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13th February 2025
Probability and Statistics Seminar, University of Nottingham
We study an energy-constrained random walker on a length-N interval of the one-dimensional integer lattice, with boundary reflection. The walker consumes one unit of energy for every step taken in the interior, and energy is replenished up to a capacity of M on each boundary visit. We establish large N, M distributional asymptotics for the lifetime of the walker, i.e., the first time at which the walker runs out of energy while in the interior. When energy is scarce, there is limit related to a Darling-Mandelbrot law, while when energy is plentiful there is an exponential limit distribution on a suitable scale. We discuss some motivation from random walk models in ecology.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Grinfeld (Strathclyde).
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Grinfeld (Strathclyde).
29th January 2025
Probability and Applications Seminar, Queen Mary University of London
We study an energy-constrained random walker on a length-N interval of the one-dimensional integer lattice, with boundary reflection. The walker consumes one unit of energy for every step taken in the interior, and energy is replenished up to a capacity of M on each boundary visit. We establish large N, M distributional asymptotics for the lifetime of the walker, i.e., the first time at which the walker runs out of energy while in the interior. When energy is scarce, there is limit related to a Darling-Mandelbrot law, while when energy is plentiful there is an exponential limit distribution on a suitable scale. We discuss some motivation from random walk models in ecology.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Grinfeld (Strathclyde).
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Grinfeld (Strathclyde).
22nd August 2024
Stochastic Processes under Constraints, University of Bielefled
We study an energy-constrained random walker on a length-N interval of the one-dimensional integer lattice, with boundary reflection. The walker consumes one unit of energy for every step taken in the interior, and energy is replenished up to a capacity of M on each boundary visit. We establish large N, M distributional asymptotics for the lifetime of the walker, i.e., the first time at which the walker runs out of energy while in the interior. When energy is scarce, there is limit related to a Darling-Mandelbrot law, while when energy is plentiful there is an exponential limit distribution on a suitable scale. We discuss some motivation from random walk models in ecology.
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Grinfeld (Strathclyde).
This talk is based on joint work with Michael Grinfeld (Strathclyde).
18th June 2024
Modern Trends in Probability and Its Applications, Heriot–Watt University
Consider a random walk whose increments have finite
variance, run for a finite number of steps. The convex hull of the
trajectory is the (random) minimal convex polytope that
encloses all the points visited by the walk. We present some results on laws of the iterated logarithm
for intrinsic volumes of the convex hull, in the case where the random walk has a non-zero drift. Analogous
results in the case of zero drift (where the scaling is different) were obtained by Khoshnevisan.
Our proofs, like Khoshnevisan's, are based on Strassen's functional law of the iterated logarithm. For the special case
of the area of the planar random walk with drift, we compute explicitly the constant in the iterated-logarithm law
by solving an isoperimetric problem reminiscent of the Dido problem.
This talk is based on joint work with Wojciech Cygan, Nikola Sandrić, and Stjepan Šebek.
This talk is based on joint work with Wojciech Cygan, Nikola Sandrić, and Stjepan Šebek.
13 July 2023
Probabiltiy colloquium, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
I will talk about an interacting particle model motivated by nanoscale growth of ultra-thin films. Particles are deposited (according to a space-time Poisson process) on an interval substrate and perform Brownian motions until any two meet, when they nucleate to form a static island, which acts as an absorbing barrier to subsequent particles. This is a continuum version of a lattice model popular in the applied literature. We are interested in the induced interval-splitting process. In particular, we show that the long-time evolution converges to a Markovian interval-splitting process, which we describe. The density that appears in this description is derived from an exit problem for planar Brownian motion from a right-angled triangle, extending work of Smith and Watson. The splitting density has a compact Fourier series expansion but, apparently, no simple closed form.
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
8 June 2023
Random Walks in Bath, University of Bath
Consider a random walk whose increments have finite
variance, run for a finite number of steps. The convex hull of the
trajectory is the (random) minimal convex polytope that
encloses all the points visited by the walk. We present some results on laws of the iterated logarithm
for intrinsic volumes of the convex hull, in the case where the random walk has a non-zero drift. Analogous
results in the case of zero drift (where the scaling is different) were obtained by Khoshnevisan.
Our proofs, like Khoshnevisan's, are based on Strassen's functional law of the iterated logarithm. For the special case
of the area of the planar random walk with drift, we compute explicitly the constant in the iterated-logarithm law
by solving an isoperimetric problem reminiscent of the Dido problem.
This talk is based on joint work with Wojciech Cygan, Nikola Sandrić, and Stjepan Šebek.
This talk is based on joint work with Wojciech Cygan, Nikola Sandrić, and Stjepan Šebek.
27 March 2023
UK Easter Probability Meeting, Manchester
I will talk about an interacting particle model motivated by nanoscale growth of ultra-thin films. Particles are deposited (according to a space-time Poisson process) on an interval substrate and perform Brownian motions until any two meet, when they nucleate to form a static island, which acts as an absorbing barrier to subsequent particles. This is a continuum version of a lattice model popular in the applied literature. We are interested in the induced interval-splitting process. In particular, we show that the long-time evolution converges to a Markovian interval-splitting process, which we describe. The density that appears in this description is derived from an exit problem for planar Brownian motion from a right-angled triangle, extending work of Smith and Watson. The splitting density has a compact Fourier series expansion but, apparently, no simple closed form.
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
13 September 2022
Stochastic seminar, TU Dresden
Consider a planar random walk whose increments have finite
variance, run for a finite number of steps. The convex hull of the
trajectory is the (random) convex polygon of minimal area that
encloses all the points visited by the walk. Associated to it are
random variables such as its perimeter length, area, and diameter. We
present an overview of some results on the large-time distributional
limit theory of these random variables. There is different behaviour
depending on whether the walk has a non-zero or zero mean increment.
In most cases, the limit distribution is non-Gaussian; in one case, it
is Gaussian. The methods use some scaling arguments and, in the
anomalous case, some martingale ideas.
The results I will present are mostly from joint work with James McRedmond and Chang Xu.
The results I will present are mostly from joint work with James McRedmond and Chang Xu.
27 July 2022
Lévy processes and random walks: A workshop in celebration of Ron Doney's 80th birthday, University of Manchester
For a multidimensional driftless diffusion in an unbounded, smooth, sub-linear generalized parabolic domain, with oblique reflection from the boundary, we give conditions under which either explosion occurs, if the domain narrows sufficiently fast at infinity, or else there is superdiffusive transience, which we quantify with a strong law of large numbers. For example, in the case of a planar domain, explosion occurs if and only if the area of the domain is finite.
This talk is based on joint work with Mikhail Menshikov and Aleksandar Mijatović.
This talk is based on joint work with Mikhail Menshikov and Aleksandar Mijatović.
