Conferences and meetings attended
Probability in the North East day, Sheffield, 4 March 2025.
Stochastic systems in active matter, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 4 October 2024.
Stochastic reflection, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 5–9 August 2024.
Self-interacting processes, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 8–12 July 2024.
Probability in the North East day, Durham, 24 June 2024.
Modern Trends in Probability and Its Applications, Heriot–Watt University, 17–19 June 2024.
Random walks in Bath, University of Bath, 6–9 June 2023.
Mathematics of disordered systems: a tribute to Francis Comets, Paris, 5–6 June 2023.
Stochastic modelling of complex systems, UK Easter Probability Meeting, University of Manchester, 27–31 March 2023.
Scaling limits: from statistical mechanics to manifolds. A workshop in honour of James Norris's 60th birthday, 5–7 September 2022.
Stochastic dynamics, nonlinear probability, and ergodicity, Durham Symposium, 22–26 August 2022.
Lévy processes and random walks: A workshop in celebration of Ron Doney's 80th birthday, University of Manchester, 26–28 July 2022.
London Mathematical Society Durham-Oxford-Glasgow-Strathclyde network meeting on Anisotropic Materials, Durham University, 30 June–1 July 2022.
Random graphs and networks, University of South Wales, 13–14 June 2022.
Aspects of intradisciplinary research in physically, biologically and chemically motivated equations, Durham University, 25 March 2022.
Probability in the North East day, University of York, 5 April 2022.
Random Excursions with Jean Bertoin, Pais (on-line), 5–9 July 2021.
Probability in the North East day, University of Leeds (on-line), 21 January 2021.
Stochastic Processes under Constraints, Oberwolfach (on-line), 28 September–2 October 2020.
LMS PiNE Lectures (on-line), 10, 11, 14 September 2020.
Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020 (on-line), 24–28 August 2020.
Probabilistic Coupling and Geometry Workshop, University of Warwick, 9–10 December 2019.
Chris Cannings Memorial Symposium, University of Sheffield, 16 November 2019.
Probability in the North East day, University of York, 8 May 2019.
Probability in the North East day, University of Sheffield, 6 March 2019.
Probability in the North East day, Durham University, 28 November 2018.
Random processes and heavy-tailed phenomena, Durham University, 17 October 2018.
High-dimensional critical phenomena in random environments, University of Bristol, 24–26 September 2018.
Probability in the North East day, University of Manchester, 12 September 2018.
Random dynamics and other recent developments, UK Easter probability meeting, University of Sheffield, 9–13 April 2018.
Near-critical stochastic systems: a workshop in celebration of Mikhail Menshikov's 70th birthday, Royal Holloway, University of London, 26–28 March 2018.
NODES industry day, Durham University, 13 December 2017.
Probability in the North East day, Durham University, 6 December 2017.
Discrete models and KPZ universality, Durham University, 18 October 2017.
Probability in the North East day, Heriot-Watt University, 13 September 2017.
Markov processes, mixing times, and cutoff, LMS Symposium, Durham University, 26 July–5 August 2017.
Probability in the North East day, University of Leeds, 27 April 2017.
Workshop on random graphs and random processes, King's College London, 25 April 2017.
British mathematical colloquium, Durham University, 3–6 April 2017.
Probability in the North East day, University of Sheffield, 25 January 2017.
Probability in the North East day, University of York, 9 November 2016.
NODES summer collaboration day, Beamish Hall, County Durham, 26 September 2016.
Sheffield probability day, University of Sheffield, 21 September 2016.
RSS international conference, University of Manchester, 5–8 September 2016.
Probability in the North East day, Durham University, 2 September 2016.
Random convex hulls, Imperial College, London, 5 August 2016.
Probability in the North East day, University of York, 4 May 2016.
Random structures arising in physics and analysis, UK Easter probability meeting, Lancaster University, 4–8 April 2016.
New developments in processes with reinforcement, University of Bristol, 1–5 February 2016.
Probability in the North East day, University of Sheffield, 27 January 2016.
Probability in the North East day, University of Leeds, 6 November 2015.
RSS Applied Probability Section meeting: Stochastic epidemics, London, 14 October 2015.
Probability in the North East day, ICMS, Edinburgh, 11 June 2015.
RSS Applied Probability Section meeting: Stochastic approximation, London, 3 June 2015.
Random walks on random graphs and applications, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 14–16 April 2015.
Limit theorems in probability, Imperial College, London, 23–26 March 2015.
Probability in the North East day, University of York, 8 January 2015.
