furthermore, we investigate the Hamiltonian stability of the minimal Lagrangian surfaces.
A Mobius group is a finitely generated discrete group of orientation-preserving isometries acting on hyperbolic n-space. The deformation space of the Mobius group is the set of all discrete, faithful and type-preserving representation into the full group of orientation-preserving isometries factored by the conjugation action.
Mostow-Prasad rigidity states that for n>2 the deformation space of a torsion-free cofinite volume Mobius group acting on hyperbolic n-space is trivial. Thus there is no deformation theory for such a Mobius group. For a gemetrically finite Mobius group, we have Marden quasiconformal stability in H^2 and H^3. That is, for a geometrically finite Kleinian group all deformations sufficiently near the identity deformation are quasiconformally conjugate to the identity.
We prove that this quasiconformal stability cannot be generalized in 4-dimensional hyperbolic space. This is due to the presence of so called screw parabolic isometries in dimension 4. In particular, a thrice-punctured sphere group has a large deformation space of quasiconformally distinct representations.
Recently M. Belolipetsky and myself proved that for any \epsilon > 0 and n >= 2 there exists a hyperbolic n-manifold with a closed geodesic of length less than \epsilon. The proof is by construction and generalises one for the n=4 case by I. Agol. We also showed that these manifolds are non-arithmetic if \epsilon is small enough, thus providing another example to complement Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro's construction of non-arithmetic lattices in PO(n,1). The volume of the constructed manifolds is seen to grow at least as \epsilon^-(n-2) when \epsilon --> 0. I will make some remarks on the so-called non-coherence of the manifolds' fundamental groups.
he groups F, T and V were defined by Richard Thompson in 1965. Since then there has been a lot of interest in these groups. We will present an informal introduction into Thompson's Group F and Belk and Matucci's more geometric solution to the conjugacy problem.
Let Jordan arc $\gamma$ be the invariant set for a digraph system S of contraction similarities. Then, we show that either the arc $\gamma$ is an invariant set for some multizipper, and admits non-trivial deformations, or $\gamma$ is a straight line segment, the system S does not satisfy weak separation property and the self-similar structure $(\gamma,S)$ is rigid. All required definitions and ideas of the proofs will be explained on the talk.
Coloured posets arise in a number of areas of mathematics. The ones that will chiefly concern us in this talk are: Khovanov's categorification of the Jones polynomial, the geometry of certain varieties associated to Weyl groups, and the Hochschild homology of associative algebras.
The bulk of the talk will run through one of the motivating examples in some detail (the Khovanov homology of a knot). We will then give a couple of the fundamental theorems of coloured poset homology and some applications if time permits.
We consider orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle with random coefficients and study the statistical distribution of their zeros. For slowly decreasing random coefficients, we show that the zeros are distributed according to a Poisson process. For rapidly decreasing coefficients, the zeros have rigid spacing (clock distribution). For a certain critical rate of decay we obtain the circular beta distribution.
In the 1920s Salomon Lefschetz and Jakob Nielsen presented groundbreaking work on fixed points of continuous maps.This inspired much topological research in the subsequent decades.We will review some of the classical results and then
turn to very recent developments concerning fixed points and, more generally, coincidences.
Given two maps between manifolds,we study the geometry of their coincidence locus (using nonstabilized normal bordism theory and pathspaces). We extract an invariant which must necessarily be trivial if the two maps can be deformed away from one another. Often this is also sufficient. Surprisingly however, in certain cases the full answer involves also the
Kervaire invariant (which was originally introduced and used in an entirely different area of topology, namely: manifolds without smooth structures and exotic spheres). Similarly other central notions of topology turn out to play
a crucial role here, e.g. various versions of Hopf invariants (a la James, Hilton, Ganea...).
When a vector field in the plane has a complicated singularity at a point, its behavior near that point can be studied by 'blowing-up' the singular point, that is by making a singular co-ordinate change that maps the point to a curve, along which the transformed vector field may have a number of simpler singularities. In this talk I will describe the technique, and illustrate its use in the study of Binary Differential Equations, that is implicit differential equations that define at most two directions in the plane. BDEs appear frequently in differential geometry, for example, the principal, asymptotic and characteristic directions on a surface in 3-space are all solutions of BDEs.
A manifold is called aspherical if its universal covering space is contractible. This is the case, for example, if the universal covering is homeomorphic to an Euclidean space.
Given an abstract group Gamma, there is the basic question if it is possible to construct compact aspherical smooth manifolds with fundamental group Gamma, and also to understand the geometric properties of such manifolds. Ideally, one would like to classify them up to homeomorphism or up to diffeomorphism.
For example, 'most' polycyclic groups Gamma appear as fundamental groups of so called solvmanifolds. Another type of examples which appear in geometry are the fundamental groups of locally symmetric spaces. We would like to discuss a method which allows to build 'mixed' examples from these basic building blocks. This construction corresponds to the notion of group extension on the level of the fundamental group, and it has many interesting geometric properties.
Note: This lecture is sponsored by the LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY via a Scheme 2 Grant
"A triangle group is the group generated by reflections in the sides of a triangle in Euclidean, spherical or hyperbolic geometry. It is a lattice when the triangle has certain special internal angles. This idea can be generalised to groups generated by three complex reflections in complex hyperbolic space. We know of rather few complex hyperbolic lattices; most of them are (related to) triangle groups with certain special angles. By studying triangle groups we can find more groups that are candidates for being lattices. This talk will be a survey of how this may be done and will cover recent progress."
"A geodesic in a Riemannian homogeneous manifold $(M=G/K, g)$ is called a homogeneous geodesic if it is an orbit of an one-parameter subgroup of the Lie group $G$. We investigate $G$-invariant metrics with homogeneous geodesics (i.e. such that all geodesics are homogeneous) when $M=G/K$ is a flag manifold, that is an adjoint orbit of a compact semisimple Lie group $G$.
We use an important invariant of a flag manifold $M=G/K$, its $T$-root system, to give a simple necessary condition that $M$ admits a non-standard $G$-invariant metric with homogeneous geodesics. Hence, the problem reduces substantially to the study of a short list of prospective flag manifolds. A common feature of these spaces is that their isotropy representation has two irreducible components.
We prove that among all flag manifolds $M=G/K$ of a simple Lie group $G$, only the manifold $\operatorname{Com}(\Bbb R^{2\ell +2})= SO(2\ell +1)/U(\ell)$ of complex structures in $\Bbb R^{2\ell + 2}$, and the complex projective space $\Bbb C P^{2\ell -1}= Sp(\ell)/U(1)\cdot Sp(\ell -1)$ admit a non-naturally reductive invariant metric with homogeneous geodesics. In all other cases the only $G$-invariant metric with homogeneous geodesics is the metric which is homothetic to the standard metric (i.e. the metric associated to the negative of the Killing form of the Lie algebra $\gg$ of $G$).
According to F. Podest\'a and G.Thorbergsson, these manifolds are the only non-Hermitian symmetric flag manifolds with coisotropic action of the stabilizer."
"We study the family of Hamiltonians which corresponds to the adjacency operators on a percolation graph. We characterise the set of energies which are almost surely eigenvalues with finitely supported eigenfunctions. This set of energies is a dense subset of the algebraic integers. The integrated density of states has discontinuities precisely at this set of energies. We show that the convergence of the integrated densities of states of finite box Hamiltonians to the one on the whole space holds even at the points of discontinuity. For this we use an equicontinuity-from-the-right argument. The same statements hold for the restriction of the Hamiltonian to the infinite cluster. In this case we prove that the integrated density of states can be constructed using local data only. Finally we study some mixed Anderson-Quantum percolation models and establish results in the spirit of Wegner, and Delyon and Souillard. (See
"We will discuss two examples of situations where interesting representations of the symmetric group arise in topology. The two examples share the feature that an evident action of the symmetric group $\Sigma_n$ extends to a more hidden action of $\Sigma_{n+1}$. In the first example, the symmetric group acts on the cohomology of a certain space of trees and the representation afforded is closely related to the free Lie algebra and the representation $Lie_n$. The second example gives a $\Sigma_{n+1}$ action on an $n$-fold tensor product of a suitable Hopf algebra $H$ and this has a connection with solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. "
"This work is concerned with generalising the ideas used by Dupont and Sah in their algebraic proof of Sydler's theorem, by interpreting them in terms of the Hochschild homology of Clifford algebras.
Thus, we are able to compute the Eilenberg-Mac Lane homology in degree 1 and 2 of the special linear group of rank two over the real and complex numbers, with coefficients in the adjoint representation. In the complex case, the groups were previously known thanks to the works of Cathelineau and Elbaz-Vincent. In the real case, they were known only up to a quotient.
One of the original motivations for computing that kind of homology group is the problem of scissors congruences, also known as Hilbert's third problem. This consists in detecting the equivalence classes of polytopes for the following relation: given two polytopes in one of the three classical geometric spaces, we say that they are scissors congruent if it is possible to cut the first one into finitely many pieces (i.e. subpolytopes), and, by moving these around, reassemble them into the second one.
The theorem of Sydler states that, for Euclidean three-space, volume and the so-called Dehn invariant suffice to detect scissors congruence classes. By the work of Dupont, this is known to be equivalent to the purely algebraic statement that the second homology group of the special orthogonal group of rank 3 with coefficients in its natural geometric representation is trivial.
One of the greatest achievements in the area is the direct algebraic proof of that last fact by Dupont and Sah, using the Hochschild homology of quaternions. By reformulating it in terms of Clifford algebras, one can actually extend their constructions to other algebras than quaternions, and thus in particular carry out the computations mentioned above.
Finally, let us conclude by observing that the general construction we use makes sense in higher dimensions as well, although the computations seem to quickly become much more complicated."
"We present a theorem of Bogomolov which gives restrictions on the Chern classes of a semistable holomorphic vector bundle over a complex algebraic surface, and sketch some applications."
"The problem of scissors congruences consists in detecting equivalence classes for the following relation: fixing a geometric space (spherical, Euclidean or hyperbolic space), we will say that two polytopes are scissors congruent if one can cut the first into finitely many pieces (i.e subpolytopes), and, by moving these around, reassemble them into the second one.
The problem is trivial for polygons, and area is an invariant separating the classes. It turns out, however, that in higher dimensions volume no longer suffices to decide whether two polytopes are scissors congruent. Another family of scissors congruence invariants of a more arithmetical nature, the so-called Dehn invariants, appear, which are distinct from volume. The obvious question is whether the Dehn invariants, together with volume, form a complete set of invariants for the problem.
The only complete result to this day is Sydler's theorem, which states that volume and the classical Dehn invariant suffice to detect scissors congruences classes for Euclidean three-space (and four-space, as an easy corollary). The original argument of Sydler was extremely complicated, however. J. Dupont linked the problem to the homology of the orthogonal group (considered as discrete group) at the end of the '70s, and in 1990 gave in a joint work with C.-H. Sah an algebraic proof of Sydler's theorem.
I will explain, in this talk, how the algebraic computation of Dupont and Sah fits in a geometrical setting, by considering Euclidean geometry as an infinitesimal version of either spherical or hyperbolic geometry. This allows to link Sydler's theorem to computations of certain homology groups by Cathelineau and others."
"The moduli space M of semistable principal Sp(2)-bundles on a complex algebraic curve X of genus g can be identified, via the standard representation of Sp(2) on \C^4, with the moduli space of vector bundles of rank 4 on X which carry a bilinear antisymmetric form. Using this identification, we describe the singular locus and semistable boundary of M."
" Given an abelian extension of global fields, one may combine the Artin L-functions for each Galois character into an equivariant L-function. The general aim of the Stark-type conjectures is to relate the special values of this, particularly at 0, to the units and class numbers of the fields, in the spirit of the analytic class number formula. Stark's abelian conjecture deals only with the first derivative, and was extended by Rubin to higher derivatives, giving the conjectural integrality properties of a generalised "Stark unit" mapping to the special value under the logarithmic regulator map. On the other hand, Gross made a conjecture about the zeroth derivative, relating it to the class number of the base field and a group-ring valued "regulator". Gross's conjecture is stronger than Rubin's for this derivative but becomes trivial for higher derivatives. I will discuss a common refinement of these conjectures formulated by David Burns, which refines Rubin's in the spirit of Gross's. Some special cases and behavioural properties will be presented, as well as a discussion of its relation to some of the numerous other conjectures in the field. In particular, a somwehat different-looking conjecture of Henri Darmon about circular units can be shown to give a "base-chage"-type property."
2013-10-16Mauro Mauricio [Renyi Institute, Budapest]:
Mauro will be giving a look behind the scenes of lattice cohomology in preparation for his second talk on Thursday. However, the Thursday talk will not /require/ things discussed here.
We shall explore different properties of the complement spaces
of subspace arrangements, from the viewpoint of rational
homotopy theory. A rational model will be described, from which
we deduce several results. For example, we give a complete
description of coordinate subspace arrangements whose complement
space is a product of spheres.
The braid group of a graph is the fundamental group of
the configuration space of n distinct points on the graph.
We review two approaches to computing braid groups of graphs.
The first approach was suggested by Daniel Farley and Lucas Sabalka
using the discrete version of Morse theory developed by Robin Forman.
The second approach is a step-by-step computation using
the classical Seifert - Van Kampen theorem and producing
generators in terms of paths in the configuration space.
In 1998 Chas and Sullivan constructed a product and a differential on the
homology of the space of loops in a manifold. This began the subject of string
topology. I will define the product and the differential and then explain how
they interact with symmetries of the manifold, and with the Morse-Bott theory
of the energy functional. I'll end by sketching how one can use these
properties to compute the operations for complex projective spaces.
"The planar polygon space consists of all closed configurations of a
robot arm in the plane with n bars of given lengths, up to rotation and
translation. Generically, this space is a closed manifold of dimension
n-3 depending on the length vector. These length vectors fall into
finitely many components, and a natural question is whether different
components lead to different polygon spaces.
It is known that homology is not enough to distinguish these components,
but a conjecture of Walker states that the cohomology ring is enough.
Work of Farber, Hausmann and the speaker resolved this conjecture for
spatial polygon spaces; this work also showed that the planar conjecture
is true for nearly all length vectors. In this talk, we consider the
remaining cases."
Starting from the need of filling the gap between "shape" as a homeomorphism class and "shape" as an intuitive concept, we tried to adapt algebraic topological tools to an equivalence relation (metric homotopy), which should take length bounds into account. From that, the concept of Size Function arose. We then worked at the problems of convenient computation methods and of some concrete applications: shape classification and image retrieval.
Presently, we are generalising Size Functions in two directions: homology of positive degree and multidimensional measuring functions.
"The planar polygon space consists of all closed configurations of a
robot arm in the plane with n bars of given lengths, up to rotation and
translation. Generically, this space is a closed manifold of dimension
n-3 depending on the length vector. These length vectors fall into
finitely many components, and a natural question is whether different
components lead to different polygon spaces.
It is known that homology is not enough to distinguish these components,
but a conjecture of Walker states that the cohomology ring is enough.
Work of Farber, Hausmann and the speaker resolved this conjecture for
spatial polygon spaces; this work also showed that the planar conjecture
is true for nearly all length vectors. In this talk, we consider the
remaining cases."
In this talk we'll look at two sequences of groups associated to a fixed
orientable surface. The first is the sequence of pure braid groups of the
surface (with increasing number of strings) and the second is the sequence
of mapping class groups (with increasing number of marked points). I'll
explain how each of these sequences of groups forms a simplicial group and
how those simplicial groups are related to the homotopy groups of spheres.
At the beginning of the talk I'll give some background material on
simplicial objects.
There is a convenient interpretation of the immersion problem for real projective spaces in terms of their topological complexity, a concept naturally arising in robotics. In this talk I will describe how the topological complexity of lens spaces can be used for approaching the immersion dimension of projective spaces. I will indicate how this approach relates to the axial map concept for lens spaces, and their immersion dimension. Finally, I will describe how the symmetric situation relates to the embedding dimension.
The talk is based on the joint paper with Cherry Kearton
(published in Algebraic & Geometric Topology 8 (2008) 1223'“1247).
The hexabasic book is the cone of the 1'“dimensional skeleton of the union
of two tetrahedra glued along a common face. The universal 3'“dimensional
polyhedron UP is the product of a segment and the hexabasic book. We show
that any closed 2'“dimensional surface in 4'“space is isotopic to a surface
in UP. The proof is based on a representation of surfaces in 4'“space by
marked graphs, links with double intersections in 3'“space. We construct a
finitely presented semigroup whose central elements uniquely encode all
isotopy classes of 2'“dimensional surfaces.
Marco Grandis defines a combinatorial space,
an abstract set with a combinatorial structure
consisting of finite subsets called linked.
This structure is motivated by finite models of
images considered at a fixed resolution epsilon>0.
The author introduces combinatorial analogues of
homotopy groups invariant under combinatorial homotopies
and proves a combinatorial analogue of van Kampen's theorem.
There are extensions to more general spaces equipped with
a precedence relation, which have applications to concurrency.
Let X be a subcomplex of the standard CW-decomposition of the n-dimensional torus. We exhibit an explicit optimal motion planning algorithm for X. This construction is used to calculate the topological complexity of complements of general position arrangements and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces associated to right-angled Artin groups.
Massless Feynman diagrams often yield multiple zeta values, which are conjectured to be periods of a mixed Tate
motive. Yet the definition of a period is much more general, encompassing for example the lemniscate constant, which comes from the first singular value for a complete elliptic integral. I shall discuss massive Feynman diagrams that yield the 15th singular value. There is a strong link between these diagrams and Green functions on diamond and cubic lattices, in condensed matter theory.
Following the recent talk of M. Grant on applications of homotopy theory to Concurrency theory, we continue to investigate the notion of dihomotopy on partially ordered spaces. We describe a combinatorial model based on pre-cubical sets, which allows us to define dihomotopy invariants in form of homology groups.
If time permits, we will also describe some other dihomotopy invariants.
I shall describe the homotopy type of the complement of a complex coordinate subspace
arrangement by fathoming out the connection between its topological and combinatorial structures.
I hope to point out a family of arrangements for which the complement is homotopy equivalent to a
wedge of spheres. One consequence is an application in commutative algebra: certain local rings are
proved to be Golod, that is, all Massey products in their homology vanish.
Recently ideas from Algebraic Topology (specifically homotopy theory) have found applications in Concurrency, the domain of computer science concerned with parallel computing. This talk will explore such applications as they appear in the article of the above authors in the journal `Theoretical computer science' in 2006.
The state space of a concurrent system carries a natural `local partial order' determined by the flow of time. Executions of the system correspond to directed paths in the space, ie order preserving maps from the unit interval with its natural order. The correct notion of homotopy of such paths is that of `dihomotopy' (directed homotopy): dihomotopic paths correspond to executions with similar properties. I will focus on these topological constructs, and mention some open problems.
The notion of a basic embedding appeared
in the research motivated by Kolmogorov-Arnold's
solution to Hilbert's 13th problem
on superpositions of continuous functions.
Given topological spaces G,X,Y, an embedding
of G into the product of X and Y is basic, if
for any continuous real-valued function f(x,y) on G
there are continuous real-valued functions g(x) on X
and h(y) on Y such that f(x,y)=g(x)+h(y) on G.
Similarly to Kuratowski's criterion we describe
all graphs basically embeddable into the product
of the real line and a wedge of segments and circles.
The talk is based on the author's article published in
Topology and Its Applications, v. 102 (2000), 113-137.
The slides of the talk are available at
Mechanisms (or robots) consist of links and joints, with the
type of mechanism described by the corresponding abstract graph.
A specific embedding of this graph in Euclidean space is
called configuration of the mechanism, and the collection of all
such embeddings forms the configuration space of the mechanism.
Under favorable circumstances, this has the structure of a manifold,
and we can use this structure to study various practical aspects of
the mechanism.
In the talk I shall describe an attempts to understand the connection
between the kinematic sigularities of a robot and the topological
singularities of its configuration space.
In any QFT, explicit and spontaneous breakings of a global symmetry correspond to specific Ward identities among correlators, which can be derived in a very general fashion. We retrieve these identities in a minimal AdS/CFT setup, thanks to holographic renormalization. The same story holds, even if with some interesting subtleties, also in two boundary dimensions, showing the breakdown of Coleman theorem in the strict large N limit. We provide as well some explicit analytic solutions, for 3 and 2 dimensions, which exhibit the gapless Goldstone pole in the scalar two-point function.
After briefly reviewing 6d N=(1,0) SCFT's and their brane engineering in type IIA/M-theory, I will present a classification of infinitely many analytic AdS_7 vacua of massive IIA supergravity dual to them, as well as an infinite class of new AdS_5 x Sigma_g vacua (where Sigma_g is a Riemann surface of genus g>1). The latter can be related to the former via a simple universal map for the metric, dilaton and fluxes. The natural interpretation of this map is that the dual 6d N=(1,0) SCFT's give rise to 4d N=1 SCFT's upon twisted compactification on Sigma_g. The ratio of their a conformal anomalies is proportional to the Euler characteristic of Sigma_g. We find that it is a simple cubic function of the flux integers.
Attempts to formulate supersymmetric field theories on discrete spacetime lattices have a long history. However, until recently most of these efforts have failed. In this talk I will review some of the new ideas that have finally allowed a solution to this problem for certain supersymmetric theories. I will focus my attention, in particular, on N=4 super Yang-Mills which forms one of the pillars of the AdS/CFT correspondence connecting gravitational theories in anti-de Sitter space to gauge theories living on the boundary. It is also integral to the scattering amplitudes program and is under intensive study using conformal bootstrap techniques. I will review the theoretical construction of the model and describe what is known analytically about the lattice theory. Following on from this I will present preliminary results stemming from the first large scale lattice study of N=4 Yang-Mills.
We present an effective field theory (EFT) describing radiation and radiation-reaction effects in the post-Newtonian approximation of General Relativity. Our formulation allows a unified treatment of outgoing radiation and its reaction force within an action formalism, and significantly economizes extant derivations. New results on radiation and reaction in general spacetime dimensions, obtained within our EFT, will be presented. In particular, the difference between even and odd spacetime dimensions in our context will be discussed. Finally, we will comment on the availability of a similar EFT treatment for near-extremal black holes.
In this talk I will review the interpretation of Wilson line
operators in the context of higher spin gravity in 2+1 dim and
holography. I will show how a Wilson line encapsulates the
thermodynamics of black holes. Furthermore it provides an elegant
description of massive particles. This opens a new window of
observables which will allow us to probe the true geometrical nature
of higher spin gravity.
We holographically study the entanglement between two CFTs in a thermofield double state at nonzero chemical potential by studying the behavior of the thermo-mutual information and two-point correlators of scalar operators. In the bulk, this entanglement corresponds to entanglement between the two exterior regions of a Reissner-Nordstrom AdS black hole. In particular, in the zero-temperature limit the entropy density of the black hole remains finite, while neutral correlators and the mutual informations of the finite regions vanish. However, we find that the correlators of electrically charged scalar operators can be made to remain finite. We also find that in the zero-temperature limit, the time evolution of the thermo-mutual information and the charged correlators becomes trivial.
Recently Berman and Perry constructed a four-dimensional
M-theory effective action which manifests SL(5) U-duality. Here we propose
an underlying differential geometry of it, under the name `SL(5)
U-geometry' which generalizes the ordinary Riemannian geometry in an SL(5)
compatible manner. We introduce a `semi-covariant' derivative that can be
converted into fully covariant derivatives after anti-symmetrizing or
contracting the SL(5) vector indices appropriately. We also derive fully
covariant scalar and Ricci-like curvatures which constitute the effective action as well as the equation of motion.
This talk aims to explain our recent construction of D=10 N=2 supersymmetric double field theory with 32 supersymmetries to the full order in fermions. The constructed action unifies type IIA and IIB supergravities in a manifestly covariant manner with respect to O(10,10) T-duality and a pair of local Lorentz groups, or Spin(1,9) \times Spin(9,1), besides the usual general covariance of supergravities. While the theory is unique, the solutions are twofold. Type IIA and IIB supergravities are identified as two different types of solutions rather than two different theories.
In spacetime dimension two, pure Yang-Mills possesses no physical degrees of freedom, and consequently it admits a supersymmetric extension to couple to an arbitrary number, N say, of Majorana-Weyl gauginos. This results in (N,0) super Yang-Mills. Further, its dimensional reduction to mechanics doubles the number of supersymmetries, from N to N+N, to include conformal supercharges, and leads to a superconformal Yang-Mills quantum mechanics with symmetry group OSp(N|2,R). We comment on its connection to AdS_2 \times S^{N-1} and reduction to a supersymmetric Calogero model.
The papers discussed are by Christopher P. Herzog, Nir Lisker, Piotr Surowka, Amos Yarom (arXiv:1101.3330) and by Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Sayantani Bhattacharyya, Shiraz Minwalla (arXiv:1101.3332)
The paper discussed is by Bolognesi and Tong, arXiv:1010.4178.
2010-12-09Debashis Ghoshal [School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India]:
Some of the perturbative vacua of open string theory are
known to be unstable. They decay to other (meta-)stable vacua.
We will consider the dynamics of this relaxation process (decay).
In particular, the equation that describes an inhomogeneous decay
turns out to be a variant of a non-linear partial differential equation
that appears in many other areas. We will point out their similarities
and differences.
In more than four dimensions, it is now well known that there are multiple types of black holes. I'll review the fact there are also regular horizon-free geometries ruled out in four dimensions that may be described as non-Kaluza Klein bubbles of nothing. These topologically nontrivial solutions that present new puzzles for the AdS/CFT correspondence, in particular the fact that one may write down regular (horizon-free) solitons that violate the BPS bound.
The search for a consistent theory of quantum gravity unifying
the fundamental interactions may well require understanding the symmetry
structures underlying this still unknown theory (sometimes called
"M theory"). There are indications that the maximally extended hyperbolic
Kac--Moody algebra E10 may play a key role in this search, which I will
review at an introductory level in this talk.
Discussion of a paper by Sayantani Bhattacharyya and Shiraz Minwalla on 'Weak Field Black Hole Formation in Asymptotically AdS Spacetimes.'
We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study the thermalization of a
strongly coupled conformal field theory that is forced out of its vacuum
by a source that couples to a marginal operator. The source is taken to be
of small amplitude and finite duration, but is otherwise an arbitrary
function of time. When the field theory lives on $R^{d-1,1}$, the source
sets up a translationally invariant wave in the dual gravitational
description. This wave propagates radially inwards in $AdS_{d+1}$ space
and collapses to form a black brane. Outside its horizon the bulk
spacetime for this collapse process may systematically be constructed in
an expansion in the amplitude of the source function, and takes the Vaidya
form at leading order in the source amplitude. This solution is dual to a
remarkably rapid and intriguingly scale dependent thermalization process
in the field theory. When the field theory lives on a sphere the resultant
wave either slowly scatters into a thermal gas (dual to a glueball type
phase in the boundary theory) or rapidly collapses into a black hole (dual
to a plasma type phase in the field theory) depending on the time scale
and amplitude of the source function. The transition between these two
behaviors is sharp and can be tuned to the Choptuik scaling solution in
Discussion of two recent papers entitled `BLG theory based on non-Euclidean Lie 3-algebras Lorentzian Lie (3-)algebra and toroidal compactification of M/string theory' by Pei-Ming Ho, Yutaka Matsuo, Shotaro Shiba and `Metric 3-Lie algebras for unitary Bagger-Lambert theories', by Paul de Medeiros, Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill, Elena Mendez-Escobar, Patricia Ritter .
Discussion of a paper by Petr Horava on `Quantum Gravity at a Lifshitz Point'
We present a candidate quantum field theory of gravity with dynamical critical exponent equal to z=3 in the UV. (As in condensed matter systems, z measures the degree of anisotropy between space and time.) This theory, which at short distances describes interacting nonrelativistic gravitons, is power-counting renormalizable in 3+1 dimensions. When restricted to satisfy the condition of detailed balance, this theory is intimately related to topologically massive gravity in three dimensions, and the geometry of the Cotton tensor. At long distances, this theory flows naturally to the relativistic value z=1, and could therefore serve as a possible candidate for a UV completion of Einstein's general relativity or an infrared modification thereof. The effective speed of light, the Newton constant and the cosmological constant all emerge from relevant deformations of the deeply nonrelativistic z=3 theory at short distances.
Discussion of a recent paper by Adi Armoni on `Beyond the quenched/probe-brane approximation in lattice/holographic QCD'
We propose a method to improve the quenched approximation. The method,
based on the worldline formalism, takes into account effects of quark
loops. The idea is useful mostly for AdS/CFT (holographic) calculations.
To demonstrate the method we estimate screening (string breaking) effects
by a simple holographic calculation.
Discussion of a recent paper by Thomas Faulkner and Hong Liu, entitled `Condensed matter physics of a strongly coupled gauge theory with quarks: some novel features of the phase diagram'
We revisit the phase diagram of the N=4 SU(N_c) super-Yang-Mills theory coupled to N_f fundamental "quarks" at strong coupling using the gauge-gravity correspondence. We show that in the plane of temperature v.s. baryon chemical potential there is a critical line of third order phase transition which ends at a tricritical point after which the transition becomes first order. Close to the critical line there is an intriguing logarithmic behavior, which cannot follow from a mean field
type of analysis. We argue that on the string theory side the third order phase transition is driven by the condensation of worldsheet instantons
and that this transition might become a smooth crossover at finite 't Hooft coupling.
Discussion of a recent paper by Paul Chestler and Laurence G. Yaffe, entitled `Horizon formation and far-from-equilibrium isotropization in supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma'
Using gauge/gravity duality, we study the creation and evolution of anisotropic, homogeneous strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma. In the dual gravitational description, this corresponds to horizon formation in a geometry driven to be anisotropic by a time-dependent change in boundary conditions.
"Suggested reading: "Gluino condensation in superstring models", By Dine, Rohm Seiberg & Witten, Phys.Lett.B156:55,1985; "Gaugino Condensation in M-theory on S^1/Z_2", by Lukas, Ovrut & Waldram, hep-th/9711197; "Vacuum stability in heretotic M theory", by Buchbinder & Ovrut, hep-th/0310112, and "Heterotic moduli stabilization with fractional Chern-Simons invariants", by Gukov, Kachru, Liu & Mcallister, hep-th/0310159. "
"The main paper to be discussed is Kachru, Kallosh, Linde & Trivedi, `De Sitter vacua in string theory', hep-th/0301240. Other relevant papers are Giddings, Kachru & Polchinski, `Hierarchies from fluxes in string compactifications', hep-th/0105097 and Kachru, Pearson & Verlinde, `Brane/Flux annihilation and the string dual of a nonsupersymmetric field theory', hep-th/0112197"
"We propose an algebraic description of (untwisted) D-branes on compact group manifolds G using quantum algebras related to U_q(g). It reproduces all known characteristics of stable branes in th WZW models, in particular their configurations in G, energies as well as the set of harmonics. Both generic and degenerate branes are covered."
"I will give a brief review of the conjectured de Sitter/conformal field theory (dS/CFT) correspondence, and discuss some recent investigations of this conjectured duality. In particular, I will consider generalized "flows" or solutions, which are asymptotically de Sitter. A recent theorem by Gao and Wald dictates that the conformal diagram for these solutions is taller than it is wide. From this result, one can infer many interesting properties for the dual CFT."
We consider D3-brane probes of non-supersymmetric orbifolds and IIA on the same class of non-supersymmetric orbifolds. Both setups are characterized, in part, by quivers (which in the latter case relate for example to D0-brane probes) from which symmetries constraining the scale-dependence and tachyonic instabilities of the two systems, respectively, can be derived. We demonstrate that these considerations can be matched via a geometric analysis of the asymptotic boundary of the relevant orbifolds, in all cases, via considerations centered on Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology.
One of the main entries in the AdS/CFT dictionary is a relation between the bulk on-shell partition function with specified boundary conditions and the generating function of correlation functions of primary operators in the boundary CFT. In this talk I will show how to construct a similar relation for gravity in 4d asymptotically flat spacetimes. For simplicity, we will restrict to the leading infrared sector, where a careful treatment of soft modes and their canonical partners leads to a non-vanishing on-shell action. I will show that this action localizes to a codimension-2 surface and coincides with the generating function of 2d CFT correlators involving insertions of Kac-Moody currents. The latter were previously shown, using effective field theory methods, to reproduce the leading soft graviton theorems in 4d. I will conclude with comments on the implications of these results for the computation of soft charge fluctuations in the vacuum.
Extended objects are ubiquitous in string theory where they have special properties. Outside of string theory, there are relatively few insights into the nature of extended objects that are allowed by quantum gravity. In this talk, using the Festina Lente conjecture, I will argue for new universal bounds on the tension of branes coupled to gauge fields in de Sitter space. This bound is implied by cosmic censorship and can be derived by studying the evolution of large charged black holes in de Sitter space. Since this is a bottom-up argument, it should be obeyed by any de Sitter quantum gravity including stringy constructions. Finally, I will provide a heuristic check of these bounds against the properties of (wrapped) D-branes in Type II string theory in the weak coupling limit and show that they satisfy all these constraints.
Maximally supersymmetric four-dimensional Yang-Mills appear to be solvable in the planar limit. In particular, the non-perturbative spectrum of local operators can be calculated using the integrability-based Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) formalism. However, the usefulness of the QSC extends beyond local operators. In this talk I will show how it can be used to understand what happens when we analytically continue local operators to negative spin, into the regime of horizontal Regge trajectories. Taking a weak coupling limit I will formulate a novel "Asymptotic Baxter-Bethe Ansatz": a set of equations, reminiscent of the Beisert-Eden-Staudacher equations, that controls the trajectories.
I'll briefly review the classical double copy, which maps exact solutions of classical gauge theories like electromagnetism, to solutions of general relativity. We will discuss why a position-space map is feasible, and then relate several gravitational objects (including horizons, Penrose limits, and asymptotics) to their gauge theory analogues.
I will discuss recently constructed AdS3 solutions with (0,6) and (0,4) supersymmetries and their field theory interpretations, in particular in relation with defects.
In recent years it has become clear that particular geometric structures, called positive geometries, underlie various observables in quantum field theories. In this talk I will focus on scattering amplitudes. After a broad introduction, I will consider maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and discuss a positive geometry encoding scattering processes in this theory -- the momentum amplituhedron. In particular, I will show that using the null structure of the kinematic space, one finds a geometry whose canonical differential form produces loop-amplitude integrands. Finally, I will present some of the main goals and research directions for the future.
We study the CFT data of planar 4D N=4 Super-Yang-Mills in the strong 't Hooft coupling limit, focusing on massive short strings in the flat-space limit of AdS5 ×S5. Specifically, we analyse the string states exchanged in the OPE of a four-point function dual to the AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude. By organising this data into Regge trajectories, we predict the leading-order behaviour of four sub-leading trajectories using integrability, analyticity, and recent advances on the Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude. Notably, one trajectory and entire Kaluza-Klein towers decouple in the flat-space limit, hinting at an emergent selection rule for short-string scattering. Based on arXiv:2409.07529, arXiv:2310.06041, and arXiv:2306.12379.
Motivated by closed string perturbation theory arguments, I consider nonperturbative effects in the string coupling in supersymmetric critical heterotic string theories that are stronger than field theory ones. I will argue that in 10D, such effects arise from heterotic D-instantons, i.e. heterotic disk diagrams, whose existence relies on a non-trivial interplay between worldsheet and spacetime degrees of freedom. Two general principles arise: The first is that the consistency of heterotic branes on which the fundamental string can end relies on an inflow mechanism for spacetime degrees of freedom. The second is that the perturbation theory argument, taken to its logical conclusion, implies that all closed-string theories must exhibit open strings as well. Finally, I will show how these new stringy effects can impact the vacuum energy of the 4D effective theory.
Defects in QFT can be interpreted either as extended operators or as impurities. They may serve as probes of the QFT or as modifications of it, with a wide range of physical applications. A general approach to constructing defects involves coupling the QFT to a lower-dimensional theory. This coupling triggers an RG flow, even if the bulk theory is conformal, and the defect may ultimately decouple in the IR. Defect RG flows are often challenging to analyze analytically. Our aim is to use symmetries and anomalies to constrain these flows and derive conditions that prevent decoupling. I will discuss important subtleties in defining symmetries in defect quantum field theories (DQFTs), highlighting a bifurcation into two notions: symmetric and strongly symmetric defects. The latter is particularly powerful, imposing strong constraints on RG flows. I will then introduce the concept of 't Hooft anomalies for (strongly) symmetric defects and explore their implications. Throughout the talk, I will present several concrete examples in two- and three-dimensional conformal field theories.
Carrollian holography suggests that gravity in four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetime is dual to a three-dimensional Carrollian CFT living at null infinity. I will review this approach to flat space holography and its connection to celestial holography. I will explain how massless scattering amplitudes in the bulk can be reformulated in terms of Carrollian CFT correlators at null infinity, known as Carrollian amplitudes. Then, I will argue that Carrollian holography is naturally related to AdS/CFT through a correspondence between flat limit in the bulk and Carrollian limit at the boundary. More specifically, I will show that Carrollian amplitudes are the natural objects arising in the flat limit of holographic correlators in AdS.
This presentation will be mainly based on:
In this talk, I will introduce the BFSS matrix quantum mechanics model and discuss its connection to holography and its subtle differences from usual AdS/CFT correspondence. Following that, I will present the BMN model, a supersymmetry-preserving mass deformation of the BFSS model. The strong coupling limit of the BMN model will be analysed, and the results compared with predictions from supergravity. Finally, I will also explain how to formulate the quantum mechanics bootstrap problem for the BMN model, leveraging input from supersymmetry localisation results.
Being new to Durham, I will begin with a short overview of my general research interests. I will then focus on a set of recent and upcoming results about gravitational singularities and modified theories of gravity. In particular, I will discuss a concrete model in which the singularities of spherically symmetric black holes can be generically resolved. The resolution coincides precisely with the inclusion of an infinite tower of higher-curvature corrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action. I will show how the resulting singularity-free black holes result from gravitational collapse of matter. I will then wrap up with a discussion of advantages and shortcomings, and the potential of the model for gaining further insights on the implications of singularities and their resolution.
Locality of bulk operators in AdS imposes stringent constraints on their description in terms of boundary CFT operators. These constraints are characterised by sum rules on the bulk-to-boundary expansion coefficients. I will present our analytic bootstrap technique, which produces "bespoke" functionals that explicitly bootstrap a huge family of exact, interacting solutions to this locality bootstrap problem.
Based on [2305.07078] and [2408.00572].
After reviewing some recent progress in the application of bootstrap techniques to impurities in statistical models, I will consider the long-range Ising model in the continuum limit, i.e. a non-local field theory with quartic coupling. I will describe three different ways of constructing conformal defects in this theory. While one method mimics the construction of defects in the local model, the other two are specific to the non-local model and they can be studied directly in d=3 using a perturbative expansion around the crossover between the long-range theory and the Gaussian one.
Symmetries play a fundamental role in studying quantum field theories (QFTs). They provide selection rules, constrain the dynamics of QFTs, and, through anomalies, a method to test IR or UV dualities among different QFTs. For these reasons, it is important to understand the symmetries that a theory can enjoy. This recently motivated the study of generalized global symmetries and the description of symmetries through the symTFT, which separates the symmetry structure from the field theory dynamics. Holography represents a perfect laboratory to deal with these aspects: string theory reduced on the internal space of the holographic background realizes the symTFT and BPS branes describe the charged and topological operators of the dual theory.
In this talk, I will focus on the type IIA description of ABJ theories. These are an interesting topic in this context: one of their global forms enjoys a binary dihedral or quaternionic discrete symmetry depending on their rank and CS levels, and their holographic dual is known. After characterizing the symmetry web of these theories, I will describe the symTFT and its topological operators, in particular focusing on non-genuine operators showing how the non-Abelian structure of the symmetry group can be detected from their fusion rules and commutation relations. I will then focus on the holographic realization of the theory, obtaining the symTFT from type IIA supergravity. I will identify symmetry operators in terms of BPS branes and see how their tadpoles encode the group structure of the global symmetry. Finally, I will comment on the realization of non-invertible genuine operators through branes, computing the attached TQFT from the reduction of the brane worldvolume theory on the cycle the brane is wrapping. Based on an upcoming work with O. Bergman.
In the framework of convolutional double copy, we investigate the asymptotic symmetries of the gravitational multiplet stemming from the residual symmetries of its single-copy constituents at null infinity. We show that the asymptotic symmetries of Maxwell fields in D = 4 imply “double-copy supertranslations”, i.e. BMS supertranslations and two-form asymptotic symmetries, together with the existence of infinitely many conserved charges involving the double-copy scalar. Finally, we discuss the challenges of generalising these results to higher orders from the perspective of both asymptotic symmetries and double copy.
The seminar is based on 2402.11595, 2409.08131 and a work in progress.
Soft limits of scattering amplitudes play a crucial role in identifying the infrared (IR) structures of effective field theories (EFTs). In this talk, I will briefly introduce the success of the S-matrix program, and the techniques used to classify scalar EFTs, providing examples along the way. I will then address the problem of singular behaviors in cubic vertices under soft limits. A schematic derivation of the soft theorem will be presented, demonstrating that by properly ordering the limitssoft, on-shell, and epsilonthe cubic conundrum is naturally resolved. Finally, I will discuss a soft theorem for the EFT of inflation, which holds to all orders in perturbation theory, and show how it determines the Wilson coefficients up to the known degrees of freedom.
Monopoles and center vortices have been regarded as the plausible candidates of magnetic excitations that explain quark confinement. By considering 4d Yang-Mills theory on compactified geometries with suitable deformations, we can obtain the weakly-coupled semiclassical descriptions of confinement with these magnetic objects. In this talk, we make the explicit connection between them and unify the monopole- and center-vortex-picture.
Generalised symmetries have expanded our insight into theory but their impact has not fully translated into phenomenology yet. This talk will present a case study that bridges the two fields and aims at being approachable from either end. The gauge group of strong and electroweak interactions in Nature could be any of the four that share the same Lie algebra but have different one form discrete symmetries. Each of these cases allows in its spectrum for the matter fields of the SM but also for new distinctive representations which follow a group-dependent electric charge quantisation rule.
We study the analytic continuation in the spin of the planar spectrum of ABJM theory using the integrability-based Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) method. First, we present the approach. Then, we classify the analytic properties of the Q functions appearing in the QSC as compatible with non-integer spin. We find not one - but two distinct possibilities. The two choices correspond to a discrete symmetry of the web of Regge trajectories under a spin shadow transformation. Under this symmetry, a Regge trajectory tips over into a bridge. The latter one connects leading with sub-leading Regge trajectories. Zigzagging between trajectories and bridges, we can reach all the sheets of the spin Riemann surface. We present numerical results for Regge trajectories in ABJM theory at finite coupling. In particular, we exactly compute the coupling dependence of the position of the leading Regge pole in the correlator of four stress tensors. The shape of this leading trajectory shows a behaviour at weak coupling that strongly resembles the BFKL limit in N=4 SYM.
The bootstrap method explores fundamental consistency conditions to
constrain physical observations. The consistency conditions often
translate into highly non-trivial numerical problems. In this talk, I
will show that, with advanced numerical techniques, formal constraints
such as unitarity and crossing symmetries lead to precise predictions
for experimental phenomena in condensed matter and particle physics. I
will discuss two experiments: the He4 superfluid phase transition and
pion scattering. In both cases, bootstrap results provide insights into
the experimental analysis.
The progress in our understanding of symmetries in QFT has led to the proposal that the complete information on a symmetry structure is encoded in a TQFT in one dimension higher, known as the Symmetry TFT. This picture is well understood for finite symmetries, and I will explain the extension to continuous symmetries in the first part of the talk, based on a paper with F. Benini. This extension requires studying new TQFTs with a non-compact spectrum of operators. Like for finite symmetries, these TQFTs capture anomalies and topological manipulations via their topological boundary conditions. The main new ingredient for continuous symmetries is dynamical gauging, which is described by maps between different TQFTs. I will use this to derive the Symmetry TFT for the non-invertible chiral symmetry of QED. Moreover, the various TQFTs related by dynamical gauging arise as different boundary conditions of a unique TQFT in two dimensions higher. In the second part of the talk, based on work in progress with F. Benini and G. Rizi, I will use these tools to derive some new connections between the Symmetry TFTs and the universal EFTs describing the spontaneous symmetry breaking of any (generalized) global symmetry.
Wilson lines are a prototypical example of defect in quantum field theory. After reviewing the superconformal case - in which the one-dimensional defect CFT that they define is particularly interesting - I will discuss some analytic tools that may prove useful in this context, but are developed for generic 1d CFTs. Among them, a representation of the four-point correlator as a Mellin amplitude and via a recently derived dispersion relation.
2024-04-17Rodrigo Alonso [IPPP - Durham University]: TBA
We combine supersymmetric localization with the numerical conformal bootstrap to bound the scaling dimension and OPE coefficient of the lowest-dimension operator in N = 4 SU( N) super-Yang-Mills theory for a wide range of N and Yang-Mills couplings g. We find that our bounds are approximately saturated by weak coupling results at small g. Furthermore, at large N our bounds interpolate between integrability results for the Konishi operator at small g and strong-coupling results, including the first few stringy corrections, for the lowest-dimension double-trace operator at large g. In particular, our scaling dimension bounds describe the level splitting between the single- and double-trace operators at intermediate coupling.
The double copy is a remarkable relation between Yang-Mills theory and gravity. In Yang-Mills theory, scattering amplitudes contain information about color in the form of elements of a Lie algebra, and information about kinematics encoded in so-called kinematic numerators. The double copy states that, provided that certain algebraic conditions are fulfilled, exchanging the color information by kinematic information in Yang-Mills amplitudes leads to amplitudes in gravity. The algebraic considerations put color and kinematics on the same footing, suggesting that there is an algebra underlying the kinematics of Yang-Mills, similar to how color is encoded in a Lie algebra. The first explicit realization of a kinematic algebra was the Lie algebra of area-preserving diffeomorphisms in the self-dual sector of Yang-Mills theory after imposing a light-cone gauge condition. In this talk, using a framework based on homotopy algebras, I will show that there exists a larger kinematic algebra in the self-dual sector of Yang-Mills which does not rely on any choice of gauge and contains enough information to construct self-dual gravity.
We present a generalization of the Villain formulation of lattice gauge theories which is suitable for non-abelian, disconnected gauge groups. We focus on O(2) gauge theory as an example, which can be obtained from the U(1) theory by gauging charge conjugation symmetry. This gauging procedure has a natural realization on the lattice, where the resulting higher-group and non-invertible symmetries can be constructed explicitly in a concrete setting. As an application, we describe how these symmetries give rise to selection rules on extended operators and their junctions, and their implications for the phase diagrams of lattice models where the symmetries are typically emergent.
Recent years have seen an upsurge of interest in deformations of two-dimensional sigma-models which preserve classical integrability. Integrability is known to offer powerful techniques for solving such models exactly, even in complex scenarios such as at strong coupling. This talk introduces classical integrability, and focuses on the role played by worldsheet dualities in the development of a large family of integrable deformations. The second part of the talk focuses on the application of these deformations within the AdS/CFT correspondence, in order to obtain exact methods for addressing gauge and gravity theories with reduced Noether (super)symmetries. However, current "AdS/CFT integrability" methods are mostly restricted to the undeformed, maximally (super)symmetric instances. To enhance their applicability to a broader range of theoretical models, the concept of twisted AdS/CFT integrability is introduced, specifically targeting the Jordanian subclass of integrable deformations. Recent and ongoing work in this area will be discussed.
I will revisit aspects of the 3d A-model, which encodes (almost) all partition functions of 3d N=2 supersymmetric field theories in the data of a 2d TQFT. In the case when the UV theory is a supersymmetric gauge theory, explicit formulas are known if and only if the fundamental group of the gauge group G is a free abelian group. We will discuss how to compute supersymmetric partition functions for any global form of G. Interestingly, this involves studying the higher-form symmetries of the 3d A-model.
In my talk I will review motivation for and construction of an infinite derivative gravity. Especially a connection to the string field theory will be highlighted. Then I will demonstrate an exact embedding of the Starobinsky inflation in this construction. In final part I will speak about modifications to observable compared to local models of inflation: spectral indexes, tensor/to scalar ratio, shapes of non-gaussianities and related parameters, gravitational waves production.
I will present a constructive method to compute the Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude on AdS5xS5, order by order in AdS curvature corrections. The k-th curvature correction takes the form of a genus zero world-sheet integral involving single-valued multiple polylogarithms of weight 3k. The coefficients in an ansatz in terms of these functions are fixed by Regge boundedness of the amplitude, which is imposed via a dispersion relation in the holographically dual CFT. We explicitly constructed the first two curvature corrections. Our final answer reproduces all CFT data available from integrability and all localisation results, to this order, and produces a wealth of new CFT data for planar N=4 SYM theory at strong coupling. Finally, the high energy limit of the AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude is compared to a classical scattering computation in AdS and agreement is found.
In the calculation of the perturbative amplitude of superstring theory at one loop, modular graph functions (MGFs) emerge as notable mathematical constructs. These MGFs, representing Feynman diagrams on the surface of a torus, must be integrated over the fundamental domain. My talk will introduce MGFs, elucidate their generating series, and delve into the concept of equivariance, playing a key role in classifying MGFs. Additionally, I will cover recent advancements in understanding the generating series of MGFs and the integration of MGFs over the fundamental domain.
A Lagrangian for self-dual forms which maintains manifest Lorentz invariance has been put forward by A. Sen in 1511.08220,1903.12196. We will first review his construction using the formalism developed in 2003.10567. Then, by following 2112.00040, we will test it at the quantum level; we will compute the path-integral for the action in 2D, describing the compact chiral boson, where the Wick-rotation will be implemented through a complex-deformation of the physical metric and not of the time-coordinate.
It has been known for decades that close to spacelike singularities Einsteins equations behave in a chaotic way. I will describe an explicit and simple realisation of this mixmaster or BKL dynamics in the interior of an asymptotically AdS black hole. I will describe universal features of the late interior dynamics including an emergent time-independent Hamiltonian and connections to the "arithmetic chaos of the modular group.
Ricci flat metrics for Calabi-Yau threefolds are not known analytically. In this talk, I will discuss techniques from machine learning to deduce numerical flat metrics on Calabi-Yau two- and three-folds. In particular, I will focus on a particular type of approximation known as spectral neural networks. This type of network produces an exact Kähler metric. I will discuss the metric approximation for various examples, with particular focus on the Cefalú family of quartic two-folds, for which we study the corresponding characteristic forms. Furthermore, from the computation of the Euler characteristic, I will demonstrate that the numerical computations match the expectations, even in the case of singular geometries.
Integrable deformations are a subclass of 2d sigma-models which are exactly solvable. Insights into the origin of this special property are provided by two 4d gauge theoretic descriptions -- 4d Chern-Simons theory and self-dual Yang-Mills theory. Recently, both of these 4d models have been realised as children of a parent theory: 6d holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on twistor space. After a review of these topics, I will discuss our work extending this formalism, beyond the 2d PCM and WZW model, to continuous families of integrable deformations.
The string of (possibly cryptic) words in the title will be discussed. Neither prior knowledge of, nor interest in, all of the terms is assumed. We hope there is something for everyone! Essentially, two currently pervasive ideas that we find interesting will be brought together:
1. Scattering amplitudes are the most direct bridge between quantum field theory and particle collider experiments. They are also incredibly rich structures that provide deep physical/mathematical insights into the underlying theories. An example is provided by the colour-kinematics duality of gluon amplitudes. While in Yang—Mills theory the internal colour and spacetime Lorentz symmetries ostensibly live independent lives, it seems that they dance to the same tune in the scattering amplitudes. A consequence of this hidden property is that graviton scattering amplitudes are the “double copy” of amplitudes: Einstein = Yang—Mills squared!
2. Homotopy algebras generalise familiar algebras (matrix, exterior, Lie…) by relaxing the defining identities up to homotopy. The homotopy maps form higher products in corresponding homotopy algebra. A key example is that of homotopy Lie algebras or L∞-algebras. The violation of the familiar Lie bracket [-,-] Jacobi identity is controlled by a unary [-] and ternary bracket [-,-,-], which themselves satisfy nested Jacobi identities up to homotopies controlled by yet higher brackets and so on. They arise naturally and inevitably in a number of mathematical contexts, such as categorified symmetries. They also have deep connections to physics. Indeed, every perturbative Lagrangian quantum field theory corresponds to a homotopy Lie algebra, allowing one to move between the physics of scattering amplitudes and the mathematics of homotopy algebras.
We shall first review the remarkable correspondence between perturbative quantum field theory and homotopical algebras. We will then illustrate how the colour-kinematics duality of scattering amplitudes (a pedagogical introduce to which will be given in the pre-talk) can be realised at the level of the Batalin–Vilkovisky action: assuming tree-level colour-kinematics duality of the physical S-matrix, there exist an action principle manifesting colour-kinematics duality as a (possible anomalous) conventional symmetry. In homotopy algebraic terms, the associated homotopy commutative algebra (aka the “colour-stripped” homotopy algebra) carries a homotopy BV◽️-algebra structure. This observation, in turn, allows for simple proofs of (tree-level) colour-kinematics for a variety of theories, some old, some new, and progress in characterising what is and isn’t possible at the loop—level. For example, we give a concise proof that the BLG and ABJM M2-brane models have tree-level
colour-kinematics duality.
Instantons are an important source of nonperturbative effects in quantum field theories, but their role in asymptotically free theories has not been well understood. In this talk, we will present a new approach to instanton analysis in the 2d CP^N sigma models. From this, we will argue that, contrary to common belief, instantons can in fact capture the vacuum structure and non-perturbative properties such as mass gap, theta dependence, and confinement. In the supersymmetric case, our method also gives the mirror symmetry Landau-Ginsburg dual of the theory. We will also comment on the lack of conflict between instantons and large N.
The early inflationary Universe is an approximately de Sitter spacetime. This high-energy, high-curvature environment is an ideal laboratory in which to search for new fundamental physics. However, theoretical developments are needed if we are to translate the signals that could be measured by upcoming sky surveys (e.g. of primordial non-Gaussianity) into concrete properties of the quantum fields which produced them during inflation.
In this talk, I will describe recent progress in importing techniques from (Minkowski) scattering amplitudes to cosmological (quasi-de Sitter) spacetimes, and in particular focus on how the S-matrix and the wavefunction for scalar fluctuations on de Sitter can be computed/constrained using fundamental principles such as unitarity and causality.
The Distance Conjecture holds that any infinite-distance limit in the scalar field moduli space of a consistent theory of quantum gravity must be accompanied by a tower of light particles whose masses scale exponentially with proper field distance $||\phi||$ as $m \sim \exp(- \lambda ||\phi||)$, where the decay coefficient $\lambda$ is order-one in Planck units. While the evidence for this conjecture is formidable, there was until recently no consensus on which values of $\lambda$ are allowed. In this talk, I propose a sharp lower bound on $\lambda$ in $d$ spacetime dimensions: $\lambda \geq 1/\sqrt{d-2}$. I will provide several lines of evidence for this bound and discuss its implications for scalar field potentials and cosmology.
Conformal field theories (CFTs) in one dimension provide an exciting playground for the development of efficient tools to solve for CFT data. In recent years, an alternative approach to the conformal bootstrap, known as the Polyakov bootstrap, has been continuously evolving. In this presentation, I will first review the construction in the context of a single correlator. Then, I will describe its generalization to multiple correlators. I will also demonstrate how this approach yields analytical bounds that are saturated by multiple correlators within a single generalized free field theory. This method offers a nonperturbative framework for bootstrapping arbitrary four-point correlators of local operators in 1D CFTs. To conclude, I will provide an outlook for higher dimensions, briefly discussing our recent results in the context of higher-dimensional CFTs.
In the Mirror symmetry between Type IIA and Type IIB string
compactifications, Batyrev's construction allows us to list up vacua on
both sides and identify the dual pairs of vacua systematically. When it
comes to the duality between Heterotic and Type IIA compactifications
with SO(3,1) Lorentz symmetry and N=2 supersymmetry, however, we are
nowhere near such situations, as indicated in a paper by A.Braun and
myself in 2016. The questions that have to be addressed for this purpose
include (a) classifying 4D N=2 Heterotic compactifications, (b)
constraining topological choices of fibring a K3 surface on P^1 to form
Calabi-Yau threefolds, (c) whether all the Type IIA vacua can be
interpreted as non-linear sigma models, and (d) computing monodromy in
the Coulomb branch moduli space. We will report a little progress on
these questions.
This presentation is based on arXiv:1911.09934, 2005.01069, 2111.01575
and 2212.07948 in collaboration with Y. Enoki and Y. Sato.
The Hubbard model is one of the most important examples of
integrable system and it finds applications in both Condensed Matter and
High Energy Physics. It describes the physics of interacting electrons and
useful information can be extracted from the Hamiltonian: the kinetic term
allows for the hopping of particles between nearest neighbour lattice
sites and the potential term simulates the on-site interaction.
In this talk, after introducing the Hubbard model Hamiltonian in the
bosonic formulations and its properties, I will present a new range 3
integrable deformation of it, that does not preserve spin. This is the
first non-trivial integrable medium range deformation of the Hubbard model. I
will show how this 3-site model can be embedded into the standard
framework of the Yang-Baxter equation and explain why this is important.
2023-02-24No seminar due to strike action the previous day:
2023-02-17No seminar due to strike action the previous day:
The modern point of view is that the most general global symmetries of
quantum field theory are described by topological defects/operators of
the theory. In general such symmetries are non-invertible, i.e. the
associated topological defects do not admit an inverse under fusion. I
will describe a general construction of such non-invertible topological
defects by coupling lower-dimensional TQFTs to discrete gauge fields in
the bulk. The associated symmetries would be referred to as theta
symmetries, as this construction can be understood as a generalization
of the notion of theta angle. Towards the end of the talk, I will
discuss some works in progress regarding possible physical applications
of non-invertible symmetries. Based on ArXiv: 2212.06159, 2208.05973.
While local operators contribute to the short-distance operator
product expansions, a broader class of operators is required to describe
operator product expansions at null separation as well as more
generally. The appropriate operators for this are the non-local
light-ray operators which form analytic Regge trajectories in the space
of scaling dimensions and spins. In this talk I will focus on two
aspects of these operators. Firstly, I will discuss their physical
interpretation as asymptotic measurements at future null infinity.
Secondly, I will discuss the general structure of Regge trajectories,
explaining in particular how their intersections and spin-dependent
degeneracies of higher-twist trajectories are resolved, using the
Wilson-Fisher theory as an example. Based mostly on 2209.00008 and work
in progress with Brett Oertel and Johan Henriksson.
In this talk I will consider generalizations of equivariant volumes of abelian GIT quotients obtained as partition functions of 1d, 2d, and 3d supersymmetric GLSMs. I will discuss the differential/difference equations obeyed by these partition functions which we interpret as the equivariant quantum cohomology/K-theory relations of the target. I will show that compactness of the target relates to a certain finiteness property of these partition functions in the non-equivariant limit, while full equivariance is necessary in the non-compact case. Finally, I will discuss the relation to genus-zero Gromov-Witten theory and how GW invariants arise from the expansion in equivariant parameters. Based on arXiv:2211.13269.
't Hooft anomalies of systems can be described via anomaly inflow by invertible theories living in one dimension higher. In this talk we will discuss a general method that, via such inflow, allows us to determine modular transformations of anomalous 2d fermionic CFTs with general discrete symmetry group. As a by-product, we will show how to determine explicit combinatorial expressions of the associated spin-cobordism invariants in terms of Dehn-surgery representation of 3-manifolds. The same techniques will also provide a method for evaluating the map from the group classifying free fermionic anomalies to the group of anomalies in interacting theories. As examples, we will work out the details for some symmetry groups, including non-abelian ones. We will also briefly comment on the relation between the cobordism description of anomalies and the categorical one via topological defects.
I will present multi-parameter deformations of the AdS3xS3xT4
superstring that preserve classical integrability and, in some cases,
some amount of supersymmetry.
This talk will describe a surprisingly simple representation of a class of integrated correlation functions of superconformal operators in the stress tensor multiplet of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with arbitrary classical gauge group, G_N. This construction, which is based on supersymmetric localisation, leads to expressions that are explicit functions of the complex Yang-Mills coupling, tau, that are invariant under modular transformations, as implied by Montonen-Olive duality, They are also explicit functions of N, and their large-N expansions are interpreted via holography in terms of the low energy expansion of type IIB superstring amplitudes in AdS5XS5 or an orientifold of AdS5XS5. This reproduces the SL(2,Z)-invariant BPS interactions that arise in type IIB superstring amplitudes in the flat-space limit. Furthermore, the 1/N series is not summable, but is completed by a non-perturbative contribution that is the holographic image of a modular invariant sum of string world-sheet instantons.
The talk will be based on work with Daniele Dorigoni and Congkao Wen.
We use the exact expression for the microscopic degeneracies of dyonic black holes
in four-dimensional N=4 toroidally compactified heterotic string theory, to improve on the existing formulation of the corresponding quantum entropy function obtained using supersymmetric localization.
The result takes the form of a sum over Euclidean backgrounds including freely acting orbifolds of the Euclidean
AdS2 x S2 attractor geometry.
We further show how a rewriting of the degeneracy formula is amenable, at a semi-classical level, to a gravitational interpretation involving 2D supersymmetric wormholes. This alternative picture is useful to elucidate different aspects of the gravitational path integral capturing the microstate degeneracies. We also comment on the relation between the corresponding 1D holographic models.
This is an in person talk. We have decided to stop streaming the talks given all the technical difficulties and lack of interest, please let me know if this is a problem for you.
What is the effective description of macroscopic states in a
relativistic theory? Going one step beyond thermodynamics, the simplest
classical effective description is given by hydrodynamics. It is well
known that relativistic dissipative fluid-dynamical equations found in
classic textbooks (Weinberg, Landau & Lifshitz) predict violations of
causality and non-existence of equilibrium. In this talk, I will discuss
how one can make sense of dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics. Time
permitting, I will also discuss why some of the long-distance, late-time
predictions of classical hydrodynamics are not universal.
This is an in person talk. We have decided to stop streaming the talks given all the technical difficulties and lack of interest, please let me know if this is a problem for you.
Conformal field theory (CFT) with boundary describes finite-size effects in physical systems and described by boundary conformal field theory (BCFT). These theories have restricted conformal symmetry as the boundary breaks the translational invariance, which results in a non-trivial two-point correlator unlike the usual CFT. BCFTs are mathematically simpler than CFTs. I will discuss how to constrain the BCFT correlators using a hybrid approach of Feynman diagrams and boundary conformal bootstrap. I will show how probing BCFTs can constrain the boundary operator spectrum as well as a part of the bulk CFT spectrum. I will illustrate this in the context of perturbative Wilson-Fisher theory at the fixed point.
This is an in person talk. We have decided to stop streaming the talks given all the technical difficulties and lack of interest, please let me know if this is a problem for you.
When do two quantum field theories describe the same physics? I will discuss some approaches to this question in the context of superconformal field theories in four and six dimensions. First, I will discuss the construction of 6d (1,0) SCFTs from the perspective of the "atomic classification", focussing on an oft-overlooked subtlety whereby distinct SCFTs in fact share an effective description on the generic point of the tensor branch. We will see how to determine the difference in the Higgs branch operator spectrum from the atomic perspective, and how that agrees with a dual class S perspective. I will explain how other 4d N=2 SCFTs, which a priori look like distinct theories, can be shown to describe the same physics, as they arise as torus-compactifications of identical 6d theories.
This is an in person talk. We have decided to stop streaming the talks given all the technical difficulties and lack of interest, please let me know if this is a problem for you.
In the last few years, much attention has been devoted to the study of a peculiar class of irrelevant deformations of 2-dimensional Quantum Field Theories, known as “Solvable Irrelevant Deformations”. The poster child of these is the celebrated “TTbar deformation”. They display unusual properties in the UV, which can be described exactly, their irrelevant nature notwithstanding. For this reason they represent a sensible extension of Quantum Field Theory beyond the Wilsonian paradigm and have attracted a considerable attention from the high energy theory community. The property of being solvable is shared with a wider class of deformations, constructed out of pairs of conserved currents. In general these are marginal deformations, thus presenting very different UV properties. Nonetheless their structures are similar to the TTbar ones, hinting at the existence of a universal description.
In this talk I will present a very general framework that accommodates both solvable irrelevant and solvable marginal deformations, which amounts to a “topological gauging” of the symmetries of the system. Through simple path integral computations, I will recover the main features of these theories and show their equivalence to TST and Yang-Baxter deformations. For the case of TTbar, the topological gauging perspective explains the previously not understood relation to field theory in non-commutative Minkowski space-time and to the centrally extended Poincaré algebra.
This is an in person talk. We have decided to stop streaming the talks given all the technical difficulties and lack of interest, please let me know if this is a problem for you.
The SYK model is a quantum mechanical model of N Majorana fermions with random all-to-all interactions. In the large N limit and in the strong coupling regime, it has an emergent conformal symmetry that links the model to gravity in (near) AdS_2. In this talk, I will present new solvable relevant deformations of the model, that allow for novel infrared behaviour that can be studied both numerically and analytically. I will concentrate on two-point correlators, thermodynamics, Schwarzian actions and its relation to their putative dual dilaton-gravity models. Time permitting, I will speculate on possible microscopic constructions of dS_2.
This is an in person whiteboard talk, since the owl was not working last week it's not guaranteed streaming will work. Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 974 4471 8140
Passcode: 969628
The notion of global symmetry in quantum field theory (QFT) has witnessed dramatic generalizations in the past few years. One of the most exciting developments has been the identification of 4d QFTs possessing non-invertible symmetries, i.e. global symmetries that are not modeled by a group, but rather exhibit richer fusion algebras of defects. In this talk, I will discuss how models with non-invertible symmetries can be realized in string theory and holography. As a concrete case study, I will consider the Klebanov-Strassler setup for holographic confinement in Type IIB string theory. The global symmetries of the holographic 4d QFT (both invertible and non-invertible) can be accessed by studying the topological couplings of the low-energy effective action of the dual 5d supergravity theory. Moreover, non-invertible symmetry defects can be realized in terms of D-branes. The D-brane picture captures non-trivial aspects of the fusion of non-invertible symmetry defects, and of their action on extended operators of the 4d QFT.
This is an in person talk, we will try to share it on zoom for colleagues who cannot make it in person here:
Meeting ID: 974 4471 8140
Passcode: 969628
** This is an person talk in MCS2068 but it will also be live streamed at **
The most natural expectation away from asymptotic limits in moduli space of supergravity theories is the desert scenario, where there are few states between massless fields and the quantum gravity cutoff. We initiate a systematic study of these regions deep in the moduli space, and compute the maximum value of the cutoff given by BPS states in large classes of supersymmetric vacua. We show that even though heuristically the species scale is compatible with expectations, the BPS states of the actual string vacua lead to a stronger dependence of the cutoff scale on the number of massless modes. We propose that this discrepancy can be resolved by placing a bound on the number of massless modes that is consistent with quantum gravity.
Online only talk:
Amplitudes predict the outcome of scattering experiments with particle colliders. Feynman’s perturbative approach leads to considering a power series whose coefficients are computed by so-called Feynman integrals. The perturbative expansion of string theory amplitudes is an important testing ground for double-copy relations between gravity and gauge theories, and the AdS/CFT correspondence. It is indexed by an integer which can be interpreted as the genus of a surface. In the last decade, the combined effort of mathematicians and physicists led to great progress in our understanding of the genus-zero and genus-one coefficients. I will report on this progress, with special focus on the role of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard (KZB) equations, which arise from Wess-Zumino-Witten models, and of polylogarithm functions. At the end I will report on higher-genus perspectives, based on a joint work with Benjamin Enriquez.
** This is an in person talk, the speaker (and talk) will be in MCS2068. It will also be a blackboard talk, we will attempt to use the owl to live stream and capture the board so the online experience might not be as good as the in-room experience.
We will live stream it at **
Integrable models have applications in several areas of physics. Examples are Kepler's problem in Classical Mechanics, the Heisenberg spin chain and the Potts model in magnetism, Hubbard model in superconductivity and the recent applications in the several instances of AdS/CFT correspondence. These models are special because they possess so many conserved charges that they can be solved "exactly". There are many techniques to study these models in a systematic way, so once we discover that a model is integrable, a box full of new tools to deal with it becomes available. In this seminar, I will give an introduction to integrable systems and show a new method to construct them. I will show and discuss some of the new models, that include: a Hubbard-type model, a model where the electrons only move in the chain when they are in pairs, as well as some deformations of lower dimensional AdS/CFT S-matrices.
** This is an in person talk, the speaker (and talk) will be in MCS2068. It will also be a blackboard talk, we will attempt to use the owl to live stream and capture the board so the online experience might not be as good as the in-room experience. We will live stream it at **
I will explain that the spectral geometry of hyperbolic manifolds provides a remarkably faithful model of the modern conformal bootstrap. In particular, to each hyperbolic D-manifold, one can associate a Hilbert space of local operators, which is a unitary representation of a conformal group. The local operators live in an emergent (D-1)-dimensional spacetime. The scaling dimensions of the operators are related to the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on the manifold. The operators satisfy an operator product expansion. Finally, one can define their correlation functions and derive bootstrap equations constraining the spectrum. As an application, I will use conformal bootstrap techniques to derive upper bounds on the lowest positive eigenvalue of the Laplacian on closed hyperbolic surfaces and 2-orbifolds. In a number of notable cases, the bounds are nearly saturated by known surfaces and orbifolds. For instance, the bound on all genus-2 surfaces is λ1≤3.8388976481, while the Bolza surface has λ1≈3.838887258. The talk will be based on, which is joint work with P. Kravchuk and S. Pal.
In this talk, I will discuss the statistical distribution of OPE coefficients in chaotic conformal field theories. I will present the OPE Randomness Hypothesis (ORH), a generalization of ETH to CFTs which treats any OPE coefficient involving a heavy operator as a pseudo-random variable with an approximate Gaussian distribution. I will then present some evidence for this conjecture, based on the size of the non-Gaussianities and on insights from random matrix theory. Turning to the bulk, I will argue that semi-classical gravity geometrizes these statistical correlations by wormhole geometries. I will show that the non-Gaussianities of the OPE coefficients predict a new connected wormhole geometry that dominates over the genus-2 wormhole.
In this talk we discuss the set of generalized symmetries associated with the free graviton theory in four dimensions. These are generated by ring-like operators. As for the Maxwell field, we find a set of “electric” and a dual set of “magnetic” topological operators and compute their algebra. The associated electric and magnetic fields satisfy a set of constraints equivalent to the ones of a stress tensor of a 3d CFT. This implies that the generalized symmetry is charged under space-time symmetries, and it provides a bridge between linearized gravity and the tensor gauge theories that have been introduced recently in the context of fractonic systems in condensed matter physics.
I will introduce a novel numerical approach for solving the conformal-bootstrap equations with Reinforcement Learning. I will apply this to the case of two-dimensional CFTs, successfully identifying well-known theories like the 2D Ising model and the 2D CFT of a compact scalar, but the method can be used to study arbitrary (unitary or non-unitary) CFTs in any spacetime dimension.
In this talk I will briefly summarise some recent work on the interactions between physics and machine learning. In a recent paper (2110.02673) with de Haan, Rainone, and Bondesan, we use a continuous flow model to help ameliorate the numerical difficulties in sampling in lattice field theories, which for instance hampers high-precision computations in LQCD. If time permits, I will also talk about a second paper with V Anagiannis (2103.11785), in which we exploit the analogy between quantum many-body systems and certain neural networks to analyse the learning process using quantum entanglement.
I will discuss the problem of classifying (interacting) conformal boundary conditions for the simplest bulk conformal field theories: free fields. I will mention concrete examples based on perturbation theory, and then describe results using the numerical conformal bootstrap approach, specifically in the case of a scalar field in four and three bulk dimensions.
Classifying possible spacetime geometries is contingent on constraining physically realizable stress-tensors, objects famously described by Einstein as the “low grade wood” side of his field equation. The situation is made even more precarious in quantum field theory where local energy inequalities are violated. Working on this side of the field equation, I will review some recent work constraining null-energy smeared over spacetime regions directly in quantum field theory. I will review and offer a field theoretic proof of the Smeared Null Energy Condition (a proposed generalization of the Null Energy Condition) and discuss recent work on a Double Smeared Null Energy Condition lower-bounding the null-energy smeared over a particular spacetime region. Along the way, I will detail general machinery for bounding below quantum operators that are classically positive, at least within a certain class of theories.
I'll discuss an approach to the computation of framing anomalies using the BV formalism. This method can be applied to a general class of topological field theories that encompasses many topological twists of supersymmetric gauge theories, such as those 4d theories studied by Kapustin and Witten in their work on the geometric Langlands correspondence. This talk is based on joint work with Owen Gwilliam and Brian Williams.
In conventional AdS/CFT partition functions of decoupled copies of the CFT factorize. In bulk computations of such quantities contributions from spacetime wormholes which link separate asymptotic boundaries threaten to spoil this property, leading to a “factorization puzzle.” Certain simple models like JT gravity and the SYK model have wormholes, but bulk computations in them correspond to averages over an ensemble of boundary systems. These averages need not factorize. We can formulate a toy version of the factorization puzzle in such models by focusing on a specific member of the ensemble where partition functions will again factorize. In this talk we discuss bulk computations of partition functions for (sometimes approximately) fixed members of the ensemble in three simple models: the topological model introduced by Marolf and Maxfield (the “MM model”), JT gravity, and the SYK model, and give an effective description of the factorization mechanism.
Galois theory features prominently in many areas of modern mathematics. Although somewhat less appreciated, interesting (and useful) Galois groups sometimes lurk beneath the surface in physics as well. One particularly fruitful area for studying physical Galois actions is in the context of TQFT and topological phases of matter. With this in mind, we will discuss some applications of Galois theory to the study of the symmetries and structures present in 2+1 dimensional TQFT.
I will consider a two-fold problem: on the one hand, the classification of a family of solution-generating techniques in supergravity and, on the other hand, the classification of a family of canonical transformations of 2-dimensional sigma-models (giving rise to integrable-preserving transformations). In fact, under certain assumptions that I will explain, the two problems admit essentially the same algebraic formulation, emerging from an underlying double Lie algebra. I will review the construction and the classification in terms of Lie algebra cohomologies. Based on 2102.04498 and 2109.06185.
We explore the dramatic consequences of string-scale supersymmetry breaking. We focus on the USp(32) and U(32) orientifolds of the type IIB and type 0B strings, as well as the SO(16) x SO(16) projection of the exceptional heterotic string, which provide non-tachyonic settings with no moduli directly in ten dimensions. While deceptively innocuous at the level of worldsheet perturbation theory, dynamical gravitational tadpoles backreact on spacetime in a dramatic fashion. We discuss how branes can tame this effect to a certain extent, finding that spacetime universally breaks down at a finite distance, ending in a strongly coupled, highly curved singularity. Remarkably, the dynamics of branes in these settings remains consistent among different complementary regimes despite the absence of supersymmetric protection. We connect the resulting picture with a number of swampland criteria, including the weak gravity, de Sitter and distance conjectures, which are realized via novel mechanisms.
One of many interesting advances in the kinematics of QFT in the past decade or so is the use of bordism groups to classify anomalies. In this talk, I will give some account of the bordism classification as well as its use for explaining an interplay between local and global anomalies. I will then very briefly discuss a current project investigating anomalies in 2-group symmetry via bordism calculation.
The plane gravitational wave is a Penrose limit of AdS that is dual to the gauge theory BMN limit. The string partition function in this background provides a natural one-parameter deformation of Kronecker-Eisenstein series, and more generally of Jacobi-Maass forms. This talk is based on arXiv:1910.02745 and some work in progress.
In the first part of the talk I will review some aspects of the Painlevé/gauge correspondence. In particular I will show how we can construct generic and explicit solutions to such nonlinear ODEs by using the Nekrasov partition function in the (epsilon1+ epsilon2=0) phase of the Omega background (Kiev construction).
In the second part I will show how we can systematically associate a set of quantum systems to such nonlinear ODEs and how their spectral properties are completely determined by the Kiev formula and thus by the (epsilon1+epsilon2=0) phase of the Omega background.
This is based on work in progress with M.Bershtein and P. Gavrylenko.
Higher Spin Gravities are supposed to be minimalistic extensions of gravity that embed it into a quantum consistent theory. However, such minimality turns out to be in tension with the field theory approach, as well as with the numerous no-go theorems. We report on the recent progress in constructing Higher Spin Gravities and testing quantum effects therein. AdS/CFT relates Higher Spin Gravities to a variety of interesting three-dimensional CFT's, e.g. to the Ising model. These CFT's were conjectured to exhibit a number of remarkable dualities, in particular, the three-dimensional bosonization duality. We show how Higher Spin Gravity can be useful to prove the bosonization duality at least in the large N limit and make new predictions for the correlation functions.
We classify the large N limits of four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories with simple gauge groups that flow to superconformal fixed points. We restrict ourselves to the ones without a superpotential and with a fixed flavor symmetry. We find 35 classes in total, with 8 having a dense spectrum of chiral gauge-invariant operators. The central charges a and c for the dense theories grow linearly in N in contrast to the N^2 growth for the theories with a sparse spectrum. We find that there can be multiple bands separated by a gap, or a discrete spectrum above the band. For all the theories with the dense spectrum, the AdS version of the Weak Gravity Conjecture holds for large enough N even though they do not have weakly-coupled gravity duals.
Gravitational solitons are localized fluctuations of the topology of spacetime, and behave as dynamical particles or branes in theories of quantum gravity. We study the possible charges of gravitational solitons under dynamical gauge fields, with an eye towards the completeness hypothesis: that in a UV complete theory of quantum gravity, there must exist states of every possible gauge charge. Remarkably, we find that gravitational solitons carry charges beyond those present in the pure gauge theory. We interpret the role played by gravitational solitons as one of "abelianization," namely to remove any non-abelian complications from the completeness hypothesis.
I argue that four-dimensional effective field theory descriptions with de Sitter isometries could be allowed in the presence of time-dependent internal degrees of freedom in type IIB string landscape. Moduli stabilization and time-independent Newton constants are possible in such backgrounds. However once the time-dependences are switched off, there appear no possibilities of effective field theory descriptions.
In this talk we will study type-B conformal anomalies associated with 1/2-BPS Coulomb-branch operators in 4D N=2 SCFTs. We will derive the conditions under which these anomalies can match across the conformal phase and the Higgs phase, and explicitly see them at work in concrete examples of both matching and non-matching. On the one hand matching leads to a new class of data on the Higgs branch of 4D N=2 SCFTs that are exactly computable. On the other, non-matching imposes novel restrictions on the holonomy of the conformal manifold.
I will discuss correlation functions involving generalized ANEC operators in four dimensions. In particular, I’ll present computations of two, three, and four-point functions involving external scalar states in both free and holographic Conformal Field Theories. From this information, I will comment on the algebra of these light-ray operators. Curiously, a global subalgebra exists which annihilates the conformally invariant vacuum and is acted upon by the collinear conformal group that preserves the light-ray. Outside this set I’ll comment on the appearance of an infinite central term, in agreement with previous suggestions in the literature. In free theories, even some of the operators inside the global subalgebra fail to commute when placed at spacelike separation on the same null-plane. This lack of commutativity is not integrable, presenting an obstruction to the construction of a well defined light-ray algebra at coincident coordinates. For holographic CFTs the behavior worsens and all generalized operators (except for the ANEC) fail to commute at spacelike separation. I will then discuss this same result from the bulk of AdS where new exact shockwave solutions dual to the insertions of these (exponentiated) operators can be used to perform the computation.
In this talk I will discuss how to extract the most trascendental piece of the four graviton amplitude in type IIB supergravity on AdS_5×S^5 at any loop order, from the dual four point function in N=4 Super Yang Mills. I will describe how to construct this part of the correlator/amplitude and its significance. I will conclude with some open problems and future directions.
In any dimension, a global anomaly in a symmetry G is detected by evaluating the eta-invariant on a manifold with G-bundle in one higher dimension. This manifold must be in a non-trivial bordism class (for there to be a global anomaly), making the evaluation of eta difficult in general. We discuss a strategy for evaluating many global anomalies in even dimensions, whereby G is embedded in some larger group K for which the bordism group vanishes. This allows one to extend the manifold with K-bundle as the boundary of a manifold in one dimension higher still, and thence to evaluate eta from a local anomaly polynomial using the APS index theorem. We discuss physics examples of this anomaly interplay in 2, 4, and 6 dimensions. In 4d, we compute the global SU(2) anomaly from a local anomaly in U(2).
Calabi-Yau manifolds play a crucial role in string compactifications. Yau's theorem guarantees the existence of a metric that satisfies the string's equation of motion. However, Yau's proof is non-constructive, and no analytic expressions for metrics on Calabi-Yau threefolds are known. We use machine learning, more precisely neural networks, to learn Calabi-Yau metrics and their complex structure moduli dependence.
I will start with an introduction to Calabi-Yau manifolds and their moduli. After that, I will give a brief introduction to neural networks. Using an example, I will then illustrate how we train neural networks to find Calabi-Yau metrics by solving the underlying partial differential equations. The approach generalizes to more general manifolds and can hence also be used for manifolds with reduced structure, such as SU(3) structure or G2 manifolds, which feature in string compactifications with flux and in the M-theory formulation of string theory, respectively. I will illustrate this generalization for a particular SU(3) structure metric and compare the machine learning result to the known, analytic expression.
I will consider N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories on 4D compact manifolds with a Killing vector field with isolated fixed points.
Studying the realization of supersymmetry in these theories leads to consider a generalization of the notion of self-duality on manifolds with a vector field. This allows to construct a framework unifying equivariant Donaldson-Witten theory and Pestun's theory on S4 and its generalizations. I will also discuss the action of S-duality in these theories.
In this talk, we will discuss recent progress in understanding quantum gravity amplitudes (partition function and boundary correlation functions) in Liouville gravity, and how they limit to Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) correlators. We also discuss multiboundary and higher genus amplitudes. We focus on two main results: the Liouville gravity answers look like q-deformations of the JT answers, and Liouville gravity can be related to a 2d dilaton gravity with a sinh dilaton potential. We end with discussions on supersymmetric extensions and work in progress. Based largely on arXiv:2006.07072 and 2007.00998.
Five-dimensional non-abelian gauge theories have a U(1) global symmetry associated with instantonic particles. I will describe a mixed 't Hooft anomaly between this and other global symmetries of the theory, namely the one-form center symmetry or ordinary flavor symmetry for theories with fundamental matter. I will explore some general dynamical properties of the candidate phases implied by the anomaly, and apply our results to supersymmetric gauge theories in five dimensions, analysing the symmetry enhancement patterns occurring at their conjectured RG fixed points.
Singularity structure of scattering amplitudes is as intricate as it is inscrutable. Work in this area over the recent years has been hinting at an existence of a 'scalar product' between Feynman integrals, which would tell us how to characterize their analytic behavior. In this talk I will explain how to formulate this notion using the tools of intersection theory as well as review its theoretical and practical applications.
Confinement is one of the most important but basic features of non-Abelian gauge theories, and an intuitive and interesting scenario of its dynamics is condensation of magnetic monopoles. When we add the topological theta term to it, more exotic condensations may appear, which are called oblique confinement phases. In a 4d lattice model proposed by Cardy and Rabinovici, such interesting phases can be explicitly realized. In this talk, I will uncover its topological nature based on the recent applications of 't Hooft anomaly matching. Moreover, it has been known that the local dynamics of Cardy-Rabinovici model shows the SL(2,Z) self-duality, but it turns out that the self-duality does not extend to the global aspect of the original theory. We cooked up a SL(2,Z) self-dual theory by gauging a part of the 1-form symmetry of the Cardy-Rabinovici model, and the self-duality has a mixed gravitational anomaly. These data give useful constraints to discuss the phase diagram.
In the last couple of years it was discovered that some 4d N=1 quantum field theories flow in the IR to 4d N=2 superconformal field theories (often of generalized Argyres-Douglas type), therefore showing a phenomenon of Supersymmetry Enhancement at the IR fixed point. Such flows are extremely useful in order to learn features of the IR non-lagrangian theory, by using the UV formulation to compute RG flow protected quantities. However, up to date it is not completely clear why such flows exist, and how the SUSY Enhancement mechanism works in detail. Limiting ourself to one class of such flows, usually referred as Maruyoshi-Song flows, we show how it is possible to understand the enhancement phenomenon in a geometric way, by realizing this setup in F-Theory. We also discuss how to understand the enhancement as an hyperkahler structure restoration on the moduli space of solutions of the (generalized) Hitchin system associated to such theories. Finally, we discuss a very large systematic scan that we performed in order to find more example of such flows. Having found none, we conjecture that this particular method is exhausted: all the N=1 lagrangian theories flowing to Argyres-Douglas theory by Maruyoshi-Song RG-flows have been already discovered, and there exist no more.
3d N=2 gauge theories enjoy a twist that allows to study their partition functions on a circle times a closed Riemann surface. These partition functions, known as twisted indices, were computed some time ago using supersymmetric localisation on the Coulomb branch. More recently, we interpreted the indices from the point of view of a supersymmetric quantum mechanics, unveiling interesting connections to geometry. Starting from simple quantum mechanical geometric models, in this talk we want to introduce this point of view and explain how the indices encode interesting geometric phenomena such as wall-crossing and, in the case of N=4 gauge theories, symplectic duality of quasi-maps. The talk is based on arxiv:1802.10120, arxiv:1812.05567, arxiv:1912.9591, arxiv:2007.11603.
The late-time long-distance behaviour of a many-body system is usually described by the framework of hydrodynamics or similar condensed matter models based on the (possibly spontaneously broken) symmetries that the system enjoys. These models are characterised by a set of transport coefficients, such as viscosities and conductivity, that capture the transport properties of conserved charges over macroscopic scales. In this talk, we will investigate a new kind of transport coefficients that are not present in the usual formulation of hydrodynamics, but nonetheless affect the late time dynamics of conserved charges. Physically, these new coefficients arise due to the interaction of the hydrodynamic degrees of freedom with the background bath of thermal noise present out of equilibrium. For the purposes of this investigation, I will spend some time to review the newly developed Schwinger-Keldysh effective action formulation of non-equilibrium field theories, which allows one to systematically keep track of thermal noise and their correlations. The talk will be based on the recent preprint
After a review of Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and homotopy algebras, we discuss how these structures emerge in quantum field theory and gravity. We focus then on the application of these sophisticated mathematical tools to scattering amplitudes (both tree- and loop-level) and to the understanding of the dualities between gauge theories and gravity, highlighting generalizations of old results and presenting new ones.
Working in sectors of large global charge leads to important simplifications when studying strongly coupled CFTs. In this talk I will introduce the large-charge expansion via the simple example of the O(2) model and apply it in a number of other situations displaying a richer structure, such as non-Abelian vector models and supersymmetric theories.
Four-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories possess a nontrivial moduli space of vacua. In this talk, I will argue that a detailed understanding of the structure of this space suggests a bottom-up construction of N=2 SCFTs.
I will review the role of replica wormholes in deriving a unitary Page curve for Hawking radiation and discuss extensions to flat spacetime and cosmology. I will also discuss general consistency conditions that guide the search for such nontrivial saddles in the gravitational path integral.
In the first half of the talk, I will discuss a work with Nabil Iqbal on how to construct a hydrodynamic description of a theory with 2-group global symmetry at finite temperature and densities. I will briefly mention its similarities/difference with anomaly induced transport, observable consequences and a primitive holographic model that captures important signatures of 2-group hydrodynamics.
If time allows, I also want to elaborate more on which direction I want to explore (both from the work I just mentioned and something slightly different) and learn from members of the audience.
2020-05-01Jerome Gauntlett [Imperial College London]: TBA
The recent direct detection of gravitational waves marks the beginning of a new era for physics and astronomy with an opportunity the probe gravity at its most fundamental level and have already been used to successfully constrain or rule out many effective field theories relevant for cosmology. I will discuss the strengths and limitations of these constraints and explore other complementary approaches in segregating between various effective field theories.
Costello Yamazaki and Witten have proposed a new understanding of quantum integrable systems coming from a variant of Chern-Simons theory living on a product of a smooth 2-manifold and a Riemann surface. I'll review their work, and show how it can be extended to the case of integrable systems with boundary. The boundary Yang-Baxter Equations, twisted Yangians and Sklyanin determinants all have natural interpretations in terms of line operators in the theory.
I will consider non-supersymmetric vacua in string theory. First I will discuss a procedure to generate such solutions starting from some supersymmetric classes; this can be partially read off from a deformation of the pure spinor method. I will then focus on a class of AdS7 non-supersymmetric vacua that can be generated by the more conventional method of consistent truncations. I will illustrate several perturbative and non-perturbative decay channels, concluding that all solutions decay, with one possible exception.
I will describe a class of supergravity solutions holographically dual to d-dimensional maximally supersymmetric SYM on S^d. Supersymmetric localization can be employed to calculate the partition function and the VEV of a 1/2-BPS Wilson lines in the planar limit of the SYM theory. I will present the results of this calculation and will show how they lead to a non-trivial precision test of holography in the context of non-conformal QFTs and space-times that are non asymptotically locally AdS.
It was thought until relatively recently that the most general 4d superconformal index on S^3 x S^1 does not contain an exponential growth of states as a function of the charges, thus posing the puzzle: how do we account for the entropy of supersymmetric black holes in the holographically dual AdS_5? I will discuss recent progress on this subject showing that the superconformal index does indeed have an exponential growth of states which is completely consistent with the existence of a black hole. I will discuss this from both the bulk and boundary point of view. In the boundary SYM, I will show that there is an infinite family of saddle points of the relevant matrix integral, one of which is identified with the black hole. I will then discuss the phase diagram of the theory. The solution of this matrix integral relies on some interesting connections to the Bloch-Wigner elliptic dilogarithm.
This will be based on arXiv:1810.11442, 1904.05865, and mainly 1909.09597.
In this talk, I will discuss the connections between flat-space amplitudes and holographic correlators via AdS/CFT correspondence. The concrete example we will study is 10D type IIB superstring amplitudes in the \alpha' expansion and correlation functions in N=4 SYM in the large-N expansion. Due to maximal supersymmetry and SL(2, Z) duality symmetry, the 10D type IIB superstring amplitudes at low orders of \alpha' expansion (BPS ones) are known exactly, both perturbative terms and non-perturbative terms. The goal of this talk is to derive such exact results from CFT side. The technique tool we will be using is the supersymmetric localization, allowing us to study the correlators (in 1/N expansion) to all orders in Yang-Mills coupling, which we find to precisely match with the results of 10D type IIB string amplitudes (in \alpha' expansion).
The Skyrme model was first considered in 1962. In it, atomic nuclei are modelled as topological solitons - the baryon (or atomic) number being identified with the topological charge of the theory. The model gained popularity when Witten showed that it had much in common with large N QCD. Despite decades of interest, the Skyrmion-Skyrmion problem (which models nucleon-nucleon interactions and scattering) is still poorly understood. In this talk, I will discuss recent work (with Derek Harland) where we explain that the spin-orbit force (an important component of the nucleon-nucleon interaction) arises naturally due to the geometry of the 2-Skyrmion configuration space. Moving on to nucleon scattering, I will discuss the minimal requirements needed to attempt this problem. These simple requirements have surprising consequences, accompanied by a list of new problems and questions.
We propose a universal IR formula for the protected three-sphere correlation functions of Higgs and Coulomb branch operators of N = 4 supersymmetric quantum field theories with massive, topologically trivial vacua. The talk will be based on my work arXiv:1911.11126 with Davide Gaiotto.
After reviewing some of the developments leading part of the community to ask questions regarding how to quantify the growth of operators under time evolution and the notion of complexity, we will motivate the study of small variations in these magnitudes. We will use the equivalence of Hilbert spaces in the AdS/CFT correspondence in two directions. First, to compute quantum circuit complexity, comparing with holographic calculations, and second, to construct operators in the code subspace of large N theories closing an emergent Poincare algebra.
Since the 1980s, the study of invariants of 3-dimensional
manifolds has benefited from the connections between topology, physics
and number theory. Motivated by the recent discovery of a new
homological invariant (corresponding to the half-index of certain 3d N=2
theories), in this talk I describe the role of quantum modular forms,
mock and false theta functions in the study of 3-manifold invariants.
The talk is based on 1809.10148 and work in progress with Cheng, Chun,
Feigin, Gukov, and Harrison.
The elliptic genus of K3 is an index for the 1/4-BPS states of its sigma-model. At the torus orbifold point there is an accidental degeneracy of such states. We blow up the orbifold fixed points and show that this fully lifts the accidental degeneracy of the 1/4-BPS states with dimension h=1. Thus, at a generic point near the Kummer surface the elliptic genus measures not just their index, but counts the actual number of these BPS states. Finally, we comment on the implication of this for symmetry surfing and Mathieu moonshine.
In flat space, four point scattering amplitudes at weak coupling can be fully determined from Lorentz symmetry, unitarity and causality. The resulting scattering amplitude depends on model details only through coupling constants and the particle content of the theory. I will show how the analogous story works in the case of inflationary fluctuations. I will present explicit expressions for weakly coupled inflationary three and four-point functions, whose shapes depend on the field content of the theory, and do not depend on the specific inflationary model, as long as the fluctuations minimally break de Sitter symmetry. This "cosmological bootstrap" is a first step towards classifying all possible shapes of primordial non-Ggaussianity, which can be searched for in experimental data. I will also present results for cosmological correlation functions of spinning fields, where consistency forces us to rediscover many beautiful, universal results about gauge theory and gravity.
Superstring scattering amplitudes in genus one have a low-energy
expansion in terms of real analytic modular forms called
'modular graph functions' (D'Hoker/Green/Gürdogan/Vanhove). These
functions are 'non-abelian' generalizations of real analytic
Eisenstein series, and I will explain what this means. Concretely,
they can be expressed as iterated integrals of holomorphic and
antiholomorphic modular forms, as introduced by Francis Brown.
I will sketch the proof that modular graph functions have such an
expansion, which explains their key properties.
The main tools are elliptic multiple polylogarithms (Brown/Levin),
single-valued versions thereof, and elliptic multiple zeta values
I will explore the geometrical structure of Higgs branches of quantum field theories with 8 supercharges in 3, 4, 5 and 6 dimensions. They are hyperkahler singularities, and as such they can be described by a Hasse diagram built from a family of elementary transitions. This corresponds physically to the partial Higgs mechanism. Using brane systems and recently introduced notions of magnetic quivers and quiver subtraction, we formalise the rules to obtain the Hasse diagrams.
I will present the definition of a deformation of local operators (called Color Twist Operators) in a large N theory.
This construction allows to break in a controlled way the symmetries of correlators, including spacetime symmetries.
I will explain why, in integrable higher-dimensional CFTs such as N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, this deformation
is expected to be very useful to compute correlators at finite coupling.
Some examples will be presented, concentrating on N=4 SYM and on a related integrable CFT with no supersymmetry known
as the Fishnet theory.
The talk is based on works in progress with D. Grabner, N. Gromov, F. Levkovich-Maslyuk and A. Sever.
I will describe recent work to define holographic duals to topologically twisted supersymmetric gauge theories on Riemannian three-manifolds and four-manifolds. In particular I'll show that the bulk holographically renormalised supergravity actions are independent of the boundary metrics as required for a topological theory. By analysing the geometry of supersymmetric bulk solutions the renormalised supergravity actions for smooth fillings can be evaluated. I will also comment on the implications of these results for the large N limits of topologically twisted ABJM and N = 4 SYM.
In this talk I will discuss the dynamics of near-extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in four-dimensional asymptotically AdS spacetime. Working in the spherically symmetric approximation, I will present results about the thermodynamics and the response of the system to a probe scalar field. I will present evidence that the dynamics in the low energy limit is very well captured by the two-dimensional Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) theory of gravity, to the leading order in the appropriate parameters. The reason behind the efficacy of JT gravity for near-extremal black holes can be understood based on symmetry principles.
We compute the phase shift of a highly energetic particle traveling in the background of an asymptotically AdS black hole. In the dual CFT, the phase shift is related to a four point function in the Regge limit. The black hole mass is translated to the ratio between the conformal dimension of a heavy operator and the central charge. This ratio serves as a useful expansion parameter; its power measures the number of stress tensors appearing in the intermediate channel. We compute the leading term in the phase shift in a holographic CFT of arbitrary dimensionality using Conformal Regge Theory and observe complete agreement with the gravity result. In a two-dimensional CFT with a large central charge the heavy-heavy-light-light Virasoro vacuum block reproduces the gravity phase shift to all orders in the expansion parameter. We show that the leading order phase shift is related to the anomalous dimensions of certain double trace operators and verify this agreement using known results for the latter. We also perform a separate gravity calculation of these anomalous dimensions to second order in the expansion parameter and compare with the phase shift expansion.
Large charge operators in a conformal field theory can be studied using superfluids. We review this connection and analyze the effect of adding vortices to the superfluid. We also verify a nontrivial numerical prediction using a large N model. We end with some comments on the holographic interpretation of large charge operators.
Six-dimensional theories provide a unification of four-dimensional theories via dimensional reduction and access to some of the novel features arising from M-theory. Ambitwistor strings directly generate S-matrices for massless theories in terms of formulae that localize on the solutions to the scattering equations; algebraic equations that determine n points on the Riemann sphere from n massless momenta. These are sufficient to provide compact formulae for tree-level S-matrices for bosonic theories. This talk introduces their extension to the polarized scattering equations which arise from twistorial versions of ambitwistor-strings. These lead to simple explicit formulae for superamplitudes in 6D for super Yang-Mills, supergravity, D5 and M5-branes and massive superamplitudes in 4D. The framework extends also to 10 and 11 dimensions. This is based on joint work with Yvonne Geyer, arxiv:1812.05548 and 1901.00134.
Our understanding of physical phenomena is intimately linked to the way we understand the relevant observables describing them. While a big deal of progress has been made for processes occurring in flat space-time, much less is known in cosmological settings. In this context, we have processes which happened in the past and which we can detect the remnants of at present time. Thus, the relevant observable is the late-time wavefunction of the universe. Questions such as "what properties they ought to satisfy in order to come from a consistent time evolution in cosmological space-times?", are still unanswered, and are compelling given that in these quantities time is effectively integrated out. In this talk I will report on some recent progress in this direction, aiming towards the idea of a formulation of cosmology "without time". Amazingly enough, a new mathematical structure, we called "cosmological polytope", which has its own first principle definition, encodes the singularity structure we ascribe to the perturbative wavefunction of the universe, and makes explicit its (surprising) relation to the flat-space S-matrix. I will stress how the cosmological polytopes allow us to: compute the wavefunction of the universe at arbitrary points and arbitrary loops (with novel representations for it); interpret the residues of its poles in terms of flat-space processes; provide a general geometrical proof for the flat-space cutting rules; reconstruct the perturbative wavefunction from the knowledge of the flat-space S-matrix and a subset of symmetries enjoyed by the wavefunction.
We investigate holographic complexity for eternal black hole
backgrounds perturbed by shock waves, with both the complexity=action
(CA) and complexity=volume (CV) proposals. We consider Vaidya geometries
describing a thin shell of null fluid with arbitrary energy falling in
from one of the boundaries of a two-sided AdS-Schwarzschild spacetime.
We demonstrate how scrambling and chaos are imprinted in the complexity
of formation and in the full time evolution of complexity via the
switchback effect for light shocks, as well as analogous properties for
heavy ones.
Compact manifolds with the exceptional holonomy group G2 can be used in
M-Theory to geometrically engineer 4D theories with minimal
supersymmetry, as well as 3D N=2 theories from type II strings. I will
review recent progress in the construction of such geometries, the
associated physics, and dualities between compactifications. By
exploiting various fibration structures, I will show to find large
classes of M-Theory/heterotic duals, as well as examples of G2 mirrors
in the context of type II strings.
Via the AdS/CFT duality we can view black holes as thermal ensembles of the dual field theory. In principle one can therefore employ the machinery and insights of quantum thermalization to learn about black holes formed from pure states. In practice this requires exquisite control over the spectrum and dynamics of highly excited states in strongly coupled field theories. In my talk I will report on several detailed studies of low-dimensional examples such as 2D CFTs and SYK-like models, which confirm and extend the scenario of thermalization via eigenstates as the boundary picture of black holes and their dynamics.
Quantum integrable models have a vast range of applications, including the study of strongly correlated many-body quantum systems or two-dimensional statistical mechanical models, as well as the AdS/CFT correspondence.
While there are some well-defined procedures to construct the eigenstates and energy spectra for such models, the last decade's growing interest on their out-of equilibrium properties has raised a number of interesting questions. Computing the dynamics starting from a given initial state ("quantum quench") is indeed a daunting task, which involves performing over all the spectrum, and knowing the overlaps between the initial state and the eigenstates (the latter are also of interest in AdS/CFT).
In this talk I will describe some progress in this direction, made over the last 3 years in collaboration with B. Pozsgay and L. Piroli. For a certain class of "integrable" initial states, we manage to reduce the summation over the system's entire spectrum to the computation of one single eigenstate not anymore of the Hamiltonian, but of some auxilliary object called the "boundary quantum transfer matrix" and which can be tackled using integrability techiques. From this construction one can access the out-of-equilbrium properties as well as analytic formulae for the overlaps. The construction also unveils some interesting new mathematical structures of quantum integrable models.
Conformal quantum mechanics is interesting as it potentially provides a
holographic dual for spacetimes containing an AdS_2 factor. I will discuss
recent progress in understanding superconformal quantum mechanics on
hyper-Kahler manifolds. In particular, I will explain how to define an
index for these theories which provides precise information about the
spectrum and relates the degeneracies of protected multiplets to the
geometry of the target space.
Anomalies put strong constraints on 6d supergravity, making it an interesting setup to study the question of string universality, i.e. whether every consistent effective gravity theory can be obtained from string theory. Global anomalies, i.e. anomalies of symmetries disconnected from the identity, are still poorly understood, in particular in the context of 6d supergravity. In the present talk, I will report on work with Greg Moore where we took the first steps toward a systematic study of global anomaly cancellation in 6d supergravity. The cancellation of local and global anomalies in 6d supergravity require a version of the Green-Schwarz mechanism and a significant part of this work involves defining the Green-Schwarz terms in backgrounds of arbitrary topology. The very existence of the Green-Schwarz term provide constraints, some of which are new. Moreover, the Green-Schwarz mechanism is generally unable to cancel all global anomalies, leading to further residual constraints from anomaly cancellation. I will also explain that these constraints are naturally satisfied in 6d F-theory vacua.
In this talk I will briefly review the framework of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT) and explain how it can be applied to the rigorous study of QFT on curved spacetimes. I will argue that it allows one to overcome several conceptual problems and that it gives a new perspective on quantization of gauge theories and potentially also gravity.
In type II strings compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold, BPS
black hole microstates are counted by generalized Donaldson-Thomas
invariants. The latter exhibit well-understood but complicated wall-crossing phenomena.
Using constraints from string dualities, I will argue that the generating function
of DT invariants supported on a divisor must be in general be a mock modular
form of higher depth, depending on the degree of reducibility of the divisor.
This generating function is closely related to the elliptic genus of the
Maldacena-Strominger-Witten superconformal field theory on a wrapped M5-brane.
Based on joint work with S. Alexandrov: arXiv:1804.06928, 1808.08479
The partition function of three-dimensional N=2 SCFTs on circle bundles of closed Riemann surfaces was recently computed via supersymmetric localization. In this talk I will describe supergravity solutions having as conformal boundary such circle bundle. These configurations are solutions to N=2 minimal gauged supergravity in 4d and pertain to the class of AdS-Taub-NUT and AdS-Taub-Bolt preserving 1/4 of the supersymmetries. I will discuss the conditions for the uplift of these solutions to M-theory and I provide the expression for the on-shell action of the Bolt solutions, computed via holographic renormalization. I will show that, when the uplift condition is satisfied, the Bolt free energy matches with the large N limit of the partition function of the corresponding dual field theory. I will finally comment on possible subtleties that arise in our framework when a given boundary geometry admits multiple bulk fillings.
The 2d N=(2,2) gauged linear sigma model offers a model for quantum cohomology on Kähler manifolds. In this talk
I discuss a certain lift to 3d N=2 gauge theories and demonstrate that they realize a model for Givental's quantum K-theory
on Kähler manifolds. I discuss some consequences of this correspondence such as integral BPS invariants and
3d chiral rings, which relate to questions in enumerative geometry.
The study of black hole internal structure in String Theory offers the potential to resolve the black hole information paradox. I will give an overview of recent work on constructing families of smooth horizonless supergravity solutions describing black hole microstates. I will also present recent results on the dynamics of strings in black hole microstate backgrounds. I will close with a discussion of the physics of an observer falling into a black hole.
We explore a class of two-dimensional gravitational models admitting solutions which interpolate between an AdS2 boundary and the static region of dS2. We discuss how the dS2 region manifests itself from the perspective of the AdS2 boundary observables, and comment on the dissipative features of the dS2 horizon.
I will discuss non-relativistic limits of general relativity that lead to a covariant off-shell formulation of Newtonian gravity. Further, I will discuss near-BPS limits of strings on AdS5xS5 that point towards holographic dualities between non-relativistic strings and quantum mechanical limits of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory.
We study a certain class of supersymmetric (SUSY) observables in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons (CS) matter theories
and investigate how their exact results are related to the perturbative series with respect to couplingconstants given by inverse CS levels.
We show that the observables have nontrivial resurgent structures by expressing the exact results as a full transseries consisting of perturbative and non-perturbative parts.
As real mass parameters are varied, we encounter Stokes phenomena at an infinite number of points, where the perturbative series becomes non-Borel-summable due to singularities on the positive real axis of the Borel plane.
We also investigate the Stokes phenomena when the phase of the coupling constant is varied.
For these cases, we find that the Borel ambiguities in the perturbative sector are canceled by those in nonperturbative sectors and end up with an unambiguous result which agrees with the exact result even on the Stokes lines.
We also decompose the Coulomb branch localization formula, which is an integral representation for the exact results, into Lefschetz thimble contributions and study how they are related to the resurgent transseries.
We interpret the non-perturbative effects appearing in the transseries as contributions of complexified SUSY solutions which formally satisfy the SUSY conditions but are not on the original path integral contour.
This talk is based on arXiv:1604.08653, 1710.05010 and 1805.12137.
We present two new families of analytic N=2 AdS4 solutions of type IIA supergravity with non-zero Romans mass.
The first family contains all previously known numeric solutions and is dual to Chern-Simons theories coupled
to matter. The second family is dual to three-dimensional superconformal field theories obtained by
compactifying a five-dimensional one on a Riemann surface.
The idea of constructing scattering amplitudes from their
singularities has been a very powerful method for their computation. We
introduce the principle of Cluster Adjacency, which governs the analytic
structure of amplitudes at tree and loop level. We use this to compute the
NMHV scattering amplitude of seven particles in N=4 super Yang-Mills at
four loops.
In this talk, we will consider 2d field theories invariant under the BMS3 algebra, putatively dual to 3d Minkowski spacetimes and discuss the notion of a version of modular invariance in these theories. We will revisit the derivation of the BMS-Cardy formula and its reproduction of the entropy of cosmological horizons in flat space. We would then discuss in detail the construction of characters for these 2d field theories.
The classical motion of a Nambu-Goto string in AdS_3 spacetime is
governed by the generalized sinh-Gordon equation. It can locally be
reduced to the sinh-Gordon, cosh-Gordon, or Liouville equation,
depending on the value of the scalar curvature of the induced metric. In
this talk, I examine solutions that contain both sinh-Gordon-type and
cosh-Gordon-type regions. I show that near the boundaries of these
regions (generalized) solitons can be classically pair-produced and they
correspond to cusps on the string. For the calculations, I use an exact
discretization of the equation of motion.
What is the meaning of entanglement in a theory of extended objects such as strings? To address this question we consider the spatial entanglement between two intervals in the Gross-Taylor model, the string theory dual to two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory at large N. The string diagrams that contribute to the entanglement entropy describe open strings with endpoints anchored to the entangling surface, as first argued by Susskind. We develop a canonical theory of these open strings, and describe how closed strings are divided into open strings at the level of the Hilbert space. We derive the Modular hamiltonian for the Hartle-Hawking state and show that the corresponding reduced density matrix describes a thermal ensemble of open strings ending on an object at the entangling surface that we call an E-brane.
We shall try to understand thermalization in the context of conformal field theories (CFT) in 2 spacetime dimensions. First we will review some recent developments in bootstrapping operator product expansion (OPE) coefficients of 2d CFTs. We will derive certain asymptotic formulae for the OPE coefficients relevant for the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. We shall also briefly look at the deviations from thermality at the level of reduced density matrices. The final part of the talk will focus on non-local probes of thermality. We shall also take a look at certain other constraints on the conformal blocks coming from crossing symmetry that reproduces features of the black hole S-matrix.
In this seminar I will discuss monopole operators in the context
of supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions and the role they
play in establishing new infrared dualities. Using then a recently
proposed duality for U(N) supersymmetric QCD (SQCD) in three dimensions
with monopole superpotential, I will derive the mirror dual description of
N=2 SQCD with unitary gauge group, generalizing the known dual description
of abelian gauge theories.
We study compactifications of the 6d E-string theory, the theory of a small E_8 instanton, to four dimensions. In particular we identify N=1 field theories in four dimensions corresponding to compactifications on arbitrary Riemann surfaces with punctures and with arbitrary non-abelian flat connections as well as fluxes for the abelian sub-groups of the E_8 flavor symmetry. This sheds light on emergent symmetries in a number of 4d N=1 SCFTs (including the `E7 surprise' theory) as well as leads to new predictions for a large number of 4-dimensional exceptional dualities and symmetries. We also will mention some of the field theories obtained by compactifying other six dimensional theories (ADE conformal matter) on a torus with flux.
In this talk I will discuss recent developments in the study of scattering amplitudes in Einstein-Yang-Mills Theory. Novel relations between amplitudes with gluons and gravitons will be presented using scattering equations. Finally, I will comment on unitarity based observations regarding loop amplitudes involving gluons and gravitons.
I will describe a recent discovery of conserved charges on the horizon of extremal black holes, which leads in particular to their classical dynamical instability. I will then relate these somewhat unexpected charges to the very well-understood Newman-Penrose charges at the null infinity of asymptotically flat spaces.
In this talk, I shall consider integrable scattering processes of massless string modes in AdS2 and AdS3 backgrounds.
In the first part, I will present a formulation of the Bethe ansatz in an AdS2 background by using a technique first developed in condensed matter. This technique relies on an particular algebraic equation which the S-matrix entries must satisfy, the so-called 'free-fermion condition''.
This technique allows us to overcome the problem of lack of reference state in AdS2 backgrounds, which prevented for many years the Bethe ansatz formulation within the standard procedure.
In the second part, I shall focus on an AdS3 background. I will show that the S-matrix, in addition to the background isometry, admits a further symmetry, the so-called "quantum deformed 2D Poincaré group". I will show how the novel symmetry allows us to interpret geometrically the scattering process in the fibre bundle language.
This talk is based on arXiv:1608.01631 [hep-th] and arXiv:1706.02634 [hep-th].
We study conformal blocks for thermal one-point-functions in higher-dimensional conformal field theories. These thermal one-point blocks can be represented as AdS Witten-diagram-like integrals. In the absence of angular potentials, the thermal one-point blocks are given analytically as generalised hypergeometric functions. As an application, by studying behavior of thermal one-point functions in the high-temperature limit, we deduce an asymptotic formula for three point coefficients of one light operator and two heavy operators. This result agrees with expectations coming from eigenstate thermalization hypothesis.
After an extended introduction on hydrodynamics, which will include its recently uncovered connection with many-body chaos, I will discuss the concept of generalised global symmetries and their applications. From the point of view of effective field theory, I will first present a recent, comprehensive reformulation of magnetohydrodynamics, which is a theory of low-energy excitations in plasmas. I will then discuss our construction of holographic duals to theories with generalised global symmetries. Of particular focus will be a five-dimensional bulk theory with a dynamical two-form gauge field, which is dual to a field theory in which magnetohydrodynamics captures the dynamics of its infra-red limit. In the final part of this talk, I argue that generalised global symmetries are a powerful tool for constructing theories with dynamical defects even in the absence of known microscopic origins of such symmetries. As an example, I will use the theory of viscoelastic states and formulate it both in effective field theory and holography.
Gravitational models of self-tuning are those in which vacuum energy has no observable effect on spacetime curvature even though it is a priori unsuppressed below the cut-off, thereby avoiding the cosmological constant problem. We study a class of six dimensional braneworld models that implement self-tuning by decoupling vacuum energy from the gravitational sector induced on the brane. Special care is taken to come up with a consistent core model that resolves the brane as cylindrical vorton carrying charge and current. By studying the setup in a thin-wall approximation for vanishing charge, we find that phenomenological constraints push the theory into a pathological parameter regime. In the second part, we will propose a model independent analysis of self-tuning based on a spectral decomposition of the exchange amplitude for conserved sources of energy-momentum. This provides us with a deeper understanding of the failure of the extra dimensional model and allows us to identify new obstructions to self-tuning, complementing a famous no-go theorem by Weinberg. Finally, we search for novel ways around our obstructions and highlight different interesting possibilities.
