Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the North British Mathematical Physics Seminar
The twenty-seventh meeting of the North British Mathematical
Physics Seminar will be held on Thursday 30 September
2010 in Durham, in room CM221 of the Department of
Mathematical Sciences.
people have so far said they intend to come.
Coffee (in the Maths Dept, room CM211)
Alessandro Torrielli
We will review integrability and the role of quantum group
symmetries and their representations in the spectral problem of
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, and the relevance for the AdS/CFT
Robert Weston
I will present a common algebraic setting for Q-operators and defects
the XXZ and sine-Gordon models and
discuss the connection with the work of Bowcock, Corrigan and Zambon.
Arjun Bagchi
Non-relativistic versions of AdS/CFT have been a popular venue of
recent research. In this talk, I look at the version which can be best
motivated as the true non-relativistic limit of the conjecture. The
relativistic conformal algebra on the boundary is systematically
reduced to what we call the Galilean Conformal Algebra by a process of
parametric group contraction. This new algebra is surprising in many
aspects, the most intriguing of which is the fact that it can be given
an infinite lift in any space-time dimensions. This algebra is also
important to non-relativistic hydrodynamics. I look at some
interesting features of the two dimensional GCA.The bulk dual of the
system is proposed as a novel Newton-Cartan like structure of Anti
de-Sitter space-time. The GCA is obtained as the asymptotic symmetries
of this novel structure. Several other comments on more recent
research would also be made.
Alex Torres-Gomez
Our starting point is an action that describes a general
diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory for a group G. The Minkowski
background then breaks the gauge group by selecting in it a preferred
gravitational SU(2) subgroup. We expand the action around this
background and find the spectrum of linearized theory to consist of
the usual gravitons plus Yang-Mills fields charged under the
centralizer of the SU(2) in G. In addition, there is a set of Higgs
fields that are charged both under the gravitational and Yang-Mills
Andrew Ciavarella
Among the spinning string solutions that have proved useful in testing
the AdS/CFT correspondence are the giant magnons, which when attached
to a giant graviton create a boundary giant magnon. We will discuss
the boundary giant magnons on R x S^2 from three different
perspectives: as string solutions, as their Pohlmeyer reduced versions
in sine-Gordon theory and as BIon spikes of a D3-brane giant graviton.
Practical Information
Train information can be obtained here.
For directions to the Department of Mathematical Sciences
click here,
here or here.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided free of charge. There
might be a sandwich lunch for which participants might be charged
(depending on funding).
Limited funds are available to help with travel expenses of
participants with no other source of funding. We hope that this
will encourage postgraduate students and postdocs to attend the
meeting. Please email Patrick Dorey
in advance if you would like to apply for support and please
book early to take advantage of the cheaper fares.