13 June 2022
Random Graphs and Networks workshop, University of South Wales
In this talk I will give an overview of a class of random graph models constructed on random points in space, with edges added according to a rule based on proximity, including the "on-line" set-up where vertices are added sequentially and the candidate neighbour of a new vertex is chosen from among its predecessors. The examples I will focus on are the so-called minimal directed spanning tree (introduced by Bhatt and Roy) and the on-line nearest neighbour graph (which goes back at least to Steele), in both of which points are connected to nearest neighbours in Euclidean space, with some constraints. The results I will present cover the large-sample asymptotics for the total edge length of these graphs. The main feature of these results is that the limit distribution undergoes a dimension-dependent phase transition between normal (as is common under local dependence) and non-normal limits, with the non-normal component arising due to the presence of unusually long edges.
16 March 2022
Probability seminar, University of Sheffield
I will talk about an interacting particle model motivated by nanoscale growth of ultra-thin films. Particles are deposited (according to a space-time Poisson process) on an interval substrate and perform Brownian motions until any two meet, when they nucleate to form a static island, which acts as an absorbing barrier to subsequent particles. This is a continuum version of a lattice model popular in the applied literature. We are interested in the induced interval-splitting process. In particular, we show that the long-time evolution converges to a Markovian interval-splitting process, which we describe. The density that appears in this description is derived from an exit problem for planar Brownian motion from a right-angled triangle, extending work of Smith and Watson. The splitting density has a compact Fourier series expansion but, apparently, no simple closed form.
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
30 September 2021
North-East & Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar
I will talk about an interacting particle model motivated by nanoscale growth of ultra-thin films. Particles are deposited (according to a space-time Poisson process) on an interval substrate and perform Brownian motions until any two meet, when they nucleate to form a static island, which acts as an absorbing barrier to subsequent particles. This is a continuum version of a lattice model popular in the applied literature. We are interested in the induced interval-splitting process. In particular, we show that the long-time evolution converges to a Markovian interval-splitting process, which we describe. The density that appears in this description is derived from an exit problem for planar Brownian motion from a right-angled triangle, extending work of Smith and Watson. The splitting density has a compact Fourier series expansion but, apparently, no simple closed form.
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
29 April 2021
UCL Department of Statistical Science Seminar
I will talk about an interacting particle model motivated by nanoscale growth of ultra-thin films. Particles are deposited (according to a space-time Poisson process) on an interval substrate and perform Brownian motions until any two meet, when they nucleate to form a static island, which acts as an absorbing barrier to subsequent particles. This is a continuum version of a lattice model popular in the applied literature. We are interested in the induced interval-splitting process. In particular, we show that the long-time evolution converges to a Markovian interval-splitting process, which we describe. The density that appears in this description is derived from an exit problem for planar Brownian motion from a right-angled triangle, extending work of Smith and Watson. The splitting density has a compact Fourier series expansion but, apparently, no simple closed form.
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
This talk is based on joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
2 October 2020
Stochastic Processes under Constraints, Oberwolfach
Consider a random walk in $d$-dimensional space which remembers its most recent $k$ steps, and at each
step takes a jump distributed uniformly on a unit ball, excluding the convex hull of the origin and those $k$ most
recent sites. For $k = \infty$ this is a version of the model introduced by Angel et al., which is conjectured to be
ballistic (i.e., to have a limiting speed and a limiting direction). We establish ballisticity for the finite-memory
case, and comment on some open problems. This is joint work with Francis Comets (Paris VII) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
26 August 2020
Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020
We study a random walk (Markov chain) in an unbounded planar domain whose boundary is described by two curves of the form $x_2 = a^+ x_1^{\beta^+}$ and $x_2 = -a^- x_1^{\beta^-}$, with $x_1 \geq 0$. In the interior of the domain, the random walk has zero drift and a given increment covariance matrix. From the vicinity of the upper and lower sections of the boundary, the walk drifts back into the interior at a given angle $\alpha^+$ or $\alpha^-$ to the relevant inwards-pointing normal vector. Here we focus on the case where $\alpha^+$ and $\alpha^-$ are equal but opposite, which includes the case of normal reflection.
For $0 \leq \beta^+, \beta^- < 1$, we identify the phase transition between recurrence and transience, depending on the model parameters,
and quantify recurrence via moments of passage times.
This is joint work with Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) and Aleksandar Mijatović (Warwick).
This is joint work with Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) and Aleksandar Mijatović (Warwick).
21 August 2020
Informal probability seminar, UCL
Motivated by nanoscale growth of ultra-thin films, we study a model of deposition, on an interval substrate, of particles that perform Brownian motions until any two meet, when they nucleate to form a static island, which acts as an absorbing barrier to subsequent particles. This is a continuum version of a lattice model popular in the applied literature. We show that the associated interval-splitting process converges in the sparse deposition limit to a Markovian process (in the vein of Brennan and Durrett) governed by a splitting density with a compact Fourier series expansion but, apparently, no simple closed form. We show that the same splitting density governs the fixed deposition rate, large time asymptotics of the normalized gap distribution, so these asymptotics are independent of deposition rate. The splitting density is derived by solving an exit problem for planar Brownian motion from a right-angled triangle, extending work of Smith and Watson.
This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou (Durham).
10 December 2019
Probabilistic Coupling and Geometry Workshop, University of Warwick
Consider a random walk in $d$-dimensional space which remembers its most recent $k$ steps, and at each
step takes a jump distributed uniformly on a unit ball, excluding the convex hull of the origin and those $k$ most
recent sites. For $k = \infty$ this is a version of the model introduced by Angel et al., which is conjectured to be
ballistic (i.e., to have a limiting speed and a limiting direction). We establish ballisticity for the finite-memory
case, and comment on some open problems. This is joint work with Francis Comets (Paris VII) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
20 November 2019
Undergraduate colloquium, Durham University
Subadditivity is a simple property of the growth of sequences of real numbers which can be used to deduce existence of various limits. We will look at some simple applications of subadditivity in various contexts, and then turn to its role in some probability and counting problems, such as bin packing and self-avoiding walk. Two beautiful applications of subadditivity ideas in probability are the problem of long increasing subsequences of a random permutation (where much progress has been made recently) and the random travelling salesman problem, concerning the length of the shortest path that visits a large number of randomly distributed cities, where some of the main problems still resist mathematical analysis.
