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10. Installing a new computer on the network.

Once sysf has been fully set up, configuring a new host on the network is a simple task. First one must add the new host-name in the hosts.conf file. It must be added to the ALL list as well as to any other host groups the host should belong to. There is no need to modify the sysf.conf file.

The next task is to create all the necessary config files. Most entry will have a DEFAULT or HOST GROUP config file. These files will usually be appropriate and require no alteration, but should one host require a specific system file one can make a copy of an existing config file and customise it for the new host. SHARED files can be ignored.

sysf entries which have the h flag set are the ones for which a specific config file must be created one way or another. Most of them will be created during the installation of the operating system. The Linux lilo.conf or the fstab files are typical examples. Some of the host specific system files can easily be prepared before the new host is installed. The /etc/sysconfig/network file for example can be copied and customised from an existing file. One would thus create the config file prior to the installation of the new host.

Some other system files, especially those which depend very much on the hardware like the fstab or the XF86Config files, are better created during the installation of the operating system. Any further customisation can be done just after the installation. In particular, one should at least add to the fstab file an NFS entry for the NFS partition on which the config directory resides. The directory must be mounted before sysf can be used (though it can be mounted by hand too).

Once all the files have been prepared, the command

    # sysf -OS_install ALL 
will perform the appropriate operation to configure the new host. This command will create or update the system and config file according to the following rule:

If the config file exists, the sysf -first_install command is executed, to make a copy of the system file with the .DIST extension (if there is none yet) and to copy the config file into the system file. If the config file does not exist, then if the sysf h flag is on for that entry, the command sysf -new is executed to create the config file for the new host. If the sysf h flag is off the config file is created as a symbolic link to the file NONE (which does not need to exist).

The configuration of a new hosts can be performed using a script file like the one below:

#!/bin/csh -f
## kenighan is the name of the main server

rm -f /root/.tcshrc
ln -s /root/.cshrc /root/.tcshrc

echo 'set prompt="`uname -n`:# "' >> /root/.cshrc

cat >> /etc/fstab << EOF
# Home directory
kernighan:/direct/home          /home                   nfs     defaults
# Shared directories
kernighan:/direct/RPMS          /usr/local/RPMS         nfs     defaults
kernighan:/direct/Common        /usr/local/common       nfs     defaults
kernighan:/direct/sys           /usr/local/sys          nfs     defaults
kernighan:/direct/mail          /var/mail               nfs     actimeo=0

mkdir /usr/local/RPMS
mkdir /usr/local/common
mkdir /usr/local/sys

if ( ! -d /extra/tmp ) then
  mkdir /extra/tmp
  chmod 777 /extra/tmp

# mount the NFS file systems
mount -a

# Get ntpd running
echo "setting the clock!"
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd stop
/usr/sbin/ntpdate kernighan
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd start

# Install extra packages and patches
(cd /usr/local/RPMS/RedHat7.2/PowerTools; rpm -ivh *.rpm)
(cd /usr/local/RPMS/RedHat7.2/Patches; rpm -ivh *.rpm)

# Configure the hosts using sysf.
echo "Install system files"
/usr/local/sys/bin/sysf -OSI ALL

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