Nekrasov, Rosly and Shatashvili observed that the generating function of a certain space of SL(2) opers has a physical interpretation as the effective twisted superpotential for a four-dimensional N=2 quantum field theory. In this talk we describe the ingredients needed to generalise this observation to higher rank. Important ingredients are spectral networks generated by Strebel differentials and the abelianization method. As an example we find the twisted superpotential for the E6 Minahan-Nemeschansky theory.
Motivated by recent studies of holographic complexity, we examine the question of circuit complexity in quantum field theory. We provide a quantum circuit model for the preparation of Gaussian states, in particular the ground state, in a free scalar field theory for general dimensions. Applying the geometric approach of Nielsen to this quantum circuit model, the complexity of the state becomes the length of the shortest geodesic in the space of circuits. We compare the complexity of the ground state of the free scalar field to the analogous results from holographic complexity, and find some surprising similarities.
In this talk we analyse the consequences of interpreting Wilson lines as superconformal defects for the specific case of ABJM theory. We will show that this interpretation allows to derive a previously conjectured formula for the energy emitted by an accelerating heavy particle. This formula leads (in principle) to an exact computation via localization techniques. In the end of the talk, we will also discuss the surprising relation between the emitted radiation and the stress tensor one-point function and briefly mention the appearance of similar relations in apparently unrelated contexts.
Given some chiral conformal field theory, a natural but highly non-
trivial task is to classify its representation theory. In this talk, I will
use some well known examples of conformal field theories, such as the Virasoro
minimal models, to show how certain hard questions in representation theory of
conformal field theories can be neatly rephrased as comparatively easy
questions in the theory of symmetric polynomials. After a brief overview of
the theory of symmetric polynomials, I will show how they can be used to
classify irreducible representations.
In this talk I will discuss how to extract 1/N^4 corrections to anomalous dimensions of intermediate operators from the four point correlator of the stress-energy tensor multiplet in N=4SYM, at large 't Hooft coupling, using the structure of superconformal and crossing symmetry. This corresponds to computing loop corrections to the AdS_5 x S^5 supergravity result.
Known N=4 theories in four dimensions are characterized by a choice of
gauge group, and in some cases some "discrete theta angles", as
classified by Aharony, Seiberg and Tachikawa. I will review how this
data, for the theories with algebra su(N), is encoded in various
familiar realizations of the theory, in particular in the
compactification of the (2,0) A_N theory on T^2, and in the holographic
AdS_5 \times S^5 dual. I will then show how the resulting structure,
given by a choice of polarization of an appropriate cohomology group,
admits additional choices that, unlike known theories, generically
preserve SL(2,Z) invariance in four dimensions.
Quantum magnets in 2 spatial dimensions are effectively described by a 2+1D abelian-higgs theory with monopoles. Such materials support a phase of highly entangled ground state called the Valence Bond Solid phase, where spin-1/2 excitations are confined into spin-1 object. Moreover the ground state breaks lattice symmetries spontaneously and is therefore degenerate. The effective description has a striking resemblance to a version of QCD with adjoint matter, including the N=1 and N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory as well as theta=pi pure Yang-Mills theory. The common feature of all these theories is that they are confining and support domain walls which, in turn, are deconfining. The underlying reason for deconfinement are the underlying 't Hooft anomalies between various global symmetries of the theories.
I will propose a low energy effective action of string and branes which possess a
very large Kac-Moody symmetry (E11). The equations of motion are essentially
determined by this symmetry and one finds that this single unififed theory contains the maximal
supergravity theories in all dimensions and also all the gauged maximal supergravity theories.
In this talk I will discuss recent developments that have suggested new connections between the transport properties of quantum matter and many-body chaos. In particular I will describe how in many holographic theories there are simple relationships between the thermoelectric diffusion constants and the butterfly velocity, which describes the speed at which chaos propagates.
I describe the quantisation of the dimensional reduction to one timelike dimension of N=1, D=4 supergravity on a SU(2) group manifold, taking into account all nonlinear fermionic terms of the dynamic. The quantisation leads to a 64 dimensional Hilbert space that provides a representation of operators from which the supersymmetric and Hamiltonian constraints are built. These operators generate a representation of the maximally compact sub-algebra $K(AE_3)$ of the rank-3 Kac-Moody algebra $AE_3$. The quartic-in-fermions term of the Hamiltonian constraint presents remarkable algebraic and physical properties, one of them being a possible quantum avoidance of the cosmological singularity. Moreover a 50 dimensional subspace of the Hilbert space admit propagating solutions of the constraint equations that carry a chaotic spinorial dynamic described asymptotically by reflection operators generalising the classical Coxeter relations and defining a spinorial extension of the Weyl group of $AE_3$.
(based on arXiv : 1406.1309, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 10, 103509; arXiv : 1704.08116, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 12, 126011)
Nonlinear gravitational equations emerge directly from the physics of conformal field theories. I consider a particular broad class of perturbatively excited states in CFTs and show that up to second order in perturbation theory, the entanglement entropy for all ball-shaped regions can always be represented geometrically (via the Ryu-Takayanagi formula) by an Anti-de Sitter (AdS) geometry. I show that such a geometry necessarily satisfies Einstein's equations perturbatively up to second order, with a stress energy tensor arising from matter fields associated with the sourced primary operators. While this is motivated by, and a consistency check of AdS/CFT, I make no assumptions about this duality at all.
In this talk I will discuss the possibilities to mimic black hole physics in
fluid flows. The starting point is an analogy discovered by Unruh between
the propagation of sound in a flowing fluid and waves around a black hole.
In these analog setups, it is possible to test various black hole effects, and
challenge their robustness. In a recent water wave experiment, we have shown
how to exploit this analogy to observe superradiant scattering, that is, the
amplification of waves by extraction of angular momentum to a rotating flow.
Recent work has uncovered relations between the rate at which chaotic behaviour onsets and spreads in strongly interacting quantum systems, and the diffusivities of certain processes in these systems. Focusing mainly on holographic examples, I will explore the extent to which these relations hold in states at non-zero density, where the diffusion of charge and energy are no longer independent processes.
We study the constraints of superconformal symmetry on 4d N=4 theories in the presence of a defect from the point of view of the bootstrap. The superconformal algebra implies that the bootstrap equations have an exact truncation which is tractable analytically. The truncation is a set of polynomial equations that imply non-perturbative constraints on the CFT data.
In the first part of the talk I will review some aspects of a recently proposed duality between topological string and the spectral theory of trace class operators. In particular I will show how this duality provides a non-perturbative formulation for topological string theory on toric background.
In the second part I will present some new results for supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories in four dimensions which follow from the non-perturbative formulation mentioned above.
In the language of statistical physics, an extremal black hole is a zero temperature system with a huge amount of residual entropy. Understanding which features of a quantum system can account for a large degeneracy of ground states at zero temperature will not only unveil interesting properties of quantum gravity, but will also uncover novel quantum systems.
In this talk I will present statistical systems, or more precisely counting formulas, that have the potential to account for the entropy of an extremal black hole. The goal is to capture and translate the robustness in gravity into data of the quantum system. One the microscopic side, which is the main emphasis of this talk, I want to illustrate not only how one can design generating functions with the desired features, but also present a procedure to extract the entropy systematically.
I will describe generic features of the real time dynamics of Dyson-Fluid solutions in non-commutative matrix models, focusing in particular on the BMN matrix model. By quenching the equilibrium distribution is possible to engineer a variety of linear response experiments, and show that the expectation values of several observable display quasi-normal oscillations. I will describe in detail how the corresponding complex frequency depends on the parameters of the model. Finally, I will comment on the interpretation of this statistical systems as a truncated ``classical unit" of finite energy black hole configurations in AdS gravity.
2017-02-16Dhritiman Nandan [University of Edinburgh]:
Non-abelian gauge theories underly particle physics, including collision processes at particle accelerators. Recently, quantum scattering probabilities in gauge theories have been shown to be closely related to their counterparts in gravity theories, by the so-called double copy. This suggests a deep relationship between two very different areas of physics, and may lead to new insights into quantum gravity, as well as novel computational methods. This talk will review the double copy for scattering amplitudes, before discussing how it may be extended to describe exact classical solutions such as black holes. Finally, I will discuss hints that the double copy may extend beyond perturbation theory.
After recapping the basics of the Quantum Hall Effect, I will discuss a series of papers in which we try and map out the phenomenon a little more carefully, in language more familiar to high-energy physicists. This means understanding precisely the relationship between bulk field theory models, boundary CFTs, ADHM-like matrix models and explicit quantum mechanical wavefunctions using approaches motivated by SUSY field theory and string theory. We even find an interesting testing ground for a wide class of new 3d dualities!
I will present new results about 3d N=2 supersymmetric partition functions (and certain Wilson loops) on three-manifolds that are circle bundles over Riemann surfaces. This includes the well-known S^3 partition function. I will explain how all the information contained in these curved-space objects is more simply encoded in a two-dimensional topological A-model that governs the Coulomb branch of the theory compactified on a circle.
In 3d gauge theories, monopole operators create and destroy vortices. I will explore this idea in the context of 3d N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theories and explain how it leads to an exact calculation of quantum corrections to the Coulomb branch and a finite version of the AGT correspondence.
In this talk, we initiate the calculation of quantum corrections in certain 4D defect CFTs. More precisely, we consider N=4 SYM theory with a codimension-one defect separating two regions of space, x_3>0 and x_3<0, where the gauge group is SU(N) and SU(N-k), respectively. This set-up is made possible by some of the real scalar fields acquiring a non-vanishing and x_3-dependent vacuum expectation value for x_3>0. We diagonalise the mass matrix of the defect CFT and we handle the x_3-dependence of the mass terms in the 4D Minkowski space propagators by reformulating these as standard massive AdS_4 propagators. Having set up the framework for quantum corrections, we then apply it in two concrete calculations: the one-loop correction to the one-point function of a chiral primary and the one-loop correction to the expectation value of an infinite straight Wilson line, which yields the particle-interface potential. In both cases, we find perfect agreement with earlier predictions from the dual string theory in a double-scaling limit. This a highly non-trivial test of the gauge-gravity correspondence in a case where both conformal symmetry and supersymmetry are partially broken. The talk is based on 1606.01886, 1608.04754 and 1611.04603.
Conformal invariance places powerful constraints on the observables of a quantum field theory. In position space, 2- and 3-point correlators at separated points take a well known form that is completely determined by this symmetry. In this talk, we construct the corresponding story in momentum space. Starting from first principles, we determine the momentum-space 2- and 3-point functions of a general conformal field theory. For certain spacetime and operator dimensions, a non-trivial renormalisation is required reflecting the presence of contact terms when operator insertions coincide. We show how to perform this renormalisation directly in momentum space leading to novel conformal anomalies and beta functions. We also discuss the form of correlators with tensor structure including stress tensors and conserved currents. The results have potential applications to many fields including holographic cosmology and condensed matter physics.
Perturbing a CFT by a relevant operator on a half space and letting the perturbation flow to far infrared we obtain an RG interface between the UV and IR CFTs. If the IR CFT is trivial we obtain an RG boundary condition. The space of massive perturbations thus breaks up into regions labelled by conformal boundary conditions of the UV fixed point. For the 2D critical Ising model perturbed by a generic relevant operator we find the assignment of RG boundary conditions to all flows. We use some analytic results but mostly rely on TCSA and TFFSA numerical techniques. We investigate real as well as imaginary values of the magnetic field and, in particular, the RG trajectory that ends at the Yang-Lee CFT. We argue that the RG interface in the latter case does not approach a single conformal interface but rather exhibits oscillatory non-convergent behaviour.
The superconformal bootstrap program has been very successful, but so far the focus has been on four-point functions of half-BPS operators. For many practical purposes the bootstrap of non half-BPS operators is necessary, but the corresponding superblocks remain in most cases unknown. We take a preliminary step towards this by computing the two-dimensional N=2 global superconformal blocks for generic long multiplets, and outline how the future computation for theories with four supercharges in higher dimensions would proceed. Finally we comment on the consequences of these blocks for four-dimensional N=3 superconformal theories.
We revisit c=1 non-critical string theory and its formulation via Matrix Quantum Mechanics (MQM). In particular we study the theory on an S^1/Z_2 orbifold of Euclidean time and try to compute its partition function in the grand canonical ensemble that allows one to study the double scaling limit of the matrix model and connect the result to string theory (Liouville theory). En route, we take advantage of some beautiful mathematics related to Fredholm Pfaffians and Elliptic functions. We also compare the partition function with the cases of the circle and the Euclidean 2d black hole. Finally, we will make some comments regarding the possibility of using this model as a toy model of a two dimensional big-bang big-crunch universe.
When computing an a priori divergent supersymmetric observable it is crucial to work with a renormalization scheme that preserves supersymmetry, however this may not be easy to identify. I will elaborate on this problem focusing on an intrinsic observable of d=4 SCFT's in curved space. This is defined as a supersymmetric version of the Casimir energy on S^1 x M_3, where M_3 has for instance the topology of a three-sphere, and can be computed using various techniques, including localization. After discussing scheme-independence of the supersymmetric Casimir energy in field theory, I will show how this is reproduced by holography. I will emphasize that the usual holographic renormalization violates a BPS condition, and will prove that restoring the latter requires specific, non-standard counterterms that I will present.
The dynamics of Dp-branes are given by actions which all share a common origin as reductions of ten-dimensional super-Yang-Mills gauge theory. Microscopically this can be viewed as a consequence of T-duality. M-branes are also related by T-duality along a 3 torus but with no microscopic description this is far from manifest. This talk will explore a formalism whereby the M2 and M5-brane dynamics arise as solutions to a single underlying six-dimensional (2,0) superalgebra.
In this talk we consider BPS states in 4D, N=2 gauge theory in the presence of defects. We give a semiclassical description of these `framed BPS states' in terms of kernels of
Dirac operators on moduli spaces of singular monopoles. For both framed and ordinary BPS states we present a conjectural map between the data of the semiclassical construction and the data of the low-energy, quantum-exact Seiberg-Witten description. This map incorporates both perturbative and nonperturbative field theory corrections to the supersymmetric quantum mechanics of the monopole collective coordinates. We use it to translate recent developments in the study of N=2 theories, including wall-crossing formulae and the no-exotics theorem, into geometric statements about the Dirac kernels. The no-exotics theorem implies a broad generalization of Sen's conjecture concerning the existence of L^2 harmonic forms on monopole moduli space. This talk is based on work done in collaboration with Greg Moore and Dieter Van den Bleeken.
A number of recent advances have overcome a many of the obstructions to the construction of superstring field theory - an attempt at a second-quantised description of string theory. In separate developments, the great progress made in the study and simplification of scattering amplitudes in field theory have led to novel `string-like' descriptions of supergravity. I will give a brief overview of some of these developments and show how they lead to to string field description for supergravity.
Holography inspired stringy hadrons (HISH) is a set of models that describe hadrons: mesons, baryons, glueballs and exotic hadrons as strings in four dimensional flat space-time. The models are based on a 'map' from stringy hadrons of curved holographic confining backgrounds. In the first part of the talk I will review the 'derivation' of the models. I will start with a brief reminder of the passage from the original AdS/CF T correspondence to the string/gauge duality of certain favored confing holographic models. I will then describe the string configurations in these holographic backgrounds that correspond to Wilson lines, mesons, baryons, glueballs and exotics. Key ingredients of the four dimensional picture of hadrons are the 'string endpoint mass' and the 'baryonic string vertex'. I will determine the classical trajectories of the HISH spectra. I will review the current understanding of the quantization of these hadronic strings. The computation of HISH decay width of hadrons will be described. In the last part of the talk I will summarize the comparison of the outcome of the HISH models with the PDG data about mesons and baryons. I will present the values of the tension, masses and intercepts extracted from best fits to hadron spectra and write down certain predictions for higher excited hadrons. I will present attempts to identify glueballs. The decay width of certain hadrons will be compared with the theoretical calculation. I will suggest a window to the landscape of tetra-quarks and other exotic hadrons.
Black holes in certain regimes of parameter space are described by long-wavelength effective theories. The resulting dynamics, after integrating out the short-wavelength degrees of freedom, is usually of hydrodynamic and/or elastic character while the resulting theories are relativistic generalisations of theories of fluid mechanics, soap bubbles, fluid droplets or of elasticity of biophysical membranes. I will review the several different contexts in which these effective theories can be useful, either in pure gravity, string theory or in the AdS/CFT correspondence and discuss the several different types of (in some cases novel) theories of hydrodynamics that have been developed from gravity. In particular, using these theories, I will highlight recent developments in the classification of horizon geometries, in the perturbative construction of non-trivial black holes solutions in pure gravity and the role of minimal surface theory. Furthermore, I will discuss several methods for obtaining the most general hydrodynamic equations in supergravity and M-theory that govern any bound state.
We consider the algebraic setting of classical defects in discrete and continuous integrable theories. We derive the "equations of motion'' on the defect point via the space-like and time-like description. We exploit the structural similarity of these equations with the discrete and continuous Bäcklund transformations. The equations are similar, but not exactly the same to the Bäcklund transformations. We consider specific examples of integrable models to demonstrate our construction, i.e. the Toda chain and the sine-Gordon model.
We recently showed that the Bethe equations for AdS_3 integrability describe the spectrum of a much smaller sector than was the case for AdS_5/CFT_4. The reason is that wrapping corrections enter much earlier than before, thanks to the presence of massless modes. This explains a mismatch that was seen in one of the classic tests of AdS/CFT integrability, namely the study of circular spinning strings from which Hernandez & Lopez deduced the one-loop dressing phase for AdS_5. My talk will start by reviewing this test, then translate to AdS_3 to see the mismatch, and finish by explaining what we now understand about the origin of this. (Reference: )
We describe correlation functions of chiral primary operators in N=2 superconformal field theories, and show that they can be determined exactly using techniques from localization and the tt* equations. We provide the complete solution for 2- and 3-point functions of chiral primaries in N=2 SU(2) superconformal QCD and we compare the results to a 2-loop perturbative computation. We also comment on extensions to more general setups and implications for generic N=2 SCFTs.
In this talk I will present concrete evidence that the weak cosmic censorship conjecture can be violated in asymptotically flat spacetimes of five dimensions. This evidence was produced by numerically evolving perturbed black rings. I will describe the evolution of perturbed black rings for the whole range of ring thicknesses. For rings of intermediate thickness we discovered a new instability which causes the ring to collapse to a black hole of spherical topology. For very thin rings the Gregory-Laflamme instability becomes dominant and eventually gives the ring a fractal structure of bulges connected by necks which become ever thinner over time. I will argue that this suggests that very thin black rings break and hence violate weak cosmic censorship.
I describe work with David Aasen and Roger Mong on the construction of topological defects in two-dimensional classical lattice models and one-dimensional quantum chains. The defects satisfy commutation relations guaranteeing the partition function depends only on topological properties of the defects. One useful consequence is a generalization of Kramers-Wannier duality to a wide class of height models, applicable on any surfaces. Another is an explicit definition of twisted boundary conditions that yield the precise shift in momentum quantization, and hence the spin of the associated conformal field. I describe the close connection between microscopic and macroscopic properties; for example the splitting and joining properties of these defect lines are exactly those of chiral operators in conformal field theory and topological quantum field theory.
Entanglement entropy is a UV divergent quantity. We begin by explaining reasons for defining a renormalized entanglement entropy and then present a systematic renormalization scheme for entanglement entropy, comparing our approach to earlier ad hoc renormalization. We then discuss the relevance of renormalised entanglement entropy to the F theorem for three-dimensional conformal field theories.
Worldsheet formulations of quantum field theories have had wide ranging impact on the study of scattering amplitudes. However, the mathematical framework becomes very challenging on the higher-genus worldsheets required to describe loop effects. I will describe how in such worldsheet models based on the scattering equations, formulae on higher-genus surfaces can be transformed to remarkably simple expressions on the Riemann sphere. My talk will focus on both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and gravity, and discuss the proposal for an all-loop integrand.
The superconformal index is a generalization of the Witten index to 4 dimensional field theories. It has been known for 10 years how to count the states contributing to the index and express the result as a matrix model. I will present new results on the exact solution of this matrix model in the case of N=4 SYM. The solution can be written in different forms: as a single integral of Jacobi theta functions, as sums over large N instantons or for fixed N as polynomials of elliptic integrals. Time permitting I will explain the generalization to theories with N=2 SUSY, where for some the index can be solved completely, and for others only up to large N instantons.
Certain two-dimensional field theories are afflicted by gravitational anomalies, which imply a non-conservation of stress energy under certain situations. I will discuss universal properties of entanglement entropy in such theories and explain from several points of view how the notion of entanglement entropy now becomes frame-dependent. When such theories have a dual gravitational description, I will explain how the effect of the anomaly is to widen the Ryu-Takayanagi minimal worldline into a 'ribbon" whose twist carries non-trivial information. Finally, I will briefly discuss the situation in four dimensions, where the mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly can play a similar role.
I will discuss the gravitational dual of a mass deformation of N=4 SYM, called N=2* SYM, on S4. Using holographic techniques one can calculate the universal contribution to the corresponding free energy in the planar limit and at large 't Hooft coupling. The result matches the expression recently computed using supersymmetric localization in the field theory. This agreement provides a non-trivial precision test of holography in a non-conformal setting. I will also discuss the extension of these results to mass deformations of N=4 SYM with N=1 supersymmetry.
An important lesson that has emerged in the past two years is that entanglement and geometry are deeply related. This is made manifest in AdS/CFT via the RT and HRT conjectures. In particular, the hole-ographic bulk reconstruction allows one to reconstruct arbitrary curves in the bulk space from CFT entanglement entropy. In my talk, I'll review this construction, and then describe some theorems that severely constrain when it can work. In particular, these theorems imply that the hole-ographic approach cannot be used to reconstruct certain regions inside (dynamical and non-dynamical) black holes. I will then briefly discuss the implications of these theorems for holography in general.
The AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence asserts that two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories are dual to three-dimensional Einstein gravity with anti-de Sitter boundary conditions. The latter can be formulated as a Chern-Simons theory based on two copies of the sl(2) algebra, and various questions about the universal behavior of 2d CFTs at large central charge may then be addressed in classical Chern-Simons theory. We discuss generalizations of this correspondence in which the bulk Chern-Simons theory is based on a larger gauge algebra: via holography, such theories are dual to 2d CFTs with additional conserved currents beyond the stress tensor, which extend the Virasoro symmetries to e.g. W-algebras. In particular, we describe how to exploit the topological formulation of the 3d bulk theory in order to efficiently compute relevant CFT quantities in the presence of these extended symmetries. Such quantities include partition functions and other thermodynamic potentials, BPS bounds (in supersymmetric setups), and even non-local quantum order parameters such as entanglement and Rényi entropies.
The underlying algebra obeyed by the infinite tower of increasingly non-local charges
in an integrable quantum field theory is called the Yangian. In the case of N=4
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory this Yangian has a rather different manifestation on
the scattering amplitudes of the theory as compared to the spin-chain comprising the
local gauge invariant operators. In this talk I will show how methods arising from the study of amplitudes yield a precise connection between the two Yangians.
Any N=2 gauge theory in four dimensions contains a set of local
operators made only out of fields in the N=2 vector multiplet that is
closed under renormalization to all loops, with SU(2,1|2) symmetry. We
present a diagrammatic argument that for any planar N=2 theory the
SU(2,1|2) Hamiltonian acting on infinite spin chains is identical to
all loops to that of N=4 SYM, up to a redefinition of the coupling
constant g^2 → f(g^2). Thus, this sector is integrable and anomalous
dimensions can be read off from the N=4 ones up to this redefinition.
The functions f(g^2) dubbed as effective couplings encode the
relative, finite renormalization between the N=2 and the N=4 gluon
propagator and thus can be computed in perturbation theory using
Feynman diagrams. For each N=2 theory exact effective couplings can be
obtained by computing different exact results for localizable
observables such as Wilson loops and the Bremsstrahlung function and
by comparing them with their N = 4 counterparts.
The standard cosmological model, consisting of dark energy in the form of a cosmological constant together with cold dark matter fits the available datasets extremely well, but it also suffers from two fundamental problems, namely the fine-tuning and coincidence problems. Given that the precise nature of the two dark sectors is at present unknown, it may be that dark matter and dark energy have non-zero couplings to each other - this could help to alleviate the coincidence problem. In this work we answer the question "What is the most general phenomenological model of coupled dark matter to dark energy one can construct?" and present three distinct classes of interacting dark energy theories in the form of a scalar field which is explicitly coupled to dark matter. Our construction draws from the pull-back formalism for fluids and generalises the fluid action to involve couplings to the scalar field. We investigate the cosmology of each class of model both at the background and linearly perturbed level. We also present the most general parameterisation of such models using the Parameterised Post-Friedmannian approach. Finally, we investigate observational signatures via the coupling's effects on the CMB and matter power spectra.
I will present a proof for a monotonicity theorem, or c-theorem, for a three-dimensional Conformal Field Theory (CFT) on a space with a boundary, and for a higher-dimensional CFT with a two-dimensional defect. The proof is applicable only to renormalization group flows that preserve locality, reflection positivity, and Euclidean invariance along the boundary or defect, are that localized at the boundary or defect, such that the bulk theory remains conformal along the flow. The method of proof is a generalization of Komargodski's proof of Zamolodchikov's c-theorem. The key ingredient is an external 'dilaton' field introduced to match Weyl anomalies between the ultra-violet (UV) and infra-red (IR) fixed points. Reflection positivity in the dilaton's effective action guarantees that a certain coefficient in the boundary/defect Weyl anomaly must take a value in the UV that is larger than (or equal to) the value in the IR. This boundary/defect c-theorem may have important implications for many theoretical and experimental systems, ranging from graphene to branes in string theory and M-theory.
Transport properties of Quantum Hall systems can be derived in a systematic derivative expansion from a generating functional depending on external sources. Gauge plus non-relativistic diffeomorphism invariance constrain the form of the generating functional, and lead to an interesting relation between Hall conductivity and viscosity. Similar relations between shear and bulk viscosities and conductivities can be derived by means of Ward identities for momentum conservation in Galilean invariant systems. We generalize the identities to relativistic systems and to systems without boost invariance (such as Lifshitz theories) and try to derive them in AdS/CFT by constructing a ``probability current'' in the bulk and taking advantage of parity symmetry.
Attempts to formulate supersymmetric field theories on discrete spacetime lattices have a long history. However, until recently most of these efforts have failed. In this talk I will review some of the new ideas that have finally allowed a solution to this problem for certain supersymmetric theories. I will focus my attention, in particular, on N=4 super Yang-Mills which forms one of the pillars of the AdSCFT correspondence connecting gravitational theories in anti-deSitter space to gauge theories living on the boundary. It is also integral to the scattering amplitudes program and is under intensive study using conformal bootstrap techniques. I will review the theoretical construction of the model and describe what is known analytically about the lattice theory. Following on from this I will present preliminary results stemming from the first large scale lattice study of N=4 Yang-Mills.
We will consider a general class of electrically charged black holes of Einstein- Maxwell-scalar theory that are holographically dual to conformal field theories at finite charge density, and which break translation invariance explicitly. By examining the linearised perturbations about the solutions that are associated with the thermoelectric DC conductivity, I'll demonstrate that there is a decoupled sector at the black hole horizon which must solve generalised Stokes equations for a charged fluid. By solving these equations, we can obtain the DC thermoelectric conductivity of the dual field theory.
Two interesting properties of static curved space QFTs are Casimir Energies, and the Energy Gaps of fluctuations. We investigate what AdS/CFT has to say about these properties by examining holographic CFTs defined on curved but static spatially closed spacetimes. Being holographic, these CFTs have a dual gravitational description under Gauge/Gravity duality, and these properties of the CFT are reflected in the geometry of the dual bulk. We can turn this on its head and ask, what does the existence of the gravitational bulk dual imply about these properties of the CFTs? In this talk we will consider holographic CFTs where the dual vacuum state is described by pure Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant. We will argue using the bulk geometry first, that if the CFT spacetime's spatial scalar curvature is positive there is a lower bound on the gap for scalar fluctuations, controlled by the minimum value of the boundary Ricci scalar. In fact, we will show that it is precisely the same bound as is satisfied by free scalar CFTs, suggesting that this bound might be something that applies more generally than just in a Holographic context. We will then show, in the case of 2+1 dimensional CFTs, that the Casimir energy is non-positive, and is in fact negative unless the CFT's scalar curvature is constant. In this case, there is no restriction on the boundary scalar curvature, and we can even allow singularities in the bulk, so long as they are 'good' singularities. If time permits, we will also describe some new results about the Hawking-Page transition in this context.
The q-state Potts model is the generalization of the Ising model with q different values of the site variables. It has a critical point (critical temperature T_c, zero magnetic field), and we study the scaling field theory as a perturbation of the conformal field theory describing the critical point. Introducing the thermal perturbation preserves integrability and the spectrum is known due to S-matrix bootstrap and consists of particle excitations above the unique ground state for T>T_c and kinks interpolating between the q degenerate ground states for T
We study the decay of the false vacuum mediated by meta-stable topological
solitons. The symmetry broken vacuum is unstable to decay to the symmetry
preserving vacuum via quantum tunnelling, but usually the rate of decay is
very small. However, the existence of topological solitons can
significantly enhance the disintegration rate. We consider monopoles,
vortices and domain walls. Such solitons have an interior region where the
symmetry is unbroken and an exterior region where the symmetry is broken.
Normally, the interior region is energetically unstable while the symmetry
broken exterior is stable. In the present case, these roles are reversed.
We show how classically stable topological solitons could arise in this
situation, and we show how to compute their decay through quantum
tunnelling. The decay of the solitons of course provokes the decay of the
entire false vacuum.
Two very different large N expansions exist - large N vector models which contain degrees of freedom transforming in the vector representation of a gauge group and large N matrix models which contain degrees of freedom transforming in the adjoint representation of a gauge group. Large N vector models, such as the Gross Neveu model or the critical O(N) model, are exactly solvable in the 't Hooft large N limit; while their dynamics is typically very similar to free theories, or Landau liquids. Large N matrix theories, such as N=4 SYM theory or large N QCD, are not exactly solvable in the large N limit and their dynamics is now known to be potentially much more interesting, particularly at strong coupling, where there is the possibility of a dual gravity description. The M/N expansion is an expansion that takes us from large N vector saddle point to a large N matrix saddle point, and is made possible thanks to the existence of bifundamental Chern-Simons theories, unique to three dimensions. The most well-known bifundamental Chern-Simons theory is ABJM theory, but other interesting non-supersymmetric and conformal examples also exist. In this talk, which is based on work by many people over the past few years, I will discuss the landscape of bifundamental Chern-Simons theories and speculate about their possible holographic duals.
The partition function of superconformal field theories on spheres
are given by the Kaehler potential on their moduli space. I will present a
simple proof of this fact based on Weyl anomalies of supersymmetric
CFT's, which I will discuss in the first part of the talk. In the second part
I will show how their structure, combined with supersymmetry, allows for
a simple (re)derivation of the above stated result.
(This is based on work in progress with J. Gomis, Z. Komargodski
and S. Schwimmer.)
We study non-axisymmetric linearised gravitational perturbations of the
Emparan-Reall black ring using numerical methods. We find an unstable
mode whose onset lies within the ``fat'' branch of the black ring and
continues into the ``thin'' branch. Together with previous results using
Penrose inequalities that fat black rings are unstable, this provides
numerical evidence that the entire black ring family is unstable.
My starting point is a holographic model of the Kondo effect recently
proposed by Erdmenger et. al., i.e. of a magnetic impurity interacting
with a strongly coupled system. Specifically, I focus on the challenges of
computing gravitational backreaction in this model, which demands a study
of the Israel junction conditions. I present general results on these
junction conditions, including analytical solutions for certain toy
models, that may be relevant also more generally in the AdS/boundary CFT
correspondence. Furthermore, similar junction conditions for a bulk
Chern-Simons field appearing in the holographic Kondo model are discussed.
I then focus on the computation and interpretation of entanglement entropy
in this holographic model.
The conjectured relation between higher spin theories on anti de-Sitter (AdS) spaces
and weakly coupled conformal field theories is reviewed. I shall then outline the
evidence in favour of a concrete duality of this kind, relating a specific higher spin
theory on AdS3 to a family of 2d minimal model CFTs. Finally, I shall explain how
this relation fits into the framework of the familiar stringy AdS/CFT correspondence.
Recent developments of integrability techniques allowed us to
study the planar limit of a 4-dimensional gauge theory - N=4 SYM - at
any value of the coupling constant. Its spectrum is most efficiently
encoded in a concise set of Riemann-Hilbert equations - quantum spectral
curve (QSC). After reviewing the most recent advances in solution of the
QSC equations I will focus on explaining what are the basis concepts
used in formulation of QSC and how the QSC formalism fits into the
general framework of integrability.
Non-planar scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM have recently undergone a surge of interest, where new techniques for addressing old issues are now available. By using a Grassmannian perspective on amplitudes, I will illustrate several methods for obtaining the amplitude integrand, and give an idea of new structures encountered for non-planar amplitudes.
In this talk I will explain how to compute gluon scattering
amplitudes at finite coupling in planar N=4 SYM theory, using the duality
with null polygonal Wilson loops, conformal symmetry, and the
integrability of the colour flux tube dynamics. After introducing the main
ideas and results, I will present some applications of this formalism at
strong coupling and discuss the validity of the semiclassical (dual)
string description.
This talk will give an overview of old and new results that relate properties of string perturbation theory and non-perturbative features of string theory.
The new results (based on work with Eric D'Hoker and Pierre Vanhove) relate to mathematical properties of classes of genus-one modular invariants that arise in the low energy expansion of the N-particle
scattering amplitude at genus one.
In this talk we study the transport properties of holographic theories in which translational invariance is broken by a lattice. In particular, we show that generic holographic theories will display a different temperature dependence in the Hall angle as to the DC conductivity. Our results suggest a general mechanism for obtaining an anomalous scaling of the Hall angle through deformations of a charge-conjugation symmetric theory.
Recently there have emerged many novel expressions for the tree-level S-matrices of gauge theory and gravity which are remarkable for their compactness (relative to traditional Feynman diagram expansions). These formulae should be telling us something about the underlying field theories: namely, that they are simpler (on-shell, at least) than their space-time Lagrangians seem. We will explore this line of reasoning to give a reformulation of gravity (more specifically, the NS-NS sector of type II SUGRA in 10d) in terms of a chiral, first-order worldsheet CFT with free OPEs. The quantum anomalies of this theory are given exactly by the Einstein field equations for the target space. Throughout, I'll try to compare and contrast with the analogous story in string theory.
We investigate the conformal bootstrap with four supercharges for
spacetime dimension 2 ≤ d ≤ 4. We construct the superconformal blocks
for any d ≤ 4 and then derive bounds on the first unprotected operator
appearing in the correlation function of four chiral primaries. We
obtain a remarkable structure of three distinct kinks. We argue that one
of these smoothly interpolates from the d = 2 N = (2, 2) minimal model
with central charge c = 1 to free theory in d = 4, passing by the
critical Wess-Zumino model with cubic superpotential in intermediary
dimensions (a supersymmetric generalization of the critical Ising
model). The other two remain mysterious, but we argue that all three are
characterized by the chiral ring relation Φ^2 = 0.
Half BPS states (operators) in N=4 SYM are famously described by free fermions both at weak and strong coupling. I describe a set of conjectures for a preferred class of states in more general conformal field theories that can be tested in supergravity for when such a free fermion description might arise and some motivation for it applying generally. The states in question belong to the chiral ring of a supersymmetric conformal field theory that extremize an additional U(1) charge for fixed dimension and can be reduced to multi-traces of a composite matrix field, which is equivalent to using Young tableaux (Schur polynomials) as a basis. The main conjecture asserts that if the Young tableaux are orthogonal, then the set of extremal three point functions of traces to order 1/N are determined up to a single constant. The conjecture is extended further by providing an exact norm for the Schur basis and this norm arises from a set of free fermions for a generalized oscillator algebra.
The conventional way of computing string theory amplitudes is not sufficient to compute mass renormalization of massive states in string theory. The aim of this talk is to define a suitable off-shell continuation of Polyakov approach. Then this off-shell continuation will be used to compute mass-renormalization. At the end we will generalise this method to superstring theory.
We study the holographic mutual information in AdS4 of disjoint spatial domains in the boundary which are delimited by smooth closed curves. A numerical method which approximates a local minimum of the area functional through triangulated surfaces is employed. After some checks of the method against existing analytic results for the holographic entanglement entropy, we compute the holographic mutual information of equal domains delimited by various shapes, finding also the corresponding transition curves along which the holographic mutual information vanishes.
The idea of writing supergravity as a double copy of super Yang-Mills theories has proved a fruitful one, most notably in the context of scattering amplitudes. I will explore this idea of "squaring" at a fundamental level to explain how the symmetries of the former(both local and global) can be written as a double copy of the latter. I will show how the gravitational symmetries of general covariance, p-form gauge invariance, local Lorentz invariance and local supersymmetry are obtained from the flat space Yang-Mills symmetries of local gauge invariance and global super-Poincare. We give a gravity-gauge dictionary by convoluting fields and parameters. At the global level, I will explain how the coset groups of supergravity can be derived from the global R-symmetries of the SYM multiplets, via the 4 division algebras:reals, complexes, quaternions and octonions. Finally I will explore some intriguing possible applications of our dictionary.
After a review of the quasinormal mode method for partition function calculation developed by Denef, Hartnoll, and Sachdev, we study a scalar in AdS2. We find a series of zero modes with negative real values of the conformal dimension whose presence indicates a series of poles in the one-loop partition function. The contribution of these poles to the AdS partition function at physical mass values matches previous results. Additionally, extending our results to AdS in any even dimension 2n, we find a similar series of zero modes related to discrete series representations of SO(2n,1), and successfully calculate the one-loop determinant from these modes. Finally, we speculate on the physical meaning of these non-physical-mass modes.
In this talk, we shall first present a holographic argument for the existence of a universal relation for entanglement entropy, similar to the first law of thermodynamics, in a special limit. Then generalising our discussion, away from that special limit, we shall explore the constraints imposed by bulk Einstein equations on entanglement entropy of the boundary theory (in the context of AdS/CFT). We shall then define a new quantity, in terms of entanglement entropy, which is bound to be semi-positive definite, as a consequence of the condition of strong subadditivity (reminiscent of the second law of thermodynamics). We will find that this newly defined quantity has interesting geometrical interpretations, from the bulk point of view.
When a conformal field theory has a holographic bulk dual, its conformal anomalies can be more easily computed from the bulk side. A conformal field theory with higher-spin symmetries has both ordinary conformal anomalies and higher-spin ones. I will discuss how to compute them from the bulk side.
We consider finite volume (or equivalently, finite temperature) expectation values of local operators in integrable quantum field theories using a combination of numerical and analytical approaches. It is shown that the low-temperature expansion proposed by Leclair and Mussardo, and its generalisation to excited states proposed by Pozsgay, that are using thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and form factor techniques, can be matched with high precision by the truncated conformal space approach, when supplemented with renormalization group. Besides verifying the consistency of the two descriptions, their combination leads to an evaluation of expectation values which is valid to a very high precision for all volume/temperature scales.
I will describe classes of supersymmetric D1 and D5-branes, known as giant gravitons, in IIB string theory on AdS3 x S3 x S3 x S1 with pure RR flux, which is conjectured to have a 2D conformal field theory dual. I will close with a few remarks on these D-branes as integrability preserving boundary conditions for open IIB superstrings.
We construct the holographic dual of an electrically charged localised defect in a conformal field theory at strong coupling. In doing so, we find that the theory sometimes flows to new IR fixed points, some of which we are able to find in a closed form. When the IR theory is either marginally connected to pure AdS, or is AdS itself, we find that a new gravitational phenomena occurs: for an impurity of a sufficiently large amplitude, a spherical extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole nucleates in the domain of outer communications - a hovering black hole. We construct this new phase, for many choices of boundary chemical potential profile, and study its properties. We find a universal curve for the entropy of the defect as a function of its amplitude, reminiscent of an adiabatic Choptuik critical scaling. We comment on the possible field theory implications of our results.
We will overview different formulations of superstring theory and demonstrate the equivalence between the worldsheet one-loop partition functions computed near classical string solutions in the Green-Schwarz and in the pure-spinor formulations of superstrings in AdS(5) x S(5). The equivalence is not a priori obvious, since while the physical bosonic sectors of the two formulations are the same in the conformal gauge, their fermionic sectors appear to be very different (first vs second derivative kinetic terms, presence vs absence of a fermionic gauge symmetry).
In this talk I will first discuss the "umbral moonshine" relating special mock modular forms to representations of special finite groups. This novel type of moonshine is constructed using the data of the Niemeier lattices. Afterwards I will discuss its relation to the elliptic genus of K3 in the context of string theory and conformal field theory. This talk will be based on joint work with J. Duncan, J. Harvey and S. Harrison.
The Rogers-Ramanujan functions arise as partition (or zero-point)
functions in a conformal field theory (CFT) on the torus. More
generally, we can study such a theory on arbitrary genus compact Riemann
surfaces. A CFT is considered to be solved once all of its N-point
functions are known. Explicit formulas have been obtained for the two-
and three-point functions of the Virasoro field on any hyperelliptic
Riemann surface, using methods from complex analysis and algebraic
geometry. The formulas involve a finite number of parameters (notably
the zero- and one-point functions) which depend on the moduli of the
surface and can be determined using differential equations. We present
an algebraic-geometric approach that is designed to work for
hyperelliptic surfaces of arbitrary genus, thus giving new access to
higher genus automorphic forms. First results for genus two will be addressed.
This is joint work in progress with Werner Nahm.
We review certain features of thermodynamics of black holes
carrying higher spin charge in AdS_3. Motivated by a recent
proposal for computing the entanglement entropy (EE) of the dual CFT,
based on Wilson-lines in the higher spin black hole background, we
outline the calculation of EE within CFTs with chemical potential for
higher-spin charge. We report on a surprising and non-trivial agreement
between the CFT and dual gravity result.
Contrary to the situation that exists in the Solar System, the predictions of General Relativity (GR) have not yet been tested to high accuracy on cosmological scales. In order to implement such tests in an efficient and unbiased way, we need a sensible way of describing what non-GR gravity might look like.
This turns out to be a remarkably subtle task, with no obvious or unique answer. I'll describe several methods currently being pursued, ranging from the formal to the practical. I'll show how these approaches fit together, and can be used to build a machinery that translates the work of theorists into real-world numbers output by experiments.
I will start with a motivation for understanding Lifshitz holography, and a brief introduction to holography in the conventional setting of AdS backgrounds. Subsequently, I will review the Newton-Cartan formulation of Newtonian gravity, which will turn out to be relevant for understanding the boundary geometry in the context of Lifshitz holography.
Then I discuss the Lifshitz UV completion in a specific model for z=2 Lifshitz geometries.
This employs a vielbein formalism which enables identification of all the sources as leading components of well-chosen bulk fields. It is shown that the geometry induced from the bulk onto the boundary is a novel extension of Newton-Cartan geometry with a specific torsion tensor.
An explicit computation of all the vevs including the boundary stress-energy tensor and their Ward identities will be given. I will conclude with an outlook putting the results in perspective
of more general Lifshitz theories and discussing possible applications.
2014-02-21Pierre Dechant [Durham U]:
Clifford algebra often provides a natural geometric interpretation for
algebraic results. We discuss several recent applications of this
framework in the context of Coxeter groups and root systems. For
instance, we show that - unlike the standard approach - it naturally
provides different geometric complex structures for the eigenvalues of
the Coxeter element. Via a construction in terms of Clifford spinors
any 3d root system induces a root system in four dimensions. This
includes all exceptional 4d groups, and as a side effect induces 4d
polytopes and their symmetries from the Platonic solids. The 4d groups
are ubiquitous in HEP, and we explore the connections with Arnold's
trinities and the McKay correspondence. We also discuss affine
extensions of non-crystallographic root systems in a conformal
Clifford approach, as well as some group and representation theoretic
We will discuss the string theory calculation of gauge theory three-point correlation functions jn N=4 super--Yang-Mills. Starting from the semi-classical world-sheet description of strings with large charges we progress to perturbatively include quantum corrections for certain special cases and then to describing the relation to world-sheet form factors where the techniques of quantum integrable theories are applicable.
This talk addresses a long standing problem - the identification of the chiral ring and moduli space on the Coulomb branch of an N = 4 superconformal field theory in 2+1 dimensions. Previous techniques involved a computation of the metric on the moduli space and/or mirror symmetry. These methods are limited to sufficiently small moduli spaces, with enough symmetry, or to Higgs branches of sufficiently small gauge theories. We introduce a simple formula for the Hilbert series of the Coulomb branch, which applies to any good or ugly three-dimensional N = 4 gauge theory. The formula counts monopole operators which are dressed by classical operators, the Casimir invariants of the residual gauge group that is left unbroken by the magnetic flux. We apply our formula to several classes of gauge theories. Along the way we make various tests of mirror symmetry, successfully comparing the Hilbert series of the Coulomb branch with the Hilbert series of the Higgs branch of the mirror theory.
We will review recent progress in understanding the scattering theory for strings propagating on AdS_3 backgrounds. The role of Yangians will be discussed, and the new features displayed by this case when compared to the AdS_5 background will be highlighted. Finally, the issues of massless modes will be discussed.
Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes have been intensively studied over the last 15 years as a consequence of the conjectured correspondence between gravitational theories in such spacetimes and quantum theories living on their boundaries. Despite this intensive study, there are still many interesting open questions regarding classical gravitation in spaces with negative cosmological constant. It is still unknown, for example, whether the global anti-de Sitter spacetime is dynamically stable. I will talk about recent work on solvability of linear field equations in arbitrary asymptotically anti-de Sitter backgrounds, with no symmetry assumed. I will also discuss the case of stationary black holes and present a recent result showing the discreteness and incompleteness of the quasinormal modes for stationary, asymptotically anti-de Sitter, black holes
The AdS/CFT correspondence is a very powerful tool for studying strongly coupled CFTs at finite temperature and charge density and/or magnetic field, commonly found in condensed matter physics. Two of the main focus in this direction is to get a better understanding of superconductivity and spatially modulated phases in the holographic setup. In this talk, I will discuss how the two merge to give rise to spatially modulated superconducting p-wave states.
I will describe a procedure for constructing one-parameter integrable deformations of integrable sigma-models. In the case of the principal chiral model on G one recovers the Yang-Baxter sigma-model which coincides with the squashed 3-sphere sigma-model when G = SU(2). When applied to the symmetric space sigma-model on F/G we obtain a new one-parameter family of integrable sigma-models. The classical symmetry algebra of the latter is a q-deformation of the symmetries of the symmetric space sigma-model. This procedure generalises to semi-symmetric space sigma-models. We use it to construct an integrable deformation of the AdS_5 x S^5 superstrings.
Inspired by Baxter's perimeter Bethe ansatz we present a method to construct Yangian invariants. The condition for Yangian invariance is formulated as an eigenvalue problem of certain monodromies that can be solved using Bethe ansatz techniques. The rather general principle is being worked out for rational inhomogeneous spin chains with finite-dimensional representations of gl(n) in the quantum space. Using the algebraic Bethe ansatz we derive Bethe ansatz equations for Yangian invariants and study the corresponding on-shell Bethe vectors. Furthermore, we show how they can be reformulated in terms of contour integrals. This aspect is reminiscent of an on-shell formulation of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory.
Abstract The Kondo effect occurs in metals doped with magnetic impurities: in the ground state an electron binds to each impurity, leading to dramatic changes in the thermodynamic and transport properties of the metal. Although the single-impurity Kondo effect is considered a solved problem, the multi-impurity problem remains unsolved. Additionally, many questions remain about entanglement entropy and quantum quenches in Kondo systems. In this talk I will present a new model of the single-impurity Kondo effect based on holography, also known as gauge-gravity duality or the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) Correspondence, which may provide a new approach to open problems about Kondo systems.
2013-05-24Ulrich Sperhake [Cambridge]:
2013-05-03Andrea Puhm [CEA Saclay]:
2013-04-26Antonio Padilla [U Nottingham]:
2013-03-15Juan Jottar [Amsterdam]:
2013-03-01Erik Tonni [SISSA]:
2013-02-22Moshe Moshe [Technion]:
2013-02-15Helvi Witek [Cambridge]:
2013-02-08Sanjaye Ramgoolam [Queen Mary, University of London]:
I will describe a new infinite set of AdS/CFT dual pairs which come from M5-branes wrapping Riemann surfaces. These solutions interpolate between and extend beyond a famous pair of solutions by Maldacena and Nunez. Additionally, the dual SCFTs are so-called "non-Lagrangian" theories, which have no weakly coupled UV description yet can (and will) be described explicitly.
When recent observational evidence and the GR+FRW+CDM model are combined we obtain the result that the Universe is accelerating, where the acceleration is due to some not-yet-understood "dark sector". There has been a considerable number of theoretical models constructed in an attempt to provide an "understanding" of the dark sector: dark energy and modified gravity theories. The proliferation of modified gravity and dark energy models has brought to light the need to construct a "generic" way to parameterize the dark sector.
We will discuss our new way of approaching this problem. We write down an "effective action" for linearized perturbations to the gravitational field equations for a given field content; crucially, our formalism does not require a Lagrangian to be presented for calculations to be performed and observational predictions to be extracted. Our approach is inspired by that taken in particle physics, where the most general modifications to the standard model are written down for a given field content that is compatible with some assumed symmetry (which we take to be isotropy of the background spatial sections). We find, for example, that the observational impact of very broad classes of theories can be encoded by a very small (less than 5) number of parameters. It is only these parameters which we have a hope of measuring with observational data.
I will discuss the geometry of heterotic string compactifications with fluxes. The compactifications on 6 dimensional manifolds which preserve N=1 supersymmetry in 4 dimensions must be complex conformally balanced manifolds which admit a no-where vanishing holomorphic (3,0)-form, together with a holomorphic vector bundle on the manifold which must admit a Hermitian Yang-Mills connection. The flux, which can be viewed as a torsion, is the obstruction to the manifold being Kahler. I will describe how these compactifications are connected to the more traditional compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds through geometric transitions like flops and conifold transitions. For instance, one can construct solutions by flopping rational curves in a Calabi-Yau manifold in such a way that the resulting manifold is no longer Kahler. Time permitting, I will discuss open problems, for example the understanding of the moduli space of heterotic compactifications and the related problem of determining the massless spectrum in the effective 4 dimensional supersymmetric field theory. The study of these compactifications is interesting on its own right both in string theory, in order to understand more generally the degrees of freedom of these theories, and also in mathematics. For example, the connectedness between the solutions is related to problems in mathematics, for instance Reid's fantasy, that complex manifolds with trivial canonical bundle are all connected through geometric transitions.
The AdS/CFT correspondence is a powerful tool to analyse strongly coupled quantum field theories. Over the past few years there has been a surge of activity aimed at finding possible applications to condensed matter systems. One focus has been to holographically realise various kinds of phases via the construction of fascinating new classes of black hole solutions. In this framework, I will discuss the possibility of describing finite temperature phase transitions leading to spontaneous breaking of translational invariance of the dual field theory at strong coupling and finite chemical potential. For the marginally stable case, I will also describe a mechanism which leads to a strong effect in the low frequency optical conductivity, similar to what happens in strange metals.
Motivated by recent results in mathematical virology, we present novel
asymmetric Z[tau]-integer-valued affine extensions of the
non-crystallographic Coxeter groups H_2, H_3 and H_4 derived in a
Kac-Moody-type formalism. In particular, we show that the affine
reflection planes which extend the Coxeter group H_3 generate (twist)
translations along 2-, 3- and 5-fold axes of icosahedral symmetry, and we
classify these translations in terms of the Fibonacci recursion relation
applied to different start values. We thus provide an explanation of
previous results concerning affine extensions of icosahedral symmetry in a
Coxeter group context, and extend this analysis to the case of the
non-crystallographic Coxeter groups H_2 and H_4. These results will
enable new applications of group theory in physics (quasicrystals), biology
(viruses) and chemistry (fullerenes).
We furthermore show how such affine extensions of non-crystallographic
Coxeter groups can be derived via Coxeter-Dynkin diagram foldings and
projections of the more familiar affine extensions of the root systems
E_8, D_6 and A_4. This broader and more conventional context of
crystallographic lattices (such as E_8) suggests potential for
applications in high energy physics, integrable systems and modular form
theory. By inverting the projection, we make the case for admitting
different number fields in the Cartan matrix, which could open up enticing
possibilities in hyperbolic geometry and rational conformal field theory.
I'll discuss different models of quantum criticality at finite density that arise naturally from AdS/CFT. I'll review their properties and focus, in particular, in the conductivity. I'll explain why, if we are interested in dc conductivities, it is crucial to include the effects of leading irrelevant contributions. Finally, I will discuss how we can apply this insight to calculate conductivities in holographic locally critical theories.
Interacting theories of higher spin gauge fields are a very
nontrivial generalisation of Einstein gravity. They seem to be
consistently defined only in spacetimes with a non-zero cosmological
constant where their strucutre is powerfully constrained by the large
symmetry. In recent times, these theories (on anti de sitter space)
have proved to be very interesting laboratories for non-supersymmetric
versions of the AdS/CFT correspondence. I will give an overview of
these topics and why they might be of interest even beyond the string
theory context.
The Blackfold Approach is an effective theory for higher
dimensional black holes. In this approach black holes are described as
materials: they are characterised by speeds of sound, viscosities and
elastic moduli. I will explain how to derive this effective theory from
first principles in General Relativity by generalising techniques
developed in AdS/CFT contexts. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this
approach is a dramatic simplification of the Einstein equations that can
be used to tackle important open problems of higher dimensional Gravity.
We consider gravity duals for 2+1 dimensional quantum critical points
with anisotropic scaling, where physics at finite temperature and charge density
is described in terms of charged Lifshitz black branes in 3+1 dimensions.
We use a combination of numerics and exact solutions to study equilibrium
thermodynamics of a holographic system exhibiting Lifshitz scaling and present
a simple model for the out-of-equilibrium dynamics following a holographic quench in such systems.
Chiral anomalies are some of the most fundamental properties of relativistic
quantum field theories. At finite density and temperature they give rise
to new dissipationless transport phenomena. These are of direct
relevance to heavy ion collisions and induce the so called Chiral Magnetic Effect. I will show how the anomalous transport coefficients, the chiral magnetic and the chiral vortical conductivity can be studied via Kubo formulas at weak and strong coupling.
We introduce the Mellin transform for conformally invariant correlation
functions. Mellin amplitudes have simple analytic properties, and are
functions of quantities resembling higher dimensional momenta. For theories
with a lagrangian description, Mellin amplitudes satisfy a set of simple
Feynman rules, which solve the theories at tree-level. We apply this
formalism to correlators of scalar field theories and also the AdS/CFT
Four-dimensional CFTs dual to branes transverse to toric
Calabi-Yau threefolds are described by bipartite graphs on a torus
(dimer models). The theory of dessins d'enfants (children's drawings)
describe these theories in terms of triples of permutations that
multiply to one. Dessin d'enfants may be encoded as an elliptic curve
equipped with a map to a sphere with three marked points. Symmetries
of the superpotential acquire a geometric interpretation in this
language. The complex structure of the elliptic curve relates to the
R-charges of fields in the CFT in certain examples. I propose a D-brane
interpretation of the complex structure parameter.
The M5-brane remains a mysterious object. Its worldvolume
description is known to arise from a six-dimensional CFT with (2,0)
supersymmetry. However, very little is known about six-dimensional
quantum field theories. In this talk I will outline work to construct a
non-Abelian system of equations that furnish a representation of the
(2,0) supersymmetry tensor multiplet. The resulting on-shell conditions
lead to a novel system of equations which propagate in one null and four
space directions. Following more recent work, I will then show how these
equations reduce to motion on instanton moduli space. Subsequently
quantising the system leads directly to a previous light-cone proposal
of the (2,0) theory.
Bizon and Rostworowski have recently suggested that anti-de Sitter spacetime might be nonlinearly unstable to transfering energy to smaller and smaller scales and eventually forming a small black hole. We consider pure gravity with a negative cosmological constant and find strong support for this idea. While one can start with a single linearized mode and add higher order corrections to construct a nonlinear geon, this is not possible starting with a linear combination of two or more modes. One is forced to add higher frequency modes with growing amplitude. The implications of this turbulent instability for the dual field theory are discussed.
I will discuss baryons in the Sakai-Sugimoto model. In this theory, which is the gravity dual of a QCD-like theory, baryons appear as soliton solutions, which are usually approximated as flat-space instantons. But there was a puzzle: it turns out that with that approximation, which is motivated by the large 't Hooft coupling limit implicit in the model, one does not reproduce some model-independent predictions for baryon form factors which are connected with long-range pion physics. This made it appear that the long-range pion physics of baryons may be hidden in
(intractable) \alpha' corrections in the gravity dual. This would be somewhat surprising if true. I will report some recent partial progress in understanding the puzzle, based on a recent study of baryons in the model which did not rely on the flat-space instanton approximation. The solutions we obtained give the correct result for the model-independent predictions, with the happy implication that the Sakai-Sugimoto model captures the expected infrared properties of baryons without the need to go beyond the leading order in the \alpha' expansion.
We begin with describing brane embeddings in a class of particular backgrounds within string theory. We discuss some previously missed cases and compare our results with older works. Next, we show how to construct dimers in a holographic manner. Finally, we demonstrate the relevance of our results in that context and discuss possible extensions.
The average quantum physicist on the street believes that a quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian must be Dirac Hermitian (invariant under combined matrix transposition and complex conjugation) in order to guarantee that the energy eigenvalues are real and that time evolution is unitary. However, the Hamiltonian $H=p^2+ix^3$, which is obviously not Dirac Hermitian, has a real positive discrete spectrum and generates unitary time evolution, and thus it defines a fully consistent and
physical quantum theory!
Evidently, the axiom of Dirac Hermiticity is too restrictive. While $H=p^2+ix^3$ is not Dirac Hermitian, it is PT symmetric; that is, invariant under combined space reflection P and time reversal T. The quantum mechanics defined by a PT-symmetric Hamiltonian is a complex generalization of ordinary quantum mechanics. When quantum mechanics is extended into the complex domain, new kinds of theories having strange and remarkable properties emerge. Some of these properties have recently been verified in laboratory experiments.
A particularly interesting PT-symmetric Hamiltonian is $H=p^2-x^4$, which contains an upside-down potential. We will discuss this potential in great detail, and explain in intuitive as well as rigorous terms why the energy levels of this potential are real, positive, and discrete.
Matrix models of Yang-Mills type have been proposed as candidates for a
theory of fundamental interactions including gravity. They are related to
string theory as well as noncommutative gauge theory.
Focusing on the so-called IKKT model, some basic mechanisms will be
explained, and recent progress in the understanding of non-trivial
geometry and gravity within this model is reviewed. A possible realization
of the standard model of elementary particles through intersecting brane
configurations is exhibited.
I will discuss the bosonic excitations present in certain strongly-interacting holographic field theory states with a large density of matter. Particular attention will be paid to the properties
of the sound modes of these theories and how they compare with the properties of the sound mode of a Landau-Fermi liquid.
I will describe a how to construct the near horizon supergravity solution for a pair of NS5-branes, intersecting on R^{1,3} and localised in all directions except a single transverse circle. Such solutions are exceedingly rare, and yet have applications in gauge-gravity duality and model building. The construction makes use of an explicit map between the conifold metric and the near horizon geometry of two intersecting NS5-branes, clarifying and correcting a number of open issues en route. I will also describe additional intersecting brane solutions corresponding to, for example, separating the NS5-branes.
We briefly review the physics of microscopic black holes and we present a new class of quantum gravity corrected black hole (QGBH) spacetimes. By studying the evaporation we show that QGBHs lead to distinctive and potentially testable signatures which might disclose further features about the nature of quantum gravity.
AGT relation is a kind of correspondence
between 4-dim N=2 super Yang-Mills theory
and 2-dim Liouville/Toda theory.
Many researchers consider the origin of
this relation is M5-brane system,
so it has been widely studied.
In this seminar, I want to talk about
our recent paper, which gives some evidences
which imply that W(1+infinity) algebra
describes the symmetry behind AGT relation.
S. Kanno, Y. Matsuo and S. S., arXiv:1105.1667 [hep-th]
We derive the super Yang-Mills action of Dp-branes on a torus T^{p-4}
from the nonabelian (2,0) theory with Lie 3-algebra. Our realization is based on
Lie 3-algebra with pairs of Lorentzian metric generators. The resultant theory
then has negative norm modes, but it results in a unitary theory by setting
VEV's of these modes. This procedure corresponds to the torus compactification,
therefore by taking a transformation which is equivalent to T-duality, the
Dp-brane action is obtained. We also study type IIA/IIB NS5-brane and
Kaluza-Klein monopole systems by taking other VEV assignments. Such various
compactifications can be realized in the nonabelian (2,0) theory, since both
longitudinal and transverse directions can be compactified, which is different
from the BLG theory. We finally discuss U-duality among these branes, and show
that most of the moduli parameters in U-duality group are recovered. Especially
in D5-brane case, the whole U-duality relation is properly reproduced.
Black hole absorbs everything classically while it emanates Hawking
radiation via quantum effect.
In this talk, I will first explain how these two effects, dissipation
and quantum noise at the horizon,
can be described in a unified way by integrating out degrees of freedom
near the horizon.
We then apply the non-equilibrium fluctuation theorem, which was studied
in the statistical physics,
to a scalar field in the black hole background and discuss its
implications to the thermodynamics
of black holes.
While the fundamental object in Riemannian geometry is the metric,
closed string theories put a two-form gauge field and a dilaton on the same
footing as the metric. In this talk we introduce a novel differential geometry
which treats those three objects in a unified manner, and manifest not only the
gauge symmetries (diffeomorphism plus one-form gauge symmetry) but also the
O(D,D) T-duality. We also discuss how to couple to Yang-Mills theory.
We revisit the ideal Bose gas confined in a cubic box, which is
discussed in most of statistical physics textbooks as the simplest bosonic
system. We report that, the isobar of the gas zigzags on the
temperature-volume plane provided the number of particles is finitely large
enough. This demonstrates for the first time, how finite systems can feature
mathematical singularities. The talk is based on papers: Phys. Rev. A 81
063636 (2010) and New J. Phys. 13 (2011) 033003.
Some strongly coupled gauge theories with simple AdS/CFT descriptions display chiral symmetry breaking in the presence of a running coupling or magnetic field. I describe the temperature-chemical potential phase structure of some of these theories which display a variety of phase transitions of first and second order. It would be interesting to holographically derive the effective Landau Ginzberg potential for these transitions and I will discuss on going work to derive that using holographic Wilsonian renormalization ideas.
AdS/CFT also allows the study of out of equilibrium problems at these transitions - as an example I discuss using a strongly coupled gauge theory as an inflaton in the early Universe. I show how the model reduces to a canonical single inflaton model and discuss how the gauge coupling should walk to achieve many e-folds.
We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to discuss the response of an accelerated observer to the quantum vacuum fluctuations. In particular, we study heavy quarks probing a strongly coupled CFT by analysing strings moving in AdS. We propose that, in this context, a non-trivial detection rate is associated to
the existence of a worldsheet horizon and we find an Unruh-like expression for the worldsheet temperature.
Finally, by examining a rotating string in global AdS we find that there is a transition between string embeddings with and without worldsheet horizon.
The dual picture corresponds to having non-trivial or trivial interaction with the quantum vacuum respectively.
We revisit the relationship between the 6D (2,0) M5 CFT compactified on a circle to 5D maximally supersymmetric YM Gauge Theory. We show that in the broken phase 5D SYM contains a spectrum of soliton states that can be identified with the complete KK modes of an M2 ending on the M5's. This provides evidence that the (2,0) theory on a circle is equivalent to 5D SYM with no additional UV degrees of freedom, suggesting that the latter is in fact a well-defined quantum theory and possibly finite.
In this talk I first review a new method, borrowed from the Ricci Flow literature, to solve (numerically) the Einstein equations for static spacetimes. The method is based on a generalisation of the usual harmonic-coordinate gauge fixing and, as I will show, it is governed by a maximum principle which allows one to rule out the existence of Ricci solitons in favourable circumstances. As a first application of the method I will show how to construct (using Ricci Flow) the gravitational dual of N=4 super Yang-Mills on the background of the 4d Schwarzschild black hole. This provides the first quantitative calculation of a stress tensor of a strongly coupled 4d field theory in the background of a black hole. As a second application, I will construct localised black holes on a 3-brane in the context of Randall-Sundrum infinite braneworld scenario. Our work should answer the question of existence of static black holes on the brane.
Higher dimensional theory contains one (or more) scalar fields. We construct an inflation model using the scalar field(s) from the gauge fields in extra dimensions and study its consequences.
I will introduce a complex analogue of the Wilson loop, which is defined on a complex curve, in holomorphic Chern-Simons theory and explain how the complete planar S-matrix of maximal supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory is just such a Wilson loop in twistor space. The dynamics of the theory are expressed through loop equations, describing how the expectation value of the Wilson loop varies as the curve is deformed. Particular deformations of the curve then lead to powerful methods for computing scattering amplitudes, including the all-loop BCFW recursion relations and the MHV vertex expansion. This provides a new and fundamental perspective on the scattering amplitude - Wilson loop duality and allows the S-matrix to be interpreted as a holomorphic analogue of a knot invariant.
We study the high-energy scattering of massless closed strings from a stack of N Dp-branes in Minkowski spacetime and show that an effective non-trivial metric emerges from the string amplitudes. By changing the energy, impact parameter and effective open string coupling, we are able to explore various interesting regimes and reproduce semi-classical expectations, including tidal-force excitations, even
beyond the leading-eikonal approximation.
The basic two-body problem in General Relativity is a two
black hole system. This is a key system for gravitational
wave astronomy, since the collision of two black holes is
expected to be the most powerful astrophysical source of
gravitational radiation. The complete evolution of such
system, comprising inspiral, merger and ringdown stages,
can only be followed numerically. After 40 years of work,
the first successful numerical codes evolving such systems
were reported in 2005. In the last 5 years, the field of
numerical relativity has produced accurate and insightful
results concerning the full non-linear dynamical evolution
of black hole systems.
In this seminar I shall discuss a current research
programme to generalise the techniques of numerical
relativity, namely to arbitrary dimension. I shall focus
on the description of black hole collisions in higher
dimensions and their application to trans Planckian
scattering scenarios potentially testable in particle
accelerator experiments such as those at the LHC.
I shall present the wave forms and energy converted into
gravitational radiation for a head-on black hole collision
in a higher dimensional space-time, which we obtained for
the first time in 2010.
Starting with the pioneering ideas of 't Hooft and Polyakov
much evidence was collected for the existence of intriguing
dualities between the multi-color limit of many 4-dimensional
gauge theories and 2-dimensional statistical systems (strings).
While supersymmetry renders the gauge theory side more tractable,
internal supersymmetry has actually been a source of frustration
within the context of 2-dimensional models. Some of the
difficulties were overcome in recent years. These advances will
be reviewed in first part of the talk. As an application, I shall
then demonstrate how classical symmetric superspaces can emerge
from supersymmetric spin chains and I discuss possible
implications for the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Recently we discovered the hidden fermionic structure in quantum integrable models. In this talk I shall explain how this fermionic structure allows to solve hard problems in the theory of integrable models, in particular, to find the one-point functions of both primary fields and descendants for perturbed CFT.
We propose a general correspondence between gravity and spin models, inspired by the well-known IR equivalence between lattice gauge theories and the spin models. This suggests a connection between continuous type Hawking-phase transitions in gravity and the continuous order-disorder transitions in
ferromagnets. The black-hole phase corresponds to the ordered and the graviton gas corresponds to the disordered phases respectively. A
simple set-up based on Einstein-dilaton gravity indicates that the
vicinity of the phase transition is governed by a linear-dilaton CFT.
Employing this CFT we calculate scaling of observables near T_c, and obtain mean-field scaling in a semi-classical approximation. In case of the XY model the Goldstone mode is identified with the zero mode of the NS-NS two-form. One can show that the second speed of sound vanishes at the transition also with the mean field exponent.
In my talk I will describe a class of gravitational solutions which, in the context of AdS/CFT, are dual to boundary field theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking and thus give rise to a superfluid phase. I will use the tools of gauge/gravity duality to demonstrate that the boundary description of such systems, in the hydrodynamical limit, is governed by a relativistic generalisation of the Tisza-Landau two-fluid model. I will establish this model to non-dissipative order and will comment on its relevance to computing higher-order transport coefficient in the presence of a non-vanishing symmetry-breaking condensate.
Observations suggest that we live in an era dominated by positive
cosmological constant. This allows us to characterise inhomogeneous and
anisotropic standard model cosmologies by their future asymptotics, using
a Fefferman-Graham expansion. We argue that this asymptotic expansion
provides a reasonable description of much of the observable universe and
as an example application we show how to constrain the asymptotic data
through supernovae observations. Going further we connect the late time
asymptotic data with early time data using a moduli space expansion. Using
this method we are able to construct solutions for the observable
universe, inhomogeneous on large scales, which automatically build in
inflationary initial conditions.
We discuss the construction of holographic models for the inflationary epoch. We show how cosmological observables, such as the primordial power spectrum and non-Gaussianities, may be computed from the correlation functions of a dual three-dimensional quantum field theory without gravity. We present a general class of holographic models that are fully consistent with current observational constraints and discuss the distinctive observational signatures they predict for the running of the spectral index and for primordial non-Gaussianity.
Cosmic strings are predicted to form in a wide variety of models in the early universe but so far, they have never been observed. The most promising way to do so relies on their emission of gravitational wave bursts (at small scale features on the strings called cusps and kinks) which could be detectable by the current generation of interferometers (LIGO-VIRGO) or by the future space interferometer LISA. In this seminar, I will focus on a particular class of models of cosmic strings in which junctions (points at which several strings are attached) can form. I will show that strings with junctions generally contain many more kinks than ordinary cosmic strings. Consequently, the signal from a network with junctions differs significantly from the predictions made by Damour and Vilenkin for ordinary strings. I
will discuss the observability of this signal and the associated constraints on the parameter space of the strings.
2010-10-15CANCELLED [Tony Padilla]:
I review the good, the bad and the ugly of the non-projectable versions of Horava gravity. I explain how this non-relativistic theory was constructed and why it was touted with such excitement as a quantum theory of gravity. I then review some of the issues facing the theory, explaining how strong coupling occurs and why this is such a problem for both phenomenology and the question of renormalisability. Finally I comment on possible violations of Equivalence Principle, and explain why these could be an issue for Blas et al's "healthy extension".
We discuss a class of n-point correlation functions of 1/2 BPS operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. Since this is a massless theory the question is best discussed in configuration space. For generic positions of the operators these correlation functions are finite.
We give a summary of recent work on the leading singular behaviour in a limit in which the positions are taken to be successively light-like separated. In dimensional regularisation or with a mass regulator the correlation functions reduce to polygonal Wilson loops with light-like edges.
A useful technical tool is to compute the correlators by insertions of the N=2 Yang-Mills Lagrangian, in which case it is particularly simple to take the light-like limit. If in a non-standard version of dimensional regularisation only the dimension of the integration measure at the insertion points is modified, we reproduce scattering amplitudes instead.
The integrand obtained in this way exactly agrees with a recent proposal by Arkani-Hamed et al.
The AdS2/CFT1 correspondence leads to a prescription for computing the degeneracy of black hole states in terms of a path integral over string fields living on the near horizon geometry of the black hole. In this talk, I will discuss about how to make use of the enhanced supersymmetries of the near horizon geometry and localization techniques to argue that the path integral receives contribution only from a special class of string field configurations which are invariant under a subgroup of the supersymmetry transformations. I will identify saddle points which are invariant under this subgroup. I will also use this analysis to show that the integration over infinite number of zero modes generated by the asymptotic symmetries of AdS2 generate a finite contribution to the path integral.
The modern approach to integrability proceeds via a Riemann surface, the spectral curve. In many applications this curve is specified by transcendental constraints in terms of
periods. I will highlight some of the problems this leads to in the context
of monopoles, problems including integer solutions to systems of quadratic forms, questions of real algebraic geometry and conjectures for elliptic functions. Several new results will be presented including
the uniqueness of the tetrahedrally symmetric monopole.
I will review some recent attempts at providing a microscopic description for extremal black holes. First, I will explain a constituent model for extremal non-rotating non-BPS asymptoticaly flat black holes. Second, I will summarise the main claims in the so called extremal BH/CFT correspondence, pointing out how a chiral CFT can emerge as a limit of a non-chiral CFT. Finally, I will use R-charge AdS black holes to derive the existence of emergent IR CFTs, similar to the ones that have been argued to capture some interesting quantum criticality phenomena in some strongly coupled condensed matter systems.
In this talk we will present a review of quantum superintegrable
systems. Some of these systems involve Painlevé transcendents. We
will discuss how supersymmetric quantum mechanics and ladder operators
can be used to construct new superintegrable systems with higher order
integrals of motion and their polynomial algebras.
I argue that spacetimes which are conformally related are observationally indistinguishable. When applied to cosmology, this allows an extremely unconventional, apparently controversial picture that our universe may not be expanding at all. I show how such a picture of the universe can be observationally consistent.
Matrix factorisations describe topological D-branes in N=2 supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg models. I shall explain how this description arises and consequently use it to study open string states. In particular, employing the theory of cyclic A-infinity-algebras allows to explicitly construct all tree-level amplitudes.
We study the dynamics of confining "k-strings" in a theory obtained by a mass deformation of the N=4 SYM theory with SU(N) gauge group. We review the world-sheet dynamics induced on these strings from the perspective of the gauge theory and its large-N string dual. In particular we argue that confined states of the gauge theory appear as solitons of the k-string world-sheet theory. This latter theory is shown to interpolate between three distinct phases, two of which are separated by a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition induced by condensation of vortex-merons on the world-sheet.
We give a method of deriving the field-strengths of all massless and massive, i.e. gauged, maximal supergravity theories, in any dimension starting from the very-extended Kac-Moody algebra E(11). Considering the subalgebra of E(11) that acts on the fields in the non-linear realisation as a global symmetry, we show how this is promoted to a gauge symmetry enlarging the algebra by the inclusion of additional generators. This extension is not compatible with the full E(11) algebra, which implies that E(11) is not a symmetry of maximal supergravity theories. Given the enlarged algebra corresponding to the massless theory, we show that this can be deformed to obtain the algebra corresponding to the gauged theory. We show how this works in detail for the case of Scherk-Schwarz reduction of IIB to nine dimensions. We then show how the same method can be applied to derive the gauged IIA theory that results from the gauging of the scaling symmetry. We finally classify all the possible deformations in any dimensions and show that these are in one to one correspondence with all the possible gauged supergravities. This includes also the gauging of the scaling symmetry in any dimension.
The 4D rotating black hole described by the Kerr geometry possesses many of what was called by Chandrasekhar "miraculous" properties. Most of them are related to the existence of a fundamental hidden symmetry of a principal conformal Killing-Yano (PCKY) tensor. In my talk I shall demonstrate that, in this context, four dimensions are not exceptional and that the (spherical horizon topology) higher-dimensional rotating black holes are very similar to their four-dimensional aunts. Namely, I shall present the most general spacetime admitting the PCKY tensor and show that is possesses the
following properties: 1) It is of the algebraic type D. 2) It allows a separation of variables for the Hamilton-Jacobi, Klein-Gordon, Dirac, and stationary string equations.3) When the Einstein equations with the cosmological constant are imposed the metric describes the most general known Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetime.
I will also discuss the generalization of Killing-Yano symmetries for spacetimes with natural "torsion 3-form", such as the black hole of D=5 minimal supergravity, or the Kerr-Sen solution of heterotic
string theory.
In the recent years the discovery of integrable structures in N=4
super Yang-Mills has enlarged our understanding of this fascinating
most symmetric four dimensional gauge theory tremendously. Thus far
these exact results concern the computation of anomalous scaling
dimensions of gauge invariant operators. In this talk we will discuss
how integrable structures manifest themselves in the study of
scattering amplitudes. In particular the invariance of tree-level
amplitudes under an infinite dimensional Yangian symmetry will be
reported. Finally we discuss a new Higgs regularization scheme which
preserves an extended dual conformal invariance at loop level.
In this talk, I will review some recent developments in our
understanding of hidden dualities and symmetries in string sigma
models. I will first discuss certain 2d dualities and their
implications on the so-called dual superconformal symmetry. I will
explain that this symmetry has its origin in the integrability of the
superstring sigma model in AdS5 x S5. I will then move on and explain
that the superstring sigma model arises from a dimensional reduction
of some 8d self-dual Yang-Mills theory which in turn has a twistorial
interpretation. This thus offers another possibility of using twistor
theory to explore the (geometric) properties of the hidden symmetry
structures of the dual gauge theory.
I present an efficient method for computing the zero frequency limit
of transport coefficients in strongly coupled field theories described
holographically by higher derivative gravity theories. Hydrodynamic
parameters such as shear viscosity and conductivity can be obtained by
computing residues of poles of the off-shell lagrangian density. I
clarify in which sense these coefficients can be thought of as
effective couplings at the horizon, and present analytic, Wald-like
formulae for the shear viscosity and conductivity in a large class of
general higher derivative lagrangians. I show how to apply our methods
to systems at zero temperature but finite chemical potential.
We consider composite non-Abelian string solutions in N=2 SQCD, analyze their moduli space, with and without mass deformation. We then add the N=1 mass deformation and prove that single strings are confined in the ``Abelian'' vortex.
The Kerr-CFT correspondence proposes a microscopic computation of the
Hawking-Bekenstein temperature of an extreme Kerr black hole. This
computation relies heavily on considerations on the asymptotic
symmetry group of the solution, ie on boundary conditions. But
boundary conditions are also required to have a well-posed initial
value problem in classical general relativity. We are thus motivated
to investigate perturbations of the near-horizon extreme Kerr
spacetime relevant for the correspondence. The Teukolsky equation for
a massless field of arbitrary spin is solved. Solutions fall into two
classes: normal modes and traveling waves. We study the stability of
the solution. The explicit form of metric perturbations is obtained
using the Hertz potential formalism, and compared with the Kerr-CFT
boundary conditions. We then discuss the consequences of our boundary
conditions for the Kerr/CFT correspondence.
Probe D5 branes in AdS and AdS-Schwarzschild gravity backgrounds are
discussed as a possible dual description of a strongly-coupled 2+1
dimensional condensed matter system. We introduce a chemical
potential through a U(1) of R-symmetry, U(1) baryon number and a U(1)
isospin symmetry. We find the appropriate D5 brane embeddings in each
case and look for the spontaneous symmetry breaking which would be
needed for the gravity dual of a 2+1 dimensional superconductor.
The role of duality symmetries in the quantum Hall effect and in the
low energy effective action for 4-dimensional SUSY QCD will be
discussed. A curious similarity in the way duality, and its extension
to the modular group, acts in these two systems will be exhibited and
Numerical solution of the Einstein equation in its elliptic form --
i.e. in the context of static, stationary, and Euclidean metrics --
requires a very different set of methods from those employed to solve
the usual hyperbolic form. After briefly discussing a new strategy for
finding black hole solutions, I will explain a new method for solving
the Einstein equation on Calabi-Yau manifolds, which is relatively
simple to implement yet yields metrics that are exponentially more
accurate than previous methods.
I discuss the problem of how to do reliably computation in two
dimensional (2D) lattice fermion models of Hubbard type and what exactly
solvable systems can possibly contribute to its solution. I recall how
the 1D Luttinger model, a well-known exactly solvable model, has
contributed to our understanding of 1D lattice fermion systems. I also
present a 2D analogue of this story.
It has been conjectured that higher-dimensional rotating black
holes become unstable at a sufficiently large value of the rotation, and
that new black holes with pinched horizons appear at the threshold of the
instability. I will describe numerical work where this threshold is found
for Myers-Perry black holes with a single spin. The instability sets in
precisely at the rotation for which the second derivative of the entropy
with respect to the angular momentum, at fixed mass, vanishes. We
conjecture that this can be extended to predict ultraspinning instabilities
in more generality, and connect this criterium with the issue of local
thermodynamic stability.
Gauge-gravity duality is an extremely useful tool for studying strongly-coupled gauge theories, and has many applications to real-world systems, such as the quark-gluon plasma and quantum critical points. It is especially useful for studying the hydrodynamics of strongly-coupled non-Abelian gauge theories. For example, gauge-gravity duality is currently the only reliable way to compute transport coefficients for many theories. In this talk I will describe a calculation of a transport coefficient, a conductivity, associated with flavor fields in a strongly-coupled plasma. From the result for the conductivity, I will show how gauge-gravity duality captures a lot of real-world physics, such as momentum dissipation, Schwinger pair production, and more.
Birth and death processes are a typical example of stationary Markov chains and they can be regarded as discretisation of 1-d Brownian motion or random walk. The latter are described by 1-d Fokker-Planck equation, which is closely related to Schroedinger equation. Many examples of exactly solvable birth and death processes are derived in terms of `matrix' quantum mechanics, which is a discretised version of exactly solvable quantum mechanics. The (q-)Askey-scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable and their dual polynomials play a central role. (arXiv:0903.3097[math-ph])
In my talk I will report on recent progress in understanding 2D conformally invariant sigma-models on superspaces. Such quantum field theories play a prominent role in the quantization of strings on AdS-spaces. More specifically, I will focus on supersphere sigma-models which share many of the conceptual features with string propagation on AdS backgrounds: The underlying geometry is those of a symmetric superspaces on which supersymmetry is realized as an isometry. Taking into account the radius modulus, the associated sigma-models hence give rise to a one-parameter family of supersymmetric conformal field theories. Making use of quasi-abelian perturbation theory (valid for WZW models on supergroups with vanishing dual Coxeter number) I will first derive the exact spectrum of anomalous dimensions on a certain D-branes in the Gross-Neveu models. In a second step, I will then match this spectrum with semi-classical calculations, thus providing evidence for a strong-weak coupling duality between supersphere sigma-models and Gross-Neveu models. Similar world-sheet dualities play a prominent role in Berkovits' recent approach to proving the AdS/CFT correspondence
We discuss extensions of Birkhoff's theorem in the case of six-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet theory. Non-trivial constraints for the horizon geometry arise in this case, depending on the Weyl tensor of the internal space. We present exact solutions exhibiting staticity, even in the absence of spherical symmetry and give some examples of possible horizon geometries.
In this talk, I will try to look beyond the Planck scale with
primordial gravitational waves produced during inflation in Horava gravity.
I will show you that primordial gravitational waves are circularly
polarized due to parity violation. The chirality of primordial
gravitational waves is a quite robust prediction of Horava gravity
which can be tested through observations of cosmic microwave
background radiation and stochastic gravitational waves.
I will discuss our calculations of the pion and rho masses in quenched SU(N) lattice gauge theories up to N=6. I will extrapolate these to the chiral and large-N limits and compare to AdS/CFT predictions.
We analyze the problem of negative modes of the Euclidean section of the
Reissner-Nordström black hole in four dimensions. We find analytically
that a negative mode disappears when the specific heat at constant charge
becomes positive. The sector of perturbations analyzed here is included
in the canonical partition function of the magnetically charged black
hole. The result obeys the usual rule that the partition function is only
well-defined when there is local thermodynamical equilibrium. We point
out the difficulty in quantizing Einstein-Maxwell theory, where the
so-called conformal factor problem is considerably more intricate. Our
method, inspired by Kol [PhysRevD.77.044039], allows us to decouple the
divergent gauge volume and treat the metric perturbations sector in a
gauge-invariant way.
Understanding the behaviour of linear waves on black hole backgrounds is a
central problem in general relativity, intimately connected with the
nonlinear stability of the black hole spacetimes themselves as solutions
to the Einstein equations--a major open question in the subject.
Nonetheless, it is only very recently that even the most basic boundedness
and quantitative decay properties of linear waves have been proven in a
suitably general class of black hole exterior spacetimes. This talk will
review our current mathematical understanding of waves on black hole
backgrounds, beginning with the classical boundedness theorem of Kay and
Wald on exactly Schwarzschild exteriors and ending with very recent
boundedness and decay theorems (proven in collaboration with Igor
Rodnianski) on a wider class of spacetimes. This class of spacetimes
includes in particular slowly rotating Kerr spacetimes, but in the case of
the boundedness theorem is in fact much larger, encompassing general
axisymmetric stationary spacetimes whose geometry is sufficiently close to
Schwarzschild and whose Killing fields span the null generator of the
The talk concentrates on the formulation of the Gribov problem in the Landau gauge. The first part reviews the main points of trying to uniquely fix a gauge in a non-abelian gauge theory using Yang-Mills as the main example. In light of this, recent developments in understanding the Gribov-Zwanziger and Kugo-Ojima confinement criteria are discussed in the context of the Gribov-Zwanziger Lagrangian. This is a localized version of the original non-local formulation by Gribov and is a renormalizable theory allowing one to perform loop calculations. As examples, the two loop correction to the Gribov gap equation and its implications for the behaviour of gluon and Faddeev-Popov ghost propagators in the infrared regime are discussed. Finally, reference is made to the current picture of the behaviour of these propagators, in the Gribov-Zwanziger context, which have recently been computed by various groups using lattice and Schwinger-Dyson methods.
Motivated by the Alday-Maldacena conjecture, relating gluon scattering amplitudes to minimal surfaces in AdS_5 approaching a lightlike polygon on the boundary, we consider some issues of timelike and spacelike minimal surfaces in generic AdS_n. The discussion uses both the standard differential geometric language ( Gauss, Codazzi and Ricci eqs.) as well as elements of Pohlmeyer reduction for nonlinear sigma models. After the general formulation we restrict ourselves to the subset of flat minimal surfaces. We show that there are no flat spacelike minimal surfaces in AdS_5 beyond those used by Alday-Maldacena for the tetragon case.
I will present a direct prescription for computing the mixing among gauge invariant operators in N=4 SYM. This approach is based on the action of the superalgebra on the states of the theory and thus it can be also applied to resolve the mixing in the dual string description. Then I will discuss with some explicit examples the relevance of this mixing for the computation of the 3-point correlators.
We discuss resonant tunnelling in quantum mechanics and the application of these idea to the string landscape. Tye had argued that this could lead to dynamical relaxation of the cosmological constant, even though it wasn't known whether resonant tunnelling could occur in quantum field theory. Following the pioneering work of Banks, Bender and Wu, we describe quantum field theory in terms of infinite dimensional quantum mechanics and utilize the ``Most probable escape path'' (MPEP) as the class of paths which dominate the path integral in the classically forbidden region. Considering a 1+1 dimensional field theory example we show that there are five natural conditions that any associated bound state in the classically allowed region should satisfy if resonant tunnelling is to occur, and we then proceed to show that it is impossible to satisfy all five conditions simultaneously. Using this as a guidebook, we then show how to evade our no go theorem by breaking one of those conditions. As a result we give the first explicit example of resonant tunnelling in QFT, albeit given a rather contrived set of initial conditions that only the most optimistic observer would deem relevant in addressing the cosmological constant problem.
The talk will review the origins of Bagger Lambert theory and subsequent developments by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena. The possibility of open membranes will be discussed and what the new development allow us to understand about M-theory.
The study of geometric optics has played an important role in the construction and classification of exact solutions of Einstein's equations in D=4 dimensions. A remarkable connection with the Petrov classification is provided by the Goldberg-Sachs theorem ("a vacuum metric is algebraically special iff it contains a shearfree geodesic null congruence"). In the past few years, possible extensions of these concepts to higher dimensions have been investigated. For instance, it has been shown that the Goldberg-Sachs theorem is "violated" in many ways when D>4 (e.g. by Myers-Perry black holes), and some consequences of the Bianchi and Ricci identities have been studied. After an introductory review, we will describe the D>4 Robinson-Trautman and Kerr-Schild classes of spacetimes to exemplify some of these ideas.
Using ten dimensional dual string backgrounds, we study aspects of the physics of finite temperature large N SU(N) gauge theories, focusing on the dynamics of fundamental quarks in the presence of an external field. In a background magnetic field we find the quark dynamics lead to spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and establish a non-trivial phase structure in the temperature-magnetic field plane. We work with two particular dual string backgrounds coming from type IIB and type IIA supergravity and demonstrate how the phase structure emerges. We also comment on the dynamics of flavours in an external electric field.
Non-Abelian Berry phase describes how states in quantum mechanics change
as one slowly varies external parameters. I will give a pedagogical
introduction to this phenomenon. I will then show how the Berry connection
is constrained in supersymmetric quantum mechanics to obey certain well
known equations. This allows one to compute the Berry phase in strongly
coupled quantum systems. All of this will be illustrated with simple
The analysis of the singularities in the S-matrix of particles has shown
that perturbative structure field theories can be much simpler than what
Feynman diagrams tell us. In particular, there exist classes of theories
whose perturbative S-matrix is completely determined by a sub-set of its
singularities. At tree level this reflect with the existence of recursion
relations. At loop level, there are special singularities, the leading
singularities, which are believed to determine a class of theories which
N=4 SYM and N=8 supergravity belongs to. I will discuss both the tree and
loop level, with a particular attention on the leading singularity
technique and its application to the investigation of the perturbative N=8
I present a hairy inflationary scenario. It is shown that the
universe undergoes anisotropic inflationary expansion due to a preferred direction determined by a vector. I discuss possible observable predictions of this scenario. In the end, I will discuss hairy black holes which might be related to superconductivity.
Recent work has shown that spacetime dynamics can be deduced from the non-equilbrium thermodynamics of all local causal horizons. In particular, by postulating an entropy balance law dS = dQ/T + d_i S connecting notions of horizon entropy, heat flux, temperature, and entropy production one can derive the Einstein equation. In this talk I will describe how this derivation can be reformulated in the language of hydrodynamics. I will argue that the vacuum thermal state ("thermal atmosphere") outside a local causal horizon can be treated as a fluid. The entropy balance law and Einstein equation then follow as a consequence of hydrodynamics. Interestingly, horizon fluid has universal properties: its entropy density is the Bekenstein-Hawking density and its shear viscosity to entropy density ratio is \hbar/4\pi. The \hbar/4\pi ratio also arises in gauge theory/gravity dualities, where it has received considerable attention recently. I will describe a possible relationship between the two pictures and discuss open questions.
We analyze interactions at high energies in AdS spaces, at large and small AdS curvatures. We then use the results to analyze deep inelastic scattering at small Bjorken x, using the approximate conformal invariance of QCD at high energies. Hard pomeron exchanges are resummed eikonally, restoring unitarity at large values of the phase shift in the dual AdS geometry. At weak coupling this phase is imaginary, corresponding to a black disk in AdS. In this saturated regime, cross sections exhibit geometric scaling and have a simple universal form, which we test against available experimental data for the proton structure function F_2(x,Q^2). We predict, in particular, the dependence of the cross section on the scaling variable (Q/Q_s)^2 in the deeply saturated region, where Q_s is the usual saturation scale. We find agreement with current data on F_2 in the kinematical region 0.5 < Q^2 < 10 GeV^2, x < 10^-2, with an average 6% accuracy. We conclude by discussing the relation of our approach with the commonly used dipole formalism.
I will talk about the recent progress of identifying and counting a class of 1/16-BPS operators in weakly-interacting N=4 Yang-Mills theory on S^3 X time. The purely bosonic operators are shown not to provide enough states to account for supersymmetric black holes. I will also discuss the giant and dual giant graviton interpretations of the states made of a scalar and derivatives. I will close by a couple of comments on various 1/8-BPS limits and the superconformal index.
In this talk I will present a new family of supersymmetric Wilson loop operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. These operators are naturally defined on a 3-sphere in space-time and generically preserve two supercharges of the N=4 superconformal algebra. I will then discuss these operators in string theory and show that the dual string solutions satisfy a first order differential equation. This equation expresses the fact that the strings are "pseudo-holomorphic" surfaces with respect to a novel almost complex structure.
Can we do Cosmology without using scalar fields? What if they don't exist? Can we at least contain their use? In this talk I will discuss the possibility of generating the scalar curvature perturbation in the Universe using a massive gauge field instead. The mechanism can be realised either through direct couplings of the gauge field to gravity or due to the non-trivial evolution of the gauge kinetic function in the context of supergravity. In both cases, an approximately scale invariant spectrum is obtained with natural values of the parameters. How this spectrum gives rise to the observed curvature perturbation while avoiding a large-scale anisotropy will be demonstrated. The talk will include a brief pedagogic introduction on the physics of inflation and the curvature perturbation.
I will describe and analyse general two-body decays of primitive and non-primitive 1/4-BPS dyons in four-dimensional type IIB string compactifications. For half-BPS decays, a relation is found between walls of marginal stability and the mathematics of Farey sequences and Ford circles. The relationship of marginal decay to the breakup of multi-centred dyons will also be discussed.
I shall discuss the phenomenon of resonant tunneling in quantum mechanics, how this could be of use in the string theory landscape of vacua, and how resonant tunneling appears in field theory.
Given two conformal field theories, one of which is defined on the upper half plane and the other on the lower half plane, one can ask for conformally invariant ways to join them along the real line. The resulting interface is called a defect line. These defects contain interesting information about the CFT, such as its symmetries, order-disorder dualities and T-dualities. They also provide relations between string theories on different target spaces.
I discuss the effects of temperature on spin correlations in the spin-1 Heisenberg chain in the framework of a field theory description by means of the O(3) nonlinear sigma model. I show how to determine the dynamical structure factor at low temperature using methods of integrable quantum field theory. I discuss the relevance of the results obtained to inelastic neutron scattering experiments on Haldane-gap magnets.
I discuss several models of itinerant fermions which exhibit explicit supersymmetry on the lattice. In 1+1 dimensions, one model is closely related to the XXZ spin chain, and the ground-state wavefunction has remarkable combinatorial properties. In 2+1 dimensions, many such models have an extensive ground-state entropy, so that these strongly-interacting fermions behave like frustrated magnets. In one particularly intriguing case, the Witten index has been proven to be the number of certain types of rhombus tilings of the square lattice.
I will describe the emergence of geometric (Berry) phases in supersymmetric systems. In theories with degenerate states, non-Abelian geometric phases can arise. I show how supersymmetry helps to ensure the existence of this phenomenon by invoking the examples of systems with (2,2) and (4,4) supersymmetry. In the former, I show how instantons contribute crucially to the form of the non-Abelian phase. The latter system applies to D0-D4 brane dynamics in string theory, leading to a surprising re-interpretation of the Berry phase in terms of gravitational precession of a probe brane.
Supersymmetric gauge theories have a spectrum of chiral operators which are
preserved under at least 2 supercharges. These operators are sometimes
called BPS operators in the chiral ring. The problem of counting operators
in the chiral ring is reasonably simple and reveals information about the
moduli space of vacua for the supersymmetric gauge theory. In this talk I
will review the counting problem and present exact results on the moduli
space of both mesonic and baryonic operators for a large class of gauge
We analyze the all-loop Bethe ansatz for the sl(2) twist
operator sector of the N=4 gauge theory in the limit
of large spacetime spin at large but finite twist, and find a
novel all-loop scaling function. This function obeys the
Kotikov-Lipatov transcendentality principle and does not depend
on the twist.
We discuss possible phase factors for the
S-matrix, leading to modifications at four-loop order and beyond.
While these result in a four-loop breakdown of perturbative BMN-scaling,
transcendentality may be preserved in the universal scaling function.
One particularly natural dressing phase, unique up to one
constant, modifies the overall contribution of all terms
in the scaling function that contain odd zeta functions.
Excitingly, we present evidence that this choice is non-perturbatively
related to a recently conjectured crossing-symmetric phase factor
for perturbative string theory on AdS(5)*S(5) once the constant is
fixed to a particular value.
Our proposal, if true, might therefore resolve the long-standing
AdS/CFT discrepancies between gauge and string theory.
I will discuss near horizon microstates of a supersymmetric AdS5 black hole. These microstates correspond to BPS D3
branes (analogues of giants/dual giant gravitons in the asymptotic AdS5 x S5 geometry).
I will describe how to find the charges of extremal black holes from their near horizon geometries. These charges will be constructed using the gravitational Noether-Wald charges. Some examples and applications will also be discussed.
I will describe a new and efficient method of analysing four dimensional
effective supergravities which descend from flux compactification.
The issue of finding vacua of such models, which is central to string
phenomenology, may be translated into a problem in algebraic geometry. This leads to a completely algorithmic procedure for finding all of the
vacua of such systems.
In particular I will describe how non-perturbative effects, such as
gaugino condensation, may be accommodated in this algorithm even though they contribute non-algebraically to the system.
The notion of black hole plays a central role in general relativity.
Nonetheless, the most basic physical questions about black holes
remain unanswered, in particular, the question of their stability with
respect to perturbation of initial data. In this talk, I will discuss how
this problem is mathematically formulated. I will then present
what is known to be true for both the fully nonlinear and the related
linearised problem. I will compare with heuristic arguments which often
appear in the literature. All values of the cosmological constant will be
Topological defects are expected to be formed
at the end of brane inflation, when a brane and
and anti-brane collide and annihilate. The
formation of these topological defects can
be described by the evolution of a scalar
field, the tachyon, which lives inside the
worldvolume of the brane-anti-brane system.
Traditionally, studies of the tachyon evolution
have ignored the coupling with bulk fields,
fields which can propagate in the entire
We investigate the effect of the bulk fields
on the formation and evolution of topological
defects both analytically and by lattice simulations.
While the formation of the defects is only
weakly influenced by the bulk fields, their
evolution changes radically. The bulk fields
can mediate long-range interactions between
the defects, effectively causing local defects
to behave like global ones.
Recent developments in string theory suggest that it might be
possible to realise cosmological inflation using D-branes, with the
formation of cosmic superstrings at the end of brane inflation. Supergravity provides an effective theory to study brane inflation
and the properties of the resulting cosmic strings. I will review
the recent developments and discuss examples using a supergravity effective theory.
The Random Matrix Model approach to Quantum Chromodynamics
with non-vanishing chemical potential is reviewed. The general concept
using global symmetries is introduced, as well as its relation to field
theory, the so-called epsilon regime of chiral Perturbation
Theory (echPT). Two types of Matrix Model results are distinguished:
phenomenological applications leading to phase diagrams, and an exact
limit of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum matching with echPT. All
known analytic results for the spectrum of complex and symplectic Matrix
Models with chemical potential are summarised for the symmetry classes of
ordinary and adjoint QCD, respectively. Comparisons of these predictions
to recent Lattice simulations are also discussed.
I will discuss one-dimensional quantum systems with boundary which are
critical in the bulk but not critical at the boundary.
Renormalization goup (RG) generates a flow on the space of boundary
conditions in such systems.
Following Affleck and Ludwig one can define a quantity called "boundary
entropy" which can be shown to monotonically decrease along the
boundary renormalization flows. For supersymmetric systems in addition
one can prove that the free energy of the system monotonically
decreases as well. I will discuss how these statements can be proved
and what can be said about lower bounds on the boundary entropy.
In this talk I will present a new exact stationary
asymptotically flat 4+1-dimensional vacuum solution
describing ``black
saturn'': a spherical black hole surrounded by a black
ring. Angular momentum keeps the configuration in
equilibrium. Black saturn reveals a number of
interesting gravitational phenomena:
(1) The balanced solution exhibits 2-fold continuous
non-uniqueness for fixed mass and angular momentum;
(2) Remarkably, the 4+1d Schwarzschild black hole is
not unique, since the black ring and black hole of
black saturn can counter-rotate to give zero total
angular momentum at infinity, while maintaining
(3) The system cleanly demonstrates rotational
frame-dragging when a black hole with vanishing Komar
angular momentum is rotating as the black ring drags
the surrounding spacetime.
Possible generalizations include multiple rings of
saturn as well as doubly spinning black saturn
According to the AdS/CFT correspondence, supersymmetric AdS5 black holes should correspond to 1/16 BPS states in large N Super Yang-Mills theory. Such states are labelled by five independent charges, but the most general known black hole solution is described by only four. It is therefore important to investigate whether other black hole solutions, such as black rings, could exist. In this talk I will describe work done with James Lucietti and Harvey Reall in which we determined the most general near horizon geometry of a supersymmetric AdS5 black hole, assuming only the existence of two rotational symmetries. The near horizon is topologically spherical. Although we found a near horizon corresponding to that of a black ring, it suffers from a conical singularity.
I will describe analytic time symmetric initial data for five
dimensions describing ``bubbles of nothing'' which are asymptotically
flat in the higher dimensional sense, i.e. there is no Kaluza-Klein
circle asymptotically. The first set of solutions consists of pairs
of bubbles where one may either choose the sizes of the two bubbles or
the size of one and the total mass of the system arbitrarily. In
particular, the solutions contain bubbles of any size which are
arbitrarily light. This suggests the solutions may be important
phenomenologically and in particular I show that at low energy there
are bubbles which expand outwards, suggesting a new possible
instability in higher dimensions. I will then discuss a much more
generic set of solutions describing expanding single bubbles both in
asymptotically flat space and in AdS.
A new analytic approach for analysing the dynamic behaviour of
distributions of charged particles in an electromagnetic field will be
After reviewing the limitations of including the radiation self-reaction
via the Lorentz-Dirac equation, a relativistic continuum model of a
collection of charged particles will be described and methods explored
for its analysis. This approach offers a systematic method for the
analysis of coherent radiation in complex devices controlling charged
particles in accelerators.
Gradient flow in a potential energy (or action) landscape is a
natural way to find paths connecting different saddle points. We
apply it to General Relativity, where gradient flow is Ricci flow. We
focus on the canonical ensemble for Euclidean gravity in a box, where
there are three saddle points: hot flat space and a large and small
black hole. Using numerical simulation we find flows connecting the
small black hole to the large one and to hot flat space, in the
latter case via a topology-changing singularity. In the context of
string theory these flows are world-sheet renormalization group
trajectories. We also use them to construct a novel free energy
diagram for the canonical ensemble, and discuss the use of Ricci flow
to numerically solve the vacuum Einstein equations for static black
hole solutions.
Cosmic F- and D-strings in string theory have received considerable
attention recently. Networks of such strings have complicated
dynamics and cosmological consequences, however it is surprising to
note the even the stability of an isolated string solution is not yet
fully understood. We address this problem by reconsidering the energy
of the D-term string in 4D supergravity with F.I. terms, conjectured
to be the low-energy limit of the D-string. We show that within the
4D supergravity sector, such strings are non-perturbatively stable
using spinorial methods. This greatly improves on current Bogomol'nyi
bound arguments and may have interesting consequences for braneworld
models in six dimensions.
I describe some recent progress on the modelling of bulk perturbations
in Randall-Sundrum braneworld cosmology. In particular, I will present
a new numerical algorithm that has been used to predict the stochastic
gravitational wave background associated with such models, and discuss
the (non-)existence of observational signatures of the extra dimension.
I will begin with basic review on the integrabilities in AdS/CFT correspondence, and move on discussing the role of scattering matrices in gauge and string thoeries. I will then explain the formation of magnon boundststates in gauge theory and their corresponding classical string solution. The scattering of magnon boundstates and their classifications will also be discussed in this seminar. I will also mention some work in progress.
The study of supersymmetric AdS(5) black holes is well motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence as this should allow one to calculate their entropies from the weakly coupled dual CFT. After briefly reviewing aspects of higher dimensional black holes, I will describe the recent construction of the most general known supersymmetric AdS(5) black hole (hep-th/0601156). I will also discuss the status of the CFT calculation of the black hole entropy and the possible existence of more general black holes in AdS.
"I will define the entanglement entropy S associated with the division of a quantum system into two pieces. I will consider S for a quantum spin chain split into two semi-infinite parts. Such a quantity turns out to be a very natural one to consider withing the existing picture of integrable quantum spin chains - it is closely related to Baxter's corner transfer matrix. I will present the results of an exact computation of S for the spin k/2 XXZ chain. The simple form of this S in the scaling limit involves both the central charge and boundary entropy of the UV conformal field theory. I will point out that these results are both consistent with and extend existing CFT results."
2006-06-09Mariana Grana [Ecole Normale Superieure]:
"Generalized complex geometry, introduced by Hitchin in 2002, combines complex and symplectic geometry in a single mathematical framework. We will show that it is the natural language to describe compactifications in the presence of fluxes, both from the point of view of effective 4D actions, as well as to characterize their vacua."
"N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in three space-time dimensions have Gravitational Instantons as their spaces of vacua. Typical examples of such spaces are Taub-NUT space and Atiyah-Hitchin moduli space of two monopoles. This relation leads us to construction of a large class of Gravitational Instantons as finite hyperkahler quotients. Using this realization we generalize the work of Kronheimer and Nakajima and construct Yang-Mills instantons on Gravitational Instantons. "
"N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in three space-time dimensions have Gravitational Instantons as their spaces of vacua. Typical examples of such spaces are Taub-NUT space and Atiyah-Hitchin moduli space of two monopoles. This relation leads us to construction of a large class of Gravitational Instantons as finite hyperkahler quotients. Using this realization we generalize the work of Kronheimer and Nakajima and construct Yang-Mills instantons on Gravitational Instantons."
"The Green-Schwarz superstring in AdS(5)xS(5) is studied in uniform light-cone gauge, yielding an first order, gauge-fixed Lagrangian and light-cone Hamiltonian. We then quantize the theory perturbatively in the near plane-wave limit, and compute the leading 1/J correction to a generic string state from the rank-1 subsectors. These investigations enable us to propose a new set of light-cone Bethe equations for the quantum string. The equations have a simple form and yield the correct spinning string and flat space limits."
"We give a pedagogical introduction to spinorial geometry and show how these techniques can be applied to classify all supersymmetric solutions of gauged supergravity in four dimensions."
"Suppose that an extended quantum system in d dimensions is prepared at time t=0 in the ground state of some hamiltonian H_0 but then evolves unitarily according to some other hamiltonian H. How do the correlation functions of local operators evolve? In this talk I show that partcularly powerful results are available when d=1 and H corresponds to a conformal field theory. These are checked against explicit results from some solvable models. They are consistent with a physical picture, valid more generally, whereby quasiparticles, entangled in the initial state, then propagate semi-classically. "
"Gauge theory can be formulated on noncommutative (NC) spacetime. This NC gauge theory has an equivalent dual description through the so-called Seiberg-Witten (SW) map in terms of ordinary gauge theory on commutative spacetime. We show that all U(1) instantons on NC spacetime are mapped to gravitational instantons by the exact SW map and that the topological invariants of the gravitational instantons are perfectly matched with stringy corrections to the Wess-Zumino term in D-brane effective actions. "
"We briefly review the ideas behind the construction of the quantum string Bethe equations which are supposed to describe the spectrum of quantum strings in the AdS_5xS^5 geometry. Using these equations, we compute quantum corrections to the energy of classical large strings and compare the result with the predictions of a semi-classical string quantisation. We show that, while the analytic terms in the corrections are correctly reproduced (up to 3-loop order), the nonanalytic terms present in the semi-classical string results are missed by the proposed quantum string Bethe equations. The nonanalytic terms discovered in the string result demonstrate that the (in)famous 3-loop "discrepancy" between gauge and string theories is more serious, manifesting itself in a whole tower of "missed" terms in the gauge theory."
"I will give an overview of Sen's tachyon conjectures and the construction of open bosonic string field theory. Pin-pointing the reasons why it used to be hard to find exact solutions, we propose a new gauge fixing condition which is friendlier to the algebraic structure of the theory. This allows us to find an explicit analytic solution and prove Sen's first conjecture. "
"Superstrings in AdS5 x S5 are naturally described by a sigma model on a certain supercoset G/H. This space is defined by a Z_4 automorphism, and this automorphism turns out to underlie crucial properties of the theory: kappa symmetry, conformal invariance, and (more surprisingly) classical integrability. We review these ideas before showing that a similar construction holds for a wider class of theories defined by Z_n automorphisms. "
"The natural generalisation of a principal bundle is a non-Abelian gerbe. The differential geometry of these objects is known since the work of Breen and Messing. I will discuss this structure in a way which allows for a direct path-integral quantisation as a Quantum Field Theory. This involves, in particular, introducing (locally) the notion of the Universal Gerbe, constructing an identically nilpotent BRST operator as a differential on it, and imposing a certain constraint algebra in the cohomology of that operator. As an example I will describe global configurations of the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions that have the structure of a cohomologically non-trivial non-Abelian gerbe. The cohomology class of the gerbe can be interpreted as a generalisation of 't Hooft's magnetic flux."
"I shall motivate and describe the techniques required to calculate one-loop amplitudes of chiral intersection states in intersecting brane models, and the relationship with closed-string orbifold twisted state correlators. I shall then outline some new results, notably the appearance (and cancellation) of divergences in two-point functions, and the extension of the techniques to previously uncalculable diagrams, which in turn have implications for orbifold calculations."
"There are two ways to approach an integrable boundary QFT, namely from the UV and IR. From the UV point of view we have a perturbation of a boundary CFT, whereas in the IR there is a particle description in terms of boundary scattering matrices (reflection factors). The question is, what is the relationship between these two descriptions? I aim to show how the exact -function can be used to identify which reflection factors are physical, and give a strong indication of the boundary conditions to which they correspond. I will also describe how this method can be used to find flows between conformal boundary conditions."
"The usual topological strings are constructed on six dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds. We will describe the construction of new topological string theories on manifolds of special holonomy: seven dimensional G_2, and eight dimensional Spin(7) manifolds. These theories give a new perspective on the geometry of special holonomy manifolds."
"Supersymmetric black holes necessarily have degenerate horizons. It will be explained how this facilitates the classification of such black holes. Some new uniqueness results concerning four-dimensional black holes with degenerate horizons will be presented. "
"The Faddeev-Hopf (FH) model is a nonlinear sigma model thought to possess knotted string-like solitons in dimension 3. It can be naturally formulated on any Riemannian manifold for a field taking values in any Kaehler manifold. In this talk I will describe the pure FH model, a variant which may be thought of as a strong coupling limit of the original theory, and which has strong similarities with pure Yang-Mills theory. I will give a geometric account of the variational calculus for the model which allows one to construct, and analyze the stability of, many explicit solutions. In particular, I will prove a conjecture of Ward, that the Hopf fibration is a stable solution of the (original) FH model on small 3-spheres."
"A systematic study of entanglement entropy in relativistic quantum field theory is discussed. For the case of a 1+1-dimensional critical system, whose continuum limit is a conformal field theory with central charge c, the result S_A\sim(c/3) log(l) is re-derived, and it is extended to many other cases: finite systems, finite temperatures, and when A consists of an arbitrary number of disjoint intervals. For such a system away from its critical point, when the correlation length \xi is large but finite, the result S_A\sim N(c/6)\log\xi is shown, where N is the number of boundary points of A. I will finally discuss the unitary relaxation from a non-equilibrium initial state, showing that both CFT and the exact solution of an integrable model lead, contrarily to the ground state case to an extensive entanglement entropy. These findings are explained in terms of causality. "
"Geometrical transitions are powerful connections between String Theory compactifications and Effective Field Theories. I shall argue that a consistent picture of the transitions involves using local approaches in type IIB strings and their lift to F-theory SUSY compactifications. The map between field theory and geometrical superpotentials imply the use of torsional manifolds in type IIA strings and M theory. Our solutions are more general than the ones studied recently in the literature. I also discuss a proposal for a heterotic string geometric transitions and argue that this should exist."
