Maths projects

LaTeX transparent boxes

Question number one (by a long shot) is how to make transparent boxes when producing a poster in LaTeX. The example below does this (making use of the 'pgf' and 'tikz' packages).
If you store the transparency.tex file (also displayed below) and the banner_bg.pdf image file in a directory and run
pdflatex transparency.tex
you will get a transparency.pdf output file which you can view or print.




% Add a background image for the full page

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[inner sep=0pt] at (current {%

% Now typeset a sample box, with a width equal to half the width 
% available for text

\node[text width=.5\textwidth,
      fill opacity=0.6,
      text opacity=1,
      inner sep=10pt]{
  {\bf\Large A transparent box}\\

  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
  containing a lot of text containing a lot of text 