25 September 2019
Mathematics and Applications, University of Sussex
Consider a random walk in $d$-dimensional space which remembers its most recent $k$ steps, and at each
step takes a jump distributed uniformly on a unit ball, excluding the convex hull of the origin and those $k$ most
recent sites. For $k = \infty$ this is a version of the model introduced by Angel et al., which is conjectured to be
ballistic (i.e., to have a limiting speed and a limiting direction). We establish ballisticity for the finite-memory
case, and comment on some open problems. This is joint work with Francis Comets (Paris VII) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
23 September 2019
Postgraduate training session in Statistics and Probability, Durham University
The Efron–Stein inequality is a relatively simple way of bounding the variance
of a function of independent random variables that is flexible enough to cover
many applications and sharp enough to give reasonable results in many cases. We
take a tour through a number of applications, including kernel density estimation,
the random travelling salesman problem, and eigenvalues of random symmetric
matrices. We mention the connection to Chernoff's inequality for functions of
Gaussian random variables, and give a proof of Steele's version of the Efron–Stein
inequality based on martingale differences. The original work of Efron and Stein
arose in the context of jackknife estimation, and we touch on that as well.
8 April 2019
Probability seminar, University of Bath
Consider a random walk in $d$-dimensional space which remembers its most recent $k$ steps, and at each
step takes a jump distributed uniformly on a unit ball, excluding the convex hull of the origin and those $k$ most
recent sites. For $k = \infty$ this is a version of the model introduced by Angel et al., which is conjectured to be
ballistic (i.e., to have a limiting speed and a limiting direction). We establish ballisticity for the finite-memory
case, and comment on some open problems. This is joint work with Francis Comets (Paris VII) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
25 September 2018
High-dimensional critical phenomena in random environments, University of Bristol
Consider a random walk in $d$-dimensional space which remembers its most recent $k$ steps, and at each
step takes a jump distributed uniformly on a unit ball, excluding the convex hull of the origin and those $k$ most
recent sites. For $k = \infty$ this is a version of the model introduced by Angel et al., which is conjectured to be
ballistic (i.e., to have a limiting speed and a limiting direction). We establish ballisticity for the finite-memory
case, and comment on some open problems. This is joint work with Francis Comets (Paris VII) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
27 March 2018
Near-critical stochastic systems, Royal Holloway, University of London
Each site of the one-dimensional integer lattice hosts a queue
with arrival rate $\lambda$. A single server, starting at the origin,
serves its current queue at rate $\mu$ until that queue is empty, and
then moves to the longest neighbouring queue. In the critical case
$\lambda = \mu$, we show that the server returns to every site
infinitely often. We also give an iterated logarithm result for the
server's position. In the talk I will try to explain the main
ingredients in the analysis: (i) the times between successive queues
being emptied exhibit doubly exponential growth, (ii) the probability
that the server changes its direction is asymptotically equal to 1/4,
and (iii) a martingale construction that facilitates the proofs. This is
joint work with James Cruise (Heriot-Watt).
30 January 2018
Algorithms and Complexity seminar, Durham
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed. Once the
flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing required to
enclose the garden? What is its area? I will describe recent work on the
convex hull of planar random walk, concerned in particular with the
large-$n$ asymptotics of its perimeter length and area. We provide
variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems. Of the four
combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two
regimes (zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one
limit is Gaussian; three are not.
This talk is mostly based on joint work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde); I'll also mention ongoing work with Ostap Hryniv and James McRedmond (Durham).
This talk is mostly based on joint work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde); I'll also mention ongoing work with Ostap Hryniv and James McRedmond (Durham).
4 December 2017
Durham Statistics seminar
Each site of the one-dimensional integer lattice hosts a queue
with arrival rate $\lambda$. A single server, starting at the origin,
serves its current queue at rate $\mu$ until that queue is empty, and
then moves to the longest neighbouring queue. In the critical case
$\lambda = \mu$, we show that the server returns to every site
infinitely often. We also give an iterated logarithm result for the
server's position. In the talk I will try to explain the main
ingredients in the analysis: (i) the times between successive queues
being emptied exhibit doubly exponential growth, (ii) the probability
that the server changes its direction is asymptotically equal to 1/4,
and (iii) a martingale construction that facilitates the proofs. This is
joint work with James Cruise (Heriot-Watt).
17–18 July 2017
Lectures on non-homogeneous random walks, King's College London
These lectures are about the Foster–Lyapunov or semimartingale method for studying the asymptotic behaviour of near-critical stochastic systems. The basic idea of the method is exhibiting a function of the underlying process with a one-dimensional image which satisfies locally a drift condition, which can be used to conclude about e.g. recurrence, transience, or positive-recurrence of the process. If the process is near-critical in the sense of being near some phase boundary in asymptotic behaviour, then the one-dimensional process arising from a suitable Lyapunov function is typically near-critical as well. The prototypical family of near-critical one-dimensional stochastic processes are processes with asymptotically-zero drift, studied in a seminal series of papers by Lamperti. Analysis of these one-dimensional process allows one to study, via the method of Lyapunov functions, asymptotic behaviour of many-dimensional Markov processes. The Lyapunov function method also enables one to study continuous-time Markov chains, and random walks with heavy-tailed increments. These lectures will lead a tour encompassing some of the key aspects of the above topics, and are based on the recently published book "Non-Homogeneous Random Walks" by Menshikov, Popov, and Wade, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
25 April 2017
Workshop on random graphs and random processes, King's College London
Spatially homogeneous random walks (i.e., partial sums of i.i.d. random vectors) are well understood.
The most delicate regime is when the walk has zero drift, where (under mild conditions) the walk
is recurrent in dimensions 1 or 2 but transient in dimension 3 or more. If spatial homogeneity is relaxed,
very different behaviour can be observed: zero-drift random walks that are recurrent in 3 dimensions,
or transient in 2 dimensions, for example. To probe precisely the recurrence-transience phase transition
it is natural to study the asymptotically-zero drift regime (in analogy to classical one-dimensional work of Lamperti).
I will survey some results on recurrence behaviour and angular asymptotics for this class of
spatially non-homogeneous random walks, including joint work with
Nicholas Georgiou, Iain MacPhee, Mikhail Menshikov, and Aleksandar Mijatović.
28 February 2017
NODES seminar, Newcastle
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed. Once the
flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing required to
enclose the garden? What is its area? I will describe recent work on the
convex hull of planar random walk, concerned in particular with the
large-$n$ asymptotics of its perimeter length and area. We provide
variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems. Of the four
combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two
regimes (zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one
limit is Gaussian; three are not.
This talk is mostly based on joint work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde); I'll also mention ongoing work with Ostap Hryniv and James McRedmond (Durham).
This talk is mostly based on joint work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde); I'll also mention ongoing work with Ostap Hryniv and James McRedmond (Durham).