"I will begin with a brief introduction to the observational evidence for the accelerating Universe, dark energy and the cosmological constant problem. I will then discuss the possibility that this acceleration is caused by a low-energy modification to Einstein's General theory of Relativity. These modifications are in the form of inverse curvature invariants added to the usual Einstein-Hilbert action and dominate cosmological dynamics at late times. A special inverse curvature invariant constructed from the Riemann tensor is predicted by the classical limit of a particular model of quantum gravity. I will focus on the difficulties of constructing viable low energy deformations of General Relativity, both from a theoretical and observational standpoint. "
"I will present a new technique to obtain the large distance expansion of correlation functions in the free massive Majorana theory at finite temperature, alias the Ising field theory at zero magnetic field on a cylinder. This technique mimics the spectral decomposition, or form factor expansion, of zero-temperature correlation functions. In particular, I will introduce the concept of ``finite-temperature form factors''. I will show that the finite-temperature form factors of twist fields (that is, order and disorder fields and their descendants) satisfy a Riemann-Hilbert problem, and I will solve it for the order and disorder fields. I will show that this leads to a Fredholm determinant representation for finite-temperature correlation functions. I will also show that finite-temperature form factors of free fields are given by a mixing of their zero-temperature form factors, and I will describe explicitly the mixing matrix. This mixing matrix, in some sense, generalizes to this massive model the operator performing a transformation to the cylinder in conformal field theory. Finally, I will show that an appropriate analytical continuation of the finite-temperature form factors in rapidity space reproduces form factors in the quantization on the circle. Hence, my technique provides a new, analytical way of evaluating the form factors in the quantization on the circle. I will discuss briefly the possible extension to interacting integrable models and the difficulties to overcome. "
"On geometrical grounds we propose a new class of non-factorising D-branes in the product group GxG where the fluxes and metrics on the two factors do not necessarily coincide. They generalise the maximally symmetric permutation branes which are known to exist when the fluxes agree, but break the symmetry down to the diagonal current algebra in the generic case. For SU(2)xSU(2) our new branes provide a natural and complete explanation for the charges predicted by K-theory including their torsion. We briefly comment on possible extensions to cosets, the construction in the framework of CFT and applications to Gepner models and defect lines. "
"I will show that it is possible to distinguish between different off-shell completions of supergravity at the on-shell level. I focus on the comparison of the ``new minimal'' formulation of off-shell four-dimensional N=1 supergravity with the ``old minimal'' formulation. In particular there are 3-manifolds which admit supersymmetric compactifications in the new-minimal formulation but which do not admit supersymmetric compactifications in other formulations. Moreover, on manifolds with boundary the new-minimal formulation admits ``singleton modes'' which are absent in other formulations. "
"Over the last two decades, several generalizations of the celebrated Rogers-Ramanujan identities have been worked out, like the Andrews-Gordon identities.
The connections of these identities to integrable models in 2-D are growing deeper and could even bring us some new information about the connections between integrable models themselves, namely the RSOS models, spin chains, S-matrix theory and conformal field theory.
We will discuss about the way one can use conformal field theory to derive the Andrews multiple sums, appearing on one side of the Andrews-Gordon identities."
"Compact Calabi-Yau manifolds are a key ingredient for dimensional reduction in string theory. For this, one requires the Ricci-flat metric on these manifolds. Whilst Yau proved this metric exists, no explicit smooth examples are known, essentially as it is very difficult (impossible?) to find them analytically as they have no continuous isometries. Taking a new approach, I will discuss numerical methods to solve the Einstein equation on these manifolds. I will pedagogically describe the construction, and give results, for a particular one parameter family of metrics on `K3' (the unique 4-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold). I will discuss possible applications of these methods, and generalizations to geometries with matter such as those relevant for flux compactifications. There will be some nice pictures. "
"By exact RG analisys it is possible to compute in a rigorous and explicit way (for small coupling) the correlations of several models like d=1 spin chain models (XYZ, XXZ and perturbations), Vertex or Ashkin Teller models, 1d Hubbard models and so on. No integrability properties are used and no conformal or local gauge symmetry is required. The correlation are written as series which are indeed convergent; convergence follows from determinant bounds for fermions and on a set of approximate Ward identities, where approximate refers to the fact that the presence of masses and ultraviolet cutoffs (like lattice or nonlinear bands) make the WI different from the formal ones for the presence of terms not neglible at all. Ather WIs (never found before) can be used for such extra terms appearing in the WI and by that dramatic cancellations at all order can be proved in the expansions, implying convergence of the series for correlations."
"Generalised black holes have a horizon given by an arbitrary Einstein manifold. I will describe a criterion for the classical stability of these black holes. Roughly, spherical horizons are stable but lemon-shaped horizons can be unstable. In Anti-de Sitter space, these black holes are dual to gauge theory on a curved background given by the same Einstein manifold. I will argue that the dual thermal field theory effect is a novel phase transition induced by inhomogeneous Casimir pressures and characterised by a "condensation of pressure". "
"In this talk I will discuss the most general configuration of intersecting D3/D5 branes in type IIB supergravity satisfying Poincare invariance in the directions common to the branes and SO(3) symmetry in the totally perpendicular directions. We'll see that the form of these configurations is greatly restricted by the Killing spinor equations and the equations of motion, which among other things, force the Ramond-Ramond scalar to be zero and do not permit the existence of totally localised intersections of this kind. "
"Four dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory contains a bigger superalgebra structure than AdS or superconformal algebra, su(2,2|4). It corresponds to a noncentral extension of the latter. The talk is based on hep-th/0404051, and aimed both for the physicsts as well as mathematicans interested in a novel way of obtaining noncentral extensions of Lie algebras."
"I discuss the stability/instability of black holes and naked singularities in static, electro-vacuum spacetimes of an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions. First I provide a master equation for gravitational perturbations of black holes in higher dimensional static spacetimes. Then I will show that a class of higher-dimensional static, electro-vacuum black holes are stable. Using a similar method, I also examine the behaviour of gravitational perturbations in nakedly singular negative mass Schwarzschild spacetime. There is a one parameter family of possible boundary conditions at the singularity. I give a precise criterion for stability depending on the boundary condition. I also show that one particular boundary condition is physically preferred and the spacetime is stable with this boundary condition. This talk will be based on works hep-th/0409307, /0308128, /0305185, /0305147 "
"In the high and far-off times the 8-vertex model was unassailable, for its charge was unconserved. But through the skill of Baxter was it brought low and humbled. Three mighty weapons did he use - the Q operator - the trick of inversion - and the `intertwiner'. This victory bore many fruits - quantum inverse scattering was among them. The seed did cover all the world and gave birth to quantum groups. While Baxter rose to glory, his tools lay forgotten, abandoned by those corrupted by algebra. But a new age has dawned. The tools are reforged and shine bright in a crystalline algebraic light. In this account I shall discuss the intertwiner - a poor name for a thing of beauty. I shall describe its role in producing new and exact expressions for correlation functions of the 8-vertex model and its fusion brethren, and will show how a key object, the tail operator, is constructed in terms of it. I will opine on how the intertwiner may be related to the twist of Drinfeld. I will draw lots of pictures."
"A discussion about the cosmological evolution of a two-brane system with bulk scalar field will be given. Attractor solutions drive the moduli fields towards regions which are compatible with observations. The effect of the moduli dynamics on the primordial powerspectrum as well as on the CMB anisotropies are described. As will be shown, the attractor corresponds for the negative tension brane to collapse. Thus, in some sense the higher dimensional spacetime is unstable. I will discuss a way out to avoid singularities in the higher--dimensional spacetime and discuss whether the moduli fields can be candidates for dark energy."
After a general introduction into Intersecting Brane World Models I will discuss how these ideas can be generalized to non-flat string backgrounds by using so-called Gepner models. It will be shown that the rough data of the MSSM are possible to realize in this set-up.
"The talk starts with a short review of G-structures and their use in characterizing the geometry of supersymmetric string and M-theory backgrounds. The central part of the talk describes how to use these techniques to derive several new classes of AdS_5 backgrounds including a infinite family of new Sasaki-Einstein metrics. Some of these classes are related by T-duality. All should provide new duals of N=1 superconformal field theories."
"Inhomogeneous gauge group like the Euclidean group or 2+1-dimensional Poincar\'e group arise in the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1-dimensional gravity. In my talk I will explain how one can use ideas from Poisson-Lie groups and quantum groups for a mathematically rigorous quantisation of the phase space of Chern-Simons theory with such gauge groups. This suggests a surprisingly straightforward quantisation procedure for gravity in 2+1 dimensions. The talk is based on joint work with Catherine Meusburger."
We derive the full the world volume field theory of intersecting D-branes including the massless string localised at the intersection. From the D- and F-term conditions we find the different branches of moduli space including a Higgs branch on which the intersection is resolved and the two branes merge into one wrapping a calibrated cycle of the background geometry.
"The introduction of extra, spacelike dimensions has led to the formulation of the so-called brane-world models in which a 3-brane plays the role of our 4-dimensional spacetime embedded in a higher dimensional, flat or Anti de Sitter manifold. Any black hole or cosmological solution must follow from the higher-dimensional Einstein's equations and they are almost certain to be different from the usual 4-dimensional ones. We will discuss implications both on the cosmology and black-hole physics in this type of models, and address questions regarding the restoration of the Friedmann cosmology on the brane, the stabilization of the size of extra dimensions, the localization of black hole solutions near the brane and the regularity of the higher-dimensional spacetime."
"The field to particle transition problem can be considered as a first step towards the construction of a hypothetical field theory in which the matter wouldn't appear as an external magnitude, but it would arise as a consequence of the theory. The fields would be consider to be matter sources and the particles to be special configurations of the fields. In general the field configurations are characterized by parameters assuming values in a continuos spectrum, unlike the particles, which parameters take discrete values. In this work a topological and geometrical method is implemented to establish a discrete character for the parameters of gravitational configurations, some of which could be related to geometrical models for elementary particles of the kind of the theory of geons. Some explicit examples are considered obtaining diverse conditions of quantization, that is, the discretization of the parameters as well as some other indicatives of quantum behavior."
"A general scheme of construction of Drinfeldians and Yangians from quantum non-twisted affine Kac-Moody algebras is presented. Explicit description of Drinfeldians and Yangians for all Lie algebras of the classical series A, B, C, D is given in terms of a Chevalley basis."
"The AdS/CFT Correspondence provides a prototype example of a duality between a weakly coupled gravity theory and a strongly coupled gauge theory. Recently progress has been made in pushing this technology closer to more QCD-like gauge theories which confine, have a mass gap and produce quark condensates. I discuss some non-supersymmetric deformations of the AdS/CFT Correspondence including one that describes pure glue in the IR. The glueball spectrum can be calculated and shows an encouraging level of agreement with lattice data. I also discuss introducing quark fields via D7 brane probes which allows the induced quark condensate to be calculated and the meson spectrum to be studied. "
"It is possible to extend conventional quantum mechanics described by Hermitian Hamiltonians into the complex domain. A consistent physical theory of quantum mechanics can be built on a complex Hamiltonian that is not Hermitian but satisfies the less restrictive and more physical condition of space-time reflection symmetry (PT symmetry). Thus, there are infinitely many new Hamiltonians that one can construct to explain experimental data. One might think that a quantum theory based on a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian would violate unitarity. However, if PT symmetry is not spontaneously broken, it is possible to use a previously unnoticed physical symmetry of the Hamiltonian to construct an inner product whose associated norm is positive definite. This construction is general and works for any PT-symmetric Hamiltonian. The dynamics is governed by unitary time evolution. This formulation does not conflict with conventional quantum mechanics; rather, it is a complex generalization of it. There are many possible observable and experimental consequences of extending quantum mechanics into the complex domain, both in particle physics and in solid state physics. "
" (2+1)-dimensional gauge theories in which the gauge group is broken down to a finite group enjoy a quantum group symmetry which includes the gauge symmetry. This symmetry provides a framework in which the fundamental and the topological excitations of these systems can be treated on equal footing. We make use of this framework to study spontaneous symmetry breaking and confinement phenomena that occur in these models, as well as the topological defects that may appear when the symmetry is broken. To this end, we generalise the formalism that is used to study the breaking of symmetries described by groups to deal also with symmetries described by Hopf algebras. We find that Hopf subalgebras play an important role in symmetry breaking, while Hopf extensions are important for an understanding of confinement. The general ideas are illustrated with some explicit examples, which include cases where the quantum group symmetry is broken, but the gauge symmetry itself is unbroken. "
"In this talk the general features of Multigravity will be discussed. We shall consider several brane world models leading to multigravity, universality classes of multigravity, massive graviton problem and natural emergence of dark energy and accelerating Universe in some models of Multigravity. "
"Scalar fields play an important role both in cosmology and particle physics. It is known that for a large class of scalar potentials there exist attractor solutions for the field's evolution. This means, that we can recover the same late time dynamics from a wide range of initial conditions. This has been seen as a great property to solve initial value problems in cosmology and particle physics. In this talk, I will present and discuss the applications of scalar field attractor solutions to the subjects of Assisted Inflation, Quintessence, Quintessential Inflation and Moduli Stabilisation. "
"We show that many properties of the Q-balls, which have been determined numerically, can be understood in terms of analytic approximations. In particular we show that a semi-Bogomolny argument can be applied on their energy which allows the explicit derivation of the relation between the energy and the charge of the Q-balls. Moreover, numerical simulations show that the profile function of the Q-balls can be, accurately, approximated by the symmetrized Woods-Saxon distribution. "
"I will describe some of the rich phenomenology which is to be found in brane world scenarios. Initially, some of the seminal models will be outlined and their generalisations discussed. The unusual cosmology of a brane world model will be examined and shown to be in most cases in agreement with current observations. The effect of relaxing the Z_2 symmetry found in most models will be discussed, as will the apparent acausality experienced by a brane based observer. Then the general non-linear equation for the (cosmological) radion will be derived and examined to determine the complete behaviour of the interbrane distance. "
"Generalized calibrations describe types of energy minimizing submanifolds. In string theory these correspond to branes wrapping supersymmetric cycles in curved backgrounds with fluxes.
We investigate the deformation theory of various types of calibrated submanifolds on curved backgrounds for which the tangent bundle has structure group U(N), SU(N), G_2 and Spin(7). We show that the moduli space has finite dimension in all cases and consider several examples, such as calibrations on almost Hermitian manifolds, nearly parallel G_2 manifolds and group manifolds."
"In this talk we will review work about the construction of domain walls in different extensions of N=1 Super Yang-Mills (SYM). The final goal is to determine whether BPS-saturated domain walls exist in the Veneziano-Yankielowicz effective description of SYM. We address different technical problems of these extensions, and possible ways of overcoming them. We finally comment briefly on the application of BPS domain walls in the context of string theory. "
"It has been argued recently by Dijkgraaf and Vafa that superpotentials of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories are computed by certain holomorphic matrix integrals. We demonstrate nontrivial tests of this proposal for $N=1$ theories obtained via relevant and marginal deformations of the N=4 theory where in fact the entire holomorphic sector of the theory is solved by the planar diagrams of the corresponding matrix models. Nonperturbative effects involving instantons and "fractional" instantons are captured via a perturbative expansion of the matrix model. As a bonus, independent evidence for SL(2, Z) invariance of the N=4 theory is recovered. "
"String theory in a parallel plane wave background is dual to a certain class of composite operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. I will review an ingenious BMN construction of these operators, the progress made so far, and the difficulties in doing calculations and in understanding the both sides of the correspondence. "
"In this talk we are going to show how all maximally supersymmetric vacua of N=2, d=4,5,6 Supergravity theories (Hpp-waves and Ads x S spacetimes) are related through dimensional reduction, preserving, contrary to what is usually believed, all the unbroken supersymmetries. This yields to a unified picture of all of them. In particular, in d=5, the known maximally supersymmetric AdS_2 xS^3 and AdS_3 x S^2 spacetimes will be shown to belong to the same family of vacua in parameter space due to the underlying four-dimensional electric-magnetic duality. Finally, a possible generalization to eleven-dimenisonal Supergravity will be briefly discussed."
"Aspects of braneworld inflationary cosmology are discussed, focusing on the relationship between scalar (density) and tensor (gravitational wave) perturbations generated during inflation in the five--dimensional Randall--Sundrum model. The scenario where a reflection symmetry is imposed in the bulk dimension is considered first and the consequences of relaxing this condition are then determined. In both cases, a model--independent relationship between the amplitudes and scale--dependences of the two spectra is established."
"We derive two families of supergravity solutions describing D-branes in the maximally supersymmetric Hpp-wave background. The first family of solutions corresponds to quarter-BPS D-branes. These solutions are delocalised along certain directions transverse to the pp-wave. The second family corresponds to the non-supersymmetric D-branes. These solutions are fully localised. A peculiar feature of the nonsupersymmetric solutions is that gravity becomes repulsive close to the core of the D-brane. Both families preserve the amount of supersymmetry predicted by the D-brane probe/CFT analysis. All solutions are written in Brinkman coordinates. To construct these kind of solutions it is crucial to identify the coordinates in which the ansatz looks the simplest. We argue that the natural coordinates to get the supergravity description of the half-BPS branes are the Rosen coordinates."
"Cardiac tissue is an example of an excitable medium which possess spiral wave vortices. I shall discuss vortex solutions of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model of electrical activity in cardiac tissue and then present some results on more exotic three-dimensional solutions involving knotted vortex strings.
"We describe recent developments in the construction of 7-dimensional metrics of G_2 holonomy, which can provide new insights into the nature of the conifold transition in string theory. The metric on a compact Calabi-Yau 6-manifold that is developing a singularity can be approximated by the smoothed-out deformations of the conifold metric. There are two smooth metrics, called the deformed conifold and the resolved conifold. These can arise in Gromov-Hausdorff limits of smooth G_2 metrics, in which the 7-metric splits off a circle of infinitesimal radius. This provides a way of relating the deformed and resolved conifolds via G_2 reductions of M-theory."
"In recent years, there has been an explosive amount of interest in low-dimensional systems, fuelled by remarkable experimental and theoretical progress. Some objects like carbon nanotubes are now understood to represent very clean realizations of strongly interacting, effectively one-dimensional field theories. In this talk, we will address questions of transport through carbon nanotubes using the technology of integrability. We will focus on the particular case of Josephson junctions, and show how the use of recent ideas on boundary integrability can be exploited to calculate the Josephson current through such a device."
"Self-avoiding walks are fractal objects in the plane. When coupled to a confining gauge potential they collapse into other objects called branched polymers. Following earlier suggestions of Parisi and Sourlas, it has recently been shown that these possess a supersymmetry which is responsible for dimensional reduction and allows many exact results to be derived. Working backwards, we deduce some properties of self-avoiding walks in two dimensions, for example the fractal dimension 4/3."
"I attempt to give an overview of our picture of branes in Calabi-Yau string compactifications, with a strong bias in favour of the world-sheet approach. Some new rational boundary states for Gepner models are presented."
"T-Duality of string theory is conjectured to relate NS5-branes to pure geometry. In this talk I will show how to prove this duality from the perspective of the string worldsheet. Instanton effects play an important role and, remarkably, the result also yields new information about vortex solutions to the abelian Higgs model."
"The non-linear behaviour of matter on orbifold planes is investigated in the context of Randall-Sundrum gravity. In the two brane case, the long range effective theory is obtained via a derivative expansion, treating the radion non-linearly. Using this, we investigate whether branes may be forced to touch even when all curvatures are small. This leads to the intruiging possibility that such brane collisions may occur in `low energy' astrophysical contexts. In the one brane case we develop new elliptic numerical techniques to compute regular bulk geometries sourced by static spherically symmetric matter on the brane. We apply these to show that 4-dimensional gravity is recovered for star-like large low density deformations, and to investigate the behaviour of 'small' objects on the brane, which is found to be qualitatively similar to 4-d gravity."
"Only in recent years has it become possible to directly measure density fluctuations on sufficiently large scales that they can be directly related to primordial fluctuations. Accurate measurement have now been made of fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background and in the distribution of galaxies of very large scales. I will quickly review the current understanding of the origin of these fluctuations, with emphasis on how the assumed cosmological model and material content of the universe effects their evolution. I will then introduce the "2dF Galaxy Redshift" survey which is the largest existing 3D survey of the local universe. I will show how we are using this to probe the primoridal spectrum of fluctuations and hence constrain the material content and the cosmological world model parameters of our universe.
"N=2 string has been considered many years ago as an alternative to the bosonic string and superstring. It has a highly constrained structure with mathematical connection to self-duality. Recently we revisited it and are finding new features that drastically alter our view of the theory and demand new explanation. I will discuss this work in progress after a review."
"Superconformal identities for correlation function in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories are discussed. It is shown how such results tie in with the operator product expansion in terms of protected and unprotected supermultiplets."
"A bifurcation (in the mathematical sense) is signalled by a qualitative change in system behaviour. This talk will focus on the extent to which diseases can be understood as a bifurcation in underlying physiological system dynamics. For example, an approximately constant physiological variable may start to oscillate in a disease state, or a variable that is normally periodic may assume a different period or become chaotic during illness. For diseases due to a bifurcation (i.e. dynamical diseases), the implication is that health can be regained by inducing a reverse bifurcation with treatment. Better health through mathematics!"
"We investigate the cosmological consequences of a simple scalar field theory in which the fine structure constant is allowed to vary. The theory is gauge and Lorentz invariant, and satisfies general covariance. We show how the theory can explain the recent evidence for a varying alpha at high redshift, whilst still honouring geonuclear, nucleosynthesis and CMB constraints on alpha. The model also complies with fifth force experiments and makes predictions on the nature of the dark matter in the Universe."
"In the first part of this talk, we will discuss fractional D3-branes supergravity solutions on orientifolded C^2/Z_2 orbifolds of type IIB string theory. The one-loop corrected gauge couplings for the symplectic or orthogonal groups living on the D-branes are reproduced on the world-volume of probes. In the second part, we will construct a D3-brane solution on the two-centers Taub-NUT manifold which interpolates between fractional D3-branes in the ALE space limit and a T-dual smeared type IIA configuration. Then, we will lift this configuration to M-theory and comment on the connection with wrapped M5-branes solutions."
"The seminar will be about the role that M-theory five branes can play in the cosmology of the Heterotic M-theory set up. This will include the presentation of the equivalent of the rolling radii solutions for the case where five branes are present in the bulk of the Horava Witten orbifold and some generalisations of these. I will also describe a new baryogenesis scenario based upon brane collisions within this model."
"We begin by outlining the ancient puzzle of off shell currents and infinite size particles in a string theory of hadrons. We then consider the problem from the modern AdS/CFT perspective. We argue that although hadrons should be thought of as ideal thin strings from the 5-dimensional bulk point of view, the 4-dimensional strings are a superposition of "fat" strings of different thickness. We also find that the warped nature of the target geometry provides a mechanism for taming the infinite zero point fluctuations which apparently produce a divergent result for hadronic radii. Finally a calculation of the large momentum behavior of the form factor is given in the limit of strong 't Hooft parameter where the classical gravity limit is appropriate. We find agreement with parton model expectations. "
"When integrable systems are placed on the half-line by imposing integrable boundary conditions, their quantum group symmetry algebra is broken to a subalgebra. I will show how to construct this symmetry algebra and how to use it to obtain the reflection matrices without having to solve the reflection equation. I will concentrate on the sine-Gordon model but also mention our results for the principal chiral models and affine Toda field theories."
"The Method of Inverse Scattering Transform is applied for solution of the classical problems of Differential Geometry.The main result is complete solution of the problem of description of N-othogonal curvilinear coordinate systems in the Eucledean space,formulated in 1813. Natural generalization of the method makes possible to describe N-orthogonal coordinate systems in the symmetric spaces and in the spaces of flat connection. Appliations to the General Relativity are discussed."
"Contrary to conventional wisdom, imposing on a quantum field theory with boundary the combined constraints of integrability and supersymmetry does not imply that the boundary interactions must be trivial. Specifically, we argue that the N=1 supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with boundary has a two-parameter family of boundary interactions which preserves both integrability and supersymmetry. We also propose the corresponding boundary S matrix for the first supermultiplet of breathers. We then examine RG boundary flows in two closely related models: the scaling supersymmetric Yang-Lee model, and the supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model. Finally, we present some results for the N=2 case."
"I will give a brief review of the conjectured de Sitter/conformal field theory (dS/CFT) correspondence, and discuss some recent investigations of this conjectured duality. In particular, I will consider generalized "flows" or solutions, which are asymptotically de Sitter. A recent theorem by Gao and Wald dictates that the conformal diagram for these solutions is taller than it is wide. From this result, one can infer many interesting properties for the dual CFT."
"The diagonally twisted flat space Euclidean N=4 super Yang-Mills theory is shown to be a conformal field theory with nilpotent conformally invariant BRST operators. It is described how this arises from a diagonal twisting of the conformal group of the theory with the R-symmetry group. With the addition of suitable non-minimal terms, one can define the model in curved space in such a way as to preserve the conformal BRST symmetries and local Weyl invariance together with the topological structure. The result is a topological conformal field theory in four dimensions. This may be related to topological holography in four dimensions"
"I will talk about the computation of the leading order alpha' corrections to supergravity p-brane solutions. alpha' corrections appear as higher derivative terms in the low energy effective action of string theories, the leading such term being R^4. The p-brane solutions in general receive correction, which may have implications on many problems involving p-brane solutions, as for example on black hole solutions and their properties."
"Many-body Integrable Systems have arisen in many guises in modern theoretical physics, including Matrix Models and Seiberg-Witten theory. The talk will introduce some of these systems and relate them to moduli spaces of various field theories, geometry and topolgy."
"We consider the generalization to String and M-theory of the Melvin solution. These are flux p-branes which have (p+1)-dimensional Poincare invariance and are associated to an electric (p+1)-form field strength along their worldvolume. When a stack of Dp-branes is placed along the worldvolume of a flux (p+3)-brane it will expand to a spherical D(p+2)-brane due to the dielectric effect. This provides a new setup to consider the gauge theory/gravity duality. Compactifying M-theory on a circle we find the exact gravity solution of the type IIA theory describing the dielectric expansion of N D4-branes into a spherical bound state of D4-D6-branes, due to the presence of a flux 7-brane. In the decoupling limit, the deformation of the dual field theory associated with the presence of the flux brane is irrelevant in the UV. We calculate the gravitational radius and energy of the dielectric brane which give, respectively, a prediction for the VEV of scalars and vacuum energy of the dual field theory. Consideration of a spherical D6-brane probe with n units of D4-brane charge in the dielectric brane geometry suggests that the dual theory arises as the Scherk-Schwarz reduction of the M5-branes (2,0) conformal field theory. The probe potential has one minimum placed at the locus of the bulk dielectric brane and another associated to an inner dielectric brane shell. "
"We review the link between the moduli space geometries of supergravity black holes and supersymmetric sigma models. We investigate the low energy dynamics of stringy cosmic lumps obtained from compactifications of stringy cosmic string solutions and relate this to other work concerning CP^1 lump dynamics."
"This seminar is about ways in which quantum effects can stabilise five dimensional models with four dimensional brane worlds to make them appear more natural. A new dynamical symmetry mechanism has emerged but questions about consistency still remain to be answered.
2001-10-05David Mateos [DAMTP, University of Cambridge]: Supertubes
"A "supertube" is a D0-charged IIA superstring which has been `blown up', in a Minkowski background, to a 1/4-supersymmetric cylindrical D2-brane by angular momentum.
We shall first analyze this system from the viewpoint of the D2-brane worldvolume, finding that the angular momentum J is bounded from above. Then we shall consider the gravitational backreaction and construct the exact supergravity solution describing the system, which captures all its essential features, including the D2 dipole moment and the bound on J; violation of the bound implies violation of causality in spacetime and ghost-induced instabilities on supertube probes.
We shall also speculate on a possible gauge theory/gravity duality between the (non-commutative) worldvolume theory on the supertube and the supergravity solution. We shall finally comment on supertubes ending on D4-branes: the S^1 boundary of the D2-brane is a magnetic monopole loop for the gauge field on the D4.
We study a particle system in which particles reproduce, move randomly in space, and compete with each other. We prove global survival and determine the asymptotic spread of the population, when the norm of the competition kernel is sufficiently small. In contrast to most previous work, we allow the competition kernel to have an arbitrary, or even infinite range, whence the term 'non-local competition'. This makes the particle system non-monotone and of infinite-range dependence, meaning that the usual comparison arguments break down and have to be replaced by a more hands-on approach.
Based on joint work with Pascal Maillard.
We introduce and analyse a new, extremely simple, randomised sorting algorithm:
choose a pair of indices \{i, j\} according to some distribution q;
sort the elements in positions i and j of the array in ascending order.
We prove that q_{\{i,j\}} \propto 1/|j - i|, the harmonic sorter, yields an order-n (\log n)^2 sorting time.
The sorter trivially parallelises in the asynchronous setting, yielding a linear speed-up. We also exhibit a low-communication, synchronous version with a linear speed-up.
Random Walks in Cooling Random Environments (RWCRE) is a time dependent model for a random walk build by putting together independent pieces of Random Walks in Random Environments (RWRE). In the talk I will introduce the model and focus on the fluctuations of RWCRE as a function of the size of the pieces of RWRE we use to build it. The main result describes the transition from Gaussian to stable fluctuations passing, at a critical value, through a tempered stable law. Depending on the discussion and if time permits, I would like to explain the result in a broader framework and give some ideas of the proof.
Random fields of gradients on the lattice are a class of model systems arising in the study of random interfaces, random geometry, field theory and elasticity theory. The gradient fields we consider are characterised by an imposed boundary tilt and the free energy (called surface tension in the context of random interface models) as a function of tilt. Two questions of interest are whether the surface tension is strictly convex and whether the large-scale behaviour of the model is that of the massless free field (Gaussian universality class). Where the Hamiltonian of the system is determined by a strictly convex potential, good progress has been made on these questions over the last three decades. For models with non-convex energy fewer results are known. Open problems include the conjecture (verified recently in the strictly convex case) that, in any regime where the scaling limit is Gaussian, its covariance (diffusion) matrix should be given by the Hessian of surface tension as a function of tilt. I will survey some recent advances in this direction using renormalisation group arguments and describe our result confirming the conjectured behaviour of the scaling limit on the torus and in infinite volume for a class of non-convex potentials in the regime of low temperatures and small tilt. This is based on joint work with Stefan Adams.
We study a model of random binary trees grown ``by the leaves" in the style of Luczak and Winkler (2004). If $\tau_n$ is a uniform plane binary tree of size $n$, Luczak and Winkler, and later explicitly Caraceni and Stauffer, constructed a measure $\nu_{\tau_n}$ such that the tree obtained by adding a cherry on a leaf sampled according to $\nu_{\tau_n}$ is still uniformly distributed on the set of all plane binary trees with size $n+1$. It turns out that the measure $\nu_{\tau_n}$, which we call the leaf-growth measure, is noticeably different from the uniform measure on the leaves of the tree $\tau_n$. In fact we prove that as $n \to \infty$, with high probability it is almost entirely supported by a subset of only $n^{3 ( 2 - \sqrt{3})+o(1)} \approx n^{0.8038...}$ leaves.
In the continuous setting, we construct the scaling limit of this measure, which is a probability measure on the Brownian Continuum Random Tree supported by a fractal set of dimension $ 6 (2 - \sqrt{3})$. We also compute the full (discrete) multifractal spectrum. This work is a first step towards understanding the diffusion limit of the discrete leaf-growth procedure.
We study the small noise asymptotic for stochastic Burgers equations on $(0,1)$ with the Dirichlet boundary condition. We consider the case in which the noise is more singular than space-time white noise. We let the noise magnitude $\sqrt{\epsilon} \rightarrow 0$ and the covariance operator $Q_\epsilon$ converge to $(-\Delta)^{\frac 1 2}$ and prove the large deviations principle for solutions, uniformly with respect to the bounded initial value of the equation. Furthermore, we set $Q_\epsilon$ to be a trace class operator and converge to $(-\Delta)^{\frac{\alpha}{2}}$ with $\alpha<1$ in a suitable way such that the invariant measures exist. Then, we prove the large deviations principle for the invariant measures of stochastic Burgers equations.
I will present my work with Q. Berger on the Ising model on Galton-Watson trees, where we add interfering vertices to the model, treating them as a random external field. Ill start with a short motivation for considering this kind of model. Then, Ill introduce random tree recursions, which are not only useful for this specific problem but also for other statistical mechanics models on trees, like the random cluster model. Finally, Ill state our main result and discuss the proof strategy, which includes, among other things, a beautiful tree-pruning method.
The study of the maximum displacement of branching particle systems have seen some remarkable progress in the past decade. In this talk, I will consider a variant of the branching Brownian motion in dimension 2 for which the branching rate depends on the direction of the particles. Together with David Geldbach and Michel Pain, we show that this type of space inhomogeneities can yield some extra polynomial lag terms compared to the homogeneous case.
We consider nearest-neighbor oriented percolation defined on the lattice $\mathbb Z^d \times \mathbb N_{0}$. For each pair of points $(x,t), (y,s) \in \mathbb Z^d \times \mathbb N_{0}$, we can define a bond by $(x-y,t-s)$, which is independently open with probability $pD(x-y)\mbox{1}\hspace{-0.25em}\mbox{l}\{|t-s|=1\}$ with $D(x)=\frac{\mbox{1}\hspace{-0.25em}\mbox{l}\{|x|=1\}}{2d}$. It is well known that oriented percolation exhibits a phase transition as the parameter $p$ varies around a critical point $p_c$ which is model-dependent. As d to infinity, $p_c$ coverges to1. However, the best estimate for $p_c$ provided by Cox and Durret (Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (1983)) give upper and lower bounds, but do not yield an explicit expression for $p_c$. In this talk, we investigate the exact expression for $p_c$ when $d>4$, in a way that $p_c=1+C_1d^{-2}+C_2d^{-3}+C_3d^{-4}+O(d^{-5})$, where $C_1$ to $C_3$ are constants. The proof relies on the lace expansion, which is one of the most powerful tool to analyze the mean-field behavior of statistical-mechanical models in high dimensions.
We consider a quantum field model with exponential interactions on the two-dimensional torus, which is called the exp(Φ)_{2}-quantum field model or Hoegh-Krohn’s model. In this talk, we discuss the stochastic quantisation of this model driven by the space-time white noise. Combining key properties of Gaussian multiplicative chaos with a method for singular SPDEs, we construct a unique time-global solution to the corresponding parabolic stochastic quantisation equation in the full L^{1}-regime 𝛼^{2}<8π of the charge parameter 𝛼. We also identify the solution with an infinite dimensional diffusion process constructed by the Dirichlet form approach. The main part of this talk is based on joint work with Masato Hoshino (Osaka University) and Seiichiro Kusuoka (Kyoto University).
The Φ43 measure is one of the easiest non-trivial examples of a Euclidean quantum field theory (EQFT) whose rigorous construction in the 1970’s has been one of the celebrated achievements of the constructive QFT community. In recent years, progress in the field of singular stochastic PDEs, initially by the theory of regularity structures, has allowed to construct the Φ43 EQFT as the invariant measure of a previously ill-posed Langevin dynamics—a strategy originally proposed by Parisi and Wu (’81) under the name stochastic quantisation. In this talk, I will demonstrate that the same idea also allows for the transference of large deviation principles for the Φ43 dynamics, obtained by Hairer and Weber (’15), to the corresponding EQFT. Our strategy is inspired by earlier work of Sowers (’92) and Cerrai and Röckner (’05) for non-singular dynamics and potentially also applies to other EQFT measures. The talk is based on joint work with Tom Klose (University of Oxford).
I will talk about the infinite particle limit of eigenvalue stochastic dynamics introduced by Rider and Valko. These are the canonical dynamics associated to the inverse Laguerre ensemble in the way Dyson Brownian motion is related to the Gaussian ensemble. For this model we can prove convergence, from all initial conditions, to a new infinite-dimensional Feller process, describe the limiting dynamics in terms of an infinite system of log-interacting SDE that is out-of-equilibrium and finally show convergence in the long-time limit to the equilibrium state given by the (inverse points of the) Bessel determinantal point process.
I will present some results regarding a class of branching processes where each individual carries an interval which splits according to some self-similar rules. The original motivation for considering these objects comes from a model of population genetics incorporating recombination and selection, but they also provide an interesting example of non-irreducible branching processes in infinite dimension. These processes have an unexpectedly rich asymptotic behaviour, which can be classified in six different phases. I will give some preliminary results (survival probability, distribution of the length of the intervals, genealogies) for three of these phases.
The Bernoulli factory problem is a seminal topic in probability, and has a deceptively simple statement: given a known function f which maps the unit interval to itself, and an unknown value x between 0 and 1, generate a Ber(f(x))-distributed random variable using an a.s. finite number of independent Ber(x)-distributed random variables (potentially along with exogenous randomness). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Bernoulli factory for a given function f have been known since the work of Keane & O'Brien in 1994, but constructive methods remain elusive except in special cases. A natural simplifying restriction, which the proof of Keane & O'Brien (1994) satisfies but more practical methods typically don't, is to ask that the number of required Ber(x)-variables is independent of their outcomes. I'll present a novel Bernoulli factory, based on so-called debiasing, or random truncation of series expansions, which satisfies the independence restriction and works for functions with strictly more than five derivatives. This is joint work with Krzysztof Łatuszyński, Toni Karvonen, and Dario Spanò.
Geometric functionals of smooth Gaussian fields have statistical applications in different areas of science (e.g. medical imaging, cosmology etc). I will first give an overview of one such application and the general theory behind it. This theory relies crucially on a 'locality' property of the functional which fails to hold for many natural topological functionals. In the final part of the talk, I will describe some recent progress in extending classical results for geometric functionals to this non-local setting.
The stochastic FKPP equation is a stochastic PDE which provides a prototypical model for the evolution of the spatial distribution of a given gene type in a large population under the effects of migration, natural selection and genetic drift. It undergoes fixation, representing the given gene type or its complement disappearing from the population. We prove that the stochastic FKPP on the circle killed upon fixation has a unique quasi-stationary distribution, and that the distribution conditioned on non-fixation converges to this unique QSD for any initial condition. Moreover we obtain the asymptotics of the fixation time, as a function of the initial condition. Whereas there is a large literature addressing such questions for finite-dimensional processes, this is one of the very first works to do so in the SPDE or infinite dimensional setting, and the first for a physically relevant SPDE model. This is joint work with Louis Fan.
2024-10-14Tyler Helmuth [Durham University]: Random Forests
The arboreal gas is a model of random forests that arises when conditioning Bernoulli bond percolation to contain no cycles. Physically, it is a model of branched polymers, and one would like to know if there is a gelation transition, i.e., if/when the random forest contains a giant tree. I'll discuss what is known about this question in the context of the d-dimensional integer lattice. I'll also discuss a number of interesting questions and conjectures that remain. The most important of these conjectures arise from theoretical physics and are based on a field theory representation of the arboreal gas. I'll give some indication of this field theory connection, it's utility, and it's limitations.
Since the 1980s, it has been known to physicists that the scaling limit of statistical mechanics models at criticality should be described by conformal field theories (CFTs). However, it has long remained unclear how to phrase this statement in a rigorous mathematical language.
In a recent work, Chiarini and coauthors introduced the fermionic GFF (fGFF), and used it to study the scaling limit of certain observables in the uniform spanning tree (UST) and the abelian sandpile model (ASM) -- models whose scaling limits are conjecturally described by CFTs. In this talk, I will explain how one can exploit techniques of discrete complex analysis to put the space of local observables of the fGFF in one-to-one correspondance with the space of fields of a CFT: the symplectic fermions. Furthermore, the --suitably renormalized-- fGFF correlation functions converge to the corresponding CFT correlation functions in the scaling limit. As an application of these results, one can compute the scaling limit of correlation functions of local patterns in the uniform spanning tree.
For stochastic analysis on the Wasserstein space, it is crucial to construct a diffusion process which plays a role of Brownian motion in finite-dimensions, or the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process on a separable Hilbert space. This has been a long standing open problem due to the lack of a volume or Gaussian measure on the Wasserstein space, which could serve as an invariant measure.
To study diffusion processes on the $p$-Wasserstein space $\mathcal P_p $ for $p\in [1,\infty)$ over a separable, reflexive Banach space $X$, we present a criterion on the quasi-regularity of Dirichlet forms in $L^2(\mathcal P_p,\Lambda)$ for a reference probability $\Lambda$ on $\mathcal P_p$ by using an upper bound condition with the uniform norm of the intrinsic derivative. The condition is easy to check in applications. As a consequence, a class of quasi-regular local Dirichlet forms are constructed on $\mathcal P_p$ by using image of Dirichlet forms on the tangent space $L^p(X\to X,\mu_0)$ at a reference point $\mu_0\in \mathcal P_p$. In particular, the quasi-regularity is confirmed for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type Dirichlet forms, and an explicit heat kernel estimate is derived based on the eigenvalues of the covariance operator of the underlying Gaussian measure.
For a Markov process X in discrete or continuous time, taking values in a state space A, and a function F from A to another space B, the process (F(X_t)) is in general not a Markov process. But in some interesting cases (F(X_t)) does have the Markov property, in which case F is said to be a weak lumping of X. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss what is known about weak lumpings in general, and some stronger properties called strong lumping and exact lumping, which account for most examples of weak lumpings in the probability literature. In the second part of the talk, I will describe our results about the problem of coupling two given homogeneous discrete time Markov chains so that the coupled process is also a homogeneous Markov chain, subject to given constraints on the set of allowed coupled states and allowed transitions of the coupled chain. The connection with the first half of the talk is that the projection maps to the marginal processes must both be weak lumpings. I will aim to make the talk accessible to any undergraduates who have learned about Markov chains and the basics of queueing theory and renewal processes.
We study the probability that an autoregressive Markov chain X_{n+1} = a X_n + Y_{n+1}, where 0 < a < 1 is a constant, stays non-negative for a long time. We find the exact asymptotics of this probability and the weak limit of X_n conditioned to stay non-negative, assuming that the i.i.d. innovations Y_n take only two values +1, -1 and a <= 2/3. This limiting distribution is quasi-stationary. The limiting distribution has no atoms and is singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure when 1/2 < a <= 2/3, except for the case a = 2/3 and P(Y_n=1)=1/2, where it is uniform on the interval [0,3]. This is similar to the properties of Bernoulli convolutions.
It turns out that for the +1, -1 innovations there is a close connection between X_n killed at exiting [0, \infty) and the classical dynamical system defined by the piecewise linear mapping x -> ( x/a + 1/2) mod 1. Namely, the trajectory of this system started at X_n deterministically recovers the values of the killed chain in reversed time! We use this property to construct a suitable Banach space, where the transition operator of the killed chain has the compactness properties that let us apply a conventional argument of Perron--Frobenius type. The difficulty in finding such space stems from discreteness of the innovations.
The deformed polynuclear growth is a growth process that generalizes the polynuclear growth studied in the context of KPZ universality class. In this talk, I will discuss the mathematical derivation of large time large deviations for the height function. Rare events, as functions of the time t, display distinct decay rates based on whether the height function grows significantly larger (upper tail) or smaller (lower tail) than the expected value. Upper tails exhibit an exponential decay with rate function which we determine explicitly. Conversely, the lower tails experience a more rapid decay and the rate function is given in terms of a variational problem.
Our analysis relies on two inputs. The first is a connection between the height function hand an important measure on the set of integer partitions, the Poissonized Plancherel measure, which stems from nontrivial applications of the celebrated Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence. The second ingredient is the derivation of a priori convexity bounds for the rate function, which combines combinatorial and probabilistic arguments.
This is a joint work with S.Das (Chicago) and Y.Liao (Wisconsin-Madison).
Inspired by questions concerning the evolution of phase fields, we study the Allen-Cahn equation in dimension 2 with white noise initial datum. In a weak coupling regime, where the nonlinearity is damped in relation to the smoothing of the initial condition, we prove Gaussian fluctuations. The effective variance that appears can be described as the solution to an ODE. Our proof builds on a Wild expansion of the solution, which is controlled through precise combinatorial estimates. Joint works with Simon Gabriel, Martin Hairer, Khoa Lê and Nikos Zygouras.
A quasi-free state over the algebra of the canonical anticommutations relations (CAR) is a state with respect to which the moments of the field (Segal-type) operators are calculated similarly to the expectation of a Gaussian random field (when one additionally takes into account the sign of a partition). An important subclass of quasi-free states is given by gauge-invariant states. For a given representation of the CAR, one formally defines its particle density as the product of the creation and annihilation operators at point, and again formally the smeared particle density is a family of commuting Hermitian operators. For a class of quasi-free states, we show that its particle density can be rigorously realised as a family of commuting self-adjoint operators and its joint spectral measure is a determinantal point process, i.e., a point process whose correlation functions are determinants built upon a correlation kernel $K(x,y)$. In the case of a gauge-invariant quasi-free state, the correlation kernel $K(x,y)$ is Hermitian. We also consider the particle-hole transformation in the continuum as a certain Bogoliubov transformation of a gauge-invariant quasi-free state, which leads to a non-gauge-invariant quasi-free state. For the corresponding particle density, the joint spectral measure is a determinantal point process with a correlation kernel $K(x,y)$ that is J-Hermitian. The latter means that the integral operator with integral kernel $K(x,y)$ is self-adjoint with respect to an indefinite inner product.
The talk will consist of two parts. The first half is based on the work arXiv:2110.06896, we will discuss random domino tilings of multiply-connected domains: the classical Arctic circle theorem, and its extension to a multiply-connected domain with a help of a variational principle, where the height function obtains a monodromy, non-zero increment going around a loop. In the second half, we will focus on the new method of computation of the frozen curve, which generalize the Arctic circle. The main tool will be the tangent plane method, proposed by Rick Kenyon and Istvan Prause in 2020 in arXiv:2006.01219. The idea of the method is to realize the arctic curve as the envelope of harmonically moving planes. It turns out that the arctic curve for the multiply-connected Aztec diamond can be expressed in terms of elliptic functions, which is a result of ongoing work in progress.
In this talk, we will consider the self-avoiding walk on the hexagonal lattice, which is one of the few lattices whose connective constant can be computed explicitly. This was proved by Duminil-Copin and Smirnov in 2012 when they introduced the parafermionic observable. In this talk, we will use the observable to show that, with high probability, a self-avoiding walk of length n does not exit a ball of radius n/logn. This improves on an earlier result of Duminil-Copin and Hammond, who obtained a non-quantitative o(n) bound. Along the way, we show that at criticality, the partition function of bridges of height T decays polynomially fast to 0. Joint work with Dmitrii Krachun.
Random planar maps with high degrees are expected to have scaling limits related to the conformal loop ensemble equipped with an independent Liouville quantum gravity (LQG). In the dilute case, where informally the degrees have finite expectations, Bertoin, Budd, Curien and Kortchemski established the scaling limit of the distances to the root. However, the scaling limit does not have an interpretation as a distance in terms of LQG. I will focus on the critical case where the probability that a vertex has degree k is of order k^-2. In this case, the distances from the root to the high degree vertices satisfy a scaling limit, and this scaling limit is related to a quantum distance to the boundary on a CLE(4)-decorated critical LQG introduced by Aru, Holden, Powell and Sun. Finally, I will draw a connection with a conformally invariant distance to the boundary on the CLE(4) from Werner and Wu.
we construct a coupling between a massive GFF and a random curve in which the curve can be interpreted as the level line of the field and has the law of massive SLE_4. This coupling is obtained by reweighting the law of the standard coupling GFF-SLE_4 and our result can be seen as a conditional version of the path-integral formulation of the massive GFF. We then show that by reweighting the law of the coupling GFF-CLE_4 in a similar way, one obtains a coupling between a massive GFF and a random countable collection of simple loops. This thus defines a massive analogue of CLE_4, that we call massive CLE_4. As the law of the massive GFF, the laws of massive SLE_4 and massive CLE_4 are conformally covariant.
We show in this paper that after proper scaling, the characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix converges almost surely to a random analytic function whose zeros, which are on the real line, form a determinantal point process with sine kernel. Our scaling is performed at the so-called "microscopic" level, that is we consider the characteristic polynomial at points which are of order 1/n distant. On the number theory side, inspired by the Keating-Snaith philosophy, we conjecture some new limit theorems for the value distribution of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line at the stochastic process level.
In this talk, we will discuss central limit types of results for those discrete approximations of stochastic PDEs driven by random walks either on random environment or with heavy-tails. Furthermore, we will study couplings between the discrete and continuous stochastic PDEs that allow us to find a non-trivial fluctuations around the limiting field. This is based on joint work with Milton Jara (IMPA) and Wioletta Ruszel (Utrecht University).
2023-11-24Jan Swart [The Institute of Information Theory and Automation]: Weaves, webs and flows
The Arratia flow is a stochastic flow on the real line whose n-point
motions are coalescing Brownian motions. A detailed study of its
properties has given rise to objects such as the Brownian web, the
dual Brownian web, and the concatenation of these two, which is known
as the full Brownian web. The theory of the Brownian web has led to a
better understanding of the structure of the different types of
discontinuities of the Arratia flow, also known as the special points
of the Brownian web, and has provided a natural framework for proving
convergence theorems.
We aim to generalise these concepts to a large class of
one-dimensional stochastic flows with non-crossing n-point motions,
including Harris flows as well as flows whose n-point motions have
jumps and are not Markovian. A central role is played by "monotone flows"
which generalise the full Brownian web and are collections of
noncrossing bi-infinite paths that touch each part of space and
time. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for n-point motions
to define monotone flows and show that convergence of the n-point motions
is equivalent to convergence of the monotone flows with respect to
Skorohod's M1 topology.
We also show that to all monotone flows, it is possible to associate a web
and a dual web, and each of these three objects uniquely determines the
other two. Moreover, webs and monotone flows are natural maximal and minimal
objects in a more general class of objects called weaves. The
maximality property of monotone flows turns out to be a useful tool for proving
The connection between the Gaussian free field and dimer models is well-known. Under a certain pullback, the Gaussian free field describes the fluctuations of the height function around their limit shape in the rough phase of the dimer model. Recently, there has been an increase in interest in non-conformal perturbations of lattice models near criticality. In the dimer model, this corresponds to the study of the height field at a rough-smooth transition. Renormalisation group heuristics suggest that the continuum field at this transition was described by a massive Gaussian free field. However, this is not the case. Indeed, we develop a connection between the height field at this transition and the sine-Gordon field at the free fermion point.
In this talk, I'll consider eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators on Z with i.i.d. random potentials (Anderson model). After defining basic notions related to Anderson localisation for such operators, I'll focus on the annealed dynamical decay exponent. Such exponent was defined in in a 2013 paper by Jitomirskaya and Krüger. In 2018, Jitomirskaya, Krüger and Liu showed that, for the supercritical Almost-Mathieu operator, this exponent coincides with the Lyapunov exponent of the transfer cocycle, which rules the exponential decay of the operator's eigenfunctions, and asked whether the same is true for the one-dimensional Anderson model. In the second part of the talk I'll outline a simple argument that leads to a negative answer to their question.
We consider an Erdos-Renyi random graph on n nodes where the probability of an edge being present between any two nodes is equal to ë/n with ë > 1. Every edge is assigned a (non-negative) weight independently at random from a general distribution. For every path between two typical vertices we introduce its hop-count (which counts the number of edges on the path) and its total weight (which adds up the weights of all edges on the path). We prove a limit theorem for the joint distribution of the appropriately scaled hop-count and general weights. This theorem, in particular, provides a limiting result for hop-count and the total weight of the shortest path between two nodes. This is a joint work Fraser Daly and Matthias Schulte.
Coalescing simple random walks in the plane form an infinite tree. The
random walk web distance is a natural directed distance on this tree and
it is given by the number of jumps between branches when one is only
allowed to move in one direction. The scale-invariant limit of the random
walk web distance is described in terms of the Brownian web and we call it
the Brownian web distance. It is integer-valued and has scaling exponents
0:1:2 as compared to 1:2:3 in the KPZ world. However, we show that the
shear limit of the Brownian web distance is still given by the Airy
process. We conjecture that our limit theorem can be extended to the full
directed landscape. Joint work with Balint Virag.
The fermionic Gaussian free field is an extension of the Gaussian free field in the language of Grassmannian algebras. We will define this object and state some of its properties. We would like to show how it is related to the average degree field of the uniform spanning tree on the square and triangular lattice. The uniform spanning tree is a connected graph on a set of vertices connecting all of them without loops. We will furthermore show that the joint cumulants converge towards cumulants which are related to certain objects from a log-conformal field theory.
This is joint work with L. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and A. Rapoport and based on
This talk explores an apparent relation between the doubly periodic Aztec diamond, an exactly solvable tiling model, and the theory of integrable evolution equations. We will focus on the biased 2x2 periodic Aztec diamond recently considered by Borodin & Duits '23 and show that in this case the arctic boundary is a degree 8 curve. Our methods are based on an approach using matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials introduced by Duits & Kuijlaars '21. This is work in progress with Arno Kuijlaars.
We introduce a model of branching random walk where k-tuples of particles are annihilated at unit rate if they share the occupancy of a site where k is a chosen parameter. We prove that if k is at least three and if the underlying graph is a regular tree then there is a non-monotone phase transition where the process survives with positive probability if either the reproductive rate is small enough or large enough but that survival is impossible in an intermediary regime.
Joint work with Leandro Chiarini and Alexandre Stauffer.
The critical 2d stochastic heat flow (SHF) was previously constructed via the scaling limit of directed polymer partition functions in the critical dimension d=2 and in the critical window. It can be interpreted as the solution of the critical 2d stochastic heat equation with multiplicative space-time white noise. In this talk, we will discuss more recent results on the properties of the critical 2d SHF, including the fact that it cannot be a Gaussian multiplicative chaos, and it is almost surely singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Based on joint work with F. Caravenna and N. Zygouras.
The model of directed polymers describe the behavior of a long, directed chain that spreads among an inhomogeneous environment which may attract or repulse the polymer. When the spacial dimension is larger than three, a phase transition occurs between diffusivity (high temperature) and localization (low temperature). On the other hand, in dimensions one and two the polymer is always localized. Dimension two is however critical, as one can recover a phase transition by letting the temperature tend to infinity under a specific parametrization (Caravenna-Sun-Zygouras 17’). In this talk, I will present some of the main results that are known about this scaling regime, and discuss the recent advances that have occurred in the past few years. In particular, I will describe some results that I have obtained with my coauthors (Anna Donadini, Shuta Nakajima and Ofer Zeitouni) on the diffusive phase and its relation to Gaussian logarithmically correlated fields.
In this talk we will introduce few models of "interactive urns" with the goal of obtaining a limiting distribution which may be considered as example of a "self-organized criticality". We will show that if the interactions are defined via a finite or infinite network which is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with no vertex having an infinite line of descent, then limit exists for fairly general class of replacements including Pólya-type replacements. We will describe the limit as a solution of a Dirichlet Problem on an appropriate space on measures. If time permits, we will also indicate what happens if infinite line of descent is presence.
[Joint with A/PDE] This talk will be about the convergence problem in mean
field control (MFC), i.e. the challenge of rigorously justifying the
convergence of certain "symmetric" \(N\)-particle control problems
towards their mean field counterparts. On the one hand, this
convergence problem is already well-understood from a qualitative
perspective, thanks to powerful probabilistic techniques based on
compactness. On the other hand, quantitative results (i.e. rates of
convergence) are more difficult to obtain, in large part because the
value function of the mean field problem (which is also the solution to
a certain Hamilton-Jacobi equation on the Wasserstein space) may fail
to be \(C^1\), even if all the data is smooth. After giving an overview
of the convergence problem, I will discuss the results of two recent
joint works with Cardaliaguet, Daudin, Delarue, and Souganidis, in
which we use some ideas from the theory of viscosity solutions to
overcome this lack of regularity and obtain rates of convergence of the
$N$-particle value functions towards the value function of the
corresponding MFC problem.
In this talk, we will consider a modification of the usual Branching Random Walk (BRW), where we give certain independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) displacements/perturbations to all the particles
at the $n$-th generation, which may be different from the driving
increment distribution. We call this process \it{last progeny modified
branching random walk (LPM-BRW)}. Depending on the value of a
parameter, $\theta \gt 0$, which works as a ``\it{scale parameter}" for
the perturbations, we will classify the model in three distinct cases,
namely, the \it{boundary case, below the boundary case}, and \it{above
the boundary case}. Under very minimal assumptions on the underlying
point process of the increments, we will show that in the \it{boundary
case}, $\theta=\theta_0$, where $\theta_0$ is a parameter value
associated with the displacement point process, the maximum
displacement converges to a limit after only an appropriate centering,
which will be the form $c_1 n - c_2 \log n$. We will give explicit
formulas for the constants $c_1$ and $c_2$ and will show that $c_1$ is
exactly the same, while $c_2$ is $1/3$ of the corresponding constants
of the Classical BRW (Aidekon 2013}. We will also be able to
characterize the limiting distribution. We will further show that below
the boundary, $\theta \lt \theta_0$, the logarithmic correction term is
absent, while for above the boundary case, $\theta \gt \theta_0$, the
logarithmic correction term is exactly the same as that of the
classical BRW. If time permits then I will also show
that much better results, namely, \it{Brunet-Derrida}-type results of point process convergence of our LPM-BRW to a Poisson point process also hold for our model. Our proofs are based on a novel method of coupling the maximum displacement with a \it{linear statistic} associated with a more well-studied process in statistics known as the \it{smoothing transformation}.
We discuss the change of stability behavior of deterministic dynamical systems in Euclidean space under the addition of white noise. It is known that noise can have a stabilizing or destabilizing effect depending on the underlying system. We focus on examples of dynamical system in the plane which exhibit blow-up in finite time for all or almost all initial conditions such that for additive noise of arbitrarily small intensity the system has strong stability properties: it is not only stable in the sense that it does not blow up but it even admits a random set attractor. Parts of the talk are based on joint work with Matti Leimbach (Berlin) and Jonathan Mattingly (Duke, Durham), another part on joint work with Franco Flandoli (Pisa) and Benjamin Gess (Bielefeld) and yet another part on joint work with Isabell Vorkastner (Berlin).
By developing a new technique called the bi-coupling argument, we estimate the relative entropy between different diffusion processes in terms of the distances of initial distributions and drift-diffusion coefficients. As an application, the log-Harnack inequality is established for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with multiplicative distribution dependent noise, which appears for the first time in literature.
We start by deriving a polynomial expansion for Brownian motion expressed in terms of shifted Legendre polynomials by considering Brownian motion conditioned to have vanishing iterated time integrals of all orders. We further discuss the fluctuations for this expansion and show that they converge in finite dimensional distributions to a collection of independent zero-mean Gaussian random variables whose variances follow a scaled semicircle. We then link the asymptotic convergence rates of approximations for Brownian Lévy area which are based on the Fourier series expansion and the polynomial expansion of the Brownian bridge to these limit fluctuations. We close with a general study of the asymptotic error arising when approximating the Green's function of a Sturm-Liouville problem through a truncation of its eigenfunction expansion, both for the Green's function of a regular Sturm-Liouville problem and for the Green's function associated with the classical orthogonal polynomials.
We consider models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of stochastic growth models in one spatial dimension. We study the correlations in space and time of the height function. In particular we present results on the decay of correlations of the spatial limit processes and on the universality of the first order of the covariance at macroscopically close times.
I will review a recent mathematical formulation of Berry's quantum ergodicity conjecture in terms of Benjamini-Schramm convergence. Although quantum ergodicity is not expected to hold for the square grid, it should hold for random perturbations. Eigenvectors of the GUE-perturbed discrete torus with uniform boundary conditions retain some product structure for small perturbations but converge to discrete Gaussian waves for large perturbations. In joint work with Andras Meszaros, we determine where the phase transition happens.
In this talk I will discuss about models of random unitary matrices of large size. Considering r matrices of size N, this can be thought of as a random, N dimensional, unitary representation of the free group of rank r, and leads to a random state on the group algebra of the free group. Since the seminal work of Voiculescu in the 90s, it is well established that independent, uniform unitary matrices are asymptotically, freely independent: the latter random state converges weakly, in probability towards the character of the regular representation of the free group, as N goes to infinity.
On Friday, I will consider models of unitary matrices which are not independent, but with conditions on their commutators. I will review recent results of M. Magee on the so called Atiyah-Bott-Goldman measure a model of random unitary representation of surface groups and of two recent joint works of myself with T. Lemoine about the Yang-Mills measure on surfaces, which can be thought of as a model interpolating between Voiculescus and Atiyah-Bott-Goldmans settings. For the torus, the latter joint works lead to a new interpolation between classical and free independence.
We show the Bakry-Émery lower Ricci curvature bound BE(0, \infty) of a Dirichlet form on the configuration space whose invariant measure is the sine beta ensemble for any beta>0. As a particular case of beta=2, our result proves BE(0, \infty) of a Dirichlet form related to the unlabelled Dyson Brownian motion. Furthermore several functional inequalities are shown including the integral Bochner inequality, the local Poincaré and the local log-Sobolev inequalities as well as the log-Harnack and the dimension-free Harnack inequalities with respect to the L^2-transportation-type extended distance on the configuration space. If time allows, we discuss open problems for the lower Ricci curvature beyond the sine beta ensemble.
jww Rajat Subhra Hazra (Leiden), Alan Rapoport (Utrecht) and Wioletta Ruszel (Utrecht)
In this talk we study the scaling limit of a random field which is a non-linear transformation of the gradient Gaussian free field. More precisely, our object of interest is the recentered square of the norm of the gradient Gaussian free field at every point of the square lattice. Surprisingly, in dimension 2 this field bears a very close connection to the height-one field of the Abelian sandpile model studied in Dürre (2009). In fact, with different methods we are able to obtain the same scaling limits of the height-one field: on the one hand, we show that the limiting cumulants are identical (up to a sign change) with the same conformally covariant property, and on the other that the same central limit theorem holds when we view the interface as a random distribution. We generalize these results to higher dimensions as well.
The talk will present recent progress towards understanding the critical phase of 3-dimensional percolation models exhibiting long-range correlations. The results rigorously exhibit the scaling behavior of various observables of interest and are consistent with scaling theory below the upper-critical dimension (expectedly equal to 6). This confirms various predictions by physicists based on non-rigorous renormalization group arguments, notably that of Weinrib-Halperin concerning the value of the correlation length exponent and of Fishers scaling relation for models in this class.
I will describe anomalous, sub-diffusive scaling limits for a one-dimensional version of the Mott random walk. The first setting considered nonetheless results in polynomial space-time scaling. In this case, the limiting process can be viewed heuristically as a one-dimensional diffusion with an absolutely continuous speed measure and a discontinuous scale function, as given by a two-sided stable subordinator. Corresponding to intervals of low conductance in the discrete model, the discontinuities in the scale function act as barriers off which the limiting process reflects for some time before crossing. I will outline how the proof relies on a recently developed theory that relates the convergence of processes to that of associated resistance metric measure spaces. The second setting considered concerns a regime that exhibits even more severe blocking (and sub-polynomial scaling). For this, I will describe how, for any fixed time, the appropriately-rescaled Mott random walk is situated between two environment-measurable barriers, the locations of which are shown to have an extremal scaling limit. Moreover, I will give an asymptotic description of the distribution of the Mott random walk between the barriers that contain it. This is joint work with Ryoki Fukushima (University of Tsukuba) and Stefan Junk (Tohoku University).
The talk is about two types of interacting particle systems related to the classical ensembles of random matrices. The prototypical examples are Dyson Brownian motion (also called non-intersecting Brownian motions) and Brownian TASEP (also called Brownian motions with one-sided collisions/reflections) respectively. I will discuss explicit formulae for their distributions, their correlation functions and some non-trivial connections between the two types of interacting particle systems. The bulk of the talk will be mainly focussed on surveying results for the Gaussian/Brownian case.
The dimer model is a model of statistical mechanics where configurations are
perfect matchings of a graph G, which will be planar and bipartite for our
purposes. In this context, the model can be described as a determinantal
process on the edges of G.
For a class of infinite graphs (the so-called isoradial graphs), Kenyon
introduced particular trigonometric weights for edges for which the
kernel of the determinantal process has a striking locality property:
correlations between edges depend only on the geometry of a connected
neighborhood of the edges we are interested in.
In a series of papers in collaboration with David Cimasoni (Université de
Genève) and Béatrice de Tilière (Université Dauphine), we extend Kenyon's
construction to a larger class of graphs (called minimal graphs) and more
general weights. These weights introduced by Fock are constructed from a
compact Riemann surface with some geometric property (maximality).
In this talk, we will present motivations for this work, define some of the
geometric tools we need. We will then describe some applications, e.g. the
alternative proof for minimal graphs of the spectral theorem of Kenyon and
Okounkov, giving a correspondence between periodic dimer models and a special
class of algebraic curves.
We define a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process on trees, where the particles enter the tree from a reservoir attached to the root. Particles can only jump following edges on the tree and only if they are jumping away from the root, to a non-occupied vertex.
We are interested in two different aspects of this particle system. First we want to investigate the current of particles across a given generation at a specific time, when we start from an initially empty initial condition. Second, we would like to obtain some information about the limiting equilibrium measures. Both answers depend heavily on our choice of jump rates for the particles and different regimes of behaviour will be presented during the talk. Our results rely on a crucial estimate of the time it takes for the trajectories of the first N particles to decouple in the tree.
Due to the time constraint there will be a live audience participation to decide the order of the presentation in a democratic way :)
This is joint work with N. Gantert (TUM) and D. Schmid (Princeton and UBonn)
The KPZ class is a very large set of 1+1 models that are meant to
describe random growth interfaces. It is believed that upon scaling,
the long time behavior of members in this class is universal and is
described by a limiting object called the KPZ fixed-point. The
(one-type) stationary measures for the KPZ fixed-point as well as many
models in the KPZ class are known - it is a family of distributions
parametrized on some set I_ind that depends on the model. For k\in \N
the k-type stationary distribution with intensities
\alpha_1,...,\alpha_k \in I_ind is a coupling of one-type stationary
measures of indices \alpha_1,...,\alpha_k that is stationary with
respect to the model dynamics. In this talk we will present recent
progress in our understanding of the multi-type stationary measures of
the KPZ fixed-point as well as the scaling limit of multi-type
stationary measures of two families of models in the KPZ class:
metric-like models and particle systems. Based on joint work with Timo
Seppalainen and Evan Sorensen.
Hysteresis, a type of memory effect, is of importance in micromagnetics and has found applications in economics, for example in the theory of the firm. I will introduce a minimal probabilistic model of hysteretic economic agents and will discuss its properties.
Planar random growth processes occur widely in the physical world. One
of the most well-known, yet notoriously difficult, examples is
diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) which models mineral deposition.
This process is usually initiated from a cluster containing a single
"seed" particle, which successive particles then attach themselves to.
However, physicists have also studied DLA seeded on a line segment. One
approach to mathematically modelling planar random growth seeded from a
single particle is to take the seed particle to be the unit disk and to
represent the randomly growing clusters as compositions of conformal
mappings of the exterior unit disk. In 1998, Hastings and Levitov
proposed a family of models using this approach, which includes a
version of DLA. In this talk I will define a stationary version of the
Hastings-Levitov model by composing conformal mappings in the upper
half-plane. This is proposed as a candidate for off-lattice DLA seeded
on the line. We analytically derive various properties of this model
and show that they agree with numerical experiments for DLA in the
physics literature.
This talk is based on joint work with Noam Berger and Eviatar Procaccia.
In this talk we consider first passage percolation (FPP) with passage times generated by a general class of models with long-range correlations, including discrete Gaussian free fields as a prominent example. We will discuss conditions under which the associated time constant is positive and the FPP distance is comparable to the Euclidean distance. We will also present two applications to random conductance models (RCM) with possibly unbounded and strongly correlated conductances, namely a Gaussian heat kernel upper bound for RCMs with a general speed measure, and an exponential decay estimate for the Green function of RCMs with random killing measures. This talk is based on a joined work with Alexis Prévost (Geneva).
We investigate reinforced non-linear urns with interacting types, and show that where there are three interacting types there are phenomena which do not occur with two types. In a model with three types where the interactions between the types are symmetric, we show the existence of a double phase transition with three phases: as well as a phase with an almost sure limit where each of the three colours is equally represented and a phase with almost sure convergence to an asymmetric limit, which both occur with two types, there is also an intermediate phase where both symmetric and asymmetric limits are possible. In a model with anti-symmetric interactions between the types, we show the existence of a phase where the proportions of the three colours cycle and do not
converge to a limit, alongside a phase where the proportions of the three colours can converge to a limit where each of the three is equally represented. This is joint work with Marcelo Costa.
The theory of mean field games has been initiated roughly 15 years ago independently by two groups (Lasry—Lions and Huang—Malhamé—Caines). Inspired by models from statistical physics, the main motivation of both groups was to study limits of Nash equilibria of stochastic differential games when the number of agents tends to infinity. During its short lifespan so far, this theory proved to be useful in various applications (in finance, biological models, machine learning, etc.) and has initiated exciting research directions on the crossroad of PDEs, optimal control, probability and stochastic analysis. In certain cases it is possible to study mean field Nash equilibria by the means of a coupled system of a Hamilton—Jacobi—Bellman and Fokker—Planck equations, that possesses a forward-backward structure. This PDE system serves also formally as the system of characteristics for an infinite dimensional non-linear PDE, set on the space of probability measures, called the master equation (introduced by Lions). In this talk we will see how to derive both the PDE system and the corresponding master equations in mean field games. Similar to the case of finite dimensional conservation laws, we will demonstrate how different notions of monotonicities could play a central role in proving the global in time well-posedness of this PDE system and master equations. The talk is aimed to be self-contained, and so, no previous knowledge on mean field games will be assumed.
Universality in disordered systems has always played a central role in
the direction of research in Probability and Mathematical Physics, a
classical example being the Gaussian universality class. In this talk,
I will describe a different universality class for random growth models,
called the KPZ universality class. Since Kardar, Parisi and Zhang
introduced the KPZ equation in their seminal paper in 1986, the
equation has made appearances everywhere from bacterial growth,
fire front, coffee stain, to the top edge in a game of Tetris. The random
growth processes that are expected to have the same scaling and
asymptotic fluctuations as the KPZ equation and converge to the universal
limiting object called the KPZ fixed point, are said to lie in the KPZ
universality class. Here, I will talk about some recent results on universal
geometric properties of the KPZ fixed point and show that the KPZ equation
and exclusion processes converge to the KPZ fixed point under the
1:2:3 scaling, establishing the KPZ universality conjecture for these models,
which were long-standing open problems in this field.
The talk is based on joint works with Jeremy Quastel, Balint Virag and
Duncan Dauvergne.
We define an interface on a dimer model to be an abrupt change in edge weighting scheme. In this talk, we will develop an integral form of the inverse Kasteleyn operator for an interface dimer model on the infinite square lattice. We will then consider the asymptotic behavior of this operator to derive local statistics in different regions of the model. We will end by discussing some generalizations and other interface models to consider.
We consider a policy gradient algorithm applied to a finite-arm bandit problem with Bernoulli rewards. We allow learning rates to depend on the current state of the algorithm, rather than use a deterministic time-decreasing learning rate. The state of the algorithm forms a Markov chain on the probability simplex. We apply Foster-Lyapunov techniques to analyse the stability of this Markov chain. We prove that if learning rates are well chosen then the policy gradient algorithm is a transient Markov chain and the state of the chain converges on the optimal arm with logarithmic or poly-logarithmic regret.
Stochastic filtering is the problem of determining the posterior distribution of a hidden signal process from noisy observations. We consider filtering in a setting where the parameters of the underlying dynamics are unknown, and propose an approach to design filters which give robust estimates of both the hidden signal and the unknown parameters. We will see how the approach quickly leads to interesting problems in optimal control and pathwise calculus, and demonstrate a novel application of rough path theory to statistics.
Suppose that (X_t)_{t \ge 0} is a critical branching Markov process with non-local branching mechanism. In this talk, we discuss several results pertaining to its asymptotic behaviour. In the first part, we show that it is possible to precisely describe the growth of the moments (of any order) of the process and its occupation measure, as t \to \infty. The second part then focusses on the asymptotic behaviour of the survival probability, which can be used in conjunction with the moment growth to prove a Yaglom limit.
This is based on joint work with Isaac Gonzalez Garcia, Simon Harris, Andreas Kyprianou and Minmin Wang.
The talk will introduce you to a newly emerging topic, where we introduce ideas from imprecise probabilities and game-theoretic probability to the topic of algorithmic randomness. I begin with the arguably most natural way of doing this, via supermartingales. This leads to the discussion a number of general properties, which allow us to explore what this synthesis of ideas brings to the table, and whether allowing for imprecision leads to anything relevant or useful. Next, I will explain how the supermartingale approach relates itself to alternative definitions involving randomness tests, and how ideas from imprecise probabilities can be brought to bear on this alternative approach as well. I close the talk with a brief discussion of the impact of the computability of the forecasts (or background probability model), and possible avenues for further exploration.
The bipartite matching problem is one of the classical random optimization problems. The macroscopic behaviour is well understood since the work of Ajtai, Komlos, Tusnady, Talagrand and others in the 80s and early 90s. A few years ago, Caracciolo et al. proposed a new ansatz, based on a linearisation of the Monge-Ampère equation to the Poisson equation, to get refined estimates for this problem.
I will show how one can use their ansatz to prove that in dimension two certain thermodynamic limits of the optimal bipartite matchings do not exist. A key tool is a harmonic approximation result for optimal couplings between arbitrary measures.
This is based on joint work with Michael Goldman, Francesco Mattesini, and Felix Otto.
We consider a natural random growth process with competition on Z^d called first-passage percolation in a hostile environment, that consists of two first-passage percolation processes FPP_1 and FPP_\lambda that compete for the occupancy of sites. Initially FPP_1 occupies the origin and spreads through the edges of Z^d at rate 1, while FPP_\lambda is initialised at sites called seeds that are distributed according to a product of Bernoulli measures of parameter p. A seed remains dormant until FPP_1 or FPP_\lambda attempts to occupy it, after which it spreads through the edges of Z^d at rate \lambda. We will discuss the results known for this model and present a recent proof that the two types can coexist (concurrently produce an infinite cluster) on Z^d. We remark that, though counterintuitive, the above model is not monotone in the sense that adding a seed of FPP_\lambda could favor FPP_1.
A central contribution of our work is the development of a novel multi-scale analysis to analyze this model, which we call a multi-scale analysis with non-equilibrium feedback and which we believe could help analyze other models with non-equilibrium dynamics and lack of monotonicity.
Based on a joint work with Tom Finn (Univ. of Bath).
For a susceptible-infectious-susceptible (SIS) infection model in a heterogeneous population, I will show how to derive simple and precise estimates of mean persistence time, from an endemic state to extinction of infection. The methods are generalisable to study extinction times of multi-dimensional population processes satisfying a certain reversibility criterion.
I will review several models that consist of one-dimensional loops living in three-dimensional
space. These models describe bosonic systems, and classical or quantum spin systems.
Their common feature is that the joint distribution of their loop lengths has universal
behaviour: It is always a Poisson-Dirichlet distribution. Most of this theory is conjectural, but
it is backed by numerical studies and some partial rigorous results.
Lattice gauge theories are lattice approximations of the Yang-Mills theory in physics. The abelian lattice Higgs model is one of the simplest examples of a lattice gauge theory interacting with an external field. The most important observables in lattice gauge theories are Wilson loops. In several recent works, the leading order term of the expected value of Wilson loops was calculated in the low-temperature regime, both in the absence and in the presence of a Higgs field. In the absence of a Higgs field, the Wilson loops exhibit a phase transition that is interpreted as distinguishing between regions with and without quark confinement. However, in the presence of a Higgs field, this is no longer the case, and a more relevant family of observables are so-called open Wilson lines. In this talk, we will describe the abelian lattice Higgs model's basic features and present a recent result on the leading order term for Wilson line observables.
About 20 years ago, Balint Toth studied a class of self-interacting random walk models where the transition probabilities of the next step were dependent on the number of previous steps to the right/left from the present location. Toth studied these walks by proving “Generalized Ray-Knight Theorems” which essentially gave certain diffusion limits for the local time profile of the walk. While this shed a lot of light on the behavior of the walk, including identifying the correct scaling exponents for the walk, the Ray-Knight Theorems alone were not quite enough to prove limiting distributions for the walk. However, it was noted that in certain cases, the Ray-Knight Theorems were consistent with the convergence of the self-interacting random walk to a Brownian motion perturbed at its Extrema (BMPE).
In this talk, we consider two cases of the self-interacting random walks where the Generalized Ray-Knight Theorems were consistent with convergence to BMPE: the asymptotically free case and the polynomially self-repelling case. In the asymptotically free case we show that indeed the walk does converge to a BMPE, while in the polynomially self-repelling case we show that the walk cannot converge to the BMPE which one expects from the Ray-Knight Theorems. This is joint work with Elena Kosygina and Tom Mountford.
When we study random d-regular graphs from the point of view of graph limit theory, the notion of typical processes arise naturally. These are certain invariant families of random variables indexed by the infinite regular tree. Since this tree is the local limit of random d-regular graphs when d is fixed and the number of vertices tends to infinity, we can consider the processes that can be approximated with colorings (labelings) of random d-regular graphs. These are the so-called typical processes, whose properties contain useful information about the structure of finite random regular graphs. In earlier works, various necessary conditions have been given for a process to be typical, by using correlation decay or entropy inequalities. In the work presented in the talk, we go in the other direction and provide sufficient entropy conditions in the special case of edge Markov processes. This condition can be extended to unimodular Galton--Watson random trees as well. Joint work with Charles Bordenave and Balázs Szegedy (
We consider the trajectories of a renewal random walk, that is, a random walk on the two-dimensional integer lattice whose jumps have positive horizontal component. We give a Functional Law of Large Numbers, and a Functional Central Limit Theorem for these trajectories: the distribution of their fluctuations around a limiting profile converges weakly to that of Brownian motion. We also state conditional versions of both of these theorems, under large-deviations conditions on the terminal height and the integral of the trajectories. We discuss the shape of the corresponding limiting profile, as well as the convergence of the distribution of the fluctuations around this profile to that of a conditioned Gaussian process.
The study of population variance is inherently the study of mutation. While we have sophisticated models of genetic drift and selection once a mutation occurs, our models of mutation as a population level process have been essentially unchanged for decades. I will describe a novel method for testing different proposals.
There has been an immense progress in the understanding of random planar maps in the last two decades. An important breakthrough was the independent proofs of Le Gall and Miermont that certain classes of these maps (uniform triangulations and uniform 2p-angulations) converge towards the so called Brownian map in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense. Subsequently there have been many extensions showing that the Brownian map arises as a universal scaling limit of a large family of discrete models. Another important family of random maps are the so called stable maps which arise as scaling limits of random planar maps which are defined in such a way that large faces form in the maps. The study of stable maps is motivated by the conjecture (and in some cases proven fact) that they appear as natural objects when the Brownian map is decorated with statistical mechanical models. To date much less is known about the stable maps than the Brownian map, although there are some exciting results on the horizon.
The focus of the current talk is a model of causal planar maps which was introduced in its original form by Ambjorn and Loll and has until now mostly been studied by mathematical physicists. The scaling limit of the causal maps in the uniform case (which is analogous to the Brownian map case above) turns out to be trivial (at least in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense). However when the measure is tweaked so that large faces are forced to appear, we show that there arises an interesting scaling limit which we call the stable shredded sphere. I will define the stable shredded sphere, describe some of its properties and explain briefly the key ingredients in the proof of the scaling limit result.
The totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) is a microscopic analogue of Burgers equation. The characteristics of Burgers equation play an important role in its solution. The second class particle in TASEP mirrors the role of a microscopic characteristic. Although much is known about the macroscopic behaviour of the second class particle, it is of interest to understand its fluctuations. I will discuss the behaviour of the second class particle when the initial conditions of TASEP converge under so called KPZ scaling. The second class particle has a scaling limit, which can be described in term of geometric concepts arising in the KPZ universality class.
The Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) is a one-parameter family
of random planar fractal curves, which has been of considerable interest
since their introduction by Schramm in 1999, as they arise as scaling
limits in several two-dimensional statistical mechanics models at
criticality. Choosing the parameter $\kappa$ to be either 4 or 8 results
in special behaviour, as $\kappa = 4$ ($\kappa = 8$) is the largest
(resp. smallest) $\kappa$ such that SLE$_\kappa$ curves are simple
(resp. space-filling). As such, regularity results in those cases differ
significantly from the cases of other values of $\kappa$. We will
discuss recent results on the modulus of continuity of the SLE$_4$
uniformizing map and the SLE$_8$ trace, as well as a byproduct of our
analysis, concerning the conformal removability of SLE$_4$. The talk is
based on joint work with Konstantinos Kavvadias and Jason Miller.
Dieker and Warren in 2008 described 4 discrete particle processes that correspond to the extreme cases of PushASEP and its geometric jumping analogs. More precisely, particles move in one direction by either a Bernoulli or geometric distribution, and they either are blocked by or push other particles out of the way. They showed the case where the particles jump geometrically and push other particles out of the way was governed by last-passage percolation (LPP) on random matrices with the entries using the geometric distribution. In a recent paper by Yeliussizov, he connected the LPP transition matrix with iid random variables with an object arising from geometry: dual Grothendieck (symmetric) functions that are a dual basis to the Grothendieck symmetric functions that are a nice basis for the K-theory ring of the Grassmannian, the set of k dimensional planes in n dimensional space. In this talk, we will discuss how all of the transition kernels of the Dieker and Warren processes can be described by a refined version of Grothendieck symmetric functions and dual Grothendieck functions. No knowledge will be assumed. This is based on joint work with Kohei Motegi and Shinsuke Iwao.
A balls-in-bins model describes a random sequential allocation of infinitely many balls
into several bins. In the standard setup a ball is placed into a bin with probability
proportional to a given function (feedback) of the number of existing balls in the bin, and
the feedback is symmetric in a sense that it is the same for all bins. Besides, there are no
constraints on numbers of balls in bins. This talk concerns balls-in-bins models with just two bins, where 1) the feedback might depend on a bin, and 2) there might be certain constraints on the numbers of allocated balls.
In our first model feedbacks are given by superlinear polynomial functions, and there are no constraints. It follows from a standard argument that, with probability one, after a certain random moment in time only one of bins receives all incoming balls in this case. We obtain the normal approximation for the probability that a particular bin gets all but finitely many balls.
Another model of interest is obtained from the first one by adding certain constraints on the numbers of allocated balls and can be interpreted as a random walk in a domain with reflecting boundaries. We show that the transient behavior of this model can be described in terms of rather peculiar boundary effects.
This is joint work with M. Menshikov.
In this talk I shall discuss the tail behaviour of Gaussian multiplicative chaos and explain precise asymptotics of the leading order under mild assumptions. At criticality, the leading order coefficient is fully explicit in all dimensions and does not depend on any local variation of the underlying field, demonstrating an interesting universality phenomenon.
This talk is about the behaviour of Loewner evolutions driven by a Lévy process. Schramm's celebrated version (Schramm-Loewner evolution), driven by standard Brownian motion, has been a great success for describing critical interfaces in statistical physics. Loewner evolutions with other random drivers have been proposed, for instance, as candidates for finding extremal multifractal spectra, and some tree-like growth processes in statistical physics. Questions on how the Loewner trace behaves, e.g., whether it is generated by a (discontinuous) curve, whether it is locally connected, tree-like, or forest-like, have been partially answered in the symmetric alpha-stable case. We consider the case of general Levy drivers. Joint work with Eveliina Peltola (Bonn and Helsinki).
In this talk, we will look at spatial branching processes with non local branching mechanisms. A typical example of such processes is given by the neutron branching process, which emulates the dynamics of neutrons inside a nuclear reactor core. Under mild conditions, it can be shown that such a system has a growth rate, say \lambda. Our main results extend the classical Kolmogorov’s Theorem and Yaglom’s Theorem to the neutron branching processes in the critical case (i.e. \lambda=0). We will discuss the challenges posed by the non local branching mechanisms in proving these results and how we can get around them.
This is based on a joint work with Simon Harris, Emma Horton and Andreas Kyprianou (arXiv:2103.02237).
Let $Y=X_1+\cdots+X_N$ be a sum of a random number of random variables, where $N$ is independent of the $X_j$. Such sums arise in many applications, including in the areas of financial risk, hypothesis testing and physics. Classically, the $X_j$ are assumed to be independent, in which case central limit theorems and other distributional approximation results for $Y$ are well known. However, this assumption of independent $X_j$ is unrealistic in many applications. We relax this restriction, instead assuming that these random variables come from a generalized multinomial model. In this setting, we prove error bounds in Gaussian and Poisson approximations for $Y$ which allow us to investigate the effect of the correlation parameter on the quality of the approximation, while also providing competitive bounds in the special case of independent $X_j$. We also derive error bounds for Gamma approximation in the special case where $N$ has a Poisson distribution. The proofs make use of Stein's method in conjunction with size-biased and zero-biased couplings.
Choice functions constitute a very general and simple mathematical framework for modelling choice under uncertainty. They are able to represent the set-valued choices that typically arise from applying decision rules to imprecise-probabilistic uncertainty models. Choice functions can be given a clear behavioural interpretation in terms of attitudes towards accepting gambles.
I will discuss choice functions as a tool to model uncertainty, and connect them with classical (precise) probabilities, and some of the most popular imprecise-probabilistic uncertainty models. Once this connection is in place, I will discuss performing conservative inferences with choice functions, and show some of the well-known inference rules for precise probabilities can be derived from the conservative inference scheme for choice functions.
In this talk, I will focus on the mixing time of higher-order random walks in simplicial complexes. The running example will be matroid complexes (with strongly log-concave weight functions), for which we have established a sharp modified log-Sobolev inequality. I will also discuss subsequent progress in this direction, especially in establishing polynomial mixing time bounds for Glauber dynamics in spin systems.
Based on joint work with Mary Cryan and Giorgos Mousa.
[This seminar will take place on Zoom: a link will be sent to the mailing list (email if you would like to be added)]
In this talk, I will first present main ideas of recent results of the ergodicity of random periodic systems. They include random periodic paths, periodic measures, their “equivalence”, their lifts, construction of invariant measures, ergodicity and spectral characteristics. Then I will present random quasi-periodic processes, quasi-periodic measures and lifted invariant measure and ergodicity. Applications e.g. to stochastic resonance model of Benzi, Parisi, Sutera and Vulpiani will be discussed.
This talk is based on a series of joint work with Chunrong Feng, Yu Liu, Yujia Liu, Baoyou Qu and Johnny Zhong.
In a joint work with Élie Aïdékon, we consider a Brownian excursion from 0 to 1 in the upper half-plane. It (possibly) makes excursions above the horizontal line of height t>0. We record the size of each of these excursions, defined as the difference between its endpoint and starting point. As t evolves, this particle system exhibits a branching structure that we investigate. We recover one of the growth-fragmentation processes revealed by Bertoin, Budd, Curien and Kortchemski.
In Bernoulli(p) bond percolation, each edge of a given graph is declared open with probability p. The set of open edges is a random subgraph. The arboreal gas is the probability measure that arises if you condition on the event that the random subgraph is a forest, i.e., contains no cycles. In the special case p=1/2 the arboreal gas is the uniform measure on forests.
What are the percolative properties of these forests? This turns out to be a surprisingly rich question, and I will discuss what is known and conjectured. I will also describe a "magic formula" for connection probabilities in the arboreal gas. This formula is related to the Coppersmith—Diaconis magic formula for edge-reinforced random walk, and I’ll give a glimpse into how this connection arises.
The cutoff phenomenon was first identified in the study of Markov chain models of shuffling cards. By cutoff phenomenon one means abrupt convergence to equilibrium. Ever since it has become a broad challenge to characterize when the cutoff phenomenon occurs. In the present talk, we study the profile of the convergence to equilibrium for an ordinary differential equation perturbed by Lévy processes of small magnitude. Under a suitable condition for the vector field, the system possesses a unique equilibrium distribution. We prove that, as the magnitude of the noise tends to zero, the system exhibits a cut-off phenomenon to equilibrium in the total variation distance. This is joint work with Michael A. Högele (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) and Juan Carlos Pardo (Mathematics Research Center, CIMAT, Mexico).
The KPZ fixed point is a scaling invariant Markov process which arises as the universal scaling limit of all models in the one-dimensional KPZ universality class, a broad collection of models including random growth, directed polymers and particle systems. In particular, it contains all of the rich fluctuation behavior seen in the class, which for some initial data relates to distributions from random matrix theory (RMT). In this talk I'm going to introduce this process, explain how its finite-dimensional distributions are connected to a famous integrable dispersive PDE, the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation (and, for some special initial data, the simpler Korteweg-de Vries equation), and describe how this relation provides an explanation for the appearance in the KPZ universality class of the Tracy-Widom distributions from RMT.
This talk will be centered around domino tilings of the Aztec diamond with doubly periodic weights. More precisely, asymptotic results of the $2 \times k$-periodic Aztec diamond will be discussed, both in the macroscopic and microscopic scale. We will see a close connection to an associated Riemann surface, with which we will describe the global picture. For instance, the number of smooth regions (also known as gas regions) is the same as the genus of the mentioned Riemann surface. The talk will be based on the paper arXiv:1911.01250.
In planar last passage percolation, one considers an i.i.d. field of noise and the weight of a given up/right path is obtained by integrating the noise along it. The object of interest then is the optimum weight of a path joining two given far away vertices and the geodesic that attains it. Under rather general conditions, these models are believed to be in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class and are conjectured to exhibit a number of shared universal features governing the weight and geometry of the geodesics. The rigorous understanding of this, however, is mostly limited to the integrable, or, exactly solvable, models of last passage percolation. In this talk, we shall discuss some recent and some not so recent results regarding the geometry of geodesics in certain exactly solvable models of planar last passage percolation focussing on transversal fluctuations, small ball probabilities and coalescence of geodesics among others.
Understanding entropic repulsion for the $2d$ discrete Gaussian free field is a major open problem. That is to understand the field when it is conditioned to be negative, We aim at getting a better understanding by taking a closer look at the corresponding question for the binary branching random walk (BRW). The latter has proven to be a good toy model for the 2d discrete Gaussian free field on the level of extreme values.
We show that, under the conditioning, a uniformly chosen vertex (from an $n$-level BRW) will have height $-m_{n-\log_2(n)} +O(1)$, where $m_{n-\log_2(n)$ is the order of the maximum of a binary BRW with $n-\log_2(n)$ levels. We also show that under the conditioning at level $\log_2(n)$ the particles are located around $-m_{n-\log_2(n)}$. This talk is based on joint work in progress with M. Fels.
On the one hand, 2D Gaussian free field (GFF) is a log-correlated
Gaussian field whose exponential defines a random measure: the so-called
Liouville measure. On the other hand, critical Brownian loop soup is an
infinite collection of loops whose occupation field is distributed like
half of the GFF squared (Le Jan's isomorphism).
The purpose of this talk is to understand the infinitesimal contribution
of one loop to Liouville measure in the above coupling. Based on a joint
work with É. Aïdékon, N. Berestycki and T. Lupu.
The dimer model represents the adsorption of diatomic molecules on the surface of a crystal. It is modeled as random perfect matchings of a fixed planar graph. When the underlying graph is bipartite and periodic, one can naturally assign to such a model a curve, known as the spectral curve. By results of Kenyon, Okounkov and Sheffield, this curve is Harnack and there is a correspondence between Harnack curves and such dimer models.
We consider the dimer model in the above context assuming moreover that edges are assigned Fock's elliptic weights. We prove that spectral curves of these dimer models are in correspondence with genus 1 Harnack curves. We also prove an explicit local expression for the two-parameter family of ergodic Gibbs measures and for the slope of the measures. This is joint work with Cédric Boutillier and David Cimasoni. Note that in the course of the talk, we will be defining the dimer model, Harnack curves and Fock's elliptic weights, i.e., this is not assumed to be known.
I will discuss several refinements of the Poincaré inequality on the Poisson space, based on the notions of "restricted hypercontractivity", stopping set and continuous-time decision tree. One of the main estimates presented in my talk corresponds to an intrinsic, infinite-dimensional version of the "OSSS inequality" (O'Donnel, Saks, Schramm, Servedio, 2006), allowing one to control the fluctuations of a given functional by means of its decision tree complexity. The research discussed in my talk is strongly motivated by the analysis of sharp phase transitions in continuum percolation models. Based on joint work with G. Last and D. Yogeshwaran (2021).
In this work, we introduce a generalization of the classical P\'{o}lya urn scheme with colors indexed by a Polish space, say, $S$.
The urns are defined as random finite measures on $S$ endowed with the Borel $\sigma$-algebra, say, $\SS$. The generalization is
an extension of a model introduced earlier by Blackwell and MacQueen (1973). We introduce a new approach of representing the observed sequence of colors from such a scheme in terms of an associated branching Markov chain on the random recursive tree. This embedding enables us to obtain weak convergence of the random measures induced by the urns. The coupling reveals that the weak convergence is completely guided by the Markov chain associated with the replacement matrix of the urn.
This talk is based on two joint works with Antar Bandyopadhyay and Svante Janson.
We consider an active run-and-tumble particle (RTP) in d dimensions and
compute exactly the probability S(t) that the x-component of the
position of the RTP does not change sign up to time t. When the
tumblings occur at a constant rate, we show that S(t) is independent of
d for any finite time t (and not just for large t), as a consequence of
the celebrated Sparre Andersen theorem for discrete-time random walks in
one dimension. Moreover, we show that this universal result holds for a
much wider class of RTP models in which the velocity of the particle
after each tumbling is random, drawn from an arbitrary probability
distribution. We further demonstrate, as a consequence, the universality
of the other extreme observables in the RTP problem.
I will talk about a construction of an invariant measure for the open KPZ equation on a bounded interval with Neumann boundary conditions. The approach relies on two main ingredients. The first is that open ASEP converges to open KPZ under weakly asymmetric scaling around the triple point of the phase diagram. The second is that the invariant measure of open ASEP can be computed exactly via Askey-Wilson processes, a variant of the matrix product ansatz. This construction is a joint work with Ivan Corwin.
We will discuss the contact process, a model for the spread of an infection in a population, on random graph models in which the degree distribution is a power law. In such graphs, the contact process exhibits metastable behavior (that is, the infection stays active for a very long time) even if the infection rate is close to zero. We will focus on two such random graph models: the configuration model and random hyperbolic graphs. In both these cases, we discuss aspects of the behavior of the process, including the distribution of the extinction time of the infection and the density of infected vertices in typical times of activity. We show in particular that the critical exponent of this density, as the infection rate is taken to zero, is the same for both random graph models, suggesting some universality phenomenon. We will touch on joint work with Amitai Linker, Dieter Mitsche, Thomas Mountford, Jean-Christophe Mourrat, Bruno Schapira and Qiang Yao.
The Gaussian \beta-ensemble is one of the central model in random matrix theory. Because of its integrable structure, it allows to describe several universal limiting laws of the eigenvalues of random matrices. For instance, in a seminal work, Ramirez, Rider and Virag constructed the Airy-\beta process, the scaling limit of the eigenvalues near the spectral edge of the Gaussian \beta-ensemble and gave a new representation for the Tracy-Widom distributions.
In this talk, I intend to review this construction and present recent results on the asymptotics for the characteristic polynomial of the Gaussian beta-ensemble obtained jointly with Elliot Paquette (McGill University). Our results rely on a new approach to study the characteristic polynomial based on its recurrence. My goal is to report on the behavior of the characteristic away from the eigenvalues and near the spectral edge and to explain how this relates to a log-correlated Gaussian process and to the Airy-\beta process.
In this talk I will show that the six-vertex model with parameter c in [\sqrt 3, 2] on a square lattice torus has an ergodic infinite-volume limit as the size of the torus grows to infinity.
Moreover I will prove that for c in [\sqrt{2+\sqrt 2}, 2], the associated height function on the infinite square lattice has unbounded variance.
The proof relies on an extension of the Baxter--Kelland--Wu representation of the six-vertex model
to multi-point correlation functions of the associated spin model.
Other crucial ingredients are the uniqueness and percolation properties of the critical random cluster measure for $q\in[1,4]$, and recent results relating the decay of correlations
in the spin model with the delocalization of the height function.
Consider a diploid population (one in which each individual carries two copies of each gene) living in one spatial dimension. Suppose a particular gene appears in two forms (alleles) A and a, and that individuals carrying AA have a higher fitness than aa individuals, while Aa individuals have a lower fitness than both AA and aa individuals. The proportion of advantageous A alleles expands through the population approximately according to a travelling wave. We can prove that on a suitable timescale, the genealogy of a sample of A alleles taken from near the wavefront converges to a Kingman coalescent as the population density goes to infinity. This contrasts with the case of directional selection in which the corresponding limit is thought to be the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.
Joint work with Alison Etheridge.
It is a well-known (but perhaps surprising) fact that a polynomial with independent random coefficients has most of its roots very close to the unit circle. Using a probabilistic perspective, we understand the behavior of roots of random polynomials exceptionally close to the unit circle and prove several limit theorems; these results resolve several conjectures of Shepp and Vanderbei. We will also discuss how our techniques provide a heuristic, probabilistic explanation for why random polynomials tend to have most roots near the unit circle. Based on joint work with Julian Sahasrabudhe.
TASEP (totally asymmetric simple exclusion process) is the most well studied model in the KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) universality class. In the talk we consider the TASEP model on a periodic domain, which we call periodic TASEP. We will discuss the limiting distributions arising from periodic TASEP, which are expected to be universal for all KPZ models in a periodic domain. Moreover, we will explain how to derive the analogous formulas of TASEP by letting the period large enough in the periodic TASEP. The first part of the talk is based on the joint work with Jinho Baik.
Dyson's threefold approach suggests to deal with real/complex/quaternion random matrices as beta=1/2/4 instances of beta-ensembles.
We complement this approach by the new beta=\infty point. Our central objects are G\inftyE ensemble, which is a counterpart of classical Gaussian Orthogonal/Unitary/Symplectic ensembles, and Airy_\infty line ensemble, which is a collection of continuous curves serving as a scaling limit for largest eigenvalues at beta=\infty. On our way we encounter unusual orthogonal polynomials, random walks, and zeros of the Airy function.
In my talk, I will first talk an ergodic theory of an expectation-preserving map on a sublinear expectation space.We also study the ergodicity of invariant sublinear expectation of sublinear Markovian semigroup. As an example we show that G-Brownian motion on the unit circle has an invariant expectation and is ergodic. Moreover, I will discuss the ergodic theory of invariant capacity.
This is a joint work with Huaizhong Zhao.
The sum-product problem is one of the most fundamental
questions in additive combinatorics: must any finite set of real numbers
grow under either addition or multiplication? In other words, is it
impossible for a set to be both additively and multiplicatively
structured? In this talk I will discuss the history of this fascinating
problem, and some recent progress, and also the closely related notion
of convex sets, which are sets whose consecutive differences are increasing.
In addition to describing many physical processes, the
Laplacian is intimately connected to geometric properties of a manifold.
In this talk, I will consider the setting of hyperbolic surfaces, where
the small eigenvalues of the Laplacian describe the mixing rates of the
geodesic flow and the leading asymptotic order for counting the number
of closed geodesics up to a given length. I will discuss when we can
construct surfaces with many small eigenvalues as well as their
typicality for randomly constructed surfaces. In doing so, I will
highlight some recent joint work with Will Hide.
I\u2019ll survey some known results on diffeomorphism group of
3-manifolds, where there is a nice interplay between geometric group
theory and algebraic topology. There are various ways of decomposing a
general 3-manifold into simpler pieces, and I will recall these, and
discuss known consequences for the diffeomorphism groups. In the final
minutes I\u2019ll outline some of my joint work with Corey Bregman and Jan
Steinebrunner, on the classifying space of the diffeomorphism group.
Mutations of quivers were introduced by Fomin and
Zelevinsky in the context of cluster algebras. Since then, mutations
appear (sometimes completely unexpectedly) in various domains of
mathematics and physics. Using mutations of quivers, Barot and Marsh
constructed a series of presentations of Weyl groups as quotients of
infinite Coxeter groups. I will discuss a geometric interpretation of
this construction: these presentations give rise to a construction of
geometric manifolds with large symmetry groups, in particular to some
hyperbolic manifolds of relatively small volume. I will also discuss a
generalization of the construction of Barot and Marsh leading to a new
invariant of marked surfaces, and relation to extended affine Weyl
groups. The talk is based on joint works with Anna Felikson, John Lawson
and Michael Shapiro.
The talk is supposed to be completely elementary, no specific prior
knowledge is required.
Joint work with Maik Gröger (Jagiellonian University, PL)
and Alejandro Passeggi (University of Uruguay).
Suppose we are given two continuous self-maps f and g on the unit
interval which have all periodic orbits in common. That is,
O(x)={x,f(x),...,f^(p-1)(x)} is a p-periodic orbit of f if and only if
it is a p-periodic orbit of g but a priori, f may permute the elements
of O(x) in a different fashion than g does. In this situation, it is
natural to ask whether f=g on the closure of the periodic points.
We show that this is the case wherever orbits with prime periods are
dense. As a corollary, we obtain that mixing interval maps are uniquely
determined by (the position of) their periodic orbits.
In this talk, after a short motivation and discussion of some (more or
less) related classical results, we aim to prove a baby version of this
corollary. The talk will be accessible--no specific prior knowledge
beyond undergraduate-level maths is required.
Let M be a reasonably nice n-dimensional topological space,
like a closed Riemannian manifold or a finite simpilcial complex. The
d-waist of a continuous map f:M-> R^d is defined as the maximum of n-d
volumes of fibers of f and the d-waist of M is then the infimum of waist
of all such maps f. Estimating waists is a classical problem, drawing
from minimal surface theory, higher expanders and quantitative algebraic
topology. I will talk about these connections and illustrate them with
some new results for locally symmetric spaces (mainly octonionic
hyperbolic manifolds). Based on a joint work with Ben Lowe.
In 1974 Jeff Rauch conjectured that for the generic
initial temperature distribution on an insulated object, the maximum of
the temperature distribution would tend towards the insulation i.e. the
boundary. This conjecture is essentially equivalent to the assertion
that the second eigenfunction of the Neumann Laplacian has no interior
global extrema. This mathematical conjecture is still wide open. Sugata
Mondal and I have shown that the conjecture holds for triangular objects
thus resolving Polymath 7. In this talk, I will motivate and discuss
the conjecture and describe some of the methods that have been used to
attack it.
Computer arithmetic is a key area at the intersection of computer
science and mathematics, focusing on the representation of numbers and
how to perform operations on them. It includes integer arithmetic,
modular arithmetic, and floating-point arithmetic. It is of particular
interest to computational algebra, scientific computing, and many
applications (including cryptography). In this talk, we will show the
cohomological nature of computer arithmetic for integers, inspired by
seminal work by Dolan (1994) and Isaksen (2002), and connect it to mod
$p$ arithmetic and earlier work by Elbaz-Vincent and Gangl with
potential applications.
Symplectic topology has been studied since Hamilton wrote
down his equations describing classical mechanics, but it was not until
work of Gromov and Floer in the 1980s that the field came into its
modern form. We will first discuss how Gromov's work on
pseudo-holomorphic curves has been used to produce algebraic,
Floer-theoretic invariants of symplectic manifolds such as the Fukaya
category, and give some example applications. We will then discuss the
arborealization program of Nadler which aims to systematically reduce
the calculation of these invariants to a combinatorial problem, in
analogy to how one might compute the homology of a space via a cellular
decomposition, and exhibit topological obstructions to this approach
found in joint work with Daniel Alvarez-Gavela and Tim Large.
Alexandrov spaces (with curvature bounded below) are metric
generalizations of complete Riemannian manifolds with a uniform lower
sectional curvature bound. Instances of Alexandrov spaces include
compact Riemannian orbifolds and orbit spaces of isometric compact Lie
group actions on compact Riemannian manifolds. In addition to being
objects of intrinsic interest, Alexandrov spaces play an important role
in Riemannian geometry, for example, in Perelman's proof of the Poincaré
Conjecture. In this talk, I will discuss the topology and geometry of
3-dimensional Alexandrov spaces, focusing on extensions of basic results
in 3-manifold topology (such as the prime decomposition theorem) to
general three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces.
Right-angled Artin groups (raags) are groups given by
presentations which interpolate between the obvious
presentations of finitely generated free and free Abelian groups. By
contrast to the free and free Abelian groups, members of this class may
have a very rich subgroup structure; for example, from work of Agol and
Wise, all hyperbolic 3-manifold groups contain a finite index subgroup
which is a finitely presented subgroup of a raag; also the first
example of a group which is of type FP(2) and is not not finitely
presented, found by Bestvina and Brady, is a subgroup of a
raag; and Mihailova's consruction of a finitely presented group with
unsolvable subgroup membership problem is a raag: namely the direct
product of two finitely generated free groups. However, there is
currently no classification of groups that may arise as subgroups
of raags, or even of which raags may appear as subgroups of a given
raag. In this talk I will describe some of these raag subgroup
theorems, and problems, and some of the methods used to (try and) solve
I will explain how methods from analytic number theory can
shed light on problems in algebraic geometry. In particular, I will show
how a suitable version of the circle method can be used to show that
moduli spaces of rational curves contained in a smooth hypersurface have
at worst canonical singularities under suitable assumptions on the
degrees and the dimensions.
Originating in 1972 through Alain Colmerauer and Philippe
Rousse, the Prolog programming language deviates from conventional
languages by articulating the programmer's intent through object
relations and queries on the resultant amalgamated knowledge base,
rather than a linear sequence of operations. This distinctive approach
renders Prolog (and akin logic programming languages) notably effective
in the domain of symbolic mathematics.
We provide an exploration of the utilisation of Prolog programming and
the CLP(FD) library for conducting computer investigations in the realm
of pure mathematics. Focusing on the search for new simple Lie algebras
over GF(2), we draw inspiration from the work of Grishkov et al. and
specifically target those with a thin decomposition. Our study
successfully addresses one of their conjectures and extends the findings
by extrapolating the existence of two novel infinite families of simple
Lie algebras. Additionally, we contribute to the field by identifying
seven sporadic examples in dimension 31.
The talk emphasises the process of writing code to open up a dialogue
with Prolog. We aim to give insights into the art of "Prolog
whispering", encouraging the adoption of this approach to various areas
of pure mathematics. I will also cover other successes we have had with
Prolog from computing graph Ricci curvature to winning on the UK
National Lottery.
Given a smooth Jordan curve and a cyclic quadrilateral (a
cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a
circle) we show that there exist four points on the Jordan curve forming
the vertices of a quadrilateral similar to the one given. No prior
knowledge of anything assumed. Joint work with Josh Greene.
I will talk about recent results in the sphere packing and
energy minimization problems and their connection to interpolation
formulas that allow to reconstruct any sufficiently nice function from
discrete samples of it and its Fourier transform. I will then discuss
construction of such interpolation formulas with good properties using
modular forms, and how this helps with the sphere packing and energy
minimization problems in 8 and 24 dimensions.
Can there exist a single shape that tiles the plane, but
only 'aperiodically' -- without translational symmetry? In March 2023 an
affirmative answer was provided by Dave Smith -- a retired print
technician with no formal mathematical training -- in the form of a
range of 'aperiodic monotiles' such as 'The Hat' and 'The Spectre'. I
will outline the history of aperiodic tilings, from 13th century
patterns in Islamic architecture, via Kepler's sketches, to Hilbert's
18th Problem, Wang's Turing-complete game of dominoes, and Penrose's
tilings. I will highlight connections to the theory of
Pisot-Vijayaraghavan numbers, and will explain a speculation by Freeman
Dyson that understanding aperiodic tilings could be the key to proving
the Riemann Hypothesis.
Let $G$ be a graph with vertices $\{1, \u2026, n\}$. Rigidity
theory is concerned with questions of the following form: If $ p = (p_1,
\u2026, p_n)$ is an unknown point set in $\mathbb{R}^d$, what can we learn
from the pairwise Euclidean distances between $p_i$ and $p_j$ for each
edge $\{i,j\}$ of $G$? For example, the \u201cglobal rigidity\u201d problem is
whether $p$ is determined up to an unknowable affine isometry.
In this talk, I will introduce rigidity theory, and some of the basic
positive and negative results. Then I will turn to variations of
rigidity questions in which $G$ and even $n$ are unknown. In these
\u201cunlabelled\u201d global rigidity problems, the information available is
simply a collection of numbers which are promised to come from some of
the pairwise distances among an unknown point set in $\mathbb{R}^d$. It
turns out that there are links to the standard \u201clabelled\u201d rigidity
theory, and that, under mild non-degeneracy hypotheses, it is possible
to determine $G$, up to a graph isomorphism, and then $p$, up to isometry.
Ever since the discovery of exotic spheres by Milnor in
1956, geometers have wondered to what extent the geometry of an exotic
sphere resembles that of the standard sphere. In this talk, I will give
a summary of what is known in dimension seven.
This talk is an introduction to tropical geometry with
special emphasis on its application to computing the generic number of
solutions of parametrised systems of polynomial equations (over
algebraically closed fields). We introduce general tropical varieties
and explain how hypersurfaces and linear spaces are dual to regular
subdivisions and matroids, respectively. Using tropical intersection
products, we generalise the BKK Theorem and study the steady states of
chemical reaction networks, the equilibria of coupled oscillators, and
realisations of rigid graphs. We close the talk with an outlook on
better numerical solvers for systems of polynomial equations over the
complex numbers.
Among the three geometries with constant curvature K, the
hyperbolic one (corresponding to K=-1) is the richest and the most
interesting, for various reasons: it contains naturally the other two,
and by the uniformisation/geometrisation theorems of Koebe-Poincaré (for
surfaces) and Thurston-Perelman (for 3-manifolds) we know that "most"
manifolds have a hyperbolic structure in dimension <=3. In this seminar
we will introduce hyperbolic manifolds in varying dimension n and
examine their geometric and topological properties.
Complex algebraic varieties provide a nice class of spaces
which can be efficiently encoded using polynomial equations, whose the
topology can be extremely complicated or hard to extract just by looking
at these equations. Moreover, by varying the equations, the varieties
deform, and can develop singularities. I will talk about how singularity
formation can give you insights into the topology of these spaces, and
conversely how ideas from topology can be used to constrain singularity
Along this talk we will study the natural symmetries on Kaehler manifolds such as: constant holomorphic sectional curvature, locally symmetric, semisymmetric and holomorphically pseudosymmetric Kaehler manifolds, obtaining some characterization results. We will focus in the particular case of holomorphically pseudosymmetric Kaehler manifolds and we will study some relations between this notion of pseudosymmetry and the classical notion of pseudosymmetric Riemannian manifold proposed by Deszcz. Those relations will be made via the double sectional curvatures of Deszcz.
Finally, we will also review some known results regarding the symmetries of complex hypersurfaces in a complex space form, giving a characterization result for the case of holomorphically pseudosymmetric complex hypersurfaces.
The results presented in this talk are part of a joint work with Jorge Alcázar and Magdalena Caballero.
After the breakthrough by Bakry and Émery, the concept of "lower Ricci curvature bound" has been extended to various singular spaces beyond manifolds. In this talk, I will review recent progress on an infinite-dimensional geometry related to interacting particle systems and show that a differential structure corresponding to the infinite Dyson Brownian motion has a non-negative lower Ricci curvature bound à la Bakry and Émery.
I will talk about the problem of determining the finite dimensional basic algebras that arise from certain subalgebras (blocks) of group algebras. This is closely related to Donovan's conjecture, which predicts that there are only finitely many Morita equivalence classes of blocks of finite groups with a fixed defect, and the resulting classification programme. I will give a brief overview of progress on this theme and the challenges involved.
Frieze patterns are numerical arrangements that satisfy a local arithmetic rule. Conway and Coxeter showed that frieze patterns are tightly connected to triangulated polygons. Recently, friezes were actively studied in connection to the theory of cluster algebras, and the notion of a frieze obtained a number of generalisations. In particular, one can define a frieze associated with a bordered marked surface endowed with a decorated hyperbolic metric.
We will review the construction and will show that some nice properties can be extended to friezes associated to a pair of pants. This work is joint with Ilke Canakci, Ana Garcia Elsener and Pavel Tumarkin, arXiv:2111.13135.
Is commutativity a ‘global’ or a ‘local’ property of a finitely generated group G? On the one hand, the classification of finitely generated abelian groups imposes rather stringent conditions on the global structure of G, suggesting we should think of commutativity as a ‘global’ property. On the other hand, if we endow G with the word metric corresponding to a given symmetric generating set S (so the distance from an element g to the identity e is the minimum number of elements of S needed to express g), then one can tell whether G is commutative by examining only the ball of radius 2 centred at e. In this sense, one could reasonably describe commutativity as a ‘local’ property.
In this talk I will not attempt to give a precise definition of what it means for a group property to be ‘local’ or ‘global’. What I will do is present a number of examples where taking what might be called a ‘local’ approach to ‘global’ questions and structures in group theory can yield a sometimes surprising amount of additional understanding. In particular, I will discuss a certain ‘local’ version of the notion of a quotient group, as recently applied in joint work with Tom Hutchcroft on percolation on finite transitive graphs. I will also discuss a ‘local’ version of polynomial growth appearing in celebrated work of Breuillard, Green and Tao on approximate groups, and talk about some applications to random walks.
Classical examples of minimal surfaces are solutions to Plateau’s problem: amongst all the surfaces spanning a closed curve in 3d, find the one of smallest area. The resulting surface coincides with the soap film that appears after dunking the contour in soapy water. More broadly, minimal surfaces are critical “points” of the area functional (not just the minimisers) and they are often used instrumentally to prove theorems in related fields.
We will give an overview of the general theory of minimal surfaces, focussing on the analytical challenges that arise in their study. Specifically those related to questions of the existence and regularity of these beautiful objects. Any theory will be backed up with pictures and hand-wavy arguments.
After recalling the basic notions coming from differential geometry, the colloquium will be focused on spaces satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds.
The idea of compactifying the space of Riemannian manifolds satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds goes back to Gromov in the ‘80s and was pushed by Cheeger and Colding in the ‘90s who investigated the fine structure of possibly non-smooth limit spaces.
