Diffusion and improvement of mathematical knowledge in Europe: Durham

Aim of the project

It is well known that Mathematics is a fundamental instrument of science in which Europe has a very old and strong tradition. In Europe the present situation is that the numbers of students in Science and Engineering subjects are dropping sharply and this can be a serious threat to Europe's technological and economic leadership. The aim of the project is to revive the interest of the public and in particular the young generation in Mathematics and to contribute to the preservation and development of the tradition and level of excellence of Mathematics in Europe. The objectives are:

  1. To interest more young people in Mathematics and related fields;
  2. To compare national experiences and different starting backgrounds with the scope of:

Other partner universities

Durham output
  1. Seminars: Mathematics: the greatest subject in the world, applying for teacher training, Mathematics and Culture (Professor Straughan & Dr. Blowey) and a series of public lectures.
    Free Conference for Maths Teachers, Teachers on Track (2004 | 2005 | 2006), Module: Mathematics Teaching, NAGTY,
  2. How a typical student enters an English University to study Mathematics
    English Muliple Choice Quiz and Results - files and spreadsheets available on request.
    The International Baccalaureate and A-levels

James Blowey and Brian Straughan.

European Contract 2002-5569/001-001 SO2 61OBGE - Grant request 38/2002
"Diffusion and improvement of mathematical knowledge in Europe"
Socrates Program - Action 6.1