30 November 2016
Midlands probability theory seminar, Warwick
We consider a class of spatially non-homogeneous random walks
in multidimensional Euclidean space with zero drift, which in any
dimension (two or higher) can be recurrent or transient depending on the
details of the walk. These walks satisfy an invariance principle, and
have as their scaling limits a class of martingale diffusions, with law
determined uniquely by an SDE with discontinuous coefficients at the
origin. Furthermore, pathwise uniqueness of this SDE may fail. The
radial coordinate of the diffusion is a Bessel process of dimension
greater than 1. Unique characterization of the law of the diffusion,
which must start at the origin, is natural via excursions built around
the Bessel process; each excursion has a generalized skew-product-type
structure, in which the angular component spins at infinite speed at the
start and finish of each excursion. Defining appropriately the
Riemannian metric $g$ on the sphere $S$ allows us to give an explicit
construction of the angular component (and hence of the entire
skew-product decomposition) as a time-changed Brownian motion with drift
on the Riemannian manifold $(S,g)$. In particular, this provides a
multidimensional generalisation of the Pitman–Yor representation of the
excursions of Bessel process with dimension between one and two.
Furthermore, the density of the stationary law of the angular component
with respect to the volume element of $g$ can be characterised by a linear
PDE involving the Laplace–Beltrami operator and the divergence under the
metric $g$.
This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou and Aleksandar Mijatović.
This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou and Aleksandar Mijatović.
5 August 2016
Workshop on random convex hulls, Imperial College, London
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden? What is its area? I will describe recent
work on the convex hull of planar random walk,
concerned in particular with the large-$n$ asymptotics of its
perimeter length and area. We provide variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems.
Of the four combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two regimes
(zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one limit is Gaussian; three
are not.
This talk is mostly based on joint work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde); I'll also mention ongoing work with Ostap Hryniv and James McRedmond (Durham).
This talk is mostly based on joint work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde); I'll also mention ongoing work with Ostap Hryniv and James McRedmond (Durham).
4 May 2016
Probability in the North East, York
I will talk about a Markov chain on a complex of half-lines joined at a common origin,
which is partially homogeneous in the sense that on each half-line a given increment distribution
is used. Increment distributions are of two types: one-sided (in which the jump always moves towards,
and possibly over, the origin) and symmetric. In both cases the tails are polynomial with exponent in $(0,2)$. When the walker jumps over the origin, it is routed to a new half-line according to a stochastic
transition matrix. We give a criterion for recurrence or transience. This model generalizes the case of
two half-lines, called the `oscillating random walk', studied by Kemperman. In the two half-line case
our criterion is linear in the two tail exponents; it is only in the more general case where the
non-linear nature of the criterion is revealed.
This is joint work with Dimitri Petritis (Rennes) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
This is joint work with Dimitri Petritis (Rennes) and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham).
14 April 2016
Sheffield probability seminar
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden? What is its area? I will describe recent
work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) on the convex hull of planar random
walk, concerned in particular with the large-$n$ asymptotics of its
perimeter length and area. We assume finite second moments for the steps
of the walk. First-order results for the perimeter length include a
remarkable expectation formula due to Spitzer and Widom, and a law of
large numbers due to Snyder and Steele, who also proved a variance upper
bound. We complement these results by variance asymptotics and
distributional limit theorems. Of the four combinations of the two
quantities (perimeter and area) in the two regimes (zero drift or
non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one limit is Gaussian; three
are not.
31 March 2016
Royal Holloway applied statistics and probability theory colloquium
Spatially homogeneous random walks (i.e., partial sums of i.i.d. random vectors) are well understood.
The most delicate regime is when the walk has zero drift, where (under mild conditions) the walk
is recurrent in dimensions 1 or 2 but transient in dimension 3 or more. If spatial homogeneity is relaxed,
very different behaviour can be observed: zero-drift random walks that are recurrent in 3 dimensions,
or transient in 2 dimensions, for example. To probe precisely the recurrence-transience phase transition
it is natural to study the asymptotically-zero drift regime (in analogy to classical one-dimensional work of Lamperti).
I will survey some results on recurrence behaviour and angular asymptotics for this class of
spatially non-homogeneous random walks, including joint work with
Nicholas Georgiou, Iain MacPhee, Mikhail Menshikov, and Aleksandar Mijatović.
1 February 2016
New developments in processes with reinforcement, Bristol
Vertices arrive one at a time at random locations in the unit cube
and are joined to existing vertices at random according to a rule that combines
preference according to current degree with preference according to spatial proximity.
We investigate phase transitions in the structure of the resulting graph as the relative
weighting of these two components of the attachment rule is varied. This is joint work with Jonathan Jordan (Sheffield).
10 December 2015
Leeds probability, stochastic modelling and financial mathematics seminar
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed. Once the
flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing required to
enclose the garden? What is its area?
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) on the convex hull of planar random walk, concerned in particular with the large-$n$ asymptotics of its perimeter length and area. We assume finite second moments for the steps of the walk.
First-order results for the perimeter length include a remarkable expectation formula due to Spitzer and Widom, and a law of large numbers due to Snyder and Steele, who also proved a variance upper bound.
We complement these results by variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems. Of the four combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two regimes (zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one limit is Gaussian; three are not.
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) on the convex hull of planar random walk, concerned in particular with the large-$n$ asymptotics of its perimeter length and area. We assume finite second moments for the steps of the walk.
First-order results for the perimeter length include a remarkable expectation formula due to Spitzer and Widom, and a law of large numbers due to Snyder and Steele, who also proved a variance upper bound.
We complement these results by variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems. Of the four combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two regimes (zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one limit is Gaussian; three are not.
11 May 2015
York mathematical finance and stochastic analysis seminar
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed. Once the flowers have bloomed,
what is the minimum length of fencing required to enclose the garden? What is its area?
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) on the convex hull of planar random walk, concerned in particular with the large-$n$ asymptotics of its perimeter length and area. We assume finite second moments for the steps of the walk.
First-order results for the perimeter length include a remarkable expectation formula due to Spitzer and Widom, and a law of large numbers due to Snyder and Steele, who also proved a variance upper bound.
We complement these results by variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems. Of the four combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two regimes (zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one limit is Gaussian; three are not.
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) on the convex hull of planar random walk, concerned in particular with the large-$n$ asymptotics of its perimeter length and area. We assume finite second moments for the steps of the walk.
First-order results for the perimeter length include a remarkable expectation formula due to Spitzer and Widom, and a law of large numbers due to Snyder and Steele, who also proved a variance upper bound.
We complement these results by variance asymptotics and distributional limit theorems. Of the four combinations of the two quantities (perimeter and area) in the two regimes (zero drift or non-zero drift for the steps of the walk), one limit is Gaussian; three are not.
15 April 2015
Random walks on random graphs and applications, Eindhoven
Let $M$ be a random $m$ by $n$ matrix with 0, 1 entries and i.i.d. rows, which follow a specified
distribution on their weight (number of ones). We study the number of left null vectors of $M$ with
addition mod 2, as $n$ tends to infinity and $m/n$ tends to a given aspect ratio $\alpha$,
while the weight distribution converges weakly to a limit distribution. We describe the asymptotics
of the expected number of null vectors in terms of analytic properties of the limiting weight distribution.