A completely new approach via optimal transportation was proposed by Lott-Villani and Sturm around 15 years ago. Via such an approach one can give a precise notion of Ricci curvature lower bounds for a non-smooth space, without appealing to smooth approximations. Such an approach has been refined in the last years giving new insights to the theory and yielding applications which seem to be new even for smooth Riemannian manifolds.
A circle packing is a union of circles in the Riemann sphere. We say that a circle packing is Kleinian if it is the union of a finite number of orbits of a discrete subgroup of Möbius transformations. Given a circle packing, a natural problem is to count the number of circles up to a given size. For certain Kleinian circle packings, precise asymptotic and distributional results in such counting problems can be obtained by utilizing connections with the dynamics and spectral theory of hyperbolic three manifolds.
One can define a d-torus as the Cartesian product of d circles in d copies of the Riemann sphere. Similarly, a torus packing is a union of tori, and is said to be Anosov if it is the union of a finite number of orbits of an Anosov subgroup of PSL(2,C)d. I will present joint work with Minju Lee and Hee Oh in which we make use of recent progress in the study of dynamics on Anosov quotients of higher rank Lie groups to generalize the counting results for Kleinian circle packings to Anosov torus packings.
In a symbolic dynamical system, both space and time are discretised. The space is often some kind of Cantor set X, and the dynamics consists of a countable group acting on X, the simplest case being that of the integers acting on X via an invertible map T:X—>X. Some symbolic dynamical systems arise as codings of discrete dynamical systems where the space is a more familiar object, such as the unit interval. But given a symbolic system (X,T), is it always the coding of a map acting on a Euclidean space? In this talk I will describe how the notion of “recognisability” answers this question. I will define the family of torsion-free S-adic systems and discuss why they can always be assumed recognisable. Finally, I will discuss how recognisability allows us to find the discrete part of the system’s spectrum. This is joint work with Álvaro Bustos-Gajardo and Neil Mañibo.
The three ``gaskets'' in the title are three standard examples of fractal sets in the plane named after Sierpinski (1882-1969), Apollonius of Perga (c. 240BC-c.190BC) and Rauzy (1938-2010), respectively. Each set has zero volume and so a natural numerical characterization of their size and complexity as sets is their (Hausdorff) dimension. The dimension of the Sierpinski Gasket (or triangle) is explicitly known. In contrast there is no explicit expression for the dimension of the Apollonian gasket (or circle packing) but it can be well estimated numerically. However, the dimension of the Rauzy gasket is more challenging to estimate.
There will be connections to hyperbolic geometry, translation surfaces and number theory.
(No previous knowledge of (Hausdorff) dimension or fractals will be assumed)
Forcing is one of the key techniques in modern set theory. It is one of the main tools with which we study provability and independence. In this talk we will talk about what is set theory, how it came to be a foundation of mathematics (and what does that even mean?), as well as the basic ideas behind forcing, what it is, and what do people even research about it these days?
I will be giving an introduction to the work of Harder and others on the Eisenstein cohomology for subgroups \Gamma of SL(2) with entries in the ring of integers of an imaginary quadratic field. For proving congruences of Eisenstein and cuspidal cohomology classes one needs to analyze the restriction of integral cohomology to the boundary of the Borel-Serre compactification of the 3-manifold H_3/\Gamma. I will report on ongoing joint work with Adel Betina (Copenhagen) on applying this to prove congruences modulo inert primes for classical CM modular forms.
Symmetry is a powerful tool for organising physical phenomena, anchoring our understanding of the laws of nature. Since the emergence of groups and representation theory as the language of symmetries in geometry and quantum mechanics, the notion of symmetry has evolved dramatically, galvanised by advances in both mathematics and physics. New notions of symmetry find natural expression in the mathematics of topological quantum field theory and exhibit rich categorical structures. I will try to explain some of these ideas with a focus on simple examples. For further information:
In this talk, we will give an expository introduction to tropical
geometry whilst focusing on its applications. We will introduce
tropical polynomials and tropical varieties through the lens of
auction theory, celestial mechanics and phylogenetics. We will
conclude the talk with a slightly more in-depth look at the tropical
geometry of neural networks with piecewise linear activations.
The spectral parameter of the Steklov eigenvalue problem appears in the boundary condition. It is closely related to the Laplace eigenvalue problem. The Steklov problem naturally appears in the study of the sloshing problem, free boundary minimal surfaces etc. There have been many developments around the study of Steklov eigenvalue bounds over the last few years. We review some of these results and discuss how some classical results can be improved for the mixed Steklov problem using a "possibly hidden" symmetry of domains.
The isoperimetric problem is one of the oldest problems in geometry. It asks for existence and properties of a domain that minimises the surface area of its boundary subject to given enclosed volume.
In this talk we will see how this problem can be seen as a special instance of a family of related minimisation problems, which arise from a natural geometric relation due to Jakob Steiner. They involve so-called "curvature energies", one very famous one of which is the "Willmore energy". We will discover (isoperimetric type) relations between such energies as well as some stability properties.
Since Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, analytic properties of L-functions have been used control the distribution of arithmetic objects (e.g. prime numbers!). A more recent application of this principle is the proof of the Sato-Tate conjecture for elliptic curves defined over (some) number fields. I'll talk about recent work in this area, and on the closely related problem of symmetric power functoriality for modular forms.
Morse theory is an old subject with a long history of spectacular applications to different problems in geometry, topology and analysis. I will review some of this history due to the work of such luminaries as Morse, Bott, Milnor and Smale, before moving on to more modern applications of Atiyah & Bott, Kirwan and Witten. If time permits, I will talk about more recent work of my own which applies a number of these ideas to singular spaces.
The talk is about a new graph parameter that was originally defined to prove results about diophantine equations, but then turned out to be useful to speed up certain (hitherto untractable) graph flow problems.
On the diophantine side, this concerns proving that finiteness of the number of solutions to a two-variable polynomial equation in all number fields of degree bounded by a constant, depending on a geometric invariant of the associated planar curve, called the “gonality”.
The link to graph theory arises by varying the coefficients of the polynomial to let the curve degenerate into a union of lines; the interesting graph is a combinatorial structure keeping track of intersections between the lines in the degeneration. We define a graph theoretical analogue of gonality. This can be used to establish finiteness results, e.g. on certain modular curves, using an analogue of a differential-geometric lower bound for gonality.
The graph-theoretical notion of gonality makes sense without reference to diophantine equations. In parameterized complexity theory, one studies how hard problems on graphs become easy, if a suitable graph parameter is bounded. A very succesful example is treewidth, whose boundedness changes the complexity of finding the size of the largest independent set from (even in approximation) NP-hard into linear time. However, some problems remain hard, even when parameterized by treewidth, such as the classical problem “Undirected Flow with Lower Bounds” from Garey & Johnson. We show that this becomes polynomial in bounded gonality. [Joint work with Kato and Kool; and with Bodlaender and van der Wegen.]
Geometric flows have been shown to be highly useful tools in geometry and topology, most spectacularly being used in Perelman's proof of the Poincare conjecture. In this talk I will introduce a particular example of a geometric flow - the mean curvature flow - and discuss some of it's properties and methods that can be used to understand it. No prior knowledge will be assumed, and I will include lots of pictures.
In this talk I want to tell the story of an object that doesn't quite exist. In the 1950s Jacques Tits first suggested that there should be something called the 'field with one element' by looking at certain counting formulae in projective geometry over F_q as a function of q. In the 1980s Smirnov suggested how viewing spec Z (the terminal object of algebraic geometry) as a curve over F_1 could lead to a proof strategy for the Riemann Hypothesis, and this vision has been developed further by Manin, Deninger, Connes and Consani, along with many others. When we try to enlarge the category of rings enough to include F_1, interesting things happen: the homotopical algebra of Lurie and Toen-Vezzosi enters the scene, but also tropical and non-archimedean geometry begin to unify with algebraic geometry, leading up to the emerging theory of tropical algebraic geometry that I have been contributing to.
The study of the asymptotic growth of the number of closed geodesics on a hyperbolic surface dates back to Huber (1961) and has implications in various fields of mathematics. In her thesis, Mirzakhani proved that for an orientable hyperbolic surface of finite area, the number of simple closed geodesics of length less than L is asymptotically equivalent to a polynomial in L, whose degree only depends on the Euler characteristic.
When looking at non-orientable surfaces, the situation is very different. One of the main differences in this framework is the behaviour of the action of the mapping class group on the space of measured laminations.
In a joint work with Erlandsson, Gendulphe and Souto, we characterised mapping class group orbit closures of measured laminations, projective measured laminations and points in Teichmueller space.
"Hyperbolic dynamics" are defined by local expansion and contraction. These properties lead to "random looking" orbits, and indeed these systems satisfy various interesting statistical limit laws. Included in this class are some beautiful geometric examples such as the geodesic flow for a compact manifold of negative sectional curvatures. I will describe ways in which these dynamics capture some structure of the phase space. In particular, how dynamical growth characterises certain information about the fundamental group of the phase space and of the deck transformations given by coverings.
Despite having been around since the advent of Riemannian geometry, manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature remain poorly understood. In this talk I will give, first, an overview of construction, structure, and classification results for such manifolds. I will then discuss some topological results motivated by two central conjectures in the area: the Bott Conjecture, which asserts that a closed, simply-connected Riemannian manifold of non-negative curvature must be rationally elliptic, and Grove's Double Soul Conjecture, which asserts that every closed, simply-connected Riemannian manifold of non-negative sectional curvature decomposes as the union of two disk bundles.
The aim of this talk is to give a gentle introduction to symplectic mapping class groups, with a focus on examples in real dimensions two and four. No prior knowledge of symplectic topology will be assumed.
If mathematics is in principle universal, mathematicians certainly are not. The striking demographic differences between the world of mathematicians and the world at large are a product of the history of where and how mathematicians have been trained, supported, and celebrated. In the twentieth century, a particular image of mathematics as a "young man's game" came to dominate both popular images of mathematicians and many mathematicians' own ideas of who can do mathematics and how. I will identify specific historical circumstances and developments that made mathematics appear to be a "young man's game" in the context of the politics and institutions of an internationalizing discipline. These circumstances converge in the quadrennial International Congresses of Mathematics and the history of the Fields Medal, which has become an accidental symbol of the preemenince of young men in modern mathematics. Recognizing the history, contingency, and politics of this dominant mathematical identity and image can offer a means of understanding and confronting present and future challenges around identity and diversity that continue to matter for mathematics and mathematicians.
Quivers (of arrows) are how representation theorists call graphs. They give a pleasant way to organise several vector spaces and linear maps between them. From this one recovers lots of other objects of interest in algebra, geometry, and physics: Lie algebras via Dynkin diagrams, Du Val singularities and punctual Hilbert schemes of surfaces, and physical moduli spaces. I will gently explain some of these ideas and outline joint work with Gwyn Bellamy, Alastair Craw, and others elucidating their birational and symplectic geometry.
I'll discuss an enlargement of the usual notion of abelian group, called solid abelian group. In terms of intuition, solid abelian groups roughly correspond to certain kinds of topological abelian groups, but the definition is different, being designed to ensure good formal properties. I will also survey some applications in p-adic functional analysis and algebraic geometry. This is joint work with Peter Scholze.
The analysis and classification of periodic patterns (e.g. tilings of the plane with a translational period) is well-established, and it is easy to construct examples of patterns that are aperiodic for trivial reasons, such as exhibiting randomness. The first examples of intermediate cases, aperiodic but ordered patterns, appeared as early as the 1960s (e.g. Wang tiles, Penrose tiling), but a new interest in them was kindled after the Nobel prize winning discovery of physical quasicrystals by Schechtman in the 1980s. Quasicrystals are physical materials showing indications of both aperiodicity and the presence of non-cancelling, long-distance interactions, so that a mathematical model for quasicrystals must also exhibit these behaviours: aperiodicity and order. There are two main techniques for producing aperiodic order: the substitution method, for which the Penrose tiling is an example, and the cut and project method first defined by Meyer. In this talk I will review the mathematical foundations and the history of aperiodic order, and then focus our attention on point sets produced through the cut and project method. The aim is to showcase a series of results on repetition in cut and project sets, and to give a flavour of the methods of proofs developed over the past several years.
The talk is based on joint works in collaboration with subsets of {Alan Haynes, Antoine Julien, Lorenzo Sadun, Jamie Walton}.
Class number formulas have long and rich history. In a mostly forgotten paper Hurwitz gave an infinite series representation for the class number of positive definite quadratic forms. In this talk I will give an overview of Hurwitz’s formula and show how similar ideas can be used to give a formula in the indefinite case as well as a class number formula for binary cubic forms.
I will present recent and oI will present recent and ongoing work with Gunter Malle and Jason Semeraro that reveals that some guiding principles in the modular representation theory of finite groups can be extended to the world of p-compact groups. Much of the talk will be spent on explaining how such extension can be articulated by combining the theory of fusion systems with the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type a la Lusztig.
I will use as a starting point Alperin's weight conjecture, an important open problem in finite group representation theory and at the end will present a theorem which shows that the conjecture remains valid in the new setting.
Aim of the talk is to present some aspects of the important role that functional analysis has in the context of metric geometry. I shall discuss both the case of synthetic description of lower Ricci curvature bounds, where this role is by now well understood, and some potential applications to the world of lower sectional curvature bounds, where it might potentially lead to the solution of long-standing open problems.
SU(2)-representations of the fundamental groups of
3-dimensional manifolds, and in particular such which have the same
homology groups as the 3-sphere, have played a prominent role in
low-dimensional topology in the past decades. An appeal stems from the
fact that the existence of such representations sometimes comes by very
indirect means from interaction with 4-manifold topology. We will review
some history, explain its relationship with gauge theory, and discuss
some recent results.
The crux of a card trick performed with a deck of cards usually depends on understanding
how shuffles of the deck change the order of the cards. By understanding which
permutations are possible, one knows if a given card may be brought into a certain position.
The mathematics of shuffling a deck of $2n$ cards with two ``perfect shuffles''
was studied thoroughly by Diaconis, Graham and Kantor in 1983. I will report on
our efforts to understand a generalisation of this problem, with a so-called ``many handed
dealer'' shuffling $kn$ cards by cutting into $k$ piles with $n$ cards in each pile and using
$k!$ possible shuffles.
A conjecture of Medvedoff and Morrison suggests that all possible permutations
of the deck of cards are achieved, as long as $k \ne 4$ and $n$ is not a power of $k$. We confirm
this conjecture for three doubly infinite families of integers: all $(k, n)$ with $k > n$; all
$(k, n)\in \{ (\ell^e, \ell^f )\mid \ell \geq 2, \ell^e>4, f \ \mbox{not a multiple of}\ e\}$; and all $(k, n)$ with $k = 2^e\geq 4$ and $n$ not a power of $2$.
We initiate a more general study of shuffle groups, which admit an arbitrary subgroup
of shuffles. This is joint work with Carmen Amarra and Luke Morgan.
**Note the unusual day, place and time(!) of this talk**
Given a collection of contracting similarities f_1,...,f_k on R^d, there is a unique compact set K that is equal to the union of f_j(K) for j=1,...,k. We call such a set self-similar. If in addition, a probability vector p_1,...,p_k is given, then there is a unique probability measure mu on R^d such that mu=p_1f_1(mu)+...+p_kf_k(mu). Such a measure is called self-similar. These object are of great interest in fractal geometry and the most fundamental problem about them is to determine their dimension. I will review some recent progress in this area mostly focusing on the case of Bernoulli convolutions. These are self-similar measures on R with respect to the two similarities x->lambda x +1 and x->lambda x - 1, where lambda is a fixed parameter in (0,1).
In this talk we propose an approach to construct global in time solutions to master equations arising in the theory of Mean Field Games. In our models, the strategies of the agents are completely deterministic. The master equation (an infinite dimensional nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi equation set on the space of Borel probability measures) was introduced by P.-L. Lions and fully characterizes the Nash equilibria described in mean field games. For these problems only short time existence results were available thanks to the works of Gangbo-SÌwiech (2015) and Mayorga (2019). Due to the lack of regularization effects (in the absence of noise) the recent results by Cardaliaguet-Delarue-Lasry-Lions (who establish well-posedness of master equations involving individual and/or common noises) cannot be applied for our problems. Our techniques are variational and we heavily rely on tools from the theory of optimal transport. The core idea is to study the appropriate regularity properties of classical solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations set on infinite dimensional spaces. The so-called displacement convexity properties of the data will play a crucial role in our analysis. The talk is based on an ongoing joint work with Wilfrid Gangbo (UCLA).
The talk will be aimed for a general mathematical audience and no prior knowledge on game theory, PDEs or optimal transportation is assumed.
Hyperbolic groups, introduced by Gromov and others in the 1980s, are discrete groups that satisfy a coarse negative curvature condition. The simplest examples are free groups and surface groups (i.e. the fundamental groups of negatively curved surfaces). Around the time of their introduction, Gromov famously asked a natural question: must a hyperbolic group G contain a surface subgroup, unless it has a free subgroup of finite index? I will describe recent progress in the case when G is the fundamental group of a graph of free groups (for instance, an amalgamated product F_1 *_H F_2).
One of the fundamental problems in dynamics is to understand the attractor of a system, i.e. the set where most orbits spent most of the time. As soon as the existence of an attractor is determined, one would like to know if it persists in a family of systems and in which way i.e. its stability. Attractors of one dimensional systems are well understood, and their stability as well. I will discuss attractors of two dimensional systems, starting with the special case of Henon maps. In this setting very little is understood. Already to determine the existence of an attractor is a very difficult problem. I will survey the known results and discuss the new developments in the understanding of attractors, coexistence of attractors and their stability for two dimensional dynamical systems.
Quasi-periodic dynamics in one complex variable reveals fascinating interplays between geometric complex analysis and Diophantine approximations. The question of whether a nonlinear perturbation of a linear rotation is conjugate to a linear rotation (linearisation) dates back to more than a century ago, with remarkable contributions made by C. L. Siegel, A. D. Brjuno, and J.-C. Yoccoz. The behaviour of non-linearisable maps is very complicated. Indeed, there is not a single example of a non-linearisable map whose local dynamical behaviour is completely understood. There has been recent significant advances on this problem using renormalisation methods. This is an introductory talk to present some of these results.
Tropical curves are combinatorial objects, essentially decorated graphs, that appear as limiting objects of families of Riemann surfaces. Additional structure on Riemann surfaces are reflected in beautiful and subtle combinatorial features on the graphical side. For instance, features of the complex function theory, moduli theory, and enumerative geometry of curves all manifest themselves on the combinatorial side. The result is a rich network of conjectures and predictions, many of which have resulted in new theorems. I will give an introduction to this circle of ideas and outline some recent developments.
Over the last few years, something (possibly a mid-life crisis) has made me become concerned about the reliability of modern mathematics, and about how the methods we mathematicians have traditionally used to prove theorems are scaling with the advent of the internet /ArXiv, and pressure on academics to get big results out there. I have started experimenting with a formal computer proof verification system called Lean, integrating it into my undergraduate teaching at Imperial and pushing it to see if it can handle modern mathematical definitions such as perfectoid spaces and the other ideas which got Peter Scholze a Fields Medal in 2018. I personally believe that Lean is part of what will become a paradigm shift in the way humans do mathematics, and that people who do not switch will ultimately be left behind. Am I right? Only time will tell. This talk will be suitable for a general scientific audience -- mathematics undergraduates, computer scientists and philosophers will all find it comprehensible.
The spectrum of a *non-selfadjoint* linear operator is very sensitive to perturbations. It is convenient to study the so-called pseudospectra, which are sublevel sets of the resolvent norm of the operator and contain much more information than the spectrum alone. In this talk I will discuss the possible occurrence of a level set having non-empty interior (based on joint work with Petr Siegl).
Dynamics on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces is often studied by considering analogies with homogeneous dynamics. The talk will begin with a short survey of moduli spaces from this point of view. It will then focus on random geodesics on moduli spaces as a specific context for considering these analogies.
2019-10-07Oscar Randal-Williams [University of Cambridge]: Spaces of manifolds
Once one understands enough about individual mathematical objects, one begins to wonder how they can vary, i.e. what families of such objects can look like. This is especially natural in Topology, where families of sets (covering spaces) and families of vector spaces (vector bundles) are basic and classical objects of study. One wishes to distinguish such families by measuring how "twisted" they are (compare the Möbius strip with the cylinder). In this talk I will explain the situation when the mathematical objects involved are smooth manifolds, so that families are smooth fibre bundles. I will explain the basic invariants which measure how "twisted" such bundles are, and some recent progress in understanding them.
I will start with some history about decision problems coming from group theory and from topology, including problems that are "easy" (can be solved in polynomial time), "hard" (or even undecidable), and problems whose complexity we still do not understand. I will then move on to current research at the intersection of group theory and topology, namely the mapping class groups of surfaces, which includes the braid groups. The so-called conjugacy problem for the mapping class group is related to several problems in topology of unknown complexity. I will discuss a polynomial-time solution for the conjugacy problem which emulates the solution provided by geometric group theory for "most" finitely presented groups. Joint work with Mark Bell.
The prime spectrum of a commutative ring ('“ the topological space consisting of the prime ideals of the ring, with the Zariski topology) is a central object of study in modern mathematics. In this talk we look at ways of obtaining rings having a given prime spectrum, with a particular focus on the Noetherian case. We then see how these methods can be used to investigate the long-standing question of which partially ordered sets can arise as the set of prime ideals of a commutative Noetherian ring.
We study the dynamics of a non-local parabolic problem modelling a circular idealised MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) device'‹. We first investigate the structure of the solution set of the corresponding steady-state problem. Then we check under which circumstances the mathematical phenomenon of quenching takes place for the parabolic problem. Such a phenomenon is linked with the mechanical phenomenon of touching down which might also lead to the destruction of the MEMS device
We call ordinary maps a certain type of graphs embedded on surfaces, in contrast to fully simple maps, which we introduce as maps with non-intersecting disjoint boundaries. It is well-known that the generating series of ordinary maps satisfy a universal recursive procedure, called topological recursion (TR). We propose a combinatorial interpretation of the important and still mysterious symplectic transformation which exchanges $x$ and $y$ in the initial data of the TR (the spectral curve). We give elegant formulas for the disk and cylinder topologies which recover relations already known in the context of free probability. For genus zero we provide an enumerative geometric interpretation of the so-called higher order free cumulants, which suggests the possibility of a general theory of approximate higher order free cumulants taking into account the higher genus amplitudes. We provide a universal relation between possibly disconnected fully simple and ordinary maps through double monotone Hurwitz numbers, which can be proved either using matrix models or bijective combinatorics. As a consequence, we obtain a new ELSV-like formula for $2$-orbifold double strictly monotone Hurwitz numbers.
Diophantine equations have been studied since antiquity but continue to fascinate mathematicians to this day. The fundamental problem is to determine whether an integral or rational solution exists. This becomes even more interesting if one varies the equation by e.g. varying the coefficients, and trying to count how many of the equations have a solution. In this talk I will discuss some recent advances on this problem using techniques from algebraic geometry and analytic number theory.
In the sixties, when Mumford introduced in algebraic geometry the so-called geometric invariant theory, he showed that, under the right (stability) conditions, some times we do not have to prove something for all objects, but only for those that are stables. Some years later, Harder and Narasimhan showed that every vector bundle of an algebraic curve can be built using the stable objects following the order induced by the slope function. Nowadays, the stability conditions have been adapted to multitude of branches of mathematics and often one can find a theorem which is an adaptation of the result of Harder and Narasimhan to each particular environment.
In this talk we will recall the definition of a torsion pair and we will introduce the indexed chains of torsion classes. Our main theorem is that every indexed chain of torsion classes induce a Harder-Narasimhan filtration. The result for stability conditions becomes then a particular case of our theorem.
After that, we will follow ideas of Bridgeland to show the existence of a (pseudo)metric in the set of indexed chain of torsion classes. Implying that all indexed chains of torsion classes form a topological space.
No previous knowledge on abelian categories nor stability condition will be assumed.
A quasisymmetric map is one that changes angles in a controlled way. As such they are generalizations of conformal maps and appear naturally in many areas, including Complex Analysis and Geometric group theory. A quasisphere is a metric sphere that is quasisymmetrically equivalent to the standard $2$-sphere. An important open question is to give a characterization of quasispheres. This is closely related to Cannon's conjecture. This conjecture may be formulated as stipulating that a group that ``behaves topologically'' as a Kleinian group ``is geometrically'' such a group. Equivalently, it stipulates that the ``boundary at infinity'' of such groups is a quasisphere.
A Thurston map is a map that behaves ``topologically'' as a rational map, i.e., a branched covering of the $2$-sphere that is postcritically finite. A question that is analog to Cannon's conjecture is whether a Thurston map ``is'' a rational map. This is answered by Thurston's classification of rational maps.
For Thurston maps that are expanding in a suitable sense, we may define ``visual metrics''. The map then is (topologically conjugate) to a rational map if and only if the sphere equipped with such a metric is a quasisphere. This talk is based on joint
work with Mario Bonk.
In the 1970s, Coxeter studied certain arrays of integers that form friezes in the plane. He and Conway discovered an elegant way of classifying these friezes using triangulated polygons. Recently, there has been a good deal of interest in expanding Conway andm Coxeter's ideas and relating them to other mathematical structures, such as SL2-tilings. In this talk we demonstrate how several significant theorems in this field can be explained using the geometry and arithmetic of an infinite graph embedded in the hyperbolic plane called the Farey graph. We also discuss how certain quotients of the Farey graph can be used to obtain results on integer tilings modulo n.
This talk will consist of an introduction to the Levine-Tristram signature of a knot. After providing some definitions, we will investigate the following questions : How many crossing changes does it take to unknot a knot? What is the minimal genus of a surface bounded by a knot in the 4-ball? Can a knot be isotopic to its mirror image?
Galois representations and modular forms are important objects of study in modern algebraic number theory. To study the relationship between them, it is often fruitful to study congruences between them. I will give an introduction to this theory, and I will conclude by discussing some recent results and applications.
In this talk, we will discuss discreteness criteria for groups of complex hyperbolic isometries generated by complex reflections. In particular, we will focus on the case of groups generated by three complex reflections with pair-wise disjoint fixed point sets. This is joint work with A. Monaghan and J.R. Parker and with S. Povall.
There is an (easy) analogue of the prime number theorem (PNT) for polynomials over a finite field k with q elements: there are approximately q^d/d monic irreducible polynomials of degree d. You might also have counted the number of invertible matrices of fixed size n over k by 'picking a basis': (q^n-1)(q^n-q)'¦. In the context of this talk, both of these results are related to the study of the dynamics of the Frobenius operator ('raising to the power q') on, respectively, the affine line and the algebraic group GL(n) over the algebraic closure K of k. For the first result, we count 'prime' orbits; for the second, we count fixed points.
The general framework of our work is that of counting orbits and fixed points of endomorphisms of algebraic groups over K. We show there is a sharp dichotomy: either the associated dynamical zeta function is a rational function (like the Weil zeta function, e.g. in the above examples), and an analogue of PNT holds; or the zeta function is transcendental, and the set of limit points in PNT is uncountable. In the latter case, the number of fixed points of the k-th iteratre involves p-adic properties of k. The distinction is very similar to dichotomies observed in measurable dynamics (mixing/non-mixing). Sometimes, the dichotomy has a clear geometric interpretation (e.g., on abelian varieties, and on reductive groups, in relation to a famous formula of Steinberg generalizing the count for GL(n)). [Joint work with Jakub Byszewski and Marc Houben.]
In the 1990s Moy and Prasad revolutionized the representation theory of p-adic groups by showing how to use Bruhat-Tits theory to assign invariants to representations of p-adic groups. The tools they introduced resulted in rapid advancements in both representation theory and harmonic analysis -- areas of central importance in the Langlands program. A crucial ingredient for many results also beyond representation theory is an explicit construction of (types for) representations of p-adic groups.
In this talk I will introduce some of the basic objects and concepts, survey what is known about the construction of (the building blocks of) representations of p-adic groups and mention recent developments.
Ramsey theory studies 'unbreakable' mathematical patterns, patterns which are always present in any large enough mathematical structure, no matter how disordered. For example, solutions to the equation x + y = z persist however one divides the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 100 into two classes: one of the classes must contain a solution to this equation. This is easy to see if one divides the numbers into odds and evens: the evens have a solution. However, the power of the theory is that the same fact holds for much more disordered divisions.
Ramsey theory is well developed for linear equations, but for non-linear equations almost nothing is known; for example an unsolved question of Erdös and Graham asks, in any partition of the positive whole numbers into finitely many classes, is there always a class containing a Pythagorean triple?
This talk will survey the history of arithmetic Ramsey theory, and report on recent developments for non-linear Diophantine equations.
The genus of the modular curve X_0(p) is 1 less than the size of the class group of a quaternion algebra associated to p. There are several ways to show this, and I will explain one using the mod p geometry of the modular curve. Time permitting, I'll explain recent use Manning and I made of this idea.
The finite dimensional representation theory of the classical Lie algebras is understood by H. Weyl's beautiful theory. In contrast, the representation theory of super Lie algebras still comprises miracles, due to the representation categories being not semisimple. As such representations arise naturally in conformal field theories, they are more than pathologies. In this talk we give an introduction to super Lie algebras and their representations. Restricting to the general super Lie algebra gl(n|n), we report the state of art and give new results for n=3 and 4. This is joint work with R. Weissauer.
This talk will be an introduction to mutations of Fano polytopes. These operations first appeared in algebraic geometry, as combinatorial analogues of certain deformations of algebraic varieties. We will focus on the two-dimensional case, with particular emphasis on the projective plane. In this setting, there are many visible connections with other fields, including mirror symmetry, Diophantine approximation, cluster algebras and theoretical physics.
Following works of Fock and Goncharov, I will recall a definition of decorated character varieties and explain how one can quantize them using cluster algebras. I will then show how these quantized character varieties show up in representation theory and can be used to construct 3-manifold invariants. Finally, if time permits, I will mention how they appear in a more categorical and less coordinate-dependent framework. The talk will be based on joint works (some of which are in progress) with David Jordan, Ian Le, and Gus Schrader.
There is a very suggestive analogy between the Kontsevich-Soibelman wall-crossing formula for Donaldson-Thomas invariants, and the notion of an iso-Stokes deformation in the theory of differential equations. I will try to explain this analogy in elementary terms assuming no previous knowledge of either of these topics. I'll start by talking about how the Stokes matrices of a differential equation are defined in a simple example, then switch to quiver representations and talk about Donaldson-Thomas invariants and the wall-crossing formula. If there's time at the end (which there probably won't be) I'll talk a bit about some of the recent research which this analogy has inspired.
I will review some properties of the famous Klein quartic and its automorphism group, and sketch how it can be used to give an alternative construction of the lattices in PU(2,1) obtained by the author in joint work with John Parker and Julien Paupert. Most of these lattices turn out to be non-arithmetic.
The isoperimetric problem (fencing the largest possible area with a fence of given length) is one of the oldest problems in mathematics and can be traced back to greek mythology. In many classical settings it is well understood, whereas in complicated geometries it still gives rise to yet unsolved questions.
On the other hand, in the recent decades a fruitful analytical tool has emerged, namely the smooth deformation of complicated geometric objects to simpler ones by a so-called curvature flow. This method has culminated in the proof of the Poincaré conjecture by Hamilton and Perelman.
In this colloquium we have a look at the power of curvature flows to attack the isoperimetric and related problems. The methods are on the edge between partial differential equations and differential geometry, not hesitating to mention that no technicalities will play a role in this presentation.
Markoff triples are integer solutions of the equation $x^2+y^2+z^2=3xyz$ which arose in Markoff's spectacular and fundamental work (1879) on diophantine approximation and has been henceforth ubiquitous in a tremendous variety of different fields in mathematics and beyond. After reviewing some of these, we will discuss joint work with Bourgain and Sarnak on the connectedness of the set of solutions of the Markoff equation modulo primes under the action of the group generated by Vieta involutions, showing, in particular, that for almost all primes the induced graph is connected. Similar results for composite moduli enable us to establish certain new arithmetical properties of Markoff numbers, for instance the fact that almost all of them are composite. We will also discuss recent joint work with Magee and Ronan on the asymptotic formula for integer points on Markoff-Hurwitz surfaces $x_1^2+x_2^2 + \dots + x_n^2 = x_1 x_2 \dots x_n$, giving an interpretation for the exponent of growth in terms of certain conformal measure on the projective space.
Quantum anomaly is the situation when the quantum system, which is obtained by a quantization of a Hamiltonian system, that is invariant with respect to a transformation, is not any more invariant with respect to the same transformation. In the talk the origin of the quantum anomaly is explained using the properties of derivatives, of measures on infinite-dimensional spaces, along vector field generating the transformations. In particular, the contradiction between the explanation of the origin of quantum anomalies, presented in the books by Cartier and Cecile deWitt-Morett on the one hand and by Fujikawa and Suzuki on the other hand, is discussed.
In 2005-2007 Burdzy, Caffarelli and Lin, Van den Berg
conjectured in different contexts that the sum (or the maximum) of the
first eigenvalues of the Dirichlet-Laplacian associated to arbitrary
cells partitioning a given domain of the plane, is asymptomatically
minimal on honeycomb structures, when the number of cells goes to
infinity. I will discuss the history of this conjecture, giving the
arguments of Toth and Hales on the classical honeycomb problem, and I
will prove the conjecture (of the maximum) for the Robin-Laplacian
eigenvalues. The results have been obtained with I. Fragala, B.
Velichkov and G. Verzini.
Analytic functions of non-commuting variables are defined by abstraction from the properties of polynomial functions of tuples of matrices. Their theory has been much developed over the last decade, under the title of `free analysis' or `noncommutative analysis'.
I will describe the construction of the free Riemann surface of the matricial square root function. For this purpose one has to introduce the notion of a noncommutative manifold.
After recalling the basic notions coming from differential geometry, the colloquium will be focused on spaces satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds.
The idea of compactifying the space of Riemannian manifolds satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds goes back to Gromov in the '˜80s and was pushed by Cheeger and Colding in the '˜90s who investigated the fine structure of possibly non-smooth limit spaces. A completely new approach via optimal transportation was proposed by Lott-Villani and Sturm almost ten years ago. Via such an approach one can give a precise definition of what means for a non-smooth space to have Ricci curvature bounded below. Such an approach has been refined in the last years giving new insights to the theory and yielding applications which seems to be new even for smooth Riemannian manifolds.
Many famous open questions about primes can be interpreted as questions about the digits of primes in a given base. We will talk about recent work showing there are infinitely many primes with no 7 in their decimal expansion. (And similarly with 7 replaced by any other digit.) This shows the existence of primes in a 'thin' set of numbers (sets which contain at most X^{1-c} elements less than X) which is typically very difficult.
The proof relies on a fun mixture of tools including Fourier analysis, Markov chains, Diophantine approximation, combinatorial geometry as well as tools from analytic number theory.
Often, when an algebraic object is drawn at random, it is isomorphic to a given object A with probability that is proportional to 1/#Aut(A). Cohen and Lenstra observed in the early 1980s that this principle explains heuristically numerous phenomena in the behaviour of ideal class groups of quadratic number fields that had puzzled number theorists for decades. In recent years, similar principles have been observed to govern the behaviour of many other objects in pure mathematics, from sandpile groups of graphs, over Selmer groups of elliptic curves, to cohomology groups of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Indeed, the same principle appears to hold even in certain situations in which #Aut(A) may be infinite, in which case it requires some creativity to apply it rigorously. In addition to "real world" applicability, the probability distributions on the respective classes of algebraic objects that one obtains from the above rule also turn out to have some fascinating properties. In this talk, I will attempt to give an overview of the original ideas behind the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics and of the modern research that they have prompted.
Let p be a prime number. Abelian varieties over the local field Q_p furnish an important class of p-adic representations of the absolute Galois group of Q_p, obtained from the Galois action on p^n-torsion points. Fontaine's p-adic Hodge theory provides an appropriate setting for describing such representations, highlighting their geometric properties. We show that these properties actually characterise the representations coming from abelian varieties over Q_p that acquire good reduction over a tame extension.
Zeta functions of representations enumerate irreducible representations of a group. Asymptotic properties the number of irreducible representations have an interpretation in terms of analytic properties of the representation zeta function: for instance, the abscissa of convergence determines the rate of growth of the numbers of irreducible representations as their dimension grows.
This talk is a survey of some recent results regarding zeta functions of representations. There will be an introduction to the basic concepts which will also be complemented by examples.
In this talk I will discuss various aspects of conjugacy growth in several classes of groups, such as (acylindrically) hyperbolic, right-angled Artin and others. The connections between conjugacy growth in groups and geometry or combinatorics will also be mentioned.
When dealing with modular forms, one of the first examples encountered is the discriminant function, the (essentially unique) cusp form of weight 12, which, moreover has an infinite product expansion.
After a brief introduction on modular forms, I want to focus on this example and describe how, by a relationship discovered by R. E. Borcherds in the mid 1990s, the discriminant function can be viewed as the'˜lifting' of another well-known modular form, the Jacobi theta function.
In fact, Borcherds' construction is much more general: It relates modular forms, which transform under the elliptic modular group, to modular functions for indefinite orthogonal groups. The background for this lies in the theory of theta-liftings.
I will sketch this briefly, and indicate how Borcherds' lift can be extended to a geometric lifting. Further, I will describe its relationship to another, more intrinsically geometric lifting, which was constructed by Kudla and Millson.
Finally, one can study these liftings in a different setting: replacing orthogonal groups with unitary groups. This is my main area of research. At the end of the talk, I want to say a few words about that, too, and about my joint research project with Jens Funke here in Durham.
Adachi-Iyama-Reiten recently introduced the notion of tau-tilting theory, a generalization of the classical tilting theory, which heavily relies on the Auslander-Reiten theory. This generalization, as its precursor, soon found many applications and established new connections between different areas, including representation theory of algebras, geometry, combinatorics, lattice theory, etc. String and gentle algebras, however, have received a lot of attention in the past few decades. In particular, the work of Butler-Ringel (in 1987) bolstered their phenomenal growth. Due to their fruitful combinatorics, providing a tractable framework and including a vast family of algebras, gentle algebras have prominent applications in diverse areas, including representation theory, cluster algebra, symplectic geometry, etc.
In this talk, after a short explanation of the above-mentioned topics, we will look at some interactions between them to show how one sheds light on the study of the other. Recapping some preliminaries in the first half, in the remainder I will introduce a canonical method to embed every arbitrary gentle algebra into a well-behaved gentle algebra, where we can find an explicit combinatorial description of Hom(M,\tau(N)) and Ext(N,M), for each pair of string modules M and N. If time permits, we will see some aspects of \tau-tilting theory and further use our results to describe the lattice of (functorially finite) torsion classes of gentle algebras by means of kisses between strings and also analyze the notion of mutation in terms of concrete combinatorics.
I'll begin by discussing Selberg's eigenvalue conjecture. This is an analog of the Riemann hypothesis for a special family of Riemann surfaces that feature heavily in number theory, for example in Wiles' proof of the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture. I'll explain how in the last 10-15 years, number theorists have had to turn to Anosov dynamics to obtain the approximations to Selberg's conjecture that became relevant to emerging 'thin groups' questions about Apollonian circle packings and continued fractions. I will explain the spectral gap results I worked on in this area. Then if I have time, I'll explain how I am now looking for analogs of the Selberg conjecture in the setting of Teichmüller dynamics with yet more interesting number theory questions in mind.
I will give an introduction to the arithmetic of plane curves of degrees 2 and 3, and then compare some conjectures and experiments in the degree 3 case.
Alternating strand diagrams have been introduced by Postnikov in the study of total positivity, Scott has used such diagrams to exhibit a cluster structure on the Grassmannian. In work with P. Martin, we generalised Scott'˜s construction to the whole associahedron and have a partial result on counting polygon tilings up to flip eqivalence. We recently found a general formula which can be viewed as a Euler-Poincaré formula for the associahedron.
Instanton homology was developed by Floer in the 1980s as a powerful invariant of 3-manifolds. In recent years, it has had some striking applications in low-dimensional topology which were inspired by newer, more accessible relatives such as Heegaard Floer homology. I will describe some joint work with John Baldwin along these lines, in which we use invariants of contact structures on 3-manifolds to study the fundamental groups of 3-manifolds which bound Stein surfaces, and to prove that a knot invariant called Khovanov homology detects the trefoil.
We discuss recent results concerning the existence and non-existence of inertial manifolds for dissipative systems generated by semilinear parabolic equations. In particular, we consider 3D Cahn-Hilliard equations with periodic boundary conditions, 1D reaction-diffusion-advection systems and modified Navier-Stokes equations.
Understanding the subtle difference between the topological and smooth categories is a central subject in 4-manifold topology. The local difference in the categories can be studied through knot theory. A knot in the 3-sphere is called smoothly slice (respectively, topologically slice) if it bounds a smoothly embedded (respectively, topologically embedded, locally flat) disc in the 4-ball.
After Casson used the celebrated results of Freedman and Donaldson on 4-dimensional manifolds to find a topologically slice knot that is not smoothly slice, distinguishing topologically slice knots and smoothly slice knots has been extensively studied.
In 2012, in order to try to introduce some structure into the problem, Cochran, Harvey and Horn introduced a remarkable framework to study the set (actually a group) of topologically slice knots modulo smoothly slice knots, defining a geometrically inspired filtration, called the bipolar filtration. However a crucial question left unsettled was the non-triviality of the graded quotients. In joint work with Jae Choon Cha, we showed that the graded quotient of the bipolar filtration in fact has infinite rank, at each stage greater than one. In this talk, I will give a friendly, short introduction to knot theory in 3 and 4 dimensions, focussing on the differences between the smooth and topological categories, and I will briefly survey the recent progress on the bipolar filtration.
The theory of aperiodic order is a relatively young field of mathematics, which has attracted considerable attention in recent years. It has grown rapidly over the past three decades; on the one hand, due to the discovery of quasicrystals; and on the other hand, due to intrinsic mathematical interest in describing the very border between crystallinity and aperiodicity. While there is currently no axiomatic framework for aperiodic order, various types of order conditions have been and are still being studied.
At the turn of the century Durand and Lagarias & Pleasants established key order conditions to be studied. In this talk, we will discuss these order conditions, as well as generalisations and extensions thereof, for two classes of aperiodic dynamical systems: Sturmian subshifts and a new family of subshifts stemming from Grigorchuk's infinite 2-group. We will also show that (exact) Jarník sets naturally give rise to a classification of Sturmian subshifts in terms of such order conditions.
In this colloquium style talk I will review the history of calculating dimensions of sets that arise as invariant sets of iterated function systems. I will, in particular, compare the theory of self-similar sets (where the set is a union of uniformly shrunk copies of itself) to the theory of self-affine sets (where shrinking is not uniform).
One of the most important results in the dimension theory of self-affine sets is a result of Falconer from 1988. His showed that Lebesgue almost surely, the dimension of a self-affine set does not depend on translations of the pieces of the set. A similar statement was proven by Jordan, Pollicott, and Simon in 2007 for the dimension of self-affine measures. At the end of my talk I will explain an orthogonal approach to the dimension calculation, introducing a class of self-affine systems in which, given translations, a dimension result holds for Lebesgue almost all choices of deformations.
This work is joint with Balazs Barany and Antti Kaenmaki.
We will give an introduction to the cluster structure on the Grassmannian Gr(k,n), including some conjectures of Fomin and Pylyavskyy describing the cluster combinatorics for Gr(3,n) in terms of planar diagrams known as webs. We will introduce an action of the k-strand braid group on the set of clusters for Gr(k, n), whenever k divides n. This action preserves the underlying quivers, defining a homomorphism from the braid group to the "cluster modular group," which is a notion of a symmetry group of a cluster algebra. Using the braid group action, we prove the Fomin-Pylyavksyy conjectures for the Grassmannians Gr(3,9) and Gr(4,8).
The general theory of locally homogeneous geometric structures (flat Cartan connections) originated with Ehresmann. Their classification is analogous to the classification of Riemann surfaces by the Riemann moduli space. In general, however, the analog of the moduli space is intractable, but leads to a rich class of dynamical systems.
For example, classifying Euclidean geometries on the torus leads to the usual action of the SL(2,Z) on the upper half-plane. This action is dynamically trivial, with a quotient space the familiar modular curve. In contrast, the classification of other simple geometries on on the torus leads to the standard linear action of SL(2,Z) on R^2,
with chaotic dynamics and a pathological quotient space.
This talk describes such dynamical systems, and we combine Teichmueller theory to understand the geometry of the moduli space when the topology is enhanced with a conformal structure. In joint work with Forni, we prove the corresponding extended Teichmueller flow is strongly mixing.
Basic examples arise when the moduli space is described by the nonlinear symmetries of cubic equations like Markoff's equation x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = x y z. Here both trivial and chaotic dynamics arise simultaneously, relating to possibly singular hyperbolic-geometry structures on surfaces. (This represents joint work with McShane-Stantchev- Tan.)
We give a fresh viewpoint of Moebius geometry and show that the boundary at infinity of a hyperbolic space carries a natural Moebius structure. We discuss various cases of the interaction between the geometry of the space and the Moebius geometry of its boundary. We also scetch an approach how the concept of Moebius geometry can be generalized to the Furstenberg boundary of a higher rank symmetric space of noncompact type.
Motivated by Fomin-Zelevinsky's theory of cluster algebras we introduce a variant of the Markov equation; we show that all natural solutions of the equation arise from an initial solution by cluster transformations.
Boson-fermion correspondence is an isomorphism between symmetric polynomials of even variables and antisymmetric polynomials of odd variables. This isomorphism holds of course only if the number of variables is infinite. It can be described just by drawing nice
diagrams and allows to give an elementary approach to several combinatorial constructions. As an example we will consider the Jacobi triple product identity, relations between Newton and Schur polynomials and computations of characters of the symmetric group with paper and pencil. We will also sketch a recent application of this correspondence by Don Zagier to the proof of Bloch-Okounkov theorem claiming that certain sums over partitions give quasimodular forms.
Finite fields are, well, finite. This means that structures traditionally associated to fields, such as vector spaces, varieties, representations, etc., often have a finite number of points or elements when they are defined over a finite field. Determining this number is a problem that comes up quite often in geometry, combinatorics and number theory.
One particular instance of such counting problem over a finite field appears in algebra. Given a quiver (an oriented graph), one can define a representation as a certain generalization of the notion of vector space. Kac then proved that the number of indecomposable representations of a given dimension defined over a finite field is a polynomial in the cardinal of the field.
In this talk, we will present this result, which turns out to be rather surprising. We will define the objects we need (quiver, representation, isomorphism,...) along the way, using only basic linear algebra. Minimal knowledge of finite fields will help, but knowing how to count up to any prime number p should suffice.
I will talk about some number theory problems that I am currently interested in. These include the distribution of prime and square-free integers, as well as solutions of Diophantine equations in the primes.
The mean curvature flow is one of the most important geometric flows on Riemannian submanifolds. Translating solitons are special solutions, where the flow is along straight lines, and have particular importance since they exist for all time and are related to certain singularities (Type II) of the flow. We study translating solitons in a more general context than Eulidean space: the product of a (semi-)Riemannian manifold with the real line, and develop new tools to study them. Considering Riemannian submersions where the total space is a translating soliton, we show that under certain hypotheses involving the mean curvature of the fiber, this data is equivalent to a
certain type of object on the base manifold. In the case where the submanifold is a leaf of a codimension-one foliation by orbits of a Lie group of symmetries (such as SO(n) or SO(p,q) acting on Euclidean or Minkowski space), we reduce the existence of a translating soliton to an ODE that we explicitly solve in many examples.
In this talk I shall introduce the field of aperiodic order, a branch of geometry which aims to study infinite patterns which display a great amount of structural order, despite lacking translational symmetry, i.e., without "repeating themselves". These intriguing patterns make for instructive models of "quasicrystals", amongst other physical applications, but I shall show how they alsoarise in areas of pure mathematics. In particular, the properties of a special class of these patterns, called cut-and-project sets, are intimately linked with questions in Diophantine approximation, the area of number theory which investigates quantitatively how rational numbers approximate real numbers. As time permits, I shall also explain the approach to studying aperiodic patterns through topology, via associated moduli spaces of patterns.
The question of classifying maximal subalgebras of Lie algebras goes all the way back to papers of Sophus Lie himself in the 1890s and has a long history from Dynkin onwards. We report on the latest developments in classifying the maximal subalgebras of Lie algebras of simple algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields of positive characteristic, a reasonable task thanks to the Premet-Strade classification of simple Lie modular algebras in characteristics at least 5. This is joint work with Sasha Premet.
I will review some aspects of classical index theory for classical elliptic differential operators arising in the geometry of manifolds with boundary. I will then discuss hyperbolic operators that are arising in physics and show that one can still prove a geometric index theorem in this context. If there is time I will give an application in quantum field theory on curved spacetimes.
Starting with a substitution tiling, such as the Penrose tiling, we demonstrate a method for constructing infinitely many new substitution tilings. Each of these new tilings is derived from a graph iterated function system and the tiles typically have fractal boundary. As an application of fractal tilings, we construct an odd spectral triple on a C*-algebra associated with an aperiodic substitution tiling. Even though spectral triples on substitution tilings have been extremely well studied in the last 25 years, our construction produces the first truly noncommutative spectral triple associated with a tiling. My work on fractal substitution tilings is joint with Natalie Frank and Sam Webster, and my work on spectral triples is joint with Michael Mampusti.
The graded affine Hecke algebras were introduced by Lusztig in the study of smooth representations of reductive p-adic groups and Iwahori-Hecke algebra modules and, independently, by Drinfeld in connection with the representation theory of certain classes of quantum groups. Motivated by the classical Dirac operator theory in the representation theory of real reductive groups, we defined, in joint work with Barbasch and Trapa, Dirac operators for graded Hecke algebra modules. In this setting, the kernels (and indices) of these operators are modules for a certain Pin cover of finite reflection groups. The irreducible characters of this cover had been classified by Schur for symmetric groups and A. Morris and others for the other simple Coxeter groups, but in this new picture, they are naturally related to the geometry of the nilpotent cone of semisimple complex Lie algebras (in the case of Weyl groups) via Springer theory. I will explain the construction of the Dirac operator and the relation between the character theory of Hecke algebras and of these double covers of the reflection groups.
An important problem in number theory is to understand the rational solutions to algebraic equations. One of the first non-trivial examples, cubics in two variables, leads to the theory of so-called elliptic curves. The famous Birch'”Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, one of the Clay Millenium Problems, predicts a relation between the rational points on an elliptic curve and a certain complex-analytic function, the L-function on an elliptic curve. In my talk, I will give an overview of the conjecture and of some new results establishing the conjecture in special cases.
In algebraic geometry there is the notion of a height pairing of algebraic cycles, which lies at the confluence of arithmetic, analysis (Hodge theory) and topology. After explaining a motivating example situation, we introduce new directions in the subject.
I will describe some surprising interactions between number theory, algebraic geometry and mirror symmetry that have appeared in my recent work with Mircea Mustata and Chenyang Xu and that have led to a solution of Veys' 1999 conjecture on poles of maximal order of Igusa zeta functions. The talk will be aimed at a general audience and will emphasize some key ideas from each of the fields involved rather than the technical aspects of the proof.
If one picks two elements at random in a finite non-abelian simple group G (such as an alternating group), then these two elements will generate G with probability tending to 1 as the order of G tends to infinity. I will discuss this result and variations, and show how they connect with some basic questions concerning the existence of algorithms that determine finite images of finitely presented groups. No specialist knowledge will be assumed.
Many familiar algebraic operations are associative. To a topologist, it is more natural to consider operations which are "associative up to homotopy" and I will discuss what this means. As soon as one does this, one is led to a rich structure with an infinite family of operations, known as an A-infinity structure. These structures have become important in many different areas of mathematics, including algebra, geometry and mathematical physics. One can play similar topological games with other algebraic conditions. I will survey some of this 50 year old story and discuss some recent developments.
Heegaard Floer homology is an oriented 3-manifold invariant, originally conceived as a tool to compute Seiberg-Witten invariants for 4-manifolds. An L-space is a closed, oriented 3-manifold with vanishing reduced Heegaard Floer homology. I will talk a little about the role of such gauge-theoretic invariants in the study of 3- and 4-dimensional geometry and topology, and about how an improved understanding of L-spaces can potentially broaden that role. I will then describe recent progress in the study of L-spaces, including some applications for complex surface singularities.
p-adic L-functions of modular forms play a central role in Number Theory. In the first part of this talk I will give an overview of the construction of the p-adic analogues of L-functions which interpolate special values of complex L-functions at integer points. In the second part of the talk I will discuss the phenomenon of trivial zeros which appears when the interpolation factor vanishes by some 'trivial reason'. The study of this phenomenon is closely related to p-adic Hodge theory.
Consider a system f consisting of R forms of degree d with integral coefficients. We seek to estimate the number of solutions to f=0 in integers of size B or less. A classic result of Birch (1962) answers this question when the number of variables is of size at least C(d)*R^2 for some constant C(d), and the zero set f = 0 is smooth.
We reduce the number of variables needed to C'(d)*R, and give an extension to systems of Diophantine inequalities |f| < 1 with real coefficients. Our strategy reduces the problem to an upper bound for the number of solutions to a multilinear auxiliary inequality. We relate these results to Manin's conjecture in arithmetic geometry and to Diophantine approximation on manifolds.
In the 1950s, E. Calabi proposed a program in Kähler geometry and then introduced the Calabi flow, aiming to find the constant scalar curvature Kähler (cscK) metrics. When the first Chern class is zero, the cscK metric reduces to Ricci flat Kähler metric. The problem to find such metrics is called the Calabi conjecture and its resolution was S.T. Yau's seminal work. For general Kähler class, it is known as the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture.
On Riemann surfaces, the global existence and the convergence of the Calabi flow have been proved by X.X. Chen, P.T. Chrusciel and M. Struwe by different methods. However, much less is known in high dimension, due to the fourth order of the flow and the lack of a maximum principle. In this talk, I will present our recent progress on Donaldson's conjectural picture on the asymptotic behavior of the Calabi flow, i.e. the results which partially confirm this conjectural picture in complex dimension 2. I will also discuss similar results in higher dimension with an extra assumption that the scalar curvature is uniformly bounded.
The theory of Shinichi Mochizuki is viewed as the most fundamental development in mathematics for several decades. Its revolutionary conceptual viewpoints drastically extend the range of methods in number theory outside traditional ring-theoretical studies, initiate new important connections between group theory and number theory and open a large territory of potential applications. It provides new group-theoretic links between arithmetic and geometry of elliptic curves over number fields and associated hyperbolic curves. I will discuss some of these aspects.
Why do some equations have only finitely many integral solutions? For instance, Siegel showed that a polynomial equation in three variables with integral coefficients has only finitely many solutions if the associated complex space is hyperbolic. In this talk I will explain how Siegel's theorem fits in well with a conjecture of Serge Lang and Paul Vojta. The latter conjecture provides a framework which answers the above question by relating arithmetic properties of systems of polynomial equations to complex analysis.
Let O be the ring of integers of a ramified quadratic extension E/F of local non-archimedian field. The group U(1, 1)(O) the group of matrices g ∈ GL(2, O) that preserves the form h : E^2 × E^2 → E given by
h((x, y),(z, w)) = (x^∗)w − (y^∗)z.
We construct a family of irreducible representations Ï , called primitive, of U(1, 1)(O) such that any irreducible representation σ of U(1, 1)(O) is of the form Ï âŠ— χ â—¦ det, for some linear character χ of O^×.
I will try to explain what we knew about the notion of mixing for group automorphisms in 1989 and the questions that existed then, how Diophantine analysis enters the picture, and some recent work of Gorodnik and Spatzier in this area.
The braid group is a classical object in mathematics: the elements are the ways of twisting a fixed number of strands, up to isotopy, with the binary operation given by concatenation. Although it is defined topologically, the braid group has a beautiful presentation as an abstract group, given by Artin. This presentation can be associated to a Dynkin diagram of type A. In this way, a generalised braid group, or Artin braid group, can be associated to every Dynkin diagram.
A quiver is a directed graph, and an orientation of a Dynkin diagram is referred to as a Dynkin quiver. As part of the definition of a cluster algebra, Fomin and Zelevinsky introduced the notion of quiver mutation, where a quiver is changed only locally. A quiver which is mutation-equivalent to a Dynkin quiver is said to be mutation-Dynkin. Our main result is a presentation of an Artin braid group for any mutation-Dynkin quiver. We show how these presentations can be understood topologically in types A and D using a disk and a disk with a cone point of order two (i.e. an orbifold) respectively.
We discuss several examples of number-theoretic questions that lead to random behaviour and explain how such problems can be studied using techniques from the theory of dynamical systems.
Singularity theory is a crossing point of several areas of mathematics. It is in a way a natural continuation of calculus: Studying the behaviour of differentiable functions near their critical points. In this talk we shall discuss some basic aspects of singularity theory from the viewpoint of topology, following classical work by F. Klein, J. Milnor and others. This is closely related to other classical subjects of topology and geometry such as orbifolds, knots theory and open-book decompositions.
The Euler functional of a smooth plane curve is the integral along the curve of the square of its curvature. In 1774, Euler posed the problem of finding the curves that give the minima of his functional. In the talk, we will give the answer to this problem, sketch its proof, show that it implies the Whitney-Graustein theorem on the classification of regular plane curves up to regular homotopy, and run computer animations showing the gradient descent of curves to their minimal form. The talk is based on joint work with Oleg Karpenkov (Liverpool) and Sergei Avvakumov (Vienna).
Let E(x) be a second order contravariant symmetric tensor field on a manifold M. We consider second order operators, Laplacians such that their principal symbol is defined by the tensor E, $\Delta=E(x)\partial^2+\dots$. If a volume form is given on manifold M, then one can define an action of a Laplacian on function f as a divergence (with respect to the volume form) of gradient of the function f (with respect to the tensor field E). If a Laplacian acts not on functions but on half-densities, then one can construct a family of operators with principal symbol E which differ only on a potential. We analyze this case and consider geometrical meaning of potential.
Then instead of manifold we consider supermanifold with even and odd coordinates, and an odd Laplacians on supermanifold, with an odd principal symbol E. In supercase second order contravarian symmetric tensor field which takes odd values defines odd Laplacian and on the other hand it may define an odd Poisson bracket. The Jacobi identity on this Poisson bracket can be formulated as a condition that for a corresponding odd Laplacian, its square is a Lie derivative, a first order operator. Moreover this first order operator defines a modular class of this odd Poisson structure. We consider example of supermanifold with non-degenerate odd Poisson (symplectic structure), with vanishing modular class. This is a base of Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. Then we consider an example of an odd Poisson supermanifold with non-trivial modular class which is related with the Nijenhuis bracket.
The talk is based on the joint paper with M. Peddie: arXiv: 1509.05686
There are very few transcendental numbers for which the continued fraction expansion is explicitly known. Here we present two new families of continued fractions for Engel series (sums of reciprocals) which arise from integer sequences by generated nonlinear recurrences with the Laurent property, and use the double exponential growth of the sequences to show that the sum of the series is transcendental. If time allows, we will make some remarks about continued fraction expansions in hyperelliptic function fields, and some related discrete integrable systems.
The search for rational solutions to polynomial equations is now ongoing for more than 4000 years. Modern approaches try to piece together 'local' information to decide whether a polynomial equation has a 'global' (i.e. rational) solution. I will describe this approach and its limitations, with the aim of quantifying how often the local-global method fails within certain families of polynomial equations defining twists of norm one tori. I will present work from two recent joint projects: one with Tim Browning, and the other with Christopher Frei and Daniel Loughran.
A Kleinian group is a discrete group of isometries of hyperbolic 3-space. Its limit set, contained in the Riemann sphere, is the set of accumulation points of any orbit. In particular the limit set of a hyperbolic surface group F is the unit circle.
If G is a Kleinian group abstractly isomorphic to F, there is an induced map, known as a Cannon-Thurston (CT) map, between their limit sets. More precisely, the CT-map is a continuous equivariant map from the unit circle into the Riemann sphere.
Suppose now F is fixed while G varies. We discuss work with Mahan Mj about the behaviour of the corresponding CT-maps, viewed as maps from the circle to the sphere. We explain how a simple criterion for the existence of a CT-map can be adapted to establish conditions on convergence of a sequence of groups G_n under which the corresponding sequence of CT-maps converges pointwise or uniformly to the expected limit. Very surprisingly, however, under certain circumstances even pointwise convergence may fail.
Considering "small" rational solutions of polynomial equations in several variables as random data on the set of real solutions, one can try to understand how they are asymptotically distributed. It turns out that the solutions often tend to accumulate on some smaller sets. One of the current challenge in diophantine geometry is to interpret this phenomena. In this talk, we shall follow an experimental approach based on simple examples.
Volumes in supergeometry may exhibit unexpected features such as vanishing for nontrivial spaces. This is due to the nature of Berezin's integration, to which measure-theoretic arguments are not applicable. In 1970s, Berezin discovered that the total "Haar measure" of the unitary supergroup identically vanishes. Recently Witten conjectured that the same may be true to the "super Liouville" volumes of symplectic supermanifolds. In response to Witten's question, I provided a counterexample with a nice analytic expression for the volume. This formula has features typical for some other examples as well. Namely, it turns out that expressions for volumes for superanalogs of classical manifolds such as spheres and Stiefel manifolds can be obtained by an analytic continuation of the formulas for the classical case, with respect to parameters of "index type". I will explain this in the talk. I will also give a simple geometric explanation (and a generalization) of Berezin's result.
While the longstanding problem of characterising generically rigid bar-joint frameworks in three dimensions remains open, the area of Geometric Rigidity has nevertheless been developing rapidly in new directions. I will outline some of the subject's history and current momentum and I will present some results involving new connections with analysis, combinatorics and crystals.
I will discuss recent progress on the Brauer-Manin obstruction for rational points on algebraic varieties, before showing how counting arguments from analytic number theory
can be used to study strong approximation for a special family of varieties defined by norm forms. This allows the resolution of a conjecture of Colliot-Thelene about the sufficiency of the
Brauer-Manin obstruction for varieties admitting an appropriate fibration. This is joint work with Damaris Schindler.
Grayson recently surprised the mathematical community with an algebraic description of higher algebraic K-groups in terms of generators and relations. After reviewing that description we show how to implement exterior power operations in this new context. This is joint work with Tom Harris and Lenny Taelman.
We prove that every projective non-singular Quartic hypersurface of dimension greater than or equal to 35 satisfies the Hasse principle. This is a joint work with O. Marmon.
The famous localization theorem of Beilinson and Bernstein is perhaps the seminal result in geometric representation theory, linking the study of the enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra to the geometry of the flag variety. We will review this theory and explain recent developments generalizing these results in the context of symplectic resolutions.
The classical Mandelbrot set M is the subset of parameter space for which the Julia set of the quadratic polynomial z^2 + c is connected. Two analogous connectivity loci are M(1) for the family of rational maps containing matings of z^2+c with z^2+1/4, and
M(corr) for the family of quadratic holomorphic correspondences containing matings between quadratic polynomials and the modular group PSL(2,Z). Computer plots have long suggested that these three 'Mandelbrot Sets'' are homeomorphic to one another.
Carsten Petersen and Pascale Roesch have announced a proof that M(1) is homeomorphic to M (not yet published). Luna Lomonoco (Universidade de Sao Paulo) and I have a detailed strategy to prove that M(corr) is homeomorphic to M(1). I will discuss the notion of a 'mating'' between two holomorphic dynamical systems, and outline our proposed proof that M(corr) is homeomorphic to M(1), focusing in particular on a new inequality analogous to that proved by Yoccoz for quadratic polynomials, and introducing the methods involved, which range from hyperbolic and quasiconformal geometry to the symbolic dynamics of Sturmian sequences.
Topological Computer Vision is a new research area within Topological Data Analysis on the interface between algebraic topology and computational geometry. The flagship method of persistent homology quantifies topological structures hidden in unorganised data across all scales. The earlier talk at the statistics seminar on Monday 23 November at 2pm in CM 221 will be a non-technical introduction to potential collaboration projects with statisticians. The talk at the pure colloquium on Monday at 4pm in CM 107 will review applications to Computer Vision including auto-completion of contours, parameterless skeletonisation and superpixel segmentation of images. The last work is joint with Microsoft Research Cambridge and was funded by the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account through a Knowledge Transfer Secondment.
A complete Riemannian manifolds is called harmonic iff harmonic functions have the mean value property, i.e. the average of harmonic functions over a geodesic sphere coincide with it's value at the center. In 1944 Lichnerowicz conjectured that all harmonic manifolds are either flat or locally symmetric spaces of rank 1. In 1990 the conjecture has been proved by Z. Szabo for harmonic manifolds with compact universal cover. Furthermore, the conjecture was obtained by Besson, Courtois and Gallot for compact manifolds of strictly negative curvature as an application of their entropy rigidity theorem in combination with the rigidity theorems by Benoist, Foulon and Labourie on stable and unstable foliations.
On the other hand, E. Damek and F. Ricci provided examples showing that in the non-compact case the conjecture is wrong. However, such manifolds do not admit a compact quotient.
In this talk we will present recent results on simply connected, non-compact and non-flat harmonic spaces. In particular for such spaces X the following properties are equivalent: X has rank 1, X has purely exponential volume growth, X is Gromov hyperbolic, the geodesic flow on X is Anosov with respect to the Sasaki metric.
Furthermore we obtain, that no focal points imply the above properties. Combining those results with the above mentioned rigidity theorems shows that the Lichnerowicz conjecture is true for all compact harmonic manifolds without focal points or with Gromov hyperbolic fundamental groups. Some of the results have been generalized in collaboration with Norbert Peyerimhoff to asymptotically harmonic manifolds which we briefly mention if time permits.
The existence and stability of periodic geodesics on compact manifolds can be studied using equivariant Morse theory on the free loop space of the manifold. We present an overview on results for Riemannian and Finsler metrics and discuss how recent results from string topology can be used to prove resonance statements.
These recent results are joint work with Nancy Hingston.
Derived and triangulated categories are ubiquitous in many branches of mathematics because they are where cohomology "lives". In algebra and geometry they are a means of comparing objects which have similar, but not exactly the same, structure. However, while they are a powerful theoretical tool, they can be quite daunting. In this talk, I wish to discuss a class of examples which makes many aspects of their theory astoundingly concrete, the so called discrete derived categories. This talk will give a brief overview of what derived categories are and why one may be interested in them, before giving a concrete illustration of the structure of discrete derived categories. In particular, I will try not to assume any background in homological algebra. This talk will report on some joint work with Nathan Broomhead (Bielefeld) and David Ploog (Hannover).
I will consider the problem of finding good bases for the highest weight vectors
for the polynomial functions on nxn matrices under the conjugation action in any characteristic. First we reduce this to finding good bases for the highest weight vectors for the polynomial functions on the nilpotent cone. Then we pass via 'transmutation' to tuples of matrices. This leads to several interesting open problems. If time allows I will also indicate how one should extend these results to the exterior algebra of the nxn matrices in characteristic 0.
Cluster Algebras are a class of commutative rings introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky as a tool to model positivity phenomena naturally arising on various varieties connected to Lie groups. Since their inception, they have given insights on a wide spectrum of problems often coming from previously unrelated branches of mathematics like Poisson geometry, discrete integrable systems, quiver representations, Calabi-Yau categories, and
Teichmüller theory just to name a few. This makes them a formidable tool to have at hand.
Unfortunately the general definition of Cluster Algebra is quite technical and the standard examples are usually not so illuminating. In this talk we will present a simple minded combinatorial model that is sophisticated enough to capture the key features of the construction while using only some basic linear algebra constructions.
I will discuss the geometric inverse problem of recovering a unitary connection from the parallel transport along geodesics of a compact Riemannian manifold of negative curvature and strictly convex boundary. The solution to this problem is based on a range of techniques, including energy estimates and regularity results for the transport equation associated with the geodesic flow. The talk is aimed at a general audience and will put emphasis on the key ideas involved.
Let $\mathfrak g$ be a complex reductive Lie algebra. By the Chevalley restriction theorem, the subalgebra of symmetric invariants $S(\mathfrak g)^{\mathfrak g}$ is a polynomial ring in rank $\mathfrak g$ variables. A quest for non-reductive Lie algebras with a similar property has recently become a trend in invariant theory. Several classes have been suggested, centralisers of nilpotent elements (Premet's conjecture), truncated bi-parabolic subalgebras (Joseph's conjecture), $\mathbb Z_2$-contractions (Panyushev's conjecture). We will see that all these conjectures are false and will present some positive examples.
I will speak about two papers with Nicolas Bergeron and Colette Moeglin (and one paper with Bergeron, Zhiyuan Li and Moeglin). For each n between 1 and p, the (standard) arithmetic manifolds M associated to the orthogonal groups SO(p,q) resp. the unitary groups SU(p,q) contain many totally geodesic submanifolds N of codimension nq associated to embedded subgroups SO(p-n,q) resp SU(p-n,q). In the 1980's Steve Kudla and I proved that the cohomology classes dual to such N could be represented by differential forms constructed using the Weil or oscillator representation. More precisely, for the case of SO(p,q), the theory of the oscillator representation provides an integral transform ( "geometric theta lifting") from the space of holomorphic Siegel modular forms for Sp(2n,R) and weight (p+q)/2 to harmonic differential nq-forms on the above manifolds M. Recently using Arthur's work on the Selberg trace formula we proved that the geometric theta lifting was onto. In my talk I will explain the basic differential-geometric principles behind the geometric theta lifting.
The theory of the previous paragraph has the following applications:
1.For the case of SO(p,1,) p >3,, the next-to-top homology group H_{p-1}(M) for the standard arithmetic real hyperbolic p-manifolds M is spanned by totally-geodesic hypersurfaces.
2. For the case of SU(p,1), the Hodge and Tate conjectures hold away from the middle third of cohomological degrees.
3. For the case of SO(2,19), the Noether-Lefschetz conjecture of Maulik and Pandharapande holds (Noether-Lefschetz divisors span the Picard group).
will speak about two papers with Nicolas Bergeron and Colette Moeglin (and one paper with Bergeron, Zhiyuan Li and Moeglin). For each n between 1 and p, the (standard) arithmetic manifolds M associated to the orthogonal groups SO(p,q) resp. the unitary groups SU(p,q) contain many totally geodesic submanifolds N of codimension nq associated to embedded subgroups SO(p-n,q) resp SU(p-n,q). In the 1980's Steve Kudla and I proved that the cohomology classes dual to such N could be represented by differential forms constructed using the Weil or oscillator representation. More precisely, for the case of SO(p,q), the theory of the oscillator representation provides an integral transform ( "geometric theta lifting") from the space of holomorphic Siegel modular forms for Sp(2n,R) and weight (p+q)/2 to harmonic differential nq-forms on the above manifolds M. Recently using Arthur's work on the Selberg trace formula we proved that the geometric theta lifting was onto. In my talk I will explain the basic differential-geometric principles behind the geometric theta lifting.
The theory of the previous paragraph has the following applications:
1.For the case of SO(p,1,) p >3,, the next-to-top homology group H_{p-1}(M) for the standard arithmetic real hyperbolic p-manifolds M is spanned by totally-geodesic hypersurfaces.
2. For the case of SU(p,1), the Hodge and Tate conjectures hold away from the middle third of cohomological degrees.
3. For the case of SO(2,19), the Noether-Lefschetz conjecture of Maulik and Pandharapande holds (Noether-Lefschetz divisors span the Picard group).
I will discuss the notion of principal bundles in algebraic geometry. Roughly speaking, a principal G-bundle is a map X -> X/G, where the group G acts freely on a space X. I will give more precise
definitions and examples. In particular, we will see that in many
cases a principal bundle can be interpreted as a vector bundle with
some extra structure.
I will introduce a very natural conjecture of Grothendieck and Serre
providing a condition for a principal bundle to be locally trivial. Then I will discuss the recent progress in the conjecture. I will also briefly talk about the moduli spaces of principal bundles and their importance in the Langlands program.
No special knowledge in algebraic geometry is expected.
Michael Larsen and Alexander Lubotzky have recently established the domain of convergence for a zeta series counting irreducible representations of simple Lie groups. Their result states that the domain is in certain sense maximal. By looking at more general Mellin-type zeta series, we have identified a necessary and sufficient condition for the maximality of the domain of convergence. This leads to a new proof of the Larsen-Lubotzky result, and one applicable in a more general context.
There is a conjectural relationship between Heegaard Floer homology and the fundamental group, which posits that three-manifolds with simplest-possible Heegaard Floer invariants are precisely those whose fundamental group is not left-ordrerable. Since there is, at present, no known relationship between Heegaard Floer homology and the fundamental group, this potential connection is somewhat surprising. I will give some background and context for this conjecture, describe what is known about the problem, and discuss some recent progress. The talk will assume very little and, in particular, treat Heegaard Floer homology as a black box.
When attacking various difficult problems in the field of Diophantine approximation the application of certain topological games has proven extremely fruitful in recent times due to the amenable properties of the associated 'winning' sets. Other problems in Diophantine approximation have recently been solved via the method of constructing certain tree-like structures inside the Diophantine set of interest. In this talk I will discuss how one broad method of tree-like construction, namely the class of 'generalised Cantor sets', can formalized for use in a wide variety of problems. By introducing a
further class of so-called 'Cantor-winning' sets we may then provide a
criterion for arbitrary sets in a metric space to satisfy the desirable
properties usually attributed to winning sets, and so in some sense
unify the two above approaches. Applications of this new framework
include new answers to questions relating to the mixed Littlewood
conjecture and the $\times2, \times3$ problem and will be briefly explained if time permits. The talk will be aimed at a broad audience.
Let $e_n$ be the exponent of $p$ in the prime factorisation of the $n$-th layer of the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of a number field $K$. A famous conjecture of Iwasawa predicts that the asymptotic growth of $e_n$ is linear in $n$, in other words, the Iwasawa $\mu$ invariant of $K$ vanishes. If $K$ is a Galois $p$-extension of an absolutely abelian number field, this is a well-known theorem. It seems to be less well-known that one can prove the conjecture also for number fields satisfying a certain condition on the Galois cohomology of the $p$-th roots of unity. The same condition may also be formulated for other Galois representations. For example, one thus obtains a sufficient condition for the strict Selmer group of an elliptic curve to have vanishing $\mu$-invariant, as predicted by Coates' and Sujatha's Conjecture A.
This talk will be about linear algebraic groups (read "groups of matrices") acting on affine algebraic varieties (read "subsets of linear spaces"). The Hilbert-Mumford Theorem is a very useful tool for studying such actions - since the group and the variety carry a topology, one wants to identify the closed orbits and the Hilbert-Mumford Theorem gives a way to do this.
The study of such actions has a distinguished history (going back to Hilbert, as the name of the theorem suggests) and is very well-developed over algebraically closed fields. However, when one moves to non-algebraically closed fields, the situation is very different. I'll present a new idea for making progress here, illustrated with some straightforward examples. I won't assume any knowledge beyond an idea of what a group action is and some basic concepts from Linear Algebra.
In this talk, we will study different kinds of invariants for representations of F2, the free group of rank 2, in SU(2,1). In particular, we will focus on the corresponding character variety of F2, and understand geometrically special subvarieties obtained as fixed points of natural involutions. This involves relating algebraic invariants such as traces or eigenvalues, with geometric invariants, such as triple ratios or cross-ratios.
Traditionally `pure' mathematics is assumed to find `applications'
in sciences and engineering; curriculum committees and funding
agencies believe this. We reverse the approach: we will show, by
many examples, that physics can be applied to discover and establish
theorems in mathematics. The examples range from Pythagoras or
Cauchy-Schwarz to Pick or Gauss-Bonnet. The material of the talk
should be accessible to any undergraduates but be new to most
research mathematicians.
Topological complexity is a numerical homotopy invariant, introduced by Michael Farber in the course of his topological study of the robot motion planning problem. It is a close relative of the Lusternik--Schnirelmann category, although the two invariants are independent.
Given a discrete group G, the topological complexity TC(BG) of its classifying space is an algebraic invariant of the group. One can therefore ask for a description of TC(BG) in terms of well-known algebraic invariants (such as cohomology). Such a description seems out of reach, even in conjectural form. By contrast, the Lusternik--Schnirelmann category of BG is equal to the cohomological dimension of G over the integers.
In this talk I will present lower bounds for TC(BG) coming from the subgroup structure of G, which in some cases improve upon the standard lower bounds in terms of the cohomology algebra of G. We illustrate that our bounds are sharp in various cases of interest, including pure braid groups and Higman's acyclic group.
This is joint work with Greg Lupton and John Oprea.
In the beginning I will introduce the audience to my main motivation
coming from mathematical physics: Chladni Plates and Chladni Patterns.
I will present the main questions in this area. Then I will define the band-limited
limited function, their random Gaussian ensembles, and how to measure
the topology of their zero sets ("nodal patterns").
Then I will discuss a recent work, joint with Peter Sarnak, where
it is shown that the topologies and nestings of the zero and nodal
sets of random (Gaussian) band limited functions have universal
laws of distribution. Qualitative features of the
supports of these distributions are determined. In
particular the results apply to random monochromatic waves and to
random real algebraic hyper-surfaces in projective space.
2015-02-08Theodore Voronov [University of Manchester]:
We will begin by considering tilings and spaces naturally associated to them. We will then consider foliations and some of the limit sets that naturally arise in the study of foliations. We will then see how both of these classes of spaces can be considered what we call matchbox manifolds. We will then explore some of the general properties of matchbox manifolds.
In this talk I will describe cusps in hyperbolic 4-manifolds. In dimension 2 and 3 these cusps are well-understood but in higher dimensions they are in general much more complicated. Consider a discrete subgroup G of the isometry group of hyperbolic n-space and a parabolic fixed point p. The Margulis region consists of all points in the space that are moved a small distance by an isometry in the stabilizer of p in G, and is kept precisely invariant under this stabilizer. In dimensions 2 and 3 the Margulis region is always a horoball, which gives the well-understood picture of the parabolic cusps in the quotient manifold. In higher dimensions, due to the existence of screw-translations (parabolic isometries with a rotational part), this is in no longer true. When the screw-translation has an irrational rotation, the shape of the corresponding region depends on the continued fraction expansion of the irrational angle. I will discuss some background in lower dimensions and describe the asymptotic shape of the Margulis region in hyperbolic 4-space. This is joint work with Saeed Zakeri.
It is known that smooth closed oriented 4-manifolds are smooth branched covers of the 4-sphere. In this talk we extend this result to open 4-manifolds, by showing that they are branched covers of suitable open subsets of S^4. This has two main consequences: (1) any exotic R^4 is a smooth branched cover of the standard R^4, and (2) any closed oriented topological 4-manifold is a topological branched cover of S^4 (in the sense of Ralph Fox). Unfortunately, the branching set tends to be very wild at infinity. This is a joint work with Riccardo Piergallini (University of Camerino).
Manifolds are very interesting topologically because they have no ``local'' properties: every point has a small neighborhood that looks like euclidean space. Accordingly, the classification of manifolds is one of the central problems in topology. The ``homeomorphism problem'' is a bit easier: given a pair of manifolds, we are asked to decide if they are homeomorphic.
These problems are solved for zero-, one-, and two-manifolds. Even better, the solutions are ``effective'': there are complete topological invariants that we can compute in polynomial time. In dimensions four and higher the homeomorphism problem is logically undecidable.
This leaves the provocative third dimension. Work of Haken, Rubenstein, Casson, Manning, Perelman, and others shows that these problems are decidable. Sometimes we can do better: for example, if one of the manifolds is the three-sphere then I showed that the homeomorphism problem lies in the complexity class NP. In joint work with Marc Lackenby, we showed that recognizing spherical space forms also lies in NP. If time permits we will discuss the standing of the other seven Thurston geometries.
Everything is known about triangles '¦ or is it? Consider the problem:
Do area, perimeter and sum of reciprocals of the angles of a triangle determine the triangle uniquely?
In the talk I will answer this question and show how this provides an answer to the question in the title. This amounts to studying the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on triangles as functions of the triangle. I will sketch the history of the general problem 'Can one hear the shape of a drum?' from inverse spectral theory and explain some of the techniques used in its analysis. Finally I will discuss some recent results on a singular adiabatic limit problem which arises when studying the asymptotics of eigenvalues on a degenerating family of triangles or similar geometric setups.
2014-11-24Graham Ellis [National University of Ireland, Galway]: The shape of things
I will describe how elementary notions from topology can be used in the computational analysis of the structure of things like big data sets, proteins, modular group algebras, finite and infinite groups.
Test ideals first appeared in the theory of tight closure, and reflect the singularities of a ring of positive characteristic. Motivated by their close connection to multiplier ideals in characteristic zero, N. Hara and K. Yoshida defined generalized test ideals as their characteristic p analogue.
Whereas multiplier ideals are defined geometrically, using log resolutions, or even analytically, using integration, test ideals are defined algebraically using the Frobenius morphism.
We will consider ideals generated by minors of a matrix in a polynomial ring over a field. Using an algebraic approach, we will give a complete description of their F-thresholds and generalized test ideals."
A result of Hara and Yoshida, will allow us to deduce a description of their log canonical thresholds and multiplier ideals.
2014-11-10Karen Vogtmann [Cornell University and University of Warwick]: Cycles in Outer space
Groups are of central importance throughout mathematics because they
measure symmetry. Groups themselves have symmetry, which is measured
by their automorphism groups. This talk is about the automorphism
group of a finitely
generated free group, which is surprisingly complex given that the free
group itself is so simple. We study this group by studying
its action on a geometric object called Outer space. Topological invariants of
the associated quotient space, such as homology groups, are algebraic invariants
of the group. I will describe Outer space and show how to study the
homology of the quotient space. Recent investigations have turned up
a surprising
connection of this homology with classical modular forms for SL(2,Z).
Given two subvarieties Y and Z of a complex projective variety X, when is there a family interpolating between them? This question can be rephrased in terms of certain invariants of X known as groups of algebraic cycles. These groups are extremely interesting and are the subject of some famously difficult conjectures that describe their structure quite precisely. Although they generate great interest, the conjectures for general X seem wide open.
In the last years, however, progress has been made for certain locally symmetric varieties X by several authors. These developments link the structure of algebraic cycles on $X$ to the theory of theta functions. In turn, these functions are very well understood from the point of view of representation theory and so methods from the theory of automorphic forms become available to study algebraic cycles.
We will define all the relevant objects, review recent results in this area and discuss possible future directions.
While the notion of a commutative cubical diagram of
chain complexes is quite obvious, it is far less clear what a homotopy
commutative cubical diagram should be. One possible definition is
obtained by demanding that its "totalisation", a graded module
equipped with a degree-shifting endomorphism, actually is a chain
complex. The resulting theory is used to define higher-dimensional
mapping tori, which will be employed to obtain a homological
characterisation of finite domination of chain complexes.
In some more detail, a chain complex is finitely dominated if it is
homotopy equivalent to a bounded complex of finitely generated
projective modules. Finite domination of a chain complex can be
characterised by vanishing of its "Novikov homology", that is, homology
with coefficients in certain formal Laurent series rings.
In the talk I will present joint work with David Quinn, relating the
homological machinery of homotopy commutative cubes with Novikov
homology and finite domination.
Continued fractions plays an important role in lattice trigonometry. From one hand this subject is a natural and therefore interesting to be considered by itself. From the other hand lattice trigonometry helps to describe singularities of toric varieties (which gives first results toward the solution of so-called "IKEA problem"). In this talk I will give a general introduction to the subject with various examples. I will try to avoid complicated technical details explaining main ideas behind them.
It was Alan Turing who first asked whether there is an algorithm to decide whether two knots are equivalent. It is now known that there is such an algorithm. But the complexity of this problem is far from well understood. In my talk, I will give a survey of the current state of our knowledge. For example, I will explain why the problem of deciding whether a given knot is trivial is in NP and co-NP. My aim is to make this talk accessible to non-specialists, and so no prior knowledge of complexity theory or knot theory will be assumed.
Hyperbolic 3-manifolds have been studied intensely by topologists since
the mid-1970's. When the fundamental group arises from a certain number
theoretic construction (in this case, the manifold is called "arithmetic"), the manifold acquires extra features that lead to important connections with number theory. Accordingly, arithmetic
hyperbolic 3-manifolds have been studied by number theorists (perhaps
not as intensely as the topologists) with different motivations.
Very recently, number theorists have started to study the torsion in the
homology of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds. The aim of the first half
of this introductory talk, where we will touch upon notions like
"arithmeticity", "Hecke operators", will be to illustrate the importance of torsion from the perspective of number theory. In the second half, I will present new joint work with N.Bergeron and A.Venkatesh which relates the topological complexity of homology cycles to the asymptotic growth of torsion in the homology. I will especially focus on the interesting use of the celebrated "Cheeger-Mueller Theorem" from global analysis.
Schubert calculus was developed by H.Schubert at the end of the 19th century for solving problems of enumerative geometry. Here is an example of such a problem: how many lines in the three-dimensional space meet four given lines in general position? The answer can be found by studying the intersections of Schubert cycles on a variety of lines in C^4, i.e., the Grassmann variety G(2,4). I will speak about a new approach to Schubert calculus on a closely related family of varieties, i.e., on full flag varieties in C^n. The key idea of this approach comes from toric geometry: we can study the geometry of a full flag variety by looking at the combinatorial structure of a certain polytope, known as the Gelfand-Zetlin polytope.
In this talk we give a cohomological description of the "p-parts" of the multiple Dirichlet series attached to moments of quadratic L-series over a number field. We expect that the Eisenstein Conjecture of Bump, Brubaker and Friedberg extends to the relevant Kac-Moody groups in our situation, and that the multiple Dirichlet series we contruct occurs (perhaps, up to a normalization) in a Fourier-Whittaker coefficient of a (Kac-Moody) Eisenstein series.
Hilbert's third problem was to find two polyhedra of equal volume
neither of which can be subdivided into
finitely many pieces and re-assembled to equal the other (we say they
are `scissors-congruent' if this can be done).
It was solved in 1900 by Max Dehn, who introduced a new invariant of
(scissors-congruence classes of) polyhedra for
the purpose. Much later, in 1965, J. P. Sydler showed that volume and
Dehn invariant are a complete set of invariants for
classes of polyhedra in 3-dimensional Euclidean space.
However, the corresponding problems for hyperbolic and spherical space
have been much studied in the last thirty years
because of their connections with K-theory, motivic cohomology,
regulators and polylogarithms,
homology of Linear groups and several other topics of current interest.
I will give an overview of the history of these questions and discuss
some recent related developments.
Explicit Dimension-free Harnack inequalities of (Neumann) heat semigroups on Riemannian manifolds (possibly with boundary) are introduced. These inequalities are equivalent to the curvature lower bound condition as well as the convexity of the boundary, and have a number of applications to functional inequalities, heat kernel estimates and transportation cost inequalities. Extensions to manifolds with non-convex boundary are also discussed.
When studying any class of rings or algebras, the existence of
a grading often has a big impact on what can be said about the members
of the class. In the few years since their inception, cluster algebras
have been found in numerous places and have been shown to be responsible
for a plethora of combinatorial patterns, but until very recently
gradings on cluster algebras have not been considered in any detail.
In this talk, we will introduce gradings on cluster algebras in a very
natural way and show how the intricate structure and combinatorics
associated to cluster algebras allows us to find and classify gradings.
We will look at cluster algebras of finite type and examine the gradings
they admit, making use of cluster categories. Conversely, the gradings
bring out some beautiful combinatorics of their own, as we will see.
Finally, we will conclude with a more algebraic application of gradings
to a problem of the existence of certain (quantum) cluster algebra
The theory of Diophantine approximation stems from a simple question "How well can a real number be approximated with rationals?". Development of this theory provided us with the first evidence that transcendental numbers do exist, long before Cantor invented his cardinality theory. Results that followed showed that the larger a number's Diophantine exponent is, the farther it is from algebraicity. In our talk we shall define the exponents just mentioned, consider a couple of their multidimensional generalizations, formulate some classical theorems, as well as some of recently obtained results. If time allows, we shall talk about transference principle which connects "dual" problems in multidimensional Diophantine approximation.
2014-03-17Pierre-Guy Plamondon [Université de Paris Sud XI]: Friezes
Friezes are sequences of positive integers satisfying some
multiplication rules. They were introduced by Conway and Coxeter in the
70's, and their very simple definition yields surprising combinatorial
properties. Their relationship with the recent theory of "cluster
algebras" has led to new insights, results and generalisations.
In this talk will appear, in undefined order (and not exclusively):
friezes, Fibonacci numbers, triangulations of polygons, linear
recurrence relations, mutations, and maybe some representations of quivers.
In this talk we will show that ribbon graphs have a Brauer graph structure and that any compact oriented marked surface will give rise to a unique Brauer graph algebra up to derived equivalence. The derived equivalences are induced by flips of diagonals in ideal triangulations of the surface. In the case of a disc with marked points we will give a dual construction in terms of Brauer tree algebras. This is joint work with Robert Marsh.
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $p$ a
prime number. The $p$-torsion points among the complex points on $E$
are all algebraic and they form two copies of $\mathbb{F}_p$. Serre
asked questions and answered some about how the Galois group of
$\mathbb{Q}$ acts on these $p$-torsion points. I want to give an
introduction to these questions (accessible to non-number theorists)
that leads to studying certain modular curves. I wish to explain a new
moduli interpretation on the hardest of these naturally occurring
modular curves.
We introduce a general construction of a bialgebra or Hopf algebra structure from a cooperad with a suitably compatible multiplication. This has several "classical" applications: for different choices of cooperad we can recover the bialgebras of Connes and Kreimer, and the bialgebra structure discovered by Baues on the cobar construction of a 1-reduced simplicial set. However the most important example for us will be the bialgebra structure of Goncharov on motivic multiple zeta values.
I will discuss elliptic curves from the classical number theoretic point of view of trying to solve Diophantine equations. The aim will be both to explain how we think about these creatures and to give an overview of what we can (and sometimes can't) prove about them, and to illustrate it with explicit examples. I will not try to describe the huge modern technical machine that has been developed to study elliptic curves, so most of the results will come as black boxes.
The ring of invariants for the action of the automorphism group of the projective line on the n-fold product of the projective line is a classical object of study. The generators of this ring were determined by Kempe in the 19th century. However, the ideal of relations has been only understood recently in work of Howard, Millson, Snowden and Vakil. They prove that for n>6, the ideal of relations is generated by quadratic equations using a degeneration to a toric variety.
I will report on joint work with Benjamin Howard where we compute the Hilbert functions of these rings of invariants, and further study the toric varieties arising in this degeneration. As an application we show that the second Veronese subring of the ring of invariants admits a presentation whose ideal admits a quadratic Gröbner basis.
Since Euler we know that the value of the Riemann zeta function at
non-positive integers is a rational number. Do these values have any
meaning? The Bloch-Kato conjectures answer this question more generally
for values of so-called L-functions. I will give an introduction to the
conjectures and explain a strategy using theta series first employed by
Hida that continues to yield new results towards them.
L-functions are generalizations of the well-known Riemann zeta function. One can associate an L-function to a Dirichlet character, an elliptic curve or even a "motive". These functions, even though analytic in nature, encode important arithmetic information. Perhaps the most prominent example is the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, which relates the L-function of an elliptic curve to its Mordell-Weil group.
On the other hand these L-functions have very interesting p-adic properties (for some chosen prime number p), as for example in the case of the Riemann zeta function the famous Kummer Congruences. These properties are today understood through the notion of (abelian) p-adic measures. It was Iwasawa, and later Mazur and Greenberg, formulating their Main Conjectures, that conjectured the arithmetic significance of these p-adic measures.
In this talk we will start by discussing the notion of (abelian) p-adic measures and their role in the Main Conjectures. Then we will move to a highly conjectural generalization of them to a non-abelian setting due to Coates, Fukaya, Kato, Sujatha and Venjakob, and discuss recent developments in this direction.
Hilbert's third problem was to find two polyhedra of equal volume
neither of which can be subdivided into
finitely many pieces and re-assembled to equal the other (we say they
are `scissors-congruent' if this can be done).
It was solved in 1900 by Max Dehn, who introduced a new invariant of
(scissors-congruence classes of) polyhedra for
the purpose. Much later, in 1965, J. P. Sydler showed that volume and
Dehn invariant are a complete set of invariants for
classes of polyhedra in 3-dimensional Euclidean space.
However, the corresponding problems for hyperbolic and spherical space
have been much studied in the last thirty years
because of their connections with K-theory, motivic cohomology,
regulators and polylogarithms,
homology of Linear groups and several other topics of current interest.
I will give an overview of the history of these questions and discuss
some recent related developments.
Geometric invariant theory is the study of algebraic groups
acting on algebraic varieties. If a reductive algebraic group G acts on
an affine variety V then one can form the quotient variety V//G. Points
of V//G correspond to closed G-orbits in V, so it is important to
understand the structure of the G-orbits. I will discuss some recent
work on G-orbits when the ground field is not algebraically closed.
After giving an introduction to the q-Askey scheme and to the Painlev\'e equations, we will show a link between these two based on the representation theory of the quantum algebra called Cherednik algebra of type $\check{C_1}C_1$. We will follow this construction on a very explicit example to illustrate the theory.
This talk is about a remarkable connection between ranks and
torsion subgroups of elliptic curves over number fields. No advanced
knowledge of elliptic curves will be assumed.
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over a number field $K$. The Mordell-Weil
theorem states that the group of $K$-rational points of $E$ is the
direct sum of a finite group (the torsion group of $E$) and a free
Abelian group of finite rank. It turns out that over number fields $K$
of small degree, the presence of certain torsion groups forces this rank
to be even. This occurs for 13-torsion over quadratic fields, for
The reason behind this is a phenomenon that we call "false complex
multiplication", which is closely related to the arithmetic of modular
curves. I will explain this phenomenon and try to indicate the wider
context in which it can be situated.
This is joint work with Johan Bosman, Andrej Dujella and Filip Najman.
The easy answer is infinite. We will see how to measure the size of such infinite groups by looking at their action on hyperbolic space. The surface groups grow exponentially, as least as a first approximation. I will try to explain better approximations and how they relate to (a) the spectral theory of the Laplace operator (b) counting problems in number theory.
The study of separating invariants is a new trend in Invariant Theory and a return to its roots: invariants as a classification tool. For a finite group acting linearly on a vector space, a separating set is simply a set of invariants whose elements separate the orbits of the action. Such a set need not generate the ring of invariants. In this talk, we give lower bounds on the size of separating sets based on the geometry of the action. These results are obtained via the study of the local cohomology with support at an arrangement of linear subspaces naturally arising from the action.
(joint with Jack Jeffries)
I will report on a joint work with Ralf Schiffler where we introduce the
notion of abstract snake graphs. These graphs are generalization of
snake graphs associated to arcs on triangulated surfaces, therefore
associated to cluster variables. In this talk, I will give a brief
background on cluster algebras, discuss surface cluster algebras in more
detail and introduce our results together with the motivation of the
This is a joint with M.Gektman, S.Tabachnikov, and A.Vainshtein.
The pentagram map that associates to a projective polygon a
new one formed by intersections of short diagonals was introduced by
R. Schwartz and was shown to be integrable by V. Ovsienko, R. Schwartz
and S. Tabachnikov. M. Glick demonstrated that the pentagram map can
be put into the framework of the theory of cluster algebras.
We extend and generalize Glick's work by including the pentagram map
into a family of discrete completely integrable systems.
In this talk we will discuss our approach to integrability of
pentagram map using cluster algebra.
This talk will mostly be an overview of the subject of abstract (categorical) homotopy theory and in particular Quillen model categories. These latter provide a general framework, increasingly proving useful in diverse areas, for approaching 'homotopy-theoretic' questions, such as derived functors. As an important example we will look at the model category of simplicial sets and some related constructions that provide simplicial and categorical 'models' of topological homotopy types.
Rational Cherednik algebras are associated to finite Coxeter groups. They were introduced by Etingof and Ginzburg in 2001. I am going to review some basic facts about these algebras and their representations. Then I'll discuss their interplay with quantum integrable systems of Calogero-Moser type.
I will give a survey on the theory of differential operators on holomorphic
Siegel modular forms which behaves well under the restriction of the domain.
Such operators have the following applications.
(1) Construction of modular forms and determination of their structures.
(2) Explicit calculations of the critical values of L functions and applications.
(3) Theory of special functions such as orthogonal polynomials and new holonomic systems.
I will explain some of them.
2013-06-03Alan Haynes [University of Bristol]:
2013-05-20Lassina Dembele [University of Warwick]:
Symplectic manifolds contain a distinguished class of submanifolds, Lagrangian submanifolds, which are defined by a system of differential equations, and which play a role in dynamics, topology, quantum mechanics and elsewhere. Gromov proved that immersed Lagrangian submanifolds are much more common than embedded ones: the former tend to be flexible, the latter rigid, part of his famous "soft-hard" dichotomy in geometry. We revisit this subject and consider exact Lagrangian immersions in standard flat Euclidean space which have the simplest possible singularities, and find that the soft-hard borderline is more delicate than had been previously imagined. The talk reports on joint work with Tobias Ekholm.
Aperiodic patterns and tilings - highly structured but
non-periodic decorations of Euclidean space - have proved a rich
source of mathematics at the interface of topology, geometry and
dynamics, as well as providing applications to mathematical
biology (viral models) and materials science (quasicrystals).
This talk, addressing just the mathematical point of view, will
introduce the subject for the non-specialist and describe some
recently developed tools drawn from topology, geometric group
theory and a little homological algebra, that have provided new
insights and made connections to the study of certain types of
chaotic attractors in manifolds.
Factorization algebras were introduced by Beilinson and Drinfeld as the geometric version of vertex algebras. I will explain what factorization algebras are and how they can be used in quantum field theory.
No prior knowledge of quantum physics will be assumed.
Via the famous Langlands Programme irreducible, admissible
representations play a central role in modern number theory. Being a
representations these are just vector spaces on which a group acts
linearly. Unfortunately the groups in question tend to be locally
compact ones such as $GL_{n}$ of a local field or of the ring of
adeles of a number field. As a result the ominous adjective
``admissible'' hides a host of technicalities. On the other hand, by
comparison, a finite-dimensional representation
of a finite group is a simple object. In this talk I shall sketch how
to make the former
from the latter in a functorial manner and illustrate some potential
Cluster algebras were introduced in 2002 by Fomin and Zelevinsky
and turned out to be connected to numerous fields of mathematics.
Based on cluster algebras, Barot and Marsh recently constructed
various presentations of finite Coxeter groups. We will discuss
generalizations and a geometric interpretation of these results: it
occurs that these presentations give rise to a construction of
geometric manifolds, it particular to some hyperbolic manifolds of
minimal volume.
The talk is based on the ongoing work joint with Pavel Tumarkin.
This talk is about classification an irreducible cuspidal representation of general linear group over finite fields via twisted gamma factors.
More precisely, the set
{ gamma( pi\times tau, psi) } | tau is an irreducible generic representation of GL_r(F_q), 1<=r<=[n/2]}
together with a central character determine uniquely (up to isomorphism) an irreducible cuspidal representation of GL_n(F_q).
Imagine a wooden puzzle, made from a big polyhedron that can be cut up into "the same" polyhedra and reassembled
in two different ways. Such a puzzle defines what is called a polyhedron exchange transformation, or PET for
short. In my talk, I will explain some of the beautiful properties of PETs and then concentrate on a family of them which I recently studied in a lot of detail. Along the way, I'll explain, in simple terms, an important idea from dynamics, called renormalization.
The classical theory of Diophantine approximation seeks
to quantify density of the set of rational vectors in the Euclidean space.
In this talk we will discuss several conjectures and results regarding
quantitative density of the set of rational points on algebraic varieties.
In the case when a variety has a group structure, we explain how
to approach this problem using dynamical systems techniques.
Recently published in CMP. This is about some analytic results on eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
on surfaces, remainder estimates for the counting function and so on. It is later used in
a numerical algorithm, but the focus is on the geometric/analytic aspects. (with V.Uski)
The fields of symplectic geometry and contact geometry are often
referred to as even and odd-dimensional "cousins". While a symplectic
manifold can be viewed as the natural geometric setting for
Hamiltonian mechanics, a contact manifold is essentially the
restriction of that setting to a hypersurface of constant energy. In
this talk I will discuss some of the basic topological questions
regarding contact manifolds, and explain why these questions can be
studied using a seemingly unrelated algebraic formalism in the style
of a "topological quantum field theory". One of the main insights to
emerge recently from this connection is the fact that contact
manifolds admit varying "degrees of tightness", which give us
information on their relationships to one other and to symplectic
manifolds. I will also sketch some basics on the analytical
technology in the background of all this, a nonlinear elliptic PDE
whose solutions are called "pseudoholomorphic curves".
Automorphisms of compact metric groups are the simplest kind
of dynamical system, and one of the simplest things to try and do is classify them up to natural notions of equivalence. I will describe
some of the number-theoretical problems this throws up, and outline recent joint work with Baier, Jaidee and Stevens aimed at finding
continua in the classifying space.
An extremely difficult question in the representation theory of finite groups is to understand the structure of the category of finite-dimensional modules.In this talk we will discuss some of the main results in this area, before discussing the case where there are only finitely many indecomposable modules in the category. We end with recent work of Olivier Dudas, Raphael Rouquier and the author, which goes a long way towards classifying all possible module categories of finite groups in this case.
In the mid 1980s Gromov proved that Euclidean space, with its standard symplectic structure, contains no embedded exact Lagrangian submanifolds. By contrast, exact Lagrangian immersions are very flexible, indeed governed by an h-principle. We consider exact immersions with one double point and no other singularities, where the boundary between rigidity and flexibility is already visible and surprising. Constraints on such immersions are obtained by studying high-dimensional moduli spaces of solutions to perturbed Cauchy-Riemann equations. This is joint work with Tobias Ekholm (Uppsala University).
Quantifying the proximity of algebraic numbers to transcendental numbers represents a significant research area in the theory of Diophantine approximation. In this talk I will give a brief overview of the area including some latest developments. In particular, I will touch the recent Cantor sets technique of Badzihin and Velani and how it led to a solution of Bugeaud's problem regarding the existence of transcendental numbers badly approximable by algebraic numbers.
The linear characters of the elliptic modular group SL(2,Z)
are since long well-known and occur in many contexts. The group of
these characters is generated by the character which shows up in the
transformation law of the famous Dedekind eta function, which plays a
fundamental role in theories ranging from complex multiplication over
elliptic curves to infinite dimensional Lie algebras. In contrast to
this, the linear characters of the general Hilbert modular groups
SL(2,O), where O is the ring of integers of a number field, seemed
never to have gained sufficient interest. In fact, they have never
been explicitly determined. In recent work we obtained an explicit
description of the groups of linear characters of the Hilbert modular
groups, and we found also interesting automorphic functions associated
to these characters, which are in several aspects analogous to the
Dedekind eta function.
The global Langlands correspondence is a conjectural bijection
between isomorphism classes of three different kinds of objects over number
fields: Galois representations, automorphic representations for GL(n),
and pure motives. They are all parametrised by a sequence of numbers
indexed by primes (L-functions).
I will define these objects as much as possible, and give an overview
of some known cases.
Classical Kleinian groups are discrete groups of automorphisms of the Riemann sphere, which can be regarded as being the complex projective line CP^1. The study of these type of groups has played for decades a major a role in various areas of mathematics. In this talk we shall discuss how this theory generalizes to discrete groups of automorphisms of the complex projective space CP^2, and more generally of CP^n. This includes the particularly interesting class of discrete groups of holomorphic isometries complex hyperbolic spaces.
I will discuss some connections between dynamical systems on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups and number theory, with an emphasis on recent joint work with A. Gorodnik and A. Nevo.
A Stein manifold is a properly embedded submanifold of some
C^n. I will survey invariants of deformation types of Stein manifolds
coming from the theory of pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectic
geometry. This survey talk will focus on topological and computational
aspects of the theory.
If homotopy theory is the study of spaces up to homotopy, then stable homotopy theory is the study of homotopy theory up to `suspension'. Suspension is a method of making spaces larger, for example the suspension of the n-sphere is the n+1-sphere. There are many fascinating patterns and structures within homotopy theory that are only revealed when looking through the lens of stable homotopy theory, such as the Freundenthal suspension theorem. Another example of stable data is that coming from cohomology theories.
Cohomology theories are of great importance for studying topological spaces. They take as input topological spaces and as output give a collection of abelian groups. They satisfy a useful collection of axioms which (in theory) make these groups computable. To study cohomology theories, one looks at their representing objects, called spectra. The category of spectra is called the stable homotopy category and is central to the study of algebraic topology.
The complex hyperbolic space can be seen as the unit ball in C^n equipped with a metric that generalises the Poincaré metric on the unit disc in C. Discrete groups in PU(n,1) are therefore a generalisation of Fuchsian groups, well known in the frame of uniformisation of Riemann surfaces. However, as soon as the dimension is bigger or equal 2, it becomes much harder to describe discrete groups.
In this talk, I will give a description of the complex hyperbolic plane (n=2), describe examples of the construction of such discrete groups in PU(2,1), and try to present some of the main questions in the field.
Schottky groups are a class of groups of Moebius transformations
uniformizing closed Riemann surfaces. After defining our terms, we will
describe the difference between classical and non-classical Schottky
groups and their connections to a uniformization question for Riemann
surfaces. We will then describe the extent to which subgroups of
classical and non-classical Schottky groups inherit the classicalness (or
not) of the larger group.
2012-03-12Anish Ghosh [University of East Anglia]: CANCELLED
The Birch Swinnerton-Dyer Conjectures assert a link between two
invariants of elliptic curves, one algebraic and one analytic.
Despite 50 years of effort, some partial results of breathtaking
ingenuity (and difficulty) and a prize of a million follars offered by
the Clay Mathenatics Institute, the conjectures remain wide open in
general. Even to verify the conjectures for individual curves is a
non-trivial task which relies on deep theoretical results: how do you
verify a formula predicting the order of a group when you can neither
prove that the group is finite, nor that the number giving the
conjectural order is even rational?
In the talk, which will assume no prior knowledge of the subject, I
will describe the conjectures, what is known, and report on some
large-scale numerical evidence for over 1.4 million curves.
An inequality due to von Neumann (in 1951) for norms of polynomials in a matrix has generated many interesting generalisations and theories. In this talk a small selection of these topics are explained including some recent joint results with John McCarthy and some open problems.
Cluster algebras were introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky in 2000, and since then appear in various contexts. A large class of cluster algebras can be constructed using triangulated borded surfaces with marked points. In the talk, I will discuss the construction and combinatorial properties of these algebras, as well as some generalizations and applications.
In this talk, we study geometric heat flows. First, we introduce the Mean Curvature Flow, an evolution equation for submanifolds of some Euclidean space. The goal is to obtain a good intuition for the formation of singularities along this flow, in particular, we will see many explicit examples and pictures (and only very few theorems).
In the second part of the talk, we discuss the Ricci Flow, which might be seen as the intrinsic analog of the Mean Curvature Flow for abstract Riemannian manifolds. We explain our (partially successful) attempts to adopt the results from the first part of the talk to the intrinsic setting.
This talk will be about complete flat Lorentzian manifolds of dimension
three. More precisely, we will discuss such manifolds admitting a free
("Schottky") fundamental group. Their study started with the surprising
discovery, by Margulis in the 1980s, of examples of such manifolds. Drumm
showed that in fact, every Schottky subgroup of hyperbolic isometries
admits "affine deformations" that act freely and properly on R^3. He
showed this by constructing fundamental domains bounded by "crooked
planes". The Crooked Plane Conjecture states that every proper affine
deformation admits such a fundamental domain. In the talk, we will
introduce crooked fundamental domains, and some ideas surrounding the
proof of the conjecture for groups of rank two. (Joint work with Drumm
and Goldman.)
Measure rigidity of flows on homogeneous spaces is a powerful tool that has recently seen many spectacular applications in number theory and mathematical physics. In this lecture I will discuss applications of measure rigidity to three seemingly unrelated problems: kinetic transport in the periodic Lorentz gas, diameters of random circulant graphs and Frobenius' coin exchange problem.
Quadratic forms have a great importance and ubiquity in many areas of mathematics, notably in algebraic and geometric topology. This talk will focus on a particular instance of this: a quadratic form associated to a knot by Goeritz in 1933. The aim is to give a gentle introduction to some current work in knot theory making use of the Goeritz form.
In this talk we shall discuss unified modern approaches to questions of transcendence and algebraic independence in various situations. I shall present state of art in this area and describe several open problems and current aims. We shall also discuss how one can measure algebraic independence of several objects and how these measures are mutually related.
Stable commutator length (scl) answers the question: 'what is the simplest surface in a given space with prescribed boundary?' where 'simplest' is interpreted in topological terms. This topological deï¬nition is complemented by several equivalent deï¬nitions - in group theory, as a measure of non-commutativity of a group; and in linear programming, as the solution of a certain linear optimization problem. On the topological side, scl is concerned with questions such as computing the genus of a knot, or ï¬nding the simplest 4-manifold that bounds a given 3-manifold. In free groups, stable commutator length turns out to be a rich and mysterious invariant, with connections to dynamics, hyperbolic surfaces, and the geometry of integral polyhedra. We will discuss some of the phenomena that arise, and the connections to various areas of mathematics.
Low-dimensional topology is the study of intermediate-dimensional topological spaces: 3- and 4-manifolds. We discuss low-dimensional topology 1980-2015, in particular a powerful point-of-view that appeared ~2000.
In a mathematical billiard a particle moves without friction in a planar domain bouncing elastically at the boundary. Billiards inside rational polygons and area preserving flows on surfaces are two examples of dynamical systems which can be studied using Teichmueller dynamics, a topical and exciting field of research. We will give a brief introduction to the study of mathematical billiards and present some recent results on billiards in regular polygons (joint work with J. Smillie) and chaotic properties of area preserving flows on surfaces.
In this talk we discuss compact curves on special algebraic surfaces, i.e., 2-dimensional complex manifolds defined by polynomial equations. We present some introductory examples and explain in particular the self-intersection numbers of curves on surfaces. F. Hirzebruch used self-intersection numbers to formulate the numerical 'relative proportionality inequality' for arbitrary curves on Hilbert or Picard modular surfaces in the 1970s. In the case of equality the curves necessarily are modular curves, i.e., have some arithmetic quality. Hence, a numerical equation detects modular curves on modular surfaces. In the talk we explain the original inequality and indicate briefly several generalizations and their applications to the Andre-Oort problem and the recent disproof of the bounded negativity conjecture.
A graph-like space is a space which is constructed according to a combinatorial graph, as for example a combinatorial graph itself, or a topological graph, or a small neighbourhood of a graph embedded in R^2. On all these examples, one can define a Laplace operator.
In the talk, we are going to give an overview, presenting e.g. the concept of quantum graphs, graph-like manifolds and the relation of the corresponding Laplacians. Quantum graphs are often considered to lie in between a combinatorial graph and a manifold: they have a rich topological structure, but are still accessible to computations, and therefore serve in many aspects as test objects.
Many diagram algebras have originated from a vast range of areas in mathematics and physics; for example, the Temperley-Lieb algebras from statistical mechanics, the Brauer algebras from the study of the representation theory of orthogonal and symplectic groups, and the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl (BMW) algebras from the Kauffman link invariant and knot theory. They share a close relationship with each other, and are also connected to the Artin braid group of type A, Lawrence-Krammer representations and Iwahori-Hecke algebras of the symmetric group.
In view of these relationships between the BMW, Brauer and Temperley-Lieb algebras and several objects of "type A", various authors have since naturally generalized them for other types of Artin groups and complex reflection groups. The aim of this talk is to discuss the cyclotomic BMW algebras, which were introduced by Haering-Oldenburg and inspired by the cyclotomic Hecke algebras of type G(k,1,n) (aka Ariki-Koike algebras) and type B knot theory. We give a diagrammatic realization of this algebra in terms of affine/cylindrical tangles and discuss its cellular structure, in the sense of Graham and Lehrer.
NO in-depth knowledge of knot theory or familiarity with these algebras is required for this talk.
Free divisors are hypersurfaces whose tangent behaviour is as simple as possible: the ambient vector fields tangent to the divisor form a free module over the ring of functions on the ambient space. Smooth hypersurfaces are obvious examples, but more interesting are singular free
divisors, whose singular set is necessarily of codimension 1. Singularity theory provides a host of intriguing examples, which often appear as discriminants in deformation spaces. The union of the reflecting hyperplanes of a Coxeter group is another example. The talk will explain how to compute the cohomology of the complement from the matrix of coefficients of a basis for the module of tangent vector fields (the so called Logarithmic Comparison Theorem). It will end with a description of a new class of examples associated with representations of algebraic groups and quivers, where the
computation is especially simple.
