- Statistical modelling in biological dosimetry. Talk in Statistics seminar, Durham University, 10.01.2025, Durham, UK
- Statistical modelling in biological dosimetry. Seminar talk, University of Limerick, 8.11.2024, Limerick, Ireland
- Finding antimodes in univariate and bivariate data, II Joint Workshop on Functional Data
Analysis and Nonparametric Statistics, 12.09.2024, Miraflores de la Serra, Spain.
- Assessing the long-term effect of EEF-funded interventions using EEF Archive NPD linked data (joint talk with A.Singh), EEF-Durham Analysis Workshop, 11.06.2024, Durham, UK. [online]
- On densities, modes, and antimodes. Seminar talk, Maynooth University, 10.04.2024, Maynooth, Ireland
- On densities, modes, and antimodes. Department of Mathematical Sciences Research Day, 22.09.2023, Durham, UK.
- Case study "Dosimetry". Impact Day 2023 - Mathematical Sciences, 27.06.2023, Durham, UK.
- An introduction to eefAnalytics. EEF/Durham Analysis Workshop, 25.05.2023 [online].
- A graphical tool for assessing inflation of a count regression model, RSS West Midlands local group meeting, 09.05.23, Wolverhampton, UK.
- Revisiting the mixture approach to mixed models: Thoughts on clustering and dimension reduction, CMStatistics, 18.12.22, London, UK.
- Goodness-of-fit tests based on cumulant characterizations, Lecture Event Statistics, 03.05.22, Durham, UK.
- Disentangling zero-inflation from overdispersion in statistical biodosimetry, 20.12.2021, CMStatistics, London, UK. [online]
- A graphical tool for assessing the suitability of count regression models, with applications in biological dosimetry, 08.12.2021, Seminar talk, Birkbeck University of London, UK. [online]
- A graphical tool for assessing the suitability of count regression models, with applications in biological dosimetry , 24.11.2021, Seminar talk, Maynooth University, Ireland. [online]
- A primer to statistical dosimetry. STFC Data Intensive Science Summer School 2021. 14.09.2021, Durham, UK. [online]
- A graphical tool for assessing the suitability of count regression models, with applications in biological dosimetry, 15.04.2021, Seminario, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. [online]
- The effect of data aggregation on dispersion estimates in count data models, 16.12.2019, CMStatistics, London, UK.
- Modelling radiation biomarkers: Overdispersion and the role of data aggregation, 07.11.2019, Seminar talk, Schoof of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK.
- γ-H2AX based dosimetry: Practical and conceptual considerations, 18.07.2019, Public Health England, Chilton, Didcot, UK
- Some thoughts on the estimation of antimodes, 14.04.2019 , CRoNoS & MDA 2019, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Ansätze zur Dosimetrie durch den γ-H2AX Biomarker, 09.04.2019, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Munich, Germany.
- Quasi-Poisson regression models for radiation dose estimation from biomarkers, 15.12.2018, CMStatistics, Pisa, Italy.
- The Christmas tree plot: a diagnostic device for assessing model fit in count data models. `Professor N. Balakrishnan Lecture Day', 27.11.2018, Durham, UK [Slides on request].
- On the estimation of the dispersion parameter for grouped data. `Brainstorming session Statistical Modelling', 23.08.2018, Durham, UK [Slides on request,
R Code]
- Radiation dose estimation through the
gamma-H2AX protein, BSI research showcase, Biophysical Sciences Institute, 13/07/2018, Durham, UK.
- Assessing uncertainty in posterior intercepts from random effect models, 17.12.2017, CMStatistics, London, UK.
- Confidence intervals for posterior intercepts, with application to the PIAAC literacy survey, 05.07.2017,
32nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Groningen, NL.
- The H2AX-histone as a radiation biomarker - modelling and dose estimation, 20.06.2017, Protein Structure Prediction and Modelling, Durham, UK
- Assessing deflation or inflation of counts in count data regression, 09.12.2016, CMStatistics (ERCIM), Seville, Spain.
- Radiation dosimetry through statistical analysis
of biomarkers, 09.11.2016, Undergraduate Colloqium, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University.
- A diagnostic tool for assessing model fit in count data models, with application to radiation biodosimetry, 14.10.2016, Seminar talk at University of York, UK.
