LMS-Durham Workshop

New developments and Applications in Rapid Fluid Flows
14-18th July Grey College, Durham.

Monday 14th July.

2.00pm-3.30pm Registration at Grey College

Session A (Chair F.T.Smith UCL)

4.00pm-4.30pm T. Mullin (Manchester)
A novel scaling law for the transition to turbulence in a pipe.
4.30pm-5.00pm  Dr. A. Walton (Imperial)
The linear and nonlinear stability of thread-annular flow.
5.00pm-5.30pm V.A. Vladimirov, P.V. Dennissenko and M.Y. Zhukov (Hull)
Experimental and theoretical studies of precessing jets in fluid layers.
5.30pm-6.00pm Discussion on talks
6.30pm-7.00pm Wine reception in the JCR, Grey College.
7.00pm Dinner

Tuesday 15th July.

7.45am-9.00am Breakfast

Session B (Chair P.W. Carpenter, Warwick)

9.15am-9.45am G. Baker (Ohio)
Singularity formation in vortex sheets.
9.45am-10.15am S.N. Brown and F.T. Smith (UCL)
'Spot' formation in boundary layers.
10.15am-10.45am  A.I. Ruban (Manchester) and X. Wu (Imperial)
Transonic viscous-inviscid interaction near corner points. 
10.45am-11.15am Coffee
11.15am-11.45am S. Braun and A. Kluwick (Vienna)
Blow up and control of marginally separated boundary layers.
11.45am-12.15pm M.Kravtsova, V.Zametaev (TsAGI) and A.I. Ruban (Manchester)
Effective numerical methods for solving interacting flows.
12.15pm-12.45pm S.J. Cowley (Cambridge)
Boundary layer theory, a 20th century paradox.
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch

Session C (Chair A.I. Ruban, Manchester)

2.15pm-3.30pm Discussion
3.30pm-4.00pm Tea
4.00pm-4.30pm N. Peake (Cambridge)
Absolute instability on rotating bodies.
4.30pm-5.00pm J. Healey (Keele)
Pinching without branch points: A new mechanism for absolute instability.
5.00pm-5.30pm P.W. Carpenter (Warwick)
Global behaviour corresponding to the absolute instability of rotating-disk flow.
5.30pm-6.00pm R. Narasimha (NIAS, Bangalore)
A new look at the stability of non-parallel shear flows.
6.00pm-6.30pm Discussion
7.00pm Dinner

Wednesday 16th July

7.45am-9.00am Breakfast

Session D (Chair S. Chernyshenko, Southampton)

9.15am-9.45am K. Cassel ( IIT, Chicago)
Unsteady separation- bridging the Reynolds number gap.
9.45am-10.15am J.S.B. Gajjar and N. Azzam (Manchester)
On the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for the flow past a row of circular cylinders at large Reynolds numbers.
10.15am-10.45am C. Davies (Cardiff)
A new velocity-vorticity simulation method for boundary-layer disturbances.
10.45am-11.15am Coffee
11.15am-11.45am F.T. Smith (UCL)
Branching flows and networks.
11.45am-12.15pm M. Samad and A.I.Ruban (Manchester)
Three-dimensional marginal separation.
12.15pm-12.45pm I. Lipatov (TSAGI, Moscow)
Some models of viscous-inviscid interaction. Conclusions and prospects.
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch

Session E (Chair R. Narasimha, Bangalore)

2.15pm-3.30pm  Discussion
3.30pm-4.00pm Tea
4.00pm-4.30pm  R. Kerimbekov and A.I.Ruban (Manchester)
Receptivity of boundary layers to distributed wall vibrations.
4.30pm-5.00pm N. Ovenden (Oxford) and F.T. Smith (UCL)
On generation of horseshoe vortices by corrugated surfaces, surface roughness or pipe bends.
5.00pm-5.30pm S. Stavrou and A.I. Ruban (Manchester)
Leading edge separation control by means of well organised suction.
5.30pm--6.00pm  S. Timoshin (UCL)
Feedback instability in boundary layer flow.
6.00pm-6.30pm Discussion
7.00pm  Dinner

Thursday 17th July

7.45am-9.00am Breakfast

Session F (Chair T. Mullin, Manchester)

9.15am-9.45am M.S. Ruderman, R.Erdelyi (Sheffield) and L.Brevdo (Marseille) 
Kelvin-Helmholtz absolute and convective instabilities of an inviscid fluid-viscous configuration.
9.45am-10.15am S.O. Mackerrell (Birmingham)
Stability of Bödewat flow.
10.15am-10.45am M. Choudhari and C.L Chang (NASA Langley)
A computational study of roughness based supersonic laminar flow control.
10.45am-11.15am Coffee
11.15am-11.45am  H.A. Jasmine and J.S.B. Gajjar (Manchester)
Absolute instability of the Von-Karman, Bödewat, and Ekman flows between a rotating disk and a stationary lid.
11.45am-12.15pm M. Homem (Sheffield)
Absolute and convective instabilities in open shear flow. II Magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium.
12.15pm-12.45pm R. Purvis and F.T. Smith (UCL)
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch

Session G

2.00pm Group photograph
2.45pm-5.30pm Tour of Durham Cathedral
7.00pm for 7.30pm  Banquet

Friday 18th July

7.45am-9.00am Breakfast

Session H (Chair A. Kluwick, Vienna)

9.15am-9.45am  X. Wu (Imperial)
Asymptotic theory of combustion instability in pre-mixed flames.
9.45am-10.15am S. Chernyshenko (Southampton)
Generalised optimal perturbation theory for predicting the streak spacing in turbulent flow.
10.15am-10.45am P. Wilson (UCL)
The turbulent boundary layer in a slender curved duct.
10.45am-11.15am Coffee
11.15am-11.45am A. Sen (Manchester)
Generation of instabilities in a pipe with a compliant wall.
11.45am-12.15pm R. Bowles, C. Davies and F.T. Smith (UCL)
On normal pressure gradients in boundary layer transition and separation.
12.15pm-1.00pm  Closing discussion
1.00pm Lunch
Please note that all the talks will take place in the Mathematical Sciences Department and all the meals will be at Grey College. Back to information for participants