Complex dynamics, the iteration of holomorphic functions in the plane, has been an active area of research for the last 30 years, ever since Douady and Hubbard's work on quadratic polynomials and the Mandelbrot set. In recent years, work has also focussed on the iteration of transcendental entire functions, whose dynamics has significant differences to those of polynomials. A natural generalization of holomorphic functions to the plane and higher dimensions is given by quasiregular mappings. One can iterate quasiregular mappings, and it is an interesting new avenue of research to see to what extent quasiregular dynamics compares to complex dynamics.
In this talk, we will define quasiregular mappings, see why we can consider them natural generalizations of holomorphic functions, and discuss similarities and differences with respect to complex dynamics. As with any self-respecting dynamics talk, there will be pictures.
We consider linear slices of the deformation space of Kleinian once-punctured torus groups. We will show that when complex numbers a_n converge to 2 the corresponding linear slices converge to the Maskit slice if a_n --> 2 horocyclically and to a proper subset of the Maskit slice if a_n --> 2 tangentially. We will also describe the relation between this result and the complex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinate.
After a general introduction to moduli problems and moduli stacks, I will explain how to calculate the cohomology ring of the moduli stack of vector bundles on a fixed algebraic curve in positive characteristic. This gives a unified view on classical results of Atiyah-Bott and Harder-Narasimhan. I will then discuss actions of various Frobenius morphisms and indicate how to prove an analogue of the classical Weil conjectures for this moduli stack, which basically gives a "stacky" count of the number of isomorphism classes of vector bundles on the fixed algebraic curve. This is joint work in progress with U. Stuhler (Goettingen).
In the first part of a talk I'll give some background to the theory of Diophantine approximation. We'll define the set of badly approximable numbers, consider some of its properties and finally see how can it be described in terms of continued fractions.
Then we discuss the problems which arise in attempt to generalise badly approximable numbers to higher dimensions. Many of that problems are still open, for example the famous Littlewood conjecture. In the final part of a talk I'll focus on the current state of things in this area.
In this talk, I intend to illustrate how the principle of minimal action can be used to obtain more information on the dynamics of convex Hamiltonian systems and their symplectic nature.
Starting from the crucial observation that orbits on invariant Lagrangian graphs can be characterised in terms of their 'action-minimizing properties', I'll discuss how analogue features can be traced in a more general setting, namely the so-called 'Tonelli Hamiltonian systems'. This different point of view brings to light a plethora of compact invariant subsets of the system that, under many points of view, could be considered a generalisation of invariant Lagrangian graphs, despite not being in general either submanifolds or regular. I shall describe their structure and their symplectic properties, as well as their relation to the dynamics of the system.
A smooth surface in 3-space viewed from a particular direction has an 'apparent contour' or 'profile' generated by points on the surface where the viewline grazes (is tangent to) the surface. As the view direction changes, the profile changes in general in a limited number of ways. When the surface is also illuminated from another direction there will be 'shade curves' where the light rays graze the surface, and perhaps cast shadows thrown by these shade curves elsewhere on the surface. The surface may also be piecewise-smooth, perhaps two smooth surfaces meeting along a common boundary, called a 'crease' or three surfaces meeting in a 'corner'. The various features, creases, shade curves, cast shadows, profiles, and perhaps others, interact in a limited number of ways as we change viewpoint. These ways can be found by methods of singularity theory, and I shall explain the connexion between the 'physical' problem and an abstract version of it amenable to singularity theory classification, and give examples to show how passing from 'abstract' to 'real' further limits the possibilities, as well as causing headaches for the classification process. I shall not assume knowledge of singularity theory. The work is
joint with Jim Damon and formerly with postdoc Gareth Haslinger.
Take a large number N. How do you find a prime between N and 2N? Since primes are fairly dense, and since we can test whether an integer is a prime rapidly, constructing a probabilistic algorithm for finding a prime rapidly is trivial. What about a deterministic algorithm?
If we could check quickly whether there is a prime in an interval [N,N+M], M<=N, we would be done. This goal still seems distant. However, we do have now a non-trivial result that is weaker in two ways: the algorithm checks the parity of the number of primes in [N,N+M], rather than whether there are any; moreover, the running time, N^{0.5-c}, is much larger than the desired (log N)^C, though it does break the N^{0.5} barrier.
[The results in the talk were part of a Polymath project. Other main participants include Ernie Croot and Terence Tao.]
This talk will be based around the following two questions. First, given a region in the complex plane, what is its conformal symmetry group? Second, which groups arise as conformal symmetry groups? We discuss these geometric questions in an accessible fashion, using plenty of examples and diagrams, and few formal proofs.
Tom Leinster defined the notion of the `magnitude' of a finite metric space, which can be thought of as something like the `effective number of points' in the metric space. Leinster and I extended the notion to infinite metric spaces such as subsets of Euclidean spaces --- intervals, circles, Cantor sets, etc. I will try to give you some idea what this has to do with ecological biodiversity measures, geometric measure theory, Euler characteristics of categories and penguins.
By a classical theorem of Blaschke and Liebmann, every smooth strictly convex surface in R3 is infinitesimally rigid. The same is true for convex surfaces in the hyperbolic space.
On the other hand, results of Calabi, Weil, and Koiso imply infinitesimal rigidity of compact closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
One would like to unite the arguments of Koiso and Blaschke, which both use the Bochner technique, to reprove the infinitesimal rigidity of hyperbolic manifolds with convex boundary. (Already proved by Schlenker, but with a different method.) A possible advantage of a Bochner-type argument is the possibility to extend it to manifolds with non-smooth boundary. In particular, this could yield a proof of the Pleating Lamination Conjecture.
In this talk I will interpret Blaschke's proof in terms of variations of the Hilbert-Einstein functional, thus bringing it closer to Koiso's argument.
The world of iterated holomorphic correspondences on the Riemann sphere - multivalued functions defined by polynomial equations - is an unfamiliar mathematical environment in which Kleinian groups can be "mated" with rational maps or deformed into them. But classical techniques of conformal dynamics can still be applied to elucidate their behaviour. We describe various examples and examine a particular family of correspondences in which the modular group PSL(2,Z) is deformed into a quadratic map.
We find that heat kernels of finitely generated groups are built up from terms whose main factors are Bessel functions. These explicit expressions allow for analyses of counting functions, such as the number of spanning trees or closed geodesics. Interesting constants appear in the asymptotics of counting functions in certain families of graphs: L^2 determinants, Mahler measures, determinants of Laplacians, zeta functions, automorphic forms, etc. Joint work with G. Chinta and J. Jorgenson.
I'll introduce and discuss briefly the theory of automatic groups, developed by Thurston, Epstein and others 20-25 years ago in order to exploit properties they had observed in the fundamental groups of compact 3-manifolds, explain some of the implications of automaticity and describe some of the open problems.
I'll illustrate the talk with some discussion of Coxeter groups, braid groups and Artin groups, and refer to my own recent work with Derek Holt, which proves that all Artin groups of large type are shortlex automatic.
Together with F.D.R. Fuster, we have investigated an extrinsic differential geometry on spacelike submanifolds of codimension two in Lorentz-Minkowski space. Examples of codimension two spacelike submanifolds are given by hypersurfaces in Euclidean space and Hyperbolic space.
Recently, we have discovered a new geometry on submanifolds in Hyperbolic space which is now called the horospherical geometry in Hyperbolic space. The horospherical geometry is quite different from the hyperbolic geometry in Hyperbolic space. However, it has similar properties to the Euclidean Differential Geometry. For example, the Gauss-Bonnet type theorem holds for the horospherical Gauss-Kronecker curvature. Moreover, the some part of geometric meanings for horo-tightness introduced by Cecil and Ryan have been recently clarified in the framework of the horospherical geometry.
The lightlike geometry for spacelike submanifolds in Minkowski space unifies the Euclidean Differential Geometry and Horospherical geometry in Hyperbolic space.
In this talk, we give the framework of the lightlike geometry on general spacelike submanifolds in Minkowski space. One of the results is the Chern-Lashof type theorem for the lightlike totally absolute curvature of spacelike submanifolds. Such a theorem naturally induces the notion of lightlike convexity and lightlike tightness etc.
Given a manifold M on which a group G acts with compact quotient M/G, we discuss natural methods of solving equations Tu = f for T a linear, G-invariant operator acting in functions on M.
It turns out that there are appropriate generalizations of the classical Fredholm property corresponding to the situations in which G is discrete, unimodular Lie, and even nonunimodular Lie. Furthermore, generalizations of the classical Paley-Wiener theorem can be combined with these Fredholm properties to obtain fine existence and uniqueness results for the equation.
I will try to explain what the words of the title mean and why one might be interested. Time permitting, I'll explain to what extent the representations arising are understood, and how this might help in making the local Langlands correspondence explicit.
he height of a variety measures the amount of information needed to
represent the variety.
It is the arithmetic analogue of the degree in geometry. Classically,
there are two kinds of applications of the theory of heights. On the
one hand, bounds on the height lead to finiteness results. The
prototypical example being Falting's proof of Mordell's conjecture.
On the other hand, exact values of the height can be related with
special values of L-functions. For instance, Gross-Zagier computation
of the height of special cycles on a modular curve, is a key
ingredient in the proof of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for
elliptic curves of rank one. In this talk we will give a survey on the
theory of heights.
Rotation numbers classify orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the circle (hence actions of the integers) up to semiconjugacy. After recalling the classical theory, we will show how one can generalize the notion of rotation number both to actions of groups
larger than the integers and to actions on manifolds more complicated than the circle, or both.
The mapping class group is the automorphism group of a surface, and is a fundamental object in low-dimensional topology, geometric group theory, algebraic geometry, and complex analysis. In particular, it arises naturally as a subgroup of the automorphism group of a free group, as the (orbifold) fundamental group of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces, and as a means of encoding the structure of all 3-manifolds (via Heegaard splittings) and a large class of 4-manifolds (via Lefschetz pencils). In this talk we will give an introduction to the structure of these groups, including a certain subgroup known as the Torelli group.
Topological spaces and manifolds are commonly used to model configuration spaces or phase spaces of physical and economical systems. Many current technological challenges, such as those dealing with the modelling, control and design of large systems, lead to topological problems which very often have mixed topological-probabilistic character and therefore require new mathematical tools. In my talk I will describe several models producing random simplicial complexes and closed smooth manifolds depending on a large number of random parameters and also mechanisms producing random groups. I will focus on recent results and techniques allowing prediction of topological properties of random spaces with high probability.
Harnack inequalities are typically elegant and simple statements about positive solutions of elliptic or parabolic PDE. I will go through some examples in detail without requiring any prerequisites. I will then explain how they show up in Ricci flow. Hamilton's Harnack inequality was a crucial ingredient in the Hamilton-Perelman proof of the Poincare conjecture. These days we understand much better the geometry of Hamilton's result, and can use that understanding to prove much more (joint with Esther Cabezas-Rivas).
The solution curve to a classical techanical system locally minimises an action function, or satisfies a variational principle. The set of globally minimising solutions often conveys a great deal of information about the global phase portrait.
I will discuss some recent developments in this classical theory and how they can be applied to questions about integrable systems.
How difficult could it be to tell whether a set of tiles can tile the plane? In fact it is impossible, in the 1960s Berger proved that the problem is undecidable. As a consequence there must be sets of shapes that can tile the plane but never periodically. Such sets of shapes are called aperiodic.
The original sets of aperiodic shapes were found by hand, with the star being the two Penrose tiles. Today there are a handful of general constructions. The earliest of these constructions involved hierarchical tilings generated by substitution rules. In fact (as proved by Goodman-Strauss in 1998) any substitution rule could be used to find a set of aperiodic tiles.
In this talk we will discuss how recent advances in curvature flows such as the Brendle-Schoen proof of the differentiable sphere theorem by Ricci flow and Huisken-Sinestrari's classification of two-convex hypersurfaces in Euclidean space by mean curvature have led us to formulate new versions of classical sphere theorems, that is for certain curvature conditions invariant under geometric flows, we can classify the manifolds as connected sums of a finite collection of well understood manifolds.
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is one of the most fascinating problems in number theory, providing a link between rational points on an elliptic curve and the order of vanishing of its L-function at the center of symmetry. In our talk we discuss the Gross-Zagier formula, which is an important ingredient in the proof of the BSD conjecture for elliptic curves of analytic rank one. We show how it relates to work of Borcherds on infinite product expansions of modular forms. Generalizing Borcherds' ideas one obtains a new approach to the Gross-Zagier formula and generalizations.
The talk gives a review of some concepts in singularity theory, concerning resolution and deformation of certain singularities. The role of these concepts in conformal field theory, in particular in the context of a classification program are discussed.
Most of mathematics deals with a surprisingly limited range of ``canonical'' objects, like, say, the field of complex numbers. In many cases, model theory provide a technical explanations why this is happening, with serious implications for mathematics as a whole. In my talk, I'll try to outline some of these results and ideas.
This talk is intended for a general mathematical audience. I will try to explain how basic scattering matrix computations in physics (one loop Feynman amplitudes) give rise to dilogarithm motives. If time permits, I will explain a bit about dispersion relations and Cutkowsky rules in physics and what they have to do with monodromy in mathematics.
A symplectic symmetric space admits a unique connection that preserves its structure. It can be described by a formula involving the symplectic structure and the symmetries. A slight modification of this formula allows one to describe any linear connection on a smooth manifold in terms of its geodesic symmetries, or more precisely their second order jet at their center. This yields a very geometric description of many standard objects and results in affine geometry.
In 2009 the Riemann hypothesis become 150 years old. In this talk we want to remind on Riemann and his famous paper which led to the yet unsolved hypothesis which carries his name. His paper had a huge impact on the development of number theory and in particular, on the development of the theory of L-functions. We shall try to indicate this by various examples.
This talk will assume no prior knowledge of geometry (just holomorphic functions). One can try to study "complex manifolds" or "algebraic varieties" via invariants that "count the holomorphic curves in them". This talk will be about explaining the notions in inverted commas; there are at least 4 different ways to define the the last one.
Joint work with G. Arzhantseva, M.R.Bridson, T.Januszkiewicz, I.J.Leary and J.Swiatkowski. In this talk we will discuss a construction of finitely generated groups with strong fixed point properties. More precisely, let X_c be the class of all contractible Hausdorff spaces of finite covering dimension. We will produce the first examples of infinite finitely generated groups Q with the property that for any action of Q on any space X_c, there is a global fixed point. Moreover, Q may be chosen to be simple and to have Kazhdan's property (T).
A fundamental problem in arithmetic geometry is to describe the structure of the sets of integral/rational solutions of polynomial equations. In particular one is interested in the number of solutions, distribution of solutions, and Diophantine approximation by solutions. In this talk we explain how these questions can be approached using techniques from the theory of dynamical systems.
A classical theorem in Geometry states that a 3-manifold with nonnegative scalar curvature having an area minimizing torus has universal cover isometric to R^3. I will talk about extensions of this result to the case where the scalar curvature is strictly positive.
We know, thanks to the work of A. Weil, that counting points of varieties over finite fields yields purely topological information about them. For example, an algebraic curve is topologically a certain number g of donuts glued together. The same number g, on the other hand, determines how the number of points it has over a finite field grows as the size of this field increases.
This interaction between complex geometry, the continuous, and finite field geometry, the discrete, has been a very fruitful two-way street that allows the transfer of results from one context to the other.
In this talk I will first describe how we may count the number of points over finite fields for certain character varieties, parameterizing representations of the fundamental group of a Riemann surface into GL_n. The calculation involves an array of techniques from combinatorics to the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type. I will then discuss the geometric implications of this computation and the conjectures it has led to.
This is joint work with T. Hausel and E. Letellier
2009-11-16Gregory Sankaran [University of Bath]: TBA
I will discuss about how one can express the transcendental degree of arithmetical fields in a first order way. The "recipe" is based on the Milnor Conjecture (as proved by Vojevodsky, Rost, et al). Elaboration on the method leads to a way to describe isomorphism classes of function fields of curves over number fields in an elementary way.
I shall survey some of the recent developments in the study of extremal Kaehler metrics on compact manifolds. I shall start in two dimensions, where the classical uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces provides a pleasant starting point for discussion of the general case.
There are many ways of generalizing Riemann's zeta functions. One of the simplest to define is the multivariable function zeta(s_1,...,s_r)=sum_{n_1>...>n_r>0} (1/n_1^{s_1}...n_r^{s_r}). This converges if s_1>1. The values zeta(k_1,...,k_r) of these functions at positive integers thus exist if k_1 is at least 2. They are real numbers which form an algebra over Q. Recent results have provided strong evidence for some long-standing conjectures on a very close relation between this algebra and an algebra obtained from the absolute Galois group of Q by considering its action on the thrice-punctured sphere.
The symplectic reduction of a Hamiltonian action of a Lie group on a symplectic manifold plays the role of a quotient construction in symplectic geometry. It has been understood for several decades that symplectic reduction is closely related to the quotient construction for complex reductive group actions in algebraic geometry provided by Mumford's geometric invariant theory (GIT). Symplectic implosion (due to Guillemin, Jeffrey and Sjamaar) is much more recent, and is related to a generalised version of GIT which provides quotients for non-reductive group actions in algebraic geometry. The aim of this talk is to give a brief survey of symplectic reduction and symplectic implosion and their relationship with GIT, and (if time permits) describe an application of non-reductive GIT to Demailly's theory of jet differentials.
Aside from the classical case of abelian varieties, the period matrices of a family of algebraic varieties satisfy a system of partial differential equations. We will explain two algebro-geometric implications of the integrability conditions of this PDE system. If time permits, we will also discuss one seemingly far-reaching conjecture.
A short survey of classical results in transcendence theory will be given. We will discuss the theorem about transcendence degree of the field generated over rationals by values of Eisenstein series and exponential function at given point. As a corollary of this theorem we deduce for example the algebraic independence of pi and exp(pi). Some other corollaries and main ideas of the proof will be discussed.
The spectral shift function (SSF) of a pair of selfadjoint operators measures the net amount of spectrum shifted by the perturbation (i.e. the difference between the two operators). We present bounds on the SSF, abstract ones as well as specific ones for Schroedinger operators. Thereafter we discuss several applications in the theory of periodic and random Schroedinger operators.
In this talk the construction of infinitely many examples of aspherical Riemannian 4-manifolds that are homology 4-spheres will be described. These manifolds are constructed by performing Dehn surgery on a complete, open, hyperbolic 4-manifold of finite volume which can be realized as the complement of five disjoint tori in the 4-sphere. Infinitely many of these homology 4-spheres admit an Einstein metric of negative scalar curvature. The existence of aspherical homology 4-spheres answers an old question of William Thurston and solves Problem 4.17 on Kirby's 1977 low-dimensional topology problem list. This work is joint with Steven Tschantz of Vanderbilt University.
In the talk, I'll recall how the space of complex valued automorphic forms can be used to calculate the complex valued cohomology of an arithmetic group. I'll then describe a natural space of "p-adic automorphic forms", which plays the same role in calculating the p-adic valued cohomology. I'll discuss some consequences of the theory.
Let X be a smooth complex projective variety. We provide a description of a biextension and archimedean height pairing of two cycles whose classes belong to a certain Bloch-Beilinson filtration level in the Chow group of $X$.
We will first describe the differential Harnack inequality for the heat equation on a manifold. Then we will discuss Perelman's amazingly analogous Harnack estimate for the Ricci flow. It gives rise to monotone quantities, which are essential in understanding singularities occurring in the Ricci flow. We will conclude with a new monotonicity result and its application to singularity analysis.
Lattices in semisimple groups (like SL(n,Z)) and mapping class groups of surfaces are among the most interesting groups in geometry and topology. I shall review and compare properties of the two classes of groups (Kazhdan's property (T), rigidity, the space of homomorphisms etc)
The signature of a smooth compact manifold has a lot of interesting properties and is related to quantities defined in topological, geometric and analytic ways. When we move to the setting of singular spaces, these various quantities are no longer a priori related, and the properties of signature don't hold in the same simple sense. Nevertheless, there are still many interesting relationships among these quantities and various versions of the properties that hold in special settings. In this talk, I will briefly review signatures for smooth manifolds, then give an overview of some of the work being done by various researchers on extending signature theory to singular spaces.
One of the cornerstones of singularity theory is Arnold-Brieskorn discovery of the correspondence between simple function singularities and Weyl ADE groups. I will show how this result extends to functions with symmetries and complex reflection groups, both linear and affine. Most attention will be paid to the monodromy and discriminants of the singularities. A crash course on vanishing topology of function singularities will be included.
There is an analogy between prime numbers and lengths of (prime) geodesics in hyperbolic manifolds. We discuss the distribution of these lengths and its refinements when we impose (co)homological restrictions. The Selberg trace formula is a good tool for such investigations. It relates these lengths to the eigenvalues of the Laplace operator. We will explain why this is so and what seem to be the limits of the analogies with prime numbers.
The intersection form among curves on a complex algebraic surface always has signature (1,n) for some n. So the automorphism group of an algebraic surface always acts on hyperbolic (n-1)-space. For a class of surfaces including K3 surfaces and many rational surfaces, there is a close connection between the properties of the variety and the corresponding group acting on hyperbolic space.
Grishanov, Meshkov and Omelchenko have introduced the idea of representing a fabric with a repeating (doubly periodic) pattern by a knot diagram on a torus, having made a choice of a unit cell for the repeat of the pattern. Algebraic invariants of this diagram based on the Jones polynomial were used to associate a polynomial to the fabric which was independent of the choice of unit cell, so long as a minimal choice of repeating cell was made.
Grishanov and I have recently made use of the multivariable Alexander polynomial to strengthen the information available about topological properties of the fabric. We use the term fabric to mean a doubly periodic oriented plane knot diagram, consisting of coloured strands with at worst simple double point crossings, up to the classic Reidemeister moves. A fabric gives rise to a link diagram on the torus S^1 x S^1 by choosing a repeating cell in the pattern and splicing together the strands where they cross corresponding edges to form the diagram on the torus. A link in S^3 with two further auxiliary components X and Y is constructed by placing the torus in S^3 as a standard torus and including the core curves on each side of the torus in addition to the curves forming the diagram on the torus. The multivariable Alexander polynomial of this link has many nice features which are independent of the choice of unit cell, and relate more closely to the original fabric.
I will discuss some recent progress on Grothendieck's anabelian section conjecture obtained jointly with A. Tamagawa. The conjecture predicts that rational points of hyperbolic curves over number fields all arise from sections of the arithmetic fundamental group of the curve. We develop/introduce the theory of cuspidalization of sections of arithmetic fundamental groups. As a consequence we prove that the p-adic version of the anabelian section conjceture holds under a certain condition (roughly speaking the condition is that the existence of a section implies the existence of a tame point). We also prove that a section of the arithmetic fundamental group of
X\S, where X is a proper and smooth curve over a p-adic field and S is a set of points which are every where dense (in the p-adic topology) arise from a rational point. Finally, we prove that the existence of a section of the arithmetic absolute Galois group of a curve X over a number field implies that the set of adelic points of X is non empty.
The problem of the title in Algebraic Geometry is known as the Zariski Cancellation Problem. In this talk, we approach it from a variety of perspectives -- smooth manifolds, algebraic varieties, and birational geometry. En route we encounter an historic misproof of the Poincare conjecture, classification of contractible manifolds, a characterization of algebraic families of vector bundles, a reinterpretation of singularities, and some fun with spheres. The goal is to extract as much algebraic geometry as possible from what are essentially motivic -- er, topological -- ideas. This is drawn from joint work with Aravind Asok, and also Francis Kirwan. Pretty examples abound.
2008-10-27Sander Zwegers [University College Dublin (Ireland)]: Mock modular forms
The main motivation for the theory of mock modular forms comes from the study of Ramanujan's mock theta functions, which he defined in his last letter to Hardy, in 1920. Since then, many papers have been written (Watson, Selberg, Andrews, ...), studying Ramanujan's examples. However, no natural definition was known. In 2002, the missing intrinsic characterization of these mock theta functions was found, using results on indefinite theta functions, Appell-Lerch sums and Fourier coefficients of meromorphic Jacobi forms. This has led to a satisfactory general definition and seems to have sparked a flurry of recent activity involving these functions and generalizations thereof. In this talk we'll discuss some of these results, a general definition and a generalization to higher depth mock modular forms.
Poincar\'e duality complexes model the algebraic topology of manifolds. It is known that in dimensions 1 and 2 all such complexes are homotopy equivalent to manifolds. In his foundational 1967 work on such complexes Wall raised several questions about the 3-dimensional case, motivated by knowledge of 3-manifolds. In the 1980s Turaev answered one of these questions when he showed that such a complex decomposes as a sum if and only if its fundamental group is a free product. Experience with 3-manifolds suggested that indecomposable (orientable) $PD_3$-complexes should either be aspherical, $S^1\times{S^2}$, or have finite fundamental group. We shall describe a counterexample to this expectation, with fundamental group virtually free, and outline some recent work suggesting that any other counterexample must have a similar structure. [The example has just 8 cells, and its construction is quite explicit. The (very) recent work involves using repeatedly a result of Crisp, that centralizers of elements of odd order in the fundamental group must be finite, applied to graphs of finite groups.]
Many mathematicians are familiar with Alan Turing as a logician, pioneer of computer science, and even war hero. Not so many know that he was also a number theorist. I will describe Turing's interest in the Riemann hypothesis, in a manner accessible to all.
In the talk we will discuss the functional equation A(B)=C(D)
for different classes functions of one complex variable and its
connections with Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Dynamics,
and Approximation Theory.
This talk is about the development of "differential calculus" on
stratified nilpotent Lie groups; this subject demonstrates a very pretty
interplay of undergraduate multivariable calculus, algebra and geometry.
Several aspects of calculus on the group of $4 \times 4$ upper triangular
unipotent matrices will be analysed to illustrate this claim.
The concept of the slow invariant manifold is the central idea underpinning a transition from micro to macro and model reduction in kinetic theories. We present the constructive methods of invariant manifolds for model reduction in physical and chemical kinetics, developed during last two decades. The physical problem of reduced description is studied in the most general form as a problem of constructing the slow invariant manifold. The invariance conditions are formulated as the differential equation for a manifold immersed in the phase space. The equation of motion for immersed manifolds is obtained. Invariant manifolds are fixed points for this equation, and slow invariant manifolds are Lyapunov stable fixed points, thus slowness is presented as stability.
A collection of methods to derive analytically and to compute numerically the slow invariant manifolds is presented. The systematic use of thermodynamic structures and of the quasi- chemical representation allows us to construct approximations which are in concordance with physical restrictions.
The following examples of applications are presented:
Nonperturbative derivation of physically consistent hydrodynamics from the Boltzmann equation and from the reversible dynamics, for nudsen numbers Kn~1; construction of the moment equations for nonequilibrium media and their dynamical correction (instead of extension of the list of variables) in order to gain more accuracy in description of highly nonequilibrium flows; model reduction in chemical kinetics.
This talk will be very elementary and perfectly accessible for the whole departmental family (from pure to applied, from postgraduate to upper undergraduate).
We discuss two seemingly completely unrelated topics in number theory.
On one hand, we will consider certain positive definite quadratic forms in
four variables and study their representation numbers. These are
variants of the question in how many ways one can write a given integer as
the sum of 4 squares.
On the other hand, we will study a particular elliptic curve, that is, a
certain cubic equation in the xy-plane. In particular, we will investigate
the solutions of this equation over the finite field with p elements,
where p is a prime.
We will see that these two problems are in fact closely related. The
explanation of such a relationship leads naturally to questions in modern
number theory. In particular, we will outline the role of modular forms in
this context and give a glimpse of the so-called Langlands program, which
asserts far reaching generalizations of the examples presented in this
I shall describe in this talk my joint work with Vitaliy Kurlin, in which we
characterise the groups $G$ that can appear as the image by a surjective
homomorphism of a classical link group, We also determine the systems of
elements of $G$ which can be the image of the meridians, respectively the
preferred longitudes of a link.
The conditions we obtain can be expressed as obstructions in the second homology
group of $G$ and a quotient of the third homology group of the abelianization of
The Stasheff polytopes $K_n, n>2,$ appeared in the Stasheff
paper ``Homotopy associativity of H-spaces'' (1963) as the spaces of
homotopy parameters for maps determining associativity conditions
for the products $a_1 ...a_n, n>2$.
Stasheff polytopes are the focus of attention of various research
areas. Nowadays they have become well-known due to applications of
operad theory in physics. There is a growing number of different
approaches, such that bracketing, polygon dissection, plane trees,
intervals and so on, which result in Stasheff polytopes.
We will describe combinatorics and toric topology of Stasheff
polytopes using several constructions of these polytopes.
We will show that the two-parameter generating function $U(t,x)$,
enumerating the number of $k$-dimensional faces of the $n$-th
Stasheff polytope, satisfies the famous Burgers-Hopf equation
We will discuss some applications of this result including an
interpretation of the Dehn--Sommerville relations in terms of the
Cauchy problem, and the Cayley formula in terms of conservation
2008-02-04John Hunton [University of Leicester]: Aperiodic Order
This talk is about 1-parameter families of elliptic curves, K3 surfaces, and CY 3-folds -- objects which arise, for example, in the theory of modular forms and in mirror symmetry -- with particular attention to the role played by singular fibers. Instead of looking at the geometry of the family directly, one often studies the associated variation of Hodge structure (VHS). This is a linear-algebraic object which keeps track of how period integrals change as the algebraic variety deforms. The degrees of related vector bundles on the parameter space are a tool for studying global behavior.
In his classic study of minimal elliptic fibrations (1960's), Kodaira described all possible singular fibers and their relation to the A-D-E classification (from Lie/singularity theory). I want to spend quite some time explaining this and how one can relate fiber types to the Euler characteristic of the total space and the degree of the Hodge bundles.
What is interesting is how these relations generalize (or fail to generalize) to higher dimensions (K3, CY 3-fold), and the related nonexistence (or existence) of non-isotrivial families with no singular fibers. We will describe some results along these (global) lines, and also briefly explain our own classification of (local) degenerations of CY 3-fold VHS's related to mirror symmetry. This is joint work with P. Griffiths and M. Green.
In complex geometry, the Kaehler-Ricci flow is a powerful tool
to study the existence of Kaehler-Einstein metrics or more generally
Kaehler-Ricci solitons. I will discuss how one can think of the Kaehler-Ricci
flow in terms of balanced metrics. Balanced metrics are canonical algebraic
metrics obtained from a G.I.T construction. In the case of toric Fano
manifolds, we obtain a simple algorithm to compute an approximation of the
Kaehler-Ricci soliton. For manifolds with negative first Chern class, our
algorithm is related to the work of H. Tsuji.
We discuss different approaches to building the algebraic geometry over an algebra of quaternions, and give a brief introduction to hyperkaehler and hypercomplex geometry. Some unsolved problems are stated.
We give a survey on braid groups and subjects connected with them.
We start with the initial definition, then we give several interpretations
as well as several presentations of these groups. Markov and Garside normal form are given next. We finish with the generalizations of braids also classical like Artin groups or recent ones like the inverse braid monoid.
A regular fibration by geodesics of a three-dimensional space
form is represented by a spacelike surface in four-dimensional
moduli space of geodesics. In the euclidean case, the standard
contact structure is perpendicular to such a fibration. Solemn
undertaking: "I would make it accessible to any math grad student..."
Representation growth is a comparatively new direction in Asymptotic Group Theory. After a brief introduction to the subject, I will report on a joint project with Christopher Voll. We are currently investigating the representation growth zeta functions of compact $p$-adic Lie groups. In my talk I will present recent results and discuss open problems. In particular, I will explain how to establish functional equations for zeta functions which arise in a suitable global setting. As I will indicate in my talk, this makes use of the orbit method and techniques from the subject of Igusa local zeta functions.
In the 1960's, Quillen first formulated a general approach to
homology and cohomology in algebraic settings, with cohomology functors
represented by abelian group objects, and homology appearing as the
derived functors of abelianization. However, if we try to apply this
formula to topological spaces, we find the only abelian group objects
are Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces, which yield ordinary cohomology. Here we
show how Quillen's approach may be extended to cover generalized
cohomolgy theories, such as K-theory, cobordism (in various flavours),
and so on, in a way that may help clarify the relationship between
cohomology and homology.
The talk will not assume any special knowledge of homotopy theory or
homotopical algebra.
I will present an overview of results on the topology of groups
of diffeomorphisms of symplectic manifolds. I will talk about the
various methods and sketch the proofs of at least two results:
1. The cohomology ring of the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms
of a closed symplectic manifold is infinitely generated in many cases.
2. A Reznikov's theorem saying that the action
of SU(n+1) on CP^n induces an injection on rational homology.
Both proofs uses basic algebraic topology and a little bit of
symplectic geometry (as a black box).
2007-03-05Marc Lackenby [University of Oxford]: Property tau
How can one construct a computer network without bottlenecks? Is there
a method of efficiently shuffling a pack of cards? How does the spectrum
of the Laplacian on a manifold behave under finite-sheeted covers? How
can one detect `large' groups? Do hyperbolic 3-manifolds contain
essential surfaces? In my talk, I will show how these questions are
all related to an intriguing concept known as `Property tau'.
A finitely generated group has only finitely many subgroups of each
finite index. The group's zeta function is the Dirichlet series
encoding these numbers. If the group is nilpotent its zeta function
admits an Euler product decomposition into local factors, indexed by
the primes. These local factors have remarkable arithmetic properties.
One of their features is a beautiful palindromic symmetry: I shall
report on recent work, establishing certain functional equations for
the local factors of zeta functions of nilpotent groups. I will show
how this can be achieved using techniques from the theory of Igusa's
local zeta function associated to polynomial mappings, generalizing
work of Denef and Meuser's and others.
I will also discuss variants of these zeta functions. Among them are
zeta functions counting subgroups up to conjugacy, or counting just
normal subgroups in nilpotent groups, representation zeta functions of
nilpotent groups and zeta functions of torsion-free rings.
The talk is based in part on a joint work with Ian Agol, Peter Storm
and Kevin Whyte in which we show that there are only finitely many
conjugacy classes of maximal arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups.
I am going to discuss a variant of the proof and some quantitative
results which it implies.
Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is one of the
happiest memories of the 20th century. Unfortunately,
Wiles' proof does not readily extend in a way that
allows us to solve many other classical Diophantine
problems. In this talk, based on joint work with
Bugeaud and Mignotte, we explain how the proof of
Fermat's Last Theorem can be combined with older
analytic techniques due to Baker, in a way that solves
several classical Diophantine problems. For example,
we show that the only perfect powers in the Fibonacci
sequences are 0, 1, 8, 144.
The \emph{rank gradient} $rg(G)$ of a finitely generated residually
finite group $G$ is a measure of the rate of growth of the number of
generators of subgroups of finite index in $G$. We relate this to the
invariant 'cost' of Levitt and Gaboriau of measure preserving ergodic
group actions. Using recent results by Golodets and Dooley and of Marc
Lackenby we disprove a conjecture about the Heegaard genus of
hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
This is joint work with Miklos Abert in Chicago.
In various fields of applications, such as topological robotics,
configuration spaces of mechanical systems depend on a large
number of parameters, which typically are only partially known and
often can be considered as random variables. Since these
parameters determine the topology of the configuration space, the
latter can be viewed in such a case as a random topological
space or a random manifold. One of the most natural notion to investigate is the mathematical
expectation of the Betti numbers of random manifolds. Clearly,
these average Betti numbers encode valuable information for
engineering applications; for instance they provide an average
lower bound for the number of critical points of a Morse function
(i.e. observable) on such manifolds.
In the talk I will present a recent joint work with T. Kappeler
in which we studied mathematical expectations of Betti numbers of
configuration spaces of planar linkages, viewing the lengths of
the bars of the linkage as random variables. Our main result gives
explicit asymptotic formulae for these expectations in the case of two distinct probability measures describing the
statistics of the length vectors when the number of links tends to
2006-10-30Bernhard Koeck [University of Southampton]: Real Belyi Theory
Belyi's famous theorem states that a compact Riemann surface can
be defined over a number field if and only if it admits a meromorphic
function with at most three critical values. My talk will be about a
generalization of this theorem to Klein surfaces, i.e. (possibly
non-orientable) surfaces with boundary which carry a dianalytic structure. I
will also explain some other characterizations (triangle groups, maps on
surfaces, ...) David Sigerman and I have obtained.
The rapid development in statistical analysis of shape has encountered many issues which classical statistical methods are unable to tackle in more than a crudely approximate fashion. This is due to the fact that the natural structure of shape space is not flat, unlike the Euclidean space for which the classical methods were developed.
In this talk, we look at the geometry of Kendall shape space and discuss how certain results of Riemannian geometry have played important roles in studying some statistical problems in shape analysis.
"I will give some of the intuitions which have fostered a collaboration with Philip Higgins since the 1970s, and with others, and which have suggested new foundations for basic homotopy theory. The aim is to have algebra which models the geometry and *because of this* allows new calculations, sometimes needing computer implementation. A slogan for this approach to local-to-global problems is `algebraic inverses to subdivision'. Pursuing this idea reveals a range of new algebraic structures which, under the term `higher dimensional algebra', are used by workers in mathematics, physics, computer science, and have potential in biology. Such algebra arises from sets of partial operations whose domains are defined by geometric conditions. "
2006-05-29Marcos Salvai [Cordoba, Argentina]:
"Let S be the set of all compact intervals on the real line having more than one point. It is a surface which is not canonically embedded in Euclidean space. We present two metrics on S and study their geodesics. The first one, which does not discriminate size (each segment takes itself as yardstick to measure the size of the neighbouring segments and the distance to them), is a model of the hyperbolic plane. We also comment on more general situations. The second one, which takes into account the individual motions of the interior points of the segments is a simple two dimensional example motivating the canonical metric on the Frechet space of all embeddings of a fixed compact manifold in Euclidean space. "
"Let S be the set of all compact intervals on the real line having more than one point. It is a surface which is not canonically embedded in Euclidean space. We present two metrics on S and study their geodesics. The first one, which does not discriminate size (each segment takes itself as yardstick to measure the size of the neighbouring segments and the distance to them), is a model of the hyperbolic plane. We also comment on more general situations. The second one, which takes into account the individual motions of the interior points of the segments is a simple two dimensional example motivating the canonical metric on the Frechet space of all embeddings of a fixed compact manifold in Euclidean space. "
"Compact hyperkaehler manifolds are Kaehler manifolds admitting a holomorphic symplectic form. Using the methods of representation theory, it is possible to describe the algebraic structure of cohomology ring of a hyperkaehler manifold. In particular, one can show that the subalgebra of cohomology generated by H2(M) is free, up to middle degree."
"The localization of commutative rings is a classic technique of algebra, inverting non-zero divisors. The localization of noncommutative rings is a more modern algebraic technique, in which morphisms of modules are inverted, with consequently more complicated ring theory. The theory has applications to the topology of spaces (especially manifolds) with nontrivial fundamental groups, such as the complements of knots and links. The talk will survey both the algebra and some of the applications to topology. "
"The Centre Symmetry Set (CSS) of a curve in the plane (or a surface in 3-space) can be defined as the envelope of chords joining pairs of points where the tangent lines (or planes) are parallel. For a centrally symmetric curve or surface the CSS is a single point, the centre of symmetry. For a generic convex plane curve the CSS is a curve with an odd number of cusps. For a non-convex curve or a surface the CSS exhibits many standard singularities and some not-so-standard ones. One interest of the CSS is therefore that it is exhibits singularities of various kinds in a natural geometric context. The construction is affinely invariant, and in fact generalises various classical concepts such as euclidean and affine focal sets.
In this talk, intended to be comprehensible to postgraduates and a general mathematical audience, I shall describe the construction of the CSS, giving on the way many examples and also making general observations about envelopes of lines in the plane and in space. The work is joint with V.Zakalyukin."
"How can one construct computer networks without bottlenecks? Is there a method of efficiently shuffling a pack of cards? How does the spectrum of the Laplacian on a manifold behave under finite-sheeted covers? How can one detect `large' groups? Do hyperbolic 3-manifolds contain essential surfaces? In my talk, I will show how these questions are all related to an intriguing concept known as `Property tau'."
"A homolgy decomposition is a way to build a space out of 'simpler' space. A CW -complexes is given an iterated building process based on spheres and disc's where as the gluing data for homology decompositions is encoded in a functor defined on a 'nice' category with values in the category of topological spaces, and where all simpler spaces are glued together in one step. Homology decompositions are one of the major tools to understand the homotopy theory of classifying spaces. We will apply these ideas in several much more algebraic contexts, Stanley-Reisner algebras associated to simplicail complexes, invariant theory and group cohomology."
"In the transition between neighbouring stable geometrical configurations (e.g.generic planar projections of knots) one observes codimension 1 singularities. Associated to each, at least in complex geometry, there is (usually) a "vanishing cycle". This may appear in different dimensions in different real versions of the same complex singularity. The talk looks at a wide range of examples, with many drawings, and shows how these higher dimensional Reidemeister moves combine and proliferate."
"Up to deformation, there are three real forms of elliptic curves which depend on the number of real ovals: 0, 1 or 2. All elliptic curves are hyper-elliptic, and there real forms can be obtained by the double covering of P1/R ramified in four points, some of them conjugate.
K3 surfaces give a 2-dimensional generalization of elliptic curves. What about similar results as above for them? This will be the subject of the talk."
"I aim to give an elementary account of the Willmore conjecture, and to say what a Willmore surface is. Some of the early attempts to prove the conjecture will be explained, and there may be a very brief mention of some more recent results. "
"Roughly speaking, Wall's realisation theorem asserts that a certain class of bordisms is classified by an abelian group, $L_n(\pi)$, which depends only upon the dimension ($n > 4$) and fundamental group of the bordism. Wall's theorem plays an essential role in the classical surgery classification of manifolds within a given homotopy type. Kreck extended surgery theory, replacing $L$-groups with certain $l$-monoids to classify $n$-manifolds with a given $n/2$-type (weaker input that homotopy type). I shall explain our recent calculation of the odd dimensional $l$-monoids, our extensions of Wall's realisation theorem for even dimensional bordisms and some classification results which follow. "
"The Wronski map associates to a $p$-tuple of polynomials of degree $m+p-1$ their Wronski determinant, a polynomial of degree $mp$. If the polynomials are linearly independent, they define a a point in the Grassmannian $G(p,m+p)$. Accordingly, the Wronski map can be considered as a map from $G(p,m+p)$ to the projective space ${\bf P}^{mp}$. The map is finite, and one can define its degree. In the complex case, this degree equals the number of standard Young tableaux for the rectangular $(m,p)$-shape. In the real case, Young tableax should be counted with the signs depending on the number of inversions. Degree of the real Wronski map is zero when $m+p$ is even, and equals the number of standard shifted Young tableaux for an appropriately defined shifted shape when $m+p$ is odd. When both $m$ and $p$ are even, the Wronski map is not surjective. These results have important applications to real Schubert Calculus and to the pole placement problem in control theory. "
"The meridian map is an endomorphism of the linear skein of the annulus, induced by placing an extra meridian loop around any diagram in the annulus. The eigenvalues of this map depend on two partitions, and all occur with multiplicity 1. The corresponding eigenvectors form a natural basis in many constructions of knot and manifold invariants, and they play a key role in the transition between the quantum $SL(N,q)$ invariants of a knot and its Homfly invariants. I shall introduce skein theory in this context and give an account of some of the simple skein theoretic features used in constructing the eigenvectors, and their resulting properties. "
"Using the relative de Rham-Witt complex we prove an equivalence of categories between the category of locally free crystals on a scheme which is smooth over a p-adic base scheme and the category of de Rham-Witt connections, thereby generalizing a recent result of Bloch. As an application we give a de Rham-Witt realization of the Gauss-Manin connection."
"The speaker is going to introduce the algebras arising from quantization of some Poisson structures on semisimple orbits in sl(n)*. A quantization procedure for vector bundles over these orbits within the framework of Serre-Swan approach will be also discussed"
"Let $X$ be a finite connected graph. The fundamental group $\Gamma$ of $X$ is a free group and acts on the universal covering tree $\Delta$ and on its boundary $\partial \Delta$. This boundary action may be studied by means of the crossed product $C^*$-algebra $C(\partial \Delta) \rtimes \Gamma$. The structure of this algebra can be explicitly determined. It is a {\it Cuntz-Krieger algebra}. Similar algebras may be defined for boundary actions on affine buildings of dimension $\ge 2$. These algebras have a structure analogous to that of a simple Cuntz-Krieger algebra and this is the motivation for a theory of higher rank Cuntz-Krieger algebras, which has been developed by T. Steger and G. Robertson. The K-theory of these algebras can be computed explicitly in some cases. Moreover, the class $[1]$ of the identity element in $K_0$ always has torsion. This talk will outline some of the geometry and algebra involved."
"Closed one-forms have been recently applied with some success in the qualitative study of dynamical systems. The aim of this talk is to give a panoramic view of of some of these developements. "
"The attempt to automate recognition and classification of shapes in the plane and in 3 dimensional space has led to many mathematical problems. I shall concentrate in this talk on some of the ones in which I have been directly involved over the past 20 years or so and shall attempt to give an illustrated survey rather than a technical exposition. The topics include the reduction of a shape to a 'skeleton' of lower dimension which still contains a great deal of information about the shape; the recovery of shape from 'outlines' or 'apparent contours'; and the classification of views of illuminated surfaces. "
" We compute the L^2 cohomology of the so-called `Salvetti complex' for each Artin group. Two surprising facts about this computation are: 1. It can be done at all --- the ordinary cohomology of these spaces is not known in such great generality; 2. The answer is highly non-trivial --- many previous calculations of L^2 cohomology have been of the form `it vanishes in all but one degree'. In work in progress, we use similar techniques to compute the L^2 cohomology of a large class of hyperplane arrangments. "
"In the presence of symmetry, topological methods can be enhanced. The machinery for doing this is called equivariant cohomology. I will explain this in simple terms and illustrate it with a few examples. I will then apply it to several geometric situations, involving configurations of points, flag manifolds and vector bundles."
"The stable mapping class group is the group of isotopy classes of automorphisms of a connected oriented surface of "large" genus. The Mumford conjecture postulates that its rational cohomology is a polynomial ring generated by certain classes of dimension 2i, one for each i greater than 0. Tillmann's insight that the plus construction makes the classifying space of the stable mapping class group into an infinite loop space led Ib Madsen to a stable homotopy theory version of Mumford's conjecture, stronger than the original. This stronger form of the conjecture was recently proved by Madsen and myself. In the second half of my talk, I will outline the strategy of the proof, which is in part a reduction to a result from singularity theory. The first half of the talk will be more historical. "
"A guiding principle for 3-Manifold Theory for the past quarter century has been the expectation that every closed 3-manifold should have a canonical decomposition into pieces with homogeneous geometries of finite volume. In this talk I shall consider the role of geometries for 4-manifolds, and I shall outline why most 4-manifolds do not admit such geometric decompositions. "
"Given matrices in known conjugacy classes, what can one say about the conjugacy class of their product? Equivalently, can one determine whether or not it is possible to solve the equation A<sub>1</sub>, A<sub>2</sub>...,A<sub>k</sub> = I with matrices A<sub>i</sub> belonging to prescribed conjugacy classes? A variant, the Deligne-Simpson problem, asks for the existence of irreducible solutions. These problems arise naturally in connection with the classification of differential equations on the Riemann sphere. I shall describe partial answers to these and analogous problems involving sums of matrices. The answers are in terms of root systems, as occurring for semisimple Lie algebras, or more generally for Kac-Moody Lie algebras. The proofs involve representations of quivers, vector bundles with parabolic structure and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence."
"When G is a finite group and l a prime I define a new logarithm or regulator homomorphism on K<sub>n</sub>(Z<sub>l</sub>[G]), the higher dimensional algebraic K-theory of the l-adic group ring of G. The ``torsion free'' part of the logarithm is evaluated on the image of the assembly map in terms of a familiar universal coefficient map and the l-th Adams operation."
"A generalization of modular forms, known as "higher-order modular forms" has recently arisen in percolation theory, in the theory of Eisenstein series twisted by modular symbols and in connection with problems of usual L-functions. We discuss the ways they appear in these contexts, the structure of the space they generate and properties of their L-functions."
"I shall give a review of the theory of Lorentzian (or hyperbolic of Borcherds type) Kac-Moody Lie algebras. They should be considered as a hyperbolic analogy of the well-known theories of finite-dimensional semi-simple and affine Kac--Moody Lie algebras. I will be mainly interested in the problem of their classification."
"We describe a more conceptual approach to the construction of Euler characteristics of nearly perfect complexes which was recently introduced by Chinburg, Kolster, Pappas and Snaith. We then discuss certain applications of our approach in the context of Lichtenbaum's theory of Weil étale cohomology. "
"We prove that a complete family of projective curves, of genus g>1, with a given geometric fundamental group, in positive characteristics, is necessarily isotrivial. This indeed is a result on the variation of the fundamental group of curves in positive characteristics, and gives new evidence to a conjecture of mine. "
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> We will try to cover the main results of the paper: Soren Illman and Marja Kankaanrinta, Three basic results for real analytic <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> proper G-manifolds, Math. Ann. 316 (2000),169-183, and also say something about the preceding paper by the same authors <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> in Math. Ann. 316 (2000), 139-168. We are interested in the following three questions concerning real analytic proper G-manifolds. <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> (i) Given a real analytic manifold M together with a real analytic proper action of a Lie group G on M, does there exist a G-invariant <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> real analytic Riemannian metric on M ? <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> (ii) Can one approximate a G-equivariant smooth map between two real analytic proper G-manifolds by a G-equivariant real analytic <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> map ? <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> (iii) Suppose G is a linear Lie group and let M be a real analytic proper G-manifold with only finitely many orbit types. Does there then <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> exist a G-equivariant real analytic imbedding of M into some finite dimensional linear representation space for G ? <p><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> We prove that the answer to questions (i) and (ii) is affirmative when G is a linear Lie group, and in fact more generally when G can <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> be imbedded as a closed subgroup in Lie group with only finitely many connected components. We also prove that the answer to <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> question (iii) is yes."
"<!ABSTRACT> <spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Chow groups are invariants of algebraic varieties which generalize the classical notion of the Jacobian of a curve. In the first part <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of this lecture Chow groups will be defined, their most elementary functorial properties will be stated, and an application to a basic <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> question in algebraic geometry will be illustrated by an example. The second part of the lecture will summarize known results about <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> the torsion subgroups of Chow groups and will touch upon recent progress and open problems."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30>We begin with some history and a few remarkable properties of these classical surfaces. We then give some generalizations <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> for hypersurfaces in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces. Turning to symplectic geometry, we discuss the Lagrangian <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> catenoid of I. Castro and F. Urbano in C<sup>n</sup>. Finally we study Lagrangian submanifolds in C<sup>n</sup> which are foliated by (n-1)-planes <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> and for n=2 introduce a family of ruled Lagrangian surfaces in C<sup>2</sup> which can be thought of as ``Lagrangian helicoids''."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> Random matrix theory is central to a number of current problems in mathematics and physics. Indeed, the distributions of random <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> matrix theory govern the statistical properties of the large systems which do not obey the usual laws of classical probability, and <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> which range from heavy nuclei to the zeros of zeta function.
<br> <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> In the talk, we will concentrate on the following two analytic problems of the random matrix theory. The first one is the evaluation <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of the large N (N-size of the matrix) limit of the basic eigenvalue statistics. The second one is the study of the analytic properties <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of the limiting distribution functions appeared after the large N limit . We will show that the both problems can be treated in the <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> framework of the Riemann-Hilbert method of the theory of integrable systems. (No prior knowledge of either random matrices <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> or integrable systems is needed)"
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> In this talk a general overview of the Riemann-Hilbert method, which was originated in 1970s-1980s in the theory of integrable <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> nonlinear PDEs of the KdV type, will be given. The method is based on the reduction of a given problem to the holomorphic <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> factorization of matrix valued functions, and it can be thought of as a non-commutative analog of the method of contour integral <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> representations. It is quite remarkable that during the last decade the Riemann-Hilbert method has gradually become a universal <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> analytic apparatus for studing problems from many areas of modern mathematics which have never been considered before as <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> ``integrable systems''. In the talk the most recent applications of the Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotic problems arising <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> in the theory of matrix models, combinatorics and integrable statistical mechanics will be outlined."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> The global Weierstrass representation is used to transform the variational problem of the Willmore functional on tori <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> immersed in R<sup>3</sup> into a variational problem with constraints on the space of Fermi curves of two--dimensional Dirac <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> operators with periodic potentials. These Dirac operators are the Lax operators of an integrable system. The Fermi <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> curves are the integrals of motion. The Willmore functional is the corresponding first integral. In turns out that the <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> moduli space of these Fermi curves is not complete. After adding the Fermi curves of finite rank perturbations of such <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Dirac operators the subsets of the moduli space, on which the first integral is bounded, becomes compact. We show <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> that the Fermi curves of relative minimizers of this contrained variational problem have dividing real parts. This allows <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> to classify all relative minimizers, whose first intgeral is not larger than 8\pi. The total minimum is realized by the Fermi <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> curve of the Clifford torus. "
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> A punctured torus group is a discrete free subgroup of PSL(2,C) generated by two transformations A and B such <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> that the commutator [A,B] is parabolic. In his famous unpublished work, Troels Jorgensen gave a beautiful description <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of the Ford fundamental domain of (quasifuchsian) punctured torus groups. In this talk, I will present a generalization <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of his result to the groups on the outside of the space of quasifuchsian punctured torus groups. To be precise, we show <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> that each group in the natural extension of rational pleating varieties of the quasifuchsian punctured torus space is the <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> holonomy group of a hyperbolic cone manifold whose Ford fundamental domain can be explicitly described. This <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> enables us to explicitly construct the hyperbolic structures and the Epstein-Penner decompositions of the 2-bridge knot <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> complements. As an application to knot theory, we recover the classification theorem of the 2-bridge knots due to Schubert <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> and the calculation of the outer automorphism groups of 2-bridge knot groups due to Conway and Bonahon-Siebenmann <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> (both unpublished). This is joint work with Hirotaka Akiyoshi, Masaaki Wada and Yasushi Yamashita."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Mirror symmetry is a strange correspondence between topologically distinct Calabi-Yau manifolds first observed <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> by string theorists around 1990, and which has generated a great deal of interest since then because of unusual <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> numerical predictions. I will describe recent work explaining how the relationship between mirror pairs of <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Calabi-Yau manifolds can be explained at the topological level by dualizing torus fibrations."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Integral geometry often gives simple solutions to otherwise difficult problems. We will take a look at what it can <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> say about the Willmore conjecture.
As a warm-up for the uninitiated, try proving: "Any smooth simple closed <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> curve on the unit 2-sphere which enters every closed hemisphere, must have length at least 2\pi." <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> (Solution in the lecture.)"
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> The discriminant b^2-4ac of a quadratic equation is the oldest and easiest invariant. It generates the ring of <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> invariants in this case. But this does not hold for equations of higher degree. Cayley and Sylvester computed <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> the number of invariants of a given degree and studied the structure of the invariant ring. In the latter half of this <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> talk I will discuss their formula in connection with the celebrated Verlinde formula which counts the number of <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> "conformal blocks"."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> The fundamental rack or quandle has been shown to classify classical knots and links but it is inadequate for <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> virtual knots and links. In order to get around this the fundamental biquandle has been invented with the hope <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> that it will fulfill the same promise. The definition, some properties and various applications will be given in this talk."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Uniformizing Riemann surfaces by Kleinian groups, we can identify the Teichmuller space, the deformation <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> space of Riemann surfaces with the deformation space of corresponding Kleinian groups. From this point of <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> view, we can embed the Teichmuller space into complex affine space holomorphically. In particular if we <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> consider one-dimensional Teichmuller space, we can realize it as a domain in the complex place, hence we <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> can see its figure whose boundary is usually fractal curve. In my talk I will try to explain the reason why it <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> looks like a "cauliflower" in all scales."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> The concept of a moment (or momentum) map in symplectic geometry is a generalisation of the familiar <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> notions of angular and linear momentum in mechanics, and has been studied for several decades. <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> A moment map is a smooth map from a symplectic manifold X to the dual of the Lie algebra of a group G <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> acting symplectically on X, whose components are Hamiltonian functions for the infinitesimal action on X <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of elements of the Lie algebra. A few years ago Alekseev, Malkin and Meinrenken introduced the concept <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of a quasi-Hamiltonian G-space, for which there is a moment map taking values in the group G itself instead <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> of in the dual of its Lie algebra. The aim of this talk is to describe some of the similarities and differences <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> between group valued moment maps and traditional moment maps, and an application of the new approach."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> The homology groups of a manifold satisfy Poincare duality, while the homology groups of a singular <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> algebraic variety usually don't. Strangely, one can define "intersection homology" groups of a singular <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> space which do look like the homology groups of a manifold; for example, they satisfy Poincare duality. <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> Why should this be possible?
<p> <spacer type=horizontal size = 30> This kind of question has a surprisingly neat relation with elliptic cohomology theory, which has been <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> a major part of the last 20 years in algebraic topology. "
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> <!ABSTRACT> The moduli space of all quadratic rational maps up to M\"obius conjugacy is isomorphic to <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> ${\Bbb C}^2$. It is possible, and also useful, to regard one of the coordinate axes as the moduli <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> space of quadratic polynomials; the Mandelbrot set, parametrizing the quadratic polynomials <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> with connected Julia set, thereby lies in this slice. Nearly twenty years ago, Douady conjectured <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> that the rational maps in the central portion of the moduli space of quadratic rational maps might <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> be understood as {\em matings} of pairs of quadratic polynomials. The proposed construction is <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> purely topological: one glues filled-in Julia sets back-to-back along complex-conjugate prime <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> ends to obtain a branched cover of the sphere. Work of Tan Lei and Mary Rees shows that under <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> favorable circumstances, the resulting branched cover is topologically conjugate to an essentially <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> unique quadratic rational map. According to Milnor, mating is an interesting operation because it <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> possesses none of the usual good properties: it is not injective, surjective, continuous, or even <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> everywhere defined. We will survey recent results concerning these issues - in particular, the <br><spacer type=horizontal size = 30> discontinuity of mating. <p><!END OF ENTRY>"
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> A Gross-Zagier type formula for the anticyclotomic p-adic L-function of an elliptic modular <br> <spacer type=horizontal size = 30> form f of higher weight and of multiplicative type at p is explained. For such f we also decribe <br> <spacer type=horizontal size = 30> explicitly the local Galois representation attached to it at p. This is joint work with Adrian Iovita."
"<spacer type=horizontal size = 30> How nice can a smooth map f: M-->Q be made by a small homotopy? If we mean C^\infty <br><spacer type=horizontal size=30> small, then there is a whole theory of Thom-Boardman singularities. But if we mean C^0 <br><spacer type=horizontal size=30> small then there is a great simplification and in many cases the map can be desingularised <br><spacer type=horizontal size=30> completely. In fact the problem reduces to finding a suitable stable normal bundle."
"<spacer type=horizontal size=30> We shall discuss conformal invariants of tori in the three-space generalizing the Willmore<br><spacer type=horizontal size=30> functional and explain some lower estimates for this functional in terms of these invariants <br><spacer type=horizontal size=30> rising from the spectra of Drac operators. "
"The classical value of a continued fraction is the limit of its partial quotients. This definition is too restrictive and a complex continued fraction is best viewed as a specials sequence of Mobius maps. We apply hyperbolic, and inversive, geometry to get a new insight into continued fractions."
"After a brief introduction to mirror symmetry, I will explain how derived categories enter the picture via Kontsevich' homological mirror symmetry conjecture. I will show how this leads to families of derived equivalences realizing the mapping class group of the mirror manifold, to faithful braid group actions on categories a la Seidel and Thomas, and to other delicacies."
A construction of surfaces in Lie sphere geometry based on the linear system which copies equations of Wilczynski's projective frame is proposed. In the particular case of Lie-applicable surfaces this linear system describes joint eigenfunctions of a pair of commuting Schrodinger operators with magnetic terms.
Let pi be the group of a knot and G be a Lie group. We describe the local structure of the algebraic variety of representations of pi in G in the neighbourhood of an abelian representation. This description involves the cohomology groups of pi with coefficients in the Lie algebra of G and the Alexander polynomial of the knot.
"It is fashionable to claim that modern particle physics can make predictions about mathematics, as opposed to the more traditional other way round. I shall explain why this is true with some physics accessible to pure mathematicians, and discuss some mathematical consequences."
"In 1972 Epp proved a theorem asserting that in an arbitrary finite extension of discretely valued fields L/K one can eliminate wild ramification, i.e., to guarantee validity of e(k'L/k'K)=1 for some finite extension k'/k, where k is a constant subfield: maximal subfield of K with perfect residue field (k is canonical in the mixed characteristic case). In joint work with M. V. Koroteev we prove a variant of Epp's theorem, which asserts that for k'/k one can take a composite of a cyclic extension and an extension of some bounded degree. Moreover, the cyclic extension can be chosen inside any given deeply ramified extension of k, in particular inside any ramified Z<sub>p</sub>-extension."
"In this talk we will investigate hyperbolic, spherical, and Euclidean orbifolds and cone-manifolds. A geometrical approach for constructing fundamental polyhedra for cone-manifolds through their discrete and non-discrete holonomy groups is consided. We establish trigonometric identities for cone-angles and lengths of singular geodesics. Explicit formulae for volumes and isoperimetric inequalities for knot and link orbifolds will also be given."
"The study of least area surfaces is more than 200 years old and it makes contact with many mathematical disciplines,from the calculus of variations and partial differential equations to geometry (Riemannian, Kahler and symplectic) and topology. I will describe what I consider to be some of the most significant milestones in this field and how they are linked. I shall attempt, in this way, to put into a broad perspective some current developments and open problems, including ones crucial to the understanding of the SYZ mechanism for mirror symmetry."
"P-adic Lie groups arise naturally in arithmetic as the image of the absolute Galois groups of number fields in the automorphism group of finite dimensional Galois representations over the field Qp of p-adic numbers. I shall begin my lecture by discussing some general results on the Euler characteristics of these finite dimensional representations proven recently in joint work with R. Sujatha and J-P. Wintenberger. I shall then discuss the Euler characteristic of a certain infinite dimensional representation attached to an elliptic curve, and its connexion with the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer."
"Despite their classical origin, the topology of the Riemann moduli space (and equivalently of the diffeomorphism group of surfaces) is still badly understood. The global study of its cohomology was initiated by Mumford in the early eighties. Twenty years later his conjecture on the rational cohomology is still unproved. The moduli space of Riemann surfaces has been studied with tools from complex analysis, algebraic geometry, and exploiting its close relation to the mapping class group from algebra. The main theme of the talk is to add yet another approach using the tools of (stable) homotopy theory."
2000-11-27Ted Chinburg [University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA]: Embedding problems
"The main problem of inverse Galois theory is to construct Galois extensions of a given field with a prescribed Galois group. Embedding problems ask more generally how one can embed a given Galois extension into a larger one with a prescribed Galois group. This talk is about two questions:<spacer type=horizontal size=60> (1) When do all solutions of a given embedding problem arise from the universal deformation of a Galois <spacer type=horizontal size=82> representation? <spacer type=horizontal size=60> (2) If one can solve all finite quotients of an embedding problem, can the original problem be solved? Part (1) is joint with F. Bleher, and part (2) is joint with D. Glass."
I shall discuss a geometric problem arising in the study of point particles in physics. This leads to a conjecture which is very simple to state but seems difficult to prove. I shall also discuss various generalizations of the conjecture.
The topological group structure of the absolute Galois group of a local 1-dimensional field is relatively simple and almost does not depend on this field; but it has an additional structure given by its decreasing filtration by ramification subgroups. The aim of the talk is to present a recent progress in the study of this filtration.
"A famous theorem of A. A. Roitman states that for a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field (of characteristic 0, for simplicity), the so-called Albanese map induces an isomorphism of the torsion subgroup of the Chow group of zero-cycles with the group of torsion points of the Albanese variety. Recently Michael Spiess and I found a new conceptual approach to this theorem which allows a generalisation to not necessarily projective varieties. In the lecture I'll retrace the long and glorious history of the subject starting from classical work of Abel and Jacobi over the complex numbers, before giving a brief explanation of our recent work."
The lecture describes recent joint work with Rob de Jeu. In this work we compute <i>p</i>-adic regulators for a certain part of the algebraic K-theory group K<sub>4</sub> of a curve over a <i>p</i>-adic field using the <i>p</i>-adic dilogarithm and Coleman integration.
Entropy has its origins in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It gained mathematical rigour in Shannon's work on the foundations of information theory, and quickly found striking applications to ergodic theory in work of Kolmogorov and Sinai. Many variants and other applications have appeared in pure mathematics since, connecting probability, combinatorics, dynamics and other areas.
I will survey a few recent developments in this story, with an emphasis on some of the basic ideas that they have in common. I will focus largely on (i) Lewis Bowen's "sofic entropy", which helps us to study the dynamics of "large" groups such as free groups, and (ii) a cousin of sofic entropy in the world of unitary representations, which leads to new connections with random matrices.
A multi-geodesic is a multi-set of closed geodesics. I will explain how to pick a random multi-geodesic (on a hyperbolic surface), and discuss the following question: what is the shape of a random multi-geodesic on a hyperbolic surface of large genus? We will see that, for example, the average lengths of its first three largest components are approximately,
75.8%, 17.1%, and 4.9%, respectively, of the total length. This is a (partially ongoing) work with Vincent Delecroix.
A group G has Serre's property FA if every action of G on a tree has a global fixed point. It is well known that groups with property (T) have property FA. There is a natural generalization of property FA to higher dimensional actions on simplicial complexes, called property FA_r, where one requires that any action on an r-dimensional CAT(0) simplicial complex has a global fixed point. Farb proved that SL_n(Z) enjoys property FA_{n-2}, but the situation remains elusive for general higher rank lattices. In a joint work with Ben Lowe, we develop a new method for establishing property FA_r, using minimal submanifolds and min-max theory. As a consequence we show that any cocompact lattice in SL_n(R) has property FA_{[n/8]-1} and lattices in the exceptional rank one group F_4^(-20) have property FA_2.
I will discuss the spectra and dynamics of Z^d-periodic graphs which are not locally finite but carry non-negative, symmetric and summable edge weights. These graphs are shown to exhibit rather intriguing behaviour. We construct a periodic graph whose Laplacian has purely singularly continuous spectrum. Regarding the point spectrum, we construct a graph with a partly flat band whose eigenvectors must have infinite support. Concerning dynamical aspects, under some assumptions we prove that motion remains ballistic along at least one layer. We also construct a graph whose Laplacian has purely absolutely continuous spectrum, exhibits ballistic transport, yet fails to satisfy a dispersive estimate. This provides a negative answer to an open question in this context. The fractional Laplacian is viewed as a special case, and we prove for it a phase transition in its dynamical behaviour. Many questions still remain open, and we believe that this class of graphs can serve as a playground to better understand exotic spectra and dynamics.
Joint work with Joachim Kerner, Olaf Post and Matthias Täufer.
We use the Selberg zeta function to study the limit behavior of resonances in a degenerating family of Kleinian Schottky groups. We prove that, after a suitable rescaling, the Selberg zeta functions converge to the Ihara zeta function of a limiting finite graph associated to the relevant non-Archimedean Schottky group acting on the Berkovich projective line.
Moreover, we show that these techniques can be used to get an exponential error term in a result of McMullen (recently extended by Dang and Mehmeti) about the asymptotics for the vanishing rate of the Hausdorff dimension of limit sets of certain degenerating Kleinian Schottky groups generating symmetric three-funnels surfaces. Here, one key idea is to introduce an intermediate zeta function capturing \emph{both} non-Archimedean and Archimedean information (while the traditional Selberg, resp. Ihara zeta functions concern only Archimedean, resp. non-Archimedean properties). Based on ongoing joint work with Carlos Matheus, Wenyu Pan and Zhongkai Tao.
On a finite-area hyperbolic surface with genus $g$ and $n$ cusps, the eigenvalues of the Laplacian below $1/4$ play an important role in understanding the geometry of the surface and dynamics of its geodesic flow. A natural question is to understand how many of these small eigenvalues a surface can have.
Work of Otal and Rosas proves that there can be at most $2g+n-2$ small eigenvalues and simple examples can be constructed to show that this is sharp. In this talk I will discuss forthcoming work with Will Hide (Oxford) proving that if the genus is not too large compared to the number of cusps, any surface has at least const*$(2g+n-2)/log(2g+n-2)$ small eigenvalues. I will also discuss how the $log(2g+n-2)$ factor can be removed under some mild assumptions on the surface geometry.
In this talk, we consider two models of random geometry of surfaces in high genus: combinatorial maps and hyperbolic surfaces. The geometric properties of random hyperbolic surfaces under the Weil–Petersson measure as the genus tends to infinity have been studied for around 15 years now, building notably on enumerative results of Mirzakhani. On the other hand, random combinatorial maps were first studied in the planar/finite genus case, and then in the high genus regime starting 10 years ago with unicellular (i.e. one-faced) maps. In a joint work with Svante Janson, we noticed some numerical coincidence regarding the counting of short, closed curves in unicellular maps/hyperbolic surfaces in high genus (comparing it to results of Mirzakhani and Petri). This leads us to conjecture some similarities between the two models in the limit, and raises several other open questions.
We are interested in studying the behavior of geometric invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, such as the length of their geodesics. A way to do so is by using probabilistic methods. That is, we consider a set of hyperbolic manifolds, put a probability measure on it, and ask what is the probability that a random manifold has a certain property. There are several models of construction of random manifolds. In this talk, I will explain one of the principal probabilistic models for 3 dimensions and I will present a result concerning the length spectrum -the set of lengths of all closed geodesics- of a 3-manifold constructed under this model.
Small eigenvalues of a surface are eigenvalues of the Laplacian on the surface that are below the bottom of the spectrum of the Laplacian of the universal cover of the surface. In this talk I will give a brief history of the problems related to these eigenvalues and known results.
Bernoulli convolutions are examples of stationary measures to the iterated function system {lambda x -1,lambda x +1} in R for 1/2 < lambda < 1. Studying smoothness of Bernoulli convolutions (e.g. absolute continuity, dimension, rate of decay of Fourier transform) is notoriously difficult due to overlaps in the IFS, which has seen much recent progress especially on the dimension theory by Hochman, Shmerkin, Varjú and various others. The rate of decay of Fourier transform of the Bernoulli convolution is mostly unexplored territory, and only some cases of Bernoulli convolutions are known to have explicit rate of decay, such as Garsia numbers where the decay is polynomial or for random lambda by the Erdös-Kahane method.
In this talk I will discuss a consequence of a recent joint work with S. Baker (Loughborough), where by introducing a small non-linear perturbation to the IFS {lambda x -1,lambda x +1} defining the Bernoulli convolution, we have that any stationary measure to the perturbed IFS must have polynomial Fourier decay rate, even with any type of overlaps. The proof is based on Bourgains discretised sum-product theorem combined with a new uniform spectral gap theorem for complex transfer operators with overlaps, where we introduce a co-cycle version of the Dolgopyats method that allows us to deal with the overlap structure.
The problem of finding the maximal possible multiplicity of the first Laplacian eigenvalues has been studied at least since the 1970's. I will present a recent work in collaboration with Simon Machado (ETH Zürich) in which we proved, for negatively curved surfaces, the first upper bound which is sublinear in the genus g. Our method also yields an upper bound on the number of eigenvalues in small spectral windows, and this upper bound is shown to be nearly sharp. We also obtain results for higher-dimensional manifolds. Our proof combines a trace argument for the heat kernel and a geometric idea introduced in the context of graphs of bounded degree in a paper by Jiang-Tidor-Yao-Zhang-Zhao (2021). Our work provides new insights on a conjecture by Colin de Verdière and a new way to transfer spectral results from graphs to surfaces.
Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a family of finite coverings of a hyperbolic surface $S$. A spectral gap of $\mathcal{F}$ is an interval $I = [0, \varepsilon]$ such that the eigenvalues in $I$ (counted with multiplicity) of the Laplacian $\Delta_S$ of $S$ and $\Delta_X$, any $X ¡Ê \mathcal{F}$, are the same. I will present a joint work with M. Magee where we give a spectral gap for congruence coverings when $S$ is the surface associated to a Schottky subgroup of $\mathrm{SL} (2, \mathbb{Z})$ with thick enough limit set. The proof exploits the link between eigenvalues of the Laplacian and zeros of dynamical zeta functions attached to $S$ via the thermodynamic formalism.
The aim of this talk will be to construct functions on a cyclic group of odd order whose ''convolution square'' is proportional to their square. For that, we will have to interpret the cyclic group as a subgroup of an abelian variety with complex multiplication, and to use the modularity properties of their theta functions.
After a brief introduction to subject of spherical representations of hyperbolic groups, I will present a new construction motivated by a spectral formulation of the so-called Shalom conjecture. This a joint work with Dr Jan Spakula.
We establish the local limit theorem for biased random walks on a simply connected nilpotent Lie group G. The result allows to approximate at scale 1 the n-step distribution of the walk by the time n of a smooth diffusion process for a new group structure on G. We also show this approximation is robust under deviation. The proof uses a Gaussian replacement scheme, combining Fourier analysis and a swapping argument inspired by the work of Diaconis-Hough. As a consequence, we obtain a probabilistic version of Ratner's theorem: Ad-unipotent random walks on finite-volume homogeneous spaces equidistribute toward algebraic measures. Joint work with Emmanuel Breuillard.
Conformal Bootstrap is an active area of research in theoretical physics, which aims to constrain a subclass of quantum field theories starting only from a set of basic self-consistency conditions. In this talk I will review the relation between this program and the spectral theory of hyperbolic manifolds. As I will show, hyperbolic manifolds (orbifolds, more generally) provide solutions to the self-consistency equations used in conformal bootstrap. Furthermore, a direct application of standard conformal bootstrap techniques leads to strong constraints on the spectral gap of hyperbolic 2-orbifolds, which is in many cases nearly saturated by known surfaces. I will also mention some new results from an ongoing work. Based on and work in progress with James Bonifacio, Dalimil Mazac and Sridip Pal.
Bowen and Margulis in the 70s proved that closed geodesics on compact hyperbolic surfaces equidistribute towards the measure of maximal entropy. From a homogeneous dynamics point of view, this measure is the quotient of the Haar measure.
In a joint work with Jialun Li, we study a higher rank generalization of this homogeneous dynamics problem.
One-relator groups G= as a class are something of an outlier in geometric group theory. On the one hand they have some good algorithmic properties, e.g. solvable word problem, but pathological examples abound, and they have therefore been resistant to most of the geometric tools we have available - for instance, small cancellation theory tells us nothing. I will relate the subgroup structure of a one-relator group G to the primitivity rank, a notion introduced by Puder, pi(w) of w, in his work on word maps in free groups. Our results seem to provide a conceptual explanation for some strong analogies between one-relator groups on the one hand and surface and three-manifold groups on the other. This is joint work with Henry Wilton.
The Weil-Petersson model is a very nice and natural way to sample random hyperbolic surfaces. Unfortunately, it is not easy to compute expectations and probabilities in this probabilistic setting. We are only able to compute expectations of quantities that depend on lengths of *simple* closed geodesics, i.e. geodesics with no self-intersections, thanks to breakthrough work by Mirzakhani. The aim of this talk is to present new ideas that allow to deal with non-simple geodesics, developed in an ongoing collaboration with Nalini Anantharaman. We show that certain averages can be expanded in powers of 1/g and provide information on the terms appearing in this expansion. I will discuss the implications of these results in spectral geometry, and the inspiration we found in Friedman's work on random regular graphs.
The Cheeger constant of a Riemannian manifold measures how hard it is to cut out a large part of the manifold. If the Cheeger constant of a manifold is large, then, through Cheeger's inequality, this implies that Laplacian of the manifold has a large spectral gap. In this talk, I will discuss how large Cheeger constants of hyperbolic surfaces can be. I will discuss recent joint work with Thomas Budzinski and Nicolas Curien in which we prove that the Cheeger constant of a closed hyperbolic surface of large genus cannot be much larger than $2/\pi$ (approximately 0.6366). This in particular proves that there is a uniform gap between the maximal possible Cheeger constant of a hyperbolic surface of large enough genus and the Cheeger constant of the hyperbolic plane (which is equal to 1).
We will consider useful numerical invariants for simple dynamically defined sets (in this case Hausdorff dimension) and transformations (in this case Lyapunov exponents). We will consider the problem of getting rigorous estimates and the implications for some problems in number theory (in particular, the Lagrange spectrum in diophantine approximation) and Euclidean and Hyperbolic geometry (via barycentric subdvision of triangles and random walks in hyperbolic space) ... time permitting.
The shape of the spectrum of the Laplacian on a geometrically finite hyperbolic manifold \( M = \Gamma \backslash \mathbb{H}^{d+1} \) is closely connected to the size of the critical exponent \(\delta\) of \(\Gamma\). In particular, results of Patterson, Sullivan, and Lax-Phillips imply that when \(\delta > \frac{d}{2}\), the base eigenfunction is square integrable, and the corresponding eigenvalue is isolated in the \(L^2\) spectrum. These facts allow one to use tools from representation theory to study dynamics on \(M\). On the other hand, when \(\delta\) is at most \(\frac{d}{2}\), one knows that \( L^2 ( \mathrm{SO}^o(d+1,1) ) \) is a tempered representation of \(\mathrm{SO}^o(d+1,1) \). I will discuss joint work with Hee Oh in which we investigate to what extend these properties hold for higher-rank infinite volume locally symmetric spaces. In particular, I will introduce the growth indicator function, a higher-rank analogue of the critical exponent, and discuss the role it plays in dynamics on higher-rank infinite volume homogeneous spaces.
For hyperbolic surfaces, there is a deep connection between the geometry of closed geodesics and their spectral theoretic properties. In this talk, I will discuss recent work with Will Hide (Durham), where we study both sides of this relationship for hyperbolic punctured spheres. In particular, we consider Weil-Petersson random surfaces and demonstrate Poisson statistics for counting functions of closed geodesics with lengths on scales 1/sqrt(number of cusps), in the large cusp regime. Using similar ideas, we show that typical hyperbolic punctured spheres with many cusps have lots of arbitrarily small eigenvalues. Throughout, I will contrast these findings to the setting of closed hyperbolic surfaces in the large genus regime.
The 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theory, although initially depicted as a gauge theory, was more recently studied through the prism of probability, and more precisely, random matrices. In this talk, I will briefly explain why and how it was realised, then I will discuss one of its building blocks: the partition function. More precisely, I will define it formally and discuss its convergence on compact surfaces for several matrix groups of large rank.
Let \( f:I \to I\) be a map of an interval equipped with an ergodic measure \(\mu\). In this talk we will introduce and discuss the cover time of the system \((f,\mu)\). Roughly speaking this describes the asymptotic rate at which orbits become dense in the state space \(I\), that is, what is the expected amount of time one has to wait for an orbit to reach a given density in the state space. We will discuss how one can combine probabilistic tools and operator theoretic methods in order to estimate the expected cover time in terms of the local scaling properties of the measure \(\mu\). This is based on joint work with Mike Todd.
We study the differences of two consecutive eigenvalues \( \lambda_{i}-\lambda_{i-1} \) up to \( i=2g-2 \) for the Laplacian on hyperbolic surfaces of genus \( g \), and show that the supremum of such spectral gaps over the moduli space has infimum limit at least \( \frac{1}{4} \) as genus goes to infinity. A min-max principle for eigenvalues on degenerating hyperbolic surfaces is also established. This is a joint work with Haohao Zhang and Xuwen Zhu.
Zoom link
This talk will be about Schreier graphs of \( \mathrm{SL}_n(2) \) acting on \( F_2^n \) with respect to random generators. I will outline a proof that there is a uniform spectral gap with high probability as long as there are \( \geq C \) generators for some constant \( C \) (conjecturally \( C = 2 \) is enough). The proof is based on the trace method used by Broder and Shamir for the standard action of \( S_n \). Time permitting I will also describe an application to Babai's conjecture on diameters of finite simple groups.
Ferrero-Washington observed the equidistribution of digits of p-adic integers, which describes the growth of class number in a certain tower of number fields. We introduce an ergodic proof of this equidistribution lemma based on the use of two-sided Bernoulli shift. (joint with Bharathwaj Palvannan)
Fix a finite field \( \mathbb{K} \) and a word \( w \) in a free group \( F \). A w-random element in \( GL_N(\mathbb{K}) \) is obtained by substituting the letters of \( w \) with uniformly random
elements of \( GL_N(\mathbb{K})\). For example, if \( w=abab^{-2} \), a \(w\)-random element is \( ghgh^{-2} \) with \( g,h \) independent and uniformly random in \( GL_N(\mathbb{K}) \).
The moments of \( w \)-random elements reveal a surprising structure which relates to the free group algebra \( \mathbb{K}[F] \), and give rise to interesting analogies with \(w\)-random permutations.
I will describe what we know about this structure, and how it fits in the larger picture of word measures on groups.
This is joint work with Danielle Ernst-West and Matan Seidel.
Let \( \mathbb{H}^n \) be the hyperbolic \(n\)-space and \(\Gamma\) be a geometrically finite discrete subgroup in \(\mathrm{Isom}(\mathbb{H}^n)\) with parabolic elements. We investigate whether the geodesic flow (resp. the frame flow) over the unit tangent bundle \( T^1(\Gamma \backslash \mathbb{H}^n ) \) (resp. the frame bundle \( F(\Gamma \backslash \mathbb{H}^n ) \) ) mixes exponentially. This result has many applications, including spectral theory, orbit counting, equidistribution, prime geodesic theorems, etc.
In the joint work with Jialun Li, we show that the geodesic flow mixes exponentially. I will describe some ingredients in the proof. If there is time, I will also discuss the difficulty of obtaining exponential mixing of the frame flow.
Let \( \Gamma \) be a discrete group equipped with some length function. Given a finite index subgroup \(\Gamma'\), and a coset \(x\) in \(\Gamma/\Gamma'\), the lifting problem is to find a lift of \(x\) to \(\Gamma\) of small length.
It turns out that this problem is closely related to spectral problems, and in particular, an optimal spectral gap leads to an "optimal lifting" for almost all \(x\).
When \(\Gamma\) is a free group, the problem translates into bounding the "almost diameter" of a certain Schreier graph, and this question was studied by Sardari and Lubetzky-Peres. When \(\Gamma\) is arithmetic and \(\Gamma'\) is a congruence subgroup, the spectral gap is related to the Generalized Ramanujan Conjecture from automorphic forms, and this question was studied by Gorodnik-Nevo.
In general, getting the optimal spectral gap is either hopelessly hard or simply false. I will describe how one may relax the strong spectral gap condition, following the work of Sarnak and Xue.
Rajchman measures (i.e. measures with decaying Fourier transform at infinity) have emerged in the historical study of sets of uniqueness and multiplicity for trigonometric series. Over the recent years, it has become an active topic to study Rajchman measures defined by groups or dynamical systems such as stationary measures or Gibbs equilibrium states. Roughly speaking stationarity allows one to study the measure using ”discretised word distributions” given by products of group elements or products of derivatives of the map defining the dynamical system. As such, given enough non-linearity of the dynamics (or ”non-concentration” in the group), using multiplicative energy this discretised word distribution must exhibit multiplicative structure at a positive proportion of scales. Then by the discretised sum-product phenomenon, such distributions cannot simultaneously have additive structure, which, using additive energy can be translated for them to have small Fourier coefficients. In this talk we will attempt to give a gentle and general introduction to this field and the methods, and outline some future challenges.
When you are writing an exam, how do you choose the pass mark? Do you always pass a fixed percentage of the students, or would you be happy for the entire cohort to pass provided they have demonstrated the requisite knowledge and skills?
There are many statistical methods that can be used to set a pass mark, or to assess the reliability of an assessment after it has been sat. However, they often rely on subjective judgements by a small group of people, small data sizes and statistical assumptions which are clearly violated. In this talk, I'll be discussing the motivations and challenges of some of the approaches we take at the Cambridge Clinical School.
Not everyone loves statistics. In fact, not everyone loves mathematics. However, being statistically and data literate is critical – it enables people to engage in conversations about some of the biggest societal challenges. It is also the common language within multidisciplinary projects, whether in industry or academic research. Yet, with no single definition of statistical literacy and therefore no agreement on the skills needed to be considered “literate” people, how can we ensure that everyone is speaking the same language? What can we do to support cross-discipline working so as many people as possible can discover the joy, wonder and excitement of working with statistics? Whilst there is no simple answer, there are lots of ways in which we can support each other, starting with listening and walking together.
Classical vector autoregressive (VAR) models have long been a popular choice for modeling multivariate time series data due to their flexibility and ease of use. However, the VAR model suffers from overparameterization which is a serious issue for high-dimensional time series data as it restricts the number of variables and lags that can be incorporated into the model. Several statistical methods have been proposed to achieve dimension reduction in the parameter space of VAR models. Yet, these methods prove inefficient in extracting relevant information from complex datasets, as they fail to distinguish between information aligned with scientific objectives and are also inefficient in addressing rank deficiency problems. Envelope methods, founded on novel parameterizations that employ reduced subspaces to establish connections between the mean function and covariance matrix, offer a solution by efficiently identifying and eliminating irrelevant information. In this presentation, we introduce a new, parsimonious VAR model that incorporates the concept of envelope models into the reduced-rank VAR framework that can achieve substantial dimension reduction and efficient parameter estimation. We will present the results of simulation studies and real data analysis comparing the performance of our proposed model with that of existing models in the literature.
In this talk, I will present new methods for analyzing heavy-tailed data in neuroscience applications, focusing on brain rhythm signals, which are key markers of brain function linked to various behavioral and cognitive states. Measured by EEG, these signals span a range of frequency bands, such as alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (13–20 Hz), which have shown heavy-tailed properties. Recognizing that traditional random probability measures like the Dirichlet process (DP) struggle with heavy tails, our first contribution is to characterize the tail behavior of the normalized generalized gamma (NGG) process, showing that it maintains heavy tails when the centering distribution is heavy-tailed — unlike the DP. Our second contribution introduces two classes of heavy-tailed mixture models, including multivariate and predictor-dependent extensions, to assess covariate effects on multivariate heavy-tailed responses. Simulations highlight the models effectiveness, and we apply them to EEG data from participants who experienced varied stimuli.
Many statistical models, such as Random Forests, Gradient Boosted Machines, and Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART), rely on decision trees to partition the covariate space. While effective, tree-based methods often struggle with rigid hierarchical splits and limited flexibility in capturing relationships between features. We introduce AddiVortes, a novel model that uses Voronoi tessellations instead of decision trees for more adaptive partitioning. AddiVortes builds on BART's framework, with performance demonstrated through comparisons on multiple datasets and simulations verifying its properties. By leveraging Voronoi tessellations, AddiVortes is able to capture complex relationships, offering a powerful and interpretable alternative to traditional tree-based models.
Markov chain Monte Carlo samplers still converge to the correct posterior distribution of the model parameters when an unbiassed estimator is available for the Likelihood. Whilst this allows inference for a very wide variety of intractable problems, a critical issue for performance is the choice of the number of particles (or samples). I discuss some fairly recent work that I and others have done on this issue. We provide analytically derived, practical guidelines on the optimal number of particles to use in general scenarios. We show that the results in the article apply more generally to Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling schemes with the likelihood estimated in an unbiased manner. We introduce results on the asymptotic limits as T (the length of the time series) becomes large. Applications include Stochastic Volatility models for which the volatility follows a stochastic differential equation.
This study explores the integration of component-level Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) with the survival signature for uncertainty quantification of system reliability. ALT implies that components are tested at higher than normal stress levels. ALT is effective in reducing the time and costs needed to test components, but ALT data tend to be less informative than life testing data at the normal stress level. The survival signature is a powerful concept for describing the links between component functioning and system functioning, enabling quantification of reliability of large-scale systems and networks with relevant few different types of components.
This research presents a Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) approach for component reliability based on ALT data, linked with the use of the survival signature to quantify system reliability. In NPI, uncertainty is quantified by lower and upper probabilities, with the difference between them reflecting the available information. The use of ALT data leads to more imprecision in predicted system reliability than would occur if all components were tested at the normal stress level. The presented method is illustrated via examples and simulations, and further research opportunities are briefly discussed.
Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods can be applied to discrete State-Space Models on bounded domains, to sample from and marginalise over unknown random variables. Similarly to continuous settings, problems such as particle degradation can arise: proposed particles can be incompatible with the data, lying in low probability regions or outside the boundary constraints, and the discrete system could result in all particles having weights of zero. In this talk I will introduce the Lifebelt Particle Filter (LBPF), a novel SMC method for robust likelihood estimation in low-valued count problems. The LBPF combines a standard particle filter with one (or more) lifebelt particles which, by construction, lie within the boundaries and the discrete random variables, and therefore are compatible with the data. The main benefit of the LBPF is that only one or few, wisely chosen, particles are sufficient to prevent particle collapse.
The LBPF can be used within a pseudo-marginal scheme to draw inferences on static parameters, \(\theta\), governing the system. In the talk I will also present an example of the use of the LBPF for the estimation of the parameters governing the death and recovery process of hospitalised patients during an epidemic.
A crash-bang-wallop tour of the stages involved in tuning a computer simulator. This talk is an unashamed plug for my book ‘Computer Experiments: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers’, available from Institute of Physics Publishing in the middle of next year, God willing, but I am quite happy to share the draft chapters if anyone is interested.
In this work we extend the framework in Perrakis et al. (2023) by introducing a class of Bayesian finite mixtures for normal linear regression models which incorporates a further Gaussian random component for the distribution of the predictor variables. The proposed approach aims to encompass potential heterogeneity in the distribution of the response variable as well as in the multivariate distribution of the covariates for detecting signals relevant to the underlying latent structure. Of particular interest are potential signals originating from: (i) the linear predictor structures of the regression models and (ii) the covariance structures of the covariates. We model these two components using a lasso shrinkage prior for the regression coefficients and a graphical-lasso shrinkage prior for the covariance matrices. A fully Bayesian approach is followed using appropriate augmentation schemes to facilitate Gibbs sampling. For the estimation of the number of clusters we consider information criteria, overfitting mixture models and a trans-dimensional telescoping sampler approach. We present some initial results from simulation studies. Joint work (in progress) with Panagiotis Papastamoulis (Athens University of Economics and Business)
Transfer learning, a framework for transferring knowledge learned from one task to another, has been very successful in training large-scale, complex deep learning models. In this talk, I will introduce the transferability estimation problem, which aims to develop computationally efficient metrics to quantify how well transfer learning algorithms would perform when transferring between any two given tasks. Solutions to this problem could potentially be used for model and task selection and reduce costs of training large deep learning models. We will explore some recent methods for transferability estimation, their theoretical properties, and their usage in practice. We will also discuss some possible future directions for research in this area.
Estimating the size of a hard-to-count population is a challenging matter. We consider uni-list approaches in which the count of identifications per unit is the basis of analysis. Unseen units have a zero count and do not occur in the sample leading to a zero-truncated setting. Due to various mechanisms one-inflation is often an occurring phenomena which can lead to seriously biased estimates of population size. The current work reviews some recent advances on one-inflation and zero-truncation modelling, and furthermore focuses here on the impact it has on population size estimation. The zero-truncated one-inflated and the one-inflated zero-truncated model is compared (also with the model ignoring one-inflation) in terms of Horvitz-Thompson estimation of population size. Both models, the zero-truncated one-inflated and the one-inflated zero-truncated one, are suitable to model ongoing one-inflation. It is also important to choose an appropriate base-line distributional model. Finally, all models derived in the paper are illustrated on a number of case studies.
This talk considers the case of performing Bayesian inference for stochastic epidemic compartment models, using incomplete time course data consisting of incidence counts that are either the number of new infections or removals in time intervals of fixed length. We eschew the most natural Markov jump process representation for reasons of computational efficiency and focus on a stochastic differential equation representation. This is further approximated to give a tractable Gaussian process, that is, the linear noise approximation (LNA). Unless the observation model linking the LNA to data is both linear and Gaussian, the observed data likelihood remains intractable. Unlike previous approaches that use the LNA in the incidence setting, we consider two approaches for marginalising over the latent process: a correlated pseudo-marginal method and analytic marginalisation via a Gaussian approximation of the noise model. We compare and contrast these approaches using synthetic data before applying the best performing method to real data consisting of removal incidence of Oak Processionary Moth in Richmond Park, London.
Bergsma (2006) proposed a covariance $\kappa$ between random variables $X$ and $Y$. One useful feature of this measure is that $X$ and $Y$ are independent if and only if $\kappa = 0$. Bergsma also derived their asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis of independence between $X$ and $Y$. The non-null (dependent) case does not seem to have been studied in the literature. We derive several alternate expressions for this $\kappa$. One of them leads us to a very intuitive estimator of $\kappa$ involving a some naturally arising U-statistics. Incidentally we are able to derive the exact finite sample relation between our and Bergsma's estimates, thus enabling us to obtain their distributions in the non-null case as well. For specific parametric bivariate distributions, the value of $\kappa$ can be derived in terms of the natural dependence parameters of these distributions. In particular, we derive the formula for $\kappa$ when $(X,Y)$ are distributed as Gumbel's bivariate exponential. We bring out various aspects of these estimators through extensive simulations from several prominent bivariate distributions. In particular, we investigate the empirical relationship between $\kappa$ and the dependence parameters, the distributional properties of the estimators, and the accuracy of these estimators. We also investigate the powers of these measures for testing independence, compare these among themselves, and with other well-known such measures. Based on these exercises, the proposed estimator seems as good or better than its competitors both in terms of power and computing efficiency.
In MultiObjective Optimization (MOO), one analyzes tradeoffs
between multiple objectives in search for optimal solutions. While a
wide range of MMO solvers have been proposed, comparing the solvers have
remained a significant challenge. For this, I introduce the benchmark
problem suite called the Benchmark with Explicit Multimodality (BEM).
The BEM was proposed by an interdisciplinary team combining researchers
from evolutionary computation, mathematics and visualization. I start
the talk by introducing central tools of our choice, the Reeb space and
Reeb graph, which describe characteristics of functions using a
topological construct. By employing them, we can design benchmark
problems using a concise graph structure. Finally, I will show how we
visualize the BEM and the solvers being benchmarked. This allows
in-depth and/or statistical analysis on how the solvers are trapped in
local optima or overcome them. In addition to our specialized
visualization, particular advantages of the BEM include the high
dimensionality of the design space and simplicity of the problem
Spectral density estimation is a prevalent method for modelling the behaviour of regularly observed stochastic processes. Most non-parametric spectral estimation methodologies are based on transformations of the periodogram, a biased and statistically inconsistent estimator of the true spectral density. Non-parametric estimation methodologies enforce consistency by partitioning and averaging multiple periodograms; although, this comes at the cost of an increase in bias. This is particularly seen in Welch’s estimator, the most widespread estimator for non-parametric spectral density estimation in the engineering and physical sciences. We provide a methodology to debias Welch’s estimator by extending some recent results from the parametric spectral density estimation literature and leveraging properties of Welch’s estimator to provide new results for efficient computation. This research was motivated by work in oceanography and hydrodynamics, and accordingly, is demonstrated across a range of offshore datasets.
Geometric deep learning has emerged as a new area of research by approaching graph neural networks from a geometric angle. Graphs are limited to the encoding of binary relations between vertices. Higher-order relations provide a key tool towards capturing local and global information on graphs. Existing higher-order domains, such as simplicial complexes, cell complexes and hypergraphs, have rigid definitions. We introduce a more flexible domain, called the combinatorial complex (CC), which combines desirable traits of simplicial/cell complexes and hypergraphs. Based on CCs, we introduce combinatorial complex neural networks (CCNNs). Existing operations, such as message passing, pooling and unpooling, are unified under our CCNN framework. Thus, our foundational work generalizes contemporary advances in topological deep learning, both in terms of a flexible underlying domain and in terms of associated operations. Beyond the mathematical formalism, our work demonstrates that CCNNs retain a competitive edge over state-of-the-art task-specific deep learning models.
De Finetti's theorem states if a sequence of observations is considered infinitely exchangeable, then any subset of those observations can be seen as an independent random sample from some probabilistic model. One known issue with the representation theorem is that it requires an infinite exchangeable sequence and is known to be generally false if the sequence is finite. However, if the finitely exchangeable sequence of R variables is part of a finite but large enough finitely exchangeable sequence of S variables, the distribution of the initial R random variables can be well-approximately represented in a de Finetti-like manner. Much of the work on finite exchangeability in probability theory has focused on deriving analytical bounds for the error of this approximation. In this talk, I will investigate two lesser-known representation theorems that extend de Finetti’s theorem to finitely exchangeable sequence. With the aid of these theorems, we will illustrate how a de Finetti-like representation theorem for finitely exchangeable systems is formally equivalent to quantum theory. Feyman once said “I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics”, with this talk I hope to convince you that any person who understands finite exchangeability understands the weirdness of quantum mechanics.
2023-03-13Ioanna Manolopoulou [University College London]: TBA
A significant part of the UK rail infrastructure is nearing 200 years in age whilst being built on high-plasticity soils that are prone to weathering and deterioration. Deterioration processes have been studied through computer simulation experiments of individual cuttings or embankments, but these are computationally-expensive and time-consuming, and therefore impractical to use directly for understanding the state of a rail network containing thousands of uniquely parameterised slopes. Instead, we use surrogate statistical models, which can be used to approximate computationally-burdensome simulators, based on a relatively small number of simulator runs at well-selected input parameters. Parameters include slope geometry (height and angle) and various soil characteristics.
The simulation models produce large amounts of output, but emulation strategies focus on (derived) outputs of direct practical interest. One such output is the simulated time to failure of a given slope. An interesting issue with this output is that the computer experiments are terminated after around 200 years of simulated time, and so the data set used for emulation contains right-censored observations. An MCMC-based Bayesian modelling framework can accommodate such censored data, and can also be adapted to other derived outputs, such as deterioration curves. These emulators can be embedded in a Bayesian hierarchical model of a (section of) rail network for characterisation of network state and evaluation of cost-effectiveness of potential intervention strategies.
This work is supported by ACHILLES (, an EPSRC programme grant involving Newcastle, Durham, Loughborough, Southampton, Leeds and Bath Universities, and the British Geological Survey. The programme is concerned with improving understanding of the gradual deterioration of long linear assets, and the associated impact of climate change.
2023-02-27Mahdi Tavangar [University of Isfahan]: TBA
I will discuss models for longitudinal data, where the data consists of
noisy measurements taken at several different time points for each
individual, and the aim is to model how each individual's underlying
response varies over time. If we assume linear variation of the
responses over time, we could use a linear mixed model for this task. In
this talk, I will discuss more flexible modelling approaches, which
allow the variation of the response over time to be any smooth curve.
There is a strong link with models for functional data, and I will
describe previous work on adapting methods designed for functional data
(where measurements are typically taken very frequently) to longitudinal
data (with typically only a few measurements on each individual). I will
describe some shortcomings of existing approaches in some examples, and
describe new methodology to solve these problems.
I will talk about a recent applied statistics project motivated by Formula One racing. Specifically, I will introduce a non-standard generalization of the Elo rating system for sports competitions involving two or more participants. The new system can be understood as an online estimation algorithm for the parameters of a Plackett-Luce model, which can be used to make probabilistic forecasts for the results of future competitions. The system's distinguishing feature is the way it treats competitions as sequences of elimination-type rounds that sequentially identify the worst competitors rather than sequences of selection-type rounds that identify the best. The significance of this simple but important modelling choice will be discussed and its consequences explored.
As individual level epidemiological and pathogen genetic data become available in ever increasing quantities, the task of analysing such data becomes more and more challenging. Inferences for this type of data are complicated by the fact that the data is usually incomplete, in the sense that the times of acquiring and clearing infection are not directly observed, making the evaluation of the model likelihood intractable. A solution to this problem can be given in the Bayesian framework with unobserved data being imputed within Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms at the cost of considerable extra computational effort. Motivated by this demand, we describe a novel method for updating individual level infection states within MCMC algorithms that respects the dependence structure inherent within epidemic data. We apply our new methodology to an epidemic of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feedlot cattle in which eight competing strains were identified using genetic typing methods. We show that surprisingly little genetic data is needed to produce a probabilistic reconstruction of the epidemic trajectories, despite some possibility of misclassification in the genetic typing. We believe that this complex model, capturing the interactions between strains, would not have been able to be fitted using existing methodologies.
New statistical methods and trial designs have a big role to play in improving clinical trials. They can lead to more efficiency, better evidence and better outcomes of patients enrolled on the trial. This has been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, where innovative methods such as adaptive platform trials have played a major role in improving treatment.
In this talk, I will discuss several areas of research about using an innovative class of trial design called master protocols. Master protocols allows combining several separate but related clinical trials together. This provides substantial operational and statistical advantages. However, it also introduces several statistical issues that new methods are required for addressing.
My talk will concentrate on how master protocol approaches pioneered in oncology, such as basket and umbrella trials, may be made useful in other areas, especially chronic inflammatory diseases.
I will finish by considering other areas of methodology research that are required to enable maximum utility of the master protocol approach.
I will be giving an overview of some of the work we're doing at SofTMech-Set, with a focus on inference in complex cardio-physiological systems. This is motivated by work on fluid dynamics, with an application to modelling pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs), and cardiac mechanics, with an application to modelling myocardial infarction (heart attack). After a very brief introduction to the mathematical models, I will first discuss the standard statistical approach to parameter estimation, and explain why this is computationally challenging or even intractable for biophysical systems of the given complexity. I will then discuss an alternative approach based on surrogate modelling and statistical emulation. I will apply this framework to model calibration and parameter estimation, and will discuss forward versus inverse uncertainty quantification. If time permits, I will conclude with an outlook on recent work on message passing and graph neural networks.
In the 1990s, Bayesian modelling revolutionised chronology construction for archaeological sites. It allowed for using both relative and absolute dating evidence when estimating calendar dates for archaeological events. However, the process of building such chronological models is time-consuming and labour-intensive. Thus, only one chronological model is usually considered. We have developed prototype software that utilises graph theory to enable us to build multiple Bayesian chronological models. However, this then leads to a problem of model comparison.
This talk will demonstrate how dating evidence gathered during an archaeological excavation can be used to build a hierarchical Bayesian chronological model. Then we show how graph theory allows us to semi-automate some of this process. Before finishing with a discussion of current Bayesian model selection metrics and their suitability (or lack thereof) for our problem.
Our department has an established reputation for its contributions to the uncertainty analysis of computer models and their use to support decision making.
In this talk I'd like to give an overview of the work I have carried out in this field during my Postdoc here. The context will be the one of energy. I will first give an overview of typical sources of uncertainties found when linking energy models and reality, and how these are often handled by engineers. I trust that, at the eyes of a statistical audience, this will motivate the quest of alternative approaches ;) I will discuss two examples, developed in collaboration with different research groups at Newcastle University. The two projects differ both in scale (from a model of a single building, to one of regional electricity and gas networks) and in the nature of the uncertainty analysis (backward/forward). All the work is shared with Michael and Hailiang.
The talk will be very informal, everyone is welcome! It will be a great occasion to say farewell to many friendly colleagues before leaving Durham (temporarily at least!), and hearing suggestions on some of the open questions we still need to answer.
Wastewater based epidemiology (WBE) has emerged as a key monitoring tools during the Covid-19 pandemic. Scotland introduced a Wastewater-based monitoring system in summer 2020 with samples taken at Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) by Scottish Water (SW). These were then analysed by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) using qPCR to quantify levels of COVID-19 RNA. By early 2021, more than 100 WWTWs spread across all 32 Scottish Local Authorities were regularly sampled. Since December 2020, Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland (BioSS) has been funded by the Scottish Government to analyse and visualise the data.
In this presentation, we explore some of the statistical issues related to WBE (normalisation, sampling design, uncertainty quantification). We also discuss the problems brought forward by the arrival of new variants, for example when Omicron was first detected in Scotland in late 2021. Similarly, our involvement in a short-term project during the COP-26 summit in November 2021. Our experience has highlighted fundamental differences between working on a planned research project and on a policy-driven one within a rapidly changing context, such as monitoring a pandemic.
We propose a new methodology for detecting multiple change-points corresponding to mean changes in high-dimensional panel data. A core ingredient is a new unbalanced wavelet transform: a conditionally orthonormal, bottom-up transformation of the high-dimensional panel data through an adaptively constructed unbalanced wavelet basis. Due to its bottom-up nature, our methodology enables to detect both long and short segments at once. Also, it is invented to be robust in detecting both sparse and dense changes, where a sparse (dense) change refers to a change point at which a sparse (dense) subset of coordinates undergo change. We show the consistency of the estimated number and locations of change-points. The practicality of our approach is demonstrated through simulations and real data examples. This is a joint work with Tengyao Wang and Piotr Fryzlewicz at LSE.
The test of independence of two groups of variables is addressed in the case where the sample size N is considered randomly distributed. It is shown that when either p1 or p2 (or both) are even, the exact distribution corresponds to a finite or an infinite mixture of Exponentiated Generalized Integer Gamma distributions. In these cases a computational module is made available for the cumulative distribution function of the test statistic. When both p1 and p2 are odd, the exact distribution of the test statistic may be represented as a finite or an infinite mixture of products of independent Beta random variables whose density and cumulative distribution functions do not have a manageable closed form. Therefore, a computational approach for the evaluation of the cumulative distribution function is provided based on a numerical inversion formula originally developed for Laplace transforms. When the exact distribution is represented through infinite mixtures, an upper bound for the error of truncation of the cumulative distribution function is provided. Numerical studies are developed in order to analyze the precision of the results and the accuracy of the upper bounds proposed. A simulation study is provided in order to assess the power of the test when the sample size N is considered randomly distributed.
Factor models are widely used for dimension reduction in the analysis of multivariate data. This is achieved through decomposition of a p x p covariance matrix into the sum of two components. Through a latent factor representation, they can be interpreted as a diagonal matrix of idiosyncratic variances and a shared variation matrix, that is, the product of a p x k factor loadings matrix and its transpose. If k
Ronald Fisher (1890-1962) was the most influential statistician of the twentieth century. In 1911, as a Cambridge mathematics undergraduate, he revealed himself a eugenist with an interest in the underlying sciences of genetics and statistics. Fisher would be a life-long supporter of eugenics and for a decade a professor of eugenics. This paper considers how his engagement with eugenics influenced Fisher’s statistical work. The most striking instance of demands made and services rendered is the analysis of variance. Yet my overall conclusion is that, while there was an influence, it was less than might be expected given these circumstances.
Goal-focused perspectives on model uncertainty expand traditional statistical thinking about comparing and combining statistical models for forecasting and resulting decisions. The framework of Bayesian predictive decision synthesis (BPDS) represents some recent developments in this area. BPDS extends both Bayesian predictive synthesis (BPS) and empirical goal-focused approaches to model uncertainty analysis. The key concept is to explicitly integrate decision goals into model weightings in predictive decision settings. BPDS is operationalised using relaxed entropic tilting, with opportunity to customise analysis via context-relevant utility functions in applications. Target applied contexts include optimal design for prediction and control, and sequential time series forecasting for financial portfolio decisions; this talk will focus on the latter applied area to communicate key aspects of the foundations, theory and applied methodology of BPDS.
This is joint research with Emily Tallman, PhD student in Statistical Science at Duke University.
Logistic or other constraint often preclude the possibility of conducting incident cohort studies. A feasible alternative in such cases is to conduct a cross-section prevalent cohort study for which we recruit prevalent cases, that is, subjects who have already experienced the initiating event, say the onset of a disease. When the interest lies in estimating the lifespan between the initiating event and a terminating event, say death for instance, such subjects may be followed prospectively until the terminating event or loss to follow-up, whichever happens first. It is well that prevalent cases have, on average, longer lifespans. As such, they do not form a random sample from the target population; they comprise a biased sample. If the initiating events are generated from a stationary Poisson process, the so-called stationarity assumption, this bias is called length bias. I present the basics of nonparametric inference using length-biased right censored failure time data. I’ll then discuss some recent progress and current challenges. Our study is mainly motivated by challenges and questions raised in analyzing survival data collected on patients with dementia as part of a nationwide study in Canada, called the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA). I’ll use these data throughout the talk to discuss and motivate our methodology and its applications.
Key Words: (Prevalent Cohort, Length-Biased Sampling, Right Censoring, Weak Convergence)
Averages are measured in many circumstances for diagnostic, predictive, or surveillance purposes. Examples include: average stress along a beam, average speed along a section of highway, average alcohol consumption per month, average GDP over a large region, a student's average grade over 4 years of study. However, the average value of a variable reveals little about fluctuations of the variable along the path that is averaged. Extremes – stress concentrations, speeding violations, binge drinking, poverty and wealth, intellectual incompetence in particular topics – may be more significant than the average. The analyst who designs and employs the average can choose the path length for averaging, and the performance requirements for diagnosis, prediction or warning. This talk explores the choice of path length and performance requirements to achieve robustness against uncertainty when interpreting an average, in face of uncertain fluctuations of the averaged variable. Extremes are not observed, but robustness against those extremes enhances the ability to interpret the observed average despite the uncertainty. Two specific examples are developed: enforcing speed limits and statistical hypothesis testing. We present 4 generic propositions, based on info-gap decision theory, that establish necessary and sufficient conditions for robust dominance, and for sympathetic relations between robustness to pernicious uncertainty and opportuneness from propitious uncertainty.
I will start with an overview of the research portfolio of my lab, which spans the range from the discovery of high-performance materials to biomedical devices to combustion engines and electric motors to smart buildings and extra-terrestrial habitats. The common factor across all these applications is building predictive models by combining existing physical knowledge (differential equations and symmetries) with noisy data. Depending on the application, such predictive models are essential for designing better artifacts, optimizing manufacturing processes, detecting and diagnosing faults, short-term control, and long-term planning. Mathematically, these problems are smoothing and calibration problems involving physical fields (e.g., strains, stresses, temperatures, pressures) that satisfy partial differential equations with potentially unknown initial and boundary conditions, uncertain parameters, random external excitations, or even missing physics. I will briefly review my group’s work on solving these problems, focusing on high-dimensional stochastic partial differential equations and nonlinear, parametric magnetostatics using physics-informed neural networks. After highlighting some of the drawbacks of these approaches, I will propose a unifying Bayesian framework inspired by statistical field theory (i.e., statistical mechanics of continuum field quantities). The framework relies on constructing a prior probability measure on the space of physical fields that assigns higher probability to fields that satisfy the physical equations. It conditions this prior measure on the available data via a stochastic model of the measurement process, i.e., a likelihood. I will elaborate on the theoretical foundations of this proposal and provide numerical evidence in its support.
High-dimensional classification and feature selection tasks are ubiquitous with the recent advancement in data acquisition technology. In several application areas such as biology, genomics and proteomics, the data are often functional in their nature and exhibit a degree of roughness and non-stationarity. These structures pose additional challenges to commonly used methods that rely mainly on a two-stage approach performing variable selection and classification separately. We propose in this work a novel Gaussian process discriminant analysis (GPDA) that combines these steps in a unified framework. Our model is a two-layer non-stationary Gaussian process coupled with an Ising prior to identify differentially-distributed locations. Scalable inference is achieved via developing a variational scheme that exploits advances in the use of sparse inverse covariance matrices. We demonstrate the performance of our methodology on simulated datasets and two proteomics datasets: breast cancer and SARS-CoV-2. Our approach distinguishes itself by offering explainability as well as uncertainty quantification in addition to low computational cost, which are crucial to increase trust and social acceptance of data-driven tools.
Bi-factor and second-order models based on copulas are proposed for item response data, where the items can be split into non-overlapping groups such that there is a homogeneous dependence within each group. Our general models include the Gaussian bi-factor and second-order models as special cases and can lead to more probability in the joint upper or lower tail compared with the Gaussian bi-factor and second-order models. Details on maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for the bi-factor and second-order copula models are given, as well as model selection and goodness-of-fit techniques. Our general methodology is demonstrated with an extensive simulation study and illustrated for the Toronto Alexithymia Scale.
Non-parametric goodness-of-fit testing procedures based on kernel Stein discrepancies (KSD) are promising approaches to validate general unnormalised distributions in various scenarios. We introduce various KSD-based goodness-of-fit testing including Euclidean data, survival data, directional data, and compositional data. Standardisation methods have been developed in Stein's method literature to study approximation properties for normal distributions. We apply techniques inspired by the standardisation idea that enable us to present a unifying view to compare and interpret different KSD-based goodness-of-fit testing. The unifying framework is also useful as a guide to develop novel KSD-based tests. We discuss the effect of Stein operator choice and kernel choice for KSD-based testing procedures. Computationally efficient testing procedures and interpretable model criticisms will also be introduced followed by experimental results.
Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in DAG inference, driven by their potential for describing causal mechanisms. Structure learning from observational data constitutes an area of active development, intending to inform causal discovery. Following a Bayesian approach, we implement an MCMC scheme to sample a collection of DAGs from their posterior distribution given the data. To each sampled DAG we then apply the do-calculus to derive putative intervention effects. Our novel sampling scheme relies on a hybrid method. It combines skeleton learning via the PC algorithm with the order and partition MCMC algorithms. Therefore it leverages the respective merits of constraint-based and score-and-search approaches. Furthermore, the Bayesian procedure naturally characterises the variability associated with the uncertainty about both the structure and the parameters. As an illustration of application, we consider a case study in the context of schizophrenic disorders on data from the European Schizophrenia Cohort (EuroSC).
n the first part of the talk, we will discuss the role of misspecification and censoring on Bayesian model and variable selection in the context of right-censored survival regression. Misspecification includes wrongly assuming the censoring mechanism to be non-informative and/or incorrectly specifying the survival model. Emphasis is placed on additive accelerated failure time with local and non-local priors. We discuss a fundamental question: what solution can one hope to obtain when (inevitably) models are misspecified, and how to interpret it? We show that misspecification and censoring have an asymptotically negligible effect on false positives, but their impact on power is exponential. In the second part of the talk, we will apply this methodology to identify the comorbidities that predict overall survival in colorectal cancer patients. The aim of this study is to understand how different tumour stages are affected by different comorbidities. Identifying the comorbidities that affect cancer survival is indeed of interest as this information can be used to identify factors driving the survival of cancer patients at the population level. The proposed methodology for Bayesian variable selection is available in the R package ‘mombf’.
Since Mackenzie introduced the classical non-negative integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) model, count time series analysis has received considerable attention, with a number of high-quality research papers contributing to its progress. Many questions, however, remain unresolved, necessitating the development of new or improved methods. This talk will focus on the problem of misreporting in count-data-type processes with auto-correlation structures, which arises in many real-world processes of this type, e.g., the official number of COVID-19 cases, and has a direct impact on data quality and thus conclusions. In particular, we will introduce the models by Fernández-Fontelo et al. (2016, 2019, 2020), which are INAR(1)-type models with different but simple under-reporting structures, and discuss some results derived from their application to real-world data examples, such as the number of human papillomavirus cases, the number of reports by gender-based violence, or the number of official COVID-19 cases. In addition, we will quickly introduce new model ideas aimed to extend the methods above to the over-reporting case.
Predictive risk scores - in which the probability of some binary event Y=1 is estimated on the basis of observed covariates X - are ubiquitous in healthcare and economics. The usual incentive for such scores is to prioritise interventions to avoid the event Y=1. Such risk scores usually need to be periodically updated.
If a score in use in a population is updated by simply regressing observed Y on observed X, we inadvertently model two causal pathways from X to Y: a 'native' pathway (which we aim to model) and the risk-score-intervention pathway. This can lead to dangerously biased risk assessments. Under tight regulatory conditions, successively updated scores in the presence of a systematic intervention converge to a setting where scores 'predict their own effect', but this does not lead to an optimal prioritisation of interventions.
I will discuss two potential methods to safely update risk scores. The first approach proposes a 'hold-out' set of samples for which no risk score is computed, and on which an updated risk score can be trained. I will focus on the problem of choosing an optimal size of such a hold-out set. The second approach proposes deploying a series of risks scores to be intervened on successively, and I will focus on a useful asymptotic property of this approach.
This is joint work with Sam Emerson and Louis Aslett (MCS, Durham U.) and Sami Haidar-Wehbe (BBC; formerly MISCADA programme, Durham U.)
An important basic problem is to estimate the association of a set of covariates of interest (treatments) while accounting for many potential confounders. It has been shown that standard high-dimensional Bayesian and penalized likelihood methods perform poorly in practice. The sparsity embedded in such methods leads to low power when there are strong correlations between treatments and confounders, or between confoundres, which causes an under-selection (or omitted variable) bias. Current solutions encourage the inclusion of confounders to increase power, but as we show this can lead to serious over-selection problems. To address these issues, we propose an empirical Bayes framework to learn what confounders should be encouraged (or disencouraged) to feature in the regression. We develop exact computations and a faster expectation-propagation strategy for the family of exponential regression models. We illustrate the applied impact of these issues to study the association between salary and potentially discriminatory factors such as gender, race and place of birth.
In standardised educational testing, items are repeatedly used. Some items may get leaked after their exposure in a few test administrations, and some test takers obtain access to the leaked items and gain an advantage in future tests. In this talk, we propose statistical models and methods for the detection of item preknowledge in educational tests. We consider two different settings: (1) The detection of leaked items and test-takers with preknowledge based on item responses and response times from a single test, and (2) the online detection of leaked items based on sequentially collected data. We view the first problem as a two-way outlier detection problem for multivariate data and propose a latent variable model and associated compound decision theory to detect the two-way outliers. We view the second problem as a multi-stream sequential change detection problem and propose a compound decision theory for the quick detection of changed streams. The proposed methods show superior performance under real and simulated settings.
The talk is based on the following recent papers:
Chen, Y., Lu, Y., and Moustaki, I. (2021+). Detection of Two-way Outliers in Multivariate Data and Application to Cheating Detection in Educational Tests. Annals of Applied Statistics. To appear.
Chen, Y. and Li, X. (2021+). Compound Online Changepoint Detection in Parallel Data Streams. Statistica Sinica. To appear.
Chen, Y., Lee, Y-H, and Li, X. (2021+). Item Quality Control in Educational Testing: Change Point Model, Compound Risk, and Sequential Detection. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. To appear.
In transfer learning, we wish to make inference about a target population when we have access to data both from the distribution itself, and from a different but related source distribution. We introduce a flexible framework for transfer learning in the context of binary classification, allowing for covariate dependent relationships between the source and target distributions that are not required to preserve the Bayes decision boundary. Our main contributions are to derive the minimax optimal rates of convergence (up to polylogarithmic factors) in this problem, and show that the optimal rate can be achieved by an algorithm that adapts to key aspects of the unknown transfer relationship, as well as the smoothness and tail parameters of our distributional classes. This optimal rate turns out to have several regimes, depending on the interplay between the relative sample sizes and the strength of the transfer relationship, and our algorithm achieves optimality by careful, decision tree-based calibration of local nearest-neighbour procedures.
This is joint work with Henry Reeve (Bristol) and Richard Samworth (Cambridge), and the associated paper is available at
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is often the method of choice when performing inference on complex high-dimensional Bayesian posterior distributions; however, it is notoriously difficult to tune. In particular, slight changes in the choice of integration time can make the difference between an optimally efficient algorithm and a poor one. We define an \emph{apogee} of a Hamiltonian path as a point in the path where the component of momentum in the direction of the gradient of the potential changes from positive to negative; essentially, the "ball" is about to change from folling up hill to rolling down hill. From this we introduce the Apogee to Apogee Path Sampler, which uses the same leapfrog dynamics as HMC but eschews the integration time parameter in favour of the choice of a number of apogees, and allows for a variety of proposal mechanisms that choose from the whole Hamiltonian path. The resulting algorithm is competitive with optimally tuned HMC, and is more robust to the tuning choice of ``number of apogees'' than HMC is to choice of integration time. Furthermore, the number of apogees relates directly to intrinsic properties of the posterior, and allows for tuning guidelines from an initial run. Finally, the algorithm requires no self-recursions and for certain useful classes of proposal the storage cost through an iteration is $\mathcal{O}(1)$.
Screening designs are used in design of experiments when, with limited resources, important factors are to be identified from a large pool of factors. Typically, a screening experiment will be followed by a second experiment to study the effect of the identified factors in more detail. As a result, the screening experiment should ideally screen out a large number of factors to make the follow-up experiment manageable, without screening out important factors. The Gauss-Dantzig Selector (GDS) is often the preferred analysis method for screening designs. While there is ample empirical evidence that fitting a main-effects model can lead to incorrect conclusions about the factors if there are interactions, including two-factor interactions in the model increases the number of model terms dramatically and challenges the GDS analysis. We discuss a new analysis method, called Gauss Dantzig Selector Aggregation over Random Models (GDS-ARM), which aggregates the effects from different iterations of the GDS analysis using different randomly selected interactions columns each time.
In this talk, I will consider majorisation, a type of stochastic ordering in which two or more distributions can be compared. Two properties make majorisation a good candidate for a theory of uncertainty: (i) being dimension-free and (ii) being geometry-free. These properties allow us to compare multivariate distributions with different support and different numbers of dimensions. I will then present a set of operations that can be applied together with majorisation to study uncertainty in a range of settings. These operations include how to project from many dimensions into one, how to combine two probability distributions, and mixing uncertainties (with different weights). I will demonstrate our approach to assessing uncertainty in application to energy systems planning example. This talk is based on the joint work with Nikki Sonenberg, Ed Wheatcroft and Henry Wynn as part of the “Managing uncertainty in government modelling” (MUGM) project at ATI (
Investigating uncertainties in computer simulations can be prohibitive in terms of computational costs, whenever dealing with multi-physics simulations and high fidelity modelling. First, so-called linked Gaussian Processes (GPs) surrogates (i.e. emulators) offer a way to build analytical emulators for systems of computer models such as multi-physics models. We present new exact formula for linked GP fitting generalized to a class of Matern kernels, essential in advanced applications, with orders of magnitude gains. An iterative procedure to construct surrogate models for any feed-forward systems of computer models is also introduced and illustrated. We also introduce an adaptive design algorithm that increases the approximation accuracy of linked Gaussian process surrogates with further reduced computational costs. Second, we present a novel approach to building an emulator using multiple levels of resolution (or fidelity). We employ an sequential design of experiments at each level, and combine training data of different degrees of sophistication in a sequential multilevel approach, using GP emulators. This dual strategy allows us to optimally allocate limited computational resources over simulations of different levels of fidelity and build the GP emulator efficiently. We theoretically prove the validity of our approach. Gains of orders of magnitudes in accuracy for medium-size computing budgets are demonstrated in numerical examples including multi-level tsunami hazard assessment for Java, Indonesia.
Emulation has been successfully applied across a wide variety of scientific disciplines for efficiently analysing computationally intensive models. We develop known boundary emulation strategies which utilise the fact that, for many computer models, there exist hyperplanes in the input parameter space for which the model output can be evaluated far more efficiently. The information contained on these known hyperplanes, or boundaries, can be incorporated into the emulation process via analytical update, thus involving no additional computational cost. In this talk, we show that such analytical updates are available for multiple boundaries of various dimensions. We demonstrate the powerful computational advantages of known boundary emulation on an illustrative low-dimensional simulated example and a scientifically relevant systems biology model of hormonal crosstalk in the roots of an Arabidopsis plant.
A well known identifiability issue in factor analytic models is the invariance with respect to orthogonal transformations. This problem burdens the inference under a Bayesian setup, where Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are used to generate samples from the posterior distribution. We introduce a postprocessing scheme in order to deal with rotation, sign and permutation invariance of the MCMC sample. The exact version of the contributed algorithm requires to solve 2-q assignment problems per (retained) MCMC iteration, where q denotes the number of factors of the fitted model. For large numbers of factors two approximate schemes based on simulated annealing are also discussed. We demonstrate that the proposed method leads to interpretable posterior distributions using synthetic and publicly available data from typical factor analytic models as well as mixtures of factor analyzers.
Scientific models described by computer simulators often lack a tractable likelihood function, precluding the use of standard likelihood-based statistical inference. A plethora of statistical and machine learning approaches have been developed to tackle this problem, such as approximate Bayesian computation and likelihood/posterior approximations. What those methods have in common is the aim to connect real world data with parameters of the underlying simulator. However, effective measures that can link simulated and observed data are generally difficult to construct, particularly for time series data which are often high-dimensional and structurally complex. In this talk, we discuss the use of path signatures as a natural candidate feature set for constructing summary statistics and distances between time series data for use in simulation-based inference algorithms, for example in approximate Bayesian computation. Our experiments show that such an approach can generate more accurate approximate Bayesian posteriors than existing techniques for time series models.
We consider model-based clustering methods for continuous, correlated data that account for external information available in the presence of mixed-type covariates by developing the MoEClust suite of models. These models allow different subsets of covariates to influence the component weights and/or component means by modelling the parameters of the mixture as functions of the covariates. A familiar range of constrained eigen-decomposition parameterisations of the component covariance matrices are also accommodated. Thus, we address the equivalent aims of i) including covariates in Gaussian parsimonious clustering models and ii) incorporating parsimonious covariance structures into all special cases of the Gaussian mixture of experts framework.
Traditionally Bayesian decision-theoretic design of experiments proceeds by choosing a design to minimise expectation of a loss function over the space of all designs. The loss represents the aim of the experiment and the expectation is with respect to the joint distribution of all unknown quantities implied by the statistical model that will be fitted on observation of the responses. An extended framework is proposed whereby the expectation of the loss is taken with respect to a joint distribution induced by an alternative statistical model. The framework can be employed to promote robustness, ensure computational feasibility or to allow realistic prior specification. To aid in exploring the framework, an asymptotic approximation to the resulting expected loss is developed. Implications of the choice of loss function are also considered. The framework is demonstrated on a linear regression versus full-treatment model scenario, and on estimating parameters of a non-linear model under differing model discrepancies.
“Post-prognosis decision making”, “reliability-adaptive smart systems”, “RUL control algorithms”, “load sharing and deterioration management”, all these subjects develop a new vision on how to use monitoring information on a deteriorating system to optimally operate it beyond “classical” condition-based or predictive maintenance.
The objective of this presentation is to give some insights on how monitoring information on deteriorating system can be used to jointly make decision on maintenance & operation to better manage systems’ health, considered either individually or as part of fleet. We explore the complete processing chain for a system, from deterioration monitoring and health status assessment, to remaining useful life estimation (RUL), right through to online decision-making for predictive maintenance optimization and remaining useful life control and health & deterioration management, using e.g. system "derating", load sharing or system reconfiguration.
The presentation overviews some recent results, but it focuses more on open problems and challenges ahead than worked-out solutions.
Recent extreme value theory literature has seen significant emphasis on the modelling of spatial extremes, with comparatively little consideration of spatio-temporal extensions. This neglects an important feature of extreme events: their evolution over time. Many existing models for the spatial case are limited by the number of locations they can handle; this impedes extension to space-time settings, where models for higher dimensions are required. Moreover, the spatio-temporal models that do exist are restrictive in terms of the range of extremal dependence types they can capture. Recently, conditional approaches for studying multivariate and spatial extremes have been proposed, which enjoy benefits in terms of computational efficiency and an ability to capture both asymptotic dependence and asymptotic independence. I will first present an extension of this class of models to a spatio-temporal setting, conditioning on the occurrence of an extreme value at a single space-time location. I will then discuss two approaches for inference. The first is a composite likelihood approach which combines information from full likelihoods across multiple space-time conditioning locations, and is feasible for modelling hundreds of locations. The second involves taking a Bayesian perspective, with estimation implemented using the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and the stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approach, with the possibility of handling several thousands of observation locations. I will discuss an application to modelling Red Sea surface temperatures, demonstrate the performance of the model using a range of diagnostic plots, and show how it can be used to assess the risk of coral bleaching attributed to high water temperatures over consecutive days.
The continuously growing number of COVID-19 cases pressures healthcare services worldwide. Accurate short-term forecasting is thus vital to support country-level policy making. The strategies adopted by countries to combat the pandemic vary, generating different uncertainty levels about the actual number of cases. Accounting for the hierarchical structure of the data and accommodating extra-variability is therefore fundamental. We introduce a new modelling framework to describe the course of the pandemic with great accuracy, and provide short-term daily forecasts for every country in the world. We show that our model generates highly accurate forecasts up to seven days ahead, and use estimated model components to cluster countries based on recent events. We introduce statistical novelty in terms of modelling the autoregressive parameter as a function of time, increasing predictive power and flexibility to adapt to each country. Our model can also be used to forecast the number of cases, study the effects of covariates (such as lockdown policies), and generate forecasts for smaller regions within countries. Consequently, it has strong implications for global planning and decision making. We constantly update forecasts and make all results freely available to any country in the world through an online Shiny dashboard.
Pairwise likelihood methods are commonly used for inference in parametric statistical models in cases where the full likelihood is too complex to be used. A typical such example refers to multivariate count data where it is not easy to specify a tractable model. Although pairwise likelihood methods represent a useful solution to perform inference for intractable likelihoods, several computational challenges remain. We consider a randomized pairwise likelihood approach, where only summands randomly sampled across observations and pairs are used for the estimation. In addition to the usual trade off between statistical and computational efficiency, it is shown that, under a condition on the sampling parameter, this two-way random sampling mechanism allows much more computationally inexpensive confidence intervals to be constructed. The proposed approach is applied to a copula-based model for multivariate count data.
This is a joint work with Gildas Mazo and Andrea Rau.
Canada, specially Montreal is the birthplace of deep learning. Starting with Prof. Hebb a McGill faculty who initiated learning, ending up with Prof. Bengio a University of Montreal faculty who won the Turing award in 2019 for his contribution in artificial intelligence and deep neural networks.
While deep learning is considered one of the breakthroughs of the century in predictive modelling and artificial intelligence, a lot of questions remain unanswered in the field. Here I try to make you familiar with the context of deep learning and try to attach it to the classical machine learning approaches to bring an intuition behind this blackbox.
Identification and estimation of treatment effects is an important issue in many fields, e.g. to evaluate the effectiveness of social programs, government policies or medical interventions. As each subject is observed only either under control conditions or under treatment, the outcome difference which would allow straightforward estimation of treatment effects is never available from the observed outcomes. Additionally, for data from observational studies, endogeneity of treatment selection can cause unobserved confounding and bias of treatment effects estimates if not adequately accounted for. We propose a novel, flexible model for inference on the effect of a binary treatment on a continuous outcome observed over subsequent time periods that allows unbiased estimation of dynamic treatment effects by separating longitudinal association of the outcomes from association due to endogeneity of treatment selection. Application of the proposed method is illustrated on simulated data and to analyse the effects of a long maternity leave on earnings of Austrian mothers.
Modern computational science allows complex scientific processes to be described by mathematical models implemented in computer codes, or simulators. When these simulators are computationally expensive, it is common to approximate them using statistical emulators constructed from computer experiments. Often, the overarching system of interest is best modelled via a chain, series or network of simulators, with inputs to some simulators arising as outputs from other simulators. Motivated by an epidemiological simulator chain to model the airborne dispersion of an infectious disease, we have developed novel methods for linking statistical emulators of the component simulators within a network. These methods, developed within a Bayes linear framework, exploit the simpler structure that is typically observed for component simulators and account for simulator input uncertainty induced by links in the network. This talk will discuss and demonstrate the advantages of these methods compared to use of a single emulator of the composite simulator network for a variety of examples, including the motivating epidemiological application.
Agent-based models (ABMs) are computational models used to simulate the actions and interactions of agents within a system. Usually, each agent has a relatively simple set of rules for how it responds to its environment and to other agents. These models are used to gain insight into the emergent behavior of complex systems with many agents, in which the emergent behavior depends upon the micro-level behavior of the individuals. ABMs are widely used in many fields, and this talk reviews some of those applications. However, as relatively little work has been done on statistical theory for such models, this talk also points out some of those gaps and recent strategies to address them.
2021-01-18Pulong Ma [Duke University]:
2021-01-11Emmanuel Ogundimu [University of Durham]:
Engineering systems are key elements for the functionality of our economy and even of our daily life. Hence, they should provide their service in a very reliable and robust manner. They involve advanced technology to a large extent and are thus assets, which seek a thoughtful and economic care and maintenance. In order to address these requirements, we need a technology for a reliable but quick analysis that provides unambiguous and illustrative decision-support for operators and authorities. Simultaneously, our engineering systems are often quite complex so that a detailed modeling and analysis for reliability assessment and maintenance planning is very demanding. In addition, uncertainties arising from the complexity and also from, sometimes even unknown, operational, environmental and man-made excitations or hazards undermine the clarity of predictions about the systems behavior and its reliability. This conflict leads us to the question on how to make quick and informed decisions despite uncertainty and complexity. The seminar will feature some ideas and methods that could be helpful to address this problem. Specifically, the challenge of maintenance of an aircraft turbine at most reasonable economic and technical effort is considered. The technical ingredients include systems modeling, reliability analysis, and resilience-based decision-making.
Engineering systems are key elements for the functionality of our economy and even of our daily life. Hence, they should provide their service in a very reliable and robust manner. They involve advanced technology to a large extent and are thus assets, which seek a thoughtful and economic care and maintenance. In order to address these requirements, we need a technology for a reliable but quick analysis that provides unambiguous and illustrative decision-support for operators and authorities. Simultaneously, our engineering systems are often quite complex so that a detailed modeling and analysis for reliability assessment and maintenance planning is very demanding. In addition, uncertainties arising from the complexity and also from, sometimes even unknown, operational, environmental and man-made excitations or hazards undermine the clarity of predictions about the systems behavior and its reliability. This conflict leads us to the question on how to make quick and informed decisions despite uncertainty and complexity. The seminar will feature some ideas and methods that could be helpful to address this problem. Specifically, the challenge of maintenance of an aircraft turbine at most reasonable economic and technical effort is considered. The technical ingredients include systems modeling, reliability analysis, and resilience-based decision-making.
Many questions in scientific disciplines have a causal flavour. However, the estimation of causal relationships from data is challenging, and it remains difficult to cope with conditions such as high dimensionality and model uncertainty that are relevant in many contemporary applications. I will discuss learning causal relationships from data, focusing on approaches that can potentially scale to many variables. Results will include applications in modern biology, where the underlying systems are complex (and likely violate standard modelling assumptions) but where causal models can be empirically tested against experiment. I will discuss also our recent efforts to reframe specific tasks in causal estimation from a machine learning perspective and the prospects this affords to scale to truly high-dimensional settings.
In this talk I will provide a review of prior distributions for objective Bayesian model comparisons. The general principles, criteria and tools/mechanisms that can be used in order to ensure a sensible Bayesian model comparison/selection procedure under the absence of any prior information will be presented and discussed. Focus will be given in the most popular model selection case: the variable selection problem. Some recent contributions in the area of objective priors on model space will be also discussed. Hopefully, after this talk you will have some guidance how to work to build sensible priors for Bayesian model comparisons.
The talk is based on the published paper:
Consonni G., Fouskakis D., Liseo B., and Ntzoufras I. (2018). Prior Distributions for Objective Bayesian Analysis. Bayesian Analysis, 13, 627'“679.
Statistical models which impose restrictions on marginal distributions of categorical data have received considerable attention especially in social and economic sciences. A particular appealing class is that of log-linear marginal models introduced by Bergsma and Rudas (2002) that have been used to provide parameterisations for discrete graphical models of marginal independence. Bayesian analysis of Graphical Log-Linear Marginal Models has not been developed as much as traditional methods. No conjugate analysis is available and MCMC methods must be employed. The likelihood of the model cannot be analytically expressed as a function of the marginal log-linear interactions, but only in terms of the probability parameters. Hence, at each step of the MCMC an iterative procedure needs to be applied in order to calculate the cell probabilities and consequently the model likelihood. Finally, in order to have a well-defined model of marginal independence, the considered MCMC algorithm should generate parameter values leading to a joint probability distribution with compatible marginals. Possible solutions to the previously discussed problems will be presented.
This talk is based on recent papers with Ioannis Ntzoufras (AUEB) and Monia Lupparelli (UNIFI)
We propose a multi-fidelity Bayesian emulator for the analysis of computer models when the available simulations are not generated based on hierarchically nested experimental design. The proposed procedure, called Augmented Bayesian Treed Co-Kriging, extends the scope of co-kriging in two major ways. We introduce a binary treed partition latent process in the multifidelity setting to account for non-stationary and potential discontinuities in the model outputs at different fidelity levels. Moreover, we introduce an efficient imputation mechanism which allows the practical implementation of co-kriging when the experimental design is non-hierarchically nested by enabling the specification of semi-conjugate priors. Our imputation strategy allows the design of an efficient RJ-MCMC implementation that involves collapsed blocks and direct simulation from conditional distributions. We develop the Monte Carlo recursive emulator which provides a Monte Carlo proxy for the full predictive distribution of the model output at each fidelity level, in a computationally feasible manner. We also extend our mode for high-dimensional output as well as for high number of observed inputs. The performance of our method is demonstrated on benchmark examples and compared against existing methods. The proposed method is used for the analysis of a large-scale climate modeling application which involves the WRF model as well as ADCIRC storm surge model.
In this talk, I will introduce the problem of evaluation of reliability of one-shot devices. After providing some practical data sets on different types of tests involving one-shot devices, I will describe various estimation methods under classical setup and also in the framework of accelerated life-testing conditions. I shall also elaborate on model validation and model selection methods. Finally, I shall discuss the problem of optimal design under testing budget constraints. Throughout, I shall use different data sets to illustrate the methods developed.
Mixed models are frequently used for the analysis of longitudinal, multilevel, clustered and other correlated data. They incorporate subject-specific random effects into the model to account for the unknown between-subject variability as well as the within-subject correlation. Since random effects are latent and unobservable variables, it is difficult to assess the random effects and their assumed distribution. There are two main challenges when working with random effects. The first challenge is to decide which random effects to include into the model. The second challenge is to check the appropriateness of the assumed distribution for random effects, which is a more difficult task. In this talk, we first introduce permutation and Bayesian tests for inclusion or exclusion of random effects from the model. We then present a likelihood-based diagnostic tool to check the adequacy of random-effects distribution. We establish asymptotic properties of the proposed methods. Our diagnostic tests can be used to assess random effects in a wide class of mixed models, including linear, generalised linear and non-linear mixed models, with univariate as well as multivariate random effects. Two real data applications will be presented.
Before it was a theory of probability, mathematical probability was a theory of betting. Before they were sequences of random variables, martingales were strategies for betting. By looking at the matter this way once more, we gain insights into statistical testing and the behavior of entrepreneurs. This talk with touch on the May 2019 book Game-Theoretic Foundations for Probability and Finance (by Glenn Shafer and Vladimir Vovk, Wiley) and on recent working papers at .
Many popular methods for the reduction of estimation bias rely on an approximation of the bias function under the assumption that the model is correct and fully specified. Other bias reduction methods, like the bootstrap, the jackknife and indirect inference require fewer assumptions to operate but are typically computer-intensive, requiring repeated optimization.
We present a novel framework for reducing estimation bias that:
i) can deliver estimators with smaller bias than reference estimators even for partially-specified models, as long as estimation is through unbiased estimating functions;
ii) always results in closed-form bias-reducing penalties to the objective function if estimation is through the maximization of one, like maximum likelihood and maximum composite likelihood.
iii) relies only on the estimating functions and/or the objective and their derivatives, greatly facilitating implementation for general modelling frameworks through numerical or automatic differentiation techniques and standard numerical optimization routines.
The bias-reducing penalized objectives closely relate to information criteria for model selection based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, establishing, for the first time, a strong link between reduction of estimation bias and model selection. We also discuss the asymptotic efficiency properties of the new estimator, inference and model selection, and present illustrations in well-used, important modelling settings of varying complexity.
Related preprint:
Joint work with: Nicola Lunardon, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Important systems are usually modelled by more than one simulator, and these may well not agree in every detail. One way in which two simulators of the same system can relate is in modelling a number of the same subprocesses. I will present 'intermediate variable emulation', a method adapting Bayesian emulation to enable us to compare simulators relating in this way. This method steps away somewhat from treating the simulator as a 'black box', by modelling it in terms of its subprocesses. I will demonstrate the method on two ocean carbon cycle simulators, first using the intermediate variable structure to gain more insight into a single simulator, and then comparing the two.
2020-05-04Ioannis Kosmidis [University of Warwick]:
For a number of lattice models in 2D statistical physics, it has been proven that the scaling limit of an interface at criticality (with suitable boundary conditions) is a conformally invariant random curve, Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE). Similarly, collections of several interfaces converge to collections of interacting SLEs. Connection probabilities of these interfaces encode crossing probabilities in the lattice models, which should also be related to correlation functions of appropriate fields in the corresponding conformal field theory (CFT); the latter, however, being mathematically ill-defined. I discuss results pertaining to make sense of this relationship.
In practical applications, including disease surveillance and monitoring severe weather events, available count data are often an incomplete representation of phenomena we are interested in. This includes under-reporting, where observed counts are thought to be less than or equal to the truth, and delayed reporting, where total counts are not immediately available, instead arriving in parts over time.
In this seminar I will present two Bayesian hierarchical modelling frameworks which aim to deal with each of these issues, respectively. I will also present applications to UK tornado data, where under-reporting is thought to be a problem in areas of low population density, and to dengue fever data from Brazil, where notification delay means that the true size of outbreaks may not be known for weeks or even months after they've occurred.
Reaction-Diffusion (RD) models are Interacting Particle systems that allow for birth death and jump of particles on a graph.
In this talk I will present a construction of RD models on an infinite (countable) graph.
From the basic construction we will move to the study of the fluid limit of a family of such processes.
As the limit differential equation is not linear, the usual proof of uniqueness of solutions is not available.
I would like to conclude by explaining the coupling estimates that allow for the proof of convergence of the family of RD models.
This is a work in progress with Bernardo da Costa (UFRJ-BR) and Daniel Valesin (UGroningen-NL).
Log-linear models are typically fitted to contingency table data to describe and identify the relationship between different categorical variables. However, the data may include observed zero cell entries. The presence of zero cell entries can have an adverse effect on the estimability of parameters, due to parameter redundancy. We describe a general approach for determining whether a given log-linear model is parameter redundant for a pattern of observed zeros in the table, prior to fitting the model to the data. We derive the estimable parameters or functions of parameters and explain how to reduce the unidentifiable model to an identifiable one. Parameter redundant models have a flat ridge in their likelihood function. We discuss when this ridge imposes some additional parameter constraints on the model, which can lead to obtaining unique maximum likelihood estimates for parameters that otherwise would not have been estimable. In contrast to other frameworks, the proposed novel approach informs on those constraints, elucidating the model that is actually being fitted. We illustrate relevant methods by the analysis of modern slavery data, where the aim is to estimate the size of a hidden population.
Growth-fragmentation processes describe the evolution of systems of
cells which grow continuously and fragment suddenly. They are used in
models of cell division and protein polymerisation. In the long term,
the concentrations of cells with given masses typically increase at some
exponential rate and, after compensating for this, they arrive at an
asymptotic profile. Up to now, this has mainly been studied for the
average behaviour of the system, often by means of a natural partial
integro-differential equation and the associated spectral theory.
However, the behaviour of the system as a whole, rather than only its
average, is more delicate. Under certain conditions, we show that the
entire collection of cells converges to a certain asymptotic profile.
Joint work with Jean Bertoin.
I will discuss a joint work with Nathanael Berestycki and Gourab Ray, in which we prove that a random distribution in two dimensions satisfying conformal invariance and a natural domain Markov property must be a multiple of the Gaussian free field. This result holds subject only to a mild moment assumption.
Planar random growth processes occur widely in the physical world. Examples include diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) for mineral deposition and the Eden model for biological cell growth. One approach to mathematically modelling such processes is to represent the randomly growing clusters as compositions of conformal mappings. In 1998, Hastings and Levitov proposed one such family of models, which includes versions of the physical processes described above. An intriguing property of their model is a conjectured phase transition between models that converge to growing disks, and 'turbulent' non-disk like models. In this talk I will describe a natural generalisation of the Hastings-Levitov family in which the location of each successive particle is distributed according to the density of harmonic measure on the cluster boundary, raised to some power. In recent joint work with Norris and Silvestri, we show that when this power lies within a particular range, the macroscopic shape of the cluster converges to a disk, but that as the power approaches the edge of this range the fluctuations approach a critical point, which is a limit of stability. This phase transition in fluctuations can be interpreted as the beginnings of a macroscopic phase transition from disks to non-disks analogous to that present in the Hastings-Levitov family.
Traditional condition-based maintenance policies are evaluated under the assumption of an infinite horizon, which, however, fails to meet many real scenarios, since a machine or equipment will usually be abandoned after running a few periods. In this study, we develop a condition-based maintenance model for degrading systems within a finite operating horizon. In addition, different from most existing studies that focus on a single-unit system, we consider a system with two heterogeneous components. The components are subject to dependent degradation processes, characterized by a bivariate Gamma process. Periodic inspection is performed upon the system and the components are preventively replaced when their degradation levels at inspection exceed the preventive replacement thresholds. We formulate the maintenance problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) and employ dynamic programming for the calculation purpose. The optimal maintenance policy is achieved via minimizing the expected maintenance cost. We explore the structure property of the optimal maintenance policy and obtain the boundaries for various maintenance actions. Unlike the infinite horizon which leads to a stationary maintenance policy, for the finite horizon, the optimal decision is non-stationary, which indicates that the optimal maintenance actions vary at each inspection epoch. A numerical example is performed to illustrate the proposed model, in which we investigate the influence of stochastic and economic dependence on the optimal maintenance policy. It is concluded through the numerical results that higher stochastic dependence actually reduces the maintenance cost and higher economic dependence leads to higher preventive maintenance thresholds.
We develop a new strategy to compute the mixing time of Markov chains, based on the relative entropy method proposed by Yau and further developed by J.-Menezes. We apply this strategy to derive a Gaussian profile cut-off for mean-field Markov chains in infinite temperature.
Joint work with Freddy Hernández (Bogotá)
We prove that Anderson localization near band edges of ergodic continuum
random Schroedinger operators with periodic background potential in in
dimension two and larger is universal.
In particular, Anderson localization holds without extra decay
assumptions on the random variables and independently of regularity or
degeneracy of the Floquet eigenvalues of the background operator.
Our approach is based on a robust initial scale estimate the proof of
which avoids Floquet theory altogether and uses instead an interplay
between quantitative unique continuation and large deviation estimates.
Furthermore, our reasoning is sufficiently flexible to prove this
initial scale estimate in a non-ergodic setting, which promises to be an
ingredient for understanding band edge localization also in these
Based on joint work with Albrecht Seelmann (TU Dortmund).
Take a point on the 2-dimensional integer lattice and another one North-East from the first. Place i.i.d. Exponential weights on the vertices of the lattice; the point-to-point geodesic between the two points is the a.s. unique path of North and East steps that collects the maximal sum of these weights.
A bi-infinite geodesic is a doubly infinite North-East path such that any segment between two of its points is a point-to-point geodesic. We show that this thing a.s. does not exist (except for the trivial case of the coordinate axes). The intuition is roughly this: transversal fluctuations of a point-to-point geodesic are in the order of the 2/3rd power of its length, which becomes infinite for a bi-infinite geodesic. This and coalescence of geodesics result in not seeing this path anywhere near the origin which, combined with translation invariance, a.s. excludes its existence.
One needs to make this more quantitative to prove that even after taking the union for all possible directions we cannot see a bi-infinite geodesic, a program sketched by Newman. This has recently been completed rigorously by Basu, Hoffman and Sly with inputs from integrable probability. In this work we instead build on purely probabilistic arguments, such as couplings and maxima of drifted random walks, to arrive to this result.
Data in the form of functions contain phase variability, which quite often is considered as nuisance. One way to remove the phase/warping variation is to align the functions to a common template by warping their domains. Alternatively, one can ignore phase variation altogether and consider only the shape of each function: an equivalence class of functions that are related to it through the warping of its domain.
I will discuss the structure of the shape space of real-valued functions on an interval as a quotient space under the action of the warping group, and describe the difficulties involved in defining probability distributions on such shape spaces. Such a perspective elucidates on conditions that ensure identifiability of signal plus noise models for functional data, and also provides a way to control small-ball probabilities of functional predictors affecting asymptotic properties of kernel-based estimators of functional regression models.
Regression modelling typically assumes homogeneity of the conditional distribution of responses Y given features X. For inhomogeneous data, with latent groups having potentially different underlying distributions, the hidden group structure can be crucial for estimation and prediction, and standard regression models may be severely confounded. Worse, in the multivariate setting, the presence of such inhomogeneity can easily pass undetected. To allow for robust and interpretable regression modelling in the heterogeneous data setting we put forward a class of mixture models that couples together both the multivariate marginal on X and the conditional Y | X to capture the latent group structure. This joint modelling approach allows for group-specific regression parameters, automatically controlling for the latent confounding that may otherwise pose difficulties, and offers a novel way to deal with suspected distributional shifts in the data. We show how the latent variable model can be regularized to provide scalable solutions with explicit sparsity. Estimation is handled via an expectation-maximization algorithm. We illustrate the key ideas via empirical examples.
In this talk I analyze the dynamics of an opinion model in a population of N agents with mean field interaction. Every agent is endowed with an opinion on [0,1] which is updated at a rate determined by the average opinion of the population. We study the hydrodynamic behaviour of the model with two different time scales. First we prove that, when the system is accelerated by the factor N^1/2, the average opinion remains constant and the agents tend to reach the consensus state. After we show that, under the time scale N^2, the average opinion feels the effect of the fluctuations and evolves as a Wright Fisher diffusion. This is a joint work with I. Armendariz, C. da Costa and P. Ferrari.
Regularized inference of networks using graphical modelling approaches has seen many applications in biology, most notably in the recovery of regulatory networks from high-dimensional gene expression data. Under an assumption of Gaussianity, the popular graphical lasso approach provides an efficient inferential procedure under L1 sparsity constraints. In this talk, I will focus on a latest extension to censored graphical models in order to deal with censored data such as qPCR expression data. We propose a computationally efficient EM-like algorithm for the estimation of the conditional independence graph and thus the recovery of the underlying regulatory network. Similar techniques can be used also in the context of multivariate regression where censored outcomes are to be predicted from a set of predictors. Efficient inferential procedures are presented in the high-dimensional case and pave the way for the development of more complex models that integrate data from different sources and under different mechanisms of missingness.
Competition process is a multivariate analogue of the classical birth-and-death process; its name comes from the original motivation to model competition between populations. In my talk, I will discuss the asymptotic behaviour of a version of the process, where the interactions are induced by the adjacency matrix of some given finite graph. While in the absence of interaction the process is barely a collection of independent linear birth processes (Yule's processes), in our case, a component also decreases with the rate proportional to the sum of its neighbouring components; and zero is an adsorbing state for each component (we say that the component becomes extinct). We prove that, with probability one, eventually only a random subset of the process's components survives, which correspond to a so-called independent set of vertices of the graph. The dynamics of the model has a striking resemblance with that of multi-type branching processes, which allows us to adapt ideas from the well-known Athreya's method for studying the long-term behaviour of the branching processes.
Imagine it is Autumn in the forest, and randomly shaped leaves fall sequentially at random onto the ground until it is completely covered. The visible parts of leaves on the ground at a given instant then form a random tessellation of the plane. Mathematically, the leaves and their times of arrival are modelled as an independently marked Poisson process in space-time with the marks determining their shapes. This dead leaves (or confetti) model was proposed by Matheron in 1968 and has applications in modelling natural images and in materials science; see [1]. The one-dimensional version of the model (`leaves on the line') can be obtained by simply taking a linear section through the two-dimensional tessellation but is also open to other interpretations, for example the tree-trunks visible from the edge of the forest.
We discuss new and old results on some or all of the following in both one and two dimensions:
1. Exact formula for the number of cells of the tessellation per unit volume.
2. Asymptotic variance, CLT and time evolution for the total number of cells visible in a large window.
3. In two dimensions, similar results for the total length of cell boundaries within a window.
4. In one dimension, the distribution of the size of a `typical' cell.
We make heavy use of the Mecke formula from the theory of Poisson processes; see e.g. [3]. Also relevant is a variant of the classical `Buffon's needle' problem. We also build on earlier work on items 1 and 3 by Cowan and Tsang [2].
[1] C. Bordenave, Y. Gousseau and F. Roueff. The dead leaves model: a general tessellation modeling occlusion. Adv. in Appl. Probab. 38, 2006, 31-46.
[2] R. Cowan and A. K. L. Tsang. The falling-leaves mosaic and its equilibrium properties. Adv. in Appl. Probab. 26, 1994, 54{62.
[3] G. Last and M. Penrose. Lectures on the Poisson process, Cambridge University Press. 2018
We are studying linear and log-linear models for multivariate count time series data with Poisson marginals. For studying the properties of such processes we develop a novel conceptual framework which is based on copulas. Earlier contributions impose the copula on the joint distribution of the vector of counts by employing a continuous extension methodology. Instead we introduce a copula function on a vector of associated continuous random variables. This construction avoids conceptual difficulties related to the joint distribution of counts yet it keeps the properties of the Poisson process marginally. Furthermore, this construction can be employed for modeling multivariate count time series with other marginal count distributions. We employ Markov chain theory and the notion of weak dependence to study ergodicity and stationarity of the models we consider. Suitable estimating equations are suggested for estimating unknown model parameters. The large sample properties of the resulting estimators are studied in detail. The work concludes with some simulations and a real data example.
This is a joint work with P. Doukhan, B. Stove and D. Tjostheim.
Life testing is a major issue in reliability analysis, with applications in diverse fields, ranging from material sciences and quality control to biomedical sciences and ecology statistics. In all these fields acceleration of life testing procedures is important. Step-stress models form an essential part of accelerated life testing (ALT). Under a step-stress ALT (SSALT) model, the test units are exposed to stress levels that increase at intermediate time points of the experiment. Statistical inference is then developed for, e.g., the mean lifetime under each stress level, targeting to the extrapolation under normal operating conditions. This is achieved through an appropriate link function that connects the stress level to the associated mean lifetime. The assumptions made about the time points of stress level change, the termination point of the experiment, the underlying lifetime distributions, the type of censoring, if present, and the way of monitoring, lead to respective models.
After a general introduction on SSALT models, an SSALT model is proposed for progressive Type-I censored experiments under interval monitoring. The underlying lifetime distributions belong to a general scale family of distributions. The points of stress-level change are simultaneously inspection points as well, while there is the option of assigning additional inspection points in between the stress-level change points.
In a Bayesian framework, the posterior distributions of the parameters of the model are derived for characteristic choices of prior distributions, as conjugate-like and normal priors; vague or non-informative. The developed approach is illustrated on a simulated example and on a real data set, both known from the literature. The results are compared to previous analyses; frequentist or Bayes.
Classical isomorphism theorems relate the local times of simple random walk to the Gaussian free field. These theorems have been used to investigate many probabilistic questions, including cover times, self-avoiding walks, field theories, and large deviations for local times.
In this talk I will discuss some new isomorphism theorems that relate some reinforced random walks (the vertex-reinforced and vertex-diminished jump processes) to non-Gaussian spin systems; it turns out that these theorems arise naturally from the geometric properties of the spin systems. To illustrate the use of these theorems I will outline how they can be used to prove the vertex-reinforced jump process is always recurrent in two dimensions.
Based on joint work with Roland Bauerschmidt and Andrew Swan.
Bayesian inverse problems often involve sampling posterior distributions on infinite-dimensional function spaces. Traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are characterized by deteriorating mixing times upon mesh-refinement, when the finite-dimensional approximations become more accurate. Such methods are typically forced to reduce step-sizes as the discretization gets finer, and thus are expensive as a function of dimension. Recently, a new class of MCMC methods with mesh-independent convergence times has emerged. However, few of them take into account the geometry of the posterior informed by the data. At the same time, recently developed geometric MCMC algorithms have been found to be powerful in exploring complicated distributions that deviate significantly from elliptic Gaussian laws, but are in general computationally intractable for models defined in infinite dimensions. In this work, we combine geometric methods on a finite-dimensional subspace with mesh-independent infinite-dimensional approaches. Our objective is to speed up MCMC mixing times, without significantly increasing the computational cost per step (for instance, in comparison with the vanilla preconditioned Crank'“Nicolson (pCN) method). This is achieved by using ideas from geometric MCMC to probe the complex structure of an intrinsic finite-dimensional subspace where most data information concentrates, while retaining robust mixing times as the dimension grows by using pCN-like methods in the complementary subspace. The resulting algorithms are demonstrated in the context of three challenging inverse problems arising in subsurface flow, heat conduction and incompressible flow control. The algorithms exhibit up to two orders of magnitude improvement in sampling efficiency when compared with the pCN method.
A mean estimator for sensitive variables is proposed under simple random sampling when measurement errors and non-response are present. We use the optional randomized response methodology which produces a more efficient estimator. We discuss two scrambling options and compare the proposed estimator with some of the commonly used estimators using both theoretical and empirical methods. We find that the proposed estimator performs better.
We discuss the tail asymptotic of sub-exponential probability densities on the whole real line. Namely, we show that the $n$-fold convolution of a sub-exponential probability density on the real line is asymptotically equivalent to this density times $n$. We prove Kesten's bound, which gives a uniform in $n$ estimate of the $n$-fold convolution by the tail of the density. We also introduce a class of regular sub-exponential functions and use it to find an analogue of Kesten's bound for functions on $\mathbb{R}^d$. We discuss applications of obtained results; in particuar, for the study of the fundamental solution to a nonlocal heat-equation. The talk is based on joint works with Pasha Tkachov (L'Aquila).
Bayesian inference has become increasingly popular as a tool to solve inverse problems, largely due to its ability to quantify the uncertainty in the solutions obtained. In many practical problems such as image reconstructions, the unknowns are often of infinite dimension, i.e., functions of space and/or time. Theories and methods developed for finite dimensional problems may become problematic in the infinite dimensional setting and thus new theories and methods must be developed for such problems. In this talk we shall discuss several critical issues associated with the infinite dimensional problems and some efforts made to address them. First we introduce a non-Gaussian prior for modeling images that are subject to sharp jumps. We then present an efficient adaptive MCMC algorithm that is specifically designed for function space inference. Finally, we apply the Bayesian inference method to a positron emission tomography (PET) problem.
This talk introduces a framework for speeding up Bayesian inference for large datasets. We
design a Markov chain whose transition kernel uses an (unknown) fraction of (fixed size) of
the available data that is randomly refreshed throughout the algorithm. Inspired by the
Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) literature, the subsampling process is guided by
the fidelity to the observed data, as measured by summary statistics. The resulting
algorithm, Informed Sub-Sampling MCMC (ISS-MCMC), is a generic and flexible approach
which, contrary to existing scalable methodologies, preserves the simplicity of the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Even though exactness is lost, i.e. the chain distribution
approximates the posterior, we study and quantify theoretically this bias and show on a
diverse set of examples that it yields excellent performances when the computational
budget is limited.
This is joint work with Florian Maire (Montreal) and Pierre Alquier (INSAE, Paris).
Maire, F., Friel, N. & Alquier, P. Stat Comput (2018).
In this talk a novel class of semi-parametric time series models will be
presented, for which we can specify in advance the marginal distribution
of the observations and then build the dependence structure of the
observations around them by introducing an underlying stochastic process
termed as 'latent branching tree'. It will be demonstrated how can we
draw Bayesian inference for the model parameters using Markov Chain
Monte Carlo methods as well as Approximate Bayesian Computation
methodology. Finally a real dataset on genome scheme data will be fitted
to this model and we will also discuss how this kind of models can be
in other settings.
Suppose you wish to use a blood test to screen a group of people for a
rare disease. You could take a blood sample from each person and test
the samples individually. However, it can be more efficient to mix a
number of samples together and test that mixture: if the test comes
back negative then none of those people have the disease, while if the
test is positive then at least one of them has the disease and further
investigation is needed. This problem is called group testing: given n
people of whom k have the disease, how many of these mixed tests do we
need to find out which people are infected?
In this talk, we discuss recent progress on this question,
concentrating on nonadaptive testing, where the tests are all designed
in advance. Techniques used come from probability, statistics,
information theory and combinatorics.
This talk concerns the long term behaviour of a growth model with graph-based interaction. The model describes a random sequential allocation of particles at vertices of a finite graph and can be regarded as a variant of interacting urn model.
The inhomogeneous Curie'“Weiss model is an interacting (Ising) spin model on the complete graph. The inhomogeneity is introduced by adding a positive weight to every vertex and letting the interaction strength between spins at two vertices be proportional to the product of their weights. We explain how this model arises in the study of Ising models on random graphs and investigate several limit theorems for this model. We especially look at the case where the spins are unbounded and what effects the tail of the weight distribution has on the behaviour of the model.
The random transposition shuffle is defined by our hands independently choosing a card each to transpose every step. The left-right shuffle follows from the modification of our hands now being dependent and not able to cross each other. We show how a card shuffle may be viewed as a random walk on the symmetric group and give a description of how algebraic techniques can be used to analyse the speed at which this random walk converges to the uniform distribution. We uncovered a remarkable branching structure involving Young diagrams which allows us to label the eigenvalues for this shuffle. After analysis of the eigenvalues we find the number of shuffles required to get close to uniform is nlog(n)+cn.
Derrida et al. derived (in the 1990s) some asymptotic formulae for the probabilities of large gaps in infinite coalescing and/or annihilating random walks in dimension d=1 (and also a persistence exponent). These particle systems are now known to be integrable and these answers can be derived by manipulating determinants of certain integral operators that underly their algebraic structure. Such manipulations were first done by Tracy and Widom for random matrix models.
Exactly the same problems arise when studying certain random polynomials models (Kac polynomials).
In this talk, I will first introduce a mixture cure rate model as it was originally introduced. After that, I will formulate cure rate model in the context of competing risks and present some flexible families of cure rate models. I will then describe various inferential results for these models. Next, as a two-stage model, I will present destructive cure rate models and discuss inferential methods for it. In the final part of the talk, I will discuss various other extensions and generalizations of these models and the associated inferential methods. All the models and inferential methods will be illustrated with simulation studies as well as some well-known melanoma data sets.
Lace expansions are a systematic rigorous method that proves
results about correlations in critical statistical mechanics, mostly in high dimensions.
I will explain the general principles of lace expansions, how they
have been used, and some open problems related to their future.
In a recent paper we re-estimated the global magnitude-frequency relationship of large explosive volcanic eruptions ( I will describe how we addressed the twin problems of mis- and under-recording in the historical record, and how we quantified our uncertainties. I will also discuss our experience of the paper catching the attention of the mainstream media (the title is from the Daily Mail) and, if time, some of the wider implications.
The spectral statistics of large random matrices exhibit
a new type of universality as postulated by Eugene Wigner in the 1950's.
This celebrated Wigner-Dyson-Mehta conjecture has recently been
proved for hermitian matrices with independent, identically distributed entries.
Wigner's original vision, however, extends well beyond this class of matrix
ensembles and it predicts universal behavior for any random operator
with 'sufficient complexity'. One of main mathematical tools
is the matrix Dyson equation (MDE), a deterministic quadratic equation
for large matrices that computes the density of states.
After a non-technical introduction to random matrix theory,
we will discuss new classes of matrix ensembles that have become accessible
by a systematic analysis of the MDE.
Recently proposed particle MCMC methods provide a flexible way of performing Bayesian inference for parameters governing stochastic kinetic models defined as Markov (jump) processes (MJPs). Unfortunately, this approach can be extremely computationally intensive for models of realistic size and complexity. We therefore aim to avoid most instances of expensive likelihood calculations through use of a cheap approximation. A delayed acceptance approach ensures that detailed balance is satisfied with respect to the intended target rather than the approximation. In scenarios where there is no obvious computationally cheap approximation we propose a weighted average of previous evaluations of the computationally expensive posterior as a generic approximation. If only the k-nearest neighbours have non-zero weights then evaluation of the approximate posterior can be made computationally cheap. The resulting adaptive, delayed-acceptance (pseudo-marginal) Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is justified theoretically and illustrated using some simple examples.
The evaluation of probabilistic forecasts plays a central role both in the interpretation and in the use of forecast systems and their development. Probabilistic scores provide statistical measures to assess the quality of probabilistic forecasts. Often, many probabilistic forecast systems are available while evaluations of their performance are not standardized, with different scores being used to measure different aspects of forecast performance. Even when the discussion is restricted to strictly proper scores, there remains considerable variability between scores; indeed strictly proper scores need not rank competing forecast systems in the same order when none of these systems are perfect. The locality property is explored to further distinguish skill scores. The only local strictly proper score, the logarithmic score, has an immediate interpretation in terms of bits of information. The interpretation of nonlocal strictly proper scores, on the other hand, relies on information regarding the unknown (if it even exists) True underlying distribution. The nonlocal strictly proper scores considered are shown to have properties that can produce "unfortunate" evaluations. It is therefore suggested that the logarithmic score always be included in the evaluation of probabilistic forecasts.
This talk is part of the afternoon workshop "Random Processes and Heavy-tailed Phenomena". See the website for the talk abstracts and further information about the workshop. (All are welcome: it is not necessary to register in order to attend the talks only.)
This talk is part of the afternoon workshop "Random Processes and Heavy-tailed Phenomena". See the website for the talk abstracts and further information about the workshop. (All are welcome: it is not necessary to register in order to attend the talks only.)
This talk is part of the afternoon workshop "Random Processes and Heavy-tailed Phenomena". See the website for the talk abstracts and further information about the workshop. (All are welcome: it is not necessary to register in order to attend the talks only.)
Electrical activation of the heart muscle acts to initiate and synchronise contraction, and results from the movement of ions across the cell membrane. Over the last 50 years, models of electrical activity in single cells have been developed. These models are coupled systems of stiff and nonlinear ODEs, and as experimental techniques have developed they have become increasingly complex and time consuming to solve. Cell models can be coupled into PDE representations of heart tissue, and form the building blocks for multi-scale models of whole heart function, which can be used to simulate the heart of an individual patient. However, electrical activity in real cells is a variable process, with subtle differences in the time course of activation and recovery between different cells, and from one beat to the next in an individual cell. Part of the reason for this is that some model parameters represent quantities that are not fixed constants. Further uncertainty and variability in whole heart models arises from assumptions and simplifications in the models themselves, as well as in the way that medical images are used to construct a mesh representing the heart of a real patient. These problems are beginning to be addressed in the heart modelling community. In the seminar I will describe our work in Sheffield, in which we have used Gaussian process emulators to shed light on cell models and cell model calibration, and work in collaboration with King's College London where we aim to infer uncertain activation times based on noisy and incomplete data from real patients.
Let w be a word in the free group on k generators, and let G be a finite group. The word w induces a probability distribution on G by substituting the letters of w with k independent uniformly random elements of G and evaluating the product.
I will explain some of the motivation for the study of word measures, discuss some beautiful properties, give examples and state conjectures. The focus will be on word measures on symmetric groups. This is partly based on joint works with Ori Parzanchevski, with Michael Magee and with Liam Hanani.
The randomness of a sequence of numbers can be defined in many ways. The talk begins with a short survey of the most common definitions of randomness and their relationships, and then focuses on a powerful and intuitive martingale-theoretic definition first suggested by Ville, and further refined by Schnorr and Levin. It essentially requires that there should be no (in some way computationally achievable) strategy for gambling on the successive outcomes in the sequence that allows a player, Skeptic, to become infinitely rich without borrowing. Interestingly, this betting approach allows for a generalisation towards interval (or imprecise) probabilities. As is often the case with the mathematics of imprecise probabilities, this allows for new ideas and structures to emerge, and takes us to a new vantage point from where it becomes easier to appreciate the subtleties and intricacies associated with the precise limit case where intervals reduce to numbers.
Do local constraints demand global coordination? I'll address a
particularly simple formulation of this question: can the vertices of a
graph be assigned random colours in a stationary way, so that neighboring
colours always differ, but without long-range dependence? The quest to
answer this has led to the discovery of beautiful yet mysterious new
stochastic processes that seemingly have no right to exist.
We introduce a new probability aging notion via functional equation based on tail nvariance of Sibuya's dependence function specified as the ratio between the joint survival function and the product of its marginal survival functions. Solutions of the functional equation are generated by the Gumbel's type I bivariate exponential distribution and independence law. In a particular setting, we construct a version of Gumbel's law with a singular component.
Together with Ehmke Pohl of the Durham structural biology unit I have developed a novel technique for predicting protein structures from small angle scattering data (SAXS). SAXS is a technique where x-rays are fired at a sample of protein in solution, close to its natural environment. It is the technique with by far the most potential use, but also the hardest to interpret due to the random motion of the protein in solution. This makes the scattering data much more noisy than usual and also means a huge amount of information is lost. I will review the technique which uses a novel curve representation to fit a model to data. The potential models are drawn from a set of probability distributions which have been empirically obtained and are highly unusual. There are a series of questions concerning 1). Smoothing the noise in the experimental data which the model is fitted to. 2) Determining the shape of the parameter space of potential structures, 3) building in extra uncertainty in the model. I have reached the limit of my rudimentary knowledge in this field and need your help! I will try to get you enthused about the project in this talk.
Reliability-redundancy allocation can be used to simultaneously determine the reliabilities and the redundancy levels of components to maximize system reliability under design constraints such as those for cost, volume, and weight. Although many efforts have been made to propose efficient and effective methods for solving the optimization model of RRAP, it is still difficult to analyze large systems without considerable computational expense. In this paper, we present a new and efficient approach for reliability redundancy-allocation problems (RRAPs) using the survival signature. The information of the structure function of a system is summarized as survival signature which can be directly applied to calculate the reliability of the system with redundant components in parallel. The RRAP is formulated as an optimization problem with the objective of maximizing system reliability under some constraints. In order to solve the optimization model efficiently, a new adaptive penalty function is proposed to transfer the constraint optimization problem to an unconstraint one. Then a heuristic algorithm called stochastic fractal search is applied to solve the unconstraint optimization. Moreover, the (joint) structural importance is proposed to concretely allocate the redundancy level of each component. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the application of the proposed approach. The results show that the approach is easy to implement in practice and has high computational efficiency.
Most commonly used models for the failure process of a repairable system have two drawbacks: (1) they assume that the system is composed of one component, and (2) they may contain too many unknown parameters that must be estimated from failure data. However, most real-world systems are multi-component systems and failure data are too sparse to obtain stable estimates for models with many parameters. This necessitates development of new models to overcome the drawbacks. This presentation introduces a higher order Markov process model and investigates its special case, both of which model the failure process of a repairable multi-component system and contain a small number of unknown parameters. We derive a parameter estimation method and compares the performance of the proposed models with nine other models based on artificially generated data and fifteen real-world datasets. The results show that the two new models outperform the nine models, respectively.
Coen will speak about an exploration into the potential uses of Big Data techniques for implementation in the Safety Sciences. Techniques include text analysis, numeric analysis and the extraction of safety performance indicators from data streams from the GB railways. The work indicates that Data Sciences have a profound effect on safety and safety experts may have to learn data skills for effective safety management in the future.
In previous research an original methodology for high-performance reliability computing was developed which enables exact unavailability quantification of a real maintained highly reliable system containing highly reliable components with both preventive and corrective maintenance. Whereas the methodology was developed for systems containing components with exponential lifetime distribution, main objective of this research is generalization of the methodology by applying stochastic alternating renewal process models, so as to be used for unavailability quantification of systems containing arbitrary components without any restrictions on the form of the probability distribution assigned to time to failure and repair duration, i.e. ageing components are allowed. For this purpose a recurrent linear integral equation for point unavailability is derived and proved. This innovative equation is particularly eligible for numerical implementation, because it does not contain any renewal density, i.e. it is more effective for unavailability calculation than the corresponding equation resulting from the traditional alternating renewal process theory, which contains renewal density. The new equation undergoes the process of discretization which results in numeric formula to quantify desired unavailability function. Found component unavailability functions are used to quantify unavailability of a complex maintained system. System is represented by the use of directed acyclic graph, which proved to be very effective system representation to quantify reliability of highly reliable systems.
In this work, we investigate the problem of multiple change-point detection where the changes occur in the mean of univariate data. The proposed localised pruning methodology is applicable when conflicting change-point estimates are returned with the information about the local interval in which they are detected. We study the theoretical consistency of the localised pruning in combination with the multiscale extension of the MOving SUM (MOSUM) procedure Eichinger and Kirch (2018). Extensive simulation studies show the computational efficiency and good finite sample performance of the combined methodology, which is available as an R package 'mosum'.
This is joint work with Claudia Kirch (OvGU Magdeburg).
This talk outlines a new theory and methodology to tackle the problem of unifying distributed analyses and inferences on shared parameters from multiple sources, into a single coherent inference. This surprisingly challenging problem arises in many settings (for instance, expert elicitation, multi-view learning, distributed '˜big data' problems etc.), but to-date Monte Carlo Fusion is the first general approach which avoids any form of approximation error in obtaining the unified inference. In this paper we focus on the key theoretical underpinnings of this new methodology, and simple (direct) Monte Carlo interpretations of the theory. There is considerable scope to tailor this theory to particular application settings (such as the big data setting), construct efficient parallelised schemes, understand the approximation and computational efficiencies of other such unification paradigms, and explore new theoretical and methodological directions.
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is now an established technique for statistical inference in the form of a simulator, and approximates the likelihood at a parameter θ by simulating auxiliary data sets x and evaluating the distance of x from the true data y. Synthetic likelihood is a related approach that uses simulated auxiliary data sets to contract a Gaussian approximation to the likelihood. However, these approaches are not computationally feasible in cases where using the simulator for each θ is very expensive. This talk investigates two alternative strategies for inference in such a situation. The first is delayed acceptance ABC-SMC (, in which a cheap simulator is used to rule out parts of the parameter space that are not worth exploring. The second is bootstrapped synthetic likelihood (, which uses the bootstrap to cheaply estimate the synthetic likelihood. We also examine a synthetic likelihood approximation that is constructed, using the bag of little bootstraps, from subsampled data sets. Applications to stochastic differential equation models and doubly intractable distributions will be presented.
We consider the last passage percolation (LPP) model on the square lattice with symmetric weights. Tuning the weights on the diagonal, and letting the endpoint move away from the diagonal, we obtain a crossover between the Tracy-Widom GUE, GOE and GSE distributions from random matrix theory. The LPP time can be seen as a marginal of a certain point process - the Schur process with a free boundary - and we shall explain this connection and how it can be used to obtain our results. Joint work with Jérémie Bouttier, Dan Betea and Mirjana Vuletic.
In this talk a novel class of semi-parametric time series models will be presented, for which we can specify in advance the marginal distribution of the observations and then build the dependence structure of the observations around them by introducing an underlying stochastic process termed as 'latent branching tree'. It will be demonstrated how can we draw Bayesian inference for the model parameters using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods as well as Approximate Bayesian Computation methodology. Finally a real dataset on genome scheme data will be fitted to this model and we will also discuss how this kind of models can be in other settings.
I will introduce a new preferential attachment model in which each vertex has an associated fitness value. I will discuss the behaviour of the model as the number of nodes tends to infinity, including the existence of a "condensation" phase in which a small number of especially fit vertices are able to (temporarily) gain disproportionately large degrees. The work relies on a new connection between preferential attachment with fitnesses, and branching-coalescing particle systems; it leads to a clear and simple explanation for why the condensation phenomenon occurs.
Consider a graph with label set $\{1,2, \ldots,n\}$ chosen uniformly at random from those such that vertex i has degree $D_i$, where $D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_n$ are i.i.d. strictly positive random variables. The condition for criticality (i.e. the threshold for the emergence of a giant component) in this setting is $E[D^2] = 2 E[D]$, and we assume additionally that $P(D = k) \sim c k^{-(\alpha + 2)}$ as $k$ tends to infinity, for some $\alpha \in (1,2)$. In this situation, it turns out that the largest components have sizes on the order of $n^{\alpha/(\alpha+1)}$. Building on earlier work of Adrien Joseph, we show that the components have scaling limits which can be related to a forest of stable trees (\`a la Duquesne-Le Gall-Le Jan) via an absolute continuity relation. This gives a natural generalisation of the scaling limit for the Erd\H{o}s-Renyi random graph which I obtained in collaboration with Louigi Addario-Berry and Nicolas Broutin a few years ago (extending results of Aldous), and complements recent work on random graph scaling limits of various authors including Bhamidi, Broutin, Duquesne, van der Hofstad, van Leeuwaarden, Riordan, Sen, M. Wang and X. Wang.
This is joint work in progress with Guillaume Conchon-Kerjan (Paris 7).
Gas distribution networks need to ensure the supply and demand for gas are balanced at all times. In practice, this is supported by a number of forecasting exercises which, if performed accurately, can substantially lower operational costs, for example through more informed preparation for severe winters. Amongst domestic and commercial customers, the demand for gas is strongly related to the weather and patterns of life and work. In regard to the latter, public holidays have a pronounced effect, which often extends into neighbouring days. In the literature, the days over which this protracted effect is felt are typically pre-specified as fixed windows around each public holiday. This approach fails to allow for any uncertainty surrounding the existence, duration and location of the protracted holiday effects. We introduce a novel model for daily gas demand which does not fix the days on which the proximity effect is felt. Our approach is based on a four-state, non-homogeneous hidden Markov model with cyclic dynamics. In this model the classification of days as public holidays is observed, but the assignment of days as ``pre-holiday'', ``post-holiday'' or ``normal'' is unknown. Explanatory variables recording the number of days to the preceding and succeeding public holidays guide the evolution of the hidden states and allow smooth transitions between normal and holiday periods. To allow for temporal autocorrelation, we model the logarithm of gas demand at multiple locations, conditional on the states, using a first-order vector autoregression (VAR(1)). We take a Bayesian approach to inference and consider briefly the problem of specifying a prior distribution for the autoregressive coefficient matrix of a VAR(1) process which is constrained to lie in the stationary region. We summarise the results of an application to data from Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the regional network serving the North of England, a preliminary version of which is already being used by NGN in its annual medium-term forecasting exercise.
The development of mathematical statistics in Britain was interrupted by the First World War and advanced by the Second. That advance was less a matter of intellectual breakthroughs than of education broadly interpreted with the supply of mathematical statisticians increasing to match a perceived demand. I examine the instruments of transformation: at the national level, the mobilisation of scientific manpower, and at the local level, activities within universities and government departments. Of special interest is the supply chain of graduates from Cambridge to the Ministry of Supply's Advisory Service on Quality Control (SR 17) which produced such post-war leaders as Peter Armitage, George Barnard, Dennis Lindley and Robin Plackett.
The strong renewal theorem (SRT) is the statement that the renewal measure of a random walk which is in the domain of attraction of a stable law with alpha less than 1 has the local behaviour at infinity which corresponds to known results about the renewal function. More than 50 years ago this result was established for alpha greater than 1/2, but it was known that it doesn't hold in all cases when alpha is less than or equal to 1/2. In this talk I will present a NASC for the SRT to hold.
Many random processes arising in applications exhibit a range of possible behaviours depending upon the values of certain key factors. Investigating critical behaviour for such systems leads to interesting and challenging mathematics. Much progress has been made over the years using a variety of techniques. This presentation will give a brief introduction to the asymptotic behaviour of the centre of mass of a $d$-dimensional random walk $S_n$, which is defined by $G_n = n^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^n S_i$. By considering the local central limit theorem, we investigate the almost-sure asymptotic behaviour of the centre of mass process. We obtain a recurrence result in one dimension under minor moments assumptions; in the case of simple symmetric random walk the fact that Gn returns infinitely often to a neighbourhood of the origin is due to Grill in 1988. We also obtain the transience result for dimensions greater than one. In particular, we give a diffusive rate of escape; again in the case of simple symmetric random walk the result is due to Grill. This is joint work with Andrew Wade (Durham).
We will be discussing several load balancing mechanisms based on random allocation protocols and random walks. Our focus will be on making standard models more applicable to load balancing problems, e.g., by allowing to model tasks sizes and processing speeds, or by attempting to "parallelise" inherently sequential-seeming protocols. This will be more of an overview talk light on proofs (though main ideas and techniques will be hinted at).
The many authors involved in the various pieces of work will be duly mentioned during the talk.
We consider a stochastic queueing system modelling the behaviour of a wireless network with nodes employing a discrete-time version of the standard decentralised medium access algorithm. The system is unsaturated'”each node receives an exogenous flow of packets at the rate $\lambda$ packets per time slot. Each packet takes one slot to transmit, but neighboring nodes cannot transmit simultaneously. The algorithm we study is standard in that a node with empty queue does not compete for medium access and the access procedure by a node does not depend on its queue length, as long as it is non-zero. Two system topologies are considered, with nodes arranged in a circle and in a line. We prove that, for either topology, the system is stochastically stable under condition $\lambda < 2/5$. This result is intuitive for the circle topology as the throughput each node receives in a saturated system (with infinite queues) is equal to the so-called parking constant, which is larger than 2/5. (The latter fact, however, does not help to prove our result.) The result is not intuitive at all for the line topology as in a saturated system some nodes receive a throughput lower than 2/5. This is joint work with Sasha Stolyar (UIUC).
I will present an explicit probabilistic construction of Haar measure on the unitary group, and show how that can give a different way to understand characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices. The motivation for studying characteristic polynomials comes from number theory, as it's believed they model the Riemann zeta function. This work was joint with Paul Bourgade, Ashkan Nikeghbali and Marc Yor.
Each site of the one-dimensional integer lattice hosts a queue with arrival rate $\lambda$. A single server, starting at the origin, serves its current queue at rate $\mu$ until that queue is empty, and then moves to the longest neighbouring queue. In the critical case $\lambda = \mu$, we show that the server returns to every site infinitely often. We also give an iterated logarithm result for the server's position. In the talk I will try to explain the main ingredients in the analysis: (i) the times between successive queues being emptied exhibit doubly exponential growth, (ii) the probability that the server changes its direction is asymptotically equal to 1/4, and (iii) a martingale construction that facilitates the proofs. This is joint work with James Cruise (Heriot-Watt).
We consider two sharp next-order asymptotics problems, namely the asymptotics for the minimum energy for optimal point con figurations and the asymptotics for the many-marginals Optimal Transport, in both cases with Coulomb and Riesz costs with inverse power-law long-range interactions. The first problem describes the ground state of a Coulomb or Riesz gas, while the second appears as a semi-classical limit of the Density Functional Theory energy modelling a quantum version of the same system. Recently the second-order term in these expansions was precisely described, and corresponds respectively to a Jellium and to a Uniform Electron Gas model. The present work shows that for inverse-power-law interactions with power d-2<= s<d in d dimensions, d >= 3, the two problems have the same minimum.
For the Coulomb potential in d=3, s=1, our result disproves a conjecture from 2014 of Lewin and Lieb, and shows that, whereas minimizers may be different, the minimum values are equal. Furthermore, provided that the crystallization hypothesis in d = 3 analogous to Abrikosov's conjecture holds, then our result verifies the physicists' conjectured1.4442 lower bound on the famous Lieb-Oxford constant. Our result rigorously confirms the predictions made by the physicists decades ago, regarding the optimal value of the Uniform Electron Gas next-order asymptotic term.
This is based on joint works with Mircea Petrache (ETH/Santiago).
Many Bayesian games can be readily represented by graphical structures such as MAIDS
(Multi-agent influence diagrams). But the development of these representations has coincided
with concerns expressed regarding the application of Bayesian game theory to real
problems. This talk focuses on two of these concerns. Firstly, a player may assume that
an opponent is subjective expected utility maximizing (SEUM), but in many real games it is
improbable that they can know the exact quantitative form of this opponent's utility function.
Secondly, many common Bayesian games have highly asymmetric game trees, and cannot
be fully or efficiently represented by a MAID.
To address these concerns we suggest the use of CEGs (Chain Event Graphs). These
were introduced in 2008 (Smith & Anderson, Artificial Intelligence) for the modelling of
probabilistic problems exhibiting significant asymmetry. They encode the conditional independence/
Markov structure of these problems completely through their topology, and have
been successfully used for both causal and decision analysis. We show here how causal
CEGs can be used to model asymmetric games. The players know the structure of the game,
but not the exact forms of other players' utilities, and are SEUM conditioned on the information
available to them each time they make a decision. This means our solution technique
does not in general compute subgame perfect Nash equilibria, but the solutions reached will
be those that each player believes exists. We illustrate our ideas with an example of a game
between a government department and a group trying to radicalise members of the population.
The work in this talk is described in more detail in Thwaites & Smith: A graphical
method for simplifying Bayesian Games, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2017.
Research into joint modelling methods of a longitudinal and time-to-event outcome has grown substantially over recent years. Previous research has predominantly concentrated on joint models involving a single longitudinal outcome. In clinical practice, the data collected will be more complex, featuring multiple longitudinal outcomes and/or multiple, recurrent or competing event times. Harnessing all available measurements in a single model is advantageous and should lead to improved and more specific model predictions.
Notwithstanding the increased flexibility and better predictive capabilities, the extension of the classical univariate joint modelling framework to a multivariate setting introduces a number of technical and computational challenges. These include the high-dimensional numerical integrations required, modelling of multivariate unbalanced data, and proper estimation of standard errors. Consequently, software capable of fitting joint models to multivariate data is lacking. Building on recent methodological developments, we extend the classical joint model to multiple continuous longitudinal outcomes, and describe how to fit it using a Monte Carlo Expectation-Maximization algorithm with antithetic simulation for variance reduction. The development of a new R package will be discussed. An application to a recent clinical trial dataset will be presented.
I discuss the exploration of this hypothesis describing work that investigates the following three topics.
1. The nature of the association to the histo compatibility locus (HLA) on chromosome 6.
2. The genetic overlap between schizophrenia and other immune disorders.
3. The association with schizophrenia with genetic variation in immune genes.
I will provide background information about genetic data and studies to contextualise the statistical methods used this work.
The random conductance model is a well-established model for a random walk in random environment. In recent years the question whether a quenched invariance principle (or quenched functional central limit theorem) holds for such a random walk has been intensively studied, and an invariance principle has meanwhile been established also in the case of general ergodic, degenerate environments satisfying a certain moment condition. In this talk we will present annealed and quenched Berry-Essen theorems, i.e. quantitative central limit theorems, in the case of ergodic degenerate conductances satisfying a strong moment condition and a certain spectral gap estimate. A key ingredient in the proof is an estimate on the variance decay of the semigroup associated with the so-called environment as seen from the particle.
This talk is based on joint work with Stefan Neukamm (TU Dresden).
It is well known that the largest components in the critical ErdÅ‘s-Rényi
graph have size of order n^{2/3}. We introduce a dynamic ErdÅ‘s-Rényi
graph by rerandomising each edge at rate 1, and ask whether there exist
times in [0,1] at which the largest component is significantly larger
than n^{2/3}.
Simulations of uniformly random domino tilings of large Aztec diamonds give striking pictures due to the emergence of two macroscopic regions. These regions are often referred to as solid and liquid phases. A limiting curve separates these regions and interesting probabilistic features occur around this curve, which are related to random matrix theory. The two-periodic Aztec diamond features a third phase, often called the gas phase. In this talk, we introduce the model and discuss some of the asymptotic behavior at the liquid-gas boundary. This is based on joint works with Vincent Beffara (Grenoble), Kurt Johansson (Stockholm) and Benjamin Young (Oregon).
I will discuss a new approach to computing the two-time distribution in last-passage percolation with geometric weights. This can be interpreted as the correlations of the height function at a spatial point at two different times in the equivalent interpretation as a discrete polynuclear growth model. I will also discuss the problem of multiple spatial points at the two times. The new approach is closer to standard random matrix theory (or determinantal point process) computations compared to the one in my paper "Two time distribution in Brownian directed percolation", Comm. Math. Phys. 351 (2017).
The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth (RSK) correspondence is a combinatorial bijection which plays an important role in the theory of Young tableaux and provides a natural framework for the study of longest increasing subsequences in random permutations and related percolation problems. I will give some background on this and then explain how a birational version of the RSK correspondence provides a similar framework for the study of GL(n)-Whittaker functions and random polymers.
The use of mathematical models in the sciences often require the estimation of unknown parameter values from data. Sloppiness provides information about the uncertainty of this task. We develop a precise mathematical foundation for sloppiness and define rigorously its key concepts, such as `model manifold' in relation to concepts of structural identifiability. We redefine sloppiness conceptually as a comparison between the premetric on parameter space induced by measurement noise and a reference metric on parameter space. This opens up the possibility of alternative quantification of sloppiness beyond the traditional use of the Fisher Information Matrix, which implicitly assumes infinitesimal measurement error and an Euclidean parameter space. We illustrate the various concepts involved in the proper definition of sloppiness with examples of ordinary differential equation models with time series data arising in mathematical biology.
There has been substantial progress in development of statistical methods which are amenable to computation with modern cryptographic techniques, such as homomorphic encryption. This has enabled fitting and/or prediction of models in areas from classification and regression through to genome wide association studies. However, these are techniques devised to address specific models in specific settings, with the broader challenge of an approach to inference for arbitrary models and arbitrary data sets receiving less attention. This talk will discuss very recent results from ongoing work towards an approach which may allow theoretically arbitrary low dimensional models to be fitted fully encrypted, keeping the model and prior secret from data owners and vice-versa. The methodology will be illustrated with a variety of examples, together with a discussion of the ongoing direction of the work.
Proteins are essential for maintaining life. For example, knowing the structure of a protein, cell regulatory mechanisms of organisms can be modelled, enabling disease treatments or relationships between protein structures and food attributes can be determined. However, we know that discovering the structure of a protein is a difficult and expensive task that can cost five billion dollars and take 10 years just to figure out the cure of a specific disease. Computational methods have been developed to find proteins structures. They require several calculations to predict even a small protein, since it is hard to explore the large search. We developed an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) specific for the ab initio Protein Structure Prediction (PSP) problem using full-atom representation. We developed a multivariate probabilistic model to address the correlation among dihedral angles of an EDA for PSP. We used the k-means clustering to find high density variable values in the search space. Then, we used these clusters to generate the offspring of the evolutionary process. For each generation and correlate variables, a new k-means clustering algorithm is performed. So, the k-means must create the clusters in a predefined amount of time. That ensures that the EDA does not spend too much time creating high quality models, since an average model has the enough quality needed. Furthermore, we compared the proposed probabilistic model with k-means against Finite Gaussian Mixtures and Multivariate Kernel Estimation.
We use the continuous curve model of protein backbones to interpret small angle scattering data (Based on [1]). Using expressions derived in [2] we "dress" this backbone with scattering centres for the amino acids and an explicit hydration layer in order to obtain theoretical scattering curves; which are then fitted to scattering data. The idea behind the technique is that the predictions resemble protein folds and can be easily assessed as viable by structural biologists. In addition the description has a significantly reduced parameter space by comparison to existing small angle scattering ab-initio interpretative methods. The technique "correctly" predicts the structure of known proteins (e.g. BSA,lysosome and ferritin derivatives), but there will be a number of obstacles to general fitting which I would like to discuss.
[1] Hausrath, Andrew C., and Alain Goriely. "Repeat protein architectures predicted by a continuum representation of fold space." Protein Science 15.4 (2006): 753-760.
[2] Prior, Chris B., and Alain Goriely. "The Fourier transform of tubular densities." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45.22 (2012): 225208.
We present the parallel and interacting stochastic approximation annealing algorithm, a stochastic simulation procedure for global optimisation. The proposed algorithm is suitable to address global optimisation problems in high dimensional or rugged scenarios, where standard optimization algorithms suffer from the so-called local trapping problem. Central to our methodology is the idea of simulating a population of Markov chains that interact each other in a manner able to overcome the local trapping problem. We demonstrate the good performance of the algorithm on a theoretical protein folding application, and compare it with the performance of other competitors.
The geometric process has attracted extensive research attention from authors in reliability
mathematics since its introduction. However, it possesses some limitations, which include that:
(1) it can merely model stochastically increasing or decreasing inter-arrival times of recurrent
event processes, and (2) it cannot model recurrent event processes where the inter-arrival time
distributions have varying shape parameters. Those limitations may prevent it from a wider
application in the real world.
In this talk, we extend the geometric process to a new process, the doubly geometric process,
which overcomes the above two limitations. Probability properties are derived and two methods
of parameter estimation are given. Application of the proposed model is presented: one is on
fitting warranty claim data and the other is to compare the performance of the doubly geometric
process with the performance of other widely used models in fitting real world datasets, based
on the corrected Akaike information criterion.
In a system with weighted components, the system's components contribute differently
to the capacity of the system. Systems with weighted components are useful to model
various capacity-based engineering systems such as oil transportation system, power
generation system, and production system. In this talk, reliability properties of binary
and multi-state weighted-k-out-of-n:G systems will be presented, and their potential
applications in wind energy will be given.
The analysis and choice of the covariance matrix structure is a key topic in many areas of applied statistics
and modern literature shows that it has become very important to be able to test elaborate structures of the
covariance matrices. However, due to the complicated expressions of the exact distributions of the likelihood
ratio test (LRT) statistics involved, these testing procedures are often not performed or performed using
approximations for the distributions of the LRT statistics which may not guarantee the required accuracy of
the results, mainly in extreme cases such as the ones with small samples and/or large number of variables.
We will show (i) how it is possible to develop LRTs to test elaborate structures of one or several covariance
matrices, and (ii) how may be developed precise and simple near-exact approximations for the distribution
of these LRT statistics. This will be achieved by using expansions for the ratio of two gamma functions
and the similarities exhibited by the distributions of the LRT statistics used to test the equality of several
covariance matrices, the independence of several groups of variables, and the sphericity, compound symmetry
and circular patterns. Examples and numerical studies are presented to illustrate these results and to show
the quality and properties of these approximations.
Many random processes arising in applications exhibit a range of possible behaviours depending upon the values of certain key factors. Investigating critical behaviour for such systems leads to interesting and challenging mathematics. Much progress has been made over the years using a variety of techniques. This presentation will give a brief introduction to the asymptotic behaviour of the centre of mass of a $d$-dimensional random walk $S_n$, which is defined by $G_n=n^{−1} \sum_{i=1}^{n} S_i$, $n \ge 1$. By considering the local central limit theorem, we investigate the almost-sure asymptotic behaviour of the centre of mass process. We obtain a recurrence result in one dimension under minor assumptions; in the case of simple symmetric random walk the fact that $G_n$ returns infinitely often to a neighbourhood of the origin is due to Grill in 1988. We also obtain the transience result for dimensions greater than one. In particular, we give a diffusive rate of escape; again in the case of simple symmetric random walk the result is due to Grill.
Random walks are used in many applications to model the movement of particles, animals or stock prices. We consider the convex hull of the trajectory that the walk takes and present a collection of asymptotic results concerning the perimeter length, area and diameter. Some of our results are new, and others are already well known but for these we have been able to relax the assumptions made. This is joint work with O. Hryniv and A.R. Wade.
For a directed graph containing N vertices, I introduce an N-dimensional discrete time Markov chain with positive integer valued coordinates accounting for the number of particles at each vertex of the directed graph. The Markov Chain has sequential stochastic growth dynamics in which the probability of adding a new particle to a vertex is given by a reinforcement rule. Different graph based interactions and reinforcement rules change the asymptotic behaviour of the model and I will describe particular examples where the proportion of particles tend to deterministic or random quantities as time tends to infinity. Finally, I will briefly discuss how a vertex-sensitive reinforcement rule probe the condensation phenomena and analyse phase transitions relative to the shape of the growing interface.
The distribution of the number of trials until the first k consecutive successes in a sequence of Bernoulli trials with success probability p is known as geometric distribution of order k. When k=1, the distribution is the usual geometric distribution. In this talk, distributional properties of the geometric distribution of order k and its generalization called geometric distribution of order k with a reward will be presented. Applications of these distributions in some engineering reliability problems will also be mentioned.
Locally weighted mixture models are used for predictions which have been employed for analysing the trends of time series data. Estimation of these models are achieved through a kernel-weighted version of the EM-algorithm,using exponential kernels with different bandwidths which have a much bigger effect on the accuracy of the forecast than the choice of kernel. By modelling a mixture of local regressions at a target time point but with different bandwidths, the estimated mixture probabilities are informative for the amount of information available in the data set at the scale of resolution corresponding to each bandwidth. Nadaraya-Watson and local linear estimators are used to carry out the localized estimation step. Then, several approaches for many step ahead predictions at a time point from these models are investigated with different bandwidths. Real data are provided including data on energy use of some countries from 1971 to 2011.
In this talk I will present nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for future order statistics, including joint probabilities for multiple future order statistics. We develop and illustrate several statistical inference methods in terms of future order statistics, including pairwise and multiple comparisons and reproducibility of statistical tests based on order statistics. Reproducibility of statistical hypothesis tests is an issue of major importance in applied statistics: if the test were repeated, would the same conclusion be reached about rejectance of the null hypothesis? NPI provides a natural framework for such inferences, as its explicitly predictive nature fits well with the core problem formulation of a repeat of the test in the future. For inference on reproducibility of statistical tests, NPI provides lower and upper reproducibility probabilities (RP) of some tests based on order statistics, namely a population quantile test and a basic precedence test.
The probabilistic modelling of observed phenomena sometimes require the introduction of (unobserved) latent variables, which may or may not be of direct interest. This is for example the case when a realisation of a Markov chain is observed in noise and one is interested in inferring its transition matrix from the data. In such models inferring the parameters of interest (e.g. the transition matrix above) requires one to incorporate the latent variables in the inference procedure, resulting in practical difficulties. The standard approach to carry out inference in such models consists of integrating the latent variables numerically, most often using Monte Carlo methods. In the toy example above there are as many latent variables as there are observations, making the problem high-dimensional and potentially difficult.
We will show how recent advances in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, in particular the development of 'exact approximations' of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (which will be reviewed), can lead to algorithms which scale better than existing solutions.
For i.i.d. data (x_i, y_i), in which both x and y lie on a sphere,
we consider flexible (non-rigid) regression models, in which
solutions can be obtained for each location of the manifold,
with (local) weights which are are function of distance. By considering
terms in a series expansion, a ``local linear'' model is proposed for
rotations, and we explore an iterative procedure with connections to
boosting. Further extensions to general shape matching are discussed.
Statistics, as a discipline, has spent the last 100 years developing
methods for analyses in which sample size of data sets is limiting.
But samples sizes are not small anymore, as exemplified in financial
data, continuous mechanized measurements, satellite imagery and other
mass collections, commercial data, social media, and the coming
Internet of Things. Although sample size will always be an issue, it
may not the only issue or even the main issue confronting
statisticians, as other concerns become relatively more important as
sample sizes grow. These concerns include measurement imprecision,
missingness, censoring, biases, model uncertainties, nonstationarity,
and even nonrandomness. These concerns can be addressed by the
theory of imprecise probabilities which begs the existence of an
analogous *statistics of imprecise data*. We explore several
alternative approaches to handling intervals as native data
structures and show their advantages over currently popular
approaches to data censoring that make untenable assumptions about
the measurement process and therefore lead to grossly misleading
results that may not approach the correct answers even with
infinitely many samples.
Insights from the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems have deepened our understanding of how complex the probabilistic prediction of mathematical systems can be. This talk first traces the decay of predictability in interesting mathematical systems, and then attempts to relate the insights gained to real world, real-time forecast systems. Real world forecast systems are based on informative, but structurally imperfect, models of physical systems. The dynamics of uncertainty in relatively low (say 2 to 256) dimensional mathematical systems will be contrasted with operational models cast in well over a million dimensional spaces; while a few challenges come from high dimensional dynamics, issues of structural stability are shown to be much more devastating if our aim is for probability forecasts. Of particular interest is the use of model simulation in decision (and policy) support. The role of various types of probability play in this context is examined, largely following I.J. Good's 'types' of probability. It appears one can only rarely, if ever, make probability forecasts, useful as such, for physical systems. A few alternatives are touched upon. Weather models and weather forecasting will be used to illustrate the main conclusions, all of which will be accessible without any prior understanding of chaos, probability or decision theory. The talk concludes with a rather adventurous speculation that for (many) high impact situations, including the regulation of nuclear power plants, one might better abandon attempts to quantify the (very low) probability of high impact events and to design so as to survive them without warning, but rather to design in flexibility and the ability to exploit obtainable early warnings which provide just enough decisive information.
This talk concerns the long term evolution of a continuous time Markov chain formed by two interacting birth-and-death processes and motivated by modelling interaction between populations. We show transience/recurrence of the Markov chain under fairly general assumptions on transition rates and describe in more detail its asymptotic behaviour in some transient cases.
Ionising radiation overexposures are one of the major current concerns of our society. Consequently, biological retrospective dosimetry relies on quantifying the amount of damage induced by radiation at a cellular level, e.g. by counting dicentrics observed in metaphases from a sample of peripheral blood lymphocytes. This quantification is essential for predicting the derived health consequences in overexposed individuals. Moreover, biological dosimetry provides an accurate, personal and individual dosimeter.
In biological dosimetry it is typically assumed that the number of chromosomal aberrations produced in a blood cell is Poisson distributed, whose intensity is a quadratic function of the absorbed dose. Dose-response curves are calculated from cytogenetic laboratory experiments where blood samples are exposed to different doses, simulating whole body homogeneous irradiations. This classical Poisson assumption is not supported in a lot of irradiation scenarios, for instance for high linear energy transfer, partial body or gradient irradiations. These situations lead to compound Poisson, zero-inflated Poisson and Poisson finite mixture models, among others.
The cytogenetic dose estimation implies inverse regression models, because the doses of the dose-responses curves are not random variables. New Bayesian count data inverse regression methods [1, 2, 3] have been developed aiming a more accurate dose estimation uncertainty than the classical established methods, IAEA Manual 2011 [4].
1. Higueras M, Puig P, Ainsbury EA, Vinnikov VA, Rothkamm K. A new Bayesian model applied to cytogenetic partial body irradiation estimation. Radiat Prot Dosim, 168(3), 330-6 (2016).
2. Higueras M, Puig P, Ainsbury EA, Rothkamm K. A new inverse regression model applied to radiation biodosimetry. Proc. R. Soc. A, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0588 (2015).
3. Higueras M, Puig P, Ainsbury EA. On the cytogenetic dose estimation in gradient exposure scenarios. SEIO2016. Toledo (Spain). 5 September 2016. Lecture.
4. IAEA. Cytogenetic dosimetry: applications in preparedness for and response to radiation emergencies. International Atomic Energy Agency: Vienna (2011).
The idea of using conformal mappings to represent randomly growing clusters has been around for almost 20 years. Examples include the Hastings-Levitov models for planar random growth, which cover physically occurring processes such as diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), dielectric breakdown and the Eden model for biological cell growth, and more recently Miller and Sheffield's Quantum Loewner Evolution (QLE). In this talk we will discuss ongoing work on a natural variation of the Hastings-Levitov family. For this model, we are able to prove that both singular and absolutely continuous scaling limits can occur. Specifically, we can show that for certain parameter values, under a sufficiently weak regularisation, the resulting cluster can be shown to converge to a randomly oriented one-dimensional slit, whereas under sufficiently strong regularisations, the scaling limit is a deterministically growing disk.
This is based on work in progress with Alan Sola (Stockholm) and Fredrik Viklund (KTH).
Cluster analysis has many applications, and there are many clustering methods, which tend to give the user quite different clusterings of the same dataset. One reason for the difficulty of the clustering problem is that there is ambiguity between outliers that may come in small groups and small clusters. Another one is that people mean different things when they use the term "cluster" and often cluster analysis is done without a proper problem definition that specifies what kinds of clusters are of interest.
In the first part of my talk I will present OTRIMLE, a robust method for clustering based on a Gaussian mixture model but allowing for some observations that could not reasonably be assigned to any cluster. OTRIMLE was introduced by Coretto and Hennig (2015a, 2015b) as "Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood" (RIMLE; "OTRIMLE" stands for "Optimally Tuned RIMLE"; the method needs as tuning a density level for noise/outliers).
Furthermore I will present a principle to choose a suitable number of clusters by a principle that is inspired Davies's (1995) Data Features: a model is "adequate" for a real dataset if, according to a certain statistic, data generated from the model look like the real data, and out of these models the simplest can be chosen, where simplicity can be traded against a low noise proportion.
Davies, P. L. (1995). Data Features. Statistica Neerlandica, 49, 185-245.
Coretto, P. & Hennig, C. (2015a). Robust improper maximum likelihood:
tuning, computation, and a comparison with other methods for robust
Gaussian clustering. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
published online.
Coretto, P. & Hennig, C. (2015b). A consistent and breakdown robust model-based
clustering method. arXiv:1309.6895.
In this talk we will consider the problem of the behaviour of a greedy server on Z^1 initially considered by Kurkova and Menshikov. We will consider the following model where we have a queue of customers at each point, N \in Z^1, fed by a Poisson process of rate \lambda. There is a single server which serves the queue associated with the point of it's current location, service times are exponentially distributed mean 1/\mu, until that queue is empty. The server then compares the queue length of the two neighbouring queues and moves at speed 1 towards the point with the longest queue length. We are then interested in the behaviour of the location of the server and whether the server's location is recurrent or transient. Initially we will review the previously obtain results for \mu<\lambda and \mu>\lambda and known results for the related continuous model. Then we will examine progress which has been made on understanding the open case of lambda=mu as well as a propose a number of possible further extensions to probe the transitions between the different behaviours. This is ongoing work with Andrew Wade.
An approach for incorporating imprecise prior knowledge into the machine learning SVM-based models is considered. The main idea underlying the approach is to use a double duality representation in the framework of the minimax strategy of decision making. This idea allows us to get simple extensions of SVMs including additional constraints for optimization variables (the Lagrange multipliers) formalizing the incorporated imprecise information. The approach is extended to deal with interval-values or set-valued training data by means of the so-called uncertainty trick when training examples with the interval uncertainty are transformed to training data with the probabilistic uncertainty. Every interval is replaced by a set of training points such that every point inside the interval has an unknown probability from a predefined set of probabilities. It is also shown how to incorporate imprecise prior knowledge into neural networks which can be regarded as a promising machine learning tool.
I will discuss goodness-of-fit tests for data which allow for hierarchical, tree-like representations using the Continuum Random Tree (CRT) proposed by Aldous, which arises as the (invariant) continuous limit for a general class of probability models on trees. The tests rely on two different characterizations of the CRT relating to a Brownian excursion and a special class of subtrees. I will present some empirical results on the utility of the tests on binary trees obtained from agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms in the context of a dataset of tumour images.
We introduce a preferential attachment model with fitness based choice.
We investigate the asymptotic proportion of edges connecting to
vertices of fitness in a set $A$, and show that there is a simple
criterion under which the model displays condensation-type behaviour
similar to that of preferential attachment with multiplicative fitness,
so that the measure which describes the asymptotic proportions of edges
has an atom at the supremum of the fitness support. The model therefore
adds to the list of models displaying condensation-like behaviour.
General principles should guide strategic planning in engineering design, public policy,
international relations, medical decisions and many other areas of human endeavor. However, decision makers know that general principles will sometimes be invalid in practice because of unanticipated contingencies. The challenge facing the strategic planner is to balance between fundamental long-range strategic thinking, and pragmatic solution of pressing problems. At one extreme the strategist ignores contingencies and insists on adherence to general principles. At the other extreme, the strategist abdicates and devotes all innovation and initiative to the solution of specific problems. We explore the problem of balancing between these extremes.
The strategic planner's challenge '“ balancing between principle and pragmatism '“ is a paradox of universalism. A precept is universal if it applies everywhere at all times. No exceptions or violations are tolerable. For instance, a public health department may adopt the strategic principle of immediate detection and eradication of a specific epidemic disease (such as tuberculosis) despite the heavy budgetary burden. No other approach is acceptable due to the perniciousness of the disease. The paradox of universalism is that unknown future contingencies may force operational violation of the principle. For example, a new, pernicious, highly infectious but poorly understood disease (such as HIV) may arise that draws away scarce resources to handle the immediate emergency.
The concept of an innovation dilemma assists in understanding and resolving the strategist's challenge. An innovative and highly promising new strategy is less familiar than a more standard strategic approach whose implications are more familiar. The innovation, while purportedly better than the standard approach, may be much worse due to uncertainty about the innovation. The resolution (never unambiguous) of the dilemma results from analysis of robustness to surprise (related to flexibility, adaptability, etc.) and is based on info-gap decision theory.
These ideas will be illustrated with historical examples and then by considering policy formulation for ameliorating rural poverty. We will consider both quantitative and qualitative analyses.
We present the parallel and interacting stochastic approximation annealing (PISAA) algorithm, a stochastic simulation procedure for global optimisation, that extends and improves the stochastic approximation annealing (SAA) by using population Monte Carlo ideas. In high dimensional or rugged scenarios, the single chain SAA can present poor performance mainly because the target distribution is poorly adjusted. The proposed algorithm involves simulating a population of SAA chains that interact each other in a manner that ensures significant improvement of the self-adjusting mechanism and better exploration of the sampling space. We demonstrate the good performance of PISAA on challenging benchmark examples and applications such as protein folding, and our numerical comparisons suggest that PISAA outperforms other competitors.
Stochastic annealing, stochastic approximation, population MCMC, stochastic approximation annealing
This talk discusses difficulties with the use of the Bayesian posterior predictive distribution, or frequentist prediction intervals, for probability statements about new observations.
A new Bayesian approach to the prediction problem is described, and its properties illustrated with the prediction of new Bernoulli and normal observations.
The current posterior predictive distribution appears as the posterior mean of the new observation distribution, while the new approach give the full posterior distribution of the new observation.
This is joint work with Charles Liu (Cytel Inc., Boston).
Inferring the parameters of continuous-time Markov process models using partial discrete-time observations is an important practical problem in many fields of scientific research. Such models are very often "intractable", in the sense that the transition kernel of the process cannot be described in closed form, and is difficult to approximate well. Nevertheless, it is often possible to forward simulate realisations of trajectories of the process using stochastic simulation. There have been a number of recent developments in the literature relevant to the parameter estimation problem, involving a mixture of approximate, sequential and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. This talk will compare some of the different "likelihood free" algorithms that have been proposed, including sequential ABC and particle marginal Metropolis Hastings, paying particular attention to how well they scale with model complexity. Emphasis will be placed on the problem of Bayesian parameter inference for the rate constants of stochastic biochemical network models, using noisy, partial high-resolution time course data.
The amount of soil organic carbon influence the yield effect of nitrogen applied on a field and can be seen as a natural capital in the soil. Quadratic productions functions are currently being used to evaluate the impact of managing the soil capital and to find optimal nitrogen loads in agent based modelling of farmer's decisions. I will talk about our procedure to calibrate a simplified version of the soil capital production function with two types of data, long-term field experiments and yearly summary statistics from the production region for which the function will be applied. The calibration is performed as a Bayesian evidence synthesis implemented by Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations in jags in R. The influence of summary statistics data relative to the long-term field experiments is controlled by, a somewhat arbitrary weight, assigned to the precision of summary statistics. I perform robust analysis to study how differences between summary statistics and long-term studies influences the robustness in optimal nitrogen loads derived by corresponding calibrated production functions. The calibrated production functions will be used to evaluate greening measures under the common agricultural policy in different European regions.
A class of estimators for Monte Carlo integration is proposed that leverages gradient information on the sampling distribution to improve statistical efficiency. The novel contributions of this work are based on two important insights; (i) a trade-off between random sampling and deterministic approximation and (ii) a new gradient-based Hilbert space. The proposed estimators can be viewed as a non-parametric development of control variates. Unlike control variates, however, our estimator achieve super-root-n rates of convergence, often requiring orders of magnitude fewer simulations to achieve a fixed level of precision. Theoretical and empirical results are presented, the latter focusing on integration problems arising in hierarchical models and models based on non-linear ordinary differential equations.
On the one hand, the problem of model updating can be tackled using Bayesian methods: the model parameters to be updated are treated as uncertain and the inference is done in terms of their posterior distribution. On the other hand, the engineering structural reliability problem can be solved by advanced Monte Carlo strategies such as Subset Simulation. Recently, a formulation that connects the Bayesian updating problem and the structural reliability problem has been established. This opens up the possibility of efficient model updating using Subset Simulation. The formulation, called BUS (Bayesian Updating with Structural reliability methods), is based on a rejection principle. Its theoretical correctness and efficiency requires the prudent choice of a multiplier, which has remained an open question. Motivated by this problem, this talk presents a study of BUS. The discussion will lead to a revised formulation that allows Subset Simulation to be used for Bayesian updating without having to choose a multiplier in advance.
Unlike Markov chain Monte Carlo, perfect simulation algorithms produce a sample from the exact equilibrium distribution of a Markov chain, but at the expense of a random run-time. I'll give a short introduction to these algorithms for beginners, before talking about some recent work, jointly with Wilfrid Kendall (Warwick), on designing perfect simulation algorithms for M/G/c queues.
Stat-JR is a new statistical software package recently developed by the multilevel modelling centre in Bristol in collaboration with colleagues in computer science in Southampton. In this talk we begin by putting the development of Stat-JR in context by describing some of the history of software development at the centre including the MLwiN package. We then describe how Stat-JR works before demonstrating its use in software comparison via its interoperability functionality.
We next describe the eBook interface to Stat-JR which combines statistical analysis with textual information in the form of a dynamic electronic book and has the potential to revolutionise the teaching and application of quantitative methods in the social sciences and beyond. We finish by mentioning current work on a workflow based interface to the software implemented using the blockly package and how it might be used to produce a statistical analysis assistant.
2016-02-01Utkir Rozikov [Institute of Mathematics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan]: p-adic Gibbs measures
This talk will be devoted to the p-adic Gibbs measures, where the values of the Hamiltonian and the corresponding Gibbs measure(s) are taken from the field Q_p of p-adic numbers. We shall consider classical models and give results in the real case and compare them with the p-adic case. Some open problems will be discussed.
Computer simulators are an important and widely-used tool in understanding complicated systems. They are, however, only models for reality, and so even at well-calibrated parameter settings the simulator will not make perfect predictions. The discrepancy between the simulator output and the real system must be accounted for when using simulators. Some aspects of this discrepancy can be explored by performing perturbation experiments on the simulator. I will outline the nature of these experiments and show how the Bayes linear framework can be used to make inferences from them about simulator discrepancy for a particular choice of parameters. Then, I will show how perturbation experiments at several different parameter settings can be combined to make inferences about the simulator discrepancy for all parameter settings, using the popular emulation method.
2016-01-18Giampiero Marra [Department of Statistical Science, University College London]: Flexible Bivariate Regression
This work is about bivariate copula-based regression models for continuous margins, binary margins and a mixture of the two. The proposed approach allows for the simultaneous estimation of the marginal distribution parameters and copula coefficient. Furthermore, each parameter of the implemented bivariate distributions can be flexibly modeled in a regression setting using different types of covariate effects (e.g., non-linear, random and spatial effects). Parameter estimation is achieved using a computationally stable and efficient algorithm based on the penalized likelihood framework. The models are implemented in the SemiParBIVProbit R package which is very easy to use. The approach will be motivated and illustrated using a study on HIV.
In 2D and 3D ROC analysis, setting thresholds for classification is often
the most important decision. In this work, we consider an alternative to
the commonly applied maximisation of the Youden index, by explicitly
considering the use of the classification procedure for a specific number of
future patients.
(Joint work with Manal Alabdulhadi and Tahani Coolen-Maturi)
In this talk we will consider the theory of order statistics of m future observations, based on n data observations, within the NPI framework. We present the distributions for several events of interest, for example joint, marginal and conditional probabilities for future order statistics to be in intervals created by the n data observations. We show how pairwise comparison of different groups can be based on such future order statistics, and we briefly discuss some generalizations.
In this study we present a new linear combination of two test results for
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve by considering the depen-
dence structure, by combining Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) for
the marginals with copulas to take dependence into account. Our method
uses a discretized version of the copula which fits perfectly with the NPI
method for the marginals and leads to relatively straightforward computa-
tions because there is no need to estimate the marginals and the copula
simultaneously. We investigate and discuss the performance of this method
by presenting results from simulation studies. The method is further illustrated via application in real data sets from the literature. We also briefly
outline related challenges and opportunities for future research.
Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application
areas including medicine, machine learning and credit scoring. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a useful tool to assess the ability of a diagnostic test to discriminate among two classes or groups. In practice biomarkers measurements are undetectable either below or above some limits, so called limit of detection. Taking this into account when considering the accuracy of a diagnostic test is of interest. In addition, multiple diagnostic tests or biomarkers are often combined to improve diagnostic accuracy. In this paper, nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for a diagnostic test subject to limits of detection is presented. We then considered NPI for the best linear combination of two biomarkers subject to limits of detection. NPI is a frequentist statistical method that is explicitly aimed at using few modelling assumptions, enabled through the use of lower and upper probabilities to quantify uncertainty.
The three-class approach is used for progressive disorders when clinicians and researchers want to diagnose or classify subjects as members of one of three ordered categories based on a continuous diagnostic marker. The decision thresholds or optimal cut-off points required for this classification are often chosen to maximize the generalized Youden index (Nakas et al., Stat Med 2013; 32: 995'“1003). The effectiveness of these chosen cut-off points can be evaluated by estimating their corresponding true class fractions and their associated confidence regions. Recently, in the two-class case, parametric and non- parametric methods were investigated for the construction of confidence regions for the pair of the Youden-index-based optimal sensitivity and specificity fractions that can take into account the correlation introduced between sensitivity and specificity when the optimal cut-off point is estimated from the data (Bantis et al., Biomet 2014; 70: 212'“223). A parametric approach based on the Box'“Cox transformation to normality often works well while for markers having more complex distributions a non-parametric procedure using logspline density estimation can be used instead. The true class fractions that correspond to the optimal cut-off points estimated by the generalized Youden index are correlated similarly to the two-class case. We present pitfalls in the assumptions of correlation between true-class fractions in the 2-class case and a generalisation of the methods in Bantis et al. (2014) to the three-class case, where ROC surface methodology can be employed for the evaluation of the discriminatory capacity of a diagnostic marker. We obtain three-dimensional joint confidence regions for the optimal true class fractions.
In many real world situations, engineers are not able to perfectly model or predict the performance of systems or components due to the quality and amount of information available and the presence of unavoidable uncertainty. The unavoidable uncertainties must be appropriately accounted to guarantee that the components or systems will continue to perform satisfactory despite fluctuations. Despite the different levels of uncertainty and imprecision, it is still necessary to be able to propagate the uncertainty through the model and quantify the risk. In particular, decision makers need to know the confidence associated with the methodology adopted to model the uncertainty and avoid wrong decisions due to artificial restrictions introduced by the modelling.
Hence, a generalized uncertainty quantification methodology for dealing with different representation of the uncertainty is needed as shown by the NASA Langley Uncertainty Quantification Challenge problem [1]. The challenge problem has been the catalyst for the further development of uncertainty quantification strategies and tools for extreme case analysis [2,5,7].
This talk presents a generally applicable and efficient simulation approach for dealing with aleatory and epistemic representation of the uncertainty [3]. The theoretical framework of random set is used to represent in a unified framework different representation of the uncertainty such as random variables, probability boxes, intervals and fuzzy variables [4]. Efficient advanced Monte Carlo sampling techniques based on Line Sampling and "forced" Monte Carlo methods are proposed. The approach can be applied to estimate efficiently e.g . the bounds of the failure probability [5] and the reliability of a complex systems using survival signature [6].
Finally, an application for the robust design of inspection schedules of a fatigue-prone weld in a bridge girder is presented [7].
[1] Crespo, L. G. & S. P. Kenny (2015). Special edition on uncertainty quantification of the AIAA journal of aerospace computing, information, and communication. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12(1), 1'“9.
[2] Patelli, E., D. A. Alvarez, M. Broggi, & M. de Angelis (2015). Uncertainty management in multidisciplinary design of critical safety systems. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12, 140'“169.
[3] Patelli, E., M. Broggi, M. Angelis, & M. Beer (2014). Opencossan: An efficient open tool for dealing with epistemic and aleatory uncertainties. In Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk, pp. 2564'“2573. American Society of Civil Engineers.
[4] Klir, G. J. (2006). Uncertainty and Information : Foundations of Generalized Information Theory. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
[5] Patelli, E. & de Angelis, (2015) M. Line Sampling approach for Extreme Case Analysis in presence of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015 7-10 September, CRC Press / Balkema.
[6]F. P. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi, (2012) Generalizing the signature to systems with multiple types of components, in: Complex Systems and Dependability, Springer, pp. 115'“130.
[7] Angelis, M.; Patelli, E. & Beer (2015), M. Robust design of inspection schedules by means of probability boxes for structural systems prone to damage accumulation Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015 7-10 September, CRC Press / Balkema.
Topological Data Analysis has emerged about 10 years ago as a revolutionary application of algebraic topology to multi-scale analysis of unstructured data such as point clouds. The key idea is to summarise topological changes when the data is progressively analysed across all scales. The resulting topological summary is provably stable under perturbations of original data. These topological tools helped identify a new type of breast cancer that has 100% survival rate and requires no surgery. Another application is a discovery that small patches in natural grayscale images are concentrated around a Klein bottle in a high-dimensional space. More applications to Computer Vision will be presented at the pure colloquium on Monday 23 November at 4pm in CM 107. We hope to initiate collaboration with statisticians to combine Topological Data Analysis with traditional methods of statistics and machine learning.
Objective Bayesian methods are being increasingly employed for parameter estimation problems in physics, chemistry and engineering. They often (directly or indirectly) involve the use of a uniform prior probability distribution with respect to some parametrisation, following the Principle of Indifference(POI).
The most frequent objection to the POI is its inability to provide a prior distribution uniform over all possible reformulations of the parameters. There does not appear to be, however, any discussion of an equally (and perhaps even more) significant problem: <b>favouring a model incompatible with measurements over one closely fitting them.</b> A numerical example belonging to the field of chemical kinetics is presented here. Frequentist methods well adapted to chemical kinetics (Feasible Set approach) correctly identified the realistic model while Bayesian methods based on the POI led to its rejection. The reason for this is that traditional Bayesianism cannot appreciate the difference between two irreducible notions, namely experimental implausibility and ignorance. Imprecise Bayesianism was shown to be a promising approach
having the potential to overcome this problem. These techniques were applied to an estimation problem related to the reaction CO + OH → CO2 + H. It could be shown that in this case, the results are robustly insensitive to the choice of the prior distribution.
The footprints of evolutionary history are written into the DNA of every living thing, and are impressed into the very bedrock through the 600+ million years of fossil data. Mathematical models and techniques are essential in the analysis of this often tortuous data, and provide a route to recovering the pathway of evolution and thus establishing the branches of the tree of life.
Here I will provide an overview of the principal methods employed in phylogenetics '“ the inference of evolutionary history. In contrast to the relatively mature techniques available for molecular data, morphological phylogenetics remains relatively unexplored '“ even though fossils, lacking DNA, can only be interpreted in a morphological framework. I will introduce some of the challenges facing morphological analysis today, and suggest a roadmap to a more sophisticated and mathematically meaningful approach, exploring what is needed to bring the untapped potential of the palaeontological record to bear on the history of life on Earth.
Probabilistic graphical models such as Bayesian networks are important
tools in AI for reasoning with uncertainty. The quantification of a
Bayesian network requires sharp (i.e., precise) assessments of the
model local conditional probabilities. Credal networks have been
proposed as a generalization of Bayesian networks based on imprecise
probabilities: credal sets are used instead of single distributions,
thus providing higher expressiveness and allowing different inference
tasks to be performed. In this talk we discuss about credal networks
and how they can be used for global sensitivity analysis of
probabilistic graphical models with respect to perturbations of
parameters. We describe an exact algorithm to check whether MAP
configurations are robust with respect to given perturbations. This
algorithm has essentially the same complexity as that of obtaining the
MAP configuration itself. We apply this approach in two practical
scenarios: the prediction of facial action units using posed images
and the classification task in multiple public real data sets.
Our work was motivated by the following question: What is the
probability that the convex hull of an n-step random walk in R^d does
not contain the origin? In dimension one this is simply the probability
that the walk does not change its sign by the time n. The remarkable
formula by Sparre Andersen (1949) states that a random walk with
symmetric density of increments stays positive with probability
(2n-1)!!/(2n)!! Our result is a two-dimensional distribution-free
counterpart of this fact. The developed approach is then used to study
other geometric characteristics of convex hulls of random walks. We
obtain results on the expected number of faces, volume, total surface
area of faces, and other intrinsic volumes of the convex hull. If time
allows, I will briefly mention a different technique that solves the
original problem in general dimension.
This is a joint work with Dmitry Zaporozhets (St. Petersburg)
Design of experiments has vast application in different fields, like engineering, agriculture, pharmaceutical, biomedical, environmental and epidemiological research. In some of these areas, especially in pharmaceutical research, the response is defined, not in terms of the actual amounts of different constituents used, but in terms of their relative proportions. Such a response function defines a mixture model.
Theoretically, the proportions of components in a mixture can vary between 0 and 1, subject to their sum being equal to 1. However, in practical situations, this is not realistic. For example, in preparing an inert matrix tablet there is a restriction on the proportions of the drug substances and the excipients in the tablet. There are also situations where the components of a mixture can be classified into a number of classes, depending on their type and function. There may be constraints on the proportions of these classes in the mixture. Such constraints are called relational constraints. In this presentation, I shall talk about optimum designs in mixtures with relational constraints in a pharmaceutical experiment.
ARA is a Bayesian approach to strategic decision-making. One builds a model of one's opponents,
expressing subjective uncertainty about the solution concept each opponent uses, as well as their utilities,
probabilities, and capabilities. Within that framework, the decision-maker makes the choice that maximizes
expected utility. ARA allows the opponent to seek a Nash equilibrium solution, or a mirroring equilibrium, or
to use level-k thinking, or prospect theory, and so forth, and it allows the decision-maker to relax the
common-knowledge assumption that arises in classical game theory. The methodology applies to corporate
competition and counter-terrorism. The main ideas are illustrated in the context of auctions, the Borel game
La Relance, and a toy counter-terrorism example.