This random matrix model has other interpretations, including a random hypergraph model (where null
vectors correspond to hypercycles), randomized XORSAT, and random walk on a generalized hypercube.
Most of the existing literature considers the case where the limiting weight distribution is
degenerate, i.e., constant. This is joint work with Richard Darling, Mathew Penrose, and Sandy Zabell.
24 March 2015
Limit theorems in probability, Imperial College, London
We consider a class of spatially non-homogeneous random walks in multidimensional Euclidean space with zero drift, which in any
dimension (two or higher) can be recurrent or transient depending on the details of the walk. These walks satisfy an invariance principle,
and have as their scaling limits a class of zero-drift diffusions, with law
determined uniquely by an SDE with discontinuous coefficients at the origin. The
radial coordinate of the diffusion is a Bessel process of dimension
greater than 1 (this component of the invariance principle is related to
a theorem of Lamperti). Unique characterization in law of the diffusion,
which must start at the origin, is natural via
excursions built around the Bessel process; each excursion has a
generalized skew-product-type structure, in which the angular component
is a diffusion on the sphere time-changed according to a functional of
the radial component, and, in general, also driven dependently (in the
usual skew-product, the dependence is mediated entirely by the time-change).
This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou, Mikhail Menshikov, and Aleksandar Mijatović.
This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou, Mikhail Menshikov, and Aleksandar Mijatović.
15 April 2014
New frontiers in random geometric graphs, Leiden
Vertices arrive one at a time at random locations in the unit cube and
are joined to existing vertices at random according to a rule that
combines preference according to current degree with preference
according to spatial proximity. We investigate phase transitions in the
structure of the resulting graph as the relative weighting of these two
components of the attachment rule is varied.
This is joint work with Jonathan Jordan (Sheffield).
This is joint work with Jonathan Jordan (Sheffield).
31 March 2014
Aspects of random walks, Durham
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden?
Denote by $L_n$ the perimeter length of the convex hull of $n$ steps
of a planar random walk whose increments have finite second moment.
Snyder and Steele showed
that $L_n/n$ converges almost
surely to a deterministic limit, and proved an upper bound on the
variance $\text{Var} (L_n) = O(n)$.
Further study separates into two cases: (i) zero drift,
in which the Brownian scaling
limit of the walk entails a scaling limit for the convex hull,
once one has set things up correctly; (ii)
non-zero drift.
I will describe recent work with
Chang Xu (Strathclyde) on these problems. Our main result is in the case
of non-zero drift,
where we show
that $n^{-1} \text{Var} (L_n)$ converges, and give a simple expression for the limit,
which is non-zero for walks outside a certain degenerate class.
answers a question of Snyder and Steele. Furthermore, we prove a central
limit theorem for $L_n$
in the non-degenerate case.
20 December 2013
Prospects in Mathematics, Durham
Probability theory and stochastic processes
17 April 2013
Manchester probability and statistics seminar
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden?
Denote by $L_n$ the length of the perimeter of the convex hull of $n$ steps
of a planar random walk whose increments have finite second moment and
non-zero mean. Snyder and Steele showed that $L_n/n$ converges almost
surely to a deterministic limit, and proved an upper bound on the
variance $\text{Var}\ L_n = O(n)$.
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) in which we show
that $n^{-1} \text{Var} L_n$ converges, and give a simple expression for the limit,
which is non-zero for walks outside a certain degenerate class. This
answers a question of Snyder and Steele. Furthermore, we prove a central
limit theorem for $L_n$ in the non-degenerate case.
26 March 2013
British Mathematical Colloquium, probability workshop, Sheffield
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden?
Denote by $L_n$ the length of the perimeter of the convex hull of $n$ steps
of a planar random walk whose increments have finite second moment and
non-zero mean. Snyder and Steele showed that $L_n/n$ converges almost
surely to a deterministic limit, and proved an upper bound on the
variance $\text{Var}\ L_n = O(n)$.
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) in which we show
that $n^{-1} \text{Var} L_n$ converges, and give a simple expression for the limit,
which is non-zero for walks outside a certain degenerate class. This
answers a question of Snyder and Steele. Furthermore, we prove a central
limit theorem for $L_n$ in the non-degenerate case.
22 January 2013
Imperial College stochastic analsysis seminar
I will describe first some of the general background on
non-homogeneous random walks, that is, random walks in d-dimensional
space in which the jump distribution can vary according to the spatial
position of the walker. Then I will focus on the one-dimensional case.
The critical case from the point of view of recurrence/transience is the
"Lamperti" case in which the mean drift decays in inverse proportion to
the distance from the origin. I will discuss some recent work with Ostap
Hryniv and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) on the path properties of these
random walks, including scaling and tail properties of maxima, passage
times, and path integrals.
21 January 2013
Durham statistics seminar
On each of $n$ unsteady steps, a drunken gardener drops a seed.
Once the flowers have bloomed, what is the minimum length of fencing
required to enclose the garden?
Denote by $L_n$ the length of the perimeter of the convex hull of $n$ steps
of a planar random walk whose increments have finite second moment and
non-zero mean. Snyder and Steele showed that $L_n/n$ converges almost
surely to a deterministic limit, and proved an upper bound on the
variance $\text{Var}\ L_n = O(n)$.
I will describe recent work with Chang Xu (Strathclyde) in which we show
that $n^{-1} \text{Var}\ L_n$ converges, and give a simple expression for the limit,
which is non-zero for walks outside a certain degenerate class. This
answers a question of Snyder and Steele. Furthermore, we prove a central
limit theorem for $L_n$ in the non-degenerate case.
23 July 2012
Bath informal probability seminar
Bak–Sneppen models and rank-driven Markov processes
13 & 27 June 2012
Strathclyde complex networks seminar
Overview of some random graph models
1 March 2012
Strathclyde applied analysis seminar
Markov processes are stochastic processes for which, informally, "given
the present, the future is independent of the past". This Markov
property entails the fundamental Chapman-Kolmogorov relation for
transition kernels. Viewing transition kernels as operators on an
appropriate function space, the Chapman-Kolmogorov relation turns into
the semigroup property for operators. In this talk I will review some
basic ideas from Markov process theory and give an introduction to
aspects of the semigroup approach, including the appropriate conditions
under which it is possible to define the infinitesimal generator for the
process, and the role played by resolvents.
16 January 2012
Fragmentation and coagulation workshop, Strathclyde
We describe an attempt to model a process of deposition on an
interval substrate of particles that subsequently perform random walks and
interact to form barriers according to an occupation criterion. We set up
a continuous-time Markov process for the model. We would like eventually
to derive properties of the fragmentation of the interval induced by the
barrier formation, under an appropriate scaling regime. But first we would
like to understand if a nice scaling limit exists, and if so, what it is.