RSS Applied Probability Section meeting: Quantitative challenges in post-crisis financial markets, London, 17 October 2014.
North-east Probability day, Durham University, 1 October 2014.
From microscopic randomness to macroscopic phenomena, UK Easter probability meeting, Imperial College, London, 15–19 September 2014.
Limit theorems, probability approximations and related areas, Heriot-Watt University, 12 September 2014.
RSS Applied Probability Section meeting: Probability in particle filters, London, 11 July 2014.
New frontiers in random geometric graphs, Lorentz centre, Leiden, The Netherlands, 14–17 April 2014.
50th Anniversary of the Journal of Applied Probability, University of Sheffield, 9 April 2014.
Aspects of random walks and Iain MacPhee memorial day, Durham University, 31 March–3 April 2014.
Prospects in mathematics, Durham University, 18–20 December 2013.
RSS Applied Probability Section meeting: Novel probabilistic and statistical methods for electricity networks, London, 30 October 2013.
RSS international conference, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, 2–5 September 2013.
Modern probabilistic techniques for design, stability, large deviations, and performance analysis of communication, social, energy, and other stochastic systems and networks, Issac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 12–16 August 2013.
Geometrical structures in statistics, Durham University, 7 May 2013.
Geometry and analysis of random processes, UK Easter probability meeting, University of Cambridge, 8–12 April 2013.
British mathematical colloquium, University of Sheffield, 25–28 March 2013.
Heilbronn workshop on large evolving networks, University of Bristol, 19 March 2013.
Developments in coupling, University of York, 17–21 September 2012.
Population modelling and epidemiology research day, University of Strathclyde, Hilton Grosvenor Hotyel, Glasgow, 30 May 2012.
RSS Applied Probability Section meeting: Applied probability in modern biology, London, 9 May 2012.
Celebration of the 70th birthday of Elmer Rees, University of Bristol, 20–21 April 2012.
Disordered media, University of Warwick, 5–9 September 2011.
Population modelling and epidemiology research day, University of Strathclyde, 8 June 2011.
Informal applied probability workshop, Heriot-Watt University, 18 May 2011.
Random structures and dynamics, UK Easter probability meeting, University of Oxford, 11–14 April 2011.
Combinatorics and analysis in spatial probability, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 13–17 December 2010.
Heilbronn annual conference, University of Bristol, 16–17 September 2010.
One-day Stochastic analysis workshop, University of Strathclyde, 14 September 2010.
University of Strathclyde research day, Barony Hall, Glasgow, 9 June 2010.
Demystifying molecular modelling, Bridging the gaps workshop, University of Strathclyde, 5 May 2010.
Spatial network models for wireless communications, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 6–9 April 2010.
Bridging the gaps mini-workshop, University of Strathclyde, 14 December 2009.
Heilbronn annual conference, University of Bristol, 11–12 September 2009.
New random geometries and other recent developments in probability, University of Bath, 7–11 September 2009.
Probability at Warwick young researchers workshop, University of Warwick, 20–24 July 2009.
Techniques and problems in graph theory, University of Bristol, 1–3 July 2009.
Heilbronn annual conference, University of Bristol, 19–20 September 2008.
Summer school on probabilistic techniques in computer science, University of Bristol, 6–11 July 2008.
New scaling limits and other recent developments, UK Easter probability meeting, University of Warwick, 31 March–4 April 2008.
Heilbronn annual conference, University of Bristol, 21–22 September 2007.
South West and South Wales probability meeting, University of Bath, 31 July 2007.
Recent developments in random walks, LMS Symposium, Durham University, 2–12 July 2007.
Number theory and random phenomena, University of Bristol, 26–30 March 2007.
Random graphs and complex networks, Young European Probabilists workshop, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 19–23 March 2007.
Conference in honour of Bryan Birch's 75th birthday, University of Bristol, 15–16 September 2006.
Stochastic processes and their applications, Université René Descartes, Paris, 17–21 July 2006.
Research students' conference in probability and statistics, University of Cambridge, 4–7 April 2005.
Fourth symposium on Lévy processes: Theory and applications, University of Manchester, 10–14 January 2005.
6th world congress of the Bernoulli society for mathematical statistics and probability, Barcelona, 26–31 July 2004.
Research students' conference in probability and statistics, University of Sheffield, 19–22 April 2004.
Analysis and probability on fractals, St Andrews Mathematical Colloquium, University of St Andrews, 30 June–5 July 2003.
British mathematical colloquium, University of Birmingham, 7–10 April 2003.
LMS Mary Cartwright lectures, Edinburgh, 28 February 2003.