In this talk I will describe an integrated approach to vagueness and uncertainty based on a combination of three valued logic and probability. In a propositional logic setting, three valued valuations are employed in order to model explicitly borderline cases, and by defining probabilities over such valuations we can also quantify both epistemic and linguistic uncertainty. In particular, I consider probability defined over two well known three valued models; Kleene valuations and supervaluations. This approach naturally generates belief pairs of lower and upper measures on the sentences of the language, where the lower measure of a sentence corresponds to the probability that it is true and the upper measure to the probability that it is not false. I will discuss links between these measures and other uncertainty theories and in particular I will show that compositional fuzzy truth degrees are completely characterised by a special case of Kleene belief pairs. Furthermore, supervaluation belief pairs are Dempster-Shafer belief and plausibility measures on the sentences of the language and I show that there is a close relationship between Kleene belief pairs and a sub-class of the former. Finally, I will consider the justification for using Kleene or supervaluations to model borderline cases in this context.
Faced with a new time series a statistician has many questions to ask. What kind of models are appropriate? Is the series stationary? How can I produce good forecasts? This talk advertises a collection of tools that can provide answers or partial answers to these questions in situations where it is suspected that the underlying time series is not stationary. We shall summarize some of the theory underlying these new methods and also demonstrate their performance in simulated situations. Finally, we will show these tools in action on some time series recorded on the economy and from the field of wind energy.
2015-04-20Iain Murray [University of Edinburgh]: TBA
I shall begin by briefly motivating and introducing epidemic models
where the population has some sort of random network structure. Then I
will introduce a couple of particular random network models which are
sufficiently complex to incorporate some desirable network features, yet
simple enough that an SIR (susceptible -> infective ->
removed/recovered) epidemic upon the network submits to asymptotic
analysis of many of its final size properties. I will also address the
issue of incorporating vaccination into these models.
After the occurrence of a radiation accident or incident leading to irradiated blood lymphocytes, there is need for rapid and reliable procedures to determine the radiation dose contracted by the individuals. Since members of the public do not usually wear dosimeters, there is need for techniques which exploit the radiation-induced change in certain biomarkers to estimate the radiation dose directly for individuals, to inform triage and clinical decision making. This field is known as biological dosimetry, with the majority of methods using cytogenetic biomarkers such as dicentric chromosome aberrations or micronuclei in blood samples.
The Poisson distribution is the widely accepted count distribution for modelling the number of chromosome aberrations in blood samples. However, very often this distribution is in fact not Poisson, especially for densely ionising radiation and for partial body exposure, so that alternative models, such as zero-inflated models, should be used for this purpose. Score tests can be used to decide between such models, and we develop a new score test which can be used under the identity link function (which is is the link to be used according to the IAEA manual). We finish with some words on current work using alternative biomarkers (microarrays, H2AX).
We study infinite (random) systems of interacting particles living in a
Euclidean space X and possessing internal parameter (spin) in R 1. Such
systems are described by Gibbs measures on the space (X; R 1 ) of marked
configurations in X (with marks in R 1). For a class of pair interactions, we
show the occurence of pase transition, i.e. non-uniqueness of the correspond-
ing Gibbs measure, in both 'quenched' and 'annealed' counterparts of the
Conformal prediction is a method, closely related to nonparametric predictive inference, of producing prediction sets that can be applied on top of a wide range of prediction algorithms. The method has a guaranteed coverage probability under the standard IID assumption regardless of whether the assumptions (often considerably more restrictive) of the underlying algorithm are satisfied. In this talk I will review and compare conformal prediction and nonparametric predictive inference. If time allows, I will also state and discuss several recent results about conformal prediction that at this time do not have counterparts in nonparametric predictive inference. An example of such a result is that the conformal predictor based on Bayesian ridge regression loses little in efficiency as compared with the underlying algorithm when the latter's assumptions are satisfied (whereas being a conformal predictor, it has the stronger guarantee of validity).
We study the problem of offering American call options on electricity with immediate physical delivery for real-time balancing of a power system. This involves timing the purchase of electricity to physically cover the contract and valuing the call option itself. The real-time price is assumed to be the composition of a price stack function with a stochastic process modelling physical imbalance in an electrical power system. We apply methods of optimal stopping and obtain explicit solutions for the stopping regions and value functions. As a result we are able to characterise when such options are sustainable for the market and to provide optimal operational strategies for the option writer. Joint work with Jan Palczewski (Leeds).
The ``Vuong test for non-nested models'' is being widely used as a test of zero-inflation; such use is promoted in academic text books, the help files of statistical software packages such as R and Stata, and on the web pages associated with prestigious universities. We show that such use is erroneous. We see that this misuse stems from a misunderstanding of what is meant by the term ``non-nested model''. It is clear that a demand exists amongst statistical practitioners for an ``accessible'' test of overall zero-inflation, and we propose a new test for zero-inflation, based upon the Poisson-Binomial distribution, that is extremely intuitive. A diagramatic approach to diagnosing zero-inflation is also considered.
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are essential tools for solving many
modern day statistical and computational problems, however a major
limitation is the inherently sequential nature of these algorithms. In
this talk I'll present some work I recently published in PNAS on a natural
generalisation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that allows for
parallelising a single chain using existing MCMC methods. We can do so by
proposing multiple points in parallel, then constructing and sampling from
a finite state Markov chain on the proposed points such that the overall
procedure has the correct target density as its stationary distribution.
The approach is generally applicable and straightforward to implement.
I'll demonstrate how this construction may be used to greatly increase the
computational speed and statistical efficiency of a variety of existing
MCMC methods, including Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithms and
Adaptive MCMC. Furthermore, I'll discuss how it allows for a principled
way of utilising every integration step within Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
methods; our approach increases robustness to the choice of algorithmic
parameters and results in increased accuracy of Monte Carlo estimates with
little extra computational cost.
The construction of a Bayesian network requires the exact
specification of local conditional probability distributions for all the
variables in the network. In case of limited data or disagreeing and/or
partial expert opinions, this requirement is clearly unrealistic and
renders the resulting model arbitrary. The goal of this talk is to explain
how imprecise probability theory, which, basically, is the theory of sets
of probability distributions, allows us to deal with this type of model
uncertainty in a robust manner. I intend to give an overview of recent
developments on this topic, at an introductory level, ranging from
computational challenges to foundational questions.
Let X be a simple random walk in Z dn and let t cov be the expected amount of time it
takes for X to visit all of the vertices of Z dn . For α ∈ (0, 1), the set L α of α-late points consists of
those x ∈ Z dn which are visited for the first time by X after time αt cov . Oliveira and Prata (2011)
showed that the distribution of L 1 is close in total variation to a uniformly random set. The value
α = 1 is special, because |L 1 | is of order 1 uniformly in n, while for α < 1 the size of L α is of
order n d−αd . In joint work with Jason Miller we study the structure of L α for values of α < 1.
In particular we show that there exist α 0 < α 1 ∈ (0, 1) such that for all α > α 1 the set L α looks
uniformly random, while for α < α 0 it does not (in the total variation sense). In this talk I will try
to explain the main ideas of our proof and what are the next steps in this direction.
Birth-death polynomials are orthogonal polynomials satisfying a recurrence relation of a particular type, and are instrumental in the analysis of birth-death processes. We will discuss how certain properties of the spectrum (the support of the orthogonalizing measure) may be obtained from the parameters in the recurrence relation and how these can help establish properties of the corresponding birth-death process.
2014-11-03Andreas E. Kyprianou [Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath]: Censored stable processes
We look at a general two-sided jumping strictly alpha-stable process where alpha is in (0,2). By censoring its path each time it enters the negative half line we show that the resulting process is a positive self-similar Markov Process. Using Lamperti's transformation we uncover an underlying driving Lévy process and, moreover, we are able to describe in surprisingly explicit detail the Wiener-Hopf factorization of the latter. Using this Wiener-Hopf factorization together with a series of spatial path transformations, it is now possible to produce an explicit formula for the law of the original stable processes as it first *enters* a finite interval, thereby generalizing a result of Blumenthal, Getoor and Ray for symmetric stable processes from 1961. This is joint work with Juan Carlos Pardo and Alex Watson.
American options in a multi-asset market model with proportional transaction costs are studied in the case when the holder of an option is able to exercise it gradually at a so-called mixed (randomised) stopping time. The introduction of gradual exercise leads to tighter bounds on the option price when compared to the case studied in the existing literature, where the standard assumption is that the option can only be exercised instantly at an ordinary stopping time. Algorithmic constructions for the bid and ask prices and the associated superhedging strategies and optimal mixed stoping times for an American option with gradual exercise are developed and implemented, and dual representations are established.
Integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) may be used to fit a large class of (complex) statistical
models. While MCMC methods use stochastic simulations for estimation, integrated nested Laplace ap-
proximation (INLA) is based on deterministic approximations where there are no convergence issues. INLA
is a very accurate and computationally superior alternative to MCMC and may be used to fit a large class of
models, latent Gaussian models.
Since INLA is fast, complex modelling has become greatly facilitated and has also become more accessible
to non-specialists. In addition, due to the fact that the fitting approach is embedded in a large and general
class of statistical models, very general types of models may be considered. This allows us a lot more
flexibility in the choice of model than previously '“ and hence the models to capture interesting aspects of
the data and consequently the system they are relevant for. In the context of spatial statistics, for example, we
can now fit models to spatial point patterns of high dimensionality, replicated point patterns, hierarchically
marked point patterns etc. In many cases, analysing these data sets with MCMC approaches would be very
cumbersome and computationally prohibitive.
The INLA-methodology has been implemented in C, and the associated numerical calculations and algo-
rithms rely on an efficient implementation of numerical procedures for Gaussian Markov random fields
(GMRF), in particular the algorithms in the C-library GMRFLib. However, most users do not need to worry
about this, as the INLA-methodology has been made accessible through a user-friendly R-library, R-INLA,
described and available for download at Specifying and fitting models using R-INLA
is just as easy as applying standard routines in R, for example fitting generalised linear models, and it also
provides great flexibility with regard to the models that may be fitted.
In order to illustrate INLA's versatility I will discuss a range of examples and present a number of recent
developments. This concerns generalisations of the methodology, functionality within the R-INLA library
and discussions on prior choice.
In a continuous-time model with multiple assets described by cadlag processes, we characterize
superhedging prices, absence of arbitrage, and utility maximizing strategies, under general frictions that make
execution prices arbitrarily unfavorable for high trading intensity.
Such frictions induce a duality between feasible trading strategies and shadow execution prices with a martingale measure.
Utility maximizing strategies exist even if arbitrage is present, because it is not scalable at will.
The talk is based on the following manuscript:
P. Guasoni and M. Rasonyi. Hedging, arbitrage and optimality under superlinear frictions. SSRN:2317344
The symmetric simple random walk (SRW) in Z^d is known to be recurrent for dimension d = 1
or 2, and transient for all larger dimensions. A related random walk, the
Pearson-Rayleigh random walk, is defined on R^d for d at least 2 and proceeds by taking
unit length steps, but in a random direction chosen uniformly from the continuum of
directions available (compare with the SRW where there are a finite set of 2d directions).
As with the SRW, this walk is recurrent in dimension 2, but transient for dimension 3 or
Both these walks have zero drift, and it is natural to ask whether this property
determines the recurrence/transience for general (non-homogeneous) random walks. We show
that in dimension 2 or more this is not the case: we describe a family of non-homogeneous
random walks having zero-drift (themselves being generalisations of the Pearson-Rayleigh
random walk) that for each dimension includes walks that are recurrent and walks that are
transient. In particular, there are random walks with the following anomalous asymptotic
* zero-drift random walks in dimension 2 that are transient,
* zero-drift random walks in dimension 3 or greater that are recurrent.
We analyse the walk by representing the location as a radial part together with a
projection onto the unit sphere. We determine the recurrence/transience of the walk by
studying the radial process, and using the scaling limit of the walk we prove an ergodic
theorem for the projected process on the unit sphere. We make use of the skew-product
decomposition of the scaling limit, reminiscent of the skew-product decomposition of
Brownian motion.
Physical systems are often modelled by computer simulators based on highly non-linear systems presenting two or more equilibrium states. At equilibrium, such states can be seen as discontinuities on the model's input space. We use multiple emulators to investigate the simulator's behaviour in different equilibrium states and estimate boundaries between such regions with an application to a four-box ocean circulation model.
Natural hazards are frequently modelled by computer simulators. There are many sources of uncertainty in using such a simulator: examples include the choice of parameters at which to run the simulator, the uncertainties in the forcing functions, and the inherent differences between the simulator and reality. This talk will outline a Bayesian framework for quantifying these uncertainties, involving emulation of the simulator, experiments on the simulator to estimate "internal" model discrepancy, and careful assessment of "external" discrepancies. Examples will be taken from the PURE (Probability, Uncertainty, and Risk in the Environment) Programme, with particular focus on flood modelling.
Reliable estimation of long-range dependence (LRD) parameters, such as the Hurst exponent, is a well studied problem in the statistical literature. However, when the observed time series presents missingness or is naturally irregularly sampled, the current literature is sparse with most approaches requiring heavy modifications. In this talk I shall present a technique for estimating the Hurst exponent of an LRD time series that naturally deals with the time domain irregularity. The method is based on a flexible wavelet transform built by means of the lifting scheme, and we shall demonstrate its performance.
When studying a financial network, one is often interested in the importance of a particular node. This can be measured in various ways, for example, by the ergodic probabilities of an associated Markov chain. We consider ergodic BSDEs based on countable state Markov chains, and use these to derive nonlinear, risk-averse versions of these probabilities and similar quantities. With this machinery, one can also consider various problems in ergodic stochastic control, and can incorporate model or statistical uncertainties into the assessment of the importance of different nodes and groups of nodes.
In both classical and Bayesian approaches, statistical
inference is unified and generalized by the corresponding decision theory. This is not the case for the likelihood approach to statistical inference, in spite of the manifest success of the likelihood methods in statistics. The goal of the present work is to fill this gap, by extending the likelihood approach in order to cover decision making as well. The resulting likelihood decision functions generalize the usual likelihood methods (such as ML estimators and LR tests), while maintaining some of their key properties, and thus providing a theoretical foundation for established and new likelihood methods.
Skin sensitisation refers to a human health risk (often allergic contact dermatitis) that can be caused by skin contact with a wide range of chemicals, including those used in personal care products. One key quantity of interest in skin sensitisation hazard assessment is the mean threshold for skin sensitisation for some defined population (called the sensitising potency). Before considering the sensitising potency of the chemical, the hazard assessors decide whether the chemical has the potential to be a skin sensitiser in humans. A Bayesian belief network approach to this part of the assessment, which handles the disparate lines of evidence within a probabilistic framework, has been applied successfully. The greater challenge comes in the quantification of uncertainty about the potency concentration.
'We have used a Bayes linear framework to model the hazard assessors' expectations and uncertainties and to update those beliefs in the light of some competing data sources. In producing a tool for synthesising multiple lines of evidence and estimating hazard, we have developed a transparent mechanism to help defend and communicate risk management decisions. In this seminar, I will describe the use of Bayes linear kinematics in this application, and, hopefully, I will be able to highlight the value of these methods where fast decisions are needed and data are sparse.
In this talk, we show various strategies for the calibration and emulation of simulators having uncertain inputs and internal parameters, with applications to tsunami wave models and climate models. For a simple landslide-generated tsunami model, a fast surrogate is provided by the outer product emulator. It can enable either real-time warnings according to uncertain speed, position and shape of the landslide, or full uncertainty quantification for hazard assessment. We then show some new realistic simulations for earthquake-generated tsunamis in Cascadia (Western Canada and USA), using VOLNA. VOLNA is a solver of nonlinear shallow water equations on unstructured meshes that is now accelerated on the GPU system Emerald. Strategies for hazard assessment are discussed. The propagation of uncertainties in the bathymetry to maximum wave heights are also illustrated using VOLNA. Enhancements in terms of sequential design of computer experiments, where points in the design are chosen according to a new adaptive strategy, are shown and compared to current approaches in terms of statistical and computational efficiencies. Finally, we present a first attempt to calibrate the gravity-wave parameterizations in the US Community Earth System Model, using spherical representations for dimension reduction.
It is well known that fractional Brownian motion admits arbitrage within the class of admissible continuous trading strategies. It was shown that arbitrage possibilities can be excluded by suitably restricting the class of allowable trading strategies in fi?nancial markets that
consist of a money market account and a risky asset. In this note, we show an analogous result in a multi-asset market where the discounted risky asset
prices follow more general non-semimartingale models. In our framework, investors are allowed
to trade between a risk-free asset and multiple risky assets by following simple trading strategies
that require a minimal deterministic waiting time between any two trading dates. We present a
condition on the discounted risky asset prices that guarantee absence of arbitrage in this setting.
We give examples that satisfy our condition and study its invariance under certain transformations.
Much research in recent years for evidence evaluation in forensic science has focussed on methods for determining the likelihood ratio where the data have been generated by various random phenomena. The likelihood of the evidence is calculated under each of two proposi- tions, that proposed by the prosecution and that proposed by the defence. The value of the evidence is given by the ratio of the likelihoods associated with these two propositions. One form of evidence evaluation is related to discrimination in which the problem is one of source identity. The two propositions are that the source is or is not associated with criminal activity. The aim of this research is to evaluate this likelihood ratio under two explanations, one an extension of the other, for the random phenomena by which the data have been generated. The first is when the evidence consists of continuous autocorrelated data. The second is when the observed data are also believed to be driven by an underlying latent Markov chain. Four models have been developed to take these attributes into account: an autoregressive model of order one, a hidden Markov model with autocorrelation of lag one and a nonparametric model with two different bandwidth selection methods. Application of these methods is illustrated with an example where the data relate to traces of cocaine on banknotes. The likelihood ratios using these four models and one based on an assumption of independence are calculated for these data, and the results compared.
The research is supported by an EPSRC CASE award, voucher number 009002219.
Whittaker functions are special functions, which have a central position in representation theory and integrable systems. Surprisingly, they turn out to play a central role in the fluctuation analysis of Random Polymer Models (modelling a random walk in a random potential). In this talk I will explain the emergence of Whittaker functions in the Random Polymer Model, via the use of Tropical Combinatorics, and will describe their role in the computation of the distribution of the corresponding partition function and how this leads to the t^1/3 asymptotic fluctuations and Tracy-Widom distributions. An important role is played by the tropical (or geometric) Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspodence and its volume preserving properties, which, as a byproduct leads to a new interpretation of Givental's integral formula for Whittaker functions. Based on joint works with I.Corwin, N. O'Connell and T.Sepallainen.
Health economic models predict the costs and health effects associated with competing decision options (e.g. recommend drug X versus Y). Such models are typically deterministic and `law-driven', rather than fitted to data. Current practice is to quantify input uncertainty, but to ignore uncertainty due to deficiencies in model structure.
However, ignoring `structural' uncertainty makes it difficult to answer the question: given a relatively simple but imperfect model, is there value in incorporating additional complexity to better describe the decision problem, or is the simple model `good enough'?
To address this problem we propose a model discrepancy based approach. Firstly, the model is decomposed into a series of sub-functions. The decomposition is chosen such that the output of each sub-function is a real world observable quantity. Next, where it is judged that a sub-function would not necessarily result in the `true' value of the corresponding real world quantity, even if its inputs were `correct', a discrepancy term is introduced. Beliefs about the discrepancies are specified via a joint distribution over discrepancies and model inputs.
To answer the question `is the model good enough' we then compute the expected value of perfect information (EVPI) for the discrepancy terms, interpreting this as an upper bound on the `expected value of model improvement' (EVMI). If the expected value of model improvement is small then we have some reassurance that the model is good enough for the decision.
Computing efficiently the reliability bounds of big systems is already an important issue when the uncertainty of each component is characterized by a precise probability. This issue becomes even more critical when component uncertainties are characterized by lower and upper probability bounds. In this talk, we will review some recent advances concerning the efficient computation of system reliability when component uncertainty is described by a belief function, i.e., a completely monotone choquet capacity. Such uncertainty models, while not being the most generic of the literature, already encompass a number of common imprecise probabilistic models, such as p-boxes or possibility distributions. We will show that the notion of minimal cuts and paths can also be exploited for such models, both for binary and multi-state systems. If times allow, we will briefly discuss some possible extensions.
We revisit the quasi-Poisson regression-based surveillance algorithm used in England and Wales for
infectious disease outbreak detection with a view to improving its performance. Using extensive simulations, we study the sensitivity of the false reports to various modelling choices including treatment of trend, seasonality, error structure and the influence of past outbreaks. We improve the existing model by making use of much more data so that the trend and variance are better estimated. In addition, we recommend that the trend should always be fitted even when non-significant, decreasing the discrepancies in the results. We studied several alternative re-weighting schemes and found that the method based on scaled Anscombe residuals but with much higher threshold suitably reduces the false reports. Investigations also suggest that the negative binomial model is a reasonable one for defining the error structure, although not ideal in all circumstances. We find that the new system greatly reduces the number of false alarms while maintaining good overall performance and in some instances increasing the sensitivity. To improve the algorithm even further, we model reporting delays using splines and incorporate them in the system.
We present a general approach to model specification and inference in systems with correlated component failures. We use Independent Overlapping Subsystem models, where a component's failure time is the time of the earliest failure in all of the subsystems of which it is a part, and each of those subsystems has an independent failure process. We apply this method to observations of an Independent Overlapping Subsystems model that associates individual shock processes with sets of overlapping subsystems made up of groupings of components, giving examples for various system configurations (series, parallel, and other arrangements). Work done with Stefanka Chukova, Yu Hayakawa.
In joint work with Nic Freeman, Christina Goldschmidt, James Martin and
Bálint Tóth, we are studying the mean field forest fire model introduced
by Ráth and Tóth in 2009. This model resembles the ErdÅ‘s-Rényi graph
process on a set of n vertices, but with the additional feature of
lightning strikes which occur independently of the edge additions.
Lightning strikes each vertex independently at times of a Poisson
process with constant rate lambda. When lightning strikes a vertex, all
edges in the connected component of that vertex are instantaneously
deleted. We study the regime in which 1/n << lambda << 1, for which Ráth
and Tóth showed that the model displays self-organized criticality in
the limit as n tends to infinity. We propose a candidate for the
Benjamini-Schramm limit of the stationary state of the finite model.
That is, we ask what the forest fire process looks like from the point
of view of a fixed vertex, and let n tend to infinity. The proof of
convergence to our candidate limit is work in progress, so in this talk
we will treat the candidate limit process as an interesting process in
its own right. It is a stationary process supported on the set of finite
rooted trees, and we can describe many aspects of its distribution
precisely. In particular if we condition on the size of the tree being
k, then let k tend to infinity, the resulting sequence of random trees
has the Brownian continuum random tree as a scaling limit.
Wind energy conversion systems behave quite differently from more conventional generating units due to the variable nature of wind and therefore there are many important considerations when incorporating wind generation in electric power system adequacy assessment. This presentation will focus on a range of considerations regarding possible wind speed data models, wind energy conversion systems models and their application in adequacy assessment of generating and bulk electric systems containing a significant penetration of wind power.
This talk describes the loss of the semimartingale property of the process
$g(Y)$ at the time a one-dimensional diffusion $Y$ hits a level, where $g$ is a difference
of two convex functions. We show that the process $g(Y)$ can fail to be a semimartingale
in two ways only, which leads to a natural definition of non-semimartingales of the \textit{first}
and \textit{second kind}. We give a deterministic if and only if condition (in terms of $g$
and the coefficients of $Y$) for $g(Y)$ to fall into one of the two classes of processes, which
yields a characterisation for the loss of the semimartingale property. As an application we
construct an adapted diffusion $Y$ on $[0,\infty)$ and a \emph{predictable} finite stopping time
$\zeta$, such that $Y$ is a semimartingale on the stochastic interval $[0,\zeta)$, continuous at
$\zeta$ and constant after $\zeta$, but is \emph{not} a semimartingale on $[0,\infty)$. This
is joint work with M. Urusov.
We discuss two topics relating to infectious disease modelling. The first concerns methods
for Bayesian model choice. The second concerns the analysis of whole-genome-sequence
outbreak data.
2013-03-11Iain Buchan [University of Manchester]: TBA
Baysian inference is one of the main approaches to statistical inference. It requires to express (subjective) knowledge on the parameters of interest not incorporated in the data by a so-called prior distribution. Via Bayes' rule, prior information and data are combined to the posterior distribution, on which all inferences are based. The adequate choice of priors has always been an intensive matter of debate in the Bayesian literature, and it becomes especially relevant when data is scarce or do not contain much information about the parameters of interest.
An example for the former case is common-cause failure modelling, where data must be complemented with expert assessments in order to obtain sensible inferences. Usual modelling of expert information is through conjugate priors, whose parameters (the so-called hyperparameters) are easy to interpret and elicit. However, posterior inferences are very sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters. Therefore, sets of hyperparameters are considered, leading to sets of conjugate priors, where ambiguity in the prior information is reflected, e.g., by interval-valued expectations. In the context of these imprecise/interval probability models, the choice of hyperparameter set shape is discussed, as it influences posterior inferences. Here, one important aspect is prior-data conflict, where information from oulier-free data suggests hyperparameter values which are very surprising from the viewpoint of prior information. As it may not be clear whether the prior specifications or the integrity of the data collecting method should be questioned, such a conflict should be reflected in the posterior, and lead to very cautious inferences. Contrary to prior information modeling with single conjugate priors, where prior-data conflict is mostly averaged out, certain choices of hyperparameter set shapes exhibit the desired behaviour, leading to cautious inferences if, and only if, caution is needed.
In recent work with Ioan Manolescu, the critical surface has been located, and universality proved, for bond percolation on isoradial graphs. The proof hinges on the star-triangle transformation. We survey the results and proofs, and we outline related open problems for percolation and the random-cluster model.
We introduce the notion of the probability weighted characteristic function (PWCF), which is a generalization of the characteristic function of a probability distribution. Then some of its asymptotic properties are studied, such as the weak convergence of the corresponding probability weighted empirical characteristic function process. The potential use of the PWCF in goodness-of-fit testing is examined.
Reproducibility of tests is an important characteristic of the practical relevance of test outcomes. Recently, there has been substantial interest in the reproducibility probability (RP), where not only its estimation but also its actual definition and interpretation are not uniquely determined in the classical frequentist statistics framework. Nonparametric predictive inference provides a natural formulation for inferences on RP.
We introduce the NPI approach to RP for some basic nonparametric tests. (Joint work with Sulafah Bin Himd)
Complex systems are often modelled by several different simulators, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Comparing these simulators as functions over their input spaces is very difficult, as their input
variables cannot in general be linked.
By creating a set of `intermediate variables', representing the sub-processes within these simulators, we develop a framework using Bayesian emulation that enables the simulators to be better understood in terms of the processes they model. This method is then extended to multiple simulators, using common sets of intermediate variables. The input spaces can be more thoroughly linked, and the treatment of the sub-processes within each simulator compared. The intermediate variables enable a direct comparison of the two simulators, using emulators from this space to the output space.
We demonstrate this method using two ocean carbon cycle simulators. We are able to refine both input spaces, link several input parameters and discover which sub-processes are treated similarly and which differently by the two simulators.
In this seminar I will start with a general discussion of eliciting probability distributions from experts, and will demonstrate some software for doing elicitation over the web. I will then discuss the
use of expert elicitation in clinical trial planning, specifically
within the "assurance" method for choosing sample sizes. The assurance
method is an alternative to a power calculation, in which we assess the probability of a successful clinical trial, based on prior beliefs about the efficacy of the drug. I will consider clinical trials involving the analysis of survival data, and discuss how to construct the necessary prior distributions.
A key aim of the Cytogenetic and Biomarkers Group of the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) is to provide biological estimates of radiation dose to exposed or suspected exposed individuals following a radiation accident or incident. In brief, the proportion of DNA damage in the lymphocytes of blood sampled from the individual is converted to dose through use of a pre-defined calibration curve. The methods of statistical analysis of cytogenetic data for the purposes of radiation dosimetry are now extremely well defined. However, there are a number of limitations with the standard techniques and, in recent years, several novel approaches have been proposed. The Bayesian analysis framework seems particularly suitable for characterisation of cytogenetic data, not least because suitable prior information is almost always available. Over the last few years, the HPA have been researching a number of different novel and previously proposed methods for analysis of cytogenetic data and radiation dose estimation. The results are very encouraging, however we are now looking to expand our understanding of Bayesian techniques through collaboration with experts working in the field. Ultimately, we believe that the Bayesian approach will lead to more accurate characterisation of uncertainties and, therefore, truer estimates of radiation dose.
On each of n unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden?
Denote by L(n) the length of the perimeter of the convex hull of n steps
of a planar random walk whose increments have finite second moment and
non-zero mean. Snyder and Steele showed that L(n)/n converges almost
surely to a deterministic limit, and proved an upper bound on the
variance Var[L(n)] = O(n).
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) in which we show
that Var[L(n)]/n converges, and give a simple expression for the limit,
which is non-zero for walks outside a certain degenerate class. This
answers a question of Snyder and Steele. Furthermore, we prove a central
limit theorem for L(n) in the non-degenerate case.
Phylogenetics studies how species have evolved and how they are related to each other. Cospeciation is the joint evolution of two or more lineages that are ecologically associated, the standard example being a host and its parasite. Hommola et al. (2009) introduced a permutation test to detect cospeciation in closely related host-parasite systems by testing the null hypothesis that hosts and their associated parasites evolved independently. To determine whether the correlation between host distances and parasite distances is significantly high, one permutes the labels in the host and parasite phylogenies retaining the observed interactions.
However, evolutionary relationships are often more complicated than a simple host-parasite pairing. Thus we want investigate whether cospeciation is reflected across three (or more) associated phylogenies. This involves finding a test-statistic capable to capture correlation in a multivariate setting, and implementing a suitable randomisation scheme coping with multiple phylogenies. It is relatively easy to answer the simple question of "is there evidence of cospeciation somewhere in this system?" By carefully considering how to randomise the trees, we are able to address more subtle questions such as "do plant A and bird C show more cospeciation than can be explained by their common links with insect B?"
We consider the Bayesian analysis of object data, such as functions, images and shapes. Of fundamental interest in comparing object data is the separation of registration information (e.g. translation, rotation, scale and reparameterization) and shape information (what remains). However, there is inherent non-identifiability in separating these sources of information. The user must provide some prior beliefs about the registration information, and so a Bayesian approach is very natural. The separation of registration and shape information is endemic in a wide range of applications, including in bioinformatics and neuroscience.
A key issue in dealing with registration is whether to choose a model in the ambient space of the objects, or in the quotient space of objects modulo registration transformations. In the former case the distributions can become complicated after integrating out the registration information, whereas in the latter case the geometry of the space can be complicated. Although in general these approaches are different, in many applications there are often practical similarities in the resulting Bayesian inference due to a Laplace approximation.
We consider several applications to illustrate these issues, including registering mass spectra and molecules in proteomics, and comparing 3D curves and surfaces in medical imaging.
I will describe some remarkable stochastic processes which arise at the intersection of random matrices and combinatorics, including models for crystal growth, random tilings, queues in series, interacting particle systems and random polymer models.
After establishing the utility of a continuous diagnostic marker investigators will typically address the question of determining a cut-off point which will be used for diagnostic purposes in clinical decision making. The most commonly used optimality criterion for cut-off point selection in the context of ROC curve analysis is the maximum of the Youden index. The pair of sensitivity and specificity proportions that correspond to the Youden index-based cut-off point characterize the performance of the diagnostic marker. Confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity are routinely estimated based on the assumption that sensitivity and specificity are independent binomial proportions as they arise from the independent populations of diseased and healthy subjects respectively. However, the assumption of independence holds if the optimal cut-off point is given or is considered fixed. The Youden index-based cut-off point is estimated from the data and as such the resulting sensitivity and specificity proportions are in fact correlated. This correlation needs to be taken into account in order to calculate confidence intervals that result in the anticipated coverage. In this article we study parametric and non-parametric approaches for the construction of confidence intervals for the pair of sensitivity and specificity proportions that correspond to the Youden index-based optimal cut-off point. These approaches result in the anticipated coverage under different scenarios for the distributions of the healthy and diseased subjects as shown in an extensive simulation study. We illustrate our findings on data from two different studies of diagnostic marker assessment.
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithms are Monte Carlo algorithms that can be used to do Bayesian inference for stochastic models without explicit knowledge of the likelihood function, and in the past decade they have become very popular, particularly in the biological sciences. In this talk I'll describe the basic ABC approach, explain how I believe we should view ABC algorithms, and draw links between ABC and history-matching. Finally, I'll describe a new method for using Gaussian process emulators to speed up ABC algorithms by approximating the likelihood function, based on the synthetic likelihood approach proposed by Wood 2010.
A method for learning shape models enabling accurate articulated human pose estimation from a single image will be presented. Where previous work has typically employed simple geometric models of human limbs e.g. cylinders which lead to rectangular projections, we propose to learn a generative model of limb shape which can capture the wide variation in shape due to varying anatomy and pose. The model is learnt from silhouette, depth and 3D pose data provided by a Microsoft Xbox Kinect, such that no manual annotation is required. We employ the learnt model in a pictorial structure model framework and demonstrate improved pose estimation from single silhouettes compared to using conventional rectangular limb models.
In this talk I will develop Bayesian dynamic linear model Gaussian processes for emulation of time series output for computer models that may exhibit chaotic behaviour. The statistical technology is particularly suited to emulating time series output of large climate models that exhibit this feature and where we want samples from the posterior of the emulator to evolve in the same way as dynamic processes in the computer model do. I'll apply this methodology to emulating the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) as a time series output of the fully coupled non-flux-adjusted atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, HadCM3, and illustrate some methods of obtaining prior judgements required to build the emulator when working with a large ensemble of runs of a climate model. I will present a block metropolis-within-gibbs MCMC algorithm to obtain posterior samples for the parameters and discuss the value of such an analysis when an emulator is eventually adopted as part of wider analyses.
A phylogenetic tree represents the evolutionary history of a set of organisms, and as such, is one of the main data objects in evolutionary biology. The space of phylogenetic trees, introduced by Billera, Holmes and Vogtmann (2001), incorporates both the tree topology and edge lengths, which could represent mutation rate for example, in a holistic way. This space is a piecewise Euclidean metric space. Thus approaches from Euclidean statistics can be generalized in it. For example, statistical methods for non-parametric bootstrap and hypothesis testing within this space have been developed. In this talk, we look at the sample means in this space and their limiting behaviour and discuss the role played by the topological structure of the space.
The parabolic Anderson problem is the Cauchy problem for the heat equation on the d-dimensional integer lattice with random potential. It describes mass transport through a random field of sinks and sources and is being actively studied by mathematical physicists. One of the most important situations is when the potential is time-independent and is represented by a collection of independent identically distributed random variables. We discuss the intermittency effect occurring for such potentials and consisting in increasing localisation and randomisation of the solution. We also discuss the ageing behaviour of the model showing that the periods, in which the profile of the solutions remains nearly constant, are increasing linearly over time.
We consider a model of interacting populations. The case of two interacting populations is modelled by an inhomogeneous random walk in the quarter-plane. If there are more than two populations, then the model is formulated in terms of a Markov birth-and-death process with local interaction. We discuss the long-time behaviour and describe a diffusion limit of the model. The diffusion approximation is given by a Markov process formed by a collection of positive interacting diffusions (given by reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes in a particular case). We also discuss the equilibrium distributions (forming a class of Gibbs measures) of both the model and its diffusion limit in the ergodic reversible case.
The talk is based on joint work with O.Hryniv and M.Menshikov.
This presentation discusses recent advances on multivariate statistical-based process monitoring. To demonstrate the usefulness of these innovative enhancements, various applications studies to recorded data from a mechanical and data from an industrial process system in the chemical industry.
Commencing with an introduction of the principles of statistical process control, the presentation first motivates the need for a multivariate extension to remove the undesired effect of increased Type II errors. The talk then shows how to monitor a multivariate system when applying a reduced dimensional data representation.
Two recent innovations are then outlined that (i) relate to changes in the variable covariance structure, which may not be detectable using conventional multivariate statistical process control, and (ii) introduces an extended data structure to model industrial manufacturing systems.
This seminar is part of a project sponsored by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society. It aims to identify key mathematical challenges underlying quantification of reliability of complex systems and networks, with specific attention to new technologies in energy. The project brings together four UK research groups with complementary expertise in this field, led by the following people:
Frank Coolen (Durham University)
David Percy (Salford University)
John Quigley (Strathclyde University)
Keming Yu (Brunel University)
More detailed information about the project, including the programme for this lecture day, can be found at the link above.
There are many situations where a basic simple model is inadequate to explain the key components of variation in a particular setting or dataset. This can arise when there are structured sampling aspects, such as a hierarchy of sampling units, longitudinal observations or missing unobserved covariates at one or more of the sampling levels. Two, now relatively common, possible model extensions are the inclusion of one or more random effects and the use of mixtures of the basic model. There are many links between these approaches, particularly in the use of the EM algorithm for model fitting, and this talk will consider these. I will also discuss the effect of different distributional assumptions for the random effect and consider the use of a random effect with an unspecified distribution using non-parametric maximum likelihood estimation with the R package npmlreg. For simplicity, we will generally confine attention to models for a univariate response, typically in the single parameter exponential family, although multivariate extensions are certainly feasible. This talk will touch on these various ideas and illustrate the models with some applications.
Given any irreducible discrete-time Markov chain on a finite state space, consider the largest expected hitting time $T(\alpha)$ of a set of stationary measure at least $\alpha$, $0 < \alpha < 1$. We describe tight relationships between $T(\alpha)$ and $T(\beta)$ for different choices of $\alpha$ and $\beta$. In particular, using an ergodic argument we show that, if $\alpha < 1/2$, then $T(\alpha) \leT(1/2)/\alpha$. A corollary is that, if the chain is reversible, $T(1/2)$ is equivalent to total variation mixing time of the chain, answering a question of Peres.
This is joint work with Simon Griffiths (IMPA), Roberto Oliveira (IMPA) and Viresh Patel (Durham).
Bayesian inference for phase-type distributions is considered when data consist only of absorption times. Extensions to the methodology developed by Bladt et al. (2003) are presented which enable specific structure to be imposed on the underlying continuous time Markov process and expand computational tractability to a wider class of situations.
The conditions for maintaining conjugacy when structure is imposed are shown. Part of the original algorithm involves simulation of the unobserved Markov process and the main contribution is resolution of computational issues which can arise here. Direct conditional simulation, together with exploiting reversibility when available underpin the changes. Ultimately, several variants of the algorithm are produced, their relative merits explained and guidelines for variant selection provided.
The extended methodology thus advances modelling and tractability of Bayesian inference for phase-type distributions where there is direct scientific interest in the underlying stochastic process: the added structural constraints more accurately represent a physical process and the computational changes make the technique practical to implement. A simple application to a repairable redundant electronic system when ultimate system failure (as opposed to individual component failure) comprise the data is presented. This provides one example of a class of problems for which the extended methodology improves both parameter estimates and computational speed.
Due to the constrictions of conductor ampacity, power lines may only transmit limited magnitudes of current before they begin to overheat and sustain damage. To mitigate this problem, research is being done to investigate the cooling effects of wind on a small network of power lines that exist in a corridor located along the Snake River plane in Idaho. It is anticipated that the wind will dynamically improve conductor ampacity, allowing for the distribution of more power and the expansion of wind energy production without the costly installation of additional transmission lines. To study the wind and utilize its cooling effects on the conductors, climatology data analysis and wind model development was performed. Weather stations were strategically deployed at various locations on transmission line structures for the purpose of periodically recording wind speed, wind direction, and ambient air temperature data. The data was used in collaboration with a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computer program. The CFD software was employed for developing an elaborate wind model of the corridor that simulated the wind at numerous points along the transmission lines in conjunction with the climatology data. Look-up tables were generated from the model and used in conjunction with the weather stations to project the speed and direction of the wind at hundreds of points along the transmission lines in the corridor. Work was then done to validate the look-up tables by temporarily instating a mobile weather station tower at a variety of corresponding locations. The results of this research have provided a better understanding of the wind so that it may be completely and effectively utilized as a means of improving conductor ampacity. The project has also helped identify areas of weakness where wind cooling is not sufficient and line upgrades will be needed.
Statistical analyses of the wind patterns could reveal that the majority of effective wind occurs between the late morning and early evening hours, which correspond closely with typical peak load patterns. After further model verification and improvements have been done, the results of this research will become very resourceful for providing power dispatch personnel with the capability of closely monitoring conductor ampacity and increasing power transmission as weather permits.
Short bio: Jake P. Gentle received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Idaho State University (ISU), in 2008, and received his M.S. in Measurement and Controls Engineering from ISU in 2010. In 2009, he joined the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) as an intern in the Biofuels and Renewable Energy Technologies division as an electrical engineer, where he worked on concurrent cooling of transmission and distribution lines research and validation, and utilized the availability of WAsP and WindSim software packages for the analysis of wind data, wind atlas generation, wind climate estimation, wind farm power production calculations, and the siting of wind turbines. In June of 2010, Mr. Gentle was hired on as a full time electrical engineer at the INL and has been working on biomass, solar and wind electrical power systems design and integration projects.
Jake also has experience in wind data collection and analysis, wind energy feasibility studies, and wind farm layout and design.
Three-dimensional surface imaging, through laser-scanning or stereo-photogrammetry, provides high-resolution data defining the surface shape of objects. In an anatomical setting this can provide invaluable quantitative information, for example on the success of surgery. Two particular applications are in the success of breast reconstruction and in facial surgery following conditions such as cleft lip and palate. An initial challenge is to extract suitable information from these images, to characterise the surface shape in an informative manner. Landmarks are traditionally used to good effect but these clearly do not adequately represent the very much richer information present in each digitised images. Curves with clear anatomical meaning provide a good compromise between informative representations of shape and simplicity of structure, as well as providing guiding information for full surface representations. Some of the issues involved in analysing data of this type will be discussed and illustrated. Modelling issues include the measurement of asymmetry and longitudinal patterns of growth.
A second form of surface data arises in the analysis of MEG data which is collected from the head surface of patients and gives information on underlying brain activity. In this case, spatiotemporal smoothing offers a route to a flexible model for the spatial and temporal locations of stimulated brain activity.
Analyzing animal movement is essential for understanding the animals' motivations, the dynamics of populations and their distribution in space. While the development of statistical methodology for animal movement data may have lagged behind the advancements in tracking technology, it is nevertheless also true that the last decade has seen substantial progress in terms of our ability to incorporate ecological realism in animal movement models.
My talk will be split into two parts. Part I gives an overview of some of the most popular approaches to modelling animal movement, including a discussion of their respective advantages and disadvantages. The talk will cover simple random walks, hidden Markov models (HMMs), Lévy walks and stochastic differential equations (with a focus on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes). In Part II of the talk I will discuss an example application of HMMs to movement paths of nine bison. I will also consider extensions of basic HMMs that (i) allow for more flexible distributions for the times the animals spend in the different motivational states and (ii) that involve random effects for capturing the heterogeneity across individuals.
Ridge regression is a popular technique in machine learning and statistics with numerous applications. In the talk I will discuss ridge regression in the contexts of functional analysis (reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces) and the theory of random fields (Gaussian covariances) and derive an identity linking the quadratic losses of kernel ridge regression in batch and on-line frameworks. Some corollaries describing the behaviour of the cumulative loss of on-line ridge regression will be obtained. An alternative proof of the identity motivated by the aggregating algorithm will be presented.
The results of the talk are covered in the report "An Identity for Kernel Ridge Regression" by F.Zhdanov and Y.Kalnishkan (arXiv:1112.1390v1 [cs.LG]).
There are only a few methods for analysing the rate of convergence of an ergodic Markov chain to its stationary distribution. One is the canonical path method of Jerrum and Sinclair. This method applies to Markov chains which have no negative eigenvalues. Hence it has become standard practice for theoreticians to work with lazy Markov chains, which do absolutely nothing with probability 1/2 at each step. This seems highly counter-intuitive: we slow the process down in order to prove that it is fast!
I will discuss how laziness can be avoided by the use of a twenty-year old lemma of Diaconis and Stroock's, or my recent modification of that lemma. As an illustration, I will apply the new lemma to Jerrum and Sinclair's well-known chain for sampling perfect matchings of a graph.
To reconstruct in a systematical way from observable quantities, the underlying effective description of a complex system on relevant scales is a task of enormous practical relevance. Realizability considers the partial question if the system can be described by point-like objects on the relevant scale, cf. Percus(1964) and Crawford et al. (2003).
In this talk, the realizability problem is introduced and identified as an infinite dimensional version of the classical truncated power moment problem. One can associate a linear functional on the space of polynomials to any kind of moment problem. A classical theorem for complete moment sequences, see e.g. Haviland(1935/6) states that solvability of the moment problem is equivalent to positivity of this functional. However, this is wrong in general for truncated moment problems. A new general approach for truncated moment problems will be presented which overcomes this difficulty. To our knowledge this approach is also new for finite dimensional problem, however it may be more adapted for infinite dimensional problems.
Moment problems are very difficult in more than one dimension and little is known in general. We will give explicit solutions for the moment problem in particular regimes and study further properties of the solutions.
The regulation of medicine requires evidence of the efficacy and safety of medicines, and methods are well-developed to deal with the latter and to a lesser extent the former. However, until recently, assessment of risk-benefit especially in relation to alternatives has been entirely informal. There is now growing interest in the possibilities of more formal approaches to risk-benefit decision-making. In this talk, we review the basis of drug regulation, the statistical basis for decision-making under uncertainty, current initiatives in the area, and discuss possible approaches that could enhance the quality of regulatory decision-making.
This presentation discusses the quantitative assessment of security and trust in information systems. If successful, quantitative assessment allows one to make objective investment decisions in information security. In depth we will discuss recent model-based approaches that are based on the trust economics methodology, which establishes probabilistic models that include human and economic factors. The trust economics methodology provides basic tools for objective decision-making, and opens up a range of interesting applications and use cases as well as decision-making tools.
In a standard Bayesian approach to the alpha-factor model for common-cause failure, a precise Dirichlet prior distribution models epistemic uncertainty. This Dirichlet prior is then updated with observed data to obtain a posterior distribution, which forms the basis for further inferences. Kelly and Atwood's minimally informative Dirichlet prior for the alpha-factor model incorporates precise mean values for the alpha-factors, but is otherwise quite diffuse. Nevertheless, although this maximum entropy prior is in principle non-informative about anything but the mean, its tail turns out to be far too light to properly cope with zero counts, which are very typical in multi-component failure data. In fact, inferences turn out to be strongly sensitive to the tail due to zero counts, and whence, it seems that a single prior cannot do the job.
To address these concerns, we adapt the imprecise Dirichlet model of Walley to represent epistemic uncertainty in the alpha-factors. In this robust Bayesian approach, epistemic uncertainty is expressed more cautiously via lower and upper expectations or each alpha-factor, along with a learning parameter which determines how quickly the model learns from observed data. For this application, we focus on elicitation of the learning parameter, and find that values in the range of 1 to 10 seem reasonable.
The analysis of computer experiments relies on experimental designs that fill space with a minimum number of points. Space filling designs in rectangular regions 9in many dimensions) are fairly well understood, varieties of Latin Hypercubes and quasi-Monte Carlo sequences. However producing a design that fills space in a non- rectangular area is much more difficult. The introduction of ideas such as history matching and implausibility have raised an even more difficult problem can we make space filling designs that fill spaces that cannot be specified in advance and have no 'nice' geometric properties a priori. After giving a brief survey of space filling designs I will outline a new design that should allow us to produce space filling designs in any sub-space defined only by a membership function.
Principal curves and surfaces have been proposed about two decades ago as a tool for nonlinear dimension reduction. Descriptively, they can be defined as smooth objects (of dimension 1 and 2, respectively) capturing the "middle" of a (potentially high-dimensional) data cloud.
Though a relatively large amount of literature has discussed methods and algorithms for the estimation of principal curves and surfaces, most of this research, rather surprisingly, stops here, and does not consider exploiting the fitted curve or surface once it is established. One reason for this reluctance may be that several rather cumbersome technicalities, such as the computation of distances or projection indexes, need to be solved before a fitted principal curve or surface can be used for further inferential purposes such as regression or classification.
In this talk, we give three examples, stemming from current collaborative work, which illustrate how "local" principal curves and surfaces can be efficiently used as a nonparametric dimension reduction tool, enabling further statistical analysis based on the fitted principal object. These examples include the tracing of elementary particles in liquid argon, the modelling of the shape of the corpus callosum, as well as the compression of the thermochemical state space of combustion systems.
We consider the problem of performing a non-parametric homogeneity test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Cramer-Von-Mises) on samples that are imprecisely observed and given as sets of intervals. In this situation, test values become imprecise as well, and the test can result in an additional outcome corresponding to unknown outcome. As computing possible values of the tests is computationally complex, we propose to use the notion of p-box to provide conservative bounds. We study some properties of these approximations, and perform various experiments to study the behaviour of these approximations. Finally, we apply our method to the comparison of medical images whose reconstruction lead to interval-valued images.
This talk will describe the analysis of a trial comparing a new quick device with the standard procedure for screening out patients with a high risk of having deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Bland and Altman Methodology will be described and used.
This is a local Royal Statistical Society seminar.
We shall discuss recent results concerning Noise Sensitivity of Boolean functions and in particular Noise Sensitivity in Percolation. Since the subject was introduced, and the Noise Sensitivity of various discrete Percolation models proved by Bejamini, Kalai and Schramm in 1999, there have been a number of articles proving sharper and sharper results that allow one to prove the existence of exceptional times in Dynamic Percolation.
In this talk we discuss Noise Sensitivity in Continuum Percolation.
We prove that the Poisson Boolean model, also known as the Gilbert disc model, is noise sensitive at criticality. This is the first such result for a Continuum Percolation model, and the first for which the critical probability p_c \ne 1/2. Our proof uses a version of the Benjamini-Kalai-Schramm Theorem for biased product measures.
(Joint with Daniel Ahlberg, Erik Broman and Robert Morris.)
Logistic regression is a commonly used technique for modelling and predicting the probability of an outcome of interest as a function of explanatory variables. Under a Bayesian paradigm, predictive probabilities incorporate the uncertainty in the estimates of the model parameters but depend on a precise specification of the prior distribution. Walley has proposed an inferential paradigm that applies Bayes theorem to a family of prior distributions, yielding interval posterior probabilities. He suggested a family of Dirichlet priors on multinomial parameters as a practical way of implementing such imprecise inference. For logistic regression, we assume Dirichlet priors on the increments of response probabilities at selected values of the explanatory variable, thereby allowing for prior dependence.
Alternatively, we consider a family of normal priors on the regression parameters. Priors on the response probabilities induce priors on the model parameters and vice versa, but these different parametrizations of prior uncertainty are not equivalent. We compare the effects of these models on prediction using both analytic and simulation techniques.
Warranty claims and supplementary data contain useful information about product quality and reliability. Analysing such data can therefore be of benefit to manufacturers in identifying early warnings of abnormalities in their products, providing useful information about failure modes to aid design modification, and forecasting future warranty claims needed for preparing fiscal plans.
This presentation will review the research and developments in warranty data analysis with emphasis on the work we have completed, and conclude with a discussion on current practices and possible future trends.
Risk and reliability modelling is an area of increasing interest and importance in energy systems. This is due to both the advent of new technologies (e.g. high penetrations of renewable generation, and increased storage and other parts of the smartgrid paradigm), and increased pressure for energy systems to be run in a 'lean' manner (which often requires planning and operational decisions to be risk-based, as opposed to relying on more traditional conservative heuristic approaches.)
This meeting will bring together researchers in the field to present state-of-the-art methods in risk and reliability modelling, including both engineers working in energy systems, and also mathematicians and statisticians with key relevant expertise and an interest in energy system applications. The scope of the meeting includes probabilistic risk assessment and associated statistical modelling, the broad range of analytical techniques which may be required for assessing and mitigating system stability risk (particularly major disturbances), and economic risk as seen by system operators (for instance network planning for renewables integration and real time system operation).
The day will be held in spectacular surroundings of the Senate Suite at Durham Castle (click here for a virtual tour.) The Castle is the main building of University College, the founding College of Durham University.
In testing a simple statistical hypothesis, the P-value is defined as the probability, assuming the null hypothesis, of the most extreme event that actually happened. It is commonly described as quantifying the amount of evidence against the null hypothesis, although this interpretation has been disputed by Berger and Sellke. Non-statisticians frequently misinterpret the P-value as the (posterior) probability of the null hypothesis, and even those with statistical training sometimes confuse it with probability of type I error. Indeed, although P-values are ubiquitous in applied statistics, they play a role in neither Bayesian nor Neymanian theories of inference.
In 2001, Sellke, Bayarri, and Berger proposed a calibration of P-values whereby they could be given a Bayesian interpretation. In the case of multiple P-values, Efron proposed in 2005 the local false discovery rate as the (estimated) posterior probability of the null hypothesis given the P-value.
When one has a large number of P-values from related hypotheses, their empirical distribution can be used to make inferences about the proportion of true null hypotheses. Under certain regularity conditions, the posterior probability of the null hypotheses can be calculated as a ratio of slopes of the actual distribution. To obtain a smooth estimate of this distribution, the P-values can be modelled as arising from normally-distributed test statistics in which the location parameter itself has an underlying distribution, consisting of an atom at zero mixed with a distribution of alternatives. The prior of this distribution of alternatives is modelled as a Dirichlet process. The posterior mean of the distribution of alternatives is then used to calibrate the P-values as posterior probabilities.
Health care interventions which use quality of life or health scores often provide data which are skewed and bounded. The scores are typically formed by adding up numerical responses to a number of questions. Different questions might have different weights, but the scores will be bounded, and are often scaled to the range 0 to 100. If improvement in health over time is measured, scores will tend to cluster near the 'healthy' or 'good' boundary as time progresses, leading to a skew distribution. Further, some patients will drop out as time progresses, so the scores reflect a selected population.
We fit models based on the skew-normal distribution to data from a randomised controlled trial of treatments for sprained ankles, in which scores were recorded at baseline and at 1, 3 and 9 months after injury. We consider the extent to which skewness in the data can be explained by the clustering at the boundary via a comparison between a censored normal and a censored skew-normal model.
As this analysis is based on the complete data only, a formula for the bias of the treatment effects due to informative drop-out is given. This allows us to assess under which conditions the conclusions drawn from the complete data might be either reinforced or reversed, when the informative drop-out process is taken into account.
Motivated by issues in palaeo-climate reconstruction, this paper introduces several methodological novelties to the generic issue of temporal smoothing of data in a Bayesian setting. These methodologies include: the use of data-marginal posteriors as a starting point for smoothing; a fast algorithm, even for multi-modal signals, when these are approximated by finite Gaussian mixtures; the use of a Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution as a prior for a smoother that may respond to multi-modal data-marginal posteriors that exhibit abrupt changes. Additionally, and exploiting the speed, the method deals naturally with temporal uncertainty in the underlying data.
Climate simulators contain large numbers of parameters whose meaning is obscure, as they stand in for missing or uncertain processes: physical, chemical, of biological. Usual practice (eg for the IPCC archive) is to run the simulator only in its standard parameterisation, which presupposes that the contribution to total climate uncertainty of simulator parametric uncertainty is small enough (relative to other sources of uncertainty such as future scenario uncertainty) to be negligible. This is testable, indirectly, by constructing an emulator of the simulator from a training set of runs. This emulator also provides an opportunity to check the code itself ("code verification"), and to screen the parameters to identify the important ones. I illustrate with a multivariate emulator of mid-Holocene summer temperatures anomalies over North America. This is joint work with Tamsin Edwards (Bristol) and Mat Collins (Exeter), as part of the NERC Palaeo-QUMP project.
The main aim of this workshop is to discuss and study aspects of the interaction between geometry and imprecise probability and related statistical methods. It will take place over two days (Nov 1-2).
We study zero-range and inclusion processes where particles move on a lattice according to a simple on-site or nearest neighbour interaction. The processes exhibit a condensation transition, where a finite fraction of all particles accumulates on a single site when the total density exceeds a critical value.
This has been understood on a rigorous level using results from large deviations for subexponential random variables. I will give a short account of those results and talk about some recent developments regarding the metastable dynamics in the condensed phase.
This is joint work with Ines Armendariz, Michalis Loulakis and Paul Chleboun.
This talk presents two algorithms concerning Monte Carlo tests (such as a bootstrap or permutation test). The first implements Monte Carlo tests with a uniform bound on the resampling error. The second generates a conservative conï¬dence interval of a speciï¬ed length and coverage probability for the power of a Monte Carlo test. These are the first methods that achieve these aims for almost any Monte Carlo test. Previous research has mostly focused on obtaining as accurate a result as possible for a ï¬xed computational effort, without a guaranteed precision. In the proposed algorithms, the computational effort is random and there is a guaranteed precision. For example, the second algorithms operates until a conï¬dence interval can be constructed that meets the requirements of the user, in terms of length and coverage probability.
Extreme value models are typically used to describe the distribution of rare events. An asymptotically motivated extreme value model is generally used to approximate the tail of some unknown population distribution. The fitted model is then used to extrapolate quantities of interest past the observed range of the sample data, i.e. estimating the 1 in 100 year rainfall event which may not have been observed in the historical data.
This seminar will discuss a semi-parametric modeling approach to determine the 'threshold' beyond which the asymptotically motivated extreme value models provide a reliable approximation to the tail. Our semi-parametric mixture model incorporates the usual extreme value upper tail model, with the threshold as a parameter and the bulk distribution below the threshold captured by a flexible non-parametric kernel density estimator. This representation avoids the need to specify a-priori a particular parametric model for the bulk distribution, and only really requires the trivial assumption of a suitably smooth density. Bayesian inference is used to estimate the joint posterior for the threshold, extreme value tail model parameters and the kernel density bandwidth, allowing the uncertainty associated with all components to be accounted for in inferences.
The extension of this mixture model to describe the extremes of non-stationary processes, including automated (possibly non-constant) threshold estimation and uncertainty quantification is demonstrated. The results from simulations and application to a medical and air pollution problem will be presented.
A key issue in computational engineering disciplines is the realistic numerical modeling of physical and mechanical phenomena and processes. This is the basis to derive predictions regarding behavior, performance, and reliability of engineering structures and systems. In engineering practice, however, the available information is frequently quite limited and of poor quality. These problematic characteristics of the available information impede the precise specification of numerical models without an artificial introduction of unwarranted information. An appropriate mathematical modeling is required in accordance with the underlying real-world information. Shortcomings, in this regard, may lead to biased computational results with an unrealistic accuracy and, therefore, may lead to wrong decisions with the potential for associated serious consequences. The solution to this conflict is given with imprecise probabilities, which involve both probabilistic uncertainty and non-probabilistic imprecision. An entire set of plausible probabilistic models is considered in one analysis. This leads to more realistic results and helps to prevent wrong decisions. In this context the seminar is focused on fuzzy probabilities and their application in engineering. Usefulness and benefits are demonstrated by means of practical examples.
Michael Beer is Professor of Uncertainty in Engineering in the Centre for Engineering Sustainability, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool. He graduated with a doctoral degree in Civil Engineering from the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. As a Feodor-Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Dr. Beer pursued research at Rice University together with Professor Pol D. Spanos. From 2007 to 2011 he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore. His research is focused on non-traditional uncertainty models in engineering with emphasis on reliability analysis and on robust design. Dr. Beer is a Member of ASME, Charter Member of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute, Member of the European Association for Structural Dynamics, Member of IACM, as well as Member of the Editorial Board of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics and Computers & Structures.
The diagnostic accuracy of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) has been established recently for screening externally validated cognition in Parkinson's disease (PD) (Dalrymple-Alford et al, 2010). Patients were classified as having either normal cognition (PD-N), mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI), or dementia (PD-D). ROC curve methodology has been used to assess discrimination between two adjacent classes and the Youden index has been employed for cut-off point selection. ROC surface methodology has also been used for the assessment of the simultaneous discrimination of the three classes. Recently, Nakas et al (2010) proposed a generalization of the Youden index for the assessment of accuracy and cut-off point selection in simultaneous discrimination of three classes. In this work, we examine properties of the generalized Youden index and compare two- vs. three-class classification accuracy approaches when screening for cognition status in PD.
Dalrymple-Alford, J.C., Macaskill, M.R., Nakas, C.T., et al. (2010). The MoCA: Well suited screen for cognitive impairment in Parkinson Disease. Neurology, 75, 1717-1725.
Nakas, C.T., Alonzo, T.A. And Yiannoutsos, C.T. (2010). Accuracy and cut-off point selection in three-class classification problems using a generalization of the Youden index. Statistics in Medicine, 29, 2946-2955.
This research seeks efficient techniques for analyzing shapes of 2D and
3D objects by considering their boundaries as curves and surfaces. An important
distinction is to treat boundaries not as point sets or level sets, as is commonly done, but
as parameterized objects. However, parameterization adds an extra variability
in the representation, as different re-parameterizations of an object do not change
it shape. This variability are handled by defining quotient spaces of object representations,
modulo re-parameterization and rotation groups, and inheriting a Riemannian metric
on the quotient space from the larger space. This last step requires the metric to be
such that the action of re-parameterization group is by isometries. For curves in Euclidean
spaces, we use an elastic Riemannian metric that can be viewed as an extension of the
classical Fisher-Rao metric, used in information geometry, to higher dimensions.
Furthermore, we define a specific square-root representation that reduces this
complicated metric to the standard L2 metric and, thus, greatly simplifying computations
such as geodesic paths, sample means, tangent PCA, and stochastic modeling of
observed shapes. For curves, we have proposed a similar square-root representation
and an elastic Riemannian metric, that allows parameterization-invariant shape analysis
of 3D objects. I will demonstrate these ideas using applications from computer vision,
biometrics and activity recognition, protein structure analysis, anatomical shape analysis,
and neuroscience spike train analysis.
(This research is done in collaboration with Eric Klassen, Sebastian Kurtek,
Ian Jermyn, Wei Wu, Jinfeng Zheng, and many others.)
We first review certain properties of characteristic functions and empirical characteristic functions, and then show how these properties can be utilized in statistical inference. The problems considered include testing for goodness-of-fit and independence, testing for symmetry, and change-point detection. Also the new notion of the probability weighted empirical characteristic function is introduced, and its use is illustrated in testing for exponentiality.
Game-theoretic probability is a framework for probability that is as old as the currently dominant measure-theoretic probability; it can be traced back to Ville, von Mises, and even Pascal. In this talk I will argue that, despite being out of fashion in mainstream probability and statistics, game-theoretic probability has important advantages, both philosophical and mathematical. If there is time left, I will also discuss connections of the game-theoretic approach to hypothesis testing with traditional approaches using Bayes factors and p-values.
On the afternoon of Wed 4 May, we have organised a meeting
on recent developments in Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI),
where among other speakers all students working in this field in Durham
will give a presentation. All talks will be about 20 minutes followed by a
few minutes for some discussion.
The meeting will take place in CM221, with the following schedule:
13.15 Matthias Troffaes: Introduction to imprecise probability
13.40 Frank Coolen: Introduction to NPI
14.05 Faiza Ali: NPI for ordinal data
14.30 Tea/Coffee
14.45 Ric Crossman: NPI for classification with ordinal data
15.10 Ahmad Aboalkhair: NPI for system reliability
15.35 Abdullah Al-nefaiee: NPI for system failure time
16.00 Sulafah Bin Himd: NPI bootstrap
16.25 Tea/Coffee
16.40 Mohamed Elsaeiti: NPI for sequential acceptance decisions
17.05 Tahani Coolen-Maturi: NPI for ranked set sampling
17.30 Frank Coolen: Concluding comments
Quantitative risk assessments are an integral part of risk-informed regulation of current and future nuclear plants in the U.S. The Bayesian approach to uncertainty, in which both stochastic and epistemic uncertainties are represented with precise probability distributions, is the standard approach to modeling uncertainties in such quantitative risk assessments. However, there are long-standing criticisms of the Bayesian approach to epistemic uncertainty from many perspectives, and a number of alternative approaches have been proposed. Among these alternatives, the most promising (and most rapidly developing) would appear to be the concept of imprecise probability . In this colloquium, I will employ a performance indicator example to focus the discussion. I will first give a short overview of the traditional Bayesian paradigm and review some its controversial aspects, for example, issues with so-called noninformative prior distributions. I then discuss how the imprecise probability approach handles these issues and compare it with two other approaches: sensitivity analysis and hierarchical Bayes modeling. I conclude with some practical implications for risk-informed decision making and an overview of ongoing research.
I will discuss a model for planar aggregation of diffusive particles, for
which there is a random scaling limit as the particle size becomes small.
The limit object is closely related to the coalescing Brownian flow.
A pair of lower and upper cumulative distribution functions, also
called probability box or p-box, is among the most popular models used
to model severe uncertainty, when probabilities cannot be uniquely
identified. They arise naturally in expert elicitation, for instance
in cases where bounds are specified on the quantiles of a random
variable, or when quantiles are specified only at a finite number of
points. Many practical and formal results
concerning p-boxes already exist in the literature.
In this talk, I will discuss new efficient tools to construct
multivariate p-boxes and algorithms to draw inferences from them. For
this purpose, we formalise and extend the theory of p-boxes using
Walley's behavioural theory of imprecise probabilities, and heavily
rely on its notion of natural extension and existing results about
independence modeling. In particular, we allow p-boxes to be defined
on arbitrary totally preordered spaces, hence thereby also admitting
multivariate p-boxes via probability bounds over any collection of
nested sets. We focus on the cases of independence (using the
factorization property), and of unknown dependence (using the Frechet
bounds), and we show that our approach extends the probabilistic
arithmetic of Williamson and Downs. If time permits, two design
problems---a damped oscillator, and a river dike---will demonstrate
the practical feasibility of these new results.
Chemical risk assessment is an important tool for restricting the potential ecological damage from chemical substances while still permitting industry and agriculture to use them to advantage. We will first overview a particular aspect, namely "intermediate tier hazard assessment", which reduces to the problem of estimating the environmental concentration of concern for the toxicant assessed. The standard approach is to first measure the tolerance (in terms of concentration) of a small number of species to the toxicant and consider them realizations from a normal distribution, called the SSD hereafter. The sought-after concentration is then taken to be the 5th percentile of the SSD -- a risk management decision. Whilst the risk assessment framework may appear overly simple, it is deliberately designed to be that way in order to be transparent to all stakeholders and economical to implement, focusing resources only where the potential for adverse effects is not within acceptable limits.
The small sample sizes involved in estimating the 5th percentile introduce large uncertainty, and so Bayesian methods have recently become of interest to the risk assessment arena. We make an empirical assessment of a proposal by the United States Environmental Protection Agency which uses estimation of unmeasured tolerances using "historical" relationships to augment the data available for estimation of the SSD 5th percentile. Finally, we consider a simple extension of the SSD model which includes "species effects" with the same intention as the EPA approach but which we hope will be more coherent.
Work done in collaboration with: Peter Craig (Durham University), Andy Hart (The Food and Environment Research Agency), Stuart Marshall (Unilever), Oliver Price (Unilever), Mathijs Smit (Statoil ASA), Robert Luttik (RIVM), Peter Chapman (formerly Unilever).
In a seamless Phase II/III clinical trial, one of several treatments or doses is selected in Phase II for further study in Phase III. The final decision rule for declaring the selected treatment superior to control must protect the family-wise type I error rate for comparisons of all treatments against the control. When a combination rule is applied to P-values from data in the two phases, we find that overall power does not always increase beyond that obtained by simply ignoring the Phase II data! This raises the question of how one should combine information to maximise power while protecting family-wise type I error.
We present a formulation of the problem which is amenable to analysis by decision theory. Hence, we derive optimal data combination rules for particular objectives and find some surprising results. We conclude by identifying decision rules with robust efficiency across a variety of scenarios and, hence, quantify the effective information obtained from the Phase II data.
The strength and weakness of microarray technology may be attributed to the enormous amount of information it generates. To fully enhance the benefit of microarray technology for understanding gene functions, tumours classification, drug target identification and prediction of response to therapy, there is a need to minimize the amount of irrelevant genes often present in microarray data. A major interest is to use probe level data of Affymetrix microarray platform to call genes informative or non-informative based on the trade-off between the array-to-array variability and the measurement error.
In this presentation, I will discuss statistical approach to informative or non-informative calls based on fixed effects model, factor analysis model and random intercept linear mixed effects model. I will also discuss the limitations of the existing methods and introduce more flexible model based on latent class linear mixed effect model.
I will discuss the problem of modelling the limiting (averaged or homogenized) SDE of a multiscale diffusion. First, I will present the main results regarding the behavior of the MLE of the limiting equation given data from the multiscale diffusion. This is joint work with Prof. A. Stuart and Dr. G. Pavliotis. Then, I will focus on estimating the diffusion parameter of the limiting (homogenized) equation given multiscale data. When using the MLE, we need to subsample data. I will present an alternative estimator which avoids subsampling.
As with non-linear models generally, the optimal design for a limiting dilution assay depends on the unknown value of the parameter of interest. If the available information about the parameter can be encapsulated in a prior distribution then an optimal Bayesian design can be sought. If the aim is to estimate the parameter then various approximations to the full Bayesian criterion, analogous to the usual alphabetic optimality criteria, are often used. However, if the assay has a different purpose then more specific utility functions can provide improved designs. This is illustrated by applications of limiting dilution assays in which the aim of the study is to determine if the parameter is above or below a specified threshold.
In this talk, the temporal variation in the strength of association in bivariate current status data is studied. Several association measures and their methods of estimation are investigated with a view to assessing their performance for identifying age-dependent effects. A new measure of association relevant for shared frailty models for current status data is proposed. This novel measure, which is based on Clayton's copula, is particularly convenient owing to its connection with the relative frailty variance and its interpretability in suggesting appropriate frailty models. We introduce a method of estimation and standard errors for this measure. To improve the interpretability of the dependency pattern, various smoothing techniques are applied to capture trends with age. The methods are illustrated with bivariate serological survey data on different infections, where the age-varying association is likely to represent heterogeneities in activity levels and/or susceptibility to infection.
We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional interacting particle system that is a mixture of the voter model and exclusion process. With the process started from a finite perturbation of the ground-state Heaviside configuration consisting of "1" to the left of the origin and "0" elsewhere, we study the relaxation time $\tau$, that is, the first hitting time of the ground-state configuration (up to translation). We give conditions for $\tau$ to be finite and for certain moments of $\tau$ to be finite or infinite.
Most of our results pertain to the discrete-time setting, but several transfer to continuous-time. As well as the mixture process, some of our results also cover pure exclusion.
The aim of this talk is to construct non-Gaussian processes that vary continuously in space and time with nonseparable covariance functions. Stochastic modelling of phenomena over space and time is important in many areas of application. We start from a general and flexible way of constructing valid nonseparable covariance functions derived through mixing over separable covariance functions. We then generalize the resulting models by allowing for individual outliers as well as regions with larger variances. We induce this through scale mixing with separate positive-valued processes. Smooth mixing processes are applied to the underlying correlated Gaussian processes in space and in time, thus leading to regions in space and time of increased spread. We also apply a separate uncorrelated mixing process to the nugget effect to generate individual outliers. We consider posterior and predictive Bayesian inference with these models and implement this through a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler. Finally, this modelling approach is applied to temperature data in the Basque country.
In this talk I will describe how MCMC methods can be used to sample from the posterior distribution when estimating parameters of a discretely observed diffusion process. The method described will sample simultaneously from the posterior for the parameters and from the posterior for the (continuous time) diffusion path. The Markov process which form the basis of this MCMC method is a coupled system of a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) and a stochastic differential equation (SDE).
[additional info available at]
* Chris Dent, School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University (chris.dent[at]
* Frank Coolen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University (frank.coolen[at]
Full details of Durham University's energy research may be found on the Durham Energy Institute pages.
* 0930 Arrival: tea, coffee and pastries
* 1000 Start of event
* 1700 Finish
Invited speakers
John Andrews, Professor of Infrastructure Asset Management, Nottingham University:
* Advanced system reliability assessment methods, and applications in the aerospace industry
* Systems reliability assessment methods have been developed to solve practical design and operation problems experienced in any industry. However, advances made in the capability of these methods in terms of their accuracy, efficiency and speed open up the possibility of applying them to solve problems which would not previously have been possible. Applications such as their use in determining the optimal design and operation of complex systems where large numbers of system designs need to be investigated is possible. It is also possible to use the reliability prediction methods for part of the decision making on systems operation (when carrying failures) rather than just a means to demonstrate that the system, as designed, is capable of acceptable performance on average. Examples of such applications in the aerospace industry will be given. The techniques are generic and can be applied with similar effect in other industries such as the energy industry.
* John Andrews is the Royal Academy of Engineering and Network Rail Professor of Asset Management in the Nottingham Transport Engineering Centre (NTEC) at the University of Nottingham. Prior to this he worked for 20 years at Loughborough University where his final post was Professor of Systems Risk and Reliability.
Erik Ela, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Denver, USA
* Risk modelling in wind power integration studies: Experience from the United States
* This presentation will focus on the modeling efforts being performed in the United States to evaluate the integration impacts of high penetrations of wind power on certain regional systems. Recently, two large integration studies were performed in the United States for major portions of both the eastern and western electrical interconnections. A further study is evaluating impacts of up to 80% renewable generation (50% variable generation) on the entire country. Many other regional studies have been completed in the past ten years. The presentation will discuss the modeling of risk in terms of power system reliability impacts as well as other results that the studies show. It will also emphasize some additional enhancements that are being researched on how power system modeling can be improved on systems with higher penetrations of wind and other variable generation resources.
* Erik Ela received the BSEE degree from Binghamton University and the MS degree in Power Systems at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He joined the NREL grid integration team to work on wind integration issues. His experience lies mostly in topics relating to grid operations and market operations. Erik previously worked for the New York Inependent System Operator developing and improving products in the energy markets and operations areas.
When faced with a policy decision, government officials find
themselves in situations where 'objective' information is sparse and
they turn to scientific opinion to help inform their decision. The
scientists will often be asked for a number (some kind of best guess,
perhaps) and any uncertainty is ignored. By ignoring the uncertainty,
policy makers are prone to making decisions that could lead to
unexpected outcomes, which could prove costly. When there are data
available, error estimates are typically attainable; however, it is
difficult to quantify uncertainty in scientific opinion. In this talk,
I will show how formal expert elicitation techniques can be used to
capture the uncertainty about subjective judgements and give a
suggestion about how we can be transparent about the uncertainties
that the experts are unwilling to quantify.
I will describe an elicitation exercise that forms part of the recent
animal health bill on disease cost sharing. Since the foot-and-mouth
disease outbreak of 2001 in the UK, there has been debate about the
sharing of these costs with industry and the responsibility for the
decisions that give rise to them. As part of a consultation into the
formation of a new body to manage livestock diseases, government
veterinarians and economists produced estimates of the average annual
costs for a number of exotic infectious diseases. I will describe how
we helped the government experts to quantify their uncertainties about
the cost estimates. The results of the exercise have enabled the
decision makers to have a greater appreciation of the uncertainty in
this policy area.
The Hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm employs Hamiltonian dynamics to provide non-local, non-symmetric proposals for MCMC algorithms. I will briefly describe the algorithm and some of its properties before I present our investigations on the behaviour of the algorithm in high dimensions. Additionally, I will present a modification of the standard method which gives rise to a Hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm on a Hilbert space and discuss its practical implications.
Many modern statistical applications involve inference for complex stochastic models, where it is easy to simulate from the models, but impossible to calculate likelihoods. Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is a method of inference for such models. It replaces calculation of the likelihood by a step which involves simulating artificial data for different parameter values, and comparing summary statistics of the simulated data to summary statistics of the observed data. Here we show how to construct appropriate summary statistics for ABC in a semi-automatic manner. Theoretical results show that, in some sense, optimal summary statistics are the posterior means of the parameters. While these cannot be calculated analytically, we propose using an extra stage of simulation to estimate how the posterior means vary as a function of the data; and then use these estimates of our summary statistics within ABC. Our approach compares with the current norm of the person implementing ABC choosing summary statistics that they think are informative about the parameters. Empirical results, based on two examples from the literature, show that our simulation-based approach to choosing summary statistics can be orders of magnitude more accurate than this alternative.
** This is a rescheduled seminar (previously set on 11 October)**
Stochastic differential equation models (SDEs) are an established tool to describe random continuous time processes. Biomedical experiments often imply repeated measurements on a series of experimental units (e.g. subjects) and individual differences can be represented by incorporating random parameters into a statistical model, whose realizations differ from unit to unit. Such statistical models are known as "mixed-effects" models. I will introduce a framework to modellize simultaneously variability between the observed individual trajectories via a mixed-effects model and randomness into dynamics of the individual trajectory via an SDE, thus providing a powerful modeling tool with immediate applications in biomedicine and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies.
In most cases the likelihood function for such model is not available, and thus maximum likelihood estimation for the unknown parameters is not possible. I will propose a computationally fast approximated maximum likelihood procedure for the estimation of both the non-random parameters and the random effects. An application to neuronal data will be presented.
Stochastic differential equation models (SDEs) are an established tool to describe random continuous time processes. Biomedical experiments often imply repeated measurements on a series of experimental units (e.g. subjects) and individual differences can be represented by incorporating random parameters into a statistical model, whose realizations differ from unit to unit. Such statistical models are known as "mixed-effects" models. I will introduce a framework to modellize simultaneously variability between the observed individual trajectories via a mixed-effects model and randomness into dynamics of the individual trajectory via an SDE, thus providing a powerful modeling tool with immediate applications in biomedicine and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies.
In most cases the likelihood function for such model is not available, and thus maximum likelihood estimation for the unknown parameters is not possible. I will propose a computationally fast approximated maximum likelihood procedure for the estimation of both the non-random parameters and the random effects. An application to neuronal data will be presented.
Lifetime distributions, including many probability distributions such as exponential distributions, Weibull distribution, have been widely used to modelling risk or loss or failure or death in a variety of areas.The data associated with lifetime distribution analyses often get censored. The commonly used method for fitting lifetime distributions, including parameter estimation and confidence interval estimation is maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method. In this talk we present a new method, namely Inverse estimation (IE) method, for fitting a class of lifetime distributions with some types of censored data. The IE method is based on a neat nonlinear combination of the order statistics, and is shown to outperform MLE method for the family of distributions.
Methods for inferring rate constants of stochastic kinetic models associated with Biochemical
networks are now reasonably well developed. Whilst it is possible to work with the exact
discrete stochastic model for inference, computational cost can be prohibitive for networks
of realistic size and complexity. By treating the numbers of molecules of biochemical species
as continuous, a diffusion approximation can be used so that rate constants correspond to
the parameters entering into the drift and diffusion coefficients of a nonlinear SDE. Unfortunately,
Bayesian inference is problematic since closed form transition densities are rarely tractable.
One widely used solution involves the introduction of latent data points between every pair
of observations to allow a sufficiently accurate Euler-Maruyama approximation of the
transition densities. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods can then be used to sample
the posterior distribution of latent data and model parameters; however, naive schemes
suffer from a mixing problem that worsens with the degree of augmentation. We will consider
some recently developed MCMC (and particle MCMC) schemes that are not adversely affected by
the amount of augmentation.
Concepts of robustness are often employed when decisions under uncertainty are made without
probabilistic information. We present a theorem which establishes necessary and sufficient conditions
for non-probabilistic robustness to be equivalent to probability of success. When this "proxy property" holds,
probability of success is enhanced (or maximized) by enhancing (or maximizing)
robustness. Two further theorems establish important special cases. The proxy property implies
that robustness has survival advantage over other strategies. This explains the prevalence of robust
strategies in competition under uncertainty. Applications to foraging, forecasting, economics,
Bayesian model mixing, and Ellsberg's paradox of behavior under ambiguity are discussed.
We analyse the stochastic-dynamical process produced by the Morris-Lecar
neuron model, where the randomness arises from channel noise. Using
stochastic averaging, we show that in a neighborhood of the stable
point, representing subthreshold fluctuations of the neuron, this
two-dimensional stochastic process can be approximated by a
two-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck modulation of a constant
circular motion. The firing of the Morris-Lecar neuron corresponds to
this Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process crossing a boundary, which is equivalent
to the crossing of a one-dimensional leaky integrate-and-fire model with
state dependent noise. This model is the Feller neuron model where an
inhibitory reversal potential is accounted for. The result justifies the
large amount of attention paid to the stochastic leaky integrate-and
fire models. A more detailed picture emerges from simulation studies.
In this talk, we introduce a new generalization of lifetime distributions. The idea of the new generalization is based on using mixtures. Classical and Bayesian estimators of the parameters are found and applied with illustrated examples.
I will discuss various models of random permutations with nonuniform
distributions. One model involves weights that depend on the cycle
structure of the permutation. The other models deal with permutations
of points in space, and there is an additional weight that involves the
length of permutation jumps. The main question is about the possible
occurrence of infinite cycles at high enough density. These models of
random permutations are motivated by quantum statistical mechanics
and by mathematical biology. (This is joint work with V. Betz and
Y. Velenik.)
Methods for inferring rate constants of stochastic kinetic models associated with Biochemical
networks are now reasonably well developed. Whilst it is possible to work with the exact
discrete stochastic model for inference, computational cost can be prohibitive for networks
of realistic size and complexity. By treating the numbers of molecules of biochemical species
as continuous, a diffusion approximation can be used so that rate constants correspond to
the parameters entering into the drift and diffusion coefficients of a nonlinear SDE. Unfortunately,
Bayesian inference is problematic since closed form transition densities are rarely tractable.
One widely used solution involves the introduction of latent data points between every pair
of observations to allow a sufficiently accurate Euler-Maruyama approximation of the
transition densities. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods can then be used to sample
the posterior distribution of latent data and model parameters; however, naive schemes
suffer from a mixing problem that worsens with the degree of augmentation. We will consider
some recently developed MCMC (and particle MCMC) schemes that are not adversely affected by
the amount of augmentation.
The framework of chemical kinetics is now widely used to model activities taking place in the cell. In cases where some species are present at low copy numbers, discrete stochastic modelling is appropriate. However, for reasons of computational efficiency, multi-scale or `hybrid' models that incorporate real-valued stochastic or even deterministic components are attractive.
I will consider two very simple scenarios where analytical insights are possible. First, focusing on mean exit times, I will study the extent to which a real-valued diffusion (Langevin) process can approximate a discrete birth-and-death (Gillespie) process. Second, I will look at a few basic transcription/translation models in gene regulation, including some with feedback loops. Here the effects of mixing and matching modelling regimes can also be quantified.
In this talk, after briefly introducing order statistics and some relevant literature, I will describe single-outlier model and some relevant distribution theory for order statistics arising from such a model. In order to facilitate the generalization of this work to the case of the multiple-outlier model, I will describe the approach based on permanents. I will then present some key results and then illustrate their applications to robustness studies by taking the case of exponential and logistic as illustrative examples.
Biography of the speaker: N. Balakrishnan is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University. His research interests include order statistics, distribution theory, robust inference, multivariate analysis, reliability, and statistical inference. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Communications in Statistics and Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences and the Executive Editor of Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. He has authored/coauthored many books including the four volumes on Distributions in Statistics with Norman Johnson and Samuel Kotz, published by John Wiley & Sons.
In this talk we will introduce nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for multiple comparisons. NPI is a recently developed frequentist statistical framework that makes few modelling assumptions apart from exchangeability of random quantities, with inferences explicitly in terms of future observations, and with uncertainty quantified by lower and upper probabilities. The comparison involves different right censoring schemes, e.g. censoring resulting from early termination of an experiment, progressive censoring and competing risks. (joint work with F. Coolen, Durham University).
Prior-data conflict appears in Bayesian analysis if the observed data are very unlikely with respect to the prior model and the sample size is not large enough to eliminate the influence of the prior. Prior-data conflict is often not reflected in posterior inferences. We consider Bayesian linear regression models based on conjugate priors, and demonstrate that a standard prior model may show some reaction to prior-data conflict. A restricted version of this prior, derived via a general construction procedure for exponential family sampling models, offers clearer insight in some aspects of the update process and is well suited for a generalization towards an imprecise probability model, where, by considering sets of prior distributions instead of a single prior, prior-data conflict can be handled in an appealing and intuitive way. (joint work with T. Augustin, University of Munich).
Functional transformations (Box-Cox) of random data are intensively studied and widely used in statistical practice. Data come from observations of random variables or of stochastic processes. Our goal is to analyse the distributions of the data, before and after transforming, and their properties expressed in terms of the moments. Some distributions are uniquely determined by their moments (M-determinate) while others are non-unique (M-indeterminate). The determinacy property of a distribution is essential in inference problem. We use classical and/or modern criteria to analyse specific stochastic models. General statements will be given and well-illustrated with popular distributions. Some of the reported facts are not so well-known, and even surprising. If time permits, a couple of open questions will be outlined.
We consider principal curves and surfaces in the context of multivariate regression modelling. For predictor spaces featuring complex dependency patterns between the involved variables, the intrinsic dimensionality of the data tends to be very small due to the high redundancy induced by the dependencies. In situations of this type, it is useful to approximate the high-dimensional predictor space through a low-dimensional manifold (i.e., a curve or a surface), and use the projections onto the manifold as compressed predictors in the regression problem. In the case that the intrinsic dimensionality of the predictor space equals one, we use the local principal curve algorithm for the the compression step. We provide a novel algorithm which extends this idea to local principal surfaces, thus covering cases of an intrinsic dimensionality equal to two, which is in principle extendible to manifolds of arbitrary dimension. The novel techniques are applied and motivated using data examples from the physical sciences. (joint work L. Evers, University of Glasgow) .
Let g be the density of a symmetric univariate continuous distribution. I identify a wide class of "transformation of scale" functions t(x) such that functions of the form 2g(t(x)) are also densities; notice that I am not transforming the random variable associated with g and, importantly, that the normalising constant is just (that of g times) 2. Families of distributions are thereby generated by t and g. The basic version of this is the remarkable, simple but largely unknown, Cauchy-Schlomilch transformation. This turns out to be a special case of a more general approach to the problem. It is then seen that these "extended Cauchy- Schlomilch distributions" have close connections to a popular existing method of generating families of distributions and a number, perhaps a greater number, of interesting properties. Their "useful analogue" arises from application of much the same idea to distributions on the circle ... to much the same effect in a context where achieving the same effects as on the real line is not always as easy as it might seem!
A possibility of a non-trivial structure arising in the uniform distribution on the set of all proper colourings of a regular lattice has been an intriguing conjecture for quite a long time. Recently it was shown that this is the case for 3-colourings on a particular lattice (diced lattice). The main idea is based upon an evaluation of the probability of events with distinct coexisting patterns linked with a necessity of passing over appropriately defined barriers.
Based on a joint paper with J. Salas and A. Sokal.
In this talk I will introduce some models arising in neuroscience that can be described with stochastic delay differential equations. I will then present analytical background material and available numerical methods to treat these classes of equations.
We consider online sequence prediction, a standard machine learning task where Learner repeatedly predicts the next outcome in a sequence of trials. The quality of predictions is assessed by a loss function (a scoring rule), and Learner's performance is measured by his accumulated loss. Statistical Learning framework assumes some statistical properties of the trials to construct a good strategy for Learner. Prediction with Expert Advice is an alternative framework, free of statistical assumptions. Instead, it assumes that there is a pool of predictors called Experts and Learner can observe their predictions and must predict (almost) as well as the best Expert. A number of approaches have been suggested for constructing Learner's strategy in this framework. The talk is devoted to recent developments concerning one of those approaches, Defensive Forecasting.
Defensive Forecasting originates from the ideas of game-theoretic approach to probability by Vovk and Shafer and asymptotic calibration by Foster and Vohra. Informally speaking, we choose some desirable statistical property (a test) and, for a given sequence of outcomes (of arbitrary nature), construct a probability measure such that the property holds for these outcomes and this measure. The measure is constructed in online fashion, that is, at each step the distribution for the next trial is constructed and only after that the outcome is revealed. The statistical property (the test) is represented with the help of a continuous supermartingale that grows to infinity on non-complying sequences. At each step, we select a measure such that for any outcome the supermartingale will not grow. This measure (called a neutral measure) exists due to a variant of Minimax Theorem.
For a range of loss functions, we can achieve optimal regret (the difference between Learner's loss and the best Expert's loss) with the help of Defensive Forecasting. To this end we construct a certain supermartingale and a mapping of the measure generated by Defensive Forecasting to Learner's prediction. It turns out that the loss function combined with this mapping becomes a proper scoring rule.
The talk describes results by Volodya Vovk and his collaborators and is partially based on the paper "Supermartingales in Prediction with Expert Advice" (ALT 2008, LNCS vol.5254, pp.199-213). See also
A grade of membership (GoM) model is an individual level mixture model which allows individuals have partial membership of the groups that characterize a population. A GoM model for rank data is developed to model the particular case when the response data is ranked in nature.
Rank data arise when a set of judges rank, in order of their preference, some or all of a set of objects. Such data arise in a wide range of contexts: in preferential voting systems, in market research surveys and in university application procedures. Modelling preference data in an appropriate manner is imperative when examining the behaviour of the set of judges who give rise to the data. Here the Plackett-Luce model for rank data is employed as an appropriate modelling tool. Combining the Plackett-Luce model with the GoM modelling framework gives rise to the GoM model for rank data.
Parameter inference for the GoM model for rank data is achieved in a Bayesian setting using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. A Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler is used for model fitting, but the intricate nature of the rank data model makes the selection of suitable proposal distributions difficult. Surrogate proposal distributions are constructed using ideas from optimization transfer algorithms. Model fitting issues such as label switching and model selection are also addressed.
The GoM model for rank data is illustrated through an analysis of Irish election data where voters rank some or all of the candidates in order of preference. Interest lies in highlighting distinct groups of voters with similar preferences (i.e. 'voting blocs') within the electorate, taking into account the rank nature of the response data, and in examining individuals' voting bloc memberships. The GoM model for rank data is ï¬tted to data from an opinion poll conducted during the Irish presidential election campaign in 1997.
Statistical analysis of computer code implementation of deterministic models of complex physical systems, such as those for climate, hydrocarbon reservoirs and galaxy formation, is a growing field. There is a sizeable group in the department working in this area, some of them employed on the UK Research Councils supported multi-centre four-year project `Managing Uncertainty for Computer Models'.
The talk will cover emulation of multivariate computer codes and likelihood inference for (i) correlation lengths of Gaussian processes, (ii) Box-Cox transformations, (iii) the computer code input which 'best' matches observations on the physical system, and (iv) a parameterised covariance structure of the discrepancy between the computer code and the physical system.
The methods will be illustrated with data from one or more applications. Robustness of likelihood inference to usual Gaussian assumptions for will be considered.
The aim of this talk is to construct non-Gaussian processes that vary continuously in space and time with nonseparable covariance functions. Stochastic modelling of phenomena over space and time is important in many areas of application. We start from a general and flexible way of constructing valid nonseparable covariance functions derived through mixing over separable covariance functions. We then generalize the resulting models by allowing for individual outliers as well as regions with larger variances. We induce this through scale mixing with separate positive-valued processes. Smooth mixing processes are applied to the underlying correlated Gaussian processes in space and in time, thus leading to regions in space and time of increased spread. We also apply a separate uncorrelated mixing process to the nugget effect to generate individual outliers. We consider posterior and predictive Bayesian inference with these models and implement this through a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler. Finally, this modelling approach is applied to temperature data in the Basque country.
First results will be presented on NPI for ordinal data, so categorical data with a natural ordering of the categories. The importance of taking the ordered structure of categories into account will be explained and illustrated. Then first results on NPI for the r-th ordered future observation out of m future observations will be presented. Both these scenarios will be illustrated via comparison of two groups of data.
(Note: Research on the first topic was started by Pauline Coolen-Schrijner, and completed by myself and Tahani Maturi. The second topic is recent research by Tahani and me).
Motivated by two potentially important applications, we will examine a
related idealised methodological problem.
Suppose that we can obtain (not very large) samples from a number of
populations and we hypothesise that the populations have differing
means and standard deviations but share the same underlying unknown
shape for the probability density function. This generalises the
common modelling assumption that each population is normally
distributed, i.e. that the underlying shape is the standard normal.
We will show how to construct a suitable model and apply Markov Chain
Monte Carlo (slight variant on Gibbs sampling) to carry out Bayesian
inference for the underlying shape. Some simulated examples will
explore the limitations of learning in terms of the individual and
overall sample sizes and features of the underlying shape.
The exponential random graph is widely used in the statistical analysis of network data. It is a Markov random field model, and suffers from the problem that the likelihood is unavailable for all but trivially small networks. This talk will present two approaches, one simulation base, the other deterministic, which aim to overcome this difficulty.
We study a continuous time stochastic process on strings made of two types of particles, whose dynamics mimics the behaviour of microtubules in a living cell; namely, the strings evolve via a competition between (local) growth/shrinking as well as (global) hydrolysis processes. We give a complete characterisation of the phase diagram of the model, and derive several criteria of the transient and recurrent regimes for the underlying stochastic process.
This talk will describe key challenges in the mathematical and statistical modelling of electric power systems arising from research in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences at Durham. Topics will include:
- Statistical modelling of available renewable energy resources;
- Probabilistic simulations to support power system planning and operation;
- Component reliability analysis and asset replacement policy for power network components;
- Reliability analysis of wind turbines, and relationship between reliability and weather conditions;
- Economic projection models, considering uncertainty in future background of economic growth, technology development etc;
- Power system dynamics and stability, and blackout prevention.
A theme through all of these topics is that the available data is almost always less complete or extensive than would ideally be desired; quantification of the resulting uncertainty must therefore form a key part of our research.
It is hoped that this presentation will help identify areas for new collaboration between Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at Durham.
Collections of related Poisson or binomial counts arise, for example, from
numbers of failures in similar machines or neighbouring time periods. A
conventional Bayesian analysis requires a rather indirect prior
specification and intensive numerical methods for posterior evaluations.
An alternative approach using Bayes linear kinematics (Goldstein and Shaw,
2004) in which simple conjugate specifications for individual counts are
linked through a Bayes linear belief structure is presented. The use of
transformations of the binomial and Poisson parameters is proposed. The
approach is illustrated in two examples, one involving Poisson counts of
failures, the other involving binomial counts in an analysis of failure
We propose statistical base-calling methodology for use with the Illumina Genome Analyzer, a high-throughput next-generation DNA sequencing platform. This methodology takes account of cross-talk between dye labels and three problems which accrue in clusters of DNA sequence over successive cycles of the sequencer: accumulation of dye reactants (the "sticky T" problem); base-incorporation errors (the "phasing" problem); and terminal failure of the sequencing reactions (the problem of "drop-off"). Our methodology allows for differential rates of phase inaccuracy and drop-off between clusters, and calculates the probability of miscall for each base called. The resulting base-calling algorithm is linear in the number of cycles. We evaluate the performance of this algorithm, and compare its base-calling accuracy to that of the Illumina pipeline.
Sequential decision problems are usually expressed in one of two forms: the normal form, where the subject must specify all his actions in all eventualities in advance, or the extensive form, where the subject's choice at a decision node is determined only if that node is reached. When maximizing expected utility, it is well known that the standard normal form and extensive form solutions are equivalent (where "equivalent" means that the strategies implied by the extensive form solution are exactly the strategies of the normal form solution). When a different choice function on gambles is used, we can find normal and extensive form solutions as usual, but the two are not usually equivalent. I shall detail the properties a choice function must satisfy for equivalence to hold, and make links with related concepts such as Selten's subgame perfectness and Hammond's consequentialist theory.
The mathematical modelling of polymers in solution has produced some fascinating but hard problems, most notably the problem of the self-avoiding walk. The sites visited by the walk represent the locations of the monomers; the increments of the walk represent chemical bonds.
Heuristic arguments dating back to Nobel Laureate P.J. Flory in the 1940s predict the scaling behaviour of self-avoiding walk, but very little is known rigorously. The standard formulation of self-avoiding walk cannot be interpreted as a genuine stochastic process in the usual sense. It is of interest to formulate models for polymer molecules that are genuine stochastic processes. To retain the physical motivation, such processes must be self-interacting in some way, i.e., the stochastic evolution must depend upon the entire history of the process. This introduces challenges for analysis.
In this talk I will discuss a model introduced in collaboration with Francis Comets, Mikhail Menshikov, and Stas Volkov, whereby the intraction of a random walk with its previous history is mediated through the barycentre (centre of mass) of its previous trajectory. I will try to keep the talk fairly non-technical...!
Policy problems, such as those involving mitigation for climate change, often require the use of computer simulators. These computer models mimic complex physical systems and are used to provide insight into how the system will behave under any given policy. We consider the problem where a policy is to be made and where, at a number of fixed points in the future, the system may be observed and the policy may be adapted accordingly. This problem defines a decision tree with infinitely many branches and where the computer simulators are informative for the probabilities on any given branch. We describe a method we call Sequential Emulation that leads to powerful decision support for policy problems. Our methods allow future observations of the complex system along with runs on future improved models for the system to influence the support we offer today.
In this presentation, we show how the NPI model for multinomial data can be used to build classification trees. When using imprecise models in the construction of classification trees, it is necessary to find the maximum entropy probability distribution consistent with the model. We present two algorithms, one approximate and one exact, for finding the maximum entropy distribution consistent with NPI. We then compare our methods with previous approaches including precise and imprecise methods.
A grade of membership (GoM) model is an individual level mixture model which allows individuals have partial membership of the groups that characterize a population. A GoM model for rank data is developed to model the particular case when the response data is ranked in nature.
Rank data arise when a set of judges rank, in order of their preference, some or all of a set of objects. Such data arise in a wide range of contexts: in preferential voting systems, in market research surveys and in university application procedures. Modelling preference data in an appropriate manner is imperative when examining the behaviour of the set of judges who give rise to the data. Here the Plackett-Luce model for rank data is employed as an appropriate modelling tool. Combining the Plackett-Luce model with the GoM modelling framework gives rise to the GoM model for rank data.
Parameter inference for the GoM model for rank data is achieved in a Bayesian setting using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. A Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler is used for model fitting, but the intricate nature of the rank data model makes the selection of suitable proposal distributions difficult. Surrogate proposal distributions are constructed using ideas from optimization transfer algorithms. Model fitting issues such as label switching and model selection are also addressed.
The GoM model for rank data is illustrated through an analysis of Irish election data where voters rank some or all of the candidates in order of preference. Interest lies in highlighting distinct groups of voters with similar preferences (i.e. 'voting blocs') within the electorate, taking into account the rank nature of the response data, and in examining individuals' voting bloc memberships. The GoM model for rank data is ï¬tted to data from an opinion poll conducted during the Irish presidential election campaign in 1997.
Biomarkers are biometric or biochemical quantities in the human body that are frequently measured to; (1) identify those individuals at risk of disease, (2) those individuals with disease but at an earlier stage than would be possible clinically, and (3) those individuals not responding to treatment. They therfore offer an opportunity to target therapy or preventative measures more appropriately than might otherwise be possible. Clearly their sucess depends crucially on developing an appropriate statistical model relating biomarker levels (or changes in levels) to clinical events/outcomes. This talk will discuss some of the statistical approaches currently taken, particularly Bayrsian methods, and illustrate them using a study on yolk sac development during pregnancy to predict first trimester miscarriage.
Modelling of complex corroding industrial systems is critical to effective inspection and maintenance for assurance of system integrity. We model wall thickness and corrosion rate for multiple dependent corroding components, given observations of minimum wall thickness per component. At each inspection, we do not require that the whole system is observed. We adopt a Bayes Linear approach simplifying parameter estimation and avoiding often-unrealistic distributional assumptions. We also estimate key model variances, making exchangeability assumptions to facilitate analysis for sparse inspection time-series. The model is applied to inspection data from pipework networks on a full-scale offshore platform.
Clustering is a widely used technology in extracting useful information from gene expression data, where unknown correlation structures in genes are believed to persist even after normalisation. Such correlation structures pose great challenge to the clustering methods based on Gaussian mixture model (GM), k-means (KM), and partitioning around medoids (PAM) as they are not robust against general dependence within data. Here we use the exponential power mixture models to increase the robustness of clustering against general dependence and non-Gaussian components in the data. An expectation-conditional-maximisation algorithm is developed to calculate the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters in these mixtures. The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is then employed to select the numbers of components in these mixture models. The maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be consistent under sparse dependence. Our numerical results indicate that the proposed procedure outperforms GM, KM, and PAM when there are strong correlations or non-Gaussian components in the data. This is a joint work with Faming Liang in Texas A&M University.
The traditional approach to decision making relies on the use of (precise) probabilitilies to model uncertainty. More specifically, Russell and Norvig (1995) define decision theory as the association of probability theory and utility theory; the former to model uncertainty, and the latter to express preferences. However, it has been shown that many situations cannot be adequately represented by precise probability assessments, and the use of more general models has been advocated.
The goal of this presentation is to show the results obtained so far in our investigation of the conditions under which these general models can be applied to sequential decision making. In particular, we adopt arbitrary choice functions to obtain the main result, and later derive conditions under which this holds for imprecise probabilities. For illustrative purposes, we often refer to decision trees and Markov Decision Processes throughout our exposition. Assumptions are made, and in this initial study we restrict ourselves to the act-state indepenent case. Under these assumptions, we show that the sequential decision process can be optimally solved by considering a sequence of local, single staged problems. A simple coin tossing example is considered.
(This research is the result of collaboration with Matthias C. M. Troffaes and Nathan Huntly from Durham University)
Many platforms perform phased missions made up of several distinct, sequential phases. In order for successful mission completion the platform must operate successfully throughout all of these phases. Increasingly, platforms are required to perform tasks in collaboration in order to achieve some overall mission objective. Each of the individual platforms performs its own phased mission, part of which is a task or tasks that contribute to the overall mission objective. Having the capability to provide mission prognoses for various platform configurations by accurately predicting their reliability can assist in planning the mission to be carried out. This capability is particularly important for collaborating autonomous systems, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which must be able to react quickly to changing mission
circumstances and reconfigure their future actions accordingly.
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) have been used in the past to analyse the failure probability of individual platforms which perform phased missions. This presentation will demonstrate the value of a recently-developed BDD approach to phased mission analysis. In particular, it will be shown how this BDD approach can meet the requirements of a mission planning process for systems of collaborating platforms.
I'll give a brief introduction to queues and networks of queues. The supermarket model is a queueing network consisting of servers and independent arrival streams to sets of servers. At arrival each job is routed to a server from its set where it queues until it is processed and it then departs from the system. The main interest is to study the behaviour/efficiency of the system under various simple routing rules, for example join-the-shortest-queue. I'll try to explain some recent progress in this area without getting too technical about it.
We consider the problem of designing for complex high-dimensional computer models which can be evaluated at different levels of accuracy. Ordinarily, this requires performing many expensive evaluations of the most accurate version of the computer model in order to obtain a reasonable coverage of the design space. In some cases, it is possible to supplement the information from the accurate model evaluations with a large number of evaluations of a cheap, approximate version of the computer model to enable a more informed design choice. We describe an approach which combines the information from both the approximate model and the accurate model into a single multiscale emulator for the computer model. We then propose a design strategy for the selection of a small number of expensive evaluations of the accurate computer model based on our multiscale emulator and a decomposition of the input parameter space. The methodology is illustrated with an example concerning a computer simulation of a hydrocarbon reservoir.
The implementation and evaluation of new machine-learning methods is a cumbersome task. New machine-learning proposals should be evaluated with a wide range of benchmark datasets and compare against some of the state-of-the-art algorithms in order to empirically show the performance of new proposed methods. This task can become a burdensome and time-consuming task if we have to design, develop and test all data structures and algorithms which are needed to implement and evaluate any machine-learning method. Time and memory efficiency issues often arise when this software is developed.
Weka is an open-source java software equipped with a wide range of facilities that ease the implementation and evaluation of new machine-learning methods. In this talk, the main features of this highly cited software will be highlighted. Moreover, it will be detailed a case study with the implementation and evaluation of simple credal decision trees.
Many reliability models are based on threshold crossings. The gamma process and extreme value theory are key tools in these models. In this talk I review some of the aspects of the models and show that there are generalizations with wider application.
I examine the formulation of the models in terms of system state and models for time to failure. There is the natural and well known duality between these models, but it is also possible to generalize and relax assumptions. The models are usually formulated in terms of a stochastic process. The events of interest are defined by the entry or exit of the process into or out of a critical set.
State space models are usually built from variations on shock models with additive increments and an assumption monotonicity. Time domain models are then derived by examining, for example, determining first hitting times. By dropping the requirement of monotonicity the scope of the models can be widened; the construction can be achieved by suppressing the state space and working from arbitrary survival distributions. Some degradation models also give rise naturally to processes with multiplicative increments and can be described by, for example, geometric Brownian motions. The multiplicative models are members of a family of growth models.
Lastly, the evolution of multiple degradation processes is considered. When the initiation of the processes is a Poisson process it is shown that elementary arguments using the classical colouring theorem for Poisson processes captures all aspects of interest for such a model.
In this presentation I shall introduce our research group in Brazil and speak about my main interest: Markov Decision Processes with Imprecise Probabilities. In specific, I am interested in the use of these models in the context of AI planning, where traditional Markov Decision Processes are considered the main tool for solving problems in probabilistic planning. I will give a short introduction in this topic, and present some results obtained.
The talk will present the composite analysis of the critical phenomena (self-similarity, critical indices etc.) for a simplest model of homopolymers in the field of a localized attractive potential. Probabilistically, it is a problem of phase transitions for random walk with interaction.
The ability to estimate a set and its boundary is of primary importance in many fields. As an example, consider estimating the domain of covariates which yield dangerous blood pressure levels.
Here we consider inference of level and sublevel sets of a function by so-called "plug-in" estimators: the level and sublevel sets of a uniformly consistent estimator. We give conditions for strong consistency of these estimators and introduce a method to construct confidence sets. Our results also provide an approach to statistical inference for (compact) random closed sets and their boundaries.
Shape estimation and object reconstruction are common problems in image analysis. Mathematically, viewing objects in the image plane as random sets reduces the problem of shape estimation to inference about sets. Currently existing definitions of the expected set rely on different criteria to construct the expectation.
This talk will introduce new definitions of the expected set and the expected boundary, based on oriented distance functions. The proposed expectations have a number of attractive properties, including inclusion relations, convexity preservation and equivariance with respect to rigid motions. Further, the definitions of the empirical mean set and the empirical mean boundary will be proposed and empirical evidence of the consistency of the boundary estimator will be presented. In addition, the talk will describe loss functions for set inference in frequentist framework. The proposed definitions of the set and boundary expectations will be illustrated on theoretical examples and real data.
We discuss hidden Markov models where the state transition probabilities, as well as the probabilities governing the observational process, may be imprecise, or interval-valued. These are special cases of credal networks, where we replace the usual notion of strong independence with the weaker epistemic irrelevance. We have derived an exact message-passing algorithm that computes updated beliefs for a variable in the network. The algorithm, which is essentially linear in the number of nodes, is formulated entirely in terms of so-called coherent lower previsions. We supply examples of the algorithm's operation, and report an application to on-line character recognition that illustrates the advantages of the model for prediction.
The limit shape of Young diagrams under the Plancherel measure was found by Vershik & Kerov (1977) and Logan & Shepp (1977). We obtain a central limit theorem for fluctuations of Young diagrams in the bulk of the partition 'spectrum'. More specifically, we prove that, under a suitable (logarithmic) normalisation, the corresponding random process converges (in the FDD sense) to a Gaussian process with independent values. We also discuss the link with an earlier result by Kerov (1993) on the convergence to a generalised Gaussian process. The proof is based on the poissonisation of the Plancherel measure and an application of a general central limit theorem for determinantal point processes. (Joint work with Zhonggen Su.)
Recently the study of gradients fields has attained a lot of attention because they are space-time analogy of Brownian motions, and are connected to the Schramm-Lowener evolution. The corresponding discrete versions arise in equilibrium statistical mechanics, e.g., as approximations of critical systems and as effective interface models. The latter models - seen as gradient fields - enable one to study effective descriptions of phase coexistence.
In the probabilistic setting gradient fields involve the study of strongly correlated random variables. One major problem has been open for several decades. What can be proved for the free energy and the Gibbs states for non-convex interactions given a non-vanishing tilt at the boundary? We present in the talk the first break through for low temperature using Gaussian measures and renormalisation group techniques yielding an analysis in terms of dynamical systems. We outline also the connection to the Cauchy-Born rule which states that the deformation on the atomistic level is locally given by an affine deformation at the boundary.
Work in cooperation with R. Kotecky and S. Mueller.
Measurement error modeling, also called errors-in-variables-modeling, is a generic term for all situations where additional uncertainty in the variables has to be taken into account, in order to avoid severe bias in the statistical analysis. The problem is omnipresent in technical statistics, when data from imperfect measurement instruments are analyzed, as well as in biometrics, econometrics or social science, where operationalizations (surrogates) are used instead of complex theoretical constructs. After an introduction into the area of measurement error modelling, the talk discusses the power and some limitations of Nakamura's general principle of corrected score functions, mainly in the context of failure time data. Starting with classical covariate measurement error in Cox's PH model, it is shown how the Breslow likelihood can be corrected, while according to results by Stefanski and Nakamura himself no corrected score function for the partial likelihood can exist. We then turn to parametric failure time models and extend consideration to additionally error-prone lifetimes. Finally some ideas for handling Berkson-type errors (as occurring in Radon studies) and rounded errors will be sketched.
The use of complex models in evaluating health care interventions is becoming more common. One coherent framework in which we can consider these models is that of Bayesian inference. In Ireland, the introduction of HTAs is a recent phenomenon. The first of these to be undertaken under the auspices of HIQA, the relevant Irish body for this work, was on a proposed scheme of vaccination against HPV - the 'Cervical Cancer Vaccine.' The work itself was carried out with very tight timelines and made use of an international team of collaborators. In this presentation we discuss the practical aspects of our evaluation. These include how we combined information from the outputs of a number of quantitative models, how we populated the decision space, and how we dealt with the associated uncertainties. In the UK the QALY, ICER thresholds and a formal process dominates. However, in Ireland a different decision making process applies and it is instructive to explore this from the perspective of a (Bayesian) statistician. Are the approaches similar from a decision theoretic perspective? Is one better than the other? Can we resolve the political challenges posed by 'QALYs' considered across interventions in our quantitative framework? A copy of the HTA itself is available from
Reinforcement learning models are, in essence, online algorithms to estimate the expected reward in each of a set of states by allocating observed rewards to states and calculating averages. Generally it is assumed that a learner can unambiguously identify the state of nature. However in any natural environment the state information is noisy, so that the learner cannot be certain about the current state of nature. Under state uncertainty it is no longer immediately obvious how to perform reinforcement learning, since the observed reward cannot be unambiguously allocated to a particular state of the environment. A new technique, posterior weighted reinforcement learning, is introduced. In this process the reinforcement learning updates are weighted according to the posterior state probabilities, calculated after observation of the reward. We show that this modified algorithm can converge to correct reward estimates, and show the procedure to be a variant of an online expectation-maximisation algorithm, allowing further analysis to be carried out.
One of the most commonly used parametric clustering methods - model-based clustering - assumes that continuous data (possibly after a transformation) comes from a mixture of Gaussian components. The common implicit assumption is that once the best such mixture has been chosen to fit the data, each mixture component is a cluster estimating an underlying (sub-population) group. Clearly there will be issues with such an assumption if the underlying groups do not have Gaussian distributions. While the mixture will still fit the data well, it is likely that if the true underlying groups are non-symmetric, skewed, heavy-tailed, curvilinear or if there are outliers then the number of components in the model will overestimate the number of groups. We look at using hierarchical clustering methods based on a distance defined by the estimated mixture to create a dendrogram with components as leaves - a component cluster tree. This can be used to identify sub-mixtures of combinations of components that will better estimate the underlying groups.
We show that if $X_1,...,X_n$ are a random sample from a log-concave density $f$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, then with probability one there exists a unique maximum likelihood estimator $\hat{f}_n$ of $f$. The use of this estimator is attractive because, unlike kernel density estimation, the estimator is fully automatic, with no smoothing parameters to choose. We exhibit an iterative algorithm for computing the estimator and show how the method can be combined with the EM algorithm to fit finite mixtures of log-concave densities. Applications to classifcation, clustering and functional estimation problems will be discussed, and the talk will be illustrated with pictures from the R package LogConcDEAD.
Co-authors: Madeleine Cule (University of Cambridge), Robert Gramacy
(University of Cambridge) and Michael Stewart (University of Sydney).