- A diagnostic plot for assessing model fit in count data models, 05.07.2016,
31st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Rennes, France.
- Statistical models for radiation biodosimetry – Poisson or not Poisson?, 26.10.15, LD-RadStats, Barcelona, Spain.
- A score-test for testing zero-inflation in Poisson regression models under the identity-link, 18.03.15, Biometric Colloquium, Dortmund, Germany.
- Statistical models for radiation biodosimetry — Poisson or not Poisson? 23.02.2015, Seminar talk, Durham University, UK.
- A study of online and batch-wise updating of the
EM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures, ERCIM, 08.12.2014, Pisa, Italy.
- Data visualization (and beyond) with local principal curves and manifolds, 22.08.2014, Workshop: Model reduction across disciplines, Leicester, UK.
- Localized principal components and curves. Seminar talk at LSE, 21.03.14, London, UK.
- Data visualization (and beyond) with local principal curves and manifolds. 15.12.13, ERCIM, London, UK.
- Principal curves and surfaces: Data visualization, compression, and beyond . 03.10.13,
Seminar talk at University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.
- Some asymptotics for localized principal components and curves, 20.07.2013, European Meeting of Statisticians (2013), Budapest, Hungary.
- Identification of models for linear and non-linear causal data structures (with U. Kruger and Z. Kalantan) Part I, Part II
, 07.05.2013, Workshop Geometrical Structures in Statistics , Durham, UK.
- Principal curves and surfaces: Data visualization, compression, and beyond. 18.04.2013, Seminar talk at University of Sheffield, UK.
- Principal curves and surfaces: The step beyond data visualization, 18.12.2012, Seminar talk at USP, São Carlos, Brazil.
- Penalized regression on principal manifolds with application to combustion modelling, 18.07.2012,
27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Combustion modelling through principal manifolds, 25.05.2012, ECS-Mathematical Sciences Energy Seminars, Durham, UK.
- Principal manifolds: a versatile tool for data visualization and beyond, 20.04.2012, 9th International Conference
on Computational Management Science, London, UK.
- Principal curves and surfaces: The step beyond data visualization,
16.01.2012, Seminar talk at Durham University , Durham, UK.
- Modelling and inference with principal curves and surfaces, 11.10.2011, Seminar talk at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service d'Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique, Brussels, Belgium.
- Density Estimation with an anticipated number of modes, 19.05.2011, CASI: Conference of Applied
Statistics in Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
- Goodness-of-fit tests in semi-linear models, 10.12.2010, 3rd International Conference of the ERCIM WG on
- Principal curves: A versatile tool for data compression and beyond, 22.10.10, Seminar talk at University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Measuring goodness-of-fit in nonparametric unsupervised learning problems, 18.08.10, European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS), Piraeus, Greece.
- Localized regression on principal manifolds, 08.07.10,
25th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Data compression and regression based on local principal curves and manifolds, 14.04.10, Seminar talk within "Bala day" at Durham University, UK.
- Data compression and regression based on local principal curves and surfaces, 05.12.09, Seminar talk at National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
- Data compression and visualization with local principal curves and manifolds, 13.11.09, Seminar talk at University of Leeds, UK.
- Are there 15 different ways of thinking of imprecise regression?, 14.09.2009, 2nd Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability, Munich, Germany.
- Dimension reduction through local principal curves and manifolds, 01.09.2009, Coping with Complexity: Model Reduction and Data Analysis, Ambleside, UK.
- Smoothing, Sampling, and Basu's elephants, 24.04.2009, Seminar talk at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
- Data compression and regression based on local principal curves, 32nd Annual Conference of the GfKl, 18.07.2008, Hamburg, Germany.
- Dimension reduction for high-dimensional regression problems based on local principal curves, First Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on
Computing & Statistics, 21.06.2008, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. (Attention: File does not work properly with acroread. Use Xpdf, evince, or gv, instead.)
- Regression, Robustness, Imprecision, and 'Trust', 13.05.2008, Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability , Durham, UK. R Source Code etc.
- Smoothing, Sampling, and Basu's elephants , 02.11.2007, Seminar talk at University of Lancaster, UK.
