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Durham Cathedral

London Mathematical Society Durham Symposium
Mathematical Genetics
Monday 5th July - Thursday 15th July 2004


Shola Ajayi (University of Reading) Mark Meredith (University of Oxford)
Amy Anderson (North Carolina State University) Martin Möhle (University of Tübingen)
Ellen Baake (University of Vienna) Paul Munday (University of Oxford)
Nick Barton (University of Edinburgh) Simon Myers (University of Oxford)
Mark A. Beaumont (University of Reading) Claudia Neuhauser (University of Minnesota)
Celine Becquet (Brown University) Richard Nicholls (QMW, University of London)
Matthias Birkner (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics) Geoff Nicholls (University of Auckland)
Jochen Blath (University of Oxford) George Nicholson (University of Oxford)
Leonardo Bottolo (Department of Statistics, University of Oxford) Rasmus Nielsen (Cornell University)
Reinhard Buerger (University of Vienna) Mahesh Panchal (University of Reading)
Carlos Bustamante (Cornell University) Nick Patterson (Broad Institute)
Marcella Capaldo (Dept of Statistics, Oxford) Peter Pfaffelhuber (University of Munich)
Niall Cardin (University of Oxford) Jitka Polechova (University of Edinburgh)
Brian Charlesworth (University of Edinburgh) Jonathan Pritchard (University of Chicago)
Taane Clark (University of Oxford) Molly Przeworski (Brown University)
Nicoleen Cloete (University of Auckland) Susan Ptak (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Stephen Connor (University of Warwick) David Reich (Harvard Department of Genetics)
Donald Conrad (University of Chicago) Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford)
Graham Coop (University of Oxford) Noah Rosenberg (University of Southern California)
Kevin Dawson (Rothamsted, BBSRC) David Ross (Celera Diagnostics)
Angeles de Cara (ICAPB, Edinburgh) François Rousset (Montpellier)
Maria De Iorio (Imperial College) Denis Roze (GEMI IRD)
Frantz Depaulis (Ecole Normale Supérieure) Stanley Sawyer (Washington University in Saint Louis)
Andrej Depperschmidt (TU Berlin) Stephen Schaffner (Broad Institute)
Xavier Didelot (University of Oxford) Kristan Schneider (University of Vienna)
Anna Di Rienzo (University of Chicago) Darran Singleton (University of Reading)
Peter Donnelly (University of Oxford) Per Sjodin (EBC, Uppsala University)
Alexei Drummond (University of Oxford) Nick Smith (Lancaster University)
Warren Ewens (University of Pennsylvania) Dario Spano (University of Oxford)
Greg Ewing (University of Auckland) Chirs Spencer (University of Oxford)
Susanna Eyheramendy (University of Oxford) Wolfgang Stephan (University of Munich)
Adam Eyre-Walker (University of Sussex) Michael Turelli (University of California, Davis)
Daniel Falush (University of Oxford) Renaud Vitalis (University of Reading)
Paul Fearnhead (University of Lancaster) Benjamin Voight (University of Chicago)
Yun Xin Fu (University of Texas at Houston) Arndt von Haeseler (Dűsseldorf)
David Goldstein (University College London) John Wakeley (Harvard University)
Robert Griffiths (University of Oxford)
Josef Hofbauer (University College London) Anton Wakolbinger (University of Frankfurt)
Toby Johnson (University of Edinburgh) Jeff Wall (University of Southern California)
Paul Joyce (University of Idaho) Bruce Weir (North Carolina)
Wilfrid Kendall (University of Warwick) David Welch (University Of Auckland)
Steve Krone (University of Idaho) John Whittaker (Imperial College)
Damian Labuda (University of Montreal, Sainte-Justine Hospital ) Jon Wilkins (Harvard University)
Jean-François Lefebvre (University of Montreal) Hilde Wilkinson-Herbots (University College London)
Stephen Leslie (University of Oxford) Scott Williamson (Cornell University)
Sabin Lessard (University of Montreal) Ian Wilson (University of Aberdeen)
Kaisheng Lin (University of Oxford) Daniel Wilson (University of Oxford)
Laurence Loewe (University of Edinburgh) Carsten Wiuf (University of Aarhus)
Jonathan Marchini (University of Oxford) Ziheng Yang (University College London)
Gilean McVean (University of Oxford)
Loukia Meligkotsidou (University of Lancaster) Xu-Sheng Zhang (University of Edinburgh)