This is very preliminary joint work with Michael Grinfeld.
2 November 2011
Warwick stochastic analysis seminar
I will describe recent joint work with Francis Comets, Mikhail Menshikov
and Stas Volkov on a self-interacting random walk model. The model is a
discrete-time d-dimensional random walk that interacts with its previous
trajectory through the centre of mass of the previous points.
Specifically, the increment of the walk at time n has an asymptotically
small drift away from or towards the centre of mass of the first n
locations. The rate at which the drift decays (as a function of the
distance from the particle to the current centre of mass) governs the
strength of the interaction. The most completely understood case is when
the interaction is self-repelling and is strong enough that the walk is
transient, with a limiting direction, and with a super-diffusive but
sub-ballistic rate of escape. I will describe how analysis of this model
leads to a generalization of a classical problem of Lamperti; the
techniques are built on martingale ideas. Our methods give an interesting
observation for two-dimensional symmetric simple random walk: the walk
itself is recurrent (Pólya), the centre of mass is transient (by a result
of Grill), but the process of displacements between the two is recurrent.
18 May 2011
Informal applied probability meeting, Heriot-Watt
Sketches of recent research
13 May 2011
Strathclyde stochastic seminar
Random walks in random environments
13–17 December 2010
Combinatorics and analysis in spatial probability, Eindhoven
Poster: Limit theory for random spatial graph models for drainage networks and network evolution
26 November 2010
Strathclyde stochastic seminar
Percolation theory has proved a challenging and fruitful subject
for mathematicians and physicists over the last 50 years or so.
Percolation is still fertile ground for interplay between mathematics and
physics, including for example phase transitions, renormalization ideas,
and conformal field theory. The basic (bond) percolation model declares
each edge of an infinite lattice "open" with probability p (otherwise it
is "closed"). Fundamental questions involve the existence and properties
of any "infinite cluster" formed by open edges. In this talk I will give
an overview of some of the central models and results in percolation
theory, including classical results of Harris and Kesten and recent work
of Lawler, Schramm, Werner and Smirnov on "conformal invariance".
19 November 2010
Bristol probability seminar
For this talk a random walk is a discrete-time time-homogeneous Markov
process on $d$-dimensional Euclidean space. If such a random walk is
spatially homogeneous, its position can be expressed as a sum of independent
identically distributed random vectors, and these homogeneous random
walks are well understood. The most subtle case is when the mean drift
(i.e., average increment) of the walk is zero.
The assumption of spatial homogeneity, while simplifying the mathematical analysis, is not always realistic for applications. As soon as the spatial homogeneity assumption is relaxed, the situation becomes much more complicated: a non-homogeneous random walk can be transient in two dimensions, for instance.
I will give an introduction to some results on non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero mean-drift, that is, the magnitude of the drift at a point tends to 0 as the distance of that point from the origin tends to infinity. It turns out that this is the natural regime in which to look for important phase transitions in asymptotic behaviour. This includes work by Lamperti in the 1960s on recurrence/transience behaviour.
I will also discuss recent joint work with Iain MacPhee and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) concerned with angular asymptotics, i.e., exit-from-cones problems. We show that, in contrast to recurrence/transience behaviour, the angular properties of non-homogeneous random walks are remarkably well-behaved in some sense in the asymptotically zero drift regime.
The assumption of spatial homogeneity, while simplifying the mathematical analysis, is not always realistic for applications. As soon as the spatial homogeneity assumption is relaxed, the situation becomes much more complicated: a non-homogeneous random walk can be transient in two dimensions, for instance.
I will give an introduction to some results on non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero mean-drift, that is, the magnitude of the drift at a point tends to 0 as the distance of that point from the origin tends to infinity. It turns out that this is the natural regime in which to look for important phase transitions in asymptotic behaviour. This includes work by Lamperti in the 1960s on recurrence/transience behaviour.
I will also discuss recent joint work with Iain MacPhee and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) concerned with angular asymptotics, i.e., exit-from-cones problems. We show that, in contrast to recurrence/transience behaviour, the angular properties of non-homogeneous random walks are remarkably well-behaved in some sense in the asymptotically zero drift regime.
11 November 2010
Maxwell Institute probability seminar (Heriot-Watt)
For this talk a random walk is a discrete-time time-homogeneous Markov
process on $d$-dimensional Euclidean space. If such a random walk is
spatially homogeneous, its position can be expressed as a sum of independent
identically distributed random vectors, and these homogeneous random
walks are well understood. The most subtle case is when the mean drift
(i.e., average increment) of the walk is zero.
The assumption of spatial homogeneity, while simplifying the mathematical analysis, is not always realistic for applications. As soon as the spatial homogeneity assumption is relaxed, the situation becomes much more complicated: a non-homogeneous random walk can be transient in two dimensions, for instance.
I will give an introduction to some results on non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero mean-drift, that is, the magnitude of the drift at a point tends to 0 as the distance of that point from the origin tends to infinity. It turns out that this is the natural regime in which to look for important phase transitions in asymptotic behaviour. This includes work by Lamperti in the 1960s on recurrence/transience behaviour.
I will also discuss recent joint work with Iain MacPhee and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) concerned with angular asymptotics, i.e., exit-from-cones problems. We show that, in contrast to recurrence/transience behaviour, the angular properties of non-homogeneous random walks are remarkably well-behaved in some sense in the asymptotically zero drift regime.
The assumption of spatial homogeneity, while simplifying the mathematical analysis, is not always realistic for applications. As soon as the spatial homogeneity assumption is relaxed, the situation becomes much more complicated: a non-homogeneous random walk can be transient in two dimensions, for instance.
I will give an introduction to some results on non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero mean-drift, that is, the magnitude of the drift at a point tends to 0 as the distance of that point from the origin tends to infinity. It turns out that this is the natural regime in which to look for important phase transitions in asymptotic behaviour. This includes work by Lamperti in the 1960s on recurrence/transience behaviour.
I will also discuss recent joint work with Iain MacPhee and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) concerned with angular asymptotics, i.e., exit-from-cones problems. We show that, in contrast to recurrence/transience behaviour, the angular properties of non-homogeneous random walks are remarkably well-behaved in some sense in the asymptotically zero drift regime.
3 November 2010
Strathclyde computational nonlinear & quantum optics group seminar
Percolation theory has proved a challenging and fruitful subject
for mathematicians and physicists over the last 50 years or so.
Percolation is still fertile ground for interplay between
mathematics and physics, including for example phase transitions,
renormalization ideas, and conformal field theory.