Many engineering system designs are variants of earlier generations which have been changed to incorporate innovation and modification. Reliability assessment, conducted during design and development, will inform management decisions concerning, for example, test and analysis regimes to prove fitness of the system for use. This talk develops mixed Bayes and empirical Bayes inference for a reliability model that uses relevant data generated through a variant design process. Structured expert judgment is elicited to specify a subjective prior distribution for mutually exclusive and exhaustive classes of potential faults, while service records provide event histories for heritage designs to characterize the distribution of time to fault realization. The methodology forms a distribution by pooling classes of event data, permitting adjustments from the pool to provide a unique distribution for each class. Alternative approximations for the reliability are examined and their relative accuracy evaluated for subjective prior distributions from the Katz family of counting distributions. These include the Binomial, Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions. The model is extended to update estimates when further design change occurs during development. General forms of the posterior distribution are proven to exist for the selected class of subjective priors and it is shown that the distributions within the Katz family are closed under updating. An application to an industrial problem illustrates how analysis can support planning decisions.
In Bayesian inference for epidemic models, it has become commonplace to treat unobserved data (such as times of infection) as extra parameters to be
estimated, typically using MCMC. Instead of this, we derive bounds on the posterior distribution of the basic reproduction number R0, allowing the
unobserved infection times to vary across their whole feasible region. Using linear programming, we can find such bounds quickly and easily, providing a
diagnostic check on MCMC results. We apply the method to a few different epidemic models from the literature.
In this talk, I will question the usual strong (and often unrealistic) assumptions which most theories of decision take as a prerequisite. In order to relax these assumptions, one approach is to go back to decisions in a for that is as simple as possible. Traditionally, this is taken to be a preference ordering, however I will argue that choice functions a more suitable means for modelling decisions, especially when uncertainty is serious. Finally, I will study the minimal structure required to arrive at the modelling of decision trees, and examine necessary and sufficient conditions on choice functions under which normal form solutions can be derived by backward induction. Surprisingly, this turns out to be possible without ever invoking any concept of utility.
Uncertainty measures play a major role in fields like artificial intelligence, where problems involving formalized reasoning are common. An extensive battery of different uncertainty theories have indeed been developed in the last century or so, starting from De Finetti's pioneering work. Most of them comprise classical probabilities as a special case, and form a hierarchy of encapsulated formalisms. Uncertainty measures of different nature (probabilities, possibilities, belief functions, random sets) can be represented as points of a Cartesian space and there analyzed. We can study the geometry of the region where different classes of measures live in terms of the notion of structured collections of simplices or "simplicial complexes". Evidence aggregation operators (like for instance Dempster's rule of combination) can also be seen as geometric operators. Fundamental problems can then be solved by geometric means. These include, for instance, the issues of how to approximate a belief function or a random set with a probability, or how to compute distances between different uncertainty measures. Reasoning frameworks for interval probabilities based on a credal interpretation of such intervals can be developed.
Testing procedures are reviewed that incorporated the characteristic function and its empirical counterpart. The methods are seen as counterparts in the Fourier domain of classical procedures based on the empirical distribution function. We start with classical goodfness-of-fit problems for parametric families of distributions, and continue with the same problem i) with nuisance regression parameters, ii) in the non-parametric regression case and iii) in the semi-parametric context. We finally cite some other problems in which the Fourier approach has been found application, such as testing for symmetry and independence, as well as the two-sample and the change-point problem. The presentation focuses on basic principles underlying the procedures rather than being technical.
I will review and discuss some of the different themes of regularized estimation of the population covariance matrix:
1. Why estimate it and in what norm?
2. Pathologies of the empirical covariance matrix
3. Notions of sparsity and methods of regularization
4. Results of B-Levina (2004-07)
5. Some future directions
This event is being organised by the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Durham University and Defra's Central Science Laboratory and will be held in Durham on 19th March 2008. The aim of the day is to stimulate discussions about current methods and issues in risk assessment and potentially form research collaborations between organisations.
The ability to infer parameters of gene regulatory networks is a key problem in systems biology. The biochemical data are intrinsically stochastic and tend to be observed by means of discrete-time sampling systems, which are often limited in their completeness.
A naive approach to parameter inference in this context is to work with a deterministic approximation to the stochastic model. Parameter estimates can then be obtained by using standard least squares or maximum likelihood approaches. However, this strategy has been shown not work well in general. The talk will describe an MCMC scheme which makes exact inferences for a partially and discretely observed stochastic kinetic model. The complicating factor here is to allow for uncertainty in the (unknown) sample path between the (partially) observed data points. Unfortunately the algorithm does not scale well to large systems. Other work in the area has sought to find solutions based on stochastic approximations to the true model.
An alternative strategy is to make use of simulators of the true biological model (such as and to calibrate these models by using Bayesian techniques. This is the aim of the CaliBayes project ( Recent developments in the calibration of model simulators are being used to build a higher level computational GRID facility which enables biological modellers to make inferences using multiple post-genomic data resources. The talk will give an overview of the project and describe some recent work with applications to real experimental data.
The task of 'history matching' oil reservoir models to observed data is complex and time consuming. It shares characteristics with inverse problems from many fields of science, and in particular often relies on many runs of computationally expensive finite difference fluid flow codes. The cpu demands mean that one often runs with many fewer simulations than one would like, and often at lower resolution.
There are a number of approaches that are used in history matching and uncertainty quantification. One approach consists of building emulators - computationally cheap approximations to the complex code - and using the emulators in place of the complex code.
The goal of this talk is to describe recent developments in solution error modelling. Solution error modelling aims to fit a statistical model to the difference between a highly resolved physically realistic model, which of necessity cannot be run often enough for use in history matching, and a simpler, reduced resolution or reduced physics model.
The talk will be illustrated with recent applications of the solution error model concept in the oil industry, in the Lorenz equations of atmospheric physics, and in gas dynamics.
Experiments carried out in a computer are often expensive to run, sometimes taking months of computer time. If we are to perform a statistical analysis of such experiments we need to design them carefully. The standard analysis is to build an emulator for the computer code and use this to perform statistical inference. In the design we have two competing priorities: to span the parameter space of the computer code and to estimate the smoothness of the emulator. So far most designs have concentrated on the former problem looking at ways of covering a multidimensional space efficiently. I will discuss whether we can add a small number of points to such a design to produce better estimates of the smoothing (roughness) parameters.
Researchers need access to survey microdata files for analysis. However, in making such files available, the data collection agency needs to protect the confidentiality of the respondents. Even after deleting direct identifiers, such as name and address, it may still be possible for a user of a file to identify a respondent by matching a record to an external database using 'identifying' variables, such as age and occupation. This paper provides a brief introduction to 'statistical disclosure control' and discusses how the 'risk of identification' may be assessed when the identifying variables are categorical and the sample membership is unknown. The approach involves selecting a log-linear model for the identifying variables.
Geostatistics is the branch of spatial statistics whose purpose is to make inferences about a spatially continuous phenomenon using spatially discrete data. Classical geostatistical methods were developed, principally at Ecole des Mines, Fontainebleau, independently of mainstream spatial statistics. The term model-based geostatistics was coined by Diggle, Moyeed and Tawn (1998) to refer to geostatistical analysis based on general statistical principles applied to an explicitly declared stochastic model; see also Diggle and Ribeiro (2007).
Preferential sampling refers to situations in which measurements of a spatial phenomenon are made at locations chosen by a mechanism that is stochastically dependent on the underlying phenomenon itself.
Preferential sampling appears to be widespread in practice, although it is often ignored. Environmental monitoring is a case in point, monitors often being placed near suspected pollution sources.
In this talk I will first review model-based geostatistical methods in the context of an application to tropical disease risk mapping (Diggle et al, 2007). I will then discuss how preferential sampling invalidates standard geostatistical methods and suggest possible remedies. Finally, I will describe an application to environmental monitoring data concerning heavy metal bio-monitoring in Galicia, Spain (Diggle, Menezes and Su, 2007).
Diggle, P.J. Moyeed, R.A. and Tawn, J.A. (1998). Model-based geostatistics (with Discussion). Applied Statistics, 47, 299-350.
Diggle, P.J. and Ribeiro, P.J. (2007). Model-based Geostatistics. New York: Springer.
Diggle, P.J., Thomson, M.C., Christensen, O.F., Rowlingson, B., Obsomer, V., Gardon, J., Wanji, S., Takougang, I., Enyong, P.,Kamgno, J., Remme, H., Boussinesq, M. and Molyneux, D.H. (2007). Spatial modelling and prediction of Loa loa risk: decision making under uncertainty. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 101, 499-509.
Diggle, P.J., Menezes, R. and Su, T-L. (2008). Geostatistical analysis under preferential sampling. (submitted)
Classical risk analysis has focused on situations whose outcomes are determined entirely by probability. Classical game theory has focused on situations in which the only uncertainty is the action of an intelligent opponent. This talk combines both methodologies and applies them in the context of preparation for a hypothetical bioterrorist attack using smallpox. The talk draws upon experience in the federal government and an upcoming National Academies advisory report to the Department of Homeland Security, and points up the advantages of the Kadane-Larkey Bayesian formulation of game theory, particularly in the context of portfolio analysis.
This talk is concerned with Local Bayesian Principal Curves, a Bayesian, piecewise linear model for principal curves. The talk first of all reviews various definitions of principal curves, presents the corresponding algorithms and discusses their shortcomings. Most of these shortcomings can be overcome by the Local Bayesian Principal Curve model. An MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the curves is presented. Generalisations to the case of intersecting and unconnected curves are presented as well as the generalisation of the principal curve algorithm to principal manifolds.
Telecommunications products, such as make up a wireless network, are characterised by the requirement for very high availability, extensive production testing and the use of multiple back-up of critical components. In this talk I will discuss two statistical issues that arise in the testing of telecoms products and in the analysis and prediction of their reliability. The first is the use Bayesian modelling through Bayesian networks to model the complicated structure and dependencies between components and software in these systems; these models are used to produce predictions for product reliablity while the product is in development. The second is an application to production testing, which is a very expensive process for these products. The use of Bayesian inference techniques to estimate test properties has helped to optimise this process.
Biochemical network dynamics follow a continuous-time discrete-state
stochastic process governed by the Chemical Master Equation. It is of
considerable practical interest to be able to infer the rate constants
that parameterise this process using partial discrete-time
observations on the process state. Although it is possible to
construct MCMC algorithms that directly solve this problem, they do
not scale-up well to problems of interesting size and complexity. It
appears more promising to work with an approximation to the real
process, known as the Chemical Langevin Equation. Inference for this
nonlinear multivariate diffusion process is also a very challenging
problem, due to the high dependence between the process parameters and
unobserved sample paths. However, in recent years there have been a
number of interesting developments in the area of inference for
diffusions that are relevant to this problem. I will present some new
approaches to the solution of the problem that utilise MCMC,
sequential filtering, and a multivariate variant of the modified
diffusion bridge construct of Durham and Gallant. The techniques will
be illustrated in the context of some biochemical network problems.
The multivariate normal distribution is the basic model for multivariate continuous variability and uncertainty and its properties are intrinsically interesting. The orthant probability (OP) is the probability that each component is positive and is of practical importance both as the generalisation of tail probability and as the likelihood function for multivariate probit models. Efficient quasi-Monte Carlo methods are available for approximation of OPs but are unsuitable for high-precision calculations. However, accurate calculations are relatively straightforward for some covariance structures other than independence. I shall present the geometry of two ways to express general OPs in terms of these simpler OPs, discuss the computational consequences and briefly illustrate the application of these methods.
Risk and safety assessments performed on potentially hazardous industrial systems commonly utilise Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to forecast of the probability of system failure. In non-coherent fault trees components' working states as well as components' failures contribute to the failure of the system. It is known that the Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) method can improve the accuracy and efficiency of the quantitative analysis of non-coherent fault trees. This talk demonstrates the value of the Ternary Decision Diagram method (TDD) for the qualitative analysis of non-coherent fault trees. The approach is useful in applications for autonomous systems when the decision making process is based on the real-time analysis of fault trees converted to TDDs.
Weighting is a widely used concept in many fields of statistics and has frequently caused controversies on its justification and benefit. In this talk, we analyze design-weighted versions of the well-known local polynomial regression estimators, provide their asymptotic bias and variance, and observe that the asymptotically optimal weights are in conflict with (practically motivated) weighting schemes previously proposed in the literature. We investigate this conflict using theory, simulation, and real data from the environmental sciences, and find that the problem has a surprising counterpart in sampling theory. This leads us back to the discussion on the Horvitz-Thompson estimator and Basu's (1971) elephants. The crucial point is that bias-minimizing weights can make estimators extremely vulnerable to outliers in the design space and have therefore to be used with particular care.
Different aspects of project management are illustrated. They are the results of research projects, still ongoing, and consulting activities which involved CNR-IMATI, Politecnico di Milano and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, and a leading Italian company.
Major emphasis will be devoted to the bidding process, when a company is interested in estimating costs and benefits from taking part in a bid, finalised to the construction of an industrial plant. Three aspects will be considered: forecasts of costs due to construction and losses due to rare but disruptive events, and modelling of competitors' behaviour.
Finally, we address the issue of execution of activities in due time, focusing on forecast of subcontractors' deliveries and critical chain and buffer management.
I will review results on limiting conditional (or quasi-stationary) distributions for irreducible Markov chains and explain why irreducibility is too restrictive an assumption for the variety of models that arise in practice. I will give particular attention to processes with quasi birth-process or quasi death-process transition structure. Some of this is joint work with Erik van Doorn (University of Twente), who is currently visiting Durham. I therefore hope to report on recent findings.
About 10 years ago (see reference below), I presented a Nonparametric Predictive Inferential approach for Bernoulli random quantities, using lower and upper probabilities for future observations. In this talk, I will present examples of these lower and upper probabilities applied to three different situations: (1) multiple comparisons of proportions data; (2) reliability of systems; (3) size and composition of juries.
(1) and (2) are joint work with Pauline Coolen-Schrijner, (3) is joint work with Brett Houlding and Steven Parkinson (as a Nuffield Undergraduate Research project last summer).
Reference: FC (1998). Low structure imprecisepredictive inference for Bayes' problem. Statistics & Probability Letters 36, 349-357.
Suppose a quantity is to be predicted and various models could be used. The approach in model selection is to use just the prediction of the model that appears to be best. An alternative is to form a weighted average of the predictions given by the different models. But what weights should be given to the different models? Should the weight given to a model be reduced if it is very similar to another model? What if two models are virtually identical - should they each be given half the weight that they would otherwise receive?
This talk considers methods of assigning weights on the basis of the correlation structure between models. (In the case of Bayesian model averaging, the focus is on assigning the prior weights.) Different weighting strategies are proposed and desirable properties in a weighting scheme are suggested. Simulation is used to compare the weighting schemes in situations where optimal weights can be determined.
We consider a flow on a probability space which preserves the underlying (probability) measure and derive a relation between (i) the mean number of visits to set A, by the trajectory of a point, until the first time another set B is visited with (ii) the measure of A on the event that the first time that the set B is visited in backwards time. It turns out that this relation generalises a classical formula due to Mark Kac and reduces, in special cases, to the so-called Neveu's exchange formula between Palm probabilities (a simple relation in discrete time). It gives a new method for proving uniqueness of invariant measures in stochastic models such as Harris ergodic Markov chains in discrete time and general state space.
Among the most significant advances in statistical methodology over the last 25 years or so has been the development of highly accurate likelihood-based asymptotic methods of parametric inference. These have the key characteristic of being specifically constructed to respect the needs of conditional inference. This likelihood era has coincided with a bootstrap era which has seen introduction of simple, simulation-based methods which can yield very accurate inference, when viewed from a repeated sampling perspective, in many settings, especially in parametric problems. In this talk we examine the properties of unconditional bootstrap methods from the perspective of conditional inference, and reveal astonishing levels of conditional accuracy. We weigh the pros and cons of the two approaches to parametric conditional inference and suggest a winner.
The integrated density of states (IDS) is a well defined notion for discrete Laplace operators on Cayley graphs of finitely generated amenable groups. In the talk we will restrict ourselves to the subcritical percolation case, where the Laplacian is a random operator defined on subcritical percolation subgraphs. We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of the IDS while approaching the lower spectral edge. This behavior depends on the growth rate of the graph. In particular there is a dependency on whether the growth is polynomial or superpolynomial. The results are obtained following the arguments of Werner Kirsch and Peter Müller in the lattice case and using the isoperimetric inequality of Coulhon & Saloff-Coste.
I'll discuss theoretical issues when developing a theory of
probability which admits conditioning on zero probability events,
different ways of arriving at a definition of irrelevance and
independence, why they (don't) make sense, and discuss an alternative
based on non-standards.
Inference and parameter estimation for stochastic epidemic models has been greatly facilitated by Bayesian methods and associated computational techniques such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. The question of how experiments should be designed - e.g. how populations should be sampled in space and time - to maximise the insights gained from these analyses is now being considered. This talk will describe how the Bayesian approach to experimental design, originally due to Muller, can be applied in the context of nonlinear stochastic epidemic models. In this approach, the design itself is treated as a random quantity. A distribution, which depends fundamentally on the utility of the design, is assigned to model parameters, experimental outcome and experimental design jointly. The design which is optimal, in terms of having the highest expected utility, corresponds to the mode of the design marginal distribution. We will demonstrate how, by using approximations to parameter likelihoods based on moment closure methods, it is computationally feasible to implement this approach to design experiments in practically relevant situations. In particular, we use the methods to explore possible designs for microcosm experiments on epidemics of fungal pathogens in plant communities.
Let~$\Xi$ be the set of points (we call the elements of~$\Xi$
centers) of
Poisson process in~$\R^d$, $d\geq 2$, with unit intensity. Consider the
of~$\R^d$ to~$\Xi$ which is stable in the sense of Gale-Shapley marriage
and in which each center claims a region of volume~$\alpha\leq 1$.
We prove that there is no percolation in the set of claimed sites
is small enough, and that, for high dimensions, there is percolation
in the set of claimed sites if~$\alpha<1$ is large enough.
"Over the past decade, fluid models have become one of the main tools for analyzing queueing networks. They can be used to study the stability (i.e., recurrence) and heavy traffic limits (i.e., scaled diffusive limits) of queueing networks. In both cases, this provides a systematic approach for reducing problems in a random setting to simpler deterministic ones. The talk will provide a summary of the main results in the area."
"I will present some recent results from two threads of research in mathematical and applied ecology. The first, the calculation of extinction risk, has been of great interest to ecologists for several decades. Many methods to quantify extinction risk exist, each motivated by a different mathematical or pure or applied scientific purpose. A choice must often be made between conciseness and precision in developing these methods. For Markov population processes, the decay parameter $\lambda$ and associated $\lambda$-invariant measure and vector quantify the long-term risk of extinction in a way that is arguably both concise and precise. Surprisingly, their application to this area was only recently recognised in the ecological literature. The second thread that I will discuss concerns the optimal management of populations, in particular managing populations in order to maximise persistence or financial value over time. This maximisation can also be expressed in terms of a more general concept of long-term risk in a modified population process. I will draw on this connection between extinction risk and optimal management to argue that in long-term risk there is an intersection between theoretical and applied interests. This provides a powerful quantitative tool for informing practical decision-making in conservation. (This is joint work with John McNamara and Karin Harding.)"
"This talk will give an overview of the label semantics framework for modelling uncertainty associated with vague description labels. In contrast to fuzzy logic and other multi-valued logic approaches,label semantics encodes the meaning of linguistic labels according to how they are used by a population of communicating agents to convey information. From this perspective, the focus is on the decision making process an intelligent agent must go through in order to identify which (if any) labels are appropriate to use in order to describe a particular object or value. Central to this approach is an epistemic stance, according to which individual agents assume the existence of a set of conventions governing appropriate label use, which should be adhered to during communications, but which are only partially known to them. This approach is similar to the `anti-representational' view of vague concepts proposed by Parikh,and also to the work of Kyburg and Williamson. <br> A formal calculus is proposed based on two inter-related measures quantifying an agents subjective belief as to the appropriateness of labels for a given instance. It shown that this calculus can never be truth functional, but can be functional in a weaker sense. Within this framework we then consider how agents might identify a particular appropriate expression to assert, and what information may be conveyed by such assertions."
"Objective Bayesianism has been criticised for not allowing learning from experience: it is claimed that an agent must give degree of belief 1/2 to the next raven being black, however many other black ravens have been observed. I argue that this objection can be overcome by appealing to *objective Bayesian nets*, a formalism for representing objective Bayesian degrees of belief. Under this account, previous observations exert an *inductive influence* on the next observation. I show how this approach can be used to capture the Johnson-Carnap continuum of inductive methods, as well as the Nix-Paris continuum, and show how inductive influence can be measured."
"Boostrap methods of inference - in particular, the construction of confidence regions and hypothesis testing - will be reviewed. Topics to be discussed will include: the use of pivotal statistics; boostrap hypothesis tests versus permutation tests; and the extent to which theoretical properties are reflected in practice. Applications in non-linear settings - directional statistics and shape analysis - will be described and used for illustrative purposes."
"The SIS (Susceptible -> Infective -> Susceptible) epidemic model is the simplest epidemic model which exhibits endemic behaviour. Most of the `classical' results for stochastic epidemic models are asymptotic results as the population size becomes infinitely large. Therefore the implicit homogeneously mixing assumption of the SIS epidemic becomes increasingly unrealistic, and so, over the last fifteen years considerable attention has been devoted to the analysis of the spread of infectious diseases in heterogeneously mixing populations. The prime example is the household epidemic model which has been studied extensively for the SIR epidemic model. However very little has progress has been made with the SIS epidemic model.<br> In this talk I shall consider the SIS household epidemic model. We shall study both the stochastic and deterministic model. In particular we show how Markov chains can be utilised to obtain the equilibrium distribution of the deterministic model. We shall also consider the fluctuations of the stochastic model about the deterministic trajectory."
"Quasi stationarity is a notion used to describe the behaviour of processes that eventually die out, but display stationary-like behaviour over any reasonable time-scale. For example, a threatened species may survive for extended periods before becoming extinct; a telecommunications network may fluctuate between congested and uncongested states without any apparent change in demand, and stay in each state for long periods; and a chemical system where one species can become depleted (and thus stop the reaction) may settle to a stable equilibrium. <br> I will summarise known results in this area and look at some of the many avenues available for further research. I will illustrate these results with reference to a particular class of auto-catalytic chemical reactions. <br> Central to the theory of quasistationary distributions is a quantity known as the <em>decay parameter</em>, which describes the rate of exponential decay of the transition probabilities of an absorbing Markov chain. Despite its importance, the decay parameter is notoriously difficult to evaluate or even approximate. <br> I will outline a non-standard characterisation of the decay parameter and indicate how this leads to explicit bounds for the decay parameter of a general birth-death process. An immediate corollary is a necessary and sufficient condition for positivity of the decay parameter; which I will illustrate with several examples. This is joint work with Hanjun Zhang and Phil Pollett."
"Fatigue in metals is the deterioration in load-bearing capability leading to ultimate failure and caused by repeated application of stress. An understanding of fatigue is crucial to safety and reliability in many of the systems fundamental to modern living. Randomness is intrinsic to fatigue: loads, environmental conditions and material quality are all variable, and the fundamental mechanisms of fatigue, the initiation and propagation of cracks, are governed by the internal microstructure of the metal, which is naturally described in stochastic terms. Within stochastic modelling, extreme value ideas are now being recognised as central aids to the understanding and prediction of fatigue properties. The talk will show how fatigue questions are giving rise to some interesting new problems (and tentative answers in some cases) in statistical extreme value theory."
"Many multivariate data sets have a structure that suggests MANOVA, but that do not satisfy the necessary assumptions for such analysis. Interest has recently focused on a parallel type of analysis, but conducted on dissimilarity matrices obtained from the raw data. This talk will review the basis of such an approach, outline the main steps in the analysis, and show how biplots and sensitivity analysis can be added to the basic method. An ecological data set will be used as a running example to illustrate the methods. "
" We look at the mathematics of bandwidth allocation and control in networks with simultaneous resource requirements (as is required in communications networks which require streaming applications). We are interested in the problem of stability. A control strategy (bandwidth allocation) is stable if the corresponding network is positive recurrent. <p> A network with given capacities and input rates is feasible if each resource has sufficient capacity for those call types which use it, and a control strategy is Pareto efficient (PE) if no call type may be allocated more bandwidth without decreasing that allocated to other call types. For every feasible network there exists at least one PE control strategy which is stable However, it is well-known that the simultaneous resource requirement for calls of each type means that, for all but the simplest networks, not every PE control strategy is stable. <p> We attempt to develop some characteristics of stable control startegies.
"Consider an one-dimensional random walk with negative drift. We review known results on the distributional tail asymptotics for its maximum. Then we show how to use these results for obtaining the tail asymptotics for sojourn times distributions in some stochastic networks. "
"Ecological data can be collected in a number of ways, generally dependent on the particular biological questions of interest. We focus on capture-recapture data often collected to obtain estimates of demographic parameters of interest, and consider in detail data relating to a population of Soay sheep. Several issues arise within this particular dataset that need to be addressed in the analysis of the data. Additional covariate information is collected, which we wish to incorporate into the analysis, however, some of these covariate values are missing (i.e. not recorded). Further, not only is parameter estimation of interest, but also the identification of the underlying model, i.e. the covariates that influence the survival rates of the population. This can be very important in understanding the underlying dynamics of the population, as well as making predictive inference. In order to fit the models to the data and obtain insight into the behaviour of the population, we use a Bayesian approach; a paradigm which is becoming increasingly widespread within Ecology. In particular, we are able to quantitatively discriminate between competing models via posterior model probabilities, and obtain posterior model-averaged estimates of interest. These are obtained via the reversible jump MCMC algorithm. We will discuss the results obtained, and their corresponding biological interpretation, including the impact of breeding and condition on the survival of the sheep. "
"There are $n$ queues, each with a single server. Customers arrive in a Poisson process at rate $\lambda n$, where $0<\lambda <1$. Upon arrival each customer selects $d \geq 2$ servers uniformly at random, and joins the queue at a least-loaded server among those chosen. Service times are independent exponentially distributed random variables with mean 1. We show that the system is rapidly mixing, and then investigate the maximum length of a queue in the equilibrium distribution. We prove that with probability tending to 1 as $n \rightarrow \infty$ the maximum queue length takes at most two values, which are $\ln\ln n/ \ln d +O(1)$.
It is known that the equilibrium distribution of a typical queue length converges to a certain explicit limiting distribution as $n \to \infty$. We quantify this convergence by showing that the total variation distance between the equilibrium distribution and the limiting distribution is essentially of order $n^{-1}$; and we give a corresponding result for systems starting from quite general initial conditions (not in equilibrium). Further, we quantify the result that the systems exhibit propagation of chaos: we show that the total variation distance between the joint law of a fixed set of queue lengths and the corresponding product law is essentially of order at most $n^{-1}$.
This is joint work with Colin McDiarmid."
"Poisson equation in the whole space is a powerful tool for establishing limit theorems for Markov processes. Until recently, however, it was not studied in detail. Recent results will be presented. "
"Methods for investigating the structure in contingency tables are typically based on determining appropriate log-linear models for the classifying variables. Where one or more of the variables is ordinal, such models do not take this property into account. In this talk, I describe how the multivariate probit model (Chib and Greenberg, 1998) can be adapted so that ordinal data models can be compared using Bayesian methods. By a suitable choice of parameterisation, the conditional posterior distributions are standard and are easily simulated from, and reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo computation can be used to estimate posterior model probabilities for undirected decomposable graphical models. The approach is illustrated with two examples."
"Different from the Markov branching process, the weighted collision branching process is an interacting branching system. The basic properties regarding uniqueness, extinction and explosion behaviour of such system are addressed in this talk. It is proved that the super-explosive weighted collision branching process is honest if and only if the mean death rate is greater than or equal to the mean birth rate while the sub-explosive one is almost honest. Explicit expressions for the extinction probability, the mean and the conditional mean extinction times are presented. The explosion behaviour of such interacting branching models is investigated and an explicit expression for mean explosive time is established. It is revealed that these basic properties are substantially different between the super-explosive and sub-explosive weighted collision branching processes.
"I will briefly outline a stochastic ordering result for the classical SIS (Susceptible - Infected - Susceptible) infection model. I will then describe how the SIS model may be extended to incorporate indirect transmission of infection via free-living infectious stages (eg environmental bacteria). For the extended model I will discuss limiting conditional distributions of interest, questions of existence, Normal approximation, a simulation method using a piecewise-deterministic Markov process approximation, and the effect of indirect transmission upon persistence time of the infection. "
"The Karlin-McGregor representation for the transition probabilities of a birth-death process with an absorbing bottom state involves a sequence of orthogonal polynomials and the corresponding measure. This representation can be generalized to a setting in which a transition to the absorbing state (killing) is possible from any state rather than just one state. In the talk I will discuss to what extent properties of birth-death processes, in particular with regard to the existence and shape of quasi-stationary distributions (initial distributions which are such that the state distribution of the process, conditional on non-absorption, is constant over time), remain valid in the generalized setting. It turns out that the elegant structure of the theory of quasi-stationarity for birth-death processes remains intact as long as killing is possible from only finitely many states, but becomes more elaborate otherwise. (The talk is based on joint work with P. Coolen-Schrijner and A. Zeifman.) "
"We present a new interval probabilistic method for predictive inference based on multinomial data. The underlying model uses a probability wheel representation with segments representing observation categories, and an adapted version of Hill's assumption A_(n), which is closely related to exchangeability, to link future observations to data. We compare this approach to Walley's `Imprecise Dirichlet Model' (IDM). (This is joint work with Thomas Augustin (Munich).) "
"The advent of web-technologies has brought the possibility of supporting geographically and temporally dispersed decision making. However, while the technology is available, it is not clear that valid methodologies for its use are. Many approaches to supporting decision making are driven by the perspective of a single decision maker. Yet there are many reasons including Arrows Impossibility Theorem, to expect that the extension of these individualistic theories to a group context will be fraught with difficulty. This paper explores these issues and considers the way forward for the design and use of distributed or web-enabled group strategic decision support and for a more substantive approach to participative e-democracy. It suggests that valid web-enabled group decision support and e-democracy will need address communication and explanation within the human-computer interface much more than has occurred to date.
<P><P> Keywords: Arrows impossibility theorem; the Bayesian paradigm; group decision support systems (GDSS); e-democracy; procedural and substantive democracy; societal decisions.
"Suppose G is a finite graph, and particles arrive at the vertices of G, in random order. A particle is accepted at a vertex if no particle has previously been accepted there or at any adjacent vertex; otherwise it is discarded. This is a model for chemical adsorption. Graphs of interest include trees and lattices. We describe some qualitative and quantitatitive results. "
"This talk is concerned with a stochastic model for the spread of an SIR (susceptible -> infected -> removed) epidemic among a closed, finite population partitioned into households that contain several classes of individual. Individuals are classified, for example, into age groups and/or by vaccination status. This model permits heterogeneity of infection rates for between-household and within-household infections, as well as the heterogeneity of rates between the classes of individual.
The threshold behaviour of the model is briefly outlined and methods for making statistical inferences about the parameters governing such epidemics from final outcome data are described. The asymptotic properties of these procedures, as the number of households becomes large, can then be determined. The talk will then focus on an example of conducting such inference."
"We present new methodology to extend Hidden Markov models to the spatial domain, and use this class of models to analyse spatial heterogeneity of count data on a rare phenomenon. This situation occurs commonly in many domains of application, particularly in disease mapping.
We assume that the counts follow a Poisson model at the lowest level of the hierarchy, and introduce a finite mixture model for the Poisson rates at the next level. The novelty lies in the model for allocation to the mixture components, which follows a spatially correlated process, the Potts model, and in treating the number of components of the spatial mixture as unknown. The model introduced can be viewed as a Bayesian semiparametric approach to specifying flexible spatial distributions in hierarchical models. "
"Modern experimental techniques, especially Magnetic Resonance Imaging, can collect hundreds of megabytes of data per experimental 'point'. The challenge is to identify the small amount of signal amongst a lot of noise, to determine what is statistically significant and to take spatial structure into account. Jonathan Marchini and I have developed some successful examples in collaboration with Oxford's MRI centres, and the talk will cover at least two of these.
The talk will be illustrated with many pictures and (if possible) some movies, so no prior knowledge of imaging and very little of statistics will needed. "
"Computer models of physical systems are used in many fields, and the various statistical problems regarding their use, such as consequences of input parameter uncertainty and discrepancies between model predictions and reality have long been of interest to statisticians, in particular those at Durham and Sheffield. In this talk I will introduce a relatively new application area, health economics, and discuss the use of computer models in this field and the methodological challenges that arise. "
"Geophysical methods have been widely used for deep-earth studies since the early decades of the 20th century, such as e.g. earthquake seismology and hydrocarbon reservoir exploration. With the advent of affordable, sophisticated, and highly mobile field equipment especially since the late 1980s, combined with ever increasing computational power and software resources, geophysical technology is becoming increasingly popular for shallow investigations (i.e. within the first few tens of metres below the ground surface). The latter are multi-facetted, including e.g. environmental, engineering, archaeological, glaciological, military, and forensic applications. Conventional methods of shallow ground investigation typically involve either borehole drilling or excavation, both of which are financially and logistically expensive, as well as limited in their aerial coverage. In contrast, geophysical methods are advantageous because they are largely non-invasive, and now routinely support spatially continuous coverage in 2-D or even 3-D for a fraction of the cost of conventional methods. Given such exciting capabilities for rapid collection of large, multi-dimensional data sets using a variety of geophysical techniques, each of which is sensitive to a particular physical ground property, new challenges have emerged in recent years, which are conveniently formulated in terms of two key questions:
1. How can different types of geophysical data (such as e.g. electrical conductivity, seismic velocity, radar velocity, etc.) be quantitatively amalgamated to produce one common diagnostic variable that reflects the desired ground phenomenon (e.g. hydrocarbon contamination) particularly well, and at particularly enhanced spatial resolution?
2. How can the spatial scales of geophysical methods (typically several decimetres to metres) be matched to those of ‘ground-truthing’ borehole data (typically several millimetres to centimetres)? Suitable scaling approaches would strongly support the use of spatially continuous geophysical data as tools for interpolation of the targeted ground property between sampling stations, thus building up validated, multi-dimensional images of this property. It is anticipated that statistical methods are particularly well-suited to meeting these key challenges, as underlined by recent encouraging developments, which are nonetheless still sparse. This seminar presentation is specifically designed to highlight these key challenges, and hopes to stimulate discussions regarding potential solutions based on statistical methods. The first part of the presentation will focus on introducing the concepts of the most important shallow geophysical methods, as well as environmental targets of particular current focus. In the second part a variety of particularly relevant geophysical case studies will be presented, finally leading to a series of open questions and key challenges. "
"Two tests are performed on cattle faeces to detect e-coli O157 bacteria. Spiral Plating of cattle faeces allows a veterinary researcher to count the number of bacteria, though this test usually gives a count of zero when intensity of the bacteria in the faeces is less than 250 cfu/g. The IMS test is more accurate at detecting e-coli, detecting the bacteria at intensities as low as 10 cfu/g, but is only a presence/absence test which provides no indication of the amount of bacteria present. It is expected that pats from the same animal are likely to be correlated, as are animals within the same pen and pens within the same farm. A multi-level model is built for the bivariate data from cow pats to assess the relative importance of these various components of variation. A key feature of the model is that the random effects from the bivariate IMS data are allowed to be correlated with the random effects for the count data. The data suggest a positive correlation between the two effects, meaning that animals who is usually free of e-coli will have low counts on the occasions when it does become infected. "
"Interpolating between renewals and minimal repairs of complex systems, we propose a parametric framework of stochastic point processes as mathematical models for reliability and imperfect maintenance. The underlying model for successive inter- failure times is assumed to be a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. We consider extensions to allow for preventive maintenance actions and to determine strategies for optimal scheduling of these actions. We refer to these as the additive (AIM) and geometric (GIM) intensities models. Subjective prior distributions are developed for dealing with unknown model parameters. Our theory is illustrated by application to valve maintenance data from a continuous process industry.
"With all the excitement generated by gene sequences, it is easy to forget that the primary purpose of most genes is to code for proteins. The proteins are biological macromolecules that are of primary importance to all living organisms. If gene sequencing is like the recording of music, then proteins are like the playback.
Recently, there have been phenomenal growth in protein data bases followed from gene sequences and have raised various new challenges. There is now a wealth of information about the primary structure of proteins since the DNA sequence in a gene determines the amino acid sequence. In principle, this amino acid sequence determines the shape of the protein or how it folds into three- dimensions. One of the most challenging problems is how to predict the final three-dimensional shape from the amino acid sequence information.
Within this framework, a key problem in proteomics is to provide a methodology which, given a query molecule, will find other similar molecules within a large data base. This problem of matching aims to resolve functions of unknown proteins, and to design new enzymes for examples. In effect, the problem reduces to matching two configurations in 3-Dimensions of unequal size where the points are not labelled and the match has to be invariant under some transformation group. We will describe some new stochastic geometrical approaches to this problem. We will illustrate our methodology by matching active sites of two proteins. "
"Models to estimate reliability of engineering systems are often used in isolation and so do not inform the design process. Consequently predictions are not trusted to provide useful reliability forecasts or to provide insight into ways in which the product might be enhanced. Given changing business practices, there is an increasing need to ensure reliability is built in during design. A modelling framework that was motivated by experience in the aerospace industry is presented to support this process. The underpinning logic and application to industrial cases are described and the use of the models is reflected upon with suggestions for future inprovements."
"The talk covers the development of a general model for inspection, repair and replacement of a system subject to stochastic degradation. The models are applicable to systems described by monotone or non-monotone stochastic processes. Explicit results are available for some Levy process models. Optimum policies are determined for both average and discounted cost criteria."
"Understanding the evolution of individuals which live in a structured and fluctuating population is of central importance in mathematical population biology. Two types of structure are important. First individuals live in a particular spatial location and their rate of reproduction depends on where they are and who is living near them. Second, if we are to make inferences from genetic data then we must understand how genes evolve as they pass through different genetic backgrounds.
In this lecture we present some of the mathematical challenges that arise from these two basic questions."
"Wavelet shrinkage is an effective nonparametric regression technique when the underlying curve has irregular features such as spikes or discontinuities. The basic idea is simple: take the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of data consisting of a signal corrupted by noise; shrink the wavelet coefficients to remove the noise; and then invert the DWT to form an estimate of the true underlying curve. Various authors have proposed methods of doing this using real-valued wavelets. Complex-valued versions of some wavelets exist, but are rarely used. We propose two shrinkage techniques which use complex wavelets. Simulation results show that both methods give smaller errors than using state of the art shrinkage rules with real-valued wavelets. "
"Consider the d-dimensional lattice Z^d where each vertex is `open' or `closed' with probability p or 1-p respectively. An open vertex v is connected by an edge to the closest open vertex w such that the dth co-ordinates of v and w satisfy w(d) = v(d) -1. In case of non-uniqueness of such a vertex w, we choose any one of the closest vertices with equal probability and independently of the other random mechanisms. It is shown that this random graph is a tree almost surely for d=2 or 3 and it is an infinite collection of distinct trees for d >=4. In addition, for any dimension, we show that there is no bi-infinite path in the tree.
"I plan to give an overview (and insights!) on classical and recent results on integrated and local asymptotics for the maxima of a random walk with negative mean in the presence of heavy tails. Further, I will consider more general concepts of Markov-modulated random walks and monotone-separable stochastic networks, and formulate new asymptotic results for these stochastic processes.
"The most important objective in development or improvement of consumer (food) products it to achieve robust and stable products with the desired quality and characteristics. Type and amount of ingredients (recipe), processing steps, packaging and storage conditions will all affect the product properties through complex relations. In order to understand how these elements interact in their influence on product attributes, the product development team must take all elements into account simultaneously. The tools of experimental designs are vital to this approach. Shelf life studies are important for food manufacturers,and product robustness to environmental factors could be analysed by using methods of repeated measures - multiple outcomes in time or space measured on each subject. To be able to identify and understand possible effects from - and interactions between - production factors, storage factors and repeated measures on the response, the statistical model must describe a complete empirical functional relationship between the response and all factors and interactions. When product samples are made from a factorial design in several production factors, then split and stored for a time period under different conditions while repeated measures of the product during storage are taken, a split-plot-like situation is generated, which is also a multistratum unit structure. The general aspects of combining a response surface design to repeated measure-ments in a mulitistratum unit structure will be discussed and illustrated by a case study related to the production and storage of low-fat mayonnaise. Some issues of analysing and modelling such data will be discussed. These comprise graphical plots, choice of design and statistical model with emphasis on the general linear mixed model (SAS). "
"A repairable system can briefly be characterized as a system which is repaired rather than replaced after a failure. In the present paper we study systems with more than one component, where to each failure time is associated a unique failing component.
We consider the problem of identifying a model within a given class of probabilistic models for the system. Different models corresponding to different repair strategies are considered: a partial repair model where only the failing component is repaired; perfect repair, where all components are as good as new after a failure; and minimal repair, where components are only minimally repaired at failures. We show that on the basis of single socket data the partial repair model is identifiable, while the perfect and minimal repair models are not.
This is joint work with Bo Lindqvist
"The talk considers estimation of the regression parameters of a linear model when the covariable data matrix is assumed to belong to a bounded set of matrices."
"Vertex-reinforced jump process (VRJP) is a natural extension of Vertex-reinforced random walk (VRRW) to continuous time. Both of them are the examples of "nostalgic" processes, which are more likely to go to a vertex already visited before.
During the first half of the talk I am going to describe some of the reinforced processes present "on the market", and to outline the history of study of these processes, which started with the work of Coppersmith and Diaconis (1987). It should be noted that they, as well as many subsequent authors, studied edge-reinforced random walk (with the most recent work of Durrett, Kesten, and Limic (2001)). VRRW is due to Pemantle (1992), and VRJP was probably first conceived by Werner a few years ago.
The second half of the talk will be devoted solely to the VRJP and the comparison of VRJP to other reinforced process. This is a joint work of Burgess Davis and myself. "
"An aim of many epidemiological studies is to assess the association between a binary exposure variable and the presence or absence of a disease. We suppose the exposure variable is subject to misclassification, perhaps due to forgetfulness or misreporting, but true exposure has been determined for a subset of the study group using an expensive "gold-standard" measure. A two-stage Bayesian method will be presented for analysing the study. The first stage analyses data from the validation sub-study group, whose exposure has been determined using both an inexact and the gold-standard measures. The second stage analyses data from the main study group for whom only the inexact measure has been used. The first stage is analytically tractable and MCMC methods are used for the second stage. The posterior distribution from the first stage becomes the prior distribution for the second stage, thus transferring all relevant information between the stages. Both unmatched case-control studies and matched case-control studies will be considered and the task of choosing an appropriate vague prior distribution will also be addressed."
"Fault Tree Analysis was first conceived in the 1960's at Bell Telephone Labs, USA whilst undertaking a project on the Minuteman Missile. Its time dependent mathematical theory, known as Kinetic Tree Theory, was developed about 10 years later by the Nuclear Industry. Since then it has been used to predict the failure probability of safety systems in many industries and is used extensively in Risk Analyses and Safety Cases.
This talk will describe the basic elements of a fault tree and the traditional mathematical method used for its quantification. The talk will then go on to describe the latest developments in this field. They can be considered in two areas: developments which improve the accuracy and efficiency of the technique, and developments which broaden the scope for using the technique. Examples of advances in both of these area will be given.
"There is a general assumption in much of the literature on FDI that foreign owned plants have higher productivity. The purpose of this paper is to answer the important question: 'Are foreign owned plants better?' Using UK manufacturing data over the period 1974-1995, our results provide robust empirical support for the view that in general, they are. This is of policy relevance in that it provides a clear rationale for support programmes aimed at attracting FDI for the direct benefits that it brings. It also highlights hindrances that may face inward investors, particularly cultural barriers. "
"A classical result for the Galton-Watson process, in which each person gives rise to an independent number of children according to a single family size distribution, is that the martingale formed by normalizing the size of the nth generation by its expectation converges in mean exactly when the family size distribution has a finite XlogX moment. Any martingale induces (or is) a change of measure. By identifying and using the new measure, Lyons, Pemantle and Peres, provided a new proof of the classical result in 1995. Viewed in the right way, the change of measure turns the branching bush that is the Galton-Watson process (in which every family looks the same) into a tree with a trunk, where branching from the trunk is different from elsewhere. The classical martingale arises naturally from a (very simple!) function that is 'harmonic in mean'. The aim of this talk will be to show how the proof works and, with this concept of 'harmonic in mean', extends. "
"Voronoi tessellation is one of the simplest model for many systems employing subdivisions of space. Quite often, however, more realistic modelling calls for more complex tessellations that could take into consideration the observed irregularity of cells.Let T_0, T_1,... be a sequence of tessellations which cells are associated with nuclei. For each T_0-cell C(x) with nucleus x the aggregate cell C_0^1(x) of level 1 is the union of those cells of T_1 which nuclei lie in C(x). The second level aggregate cell C_0^2(x) is the union of those T_2-cells which nuclei lie in C_0^1(x), etc. Such aggregate tessellations appear naturally, for instance, in modelling of hierarchical telecommunications networks, where the the cells C_0^n represent the service zones of switches (n+1)-levels above in the hierarchical chain. Even if all T_i are Voronoi tessellations, the aggregate tessellations' cells may be empty, they are not, in general, convex nor connected nor contain their nuclei. We present results for aggregate tessellations that are based on stationary random tessellations, mainly Poisson-Voronoi ones. We find expressions for a typical aggregate cell's coverage probability, give bounds on variation of its boundary and study conditions assuring existence of the limit fractal tessellation as n grows to infinity. The talk will (hopefully) be assisted by a computer program PVAT downloadable from the author's web-page, enabling construction and visualisation of aggregate tessellations."
"In response in part to the interest of physicists in the entanglement of polymers in disordered systems, Ander Holroyd and I have been studying the rigorous theory of entanglement in percolation. There is some ambiguity in achieving the `right' definition of an infinite entanglement in three-dimensional space, but one may present minimal and maximal sets of conditions which turn out to be related to the concepts of free and wired boundary conditions in mathematical physics. There is an `entanglement phase transition', and one is led just as in connectivity percolation to questions concerning exponential decay, and uniqueness of the infinite entanglement. Some of these questions may be answered, but there remain open problems of interest."
"Bootstrap techniques are empirical methods, based on resampling from a given dataset, for the assessment of errors and related quantities in problems of statistical estimation. The error of a bootstrap method may be reduced by iteration: using the bootstrap itself to estimate the error of the bootstrap estimator, and so recalibrate the calculation. In theory, successive iterations can be used to yield successive reductions in the order of the error. In practice, the iterated bootstrap requires a computationally expensive Monte Carlo simulation involving nested levels of bootstrap sampling from the sample data. In this talk we present a device, involving non-conventional weighted bootstrapping, which accelerates the theoretical effects of iteration. Its practical effectiveness is explored in an empirical study. <p> [This is joint work with Stephen Lee, The University of Hong Kong.]"
"Product form stationary distributions for queueing networks like in the Jackson case are a quite rare occurrence. However, it is quite common for multidimensional processes with large polyhedral state space to admit product form approximations in the vicinity of some of the boundary facets (typically with different exponents near each facet). These exponents may be obtained from the local solutions of a large deviations variational problem, which reduces to solving some algebraic systems in the case of Markovian and renewal ""phase type"" networks. Determining analytically all the local solutions opens the possibility of constructing global approximations for the stationary distribution obtained by taking linear combinations of the local approximations. The determination of the correct asymptotic proportionality coefficients, called ""sharp large deviations"" problem, appears to be very challenging for multidimensional processes. However, some simple numerical approximations for the proportionality coefficients are available."
"If we need to predict the unreliability due to unknown design faults (e.g. in software), a Bayesian approach seems the obvious choice. We may ask, then, why it is so little used in practice and why proposed uses are often unconvincing. I will describe some published exercises in Bayesian reasoning about software testing, including some success in uncovering plausible fallacies. The topics will include the value of software ""testability"", the use of Bayesian networks to describe complex probabilistic models, and some ideas about testing multiple-component systems. I will then discuss practical difficulties, concerning comprehension of the approach, agreement on the value of results, and the choice of priors. I will argue for a purist approach to the first two issues and a flexible one to the third."
"Motor-racing companies spend many millions of pounds designing, building and testing cars. Once the race starts, however, the result is up to the intuition of two highly-paid specialists: the driver and the strategist in the pit lane, who decides on when the car comes in for refueling. Recent disappointments (eg running out of fuel while in lead on the final lap) have persuaded one team to adopt a more scientific approach to race-time strategy. I describe a dynamic programming solution to the optimal race strategy, and discuss ways in which it can be generalised to account for uncertainty and risk preferences."
"In Random Sequential Adsorption, each successive particle is deposited uniformly at random onto a d-dimensional region, subject to non-overlap with predecessors. Chemists and others have made numerous simulation studies for d=2, but rigorous theory (the Renyi car-parking model) has been limited to d=1. We describe recent work trying to redress this imbalance."
"We consider distributions on the real line with finite moments of all orders. The classical moment problem (Chebyshev, Markov, Stieltjes,...) is to answer the question: Does the moment sequence determine uniquely the distribution? Our discussion will be on criteria for uniqueness and criteria for non-uniqueness. New results, as well as new proofs of old results will be presented. Several interesting implications will be given for popular distributions (normal, exponential, gamma, log-normal, IG, etc) widely used in Probability, Statistics and their applications. "
"Simulation modelers are forced to choose between fidelity and variety in their input scenarios. Using an historical trace provides only one realistic scenario. Using the input modeling facilities in commercial simulation software provides any number of unrealistic scenarios. We ease this dilemma by developing a way to use the moving blocks bootstrap to convert a single trace into an unlimited number of realistic input scenarios. We do this by setting the bootstrap block size to make the bootstrap samples mimic independent realizations in terms of the distribution of distance between pairs of inputs. We measure distance using a new statistic computed from zero crossings. We estimate the best block size by scaling up an estimate computed by analyzing subseries of the trace. "
"We consider a one-dimensional nearest-neighbor interacting particle system, which is a mixture of the simple exclusion process and the voter model. The state space is taken to be the countable set of the configurations that have a finite number of particles to the right of the origin and a finite number of empty sites to the left of it. We obtain criteria for the ergodicity and some other properties of this system using the method of Lyapunov functions. "
"The number of open clusters in a box has become the canonical object to study when proving central limit theorems (CLTs) in percolation. Stein's method is a powerful way to prove CLTs but has generally only been applied in situations where distributions are explicitly known. The talk will show how to apply Stein's method to percolation, where little is known about the distribution of cluster sizes. If time permits, an extension of Mathew Penrose's work on Martingale CLTs in percolation will also be presented. "
"The model we consider is that of a birth-death process X = {X(t)} taking values in N = {0,1,...}. To envisage such a process it is convenient to think of a particle travelling through the state space N in such a way that it stays in each state during an exponentially distributed amount of time (with state-dependent mean), after which it jumps to one of the neighbouring states with certain (state-dependent) probabilities. The stochastic variable X(t) can then be interpreted as the state of the particle at time t. We allow the probability of a downward jump in tate 0 to be positive, so that escape from N is possible. Two birth-death processes are called similar if the ratio of their transition probabilities is independent of time. We will show which condition the parameters of a birth-death process should satisfy in order that the process belongs to a (one-parameter) family of similar processes, and we will identify the members of such a family. An important ingredient in solving these problems is the use of chain sequences. The talk is based on joint work with R.B. Lenin, P.R. Parthasarathy and W.R.W. Scheinhardt. "
Prof Jonty Rouger (AWE Aldermaston and the University of Bristol) will give a short presentation on "Working as an industrial statistician" and then he will have an informal chats with any who wanted to know more.
In My PhD work I collaborate with a pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, in bid to explore our approach to statistical reproducibility in the context of their test scenarios. Having been exposed (intellectually) to pre-clinical research, I acquired an insight into where the data I get comes from. In my presentation I want to give you a story of that data. In my work data is not just numbers but rather a chain of processes leading to its acquisition. There is the ethics (and animal welfare) side of this story too and it is one of the main reasons why experiment design matters. Inter alia, I will talk about what I consider be the main differences between industry and university and share some insights into what this industry is looking for in a statistician. I will further discuss the reproducibility crisis problem and what solutions we propose to it: to put it simply we see statistical reproducibility as a prediction problem and we employ nonparametric predictive problem to quantify it.
Finding high dimensional designs is increasingly important in applications of experimental design, but is computationally demanding under existing methods. We introduce an efficient approach applying recent advances in stochastic gradient optimisation. To allow rapid gradient calculations we work with a computationally convenient utility function, the trace of the Fisher information. We provide a decision theoretic justification for this utility, analogous to work by Bernardo (1979) on the Shannon information gain. Due to this similarity we refer to our utility as the Fisher information gain. We compare our optimisation scheme, SGO-FIG, to existing state-of-the-art methods and show our approach is quicker at finding designs which maximise expected utility, allowing designs with hundreds of choices to be produced in under a minute in one example.
Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) has become a valuable tool for Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification, as it enables inference to be made even when the likelihood is intractable. ABC methods can produce unreliable inference when they introduce high approximation bias into the posterior through careless specification of the ABC kernel. Additionally MCMC-ABC methods often suffer from the local trapping problem which causes poor mixing when the tolerance parameter is low. We introduce a new ABC algorithm, the Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo ABC (SAMC-ABC), which enables Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in increasingly complex systems where inference was previously unreliable. SAMC-ABC adaptively constructs the so called ABC kernel, both reducing the approximation bias and providing immunity to the local trapping problem. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm with some benchmark examples and find that the method outperforms its competitors. We use our algorithm to analyse a computer model which describes the transmission of the Ebola virus against data from the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak in Liberia.
Increasingly, stochastic computer models are being used in science and engineering to predict complex phenomena. Such stochastic models are implemented as computer simulators which may takes minutes, hours or even days to run. A common approach to alleviate this problem is to build a statistical surrogate model, known as an emulator. Emulators of stochastic computer models should accurately predict the mean response surface of the simulator but also their level of noise. A particularly flexible approach is to emulate the stochastic simulator via a heteroscedastic Gaussian process.
Many complex simulators can be run at different levels of accuracy and hence different computational cost. Although the cheapest to run simulators will be inaccurate, they may be informative for more expensive, but slower, runs of the computer simulator. We present a method to incorporate cheap simulator runs into a heteroscedastic GP emulator.
The Monty Hall problem is a well-known example of a question in probability whose answer is unintuitive. Beginning with cars and goats, and travelling past princesses in towers, poisonous frogs, and some cryptic comments from our parents, we will take a whirlwind tour of some other "controversial" probability models, and (hopefully) settle on some answers!
Dynamic models offer a powerful framework for the modelling and analysis of time series which are subject to abrupt changes in pattern. They are used in many time series applications from finance and econometrics, to biological series used in clinical monitoring. In this talk I will describe how dynamic models can be used to model time series, following work from West and Harrison. In particular, I will focus attention to a specific problem of monitoring kidney deterioration in patients that have just had cardiac surgery. This work is in joint collaboration with the cardiac surgery unit at the University Hospital of South Manchester. The particular problem studied is that of developing an on-line statistical procedure to monitor the progress of kidney function in individual patients who have recently had heart surgery.
Count data which exhibit overdispersion are extensive in a wide variety of disciplines, such as public health and environmental science. It is typically assumed that the total (aggregated) number of gamma-H2AX foci (DNA repair proteins) produced in a sample of blood cells is Poisson distributed, whose expected yield (average foci per cell) can be represented by a linear function of the absorbed dose. However, in practice, because of unobserved heterogeneity in the cell population, the standard Poisson assumption of equidispersion will most likely be contravened which will cause the variance of the aggregated foci counts to be larger than their mean. In both whole and partial body exposure this phenomenon is perceptible, unlike in the context of the 'gold-standard' dicentric assay in which overdispersion is only linked to partial exposure. For such situations, it is possible that utilising a model that can handle overdispersion such as the quasi-Poisson is more preferable to the standard Poisson.
There are many different possible causes of overdispersion and in any modelling situation a number of these could be involved. For our data, some possibilities include experimental variability (for example, a change of technology used in the scoring of cells) and correlation between individual foci counts (or cells) for which both are not accounted for by a fitted model. We will see that the behaviour of dispersion estimates differ considerably between using aggregated data and the full frequency distribution (raw data). To our knowledge, this phenomena has not been investigated in the literature both within and outside the field of biodosimetry. I will explain through simulation how accounting for dependence between observations can impact on the estimated dispersion.
Complex mathematical computer models are used across many scientific disciplines and industry to improve the understanding of the behaviour of physical systems and increasingly to aid decision makers. Major limitations to the use of computer simulators include their complex structure; high-dimensional parameter spaces and large number of unknown model parameters; which is further compounded by their long evaluation times. Decision support, commonly misrepresented as an optimisation task, often requires a large number of model evaluations rendering traditional optimisation methods intractable whilst simultaneously failing to incorporate uncertainty. Consequently, they may yield non-robust decisions.
I will present an iterative decision support strategy which imitates the history matching procedure aiming to identify a robust class of decisions. Bayes linear emulators provide fast, statistical approximations to computer models, yielding predictions for as yet unevaluated parameter settings, along with a corresponding quantification of uncertainty. Appropriate structured uncertainties are accurately quantified and incorporated to link the sophisticated computer model and the actual system in order to obtain robust decisions for the real world problem.
In the petroleum industry, TNO devised a field development optimisation challenge under uncertainty providing an ensemble of 50 fictitious oil reservoir models generated using a stochastic geology model. This challenge exhibits many of the common issues associated with computer experimentation. I will demonstrate the robust decision support strategy applied to the TNO challenge for a greatly reduced computational cost versus ensemble optimisers. This includes the construction of a targeted Bayesian design as well as methods of identifying subsets of models as representatives for the entire ensemble.
Approximate Bayesian Computation(ABC) has enabled us in recent years to use increasingly complex models to solve problems that were previously intractable. ABC methods can produce unreliable inference when they introduce high approximation bias into the posterior through careless specification of the ABC kernel. Additionally MCMC-ABC methods often suffer from the local trapping problem which causes poor mixing when the tolerance parameter is low. We propose an alternative ABC algorithm which we show can be used to reduce the approximation bias and provide immunity to local trapping by adaptively constructing the ABC kernel. We demonstrate the new algorithm on real data; calibrating a complex SEIR model to data from the Ebola outbreak of 2014 and estimating the pre intervention transmission rate of the disease.
Sparse regression is an effcient statistical modelling technique which is of major relevance for high dimensional statistics. There are several ways of achieving sparse regression, the well-known lasso being one of them. However, lasso variable selection may not be consistent in selecting the true sparse model. Zou proposed an adaptive form of the lasso which overcomes this issue, and showed that data driven weights on the penalty term will result in a consistent variable selection procedure. We are interested in the case that the weights are informed by a prior execution of ridge regression. We carry out a sensitivity analysis of the Adaptive lasso through the power parameter of the weights, and demonstrate that, in effect, this parameter takes over the role of the usual lasso penalty parameter. In addition, we use the parameter as an input variable to obtain an error bound on the Adaptive lasso.
Venturing into Space requires large amounts of energy to reach orbital and interplanetary velocities. The bulk of this energy is exchanged during the entry phase by converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle into thermal energy in the surrounding atmosphere through the formation of a strong bow shock ahead of the vehicle. The way engineers protect spacecraft from the intense heat of atmospheric entry is by designing two kinds of protection systems: reusable and ablative. Reusable systems are characterized by re-radiating a significant amount of energy from the hot surface back into the atmosphere. Ablative materials, on the other hand, transform the thermal energy into decomposition and removal of the material.
The resulting aerothermal environment surrounding a vehicle during atmospheric entry is consequently extremely complex, as such, we often need efficient uncertainty quantification techniques to extract knowledge from experimental data that can appropriately inform the proposed models. We develop robust Bayesian frameworks that aim at characterizing chemical models parameters for re-entry plasma flows in the presence of both types of protection systems. Special care is devoted to the treatment of nuisance parameters which are unavoidable when performing flow simulations in need of proper boundary conditions beyond the interest of the specific inference. Our formulation involves a particular treatment of these nuisance parameters by solving an auxiliary maximum likelihood problem. Results will be shown for real-world cases.
Online user browsing generates vast quantities of typically unexploited data. Investigating this data and uncovering the valuable information it contains can be of substantial value to online businesses, and statistics plays a key role in this process.
The data takes the form of an anonymous digital footprint associated with each unique visitor, resulting in 10^6 unique profiles across 10^7 individual page visits on a daily basis. Exploring, cleaning and transforming data of this scale and high dimensionality (2TB+ of memory) is particularly challenging, and requires cluster computing.
We consider the problem of predicting customer purchases (known as conversions), from the customer's journey or clickstream, which is the sequence of pages seen during a single visit to a website. We consider each page as a discrete state with probabilities of transitions between the pages, providing the basis for a simple Markov model. Further, Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are applied to relate the observed clickstream to a sequence of hidden states, uncovering meta-states of user activity. We can also apply conventional logistic regression to model conversions in terms of summaries of the profile's browsing behaviour and incorporate both into a set of tools to solve a wide range of conversion types where we can directly compare the predictive capability of each model.
In real-time, predicting profiles that are likely to follow similar behaviour patterns to known conversions, will have a critical impact on targeted advertising. We illustrate these analyses with results from real data collected by an Audience Management Platform (AMP) - Carbon.
2019-05-15Maria Kateri [Institute of Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany]: Modelling of Ordinal Data
The most common methods for analysing categorical data will be presented. The first part of the seminar focuses on contingency table analysis, with special emphasis on contingency tables with ordinal classification variables and associated models (log-linear or log-nonlinear). Generalised odds ratios are introduced and their role in contingency table modelling is commented. The second part discusses logistic regression models for binary responses, as well as for multi-category ordinal and nominal responses. Examples show the use of R for fitting these models.
Evidence suggests that changes in the urine output and blood chemistries indicate injury to the kidney or impairment of kidney function. These changes are warnings of serious clinical consequences, but traditionally most studies emphasise the most severe reduction in kidney function. It has only been recently that minor decreases of kidney function have been recognised as potentially important in the critically ill. Identifying and intervening in patients with minor decreases in kidney function is clinically important as this can prevent patients from reaching more severe reductions in kidney failure.
The KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines are a clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention, and treatment of kidney disease and are currently used worldwide to identify a whole range of levels of kidney failure. In this presentation I will discuss how the KDIGO guidelines are too sensitive when classifying adverse outcomes due to kidney deterioration and show how dynamic models and Bayesian forecasting offer a powerful framework for the modelling and analysis of noisy time series which are subject to abrupt changes in pattern.
In the UK betting market, bookmakers often offer a free coupon to new customers. These free coupons allow the customer to place extra bets, at lower risk, in combination with the usual betting odds. We are interested in whether a customer can exploit these free coupons in order to make a sure gain, and if so, how the customer can achieve this. To answer this question, we model the odds and free coupon as a set of desirable gambles for the bookmaker.
We show that we can use the Choquet integral to check whether this set of desirable gambles incurs sure loss for the bookmaker, and hence, results in a sure gain for the customer. In the latter case, we also show how a customer can determine the combination of bets that make the best possible gain, based on complementary slackness.
As an illustration, we look at some actual betting odds in the market and find that, without free coupons, the set of desirable gambles derived from those odds avoids sure loss. However, with free coupons, we identify some combinations of bets that customers could place in order to make a guaranteed gain.
Our research on random walk problems has a lot of useful applications in ecology, psychology, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology as well as economics. However, most of them are too serious for this presentation. Instead, we will guide you through some basics of random walk theory, in a format of a fantasy story... Once upon a time, the brave Edward went on a fearful quest of defeating a dragon to win the heart of the beautiful Dorothy. After falling foul of the curse of the Chief Warlock Albus, Edward is trapped in a skyscraping tower of unknown location in the boundless land of Hyrule. It is now up to Dorothy to break the curse to free her inamorato. With Edward nowhere to be found, alcohol seems to be the only way for Dorothy to pass the days. Without a particular direction nor a systematic search, a random walk journey begins. Are you ready for this exhilarating and unforgettable adventure? All are welcome.
This work focuses on the development of a Bayesian approach to deconvolution in the context of well test analysis, a set of methodologies used in petroleum engineering that provides information about the properties and the structure of the reservoir and the wellbore using pressure and flow rate data. In particular, we are working on the construction of a suitable and meaningful Bayesian framework for the deconvolution in association with Makrov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
Random walks play an important role in many areas of mathematics. Some functionals of random walks such as the perimeter length of the convex hull, and the diameter of the walk have been considered by several authors, I will present a brief history of these results. We have filled some gaps in the literature, so I will explain these new results and others which, by using different methods, have reduced the assumptions necessary on some of the previously known formulae. The talk will be very easy-going, and should be enjoyable even without any prior knowledge of the topic!
Time to event, or survival, data is common in the biological and medical sciences with typical examples being time to death and time to recurrence of a tumour. In practice, survival data is typically subject to censoring with incomplete observation of some failure times due to drop-out, intermittent follow-up and finite study duration.
Here, we consider the analysis of time to event data from two populations undergoing life-testing, mainly under a joint Type-II censoring scheme for heterogeneous situations. We consider a mixture model formulation and maximum likelihood estimation using the EM algorithm and conduct a simulation to study the effect of the form of censoring scheme on parameter estimation and study duration.
In situations where we have little data or where we have little expert opinion, instead of stating probabilities which can lead to an erroneous conclusion, we can specify probability bounds. Lower previsions (Walley, 1991) provide a good way to do this, by bounding expectation. In this study, we explore more efficient algorithms for checking an important basic consistency principle for lower previsions, called "avoiding sure loss". The problem of checking avoiding sure loss can be written as a fully degenerate linear program. This linear program can be solved by standard methods such as the simplex method or the affine scaling method. We propose a new way of reducing the size of this linear program and for minimal introduction of artificial variables. Since the simplex method can be extremely inefficient for fully degenerate linear programs, we explore whether there is a benefit in using other methods, such as the affine scaling method. We propose a simple way to obtain an initial interior solution for our problem, which is required for starting the affine scaling method. We also identify a condition under which the algorithm can detect inconsistency much earlier compared to standard stopping criteria from the literature. In future, we plan to investigate which method is the best suited for checking whether a lower prevision avoids sure loss. We hope that this work will encourage people to use more efficient algorithms for checking avoiding sure loss, instead of standard methods such as the simplex method which are potentially very inefficient for this specific problem.
Many processes in our world are represented in the form of complex simulator models. These models frequently take large amounts of time to run. Emulators are statistical approximations of these simulators that make predictions, along with corresponding uncertainty estimates, of what the simulator would produce. The main advantage of these emulators is the speed at which they run, which, in general, is many orders of magnitude faster than the simulators which they aim to approximate. Emulation can be used in any area of science that represents real-world systems in the form of complex models.
I will provide an accessible introduction to the ideas of Bayesian emulation and history matching. I will then explain my application of Bayesian history matching by emulation in the context of biological plant models, and in particular a model of the chemical interaction network in the roots of the plant Arabidopsis. I will explain some of the practical difficulties of emulating such a complex biological model before showing some of the results I have thus far achieved. I will finally discuss briefly the idea of using these emulation techniques in the future design of actual biological experiments.
I am carrying out qualitative research into the lived experiences of intergenerational kinship care and informal welfare networks from the perspective of transnational Polish workers and their households in NE England and Poland. One of the research aims is to shed light on broader issues - such as population aging - which are rendered largely invisible in the current debate over welfare and citizenship in the European Union. However, quantitative researchers may think this sort of research is irrelevant due to the small sample size. I will explain why I think my research is valuable, and ask how statisticians would approach the topic and measure '˜informal care', and what the challenges of and possibilities for collaboration between quantitative and qualitative researchers in this particular field are.
Children are very creative but perform poorly when it comes to innovating useful tools. I study children in the contexts of a science museum to see whether different contexts influence their capabilities to innovate. I will present my first study, which tackles the question whether instructions squash creativity. In my research I am using an exhibit that is already in the museum, and also specially designed puzzle boxes and different tasks to test innovation in children. I code children's behaviours and compare it across different conditions and contexts. At the end I might also present some plans for the future studies that are currently being designed or are in the pilot phases. All involve similar questions in relation to creativity and innovation in children.
Foreshore platforms are semi-horizontal rock surfaces backed by coastal cliffs. Numerous studies have focused on identifying relationships between platform geometry (width, elevation and gradient) and wave intensity, rock strength and structure. However, those approximations are based on simplified models of relationships between geomorphology, geology and wave action. These therefore lack sufficient spatial resolution and coverage to enable predictive analyses of likely response of a coast to predicted changes in marine conditions (sea level and wave intensity). Here, I present a systematic study of a 4 km coastline of Staithes, North Yorkshire, based on high-resolution point cloud (ca. 100 points/m2) and ortho-photographs (pixel size ca. 0.03 m) obtained with airborne LiDAR. I represent the coast as a series of densely-spaced (25 m) and resampled (0.2 m) cross-sections normal to the coastline and link their morphometric characteristics to the spatial variability in rock properties and marine action. Statistical analysis enables the identification of key controls on platform geometry and assessment of relative roles of geological and marine factors in shaping rocky coasts.
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is a common statistical tool to measure the accuracy of a diagnostic test that yields ordinal or continuous results. It is increasingly clear that in medical settings, one test result (biomarker) will not be sufficient to serve as screening device for early detection of many diseases and may be very costly. Many researchers believe that a combination of test results will potentially lead to more sensitive screening rules for detecting diseases.
In this study we present a new linear combination of two test results by considering the dependence structure, by combining Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) for the marginals with copulas to take dependence into account. Our method uses a discretized version of the copula which fits perfectly with the NPI method for the marginals and leads to relatively straightforward computations because there is no need to estimate the marginals and the copula simultaneously.
We investigate and discuss the performance of this method by presenting results from simulation studies. The method is further illustrated via application in real data sets from the literature. We also briefly outline related challenges and opportunities for future research.
It has been suggested that globalisationwas gradually formedafter the 16thcentury, while European travellers and merchants entered the Indian Ocean. However Archaeological evidence suggests thatan earlier globalisation process had already been established by trades, conflicts and communications in Eurasia since the 12th and 13th centuries. To give insight into this issue, quantitative methods play an important role in understanding these historical changes. This talk aims to introduce a preliminary attempt of applying quantitative methods on archaeological topics and share some of the problems which are being faced.
At the time investment decisions are made there may be uncertainty in many aspects which affect a decision and its outcome.
Further, work with expensive simulators can make it difficult to asses how uncertainty in input affects output.
An example will be presented which will consider transmission expansion planning (building new power lines) under uncertainty
and how statistical emulators are a useful tool for approximating simulators and adequately considering uncertainties
when making a decision.
Bayes Linear Methods offer a generalisation to the Bayesian approach where the, often unrealistic, requirement for a full prior probabilistic specification is relaxed. In this talk I will discuss the foundations of Bayes linear statistical inference, taking expectation, not probability, to be the primitive quantity. The talk will be illustrated with 'glamorous' examples from the X-ray industry, particularly developing an on-line algorithm for detecting plastic containment in a popular brand of chocolate.
Many random processes arising in applications exhibit a range of possible behaviours depending upon the values of certain key factors. Investigating critical behaviour for such systems leads to interesting and challenging mathematics. Much progress has been made over the years, using various techniques. The most subtle case is when the system is near a critical point. This presentation will give a brief introduction to a near-critical random walk model, demonstrating various applications in economics, physics and logistics.
This study investigated how sub-dimensions of self-discipline (behavioral control, thinking control, and emotional control) in predicting 10th graders` achievement. A total of 608 10th graders were recruited in tshis study. Self-discipline was measured by The Middle School Students' Self-control Ability Questionnaire. Students' previous academic achievement is assessed by the Senior High School Entrance Examination (SHSEE, known as 'Zhongkao'), and the composite scores of a school monthly exam served as the later achievement. Results show a certain amount of mediating effect that behavioral, thinking, and emotional control have in predicting academic achievement. Those sub-dimensions add small, but incremental variance to explain later academic achievement.
I will talk about models for tournament data. Some applications of these
models are obvious -- for example, to rank sports players based on the
outcomes of matches played between them. But competition models can also
be used in some slightly surprising areas. I will discuss examples from
animal behaviour (modelling fights between lizards) and bibliometrics
(ranking journals, based on the citations between them). Competition
models also provide some interesting statistical challenges, and I will
briefly discuss my own work on improving the approximations which are
used for inference in some of these models.
We develop explicit expressions to compute the Fisher information matrix for the estimation of random effect models through Gaussian Quadrature. Illustrative examples using real data application and simulated data are provided.
In this seminar I am going to discuss the findings of a survey of perceptions of gender discrimination in academia in Afghanistan. The aim is to explore how female and male academics perceive the level of overt discrimination in various aspects of academic life in an Afghan context. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) is used to analyse the quantitative data. Bivariate crosstabulation and chi-square tests of statistical significance are used to explore possible differences between male and female academics with respect to their perceptions of gender (in)equality in their workplace. Multivariate crosstabulation and binary logistic regression is also used to explore how respondents' perceptions of discrimination are shaped by the interaction of gender with their other characteristics, both personal and professional.
Advances in sensor technology enable monitoring programmes to record and store measurements at a high temporal resolution, enhancing the capacity to detect and understand short duration changes that would not have been apparent in the past with monthly, fortnightly or even daily sampling. Although these high-frequency data are advantageous, there are challenges in their processing and analysis such as the large volumes of data, their complex behaviour over the different timescales and the strong correlation structure that persists over a large number of lags. The aim of this talk is to present the complexities of modelling high-frequency data which arise from environmental applications. Surface waters are considered as key sources of atmospheric CO2, thus comprehensive understanding of the CO2 dynamics in surface waters is valuable. We consider a 15-minute resolution sensor-generated time series of the over-saturation of CO2, EpCO2, in a small order river system of the River Dee. Advanced statistical approaches used to analyse and model the data, which include visualization tools for exploratory analysis, wavelets, generalized additive models and functional data analysis, will be presented. These methods reveal the complex dynamics of EpCO2 over different timescales, the multivariate relationships of EpCO2 with hydrology and the temporal auto-correlation structures, which are time and scale dependent.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), also known as Hybrid Monte Carlo, is one of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods which offer different strategies to generate a sequence of correlated samples converging to the desired distribution. In many situations, especially Bayesian statistics, target distributions usually have complicated forms, high correlated parameters and large dimension size. Traditional MCMC methods, such as random-walk Metropolis Hasting and Gibbs sampling, might have slow exploration of state space and low accepted rate caused by both random walk behaviour of traditional MCMC methods and the complex nature of target distributions. HMC is a new sampling algorithm which tries to avoid these problems by taking several steps according to gradient information of target distribution. This makes HMC have remote proposals and converge quicker than traditional random walk methods. Although the demonstrated ability of HMC sampling to overcome random walks in MCMC sampling suggests that it should be a highly successful tool for Bayesian inference, its performances depend on its algorithm parameters. Three HMC variants that provides automatically tuning will be discussed in the talk.
2014-12-10Elisabeth Waldmann [University of Liverpool]: TBA
Under many circumstances the application of classical (generalized) linear regression is not enough to describe
the relationship between a set of covariates and a dependent variable. Especially the key assumption of a
closed form distribution is violated frequently. One of the approaches to overcome those problems is quantile
regression, developed by Roger Koenker in the 1970s. Even though quantile regression is widely used by now,
there is no standard approach for modelling the impact of covariates on two or more dependent variables
simultaneously. Our developments are motivated by the analysis of data from the field of biodiversity, where
we want to use covariates, like temperature, topographic diversity (the maximal elevational range within one
region), habitatial diversity (the abundance of different ecosystems in one region) and the number of rainy
days to explain both, the number of animal species and plant species in one region.
Farmers often follow set patterns of crop choices in order to maximise profits and preserve nutrients in the soil. However, these crop choices are dependant on a variety of factors, including the climate and the economy. Modelling and predicting these crop rotations is an important task in order to analyse the effect changes in climate or the economy may have on agricultural output. One major difficulty in crop rotation modelling is the shortage of observations of some crop types. A robust Bayesian approach allows us to handle these rare crop types, by allowing us to obtain intervals of predictions which more accurately represent our knowledge. I will talk about this approach.
The recognition of objects in images is an important problem in many branches of science. Statistics can help to solve this problem in many ways so statistical shape analysis is an integral part of object recognition. In this talk I will explain what shapes are, why they are important, how they can be used and how statistical shape analysis can help. I will try to explain why Bayesian shape analysis is so important and how supervised and unsupervised learning can help us tackle the problems. I will also give examples on how all the above can be used in geological applications.
The field of ancient DNA has grown tremendously in recent years. Although modern genetic data has been used for some time to make inferences about the past, ancient DNA is an invaluable new tool for archaeological research as it provides direct information about the genetic diversity of past populations.
This new temporal dimension in the data also requires new analytical approaches, different from the classical ones commonly used to analyse modern genetic variation.
In this seminar I am going to talk about some already existing approaches to accommodate time-stamped genetic variation data (computer simulation based approaches as well as recently created new summary statistics) along side with a new method that we developed for exploring migratory activity of past populations.
The goal of this talk is to introduce nonparametric methods
for density and regression estimation for circular data, analyzing
their performance through simulation studies and illustrating their
use by real data applications. In addition, the R library NPCirc,
which implements the proposed methods, will be presented.
A persistent challenge in archaeology is that often our data does not look like the data presented in statistical courses or textbooks. Half the battle is figuring out how to turn our data into meaningful values so that it is possible to have the means, standard deviations, and so on required in statistical tests. In my research, this has inventing a quantitative method for looking at archaeologically preserved routes by building populations from single samples and turning computer- or hand-drawn lines into numbers, in order to learn why people walked one way and not another thousands of years ago. This talk tells the story of how this quantitative method was invented and what it is starting to tell us about travel during the Early Third Millennium B.C.
At the time investment decisions are made there is a lot of uncertainty in the future of Britain's power system. Full simulators are too expensive to be used in the face of uncertainty. Statistical emulators are therefore used to approximate simulators and make good investment decisions.
Due to recent experimental advances in the area of systems biology,
the inference of rate parameters that feature in both genetic and
biochemical networks has become increasingly important. Here we
present a novel methodology for inference of such parameters in the
case of stochastic networks, based on concepts from the area of
computer models (emulation and history matching) combined with Bayes
Linear variance learning methodology. We apply these techniques to a
simple, analytically tractable Birth-Death process model, followed by
a more complex stochastic Prokaryotic Auto-regulatory Gene Network.
This talk will be a hopefully light introduction to stochastic models
and the above techniques, and will feature lots of pictures and
possibly some movies (if I have time).
2011-06-01James Taylor [University of Durham]: TBA
On the afternoon of Wed 4 May, we have organised a meeting
on recent developments in Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI),
where among other speakers all students working in this field in Durham
will give a presentation. All talks will be about 20 minutes followed by a
few minutes for some discussion.
The meeting will take place in CM221, with the following schedule:
13.15 Matthias Troffaes: Introduction to imprecise probability
13.40 Frank Coolen: Introduction to NPI
14.05 Faiza Ali: NPI for ordinal data
14.30 Tea/Coffee
14.45 Ric Crossman: NPI for classification with ordinal data
15.10 Ahmad Aboalkhair: NPI for system reliability
15.35 Abdullah Al-nefaiee: NPI for system failure time
16.00 Sulafah Bin Himd: NPI bootstrap
16.25 Tea/Coffee
16.40 Mohamed Elsaeiti: NPI for sequential acceptance decisions
17.05 Tahani Coolen-Maturi: NPI for ranked set sampling
17.30 Frank Coolen: Concluding comments
When using computer models to provide policy support it is normal to encounter ensembles that test only a handful of feasible or idealized decision scenarios. I will present a new methodology for performing multi-level emulation of a complex model as a function of any decision that makes specific use of a scenario ensemble of opportunity on a fast or early version of a simulator and a small, well chosen, design on our current simulator of interest. The method exploits a geometrical approach to Bayesian inference and is designed to be fast, in order to facilitate detailed diagnostic checking of our emulators by allowing us to carry out many analyses very quickly. Our motivating application involved constructing an emulator for the UK Met Office climate model HadCM3 as a function of CO2 forcing, which was part of a NERC RAPID programme deliverable to the Met Office. Our application involved severe time pressure as well as limited access to runs of HadCM3 and a scenario ensemble of opportunity on a lower resolution version of the model.
The emulation of time series produced by climate models is attempted. Features of the data, pragmatic strategies for learning and computational difficulties are discussed.
Although complex computer models can be useful and informative in our understanding of complicated systems, in practical terms their use is limited by a lack of knowledge and understanding and by their computational intensity. In this talk we attempt to address both of these problems using Bayesian Emulators. Much work has been done, in Durham and elsewhere, on building emulators to approximate complex models, and they enable us to accurately approximate the models in a much more efficient and tractable way. This, to an extent, deals with the computational aspect of the problem. However, the emulators can only be as informative for the system as the model itself, and where the model lacks or misrepresents information the emulator will also. One way to address this is to combine several models of the same system, all of which will be accurate and informative for different aspects of the system. Here, we make first steps toward emulating several complex models at once.
Sequential decision problems are usually expressed in one of two forms: the normal form, where the subject must specify all his actions in all eventualities in advance, or the extensive form, where the subject's choice at a decision node is determined only if that node is reached. When maximizing expected utility, it is well known that the standard normal form and extensive form solutions are equivalent (where "equivalent" means that the strategies implied by the extensive form solution are exactly the strategies of the normal form solution). When a different choice function on gambles is used, we can find normal and extensive form solutions as usual, but the two are not usually equivalent. I shall detail the properties a choice function must satisfy for equivalence to hold.
Clickstream data, defined as the aggregate sequence of page visits executed by a particular user as the user navigates through a website, can provide insight into the behaviour, buying habits and preferences of the website visitors. We model sequences of page requests within a session using a mixtures of hidden Markov models (MixHMM). The model provides a page categorization approach, as well as a method to label users into different clusters based on the web browsing pattern of the visitors. In a Bayesian framework, we use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling to simulate hidden Markov model (HMM) parameters from their posterior distribution conditional on observed data. We make the use of Forward-Backward Gibbs sampler technique to have rapid mixing in sampling. The model uses Dirichlet distributions as priors over visiting webpages of a website. The performance of the model is assessed over an artificial navigation pattern. Having applied the model to the real clickstream data from a commercial website, we illustrate that sensible page categorization and user classification are being learned.
Combining information from several techniques rather than simply using one technique to probe the Earth affords the Earth scientist considerably greater insight into the structure he/she is investigating. This is because (albeit uncertain) relationships exist between different physical parameters associated with the Earth, for example density, seismic velocity and resistivity. Geophysicists in particular are therefore keen utilise methods to jointly constrain regions of the Earth based on measured datasets from various techniques. To date, the prefered strategy for carrying this out has been to use deterministic inversion methods. However, using these methods, it is non-trivial to fully include all uncertainity information, especially regarding the uncertainty associated with the inter-parameter physical relationship. MCMC methods have also been developed which in principle can deal properly with these uncertainities. However, modern datasets, are very large, and the models can contain more than 100,000 parameters. The forward simulation of large 3D models in geophysics therefore requires considerable time and computational expense; a single seismic forward modelling step can take of order a couple hours. Only a limited number of forward simulations can therefore be practicably carried out. For the purposes of properly handling the uncertainities associated with a large dataset, for example by an MCMC scheme, or even for the purposes of a standard deterministic inversion method, running the necessary forward simulation cycles is therefore not feasible. We apply emulation to a joint 1D problem and demonstrate that it is a very powerful Bayesian tool for quickly excluding large regions of implausible model space. At the same time it provides a very natural means to fully include all prior information regarding the uncertainties associated with the datasets, models, as well as the physical parameter relationships. We posit that emulation, so far not widely used among geophysicists, is an important methodological development, which has the potential to be applied widely among the Earth sciences.
Our starting point will be motivation for GARCH models from the point of view of empirical finance. Then some basic theoretical results are presented, and standard methods for estimation of parameters are discussed. Finally some tests for symmetry and specification for the error distribution will be introduced.
The choice of the design of an experiment, including both selection of
design points and choice of sample size, can be viewed as a decision
problem. We wish to choose the design which maximises the prior
expectation of a utility function which depends on both costs of the
experiment and benefits from the information gained. The latter
may be realised through a second decision to be made after the experiment.
Solving the problem requires the evaluation of this expectation for each
candidate design involving summation or integration over all possible
outcomes for each design. With non-Gaussian models, where posterior
evaluations would typically involve intensive numerical methods such as
Markov Chain Monte Carlo, evaluation of the conditional expectation of the
utility, given an outcome, becomes computationally demanding and so
solving such design problems becomes difficult for all but fairly simple
Bayes linear kinematics (Goldstein and Shaw, 2004) offers an alternative
approach. It gives a method for propagating changes in belief about some
quantities through to others within a Bayes linear structure, for example
when the changes result from observing related non-Gaussian variables. We
adopt a conjugate relationship between observables and parameters and then
update beliefs about other quantities using Bayes linear kinematics.
Applying this approach to the design problem greatly reduces the
computational burden and the problem can be solved without the need for
intensive numerical methods. The method is illustrated using two examples.
Quantifying uncertainty in models derived from observed seismic data is a major issue. In this project, we examine the geological structure of the subsurface using controlled source seismology which gives the data in time and the distance between the acoustic source and the receiver. Inversion tools exist to map these data into a depth model, but a full exploration of the uncertainty of the model is rarely done because robust strategies do not exist for large non-linear complex systems. There are two principal sources of uncertainty: the first comes from the input data which is noisy and band-limited; the second, and more sinister, is from the model parameterisation and forward algorithm themselves, which approximate to the physics to make the problem tractable. To address these issues we propose a Bayesian approach using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
Info-gap theory is a decision theory that aims to optimise robustness to failure. An info-gap analysis allows one to be more uncertain than in classical decision theory and yet perform to at least a minimum specified level.
An illustrative example, concerning unknown infectious diseases in livestock passing through customs, will be used to demonstrate the info-gap approach.
2010-03-31Gero Walter [Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich]: TBA
On Monday the 14th I will present my research and algorithms to the department. My algorithms require many emulators of different functions to be built. I won't spend too much time dwelling on the practicalities of emulation during that hour as I will be focussing on the wider methodology and decision support. In this Christmas talk I intend to go back to some of the examples I'll give on Monday but really go into detail regarding the practicalities of actually building emulators for these things. The talk will be quite informal with food, drink and lots of pictures. Wombles will fit in somewhere.
Bayesian emulation provides a tool for analysing complex simulators.
When there are many input parameters over a large space, and model runs
are costly, emulation enables us to approximate the simulator across the
space, and gives a measure of our uncertainty at each point.
This talk introduces emulation and then investigates how it can be
applied to HadOCC, the Hadley Centre Ocean Carbon Cycle model. The
eventual goal of the project is to be able to jointly emulate two
simulators of the same system, and this idea will be introduced in the
Smoothing, and more particularly local polynomial regression, has been widely criticized and ignored in the literature when taken to the multivariate setting. The so-called 'curse of dimensionality' has widely contributed to this, as has the fact that the crucial task of bandwidth selection becomes a lot more difficult in higher dimensions. I have been looking at possible solutions to these problems with the hope that this potentially very useful method of prediction will not be ignored entirely. This talk summarises the work I have done over the last year on this topic, as well as covering a couple of other related areas.
Since the advent of the Internet, the ability of websites to track the visitors has been considered one of the most promising facets of the new media. Clickstream data gathered from a web site can provide insight into the behavior, buying habits and preferences of the website visitors who can be considered as prospective customers. Detailes of Web usage behaviour provide researchers or Web managers the opportunity to study how users browse or navigate thorough websites and to assess site performance in various ways. For this purpose, we use data from commercial websites belonging to clients of a local web management company. These websites, selling products and services on the Internet. Server log files provide tracking data which contain the general clickstream information from the website visitors. We also have the conversion data which comprises the converted visitor information such time, date, IP, agent, and amount of conversion. In this session we will present some explanatory data analysis performed over the clickstream data set. This involves data visualizations, fitting statistical models to predict probablistic behaviour of the variables, as well as descriptive modeling by logistic regression to describe conversion behaviour.
In 1975, Selten introduced the concept of subgame perfect equilibria in extensive form games. An equilibrium point is subgame perfect if it induces an equilibrium point in any subgame. We adapt this concept for single-agent sequential decision making, and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a normal form solution of a decision tree to be subtree perfect.
With information overload on the Web, it is highly desirable to analyze the data to extract relevant information and knowledge. This persuades us to contemplate developing methodologies by which the hidden pattern of web behaviour visits become apparent through huge number of web data. We will illustrate the use of log-files, as a source of information in the web, and address some issues regarding data pre-processing and preparation. We will discuss the motivations and interests propounded by the local web management company we received the data from. Explanatory data analysis on the data will familiarize us with different features of the data. Finally we discuss the weakness of basic statistical analysis to handle such a data.
It is often the case that when analysing data, the derivative, or rate of change, of the observed data is of primary interest. A popular tool for derivative estimation is spline smoothing, with a large number of variants (B-splines, P-splines) being available. Choice of smoothing parameter when the derivative is of primary concern is an area on which there seems to be no consensus for the optimal choice. Current methods for derivative estimation using splines are discussed and the results of a small simulation study are presented to give a comparative overview of derivative estimation routines available in R.
We discuss combining expert knowledge and computer simulators in order to provide decision support for policy makers in complex decision problems. We allow for future states of the complex system of interest to be viewed after initial policy is made, and for those states to influence revision of policy. The potential for future observations and policy intervention impacts heavily on optimal policy for today and this is carefully handled. We write down the decision tree for this policy problem, and show how model-based forecasts of the system under different policy scenarios can be used in a sequential emulation of the tree. We show how to emulate a tight upper bound on the expected loss of a given policy so that it can be shown to a decision maker who may then use it to make policy, or to refine a search for optimal policy by observing which policies perform so poorly that they are not worth considering.
Join ghost-hunters Dean and Sam Winchester as they journey to St Petersburg to exorcise the restless spirit of Andrei Markov. Thrill as they realise the ghost's behaviour can be modelled by a Markov chain. Gasp as established models for stochastic processes prove inadequate to the task. Scream as you discover the truly shocking truth behind the apparition's "absorbing state". Then, at last, cheer as the ghost is rumbled by considering imprecise Markov chains with one absorbing state, and ultimately destroyed by crafting an analogy to the unique quasi-stationary distribution from the precise case.
This talk is unsuitable for young children and those of a nervous disposition.
Decision trees are useful graphical representations of sequential decision problems. Typically, one of two solution types are used to analyse decision trees: the normal form solution and the extensive form solution. However, common definitions of these solution types are not sufficient to describe all possible approaches to solving decision trees. I shall outline more general definitions for these solution types, which can then describe a much wider variety of solutions, and show that the two forms are fundamentally different.
I shall then consider normal form solutions in more detail. These solutions, in which one initially specifies one's policy for all eventualities, are in theory easy to deal with: one simply needs to compare all available policies and decide which ones are optimal. In practice, there are often too many policies to reasonable compare. This issue can be addressed by extending the usual method of backward induction, which maximizes expected utility, to arbitrary choice functions. We find necessary and sufficient conditions on a choice function under which this method yields the optimal normal form solution.
Abstract: Many scientific areas now employ large physical computer simulations in order to understand complex real world systems. Such simulations contain a large number of input and output parameters and this leads to several problems of interest. A subset of the outputs can be compared with observed data of the real system, and a natural question to ask is: which choices of input parameters to the model will give rise to `acceptable' matches between the outputs and the data. This is known as Calibration and is one of the most important problems when dealing with models of this size and complexity.
I will describe a version of Calibration known as History Matching in the context of a Galaxy Formation simulation that attempts to model the evolution of one million galaxies from the beginning of the Universe until the present day. I will describe the process of Emulation (the statistical modelling of a deterministic function) and the method of History Matching via an Implausibility measure. Communicating the results of a successful Calibration is also a non-trivial matter as this involves describing a complex shape in a high-dimensional space, so various visualisation issues and techniques will also be discussed.
This talk concerns uncertainty analysis for a complex physical system based on a computer simulation of that system. In this broad class of problems, we must deal with the same four basic types of uncertainty: input uncertainty, function uncertainty, model discrepancy, and observational error. A general methodology has been developed to deal with this class of problems, and this talk will give an introduction to that methodology and demonstrate how it may be applied to a hydrocarbon reservoir model of realistic size and complexity. We shall therefore analyse a particular problem in reservoir description, based upon our general approach to uncertainty analysis for complex models. In particular, we will highlight the value of fast approximate versions of the computer simulator for making informed prior judgements relating to the form of the full simulator. Our account is based on the use of Bayes linear methodology to simplify the specification and analysis for complex high-dimensional problems.
In this talk interval probabilities are used in statistical methods for
comparison of two groups based on nonparametric predictive inference (NPI).
NPI is a statistical approach based on few assumptions about probability
distributions, with inferences based on data. NPI assumes exchangeability of
random quantities, both related to observed data and future observations, and
uncertainty is quantified via lower and upper probabilities. Lifetimes of
units from groups X and Y are compared, based on observed lifetimes from an
experiment that may have ended before all units had failed. We present upper
and lower probabilities for the event that the lifetime of a future unit from
X is less than the lifetime of a future unit from Y, and we compare this
approach with traditional precedence testing.
Much is known about the long-term behaviour of discrete Markov chains for which the transition matrix is known precisely. In the case of finite aperiodic time-homogeneous birth-death processes with a single absorbing state, for example, it is well known that absorption is certain, but that there exists a distribution which is stationary under the condition of non-absorption; this is known as the quasi-stationary distribution.
Of course, in practice, there is no reason to assume that the transition matrix will be precisely known. In this talk we consider Markov Chains of the kind described above, for which some elements of the transition matrix are not known precisely, but are known to exist within known intervals. Specifically, we discuss with examples the long-term behaviour of such chains, both with and without the condition of non-absorption. We will also consider the effect of removing the condition of time-homogeneity.
We study deteriorationg systems by means of shock models in which the system is subject to randomly occurring shocks each of which adds a non-negative quantity to the cumulative damage. System failures have been modeled as a first passage problem of the damage process, as well as using the frequency of occurrence of shocks. Maintenance actions are in the form of general repairs, which subsume minimal repair and replacement as special cases. Monotone processes are used to model repair times. Apart from arriving at explicit expressions for the optimal replacement time under varying conditions, stochastic monotonicity properties of the underlying sequences of variables are also studied. Further we study a new age-dependent general repair model and proves a theorem, establishing the correspondence between the real age and the virtual age processes. We further generalize the failure counting process to a class of bivariate processes. A formula for computing the rate of occurrence of failure (ROCOF), an important measure in the analysis of deteriorating systems for such bivariate processes is arrived at.
Much work has been done regarding how Markov chains behave over time. Often we discuss the stationary distribution, or in the case of a Markov chain with a single absorbing state, we might discuss the quasi-stationary distribution. However, the vast bulk of such work makes the assumption that the Markov chain is time-homogeneous (that is that the transition probabilities do not vary over time). Further, practically all the work done assumes that at each step the transition probabilities are known precisely. In this talk we describe how the stationary distribution and quasi-stationary distribution might be generalised in situations where one or both of these assumptions no longer hold.
For many large-scale data sets it is necessary to reduce dimensionality to the point where further exploration and analysis can take place. Principal variables are a subset of the original variables and preserve, to some extent, the structure and information carried by the original variables. Dimension reduction using principal variables is considered and a stepwise algorithm for determining such principal variables is proposed. This method is tested and compared with eleven other variable selection methods from the literature in a simulation study and is shown to be highly effective. Some extensions to this procedure are also developed, including a method to determine longitudinal principal variables for repeated measures data, and a technique for incorporating utilities in order to modify the selection process. The method is further illustrated with real data sets, including some larger UK data relating to patient outcome after total knee replacement.
The use of the Bayesian paradigm coupled with acceptance of the Expected Utility Hypothesis provides a powerful and philosophically compelling methodology for decision making in situations involving uncertainty. However, it is traditionally assumed that the decision maker is able to correctly state her utility function for any possible reward realisation. The theory of Adaptive Utility addresses this problem, seeking to create a normative decision theory for when utilities, and hence preferences, are uncertain.
Under this setting a DM is permitted to be surprised by obtaining actual utility different to that which was expected under initial beliefs. Such an outcome is an example of how a decision maker may learn about her true preferences following decision selection, and an important distinction from classical theory is that in a sequential setting, the optimal initial decision need no longer correspond to that which would have been determined if it were assumed utilities were fixed at initial expected values.
This talk examines the effect of permitting uncertain utility upon the classical Bayesian decision theory meaning of Value of Information. Not only can a decision maker collect sample information on the underlying processes that determine how results are obtained, but now they may also be presented with opportunity to learn about their correct utility function. The relationship between `classical' value of information and level of uncertainty over preferences is also discussed.
It was recently discovered how to introduce electric and magnetic impurities into the critically-coupled Ginzburg-Landau vortex Lagrangian while preserving a moduli space of static solutions. I will focus on magnetic impurities and discuss how they deform both the static solutions and the moduli space metric, which describes slow-motion vortex scattering. I will begin on a flat space background, where only numerical results are possible, before presenting some analytical results for vortices on the hyperbolic plane and the 2-sphere.
We have used a collective coordinate approximation to model the scattering of solitons in modified nonlinear Schrodinger and sine-Gordon systems. These modified models are deformations from the integrable NLS and sine-Gordon models and have been used previously to explore the concept of quasi-integrability. I will discuss the suitability of the collective coordinate approximation in these cases by comparing the results of the approximation with those of a full numerical simulation; comparing both the trajectories of the scattering solitons and the anomalies of the conservation laws of the charges.
Diverse physical settings are described by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonlocal nonlinearity. For example, in the context of optics such nonlocal nonlinearities may arise in systems involving transport processes. In Bose-Einstein condensates the nonlocality of the nonlinearity reflects long-ranged interactions between atoms. During this talk, I will discuss collapse of the wave function and a curious dynamics of certain higher-order solitary waves for the cubic nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
The spin-orbit force is a vital tool in describing finite nuclei and nucleon interactions; however its microscopic origin is not fully understood. The Skyrme Model provides a classical explanation for the force based on the pion field structure of separated Skyrmions. In this talk I will briefly review the Skyrme Model and the spin-orbit force before setting up and solving a precise, simplified model of interacting Skyrmions.
Self-dual sectors are characterized by first order differential equations which imply the second order Euler-Lagrange equations, without the use of any dynamical conservation law. The magic of performing one integration less comes from a topological charge that also leads to a lower bound on the energy. We discuss some generalizations of those ideas that allow, among other things, to show the existence of infinite families of theories sharing the same set of self-dual solutions. As an application we propose a new Skyrme-type model that possesses an exact self-dual (BPS) sector. Its self-duality equation is the same as the so-called force-free equation used in plasma and solar physics. We construct self-dual solutions for such model on the space-time S^3 X R.
The non-perturbative numerical study of topological solitons has, until recently, been limited to `thermodynamic' results for the free energy of the objects. In this seminar some methods for studying the excitation spectra of defects will be discussed. Using the humble kink as an example -- but supported by recent results for domain walls and the SU(2) 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole -- we will demonstrate methods for measuring the mass, excitations and form factors for topological solitons on the lattice. With this technology, we will be able to move away from the well-known semiclassical results. Finally, some comments on efficient Monte Carlo algorithms for topological solitons on the lattice will also be made.
We discuss new results concerning chaotic dynamics in non-perturbative sectors of the classical one-dimensional phi^4 and phi^6 models. Considering the process of production of kink-antikink pairs in the collision of particle-like states we have shown that there are 3 steps in the process, the first step is to excite the oscillon intermediate state in the particle collision, the second step is a resonance excitation of the oscillon by the incoming perturbations, and finally, the soliton-antisoliton pair can be created from the resonantly excited oscillon. It is shown that the process depends fractally on the amplitude of the perturbations and the wave number of the perturbation. We also present the effective collective coordinate model for this process.
Considering the process of the kink-antikink collisions in the one-dimensional non-integrable scalar phi6 model we reveal that,although the classical kink solutions for this model do not possess an internal vibrational model there is a resonant scattering structure of the process, thereby providing a counterexample to the common belief that existence of such a mode is a necessary condition for multi-bounce resonances in the kink-antikink collisions. We investigate the two-bounce windows in the velocity range and present evidence that this structure is entirely related to the spectrum of the bound states on the background of the combined kink-antikink configuration.
The Skyrme-Faddeev model is a field theory in 3+1 dimensions which admits solitonic solutions taking the form of linked and knotted strings. These solitons bear a striking resemblance to a elastic rods, studied by Kirchhoff over a century ago. I will describe some recent efforts to understand this resemblance and derive an effective description of Skyrme-Faddeev solitons as elastic rods
Cosmic vortons are loops of superconducting cosmic string. Vorton solutions will be presented and their stability discussed. The results motivate the study of vorton stability in a lower dimensional system, where analytic results can be obtained within an elastic string description. This involves the calculation of the action density on the string worldsheet and allows explicit formulae to be obtained for quantities such as the transverse and longitudinal propagation speeds. This approach reveals a complicated pattern of intervals of instability.
I will present a proposal for the integrability in higher dimensions by
generalization of the Zakharov-Shabat zero curvature method to higher loop
space. I will discuss this approach in the context of suspended Hopf maps.
General overview of the gravitating multimonopoles and different
monopole-antimonopole systems in d=3+1 is presented. We discuss
relation of these field configurations with corresponding black holes
and/or Bartnik-McKinnon type solutions. It turns out that these
monopole-antimonopole solutions of the Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs model
are rather similar with new static, asymptotically flat solutions of the
SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in 4+1 dimensions, subject to
bi-azimuthal symmetry. The results are also compared with similar
solutions of the SU(2) Yang-Mills-dilaton model. Both particle-like and
black hole solutions are considered for two different sets of boundary
conditions in the Yang-Mills sector, corresponding to multisolitons and
soliton-antisoliton pairs.
Axons connect neurons; axons are thin, membrane-walled tubes whose
interior fluid is at a lower voltage to the exterior. Axons support
the propagation of what are called spikes, brief voltage pulses of
stereotypical profile and amplitude. In the brain information
propagates between neurons in the form of spike trains, sequences of
spikes. It is not known in any detail how information is coded in
spike trains, this is a difficult problem because the spike trains
themselves are unreliable, the same stimulus acting on a neuron leads
to different spike trains from trial to trial. Here I will describe
how defining a metric on the space of spike trains can help determine
properties of the information coding.
The influence of the external electromagnetic field on the dynamics of Davydov solitons in low-dimensional molecular systems is discussed. It is shown that there are resonant frequencies of the soliton response to the external field. One of these resonant frequencies results in the dissociation of the solitons, and the other one causes intensive absorption of the energy by the solitons from the external field and following intensive emission of sound waves in the molecular chain.
Propagation of a soliton in the molecular chain is affected by the periodic Peierls-Nabarro barrier, which results in the appearance of the oscillating component of soliton motion. As a result, solitons, which carrier charge (polarons), emit electromagnetic radiation of the characteristic frequency and its overtones. Energy dissipation via vibrational subsystem leads to the ratchet effect in the soliton dynamics, i.e., to the drift of the solitons in the periodic unbiased force. In symmetric molecular chains the ratchet effect takes place when the ac force is asymmetric in time. In asymmetric chains this effect occurs even in the harmonic external field.
Such dynamical properties of Davydov solitons should be manifested in the biological effects of external EMR on the charge transport during metabolism. In particular, this can constitute one of the mechanisms of nonthermal bioeffects of the millimeter wavelength radiation and a source of the endogenous electromagnetic field. The ractchet-type dynamics of solitons makes them to be good candidates to explain functioning of biomotors and to be perspective for nanotechnologies.
In my talk I will talk about some of the differences between integrable
and non-integrable systems. In particular, I will show that vibration modes
play a key role in the dynamic of non-integrable system.
The examples I will look at are the 2 dimensional New Baby Skyrme Model and
the sine-Gordon model with a potential well. Amongst other phenomena, I will
show how the breaking of the integrability of the sine-Gordon model allows
one to split breathers into a kink anti-kink pair
In this talk we will first revise various ways in which known field theory solitons apear in the context of string theory. We will then describe a new soliton in gauge theory, the "dyonic intanton" whose construction is inspired by string theory. (this part by M. Zamaklar)
In the second part part of the talk, we will revise the basic idea of the moduli space approximation. We will then show how this approximation, generalised to include a potential, can be used to
describe the dynamics of multiple dyonic instantons (this part by K. Peeters)
After some introduction to braneworlds, I will discuss the fate of the translational zero-mode of a 5D domain wall in the presence of gravity, based on the study of the scalar perturbations of a thick gravitating domain wall with AdS asymptotics and a well-defined zero-gravity limit.
After a lengthy introduction to the dynamics of topological solitons
I will report preliminary results on the dynamics of solitons in some
inhomogeneouus media (both 2dim solitons and those of the Sine-Gordon model).
"In the presence of symmetry, topological methods can be enhanced. The machinery for doing this is called equivariant cohomology. I will explain this in simple terms and illustrate it with a few examples. I will then apply it to several geometric situations, involving configurations of points, flag manifolds and vector bundles." [already in 11]
Mathematical models of non-Newtonian fluids play an important role in science and engineering, and their analysis has been an active field of research over the past decade. This talk is concerned with the mathematical analysis of numerical methods for the approximate solution of systems of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations that arise in models of chemically reacting viscous incompressible non-Newtonian fluids, such as the synovial fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints. The synovial fluid consists of an ultra filtrate of blood plasma that contains hyaluronic acid, whose concentration influences the shear-thinning property and helps to maintain a high viscosity; its function is to reduce friction during movement. The shear-stress appearing in the model involves a power-law type nonlinearity, where, instead of being a fixed constant, the power law-exponent is a function of a spatially varying nonnegative concentration function, which, in turn, solves a nonlinear
convection-diffusion equation. In order to prove the convergence of the sequence of numerical approximations to a solution of this coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations, a uniform Hölder norm bound needs to be derived for the sequence of numerical approximations to the concentration in a setting, where the diffusion coefficient in the convection-diffusion equation satisfied by the concentration is merely an L^∞ function. This necessitates the development of a discrete counterpart of the De Giorgi–Nash–Moser theory. Motivated by an early paper by Aguilera and Caffarelli (1986) in the simpler setting of Laplace’s equation, we derive such uniform Hölder norm bounds on the sequence of continuous piecewise linear finite element approximations to the concentration. We then use these to deduce the convergence of the sequence of approximations to a weak solution of the coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations under consideration.
Christina will discuss how the fundamental nature of COVID-19 transmission and illness led to a vicious circle of repeating waves of infection, disproportionately affecting those in more deprived communities. She will highlight where brilliant science helped to tackle the pandemic but also where it did not – especially when uncoupled from other expertise and responsive policy.
$C^*$-algebras provide the mathematical underpinnings of quantum mechanics. They have a rich theory that has been developed over the last century. In 1943, Gelfand and Naimark showed that every $C^*$-algebra is isomorphic to a subalgebra of operators on a Hilbert space. So, in the finite dimensional setting, the study of $C^*$-algebras is essentially the study of matrices. Yet even with this powerful theorem, an abstract $C^*$-algebra can be a complicated beast and understanding basic properties can be difficult. In this talk we describe how to build a $C^*$-algebra from an equivalence relation so that one can see properties of the algebra by looking at properties of the equivalence relation. To get a robust class of $C^*$-algebras in this way, we will consider equivalence relations on topological spaces. This talk will include several examples and assumes no $C^*$-algebraic background.
To celebrate the contributions of Black role models to the field of Mathematical Sciences, the Department of Mathematical Sciences is pleased to have Dr Angela Tabiri as their guest speaker.
Dr. Angela Tabiri is at present a Google AI postdoctoral fellow in the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Ghana. Prior to this she completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow in 2019 and a Postgraduate Diploma from ICTP, Trieste in 2015. Her research interests are in noncommutative algebra, Hopf algebra, quantum groups and quantum homogenous spaces. She is also leading a unique initiative called Femafricmaths, which promotes STEM education among African females.”
The event will be via Zoom and is open to all members of Durham University:
The Black History Month, also initially known as the African American History Month, is a month-long tradition of celebrating the achievements of the black community. It began as a way for remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. The event is celebrated every year in October in the UK.
To celebrate the contributions of black role models to the field of mathematical sciences, the department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University is pleased to have Dr Nira Chamberlain as our guest speaker, who will be delivering the annual Pascal lecture 2020. He will be speaking on ``The Black Heroes of Mathematics''.The event will be held online on Wednesday 4th November at 3pm.
Dr Nira Chamberlain is the current president of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application (IMA). He has more than 25 years of experience of writing mathematical models/simulation algorithms that solve complex industrial problems. He has developed mathematical solutions within many industrial sectors, including spells in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. In 2015 he joined the exclusive list of 30 UK mathematicians who are featured in the autobiographical reference book Who's Who. He has held visiting positions in many prestigious UK universities.
Abstract: This lecture will provide a survey of the state of the art in the theory of hyperbolic conservation laws emphasizing both recent achievements and future challenges.
A cubic polynomial equation in four or more variables tends to have many integer solutions, while one in two variables has a limited number of such solutions. There is a body of work establishing results along these lines. On the other hand very little is known in the critical case of three variables. For special such cubics, which we call Markoff surfaces, a theory can be developed. We will review some of the tools used to deal with these and related problems.
Joint works with Bourgain/Gamburd and with Ghosh
A spatiotemporal point process, P, is a stochastic model for generating a countable set of points (x(i), t(i)) ∈ IR2 × IR+, where each x(i) denotes the location, and t(i) the time, of an event of interest. A typical data-set is a partial realisation of P restricted to a specified spatial region A and time-interval [0,T], possibly supplemented by covariate information on location, time or the events themselves. In this talk, I will first give examples of different interpretations of this scenario according to whether only one or both of the sets of locations and times are stochastically generated. I will then discuss in more detail methods for analysing spatiotemporal point process data based on two very different modelling approaches, log-Gaussian Cox process models; and conditional intensity models, and describe applications of each in the context of human and veterinary epidemiology.
In 2014, Maryam Mirzakhani of Stanford University became the first women to be awarded the Fields medal. The starting point of her work was a remarkable relationship called McShane's identity, about the lengths of simple closed curves on certain hyperbolic surfaces. The proof of this identity, including the Birman-Series theorem about simple curves on surfaces, uses only quite basic ideas in hyperbolic geometry which I will try to explain. We will then look briefly at Mirzakhani's ingenious way of exploiting the identity and where it led.
Starting from a simple example (sharp gambles with a classical dice) we shall describe progressively more involved systems (like unsharp gambles with classical dice and hidden Markov chains). Then a physical experiment showing the insufficiency of classical probability to describe Nature will be explained and the notion of quantum probability and of repeated unsharp quantum measurements will be introduced. We shall conclude with a limit theorem concerning repeated quantum measurements.
Power networks are commonly modelled using continuous time Markov chains. Although they are analytically attractive, in practice, the assumptions underlying these models are not necessarily representative of real power networks observed in practice. Moreover, the parameters of the model can be hard to estimate from data. In this talk, we present a model based on so-called imprecise continuous time Markov chains, in which we relax the assumption of transition rates being precise and constant, instead allowing the rates to vary between bounds in a time-inhomogeneous way. For estimation of these bounds, we use a generalisation of the standard alpha-factor model for common cause failures that can deal with asymmetry, in order to apply the model to power networks, which are typically asymmetric. We show how practical bounds on the probability of various failure events can be calculated. Finally, we demonstrate our methodology on a simple yet realistic example.
Viruses are responsible for a wide range of devastating illnesses, yet therapy options are still limited. Mathematics provides a unique opportunity to gain a new perspective on how viruses form and how their formation may be prevented by novel anti-viral strategies. This is due to the fascinating structural properties of virus particles, which look like tiny containers that share geometric properties with footballs. The Twarock group has developed new mathematical tools that have provided unprecedented insights into the geometric constraints on virus structure. In an inter-dependent interdisciplinary collaboration with experimentalists in Leeds, these new tools have been used to reveal features in the formation of viruses that could not have been identified by experiment alone, and that can potentially be targeted by new anti-viral strategies. In this talk, I will demonstrate how geometry can help to better understand how viruses form and evolve. I will explain how these insights have resulted in the discovery of an Achilles' Heel in virus formation, and outline how this discovery provides a new perspective in the fight against viruses.
Some physical and mathematical theories have the unfortunate feature that if one takes them at face value, many quantities of interest appear to be infinite! Various techniques, usually going under the common name of `renormalisation' have been developed over the years to address this, allowing mathematicians and physicists to tame these infinities. We will tip our toes into some of the mathematical aspects of these techniques and we will see how they have recently been used to make precise analytical statements about the solutions of some equations whose meaning was not even clear until now.
"Simon Singh (author of "Fermat's Last Theorem", "The Code Book" and "Big Bang") will explore a whole series of everyday situations where probability plays a role, from the casino to the court room, from the doctor's surgery to the paranormal. In particular, he will be offering bets to the audience to assess how good we are at working out probabilities. Make the right choice and you could walk away £10 better off."