- Smoothing, Sampling, and Basu's elephants, 23.10.2007, Seminar talk at Durham University, UK.
- Analyzing traffic data with function-free smoothing methods - Approaches and Challenges , 20.08.2007,
ASMA: Advances in Semiparametric Methods and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Exploring Multivariate Data Structures with Principal Curves, 04.04.07, Durham University, Statistics Postgraduate Seminar, Durham, UK.
- The Fitting of Multifunctions: an Approach to Nonparametric Multimodal Regression , 30.08.06, COMPSTAT, Rome, Italy.
- Local principal curves, 25.08.06, Principal manifolds for data cartography and dimension reduction, Leicester, UK. R Source Code
- Random effect modelling for regression models with Gamma-distributed response , 20.05.06, CASI: The 26th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Killarney, Ireland.
- On Statistical Modelling with Random Effects using Mixture Models , 29.11.05, Seminar talk at LMU Munich, Germany.
- Local Principal Curves, 22.11.05, Seminar talk at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Random Effect Modelling with Mode Trees, 19.07.2005, Perspectives in Modern Statistical Inference III, Mikulov, Czech Republic.
Making the EM Algorithm for NPML Estimation Less Sensitive to Tuning Parameters , 20.05.2005, CASI: The 25th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland.
Analyzing Irish Suicide Rates with Mixture Models (joint talk with J. Hinde), 18.03.2005, Workshop: League Tables and Performance Monitoring in Education and Health, Dublin, Ireland.
The Fitting of Multifunctions: An Approach to Nonparametric Multimodal Regression , 10.03.2005, 29th Annual Meeting of the GFKL, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Approaches to Function-free Local Smoothing , 10.02.2005, Seminar talk at NUI, Galway, Ireland.
- Local Principal Curves, 01.04.2004, Seminar talk at Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
- Exploring Multivariate Data Structures With Local Principal Curves , 11.03.2004, 28th Annual Meeting of the GFKL, Dortmund, Germany.
- Strukturerkennung mit lokalen Glättungsmethoden, 17.06.2003, Seminar talk at Universität Dortmund, Germany.
- Multivariate Local Fitting with General Basis Functions, 19.08.2002, European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) , Prague, Czech Republic.
- Multivariate Local Fitting with General Basis Functions, 31.07.2002, Simposio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatisticas (SINAPE), Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil.
Local Fitting with General Basis Functions, 1.11.2001, Euroworkshop on Statistical Modeling, Höhenried, Germany.
- R package mult.latent.reg for multivariate response scenarios with latent structures (first author: Y. Zhang), 16.07.2024, IWSM 2024, Durham, UK
- Simultaneous linear dimension reduction and clustering with flexible variance matrices (first author: Y. Zhang), 19.07.2022, IWSM 2002, Trieste, UK.
- Box-Cox response transformations for random effect models (first author: A. Almohaimeed); 17.07.2018, IWSM 2018, Bristol, UK.
- Dose estimation with uncertainty quantification from the γ-H2AX
assay (with R. Sales, M. Higueras, L Ainsbury, S Barnard ); 13.06.2018, EPR BioDose, Munich, Germany.
- Zero-inflated models for radiation-induced chromosome aberration data (first author: M. Oliveira); 16.03.2015, Biometric Colloquium, Dortmund, UK.
- Generative Linear Mixture Models (with A. Lawson), 17.07.2012, IWSM 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
- A catalogue of speed-flow diagrams based on local principal curves (with J. Dwyer), 31.03.2009, Traffic Modelling Conference, Milton Keynes, UK.
- Smoothing, sampling, and Basu's elephants ( .PNG ) (with T. Augustin and J. M. Singer), 03.07.2007, IWSM 2007, Barcelona, Spain.
A comparative study of nonparametric derivative estimators (with J. Newell), 03.07.2007, IWSM 2007, Barcelona, Spain.
- Approaches to dimension reduction for multidimensional complex patterns based on localized principal components (with L. Evers and G. Tutz), 29.06.2003, SFB Workshop: Statistical Modelling of Discrete Structures in Economics, München, Germany.
- Local Fitting with a Power Basis, 12.10.2001, SFB Workshop: Recent Developments and Applications in the Statistical Analysis of Discrete Structures, München, Germany.