The basic (bond) percolation model declares each edge of an infinite lattice "open" with probability p (otherwise it is "closed"). Fundamental questions involve the existence and properties of any "infinite cluster" formed by open edges. In this talk I will give a non-technical overview of some of the central models and results in percolation theory, including classical results of Harris and Kesten and recent work of Lawler, Schramm, Werner and Smirnov on "conformal invariance".
The basic (bond) percolation model declares each edge of an infinite lattice "open" with probability p (otherwise it is "closed"). Fundamental questions involve the existence and properties of any "infinite cluster" formed by open edges. In this talk I will give a non-technical overview of some of the central models and results in percolation theory, including classical results of Harris and Kesten and recent work of Lawler, Schramm, Werner and Smirnov on "conformal invariance".
19 May 2010
Strathclyde stochastic seminar
Lyapunov function methods for discrete-time stochastic processes
5 May 2010
Demystifying molecular modelling, Strathclyde
Random walks are often used to model polymer molecules in solution. The classical selfavoiding
walk model has some disadvantages. We introduce a new model that is a
genuine stochastic process, in which the walk interacts with its previous path. The selfinteraction
is mediated by the centre of mass of the previous trajectory. The model can be
tuned to model polymers in extended or collapsed phases. In the extended phase, we
present rigorous results on the scaling of the model. This is joint work with F. Comets, M.V. Menshikov, and S. Volkov.
29 April 2010
Sheffield statistics and probability seminar
For this talk a random walk is a discrete-time time-homogeneous Markov
process on $d$-dimensional Euclidean space. If such a random walk is
spatially homogeneous, its position can be expressed as a sum of independent
identically distributed random vectors. Such homogeneous random walks are
classical and the literature devoted to their study extensive,
particularly when the state-space is the d-dimensional integer lattice. The most subtle
case is when the mean drift (i.e., average increment) of the walk is zero.
The assumption of spatial homogeneity, while simplifying the mathematical analysis, is not always realistic for applications. Thus it is desirable to study non-homogeneous random walks. As soon as the spatial homogeneity assumption is relaxed, the situation becomes much more complicated. Even in the zero-drift case, a non-homogeneous random walk can behave completely differently to a zero-drift homogeneous random walk, and can be transient in two dimensions, for instance. Such potentially wild behaviour means that results for non-homogeneous random walks often have to be stated under rather restrictive conditions, and techniques from the study of homogeneous random walks are difficult to apply.
I will give an introduction to some of the known results on non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero mean-drift, that is, the magnitude of the drift at a point tends to 0 as the distance of that point from the origin tends to infinity. It turns out that this is the natural regime in which to look for important phase transitions in asymptotic behaviour. This includes work by Lamperti in the 1960s on recurrence/transience behaviour.
I will also discuss recent joint work with Iain MacPhee and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) concerned with angular asymptotics, i.e., exit-from-cones problems. We show that, in contrast to recurrence/transience behaviour, the angular properties of non-homogeneous random walks are remarkably well-behaved in some sense in the asymptotically zero drift regime.
The assumption of spatial homogeneity, while simplifying the mathematical analysis, is not always realistic for applications. Thus it is desirable to study non-homogeneous random walks. As soon as the spatial homogeneity assumption is relaxed, the situation becomes much more complicated. Even in the zero-drift case, a non-homogeneous random walk can behave completely differently to a zero-drift homogeneous random walk, and can be transient in two dimensions, for instance. Such potentially wild behaviour means that results for non-homogeneous random walks often have to be stated under rather restrictive conditions, and techniques from the study of homogeneous random walks are difficult to apply.
I will give an introduction to some of the known results on non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero mean-drift, that is, the magnitude of the drift at a point tends to 0 as the distance of that point from the origin tends to infinity. It turns out that this is the natural regime in which to look for important phase transitions in asymptotic behaviour. This includes work by Lamperti in the 1960s on recurrence/transience behaviour.
I will also discuss recent joint work with Iain MacPhee and Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) concerned with angular asymptotics, i.e., exit-from-cones problems. We show that, in contrast to recurrence/transience behaviour, the angular properties of non-homogeneous random walks are remarkably well-behaved in some sense in the asymptotically zero drift regime.
6–9 April 2010
Spatial network models for wireless communications, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge
Poster: Limit theory for random spatial graph models for drainage networks and network evolution
10 February 2010
Strathclyde population modelling and epidemiology seminar
Some probabilistic population models
6 January 2010
Durham statistics seminar
The mathematical modelling of polymers in solution has produced some fascinating but hard problems,
most notably the problem of the self-avoiding walk. The sites visited by the walk represent the locations of the monomers;
the increments of the walk represent chemical bonds.
Heuristic arguments dating back to Nobel Laureate P.J. Flory in the 1940s predict the scaling behaviour of self-avoiding walk, but very little is known rigorously. The standard formulation of self-avoiding walk cannot be interpreted as a genuine stochastic process in the usual sense. It is of interest to formulate models for polymer molecules that are genuine stochastic processes. To retain the physical motivation, such processes must be self-interacting in some way, i.e., the stochastic evolution must depend upon the entire history of the process. This introduces challenges for analysis.
In this talk I will discuss a model introduced in collaboration with Francis Comets, Mikhail Menshikov, and Stas Volkov, whereby the intraction of a random walk with its previous history is mediated through the barycentre (centre of mass) of its previous trajectory.
Heuristic arguments dating back to Nobel Laureate P.J. Flory in the 1940s predict the scaling behaviour of self-avoiding walk, but very little is known rigorously. The standard formulation of self-avoiding walk cannot be interpreted as a genuine stochastic process in the usual sense. It is of interest to formulate models for polymer molecules that are genuine stochastic processes. To retain the physical motivation, such processes must be self-interacting in some way, i.e., the stochastic evolution must depend upon the entire history of the process. This introduces challenges for analysis.
In this talk I will discuss a model introduced in collaboration with Francis Comets, Mikhail Menshikov, and Stas Volkov, whereby the intraction of a random walk with its previous history is mediated through the barycentre (centre of mass) of its previous trajectory.
18 November 2009
Strathclyde mathematics and statistics colloquium
Random spatial networks
9 September 2009
New random geometries and other recent developments in probability, Bath
Real-world networks often have spatial content and evolve over time by the addition of
new nodes. The on-line nearest-neighbour graph is a very simple model of spatial network evolution
in which nodes arrive one by one, distributed uniformly in the unit cube, and each new node is joined
by an edge to its nearest predecessor. We describe recent results and open problems for the
large-sample asymptotic behaviour of the total Euclidean length of the network
(more generally, the total power-weighted length, which displays an interesting phase transition).
Both Gaussian and non-Gaussian distributions appear as limits. Some of the results presented are
joint work with Mathew Penrose (University of Bath).
21 July 2009
Probability at Warwick, young researchers workshop
Real-world networks often have spatial content and evolve over time by the addition of new nodes.
The on-line nearest-neighbour graph is a very simple model of network evolution in which nodes
arrive one by one, uniformly distributed in the unit cube, and each new node is joined by an
edge to its nearest predecessor. We describe recent results and open problems for the large-sample
asymptotic behaviour of the total length of the network (more generally, the total power-weighted
length, which displays an interesting phase transition). Some of the work presented will be joint
work with Mathew Penrose (University of Bath).
16 February 2009
Oxford stochastic analysis seminar
Motivated by ideal gas models in the low density regime, we study a randomly
reflecting particle travelling at constant speed in an unbounded domain in
the plane with boundary satisfying a polynomial growth condition
The growth rate of the domain, together with the reflection distribution,
determine the asymptotic behaviour of the process. We give results on recurrence
vs. transience, and on almost-sure-bounds for the particle including the rate
of escape in the transient case. The proofs exploit a surprising relationship
with Lamperti's problem of a process on the half-line with asymptotically zero
drift. This is joint work with Mikhail Menshikov and Marina Vachkovskaia.
12 December 2008
Bristol `new faces' seminar
Stochastic billiards in unbounded planar domains
6–11 July 2008
Summer school on probabilistic techniques in computer science, Bristol
Poster: Limit theory for the random on-line nearest-neighbour graph
21 June 2007
LSE seminar on discrete and applicable mathematics
The on-line nearest-neighbour graph (ONG) joins each point
after the first in a sequence of points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ to its nearest
predecessor. The ONG is a simple model of network growth that fits into
a general scheme of graphs on partially ordered sets. In this talk I
will describe some results on the total length of the ONG on random
points. This is joint work with Mathew Penrose (Bath).
22 May 2007
Oxford combinatorial theory seminar
The minimal directed spanning forest joins each non-minimal
vertex of a finite partially ordered set in space to its nearest
predecessor. This can be used as a model for spatial drainage networks.
We give some results on the total length of the network on random
points. This is joint work with Mathew Penrose (Bath).
20 March 2007
Random graphs and complex networks, Young European Probabilists 2007, Eindhoven
The on-line nearest-neighbour graph on a sequence of points in Euclidean space
joins each point after the first by an edge to its nearest predecessor. This graph is one
of the simplest models of spatial network evolution to capture some features of real-world spatial networks.
We give some large-sample asymptotic results on the total length of the graph on random points. Some of this talk is based on joint work with Mathew Penrose.
17–21 July 2006
Stochastic processes and their applications, Paris
Poster: Random walk in one-dimensional perturbed random environment
We describe some recent joint work with Mikhail Menshikov (Durham) on
random walks in asymptotically homogeneous one-dimensional random
environments. Particular examples include random walk in random
environment perturbed from Sinai's regime, and simple random walk with
asymptotically small random perturbation. We present recurrence/transience
properties for these models.
27 April 2006
Bath informal probability seminar
In the one-dimensional random walk in random environment in what
is known as Sinai's regime, the random walker typically exhibits
"logarithmic speed": after time $t$, he is roughly $(\log t)^2$ from where he
started. We show one method of proving this fact, which can be generalized
to other types of random environment. We give some new results from work
with Mikhail Menshikov on logarithmic speeds for random walks in random
environments subject to a vanishing perturbation.
3 April 2006
Durham statistics seminar
In the one-dimensional random walk in random environment in what
is known as Sinai's regime, the random walker typically exhibits
"logarithmic" speed: after time $t$, he is roughly $(\log t)^2$ from where he
started. We show one method of proving this fact, which can be generalized
to other types of random environment. We give some new results from work
with Mikhail Menshikov on logarithmic speeds for random walks in random
environments subject to a vanishing perturbation.
20 July 2005
Durham postgraduate statistics seminar
Random walks in random environments
4–6 April 2005
28th research students' conference in probability and statistics, Cambridge
Consider a random list of jump probabilities,
and a random walk defined with those probabilities.
This is the random walk in random environment
(or RWRE for short).
The properties of the RWRE are very different from those of the corresponding
simple random walk.
A famous result due to Solomon demonstrates the existence of a critical regime (with respect
recurrence, transience and ergodicity)
in the case of an i.i.d. random environment, often known
as Sinai's regime.
We give criteria for ergodicity, transience and null recurrence for the random walk in random environment on $\mathbb{Z}^+$, with reflection at the origin, in the case where the random environment is not i.i.d., but is subject to a vanishing perturbation from Sinai's regime.
Our results complement existing criteria for random walks in random environments and for Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift, and are significantly different to these previously studied cases. Our method is based on a martingale technique–the method of Lyapunov functions.
This is joint work with Mikhail Menshikov.
We give criteria for ergodicity, transience and null recurrence for the random walk in random environment on $\mathbb{Z}^+$, with reflection at the origin, in the case where the random environment is not i.i.d., but is subject to a vanishing perturbation from Sinai's regime.
Our results complement existing criteria for random walks in random environments and for Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift, and are significantly different to these previously studied cases. Our method is based on a martingale technique–the method of Lyapunov functions.
This is joint work with Mikhail Menshikov.
17 November 2004
Durham postgraduate statistics seminar
On-line nearest-neighbour graphs in $(0,1)^d$, $d=1,2,3,4,...$
26–31 July 2004
6th world congress of the Bernoulli society for mathematical statistics and probability,
In Bhatt and Roy's minimal directed spanning tree
construction for $n$ random points in the unit square,
all edges must be in a southwesterly direction
and there must be a directed path from each vertex to the root placed at
the origin. We identify the limiting distributions
(for large $n$) for the total
length of rooted edges, and also for the maximal length of all
edges in the tree. These limit distributions have been seen
previously in analysis of the
Poisson–Dirichlet distribution and elsewhere; they are expressed
in terms of Dickman's function, and their properties are discussed
in some detail. This is joint work with Mathew Penrose.
5 May 2004
Durham postgraduate statistics seminar
The total length of the random minimal directed spanning tree
19–22 April 2004
27th research students' conference in probability and statistics, Sheffield
Talk (20 April) and poster (19 April): Random
minimal directed spanning trees and Dickman-type distributions
In Bhatt and Roy's minimal directed spanning tree
construction for $n$ random points in the unit square,
all edges must be in a southwesterly direction
and there must be a directed path from each vertex to the
root placed at
the origin. We identify the limiting distributions
(for large $n$) for the total
length of
rooted edges, and also for the maximal length of all
edges in the tree. These limit distributions have
been seen
previously in analysis of the
Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and elsewhere; they are expressed
terms of Dickman's function, and their properties are discussed.
4 February 2004
Durham postgraduate statistics seminar
Dickman-type distributions
22 October 2003
Durham postgraduate statistics seminar
Dependency graphs, normal approximation & central limit theorems
23 April 2003
Durham postgraduate statistics seminar
Some examples of random graphs